10 WEIRD Gaming Stories of March 2021

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every month game ranks puts together the weirdest gaming stories from the last 30 days and it seems like they just keep getting stranger hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 10 weird gaming stories from march 2021 starting off at number 10 a man was arrested for sending not one death threat because he couldn't win at a game not two death threats not five not 10 not 15 not 20 not even 30 death threats because he couldn't win it again but 37 death threats to square enix because he could not win at a game back in november they started getting death threats via the company's online game and query form these messages read in such language as i will seriously kill you you cheating developers they actually called off a live broadcast due to this and what happened was this guy got arrested and the information was put out to the public about this arrest over the last month and when he got arrested he told police i couldn't win and i was feeling frustrated and got emotional now i i don't know about you but when i get emotional i don't threaten people's lives when i get frustrated at video games the worst i will do is curse sometimes i will curse at another player sure but i will not go through the trouble of writing down threatening messages using contact forms and actually sending them to the developers of the game that's insane but i guess they got him though like do you really think people aren't gonna find you when you send something through the internet especially just frustrated and emotional i bet you're probably not turning on the vpn or anything at number nine a game preservation group called the hidden palace released over 700 ps2 early builds e3 demos press release demos and prototypes for people to just play in a huge data dump that has been dubbed project deluge now this is really neat on account to be completely clear this stuff isn't stuff that anyone was really meant to see i mean other than people who were attending e3 and writing coverage so these types of builds can be geared towards specifically different goals altogether than a finished product like you might limit some aspect of the game in order to present a nicer looking version of it i don't know there's tons of stuff that could change but there's like crazy taxi final fantasy 10 2 lego star wars the video game crash bandicoot the wrath of cortex there are a ton of games in this dump and it's all internal stuff that a normal regular gamer wasn't meant to touch and i am going to at number eight somebody posted screenshots of a one-year fallout 4 settlement build meaning a thing that they had been working on for a literal entire year and it shows it is not something that i would have come up with in fallout force frankly pretty limited settlement builder i mean it's pretty much a resort it's got views it's got places to eat places to play places to store your power armor oh and it's also physically impossible like look at look at this that that's not something that is structurally sound but it's cool is it something i would spend a year building no it's not but it is something that the user haterade quencher did and i have to say congratulations because it is genuinely cool maybe a weird way to invest your time but that doesn't make it not cool and number seven a grand theft auto online player by the name of toast basically fixed the loading times on grand theft auto online fantastic work by this gentleman by the way this has been something that has frustrated people for so long because it has just been insane the amount of time it can take to load grand theft auto online in a post that was not designed to boast toast was able to detail how he could reduce the gta online load time by the most rockstar games not wanted to come off gross awarded him 10 grand and good on them too because through their bug bounty program they would normally award that kind of money for security or privacy issues that a player might uncover but this was such a significant change that they were like oh okay yes and they incorporated this fixed into an official build of the game so now the load times in grand theft auto online are way better seriously silly rhyming aside toast deserves a serious amount of praise from everybody who plays that game thank you sir i understand that the 10 grand is a sweet reward but i also hope this guy understands how much people like myself and all the other people are playing this game appreciate this and number six is a player decided that they wanted to calculate the amount of time necessary to build their own dream team so scudstv figured hey you get a certain amount of coins per game right he went with an average of 1500 coins per game because that was what he had experienced now his dream team would cost a hundred million coins and in order to get a hundred million coins at 1 500 coins per game that's about 66 666 games yes a satanic number of games he figures about 20 minutes a game and i think that that's fair sometimes games take longer sometimes they're a little shorter but that's about 22 000 hours of play or 916 days of gameplay if you never did anything else like you know sleep eat go to the bathroom etc also known as completely impossible a person can't do that also it's a yearly franchise so that's like three games from now even if you could do that it'd be useless but they also calculated out the amount of money that you would have to spend and it equals out to about a hundred and ten thousand dollars or about eighty thousand pounds now i went ahead and did a little bit of calculation beyond that making the assumption that that 22 000 hours worth of work and let's not call it play because it's work at this point is worth 110 194 you would be getting paid five dollars an hour to do that like that's not even minimum wage man i mean seriously this is pure exploitation when you think about it in concrete terms because when you spend that time doing this game you cannot spend that time doing labor for real money somewhere else this system man come on and number five getting divorced in the new story of seasons video game means you got to kill your kids in the game like not your real ones if you do that with the real ones that's a serious problem this is a little virtual world okay but the way that it works is if you marry in this game you can have kids uh you name them the game gives you little updates on milestones like babies first dips birthdays etc but if you divorce your spouse they just poof gone they're done they don't exist did they ever exist i don't even know like it's possibly worse than killing them it's possibly erasing them from the fabric of time and space and here's the thing you can remarry that same spouse again but that does nothing in terms of those children they're gone does your spouse remember what happened does your spouse remember that you chose to erase your children from existence i don't even know you do though as a player what is that all of town developers why at number four the global shortage in computer chips has reached a quote-unquote crisis point now this is weird because it's honestly something i never thought i would hear as computer chips have become more and more miniaturized and less expensive to create the resources to make them not particularly scarce or anything but last year when the pandemic first started there was an obvious lack of labor because factory workers weren't allowed into the factories protocols and vaccines and all that stuff later production is now at the capacity was pre-pandemic that being said consumer habits production methods and necessities and the overall organization of business have totally changed over the last year now the small one is obviously consumer demand it's different but not super different people all had iphones people all had computers people had consoles and that stuff was bought at high rates before the pandemic it's a little bit higher now not a lot there's also a big change as auto makers are moving over to electric vehicles and other various aspects of life are being turned into electronics at a much higher rate and then the big one is business organization which has become almost entirely virtual necessitating so much technology to be produced maintained data centers set up etc etc basically in all sectors of the economy chips are more necessary than they've ever been and even at pre-pandemic production levels it's just it's not they're not keeping up which is great for people who make lots of money exploiting the third world for mining of resources and exploiting labor in factories far away but not so great for you know everyone who's not those people especially if you want to watch netflix driving down the highway on your brand new tesla car which i hope you don't if you are in that position please don't do that at number three a grandmother was shocked by a fourteen hundred dollar charge on her credit card for a video game that's not going to get refunded and this lady was definitely not expecting that when her 13 year old grandson asked if she could use her credit card to buy points on one of the games he plays and she thought that he could only spend fifteen dollars over the course of about three days he ran up fourteen hundred dollars three days that's it according to the grandmother it probably would have kept going too if the credit card company didn't deem it suspicious now the grandson said that he didn't realize what he'd done and i wouldn't be shocked lesson learned i guess i don't really know what else to say about this it just sucks all around for everybody involved i mean except for the kid who's got like 1400 worth of microtransactional advantages and whatever game he's playing but oh sure i'm sure he's real shook up yeah and number two fifa the international federation of associated football original language is in french that's why it's fifa and not if half international yeah you get it they made more money off of video games than they did off of actual football slash soccer depending on where you live for me it's soccer honestly i mean this is also pandemic related obviously because they weren't able to have the big tournaments so basically everything continued virtually almost all fifa oriented activity was virtual they even had virtual tournaments but really the majority of that money came from licensing the fifa name to electronic arts for video games because they take in royalties from that like they take a percentage of the profit and holy crap did that stuff ever profit this last year and finally at number one police busted the quote-unquote world's biggest video game cheat operation okay so this collaborative effort between 10 cents one of the biggest video game companies in the world and the chinese police who take video game cheating way more seriously than we do here in the united states busted the biggest operation which was selling access to these cheats for everything from overwatch to call of duty mobile and apparently these people had sold 76 million dollars worth of cheats they had subscription tiers to their cheat system from 10 to 200 and this had netted them so much money that they had like 46 million dollars of assets basically lying around the police sees including uh some luxury sports cars like to me i don't know what's weirder the size of the cheating operation like a 76 million dollar video game cheating empire like i started playing video games in the late 1980s and you cheated by like pressing buttons in a sequence that's bizarre to me enough as it is but then the idea that the biggest corporation works with probably one of the biggest world governments to arrest people for cheating and gay it's just it's video games have become serious business is all i'm saying here this is wild but what do you think leave us a comment let us know if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now is a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week the best way to see them first is of course the subscription so click subscribe don't forget to enable all notifications and as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 369,849
Rating: 4.9313273 out of 5
Keywords: weird gaming stories 2021, weird news stories, true gaming news, truer gamer news, funny gaming stories, crazy gaming stories, ps5 gaming news, xbox gaming news, march 2021 gaming news, gameranx, falcon, weird stories, best gaming news, video game humor, funny pc gaming news, funny gamer news, creepy gamer news, weird gamer news, things gamer have done, just bizarre new stories, crazy gaming stories 2021
Id: 5XESFTm62hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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