10 Ways to Protect Your Minecraft House

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hello everyone this is Mambo and welcome back to another minecraft video and in this one we're going to take a look at a handful of different ways in which you can protect your base from mobs now everyone knows I am pretty terrible at fighting mobs in Minecraft I mean it seems to be one of my worst skills I die all of the time so I need all the help I can get so let's take a look at some of my top tips now this thing right here is my base it's a bit of a work in progress at this point in time but I thought I'd start things off with the most important thing which is the toilets also known as the portaloo because well I'm not animal am I I've got to my business somewhere but this thing is incredibly exposed to mops and the last place that you want to be attacked by a pack of ravenous zombies is while you're on the box so I guess you should get down to business and actually start work on this thing and the first thing that we're going to be building is a moat originating in ancient Egypt these little fellas are designed to keep anything or anyone out and forces them to use a specific entrance or bridge and now we are protected from zombies or creepers and skeletons all of the moms that don't have range which is pretty good going I mean that took around about a minute and a half maybe two minutes at the most and we're protected from a large quantity of mobs but ranged mobs do still exist things like skeletons and witches are definitely out there and they're definitely out to hurt us and they still can they could fire their things over the moat and definitely cause us a bit of damage so now what we have to do is we need to build ourselves a wall I would suggest building it three blocks high and add yourself an overhang so spiders can't get over the top of it because otherwise they'll jump straight on over and into the inside of your base and you definitely don't want that happening now is probably a good time to do some fairly serious lighting around this area because well you've created a big moats a big wall if any mobs actually spawn in here they're going to struggle to get out which means Evie essentially created a big mob catchment area which is definitely the last thing that you want so grab your torches be very generous with them because you guys want to place a lot of okay I admit I may have gone a little bit overboard with the torches but this place is definitely very bright and light we're not going to be getting any mob spawning in here and I guess that means job done even if it is just a tiny bit ugly anyway now it is time to move on from there sort of thing and actually get our redstone hand boots on because we against you building ourselves a piston door now this can be as big and as fancy as you want but I've decided to go for something very simple indeed just one very important note to remember please don't use pressure plates because if you use pressure plates that means a more per can just wonder straight in rather way into your base and that really would be bad wouldn't it your bridges now become the most important point of defense this is where all the mobs are against you flowing through and it's very important that you defend this thing now you can do this in many different ways from one of my personal favorites is to put what I like to call the burning bridge this is where you chuck some dispensers down underneath the bridge make the bridge out netherrack then the press of the button you can fire fire charges through setting fire to the top of it now one thing that it will say is is that if your base is made out of wood I wouldn't suggest doing this one because very quickly you're going to end up with no base at all creating a turret or some form of shooting platform is a really brilliant way to defend your base at range now you can take this two ways you can either do it manually by picking up your bow and arrow and shooting mobs from the top of your base or alternatively you can set up a redstone system just hook up a bunch of dispensers fill them up with arrows hook them up into a redstone clock they're gonna be toggled on and off then when you flick that thing on you couldn't rain down arrows on to all of the mobs now one thing I will say is it's not particularly accurate is more of a carpet bomb than it is a precise sniper and more importantly it uses a ton of arrows so make sure that you got plenty of those before you build it I would say we're doing a pretty decent job in terms of base defense right now we've got a weaponry system up at the top we've got an impenetrable door right there a firing bridge a wall a moat and also a bunch of lighting on the inside which is preventing anything from spawning we're doing pretty well but if you're into the overkill which I'm assuming you are because you're on my youtube channel you might want to flick this leaver right here and as you can see we've got ourselves a pitfall now if there were any mob standing on this thing of course I would fall through down into the lava and that would of course kill them which is always a good thing now these systems are incredibly simple to create all you have to do is run one redstone line into one set of Pistons then two ticks later run another redstone line into another set of Pistons I may be simplifying things such a tiny bit there but seriously it is that simple and you can see all of the circuitry on the screen right now that should give you all of the information required to build it however if that isn't quite enough then of course there is a well download down into the screen if the arrow system isn't quite doing the trick then maybe you might want to throw some potions into the mix those things can be absolutely brutal especially the new lingering potions that are introduced in Minecraft 1.9 those things essentially sit around it until something walks into them and then if it's potion of harming they will start taking damage now one thing to remember is that both zombies and skeletons don't actually react to potions of harming they react to potions of healing so adjust your potions accordingly if all of this everything you have right here still isn't good enough I'd suggest getting yourself some iron golems now these guys are absolutely fantastic border guards they're brilliant at killing mobs and also I quite like having them around I've been I'm a lonely guy okay you can see my base it's just a portaloo I don't have many friends and not many people want to come around and see this thing so it's pretty cool to have you chaps around just to hang out and chill with all you have to do is check in for iron blocks like this and then a pumpkin on top you've got yourself a new friend and now we prepare for the worst case scenario just picture this your your base is overrun with mobs there's hundreds of them potentially thousands of them your defenses have failed somehow I mean that they're brilliant defences don't don't judge me on my defenses they're amazing okay my defense is amazing but there are lots of mobs here and we've somehow become overrun what do you do now well we take advice from every single evil villain in history I mean they've had the right idea to be honest with you I have filmed at the entire area down here with TM team rather way down to bedrock okay I want to make sure that my base is going to be gone because here's the thing I would much rather die at the hands of TNT then die at the hands of the zombie so here goes the TNT is now primed and well oh that's a slideshow that really is I mean seriously but can you imagine okay we may be there we're very deadly for your time our base is completely gone but more importantly well the mobs the mobs are dead is rolling we just it's a good thing what's happening here I think I don't think it's a good thing my computer like you there's nothing this is a good thing but no it's still going this was more T&T than I thought it was I'm gonna let the fireworks play continue for a little while longer here all day there we go we've got ourselves a squid farm for a start which is definitely a good I've always wanted a squid from portaloo convert into a squid firm happy days but we've I mean this looks quite cool I like this a lot but a lava going on but a cobblestone action this is nice this is a nice place so now we can just sort of sit in the middle here and this can be our thing oh it goes through into the void maybe maybe don't do it right the way through the bedrock clearly I replaced the bedrock with TNT that's how serious I was about killing these mobs but this this really is the best defence strategy there it is right there just nuke the whole place but unfortunately and gents that is a lot of good time for today I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please hit that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is bimbo and I'm out see you later hey guys it's just one quick message that I want to say before you go we've got a bunch of new merchandise available in the mumbo jumbo store for example this vide right here we've got this rather lovely lor mumbo cube that you can see really nice as off the squishy but also a few our hoodies t-shirts mugs mouse mats and all those good at bits and pieces so head over toward all that mumbo jumbo com2 check out what we've got [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,724,114
Rating: 4.9077015 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, survival, island, song, mods, hunger, games, parody, herobrine, houses, redstone, multiplayer, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, piston, lamp, swapper, combo lock, tnt, player launcher
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2016
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