Breaking Skyrim 10 different ways 12/28/19

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we lives yes hello I am Alive I am a real I'm a real boy that's everybody I move my camera position I made me I made me skinnier to make more game so I have I have left space now but I also have more vertical space because I had to squit anyway hello what's up present the otter what's up tf2 gamer what's up hi tree what's up Hawks in the tops arrows up goofy what's up lizard hello Skyrim intro paper face what what do you mean good sup mocap what's up Bob Lee I reset that which randomly cancelled again wait what do you mean like they like they canceled the payment either way that's weird hello I hope you all had a nice holidays today is just a weird test not test but today is not like a gaming challenge I just want to I just want with like [ __ ] with Skyrim I figured may as well do this on stream how long before somebody makes a scribe a 3-piece mod I you know what anybody could what's up psychotic beat the Skyrim intro with paper face I mean we can so what are the rules on chopsticks in this chat hmm chopsticks are up for debate okay so here's my thought here's my thought process when we did this before there was like I forget what stream but we were like [ __ ] with the Skyrim intro and I think I'll explain the rules on a sec I'll spend the rules intersect but basically the gist is that we're gonna play the Skyrim intro and the goal is to break it before we can play so I basically need to break it before the game will let us play the video game and that's how we win hello everybody what's up a lot of people all of a sudden have Greece but what's up Dungy what's up a Finley and let me crank this music up this isn't a real Doug Doug stream unless we have some loud [ __ ] music you know cocaine Colts may be buried but what the star of intro just breaks us up exactly that's the fun of it we just got a poke and prod a little bit what's up cast which I'm doing well I'm good yeah exactly country doubts that's on a stick in I was like what if what if we expand that just currently playing Pokemon nice I finished the full story of Pokemon and it's pretty mediocre [Music] knots wait no TTS drinking problem I missed you too ADHD agenda was a after the silences up Fabiano are what's up hello everybody shadowy effects thank you very much man a three-month also loud what did this great music of course you don't if I could still that's the Doug promise is barely be able to heroes happening think the music should be just little bit louder okay [Music] hopefully near me ok let's get serious for just a sec what's a good serious song do you get to the Gobi Strip a serious song I always play them I see hi Megan well she don't hey Doug what's up how are you doing I hope your Christmas is wonderful I saw that Nathan kick some ass at magic okay so the plan is we're gonna break scatter of sentro specifically in Skyrim for anybody who hasn't played Skyrim yet its brand new I know not everybody's gotten the chance the game basically starts right and you're here on a cart and then it takes the cart down road district committee and then over here is where you think of course you don't hear you make a character everyone hello there Doug show Barris what's up what's up thank you very much with six months you're nuts care make you you make you make a character make a character here you okay that should be clear now so you make a character right and then you go over to the chopping block and this is a the man with the big axe what does an axe look like I don't really remember whatever something like this okay so then this guy tries to kill you and you're standing here on the ground [Music] but then a big [ __ ] scary dragon flies in and this dragon is just terrifying you can see it's got many scales I guess and then once the dragon freaks everybody out at that pour get to the code you are able to play the game and our goal is to break oh what a beautiful gagging the game before we get to this point right we need to stop the game from working properly before we are able to take control of our character right here well that is the plan don't yell hermit creeper thank you very much man you are nuts seven months as a super long time and I really appreciate a holder thank you very much for four months you're not so I appreciate it and that's a super long time nine strictly off and really appreciate one thanks very much the urban ater Dylan thank you guys holiday it was great bag thank you for the bits oh I'm all small over there I didn't realize that here taunt Howard showed me Skyrim 17 times please help it's an addiction look nothing can fix that better than playing it ten more times so the whole goal like I said is to break it and so I think we get on to it he's amazing love the old streams thank you I let's look at some art famous art okay not bad not great not bad but now you look at something you get to the casino this is the way art was meant to be played with Miyamoto invented Skyrim he said now boring boring boring this is art [Applause] we got a break there we go we got a break the art what am I saying tent of course you don't yell all droppings dream Oh oh yeah well I'm gonna stream on New Year's but I probably won't stream until the ball drops but maybe we could we could celebrate the ball dropping let's say it like 3:00 p.m. my time is there like some island in the the Atlantic islands in the Atlantic Ascension Island went what time is ascension island anyway we'll celebrate New Year's from somewhere probably Canary Islands yeah sure I'm not super familiar with them but okay so the way that I want to do this is you're allowed to use console you're allowed to use mods so I can I can do mods that are on Steam I don't have Nexus and everything set up so basically I'm thinking we can start with the basics right we can make me huge we could spawn enemies those are the two really obvious ones but there's a bunch more console commands that we can go through like toggling run mode no that's not gonna be very much Oh TCL Tariq targeting collision I feel like targeting like turning off collision is definitely gonna break it but I want to do 10 different categories of breaking it so making you know just spawning a billion bears that's funny and that counts but spawning a billion like mud crabs is basically the same thing you know we got to get creative so what we might have to like go on Steam and look for weird mods that would theoretically break the intro that's the goal here we go thank you for knowing my country uh yeah what's up milk go to me kill the lady who calls people to the block before she calls anybody yeah yeah that's see that's a good idea I think killing specific NPCs could work billion Bears will eat well tonight they're gonna eat so [ __ ] good where have you been I have been home I went home for Christmas it was great there's a Skyrim Trek mod very often see of course you don't and thank you Dylan a - a - a - eight thank you guys I appreciate it I didn't really learn Python I have a science in college what am I saying of course you don't and so then when I wanted to do Python I googled how to do this thing and then I just did that that's why my Python code is garbage because I don't actually know it so that's how make your character general Tullius oh yeah so I could [ __ ] with the actual my character too [Applause] yep I thought is not something I would say that I know what are we doing we're gonna break sky that's the goal okay where you start a new game any requests for for what we do first set scale 2.0 1 should we set my scale 2.0 1 kill the executioner will that actually stop it kill the dragon okay kill Alduin does that really work all right well let me get it started yo zero views thank you very much for 500 it's appreciate a man kill the dragon for sure okay so we'll kill why don't we just kill everybody well let's start and we will kill every NPC and see what happens do you get to the go district very offense the game studios well yeah thank you very much you don't normally see half of Danny now Bible them do you get to the guard district very often what am I saying of course you don't hug all right now the way that I'm interpreting this scene everybody here just seems way too alive but we can fix that so just pop in the kill command well there's no driver now right this guy he's had it coming he like he kicked to my knee my shin earlier on the wagon and I was really upset about it so let's just pop him Stormcloaks Skyrim was fine until you keep going what am I saying of course you don't know Thank You COEs XD I feel like I miss somebody Oh Isaac thank you for the two months appreciate it okay well can we can we get a few FS for this guy I feel like they're like painfully falling underneath the cart hey wait wait wait hold on I don't I think you're not supposed to be able to kill all Frick but I toggle dit so that you can kill important NPCs so let's get a few FS for all Frick Stormcloak he had a good run he he almost he fought against the king and he killed the king and then he fought the imperial guards and he he narrowly escaped from them but unfortunately to me and I can just kill him okay well all those guys down there just I feel like they've probably um fs4 the horse okay okay this is fine I'm sure we can get back on track hello [Music] roll credits Skyrim ladies and gentlemen it's Skylar Oh God is that work what is happening to his body it's so long he's getting longer he's that guy Stretch Armstrong well I don't know if we can play the game anymore in fact I'm fairly certain we can't I cannot move I cannot do anything oh wait wait hold on the NBC's are actually still talking I don't know if you can hear it so is this count is this a victory I think I think we broke the game the only question would be if every if the rest of the cinematics all keep going without me and then maybe at some point it like frees me can you remove the wagon let me try to kill the wagon you can kill the wagon no I don't think you can kill about him maybe if I kill the horse again he'll come back no that didn't no I didn't do anything yeah I was wondering if the character cut yeah if the the customization screen would come up I don't think so because I heard the first lines of dialogue but I think it's waiting for my character to be there and it's just not going forward so with this horse in front of us I think we can safely conclude that we broke the game one at a time [Applause] all right so you know you know it's interesting um freecam oh yeah I can feel a let's check out the horse first I was at TSE is a long boy that's a real boy so I'm gonna go ahead and say this this did successfully break the game but I would categorize this as killing the horse right I feel like killing all the actual humans would be a separate one right laughs the old back I missed you yo Thank You Baron Club appreciate it man zero views thank you again God what a long horse this is hell no this is Skyrim actually let's go check out the let's go check out the frickin the cutscene let's see if they're doing it [Music] cheer 1 cheer 1 cheer 1 okay so yeah it definitely froze the whole thing Oh Bob and cheese oh [ __ ] nine months Bobby the first nine months thank you very much as always you're wonderful and that's incredible I need to get a nice sub edge ladies and gentlemen Bob and cheese and I have officially birth the child [Music] all right now with that said all right let me do a quick vote with everybody poll does killing the horse is killing the horse separate from killing the humans all right I'm putting up a quick poll so the idea here the idea what this question is what are we gonna classify it as a different type of break if we kill the humans versus the actual like mode of transportation my sense is yes just cuz they have different functions within the intro cinematic can you summon something into the horse I do not I do not know okay so let's restart this and well we'll just kill everybody yo Thank You dragon t appreciate it all right we haven't quite gotten to play the game yet but let's play Skyrim wait when should i what should i kill everybody should I should I kill them what if you make the horse have no gravity I don't think I can have individual I don't think I can individually turn off gravity for people I think that you can turn off gravity for everybody well so so one option real quick is we could kill everybody once we get off the wagon versus doing it right now don't to you somebody dragon before you get to the chopping block yeah we'll do something like that we'll some in a bunch of crap kill everybody but the horse doing it right now doesn't seem to do too much yeah hmm okay so why don't we kill all the people right now and then when we get to the chopping block will kill everybody else or kill everybody at the town all right so we'll wait till the town the only thing is if we kill them now that might that might prevent the cinematic from actually starting correctly which is a good thing Sgt M Sgt M 3 it doesn't feel fast enough love you love you too wala we do love her I hope you're enjoying this 10 times gameplay this is the way Skyrim was meant to be played okay things are you know a minute I'm gonna slow it back down I feel like I feel like we've made some good progress and we can come back to normal speed let me let me look at we look around do a little free camp for a second check out our surroundings where is so hard [Music] they're all they're all in this one spot looking at me oh it's terrifying okay I guess we should speed things up again what's a good dance song is there any like alright yeah we'll do the one I was just playing [Music] Skyrim ladies and gentlemen just like Miyamoto intended and from the back and from beside [Music] Howard Todd Howard this is how Miyamoto wanted your game to be played [Music] ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna go ahead and say that's break number two we [ __ ] did it boom two out of ten yes please nobody report me I guess hold on I should just clarify [Music] let me let me just confirm that I can't I can't play anything I can't do anything I can't move I definitely can't move what about TCL no that doesn't do anything normally that would think screw things up banned for sexual content no that's more that's just dancing just dancing yeah just guys being dudes look every dude has been a guy you get together with you dudes you merge your bodies into a single being and then you just kind of jiggle around to some music well I think we can successfully say that we have gotten to other [Music] but this was different from killing everybody so we can restart and kill everybody do you get to the dog district very often your friends thought what am I saying of course you don't well three months Wow ah but seriously thank you that that is not sufficient welcome to the red pepper district do you get to the go district really often no not row thank you thing of course you don't just being gamer bros yeah dude this is what do you think video games are for for a couple bros to get together merge their bodies into a single sort of jiggly jello man are you gonna upload this on youtube then if so hi YouTube okay I don't know if I'm gonna upload this to YouTube so just to be safe you should also send a message in case it's not going to YouTube you know that way cover both bases so a plan now is kill everybody right good good suggestion by the way on speeding up the game gonna happen let me let me wait until let me wait until we're in the town you finally awake and I'm not gonna speed up the game because that would that would not count as YouTube nerds and ever going to see this storm - guys do you get to the college in money something of course you don't thank you there you and me shouldn't be here it's the Stormcloaks the Empire wants okay we can kill this guy though shut up this guy could die right now but everybody else I'm gonna kill once we get to the town I'm gonna show a little restraint why am i served I don't know money you probably got gifted a sub there's a lot of gifted subs here especially last last one imagine that which had YouTube common sights that makes no sense uh Nords last dogs all right once we get to the town where we're gonna do something you get to the NGO district very all filled up load of what I'm saying of course you don't do you like tortillas I adore tortillas yes was there like a follow-up to that is it just kill the horse we already have we've already established that killing the horse oh he mode only mode Fred some per thank you very much for the excellent emote only so for one minute we're all emotes as we enjoy the splendid intro of the elder scrolls serum first I made by Nintendo is there supposed to be music or okay before we dismount before people start dismounting then I will I will go into free cam I will kill all humans we gotta kill that doll more for sure they had something to do with this almost there man it's kind of a bummer that's speeding up the game will crash the game because that means we have to go through the like full intro every time this is how I used to be sweet on a curve from here aha wonder if feel aw they're still making that need with juniper berries feel odd we'll be dead like in about 20 seconds alright we're running up on one minute I think we're almost there right as soon as people start dismounting and go okay they're moving now we get up out of the cart why do you get to the goat district very old and we start and kill turning off the emote only mode thank you very much for the excellent excellent purchase it's time to play Skyrim the way it was meant to be played Yoder p24 - thank you very much man all right well let's kill that person let's kill this person let's kill this person let's kill that person let's kill that person well that person's feel that person still that persons killed that person's feel that person to be safe no no I'll leave the horse I'm specifically not killing the horse so now if I undo console everybody should be dead okay [Laughter] missed a few apparently let me just take care of that all right my person's dead that person's dead that person's no that person's dead that person is dead no one killed ores sorry okay Oh God oh I feel bad all right that guy don't worry they'll all be coming back to life soon okay and now what what happens next this is little Skyrim well there's meant to be plain all right maybe I need to go kill a few more though just to be safe well the executioner's dead where's Tobias others told us to make sure we can't die all right he can't die you can die I can't kill okay I can't kill her so it looks like I've killed everybody that is killable and now we play Skyrim [Music] I can't move the stuff window cookie - the goat pistas very often this extreme or ever keep it up loud bang - yo thank you very much parents love very much appreciate it I mean I'm literally not playing the video game today I have not played any of any video game today the good news though is killing all the NPC's does in fact break the Skyrim so I'm clarifying I'm saying that they're different because the first was killing the horses which causes the cart to stop moving the second is preventing any NPC from progressing that's three next kill only the executor okay so the way the way I'm thinking about this and here let me start anyone so we can be totally this is he's just waiting he's waiting for a call that's never gonna come it's so sad I get the the new one kicked off okay attempt number four let's see if we can play some Skyrim so I'm I'm saying that killing the humans counts as a single one I don't think killing just the executioner would work I mean we could try it for fun but that to me would not be a fourth option use a cheat engine to speed up the game without softlocks it seemed like speeding it up is gonna screw the cart up too badly the way okay so the ways that we have so far killing the horse right now killing all the NPC's what was the third no speeding the game time up we could I mean we could always spawn stuff that's easy spawn bears Oh goddamnit dragon tea well you finally awake what is the role of twitch chat rightz a tweet why rain ad can you please fix OD else yo pat hat 13 thank you very much Emily can't you get to the NGO district very often Oh what am I saying of course you don't it was gonna say parser should do Park sir okay what are the rules for the forgot what I actually wrote [Applause] an appliance man's Awards which chat rightz a tweet we shall write to tweet to a person of your choice using Doug's Twitter account please okay all right everybody dragon T has redeemed an award where we are going to write a tweet so here we go let's take a quick break from Skyrim and go do some tweeting I need to set up the code real fast [Music] exactly [Music] I'll do one spawn and other Wayne spawn early yeah that would be a good one so spawning units spawning units I don't want to do like I don't want to do too many variations of spawning units cuz like you can clearly break the game by spawning unit so I just want to make sure that the if we spawn stuff that it's clearly different from previous versions okay so we're gonna spawn we're gonna write a tweet James Charles sure well it's up to dragon dragon what's your final what's your final person [Music] change fov using fov okay toxin remind me of that after this i'm down for part if you're down for parks are I'm definitely down for Park sir all right let me get let me get the old tweet machine up [Music] I don't tweet at him is there not a is there not a tweet button from his profile I thought there was okay so the way that this works for anybody who hasn't seen this is that I'm gonna start this script and if you type the word type so type and then whatever you want it's going to type excuse me it's gonna type that message into chat but you only get a 1 in 50 chance of it actually being typed so this way it doesn't just fill up immediately there's there's a little bit of chance to it please keep it to one word and please don't say any words that clearly are not allowed and with that let me start up the script also I get that nice Skyrim ambience in the background okay in five seconds you guys should be able to write a tweet to Park sir here we go get to the Gov just a penny off I should be working boobs is strong strong started what happened okay boomer nice I'm trying to zoom in a bit there we go yep okay boomer Obama licky grandma ha I'm just gonna throw a space after each word test walk I don't know I don't exactly know what that was intended to be but James Bond nice this is a great idea Thank You Dragon Park sure is really gonna like this general Kenobi [Applause] you know at the beginning it felt like these were just sort of random words but now I can really see the story coming together it's starting to hit its climactic RP lose okay boomer Obama licky grandma test blood James Bond general Kenobi cooks and help poo we're about halfway through the words cut cut buck thank god this is such a good time police I can't is he gonna be like alarmed by I think I don't know if this will come off as some sort of like help request there's some sort of plea for the police okay Elon Musk nice I couldn't get a space in so now it says Elon Musk waluigi is sexy you alright you're about three-quarters of the way through thor poop was that meant to be one word is this fine it's always fine we're almost there we need like five more words [Music] Obama we're really nailing home the Obama message of this tweet it's a little all over the place it jumps around a few so we all really Drive what Obama of course she don't hey Doug I rarely catch her streams that I am very glad I could catch this one but the good work love y'all no homo Doug Doug scoop boys thank you very much Becky mangoes Pikachu's [ __ ] Harambee oK we've got five more letters whoo whoo you get two more letters one more letter whoever wants the last letter it now's the time [Music] okay it's just gonna be you all right here you go there you go and just to recap what exactly we sent over boobs okay boomer Obama licky grandma test cluck James Bond general Kenobi cooks and help you oh [ __ ] [Music] 23 is sexy before poop is this plan Obama MA oh well Bezos pesos Pikachu's [ __ ] Harambee who do you congratulations of we we have tweeted okay now let's play some goddamn Skyrim oh yeah Thank You toxin which what does that do fov to 160 alright well mate let me try toxin suggestions it fo fo v skyrim was better to play wooooo okay this whole stream has been so long [Music] use mouse to look around Todd Howard you've done it again alright and what's the other one also going to third-person and use I don't think I can can you do third-person in the intro you there you wouldn't be yeah you can't cuz you're Kirk she was also Harambee is definite ins yeah what happen what an st what did s 1 st do wait hold on is this gonna break the game I feel like this is probably one actually break it love is little body or TOS excuse me hey God this is the waste cameras meant to be played look at how long everything is on Nords last dogs North last shot last thought should be instead this Skyrim I don't think this is gonna break it I think we have to do something else I don't mean to keep skirting that dude use the kill command stir well we already killed the horse is there anything else we could add to the camera to like [ __ ] it up gravity 5000 okay gravity that did not seem to make it just dude grab oh that's not even a command because doing a trusted you helps but they had something to do with this I mean this is just fov right I don't know if it's actually gonna break anything can we get rid of the cart probably let me see how do you get rid of I'm trying to member the command to get rid of stuff okay boomer Obama mallika grandma test cluck James Bond Naraka no Biddy Cox and help polka cluck type clucky police wife read some / 23 Elan musk waluigi is sexy u-thor poop is the spine Obama ma o wo besos besos Pikachu sesh I couldn't quite get to Harambee apparently but appreciate it dragon tea thank you what is the what is the command to delete stuff it's not de-spawn there's something to de-spawn it it's I don't think it's disabled really potent hearing it aloud yeah I agree that it really it really unlocks its full potential delete I thought there's oh it's really loud I thought there was a freakin disable okay so disabling the carton to see what happens nothing wonder if meant disabled a person no no you know what it is it's marked for delete its marked for the lead I'm fairly certain okay that did not work though look at them look at the ass on that horse has a wider ass FN is following FL and air oops FL and mark for delete that only works after loading oh god I gotta got it it's disabled I tried disabled disabled is not working you get rid of everything [Music] err why does it keep doing that err following here gravity bolts equals one point three five zero zero I hope this is a real thing Ruby spooky and it's talking about falling here gravity mole that's not saying too that did not seem to work press alt f4 it'll work that would prevent me from finishing the intro get its location the Delete all things in that area found one game fax yeah they didn't seem to work I could do without the equal oh you know what it is I think that's actually that's something you put in the mmm I think that's something you put in the ini file rather than the console so I think that's something you have to set up beforehand because it has the equals you don't want to try actually is do you think jumping end of the line hold on how I'd set F of e back to normal what's the normal F of e 100 yes except I'm not in the right spot at all let's go oh no it's not gonna let me Jones here cuz that would mean I have to play what is maybe this is gonna break well let's get the fov back to 160 at least yeah as long as something weird is [ __ ] happening okay as far as I can tell things are working right now you got a third person before you go to the chopping block but after you make your character okay I'll look out for that pimple machine use F to the weather ID yeah I can mess with weather later wait okay it hasn't broken but it was at least funny looking alright will be a cat obviously so again okay I can't do anything Oh are ya alright one of you guys want you guys type the name try slash break intro it's just not not correct thank you do you get to the dog district very often what am I saying of course you don't oh it might not work because of directx alright unfortunately this might not work the other thing I could do I guess is let you guys type in here and then I'll just put the name in here whatever word first comes up here is it working she'll be working a ganar okay yeah we did it autumn harvest Auden are Michael [Music] all right so one of the trade caravans sketchy the kind always seems to find trouble she's looking for it's not on the list he goes to the Ohio alders captain okay I'm sorry we make sure Ellen answer Tom to Ellis one prisoner is there wait wait sorry somebody said I can break so right now what do I do before the chopping block somebody said somebody said that if I if I go to third person right I think I am in third person I'm not clear actually well CSU Whiterun will make me go away but that would be a different one I'm trying to specifically break right now all free okay this this is third person it just breaks the care okay I got it fw 0 4 0 1 d FF v 4 apocryphal whether it says it doesn't have that idea your arms look pretty unbound they do look pretty unbound I can't jump though that's the way a cat is meant to like kill the dragon just killing the dragon here so my concern is that killing the dragon kind of falls under the same thing of killing I guess it's probably different from killing the people we already killed the executioner last time this might break it's okay I'll check it out in a little bit sweetie stick make an additional dragon well it's not that we want to cut the story short we want to prevent me from being able to play okay so so couple options we could do right now it looks like the camera isn't gonna screw it up we could make people big we could kill the dragon we could spawn things all of these are things we'll probably need to try at some point let me do a quick poll what do biggest I kill dragon everyone Skelton so if we make everybody ten I'm not sure what will happen it'll probably be good and I just called the onami good okay we're gonna dignify some things pour pour pour pour pour a little pool okay so the way I'm going to do this I'm going to go into free cam and then I'm going to come up alright nice I mean let him go down first all right tonight click this guy set scale ten okay this is the way that's chiral is about to be played for sure it keeps making him bigger Ulfric you want to get out of this I got I got to move the camera again I got a really good in there the executioner's a little overqualified no brand my test [ __ ] games near I can OB the general told us get another cup luck type o'clock he pleats wife Reds thumper 23 hey thank you very generous night robotic he's not very often what I'm seeing course you don't alright she's dead who else is good he big oh did he go shut up [Music] yeah okay old Forex big okay I think this is the way that Skyrim was meant to be played [Music] look at his head it's so weird eight no six console yes Oh God this is the way Skyrim as many people in it but now what's gonna happen oh no I think Alda ween is coming I think [Music] I can't hear on any of them talking because their heads are way off above the ground okay I can't move I can't move so I think that I think this cinematic is happening I think next on free camel is Maya Berg in the game [Music] where's the dragon I think the game's broken can they not move through each other I don't know I don't know why it's not working but the game is definitely not working I guess if you make a big I don't know well maybe we could maybe we fix it if we make them all painting except the guy who's dead where are they that's really really small where's the executioner I don't know if he can um I don't I don't know if this executioner is waving to a spite of flame distance sparks called to a past till I named BAE the torch against the code of the night poor hashtag W F I don't think this guy could kill anybody now it definitely broke the game get a hundred percent broke the game okay that's that's number four [Music] loud music is a staple yeah we go and we go real loud here [Music] yeah I mean this game is this game is not working dude that is uh that is a large head man I thought it would be like more climactic to be honest I thought like they would say something instead they're all just softlocked but maybe they're overwhelmed by the emotional weight of killing a giant person can we disable the chopping block I don't know disabled yes so wait oh we could try disabling the chopping block next all right well we have successfully broken the game four times and still have not actually played any of Skyrim so let's so let's get this back up disabling the disabling of the chopping block is like a really good idea we haven't even needed a mod yeah we've got a lot we've got a lot of options it is I mean that I think like the Knights and tenth there's gonna be harder try cax what does that do if you're if you're suggesting something that we do can you just explain what it does so I know destroy everything and make everything look weird I mean we've basically done that we've killed everything are you doing something as after this is just a Skyrim stream probably just a Skyrim stream it depends can the executioner's axe be selected I think that it's treated as one entity I'm fairly certain Oh a really easy one is to do [ __ ] Whiterun so this should theoretically warp us Thaksin I see you a holdout I'm gonna wait just a sec to try that okay theoretically this warps us to Whiterun weh-weh oh I can't move do you get to the guard district very often what am I saying of course you don't but still only three months yo thank you a space cat right oh we all just got left behind Stormcloaks Skyrim was fine until you came along Empire was stolen that horse had been halfway to Hammerfell you there you Andy we shouldn't be here why is he looking up see none of them are bound what's wrong with him is anybody else the cart I like the Carling roll down a little bit and they're all just standing there what do you care Nords last dogs is anybody else like going down the path because there's like she's like three carts right it doesn't appear that anybody has successfully gotten into Helmand like this horse is confused okay I think that broke it okay these guys are setting up like everything's going normal okay they're still doing their normal dialogue so like he's talking about how they're in helghan right now they are not an elegant wait where are they don't lose the DTSC okay so well so let's see what happens when we're asked to get off the cart nothing why are we stopping yeah well here's what I think the game is clearly broken right now but maybe we can fix it I used COC Whiterun to teleport away to Whiterun and then it forced us back but not in the cart so I think all we have to do is COC helghan and then it should fix it how about CSC might run again okay did restart it or did or is it picking up from where I left off I want to see if the dialogue starts because you can hear the cart now theoretically this is when the the intro words are coming up this is the way that Skyrim was meant to be played well the good news is that hmm that's number five [Music] oh hell gain exterior okay so it he'll gain exterior ooh okay so maybe we fixed it right now no we didn't know we're all back we broke the game dams [ __ ] burger Cal afford to solvent garbage I'm pretty sure the they they have accounted for her ow [Music] I will try [Music] okay all right games definitely broken oh this is the quest Journal damn you this is going easier than I thought yo Thank You Brock man what's up dude hello y'all click on executioner and right unequip oh okay that could be a really good one all right let me let me start up a new one skyrim is not a hard game to break I thought well Kate no to be fair there's like five super obvious ones and we have one more type Sackett starts all quests in the game and type TT or moves all trees are hate sure yeah what what I was expecting the way I was expecting this this stream to go is it the first like six of these would be really easy but then it would get a little bit harder yeah Thaksin I got it I wrote it down so I think it'll get a little bit harder to actually hit ten because we still have spawning units and I know that spawning units breaks the intro so sack start all quests okay okay yeah okay okay oh do you get to the go district very often this is the way I need confirmation that if I don't $25 right now you will ASMR Olive Garden on stream next stream also our twitch baby is named Joe what the [ __ ] did you just say Eddy I need confirmation that if I don't what donate 25 you will yes what is ASMR Olive Garden mean Oh like eat Olive Garden also the game is broken as [ __ ] every day they write codes the chat controls the player [Music] I don't unfortunately i can't type in the game yeah I got you confused which career I am proud to announce that this broke the game oh wait maybe we're good maybe it resets hold on hold on hold on it resets and we are kind of in the intro it's just a werewolf now okay okay but maybe if we free cam all right we're back in the intro plugs we're a werewolf now but that's my music loud [Music] - I don't actually know cax does but alright this will probably fix it I think we did it okay okay yeah okay yeah Skyrim yeah we're going through a lot of loading screens and I'm also getting every single achievement in the game okay yeah yeah [Music] that's a victory that's a that's a full-on that's [ __ ] handing the intro [Music] yeah that that brought the [ __ ] out of it wait hold on tonight you are you broke the intro but also beat Skyrim that's a good point it's also beat skylander does not really count man that's a ooh that's a tough question there's a more important question I have though which is that if I G G start all quests and then I complete all quests again is it gonna crash when that lady says yes because I kind of want to record her her yelling yes at us and then make that the new sub alert okay starting all the quests yeah okay now we're becoming a werewolf I think yep yep yep okay yeah I'm standing Skyrim okay so this is when where the wolf instead of waiting I'm just gonna do complete all quests and hopefully we get that yes egg time god damn zero views - thank you make time I really appreciate it man that is super super generous thank you thank you thank you okay so the goal wait no no I can't play music because we need to we need here yes everybody prepare a yes in chat and all casts because this is I need one thousand yeses celebrate the 1,000 bits from 0 come on give us a guess oh oh it actually can I know before I do this settings audio I need the okay every the voices as loud as possible okay we're ready give us a give me another yes what can't be found yes complete all quest I thought was CAC tax sorry okay come on come on no hold hold oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I guess only happens some of the time no no [Music] weight will happen if we do it again I can't just not get and not one more yes give me two more tries this is the way the Skyrim was meant to be played maybe I have to wait maybe we do have to wait okay also here's another strategy before the game even starts boom and and now before I exit the console I'm also gonna complete all quests here we go let's see if this gives us a yes all right get your yes is ready okay they should all be starting and stopping at the same time now just beat be ready for a yes [ __ ] no press all the okay's well okay but absolutely Oaks went complete quest okay with the scenario where we got the yes was when I let the intro fully start then I let all the quests complete only kak snow sack okay we could try that so we won't kak net wait now you're saying yeah okay so we're not going to do the sack we're only gonna kak we're trying to get the secret yes ending we have the vaad yeah but I wasn't I wasn't prepared I need a good hearty like just boisterous yes kak don't sack okay so we're gonna we're gonna try cracking right now okay just get your yeses ready here we go khaks he went to jail I guess this is totally different than the other two times come on we got a new achievement come on it's gone through like a hundred loading screens he's deceiving you that was the voice [ __ ] oh so close that's really close no No she was there she knows we're here yeah do sack then wait then kack so the the the time we got yest was when we I did I give it say hey let me start so I wait and I wait until the intro has full download more ram yeah that's true the thing is I can't really close Chrome because I used that for twitch you know so I don't really have anything else open that it's only one chrome window it's just dashboard yeah so I'll retry what happened what what goddess yes the first time drink did somebody oh yes thank you autumn red is gone I will I will do that in a sec I'm gonna have to two more tries or two more things to try Rena this okay it is started now I will do sa Q I'm gonna let it get us all the way to the werewolf and then it resets to the intro then we're gonna do sax and oh this did not happen last time man this is like a loot box okay alright and now we wait for a little bit and then once we reset at the intro as a werewolf then we will cax wait until it goes back to theater version yes and now we're just waiting to go to the theater where you watch you did because I remember you did a command before cax I doubt that command matters I mean doing starting and completing all the quests at once is gonna have way more of an impact I guess we could try my concern is that this is probably not consistent about what happens every time kidnapping a junkie off the streets then forcing him to play Skyrim for 72 hours straight and when we do let him sleep it's only for four hours until we wake him up by blasting the Skyrim theme music after injecting and with heroine and telling him he's in the Skyrim universe over and over again until one day he falls asleep and we dropped him in Scandinavia with a sword okay oh there's the other Kurt okay so this is what happened last time I did TFC I looked around right and then acknowledged that I was stuck here as a werewolf and now once I was here as this guy then I did complete all quests see aqs theoretically this is our best shot at getting the hit and ending here we go get everybody get your rest is your yes is ready go I'm gonna click as well because that's quickly [ __ ] no I think we might have gotten that secret ending one time that's such a tease at such a tease Todd Howard give me more yes Todd we want yes report yes Todd [Music] all right I don't know if we are gonna get the secret ending I'm gonna try it again but it doesn't look like we're gonna get the secret ending no you should let them start talking after the werewolf I don't think I did last time reconstruct your first ending one by one so my concern is that I get the sense that this is sort of gonna be random every time I don't know that recreating everything exactly is actually gonna be deterministic because we construct your first tier sending one by one holy crap silly Sammy incredible thank you very much for the 15 bits alright we're not giving up I guess well let's give it let's give some our shows look for anybody who doesn't know what's going on we are trying to break Skyrim we've successfully broke in Skyrim five times but the first time that we broke the Skyrim by adding all of the quests and then completing all the quests some heavenly voice shouted out from us at Skyrim from Skyrim up at us as though this heavenly beacon had fallen down and shined upon us gracing us with knowledge and it was yes and I want to I want to get that again without it crashing that we can make it the sub sound that's all I want put the bots on the left yeah okay there's only one thing to do we're gonna have to watch exactly how we got the s oh we get the coke commercial great I was so shocked and so excited okay I man the first a hundred times I watched this commercial I guess this is technically a new one now okay so I'm gonna give it three more shots at getting the secret ending you're not subbed oh I'm not because this is a random one or this is a different count okay the commands the same as seen in the vote no hold hold this is the second trial even of hair yeah yeah this is when we argue it was happening yeah yeah okay so this is how we got the secret ending okay okay yeah okay yeah Skyrim yeah we're going through a lot of loading screens and I'm this is giving every single achievement in the game okay this was when we yeah god it's over a lotta loading it's perfect we have to find the secret yes achievement in the game okay yeah we have to get this ed thing it's a secret Easter egg that only we know about I've confused which version is speaking just look at which one is more has more of a mustache my mustache is slightly longer by about 10 minutes so how do we do what do we do what did we do the first time so I think it'll get a little bit harder to actually Oh sack start all quests we didn't do anything before running unit and I know the first thing we did was sax the intro put the bots on the second monitor and enter ok yeah ok ok oh all right so I guess we could yeah I don't know how to [ __ ] do this we basically copied the exact same thing we did sax that was the first one we've done I know we waited for the werewolf to finish maybe a reset and then it resets the intro do we do anything special here I think the game is just really [ __ ] up just hope this wasn't a faint perfect setup to get the S ending yeah I think that's the issue is we had to do like a backwards long job ok I'll just wear a werewolf now but so I don't actually know what cax does but all right the sweet we waited about 10 seconds and we complete the game I was i clicking okay or now I think we did it it was clicking ok ok so we got he's deceiving you first and then later we got yes ok yeah ok yeah yeah we're going through a lot of loading screens and I'm also getting every single achievement in the game okay yeah yes yes okay so I think it is that I have to click all the okay's this is by far the hardest challenge we have ever done on this stream getting the secret skyrim yes ending it was tantalizingly presented to us and then elusive gone forever we'll have to do this perfectly we have to reset your achievements holy [ __ ] that that's such a good idea yeah we should make we should reset all the achievements right the only challenges I did have a lot of the achievements already done ok yeah let me change the title as well now that's fine people will understand what's going on the Brazil goddamnit date you okay what am I saying of course you don't thank you very much for the request I will I will honor that once we get the secret ending okay what am i doing thank you to the second account should we reset all this all the achievements that's kind of a risk should we do it will you do it once without okay let's do it does nothing well I think it might affect how it's loading things not yet okay we'll do one without resetting the achievements then we'll reset these treatments and do it then we'll sing the Brazilian national anthem and then I will exactly match the vaad one for one [Music] can I have 5,000 baseless pesos if you watch the stream for that amount of time achievements are steamed not the game yeah but potentially it could still be messing with the steam or with Skyrim's processes the stream has gone so far off topic I mean the good news is and we're still breaking the game we've stayed within that general thematic column the yes could have been from you completing all the achievements oh that's true I'm pretty sure it's not how it works but that's true I'm quite positive that's not how it works but that is that could be true okay I think it was about here that I started and I started the quests I will try that in a little bit spaghetti snack I just have a few things to try first okay starting all quests do you get to the district very long the infinite thank you fell what am I saying of course you don't okay and I'm clicking all the okay's okay we're turn wait okay now we turn into a werewolf okay ready yep it's all according to plan it's all according to plan could you just input a command to complete the specific quest that triggers the yes if anybody knows what quest triggers the s that I can I can do that manually so now we wait I can't move anyway I think it's Meridius beacon Oh agent McMuffin I totally missed that thank you man Jim in the infinity 100 bits and Davy as I said we will sing Brazilian national anthem soon it's my day as beacon if anybody finds the quest ID for that I can totally start and complete that quest specifically I just don't have it up right now obviously you did not click the first okay one starting quest ok I know I don't you did not click the first to play and see me following it exactly is gonna have a big difference it's possible quest ideas Dao 9 ok what are what is let me try this first now we'll see what the command is to start and finish that quest ok so we're here just like normal I did TFC sure mara DiBella kynareth akatosh Divine's please help me wait they switched places there's definitely not the police there this is way out of water he's supposed to say this way later okay now I do khaks right something to do with this tax now okay tax now everybody get your guesses ready this could be it oh yeah and I need to be ready with clicking okay okay we can do this I just need to play the best Skyrim of my life go looking clicking clicking the mouse is gone got it clicking got it he's deceiving you okay first half yes [Music] [Music] world record world record time you talked over the second yes oh yeah I kind of ruined it but that's fine let's see if maybe we get a bonus one because it's still going when the ritual is complained the skull will be free okay [Laughter] [Music] [Music] we've gotten pretty often [Music] yeah we got the second secret [Music] silly Sammy you called it well I could turn it into a donation sound hold on well audacity work I know cuz I could record that sound make it the donation sound and then we get to hear it constantly for the rest of this stream test assess test oh it should be going it should record how do I record the freaking the sound comes from starting quest to bro Tama what I'm trying to do right now is record my I'm trying to record the sound so I can watch the clip record it because I'm streaming so it's like that recording is already taken I stopped going to eat Olive Garden on stream for $25 or not yeah Eddie you're asking the real questions wait I could download the clip and then I could put that into from here and I could export that ok yes yeah ok wait hold on keys you clip that longer did I immediately start playing something sorry this is I know we're getting a little bit off track but the clip is perfect I guess we could just leave it at that length this is going to be the donation sound so like it needs to conclude yes yeah yeah I guess I will leave it there ok so now I'm gonna download this Eddie I guess ok how do i download the freakin clip sorry to get so off track everybody but this is important for deemed ban Eddie hey Eddie sorry buddy I got a ban you you have to ASMR eat the food on stream next time though I don't want to do that Eddie let me think about it I'll get back to you because we could do it on the next stream still be New Year's but in the meantime goodbye old friend ease in the chat 4head e buck bang us I don't want too much fat in my chat how do i download it Oh demo sorry any one second here [Music] oh wait he's unbanned sorry I was looking I'm opening up the thing in in premier so that I can export it Oh hells dodo okay you're back in what's the first thing you're gonna do Eddie are you gonna use this newfound power [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] okay why's it so quiet oh it's going on my speakers that's what doesn't matter okay yeah no this stream got way off track yes yeah okay I need to make me a little quieter this is too much just like even it you know yes just ends on me clapping such a terrible donation noise yes yeah okay water and emote only Jesus Christ Hey all right emote only I'm drinking water we also got to do the Brazilian national anthem what a what a stream what a great time they're all having Cheers all right now I got to export this [Music] oh you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna add reverb on it where the hell is effects controls [Music] all right almost sorry give me like one more minute room size room size decay get more wet yes yeah weight-wise not it should be hmm how do I keep the reverb going on hmm hmm I think the reverb is stopping cuz the clip is stopping and I'm gonna I just stretch you out like that yeah probably as a matter alright I think it's been a minute thank you very much for the water and the emote only mode I really do appreciate it you're all wonderful all right so I'm exporting this as the sound [Music] okay I'm gonna go I'm gonna make it a WAV file this is such a waste of time it's unbelievable okay so now I should just have this yes [Music] and then I whole lot all my [ __ ] is closed when we pull everything back up close from here but we'll play some Skyrim in a sec um here let me pull you give you guys Todd Howard again do you get to the go district very long I need to what am I saying of course you don't okay and then I need to go dr. Fisk oh thank you very much man I hope you're enjoying the gameplay even though I literally have not played any Skyrim today okay we go to stream Labs we go to stream labs and we log in and then I change the donation sound alert box yeah [Music] I'll keep subscriptions I'll do it for for donations [Music] hell is the yes okay yes is over here I drop it in I'm not showing this on stream because there's sensitive information but let's do a test donation what no it's wrong one I'm a bit didn't save it so this is a test donation $4 okay don't wait nobody donate nobody donate yes yeah okay I think it should work now if somebody donates 25 bits and does Texas Beach it should do the new yes sound use this version it sounds better I can fix it later for right now this is already taken down so much time Yas Queen what it says it's it's yes wave oh no come on yes is there like a particular hopefully this doesn't show any sensitive stream information is there is there something I have to do to freaking alert variations is it doing no these are all the same why is it doing that that bit noise instead of my yes yes Save Changes I did Save Changes there's a bit stab I'm in the bits tab see this is bits it's also true for donations why is it not yes yeah yes yes this is so much yes oh what a monster [Music] it's how works for donations I don't buy said bit why is it doing that yes no no Sarah no so sorry but no maybe because there's text to speech stream labs stream labs bits not using right noise okay this was November dude I don't know if somebody knows how to fix this then I'm all ears brother wise maybe I'll just change the subside for now and then we'll move on I think shears and donates are different yeah I mean I'm I'm in the little bits thing but it does not a pretty working at this point we've gone so far off track there's probably going to save at the bottom of the tab yes yes wait Eddie did I say at the bottom of the tab yes okay well I'll just change tubs to [ __ ] it yes all right perfect and with that in very important tasks out of the way how many um how many ways have we broken the game at this point update your alerts browser link that's fine it's clearly working because it's the same six out of ten oh okay so sack was six out of ten okay so to recap number one was to kill everybody no-no-no number one was to kill the horse this is a test donation for yes dollars yes thank you no prowl I now bequeath you yes now did you change the default alert or variations the default learn never plays Oh interesting okay sorry let me try this for their 500 people what are you doing why are you guys watching this I haven't even played a video game today okay so so I'll go to bids solution so you're saying that it gets that the default these are the variations right allure variations so I need to do yes edits I see what you mean so maybe if I just disable those so it's probably defaulting to these so I disabled disabled disabled disable this why not watch IIT and now if I say if I did save notice that I clicked for the Save button so theoretically now that all the variations have been closed I didn't know that they do they don't tell you that they have those open theoretically a 25 bit text-to-speech should trigger the yes here we go here we go yes it's all worth it we have done yet [Music] baby birds fathers Thank You hermit creeper Thank You star tonight [Music] or come on yes it's great every single time this is probably gonna get super [ __ ] annoying in about ten minutes but for right now yes [Music] yeah it's way funnier to me when when the woman yells yes and then IAL yes and then the text-to-speech yells gasps there's just so much good what a good good stream okay thank you miles thank you very very much yes yes miles [Laughter] thank you all they're all being very generous I appreciate it Neptune 'red has also ask to be fanned so can we please get an F in the stream for the boy neptune 'red [Music] yes Godspeed my friend good luck out there out in the end the vast scary reaches of twitch yes yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you guys for the very kind for the very kind donations yes yes yes [Music] this is such a good video game stream no no no no no no no no no yes yeah I enjoyed this abuse of power [Music] it's time yeah yes sir do you guys hey thank you does anybody here want to sing the Brazilian national anthem yes are you do you do maybe yes let's get it going then everybody please remove your hats out of respect [Music] get your yeses out and remove your hats [Music] are there lyrics [Music] [Music] [Music] on AUSA pitot or propia pedo de amor de esperanza torrontés game Sam - oh so creepy though the Montes de Cruzeiro Gigante la broke hero mis Pelotas workday [Music] genteel Patricia prata Brazil I'm gonna look at the English lyrics the rest of this is this an inside joke don't know somebody somebody paid to do these Brazilian accent bombers funky stuff [Music] eternally lain on a spider cradle by the sounds of the sea and the line of the dive sky gazelle the garlic America illuminated by the Sun of the new world [Music] who knows Lindos Campos costume might know somebody you don't know to say oh my sonorous Dontos how much longer is this Sado I said who's they before [Music] all right let's play video games oh and I need yes have you played a hat in time no you should use the Snider's muahaha fool voice line as the sub knows I've not it sounds cool though yes thank you thank you to everybody who's donated bits there's a lot of people I'm sure I've missed most of them but a general thank you my my emotions my heart sings in Spanish or French I wish that our Kelly song wasn't copyrighted so we could see the my body says no or my brain says no but my body a body Skyrim's body definitely says yes ok what are we doing next there's a cup there's like two ideas that people suggest I got to do next okay shouts doing Alda Wiens meteor spam all right let me try that first then we're gonna remove the the chopping block and then there is like freezing and firing people thank you mr. McCracken thank you yes to everybody who has as donate I appreciate it shave your pedo mustache this is a man's mustache right freeze something with the weather hey Doc hey guys faders up remove your cart so we've done remove cards wait no have we done remove Kurt I don't think we have okay so this one is yeah can you leave the country ooh any any day now okay so dragon storm call use console to teach player dot teach word to five to see three okay we know dragon fire and fire breath and fireball okay now we do player dot add shout for c-40b for the nuke aversion okay the thing is I don't I don't think we can use the shout yet yeah you can't use the shout I don't think I can't press Z so I don't know if we can I don't know if we can force the the friggin Krauts somebody donated nothing happened they got the pizza things wait when did you order it Skyrim was fine until you came along Empire was nice and lazy looking for you stolen that horse and then halfway to Hammerfell did you actually order pizza do how do we how is there already points for that I thought that was gonna take like weeks uh wait there's like a requests thing review requests queue Doug bans you oh I have to Bant do there's so many of these Doug drink some water Doug bans Effie away it was this today was all this today no no this is in the past all right well you didn't try to order a pizza but just like have all these this just that there's just garbage hankies for you have I banned you yet if you don't tell me that I've banned you I assume that I've banned you otherwise I probably forgot you there you and me we shouldn't be here so the storm closed the Empire once I did must have glitter don't think so can I be on bed yes once water you front I thought I did drink water I just haven't I had a hard time keeping track of everything because the stream is constantly screaming yes I was doing the Brazilian national anthem was also drinking water the leader of the rebellion what does one consider a spork I trust you to make good judgment here yes so forcing a shout I don't think works kill the archers that kill the horse theme wait what no this can't be they kill the horses well we've already killed people so so yeah spaghetti snack those so I'm gonna try this one by a spaghetti snack and then if this works oh is this a mod what do you care okay so this would be a model I'm gonna try this later if we can't just do ten breaks it said the last two I got were unbanned oh I need to mod it right sorry sorry Eddie there you go Eddie's a mod again you're wrong mr. McCracken's downloaded skyrim specifically to export the original voice line d dude this is awesome all right I might have to update it with that later thank you for all right so the manually adding a shout unfortunately doesn't work because I can't trigger the shouts before I actually get gameplay control next we're gonna try removing the chopping block and seeing if that move the chopping block and see if that prevents the the cinematic for finishing we like your yes that's true me me following up by screaming but I could I could add my scream on top of the real version repairs it's been ten times net you know we are we've broken it six times so we need to do four more hero walls have you considered at all just like in general or for something specific I mean I I guess I've considered it I don't have any attention on taking at all there okay so I should do it right now right alright so I will TFC out I'm gonna remove what is it could do mark for delete how do I remove the chopping block disable right aha there we go so I'll remove the chopping block and the box and then somebody had a command to remove the axe right from the executioner does anybody remember what that was perchance is it realistic that someone collects 100 million bezos pesos I mean technically I think click on executioner okay thank you and tape on equip a loops a a seven D six on equip is not a command it's a disarmed this arm is not a command do you remove all items oh that work remove all items that okay theoretically theoretically that would clear it I don't think it's possible to earn 50 K points yeah barn isn't at 50 K points it use sex change on the executioner I don't think is that a thing in this game okay so this attempt we have removed the chopping block and the basket and the axe and let's see if the game still works here we go yes well I want to leave it at this first of just removing tracking block we can start messing what the sex is after thank you very much appreciate I do not know [Music] try unequip all Fenton were fire love stare down the lists Ulfric Stormcloak need some variety in your Lords I do no care of roller extend no I'm not a rebel you can't do this archers wait you there step forward these by the way these are all great ideas of what to do oh I should have unequipped the bow it's a really good idea sir fortunately I read that too late but for this attempt it's just about removing the ability to execute the dude and see if that works all right you with one of the trade caravans Khajiit your kind always seems to find trouble Doug's a furry I'm not afraid but unequip was you was definitely not on the list forget the list he goes to the block don't spoil the opening yeah guys no spoilers please I'm sorry we make sure you um main set on two elsewhere follow the captain prisoner okay so this is the part where they're definitely missing what they need to progress I don't know if it's gonna break it I don't think it'll break it I think I think it'll just think it's still gonna work it'll just like look wonky and restore the peace seems like a really shitty justice system it's nothing I think it's safe to say they don't have a proper justice ism they're gonna read why sprites this guy is gonna interrupt and go just get on with it already all right now what happens we did pretty hands like my Mac thank goddess yes [Music] so they just stop they all have swords they have bows they are fully able to kill this dude they don't need a [ __ ] block [Laughter] [Music] [Music] that's it man it is so [ __ ] easy to break this game goddamn well I guess that's another attempt done I don't know what else we could do you didn't crash yeah yes to the justice system in sky to the justice system I say yes I guess this breaks it I mean I'm not saying that the game has to crash I'm saying that it never allows me to play and as you can see I cannot play I cannot move I'm a can look but I can't move never unequip them goes well silly now kill the dragon do the shouts I can't I can't move that's the whole thing I can't move right now I can't shout I can't use items nothing your hands are bound is there a way I can kindly break free somehow no I can't t see all out of here can i I'm trying to think of if I could somehow use the dragon show I could talk to Helghan exterior okay my hands are still bound though yes yeah replace everyone with spoons okay yeah yeah thank you ace of spades I really appreciate it man spawn a troll real quick I'm a kid spawn all sorts of things you'd give huge holes in here this is the way sky rose like so okay I'm gonna count that as a win not this but when we took away the executioner's block that is it wiggle Thank You Jones Oh player controls oh ok need to be God I am true the game crash ok I count that as a win I think that the thing about enabling player controls the entire challenge here is to kill is to prevent the game from letting me play so if I force the game to let me play that is forcing me to lose the challenge so I like the spirit of it but I think we can successfully say that we did we did beat that one so that's seven we need three more so you want a soft flop the game or crash we crashing it is fine the good news is we can spawn stuff now so we can start spawning guys are there any requests of who to spawn as we are playing [Music] sex-change everybody we gets exchanged everybody - I guess I guess first its Xchange really an option like a command in this game I'm just surprised that they have that Audrey Oh ogner run QQQ what Howard yeah yes so can I spawned the ignore me help help what was his own are what was his incorrect name in the game cuz I'm pretty sure it's not odd dark ignore Michael QQQ words yes just type one you can few thousand cheese oh geez got it yo le boo thank you very much man too much appreciated yeah yeah yes indeed damn [ __ ] right player dot place at me can I place cheese I actually don't know if I can one two three six so so this run right now we are trying to do a run where we spawn things to break the game can I make ten cheeses what if there's a thousand cheese's okay that slowed the game down a bit yeah games not liking that oh yeah sorry we're gonna use sex change might not matter I'm at a broken the game already it also isn't letting me use the console or minimizing is the stream even still working my computer is completely frozen oh there we go [Music] thanks Todd okay I don't want to count that I if we're spawning things we got to do it in a way that softlocks the game it's too easy to just crash it by selling stuff call an airstrike wait so what is cute okay sorry I'm going out of order I apologize next is doing sex change so I'm gonna start the cinematic we're gonna try changing every sexes oh sorry I'm still getting over a cold so I blow my nose but you didn't break it you cheesed it you're fired okay so what happens like if we change this guy's sex this isn't real is it sex change yes yeah yeah I was hoping all the cheese would knock the cut off the road I mean it did knock the sky rim off the windows 10 okay Skyrim okay Walt only changed his body his face is still this is the exact same face is that what the command does it keeps the head look it looks like the head is sewn on [Music] thirty soon [Music] beautiful [Music] take a look take a look how did the did the plastic surgery go no let's just I just want to get an understanding of how this this head is actually attached it's like not a me it's not a mask because the body doesn't have a head it's just from the waist down well am I still playing okay where this is still a live run okay so using sex change the worst dogs he's yes if we don't count the cheese we cannot count the crash that gave us this beautiful sound better well okay it counts I would like to do a more interesting I would like to do it a more interesting variation of spawning things so let me say that it counts but I want to do some alternate versions of breaking the game by spawning stuff I'll frame it like that because you are correct okay let me um let's say let's change this horse first off can anybody please tell me what yes a wool of cheese [Music] yes yeah 69 song requests what song oh yes thank you [Music] Erica German song is this a copyrighted song okay it doesn't look like it okay I mean it's it doesn't seem like there's a total consensus here but let us sing the beautiful song of Erica as we change the gender of every single horse and human here wait no no I should wait I should wait until everybody I'll change the horses gender but then I'll wait for everybody else until we're in the town so let me just do the horse first let me do the richer's I'll do this worse okay the front one sex change okay still just looks like a horse to me that horse is not willing to drive a cart with this [Music] [Music] [Music] okay as far as I can tell it actually has not broken the game we seem to be okay we just lost a few people along the way well no there where we just good I think we're just good we're missing a cart and also the first guy in the horse okay we lost a few people but I think we're actually good all right so once we get still making that Mead well he was sweet on a girl but that girl's could be a boy pretty soon so once once we stop at the part yeah yes if you woke you try cross-border walked into ambush like us in thief lochia Stormcloaks bad skyrim good until you come and pie lazy and nice thank you for family felt you you and me should be not here only Stormcloaks we in binds thief imperial soldier what's wrong wrong watch tongue you speak to a freak hiking dagger song is considered be some to be a nazi fan parrot or just to be safe could you could you please request like a video game song of some kind i would like to play it somewhat safe at answer somebody's earlier question it's not about you can play copyrighted music it's just your vodka tu did so that's what I'm worried about I want to honor the song request but I'd like to keep it to safe things so now that we are floating I will change the genders of everybody here and theoretically it'll still work because it doesn't actually appear to be affecting the gameplay and I don't think people's heads change so we should be able to do this fin parrot or do you have a another song let them leave the cart first okay yeah we can do the cart oh it's fin parrot or decision why do you think end of the line okay let's go shouldn't keep the gods waiting for us face your death with some courage it was popular before the Nazi Party got it okay now we are off the cart all fire loves their damned lists let's change some sexes we must work delicately precisely here we go [Music] sex-change beautiful all freaks Ulfric I like that it's like a clearly like a noble I love that the head does not change okay all right look and beefy all right we're all off what do you got this is actually this is great to see like what models it changes it - all right what's everybody got for all off do you think ralof is gonna be is he gonna be like a noblewoman is he gonna be kind of more of a farm woman you know maybe like an innkeeper now just a soldier it's hard work okay okay but let's change everybody I can't remove the bow because that is that's part of the lot that's part of the last it's so good that the that the head doesn't change at all it really ties it together okay and then this is the guy who shoots them though so I'm curious if changing the sexes will change anything there and then the horses wait is that the same horse do we double flip the horse sex yeah thank you fun people damn seven let's appreciate it man thank you yeah I need executioner okay okay and then executioner all right what do you got what do you guys predict for this I don't know if they have an executioner model for women who what well is he or her now I guess what okay and then okay it's just general Tullius now let's get totally ascend here - I think he's the last one oh can I not change him there's no way I can change Ulfric but not I can't change Tolia see you there step forward one sec I gotta play the game okay everybody's sex has been changed that I can so what my friend is it's beautiful [Music] [Music] okay I don't picked a bad time to come home to Skyrim dude okay what does everybody think you guys think the game is gonna work this game might still work I don't know how dude this is the face of someone who has seen some [ __ ] up [ __ ] that's in the chat you know what let's let's just let's get consensus here is the game gonna break as a reminder the way that this works if you look back at my beautiful art which is labeled as art so that you know it's art we've gotten successfully from the cart to the character maker and we have to go through the full executioner seen and have aldimine come up and then we'll we'll be free I don't know if it's gonna go I really don't know I don't think it'll my sense is it's not gonna actually work [Music] oh also Phin parrot or did did you have a backup all right so it's like 50/50 okay what I will do I will change all doing sex when when he arrives I don't know if that changes your votes not that this matters anyway okay generally people think the games gonna work let's find out captain what should we do she's not on the list forget the list she goes to the block captain I'm sorry at least you'll die here in your homeland follow the captain prisoner look at that God look at that just beautiful Nordic woman I always say I'm not I know you know no exclusionary or derisive jokes of any kind here it's the only thing that is is messing with me is the fact that the heads aren't fitting on to the bodies wait maybe I can change maybe inch inches no maybe he was like locked before now dude man toe leus is just impervious to stuff which is weird because all trick is also weight no horse steve is dead crap that might have ruined it click on Alda Weena's new set tres Nord or summaries well want to try sex change like this this should just be pure sex change these news and Teddy's who's not here okay change the chopping block sexy I could call sex change okay so they're all looking over at him hey what are you doing here excuse me I can't okay the game is 100% softlocked what I dug this is fanfare adore starring request grant that for auto song well this isn't this isn't this is also copyrighted just because Grand Theft Auto 5 radio songs are just licensed so we could count this as a victory I kind of wanna I kind of want to like reset it and actually let the cinematic play out oh here is what this is him right you walk if they want the whole way okay I think we're good it's is his sex been changed it looks like it's not how the [ __ ] did he get back here okay man I'm glad I didn't reset it okay sex change there we go okay this now is the question will this beautiful human being get executed by that beautiful human being here we go oh you you swung a little bit right okay maybe they're still gonna execute I'm not now the game's [ __ ] broken I'm such a glimmer of hope the faculty walk the fact that he was just like back here by himself and was just like yeah better catch up and get to this execution walked by himself all the way back over and stand in front of the maybe if I changed the executioner sex back it'll work properly okay so the question is can we fix this can we fix this by well he has the axe now at least you should maybe not I fixed this if I if I change their sex is back god that is just how I kinda keeps like not clicking the right yes okay so he's back to normal yeah ring j5 thank you very much man I appreciate it ah dude that my friends is number seven turns out that changing everybody's sex will in fact break the intro to Skyrim we did it me bro thank you very much [Music] King croc in song and wild I don't even know what that song is right execution by doing nothing the highest sentence ever [Music] now this is podracing that was incredible thank you [Music] so we I mean we broke the game I guess um hmm guess guess I guess that worked that's number seven or was that there's that eight those eight kill him--kill who just kill everybody oh you're saying kill the guy and maybe I'll continue okay well let me change the executioner back and if I kill maybe the the the cinematic will continue you did the sex change made an animation broke because you stopped the animation okay so should I I mean we could restart it oh okay looks like this is working okay we're back in we're back in not sure about that he walked up he walked to his own execution and then just stood there so as soon as Alduin pops up i will change the gender as long as everything has had its sex changed then this counts as breaking okay wait what what do you see I can't [ __ ] okay come on okay I just barely can click out the Ravens tail I can't see it for some reason TFC is not working okay I guess I have to okay this guy's f f:0 okay sex change and maybe aldimine sex will actually do something okay okay I think he's stuck oh we did it [Music] it's like a [ __ ] gargoyle how do I can't leave okay I can't even removing even doing free camera won't like kind of trying to fight it even free camera won't let me look around it's like that broken right now was it an able player controls still nothing it's this game is so [ __ ] messed up right now I can't even look around I can't look I can't do anything you cue [Music] what does it do QQQ okay no well we did it that's number eight so we got two more right oh we can spawn stuff but that still counts as the the cheese spawn one Nate turned everyone into Jenkins into analogy one into a giant talking what do you say run advance for L doing into a giant or work oh that's interesting wait wasn't that wasn't that number eight someone requested a Mario Odyssey song [Music] [Applause] sorry one second just look at Todd's beautiful face I'm like looking through the notification things it's like dude it's like all freezing what the [ __ ] you like today okay there we go wait now it says for the Gateway so far okay so what have we done so far so number one was that we number one was that we killed the horse and that caused the cart to break and the number two yeah let's let's recap yes I didn't knew that was number eight number nine then okay one was killing the horse to was speeding up the game and that rotated that rotated the game yeah well what day the art could call will make it even RT er okay so this goes though this worst one was killed horse - was speed up the game and if anybody can remember the others I know that three was kill everybody block the gate at the start oh that's interesting that's a good one [Music] kill everybody that definitely worked [Music] what else with you oh yes yeah complete all quests they are moving the chopping block [Music] yes yeah replace everybody with sports well that is really good yeah I don't know how to replace things okay so that was 506 sex change 6 was yes no oh yeah a spawn cheese was 7 sex change I feel like we're missing one or is this everything so we need three more I thought we were gonna have to like go find mods we don't even need to dude everyone figure that's small oh yes sizing that was it [Music] all right we got to find two more which I don't think it's gonna be a challenge but so we could change people into stuff song request remove that's not a song I don't think I can do Steven universe I don't think I think that's also copyrighted like video games generally you have permission but like Steven universe is like from you know a major Network I'm not sure I can do that toxin you have a backup guys wanna be careful about getting a viewed not it the baud buted not the viewed mounted everyone is a dragon oh you put another oh sorry [Music] please welcome the game director of bet choose your is race as a song series in its three years comes back it already it was incredible slap it's on you escape the wagon or none away maybe dies while this is going on how do I switch models [Music] the console I assume there's a couple [Music] show race menu [Music] everybody is Todd Howard I don't know if there's a there's got a song is great there's any race into Todd Howard I just don't think that there's a Todd Howard model in this game you can use set race for changing [Music] [Music] here we go [Music] a show character menu for sure race when you're right okay what's gonna happen okay so what happens we change over happens we changed our race a whole bunch right now [Music] what are we looking at right now [Music] I think we're looking at some dick [Music] you guys have any preferences maybe an orc do it what else it's being or your dance a liver okay we're going to Bethesda Janet Bethesda ring j5 with the gift that Thank You ring j5 appreciate you bringing feza into the Doug Doug we're definitely inside somebody's skirt except that like don't exist what is happening [Music] sorry I'm gonna call it on the song thank you very much talking all right um showing the race menu might break the intro right maybe we just need to show again yeah oh well there he is I was totally misinterpreting this new Asian I thought he was invisible turns out he was in the wheel of the cart maybe a new sheet we'd be better right now you guys have any um oh yeah okay we could be an Argonian yeah it's being Argonian this time oh these are presets wait yeah yeah no no this seems pretty relevant I don't know how much the hair is really gonna break the game I'm not late right no I haven't been streaming in fact I'm not live hello barn we're just as you can see I'm just playing Skyrim I got to the character creator so right now I'm just picking what hairstyle I want and you know now that I've done that I think we're all set I'm literally in the cart driver hold on could I see my face damn you Stormcloaks Skyrim was fine until you came along Empire was nice dude where am I yeah we can only see me if we changed the character race otherwise I am gone but it's not broken yet what's wrong with him you later good Momo change your sex is what can you do you mean like in the race menu like that the race menu I think I'm like slipping a little further into the cart every time all right let me change let me change the the sex but we'll also let's go back to ork and that will change all right beautiful beautiful beautiful yes Ulfric okay so there's no you're the leader of the rebellion man they captured they put they put hair on that texture your character might be under the world following the cart so I cannot look left or right right now this can't be theoretically the game is still working hey we recognize Todd Howard horse thief barn with with the gifted suction a ninja ninja welcome back buddy that's now six straight months that you've been gifted welcomed by gold and pepper district II really appreciate you sits on the classic [Music] thanks weekday fun does gifting subs change the points general Tully's the military governor what are you doing exactly we're just I feel like it's come on pretty obvious what's going on here playing a little bit of Skyrim yeah order pizza yet no I think barn is saving up for it thundergun five seven five nine thank you very much ma'am I appreciate it I hope you're enjoying this incredible Skyrim gameplay right there I don't if you look very closely you can see some Skyrim suite right from there yeah right about there yeah you can see it right there like Shane's the driver well sex change is a separate one right when I was a boy imperial walls and towers can't believe ninjas yeah he just cares that much he has often stated how much he likes this stream he likes it so much that he never can pull himself away from the content to go type anything to the chat that's why we've never seen him talk so what are we doing exactly they're trying to break the whoa oh I'm back okay so theoretically the game is working why do you think end of the line I can't look left or right so something is wrong if the gods waiting for us what I can't move where am I now I'm being executed and now I can look left and right I am so I'm in a rock somewhere oh it's auto-saving perfect where am I hold on let me free the camera okay okay the [ __ ] am i Oh help me elegance over here okay are they late are they looking for me for anything okay that guy's running you just got shot everybody else is continuing I guess this wasn't unusual for them oh I can't look left or right again okay something I'm not I'm not doing anything I think it's trying to put me into the execution animation I can't move I can't your characters back where you last opened the men you know that that was a different road this is a different fork in the road you're walking forward to make your character oh yeah that's true but why did it do the execution animation though I think it broke I think it's safe to say the game isn't working correctly and that I'm not gonna be able to play as I would like maybe showing the race menu again will help I don't have arms but that's fine oh now I have arms the character is walking too I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to happen I always be a cat okay that did not help okay I can't I can't look left or right with TFC this is one of those situations where the games getting less and less happy with what's happening load the autosave oh that's a really good idea okay so I could all say I should also try warping back to helghan I could caulk to help him that's the teleportation spot ah okay so I should do all right so I'll load the autosave no because this is this save us from mrs. Talia's I don't think it actually autos wait that's right here okay I can look around that's good I'm still in this rock I don't only gotta help maybe I'll talk to Helgen I'll get an exterior okay we're gonna Helghan now I just still can't move okay there's general Tullius pretty sure that the game is broken [Music] I can't look left or right I can't move okay it must be trying to get me to go to the race menu I guess yeah barn the idea is I need to prevent the game from letting me play so like there's the you think I can make it into open arch No I think they're killing the first guy right now Oh what was everybody running Sgt M see how to fix it with commands now wait oh I can't move with the camera this is not going well time to go oh if I do TCL I should be able to walk through now disable the wall I don't know if I can I don't think I can just disable the entire wall I may be it the problem is that the no clip that's what TCL does can we please see a ganar we can go we'll say hi to October 4 stream ends because this is free cam right now but it literally won't let me move left or right double speed SG t CL but deselect and the game is pretty [ __ ] up right now double-click to remove the selection wait what what do you ohh oh god I got it it looks like I'm still that's weird that I'm still colliding then TCI well nothing that making the game moved 10 times as fast can't fix here we go this is the way Skyrim was meant to be laid I still can't move all right I'm moving back to Halligan exterior okay well not if we reset can we can we make it to the archers are gonna do the same path every time it's the same path every time I think no it's definitely the same damn sham 50 I don't know if you could do 50 oh you can do 50 so maybe I do 10 now took it away and now I go back to 50 and I'm trying to get through that doorway here we go oh I guess the goal now is to oh goal is to get to through the arch alright here we go alright now I go just 250 come on Oh no there's a lot of things flying around look at maybe I go maybe I go down to ten I go to one I go to a hundred I can't get past the squalid oops I did 509 talk too much I don't think you'd get past this do ten the beginning about 100 yeah we're just playing Skyrim if you're wondering so back to the helmet exterior so I'm gonna do a hundred right here and just shoot through there we go Oh ease [Music] well I'm gonna go ahead and say that um we broke the game we broke the [ __ ] game bar that was that was just with race meant you that was just showing to raise money [Music] [Music] we've done nine out of ten early dragons is the last one well that would count as spawning so we've already done spawning something we have to we have to break it in a different way but a fov we did fov it didn't break the game it just made it look weird does kill everyone and horse count is to really so we voted on it I left the speed really high stop breaking our game I'm pretty sure that we're playing normally nothing there's nothing wrong with those de the other thing to worry about see there's hella good Todd why do you get so paranoid Todd this is the way that you meant the game to be played so I do need to chain change the the game speed back wait hold on I need like a real banger of there's like really loud banging dryers banging dryer doesn't sound very good dryer with a brick washer final spin all right well anyway just everybody imagine that I made the sound effect of a washing machine right now and it was really funny great job this is back at normal speed he's stuck the landing the [ __ ] are we I love this game but we lost the horse but otherwise we're all there oh we're outside Hogan dude that was a nice save okay sorry game is the normal speed that one didn't count because we've already done number two was speed up so that that falls into that category now let's play some [ __ ] Skyrim so what do we want to do for number ten ideally we do something fun try ty what is ty do it's toggle AI collision right we try it out we try ty let orangy crash the game we mean escape with hands bound you cannot do that I know cuz I watched the mitten squad video about it Oh block the door yeah I could be good how you launch the Kart you can escape with hands bound that's a speedrun really hey you this chap in behaving today yeah now that's been good barn you I don't know why there's much people order the dumbest is the worst dream of all time here block the door with cheese wait wait hold on I actually don't know if I can spawn that would fall under spawning though anyways Stormcloaks skyrim was fine until used TT to remove all trees is that real that's not real right this is gonna do something bad Empire was not do anything all tree is now cold still have that horse have been happy amber all trees now I'm not cold I'm not seeing anything happening to the trees should be here trying to coal trees doing anything anyway to manipulate gravity I can manipulate jumping for sure okay so I toggle the AI processing now it's back on what's wrong with wow that just breaks it that's just straight-up breaks okay yeah that one was boring this restart alright so technically we have another one for for the list but we got to do something exciting for number ten that's literally just preventing anybody from moving so it's kind of kind of lame can't change gravity yeah I don't think you can change gravity I think you can just there might be a way to like shoot everybody up into the air click on the carton right set posi 3000 oso is that gonna shoot it into the air we've done bigger or smaller command 4 ok I will check that list set pause e so if I free set pause Z and I said to like 300 does that work at all oh wait it didn't it didn't command didn't wrk do last one with the mod yeah we could do a mob potentially yeah set palsy does not seem to work does my Bezos pace as a reset eventually I don't think so please make it ignore related we can try it the problem is that we've already broken it by spawning things so we have to come up with like slightly more creative hey you finally awake you were trying to cross the border extreme weather conditions well that would be really do try push actor away famous us and that does not seem to do an answer it's no big guy room was fine until you came along Empire was nice and lazy push actor away 14 10 okay I got it still with that horse oven halfway to Hammerfell what happened let's do it again run it back okay wait okay now we're reading a book I guess wait no is this rail off am i trail off I don't know what's happening [Music] what is going on Thank You Oprah everybody speaking [Music] so I guess if you die during the intro then you respawn at Helgen and everybody spawns together in the cart that's lovely that's [ __ ] lovely even all your own all right son you Barney click it away oh you already did yeah yo phone will appreciate that emote only well this definitely is number 10 that we can we killed ourselves the first [ __ ] minute so I think speeding up the game a lot maybe it will help fix this at this point I think we can all agree that the only way to fix this problematic little situation we're in is to speed up the game dramatically okay yeah that's are people fighting well let's say let's speed this up just a little bit more it's get to 100 109 this is meant to be played [Music] [Music] I can't look around anymore European see a lot of passes [Music] okay I can no longer turn the camera the game might be broken yeah we'll do [ __ ] Hogan that'll probably fix this okay also won't it also is not letting me teleport TCL oh there we know well all I can do is move up and down I guess at this point all we can do is spawn some stuff what is burn what is ours name in the this is 9 he said cheese didn't count well no we we can replace cheese of another spawn one but it did count cheese counts but we should do another one Oh DARS that yeah sorry the incorrect name that the game has incorrectly done Oh dar [Laughter] oh here we go now this is the way that Skyrim was meant to be played I like that he's just sort of floating off I can't look at him because I still can't turn the camera but I'm sure this is fine let's get ten more and maybe get a hundred let's get a hundred more then again I can't turn left or right I am not exactly sure what's going on the rest of the of the city here but all I know is that this is the way scarf was meant to be played it's a beautiful glacier let's get 200 lower here Oh ignore please is a family friendly stream let's get a hundred more here there are one two three four five six seven eight eight hundred agar [Music] let's see the Empire try to take down the full Ogden Army this is an OGG nor gee we don't know exactly what's happening oh yeah [ __ ] I'll go exterior [Music] I can't move the mouse and it's not it's not playing the game I can't move my mouse outside of the game I can I can change windows though but that's I'm clicking the mouse I'm like I can't do anything okay taught our and you've done it again give it up for our daughter he saved Skyrim [Music] yes number one was killed a harsh - we speed up three was kill every round four was quests five was removed the chop block six with spawn cheese seven with sex change he was changed sizes nine was race menu in the final way to break the intro was to die beautiful [Music] yeah don't worry [Music] [Music] I do want to see what happens if we spawn things while the carts moving anything else planned for date now I'm probably gonna wrap up after this cuz my throat is still kind of dying but I'm gonna stream on Tuesday bonus round twitch tries to break the game ooh wait no I don't know how to do that so the issue I like the idea the problem is that I don't know how to be able to type in DirectX games buddies I seem to get bigger every time you go back to this picture I mean that's real dude O's in the chat for OGG gnar it's got [ __ ] up by that chlorine oh god oh god I'm so sorry it's the massacre our guitar No for well the good news is that there's plenty more ogner where that came from [Music] Oh God come on show some respect yes [Music] I don't think that there's enough organ are being spawn but still will do twice as many ogner a hundred they just don't care they just really do not mind well what's everybody's bets get your bets into chat now even though this is not a real bet how many organ are do you think I can spawn in groups of 50 until the cart doesn't continue its normal path here we go 1,200 infinity dude I think 50 I think it'll it'll knock over soon all right get your bets in here's the first fifty okay okay still good still good let's get 50 more I think one of these is gonna knock dude look at this oddly maybe they picked up a few organ are okay that they have to be getting bogged down 50 mark it's 150 actually they actually lost the are 50 more it's 200 [Music] oh no the horse okay now it's the perfect time for our daughter strike oh [Music] [Laughter] this is podracing all right the cart is backwards but it still appears to be moving correctly we are now at 250 on our 300 here we go okay the Argonaut attack the horse is still moving the cart could still get through the gate a little bit of a speed bump here [Music] okay right they've picked up three organ are but it's still good this is 350 okay the card is barely attached to the horse but it's going 400 at some point they might just crash the game 450 they didn't even spawn in its way 500 all these really not in the way this could be a problem no but Oh five-fifty I'm gonna doing groups of 100 650 [Music] 650 before the game crashes augghh NAR you never cease to amaze me [Music] change the player model [Music] okay we got it we gotta try what about using Giants to block it yeah we spot a few Giants wait do you think mammoths mammoths might work like mammoths might just straight-up block it do sex change on an augment this is the way Skyrim was meant to be played I also want to change my own race let me do that first okay here's what I'm gonna do once the game okay now I do player dot set race actually now we'll sit let's set his race yeah Ulfric what race you want to be how about dog race where's all Frick okay we gotta find all Frick he said him no oh God F's in the chat for dog Ulfric [ __ ] he killed the Hyde King and thought the Imperium just to die on the ground like a dog okay he can change his race here bare snow race no now once you die you're just a dog all right sorry is there any particular races we want to we want to turn some people into you dog Fox elk do you think we could you mammoth is mammoth in here here's here's what I want to try mammoth race here's here's my thought process when we when the guy runs forward and he's gonna die we turn him into a mammoth right before he gets executed and see what happens storm closely Empire once way I should probably restart it just to be safe because all furred Stormcloak is a dog right now bonus round twitch chat tries break the game just again I just don't know how do you change the race of the cart that is such a good idea and I'm gonna yeah let's real quick see if see if we can turn the cart into a mammoth yeah and then sex-change it obviously ok TFC I'm gonna get view of the cart so this is yeah okay I've got the cart and now I do set race mammoth race the question is will Skyrim still work if the cart is turned into a mammoth no it didn't work can we turn all Frick into a mammoth though yes Skyrim [Music] are you still going [Music] all right we have a plan we're gonna wait we're gonna make a new game we're gonna wait until the guy's about to be executed and we're gonna change him into a mammoth horse into a mammoth I think I think it's essentially would have the same effect which is that we would [ __ ] die see ah no I don't have a way to do that I like the idea by just on the way to do it Wulfric ma'am cloak part I like to think that I've enhanced the intro of the game so now we just have to wait and listen to the incredible iconic dialog that we all come to know and love this is the first stream that I've actually seen this is weird no just playing Skyrim we're fine look it up I've tried to do this I don't know how to do text typing within via Python for a DirectX game that's the issue you finally away speed up speed up runs the game right apparently you can also measure Awards oh yeah yes absolutely borrowed a thing here janou Stormcloaks skyrim was fine until you came along Empire was nice and please they hadn't been looking for you stolen that horse have been halfway to Hammerfell what's up shut up baby I know and we shouldn't be here it's the store load tiny kitty at once what's up we're just playing some standard Skyrim here as one wants to do we will wait we turn people into a dragon watch your tongue you're speaking to offering Stormcloak the true high king a week and a hundred cent turn people into dragons I want to do that effort speed game at 1.5 is fine okay you're the leader of the rebellion but if they captured you oh I don't know I don't trust this it's still looking pretty rickety hey what the village are you from horse what you care on Nords last thoughts Oryx did I'm as possible turn all the characters and their children or carts I can only turn it into I can only turn it into like character races there's a there's a link that the toxin was was doing but a basically listen it's all the characters you would think of rather than inanimate objects it doesn't appear that you can change them into inanimate objects I'm gonna do the normal speed now let's keep it working okay our goal see what happens to Skyrim when you turn you see executed dude into a mammoth wait wait hold on I could probably change the guy who's running into a mammoth right when I was a boy Imperial walls towers hey fifidragon okay I want to try mammoth because I feel like there's less of a chance of that that's ain't like ruining the game I miss a song if I miss the song let me know and I'll make sure to play it aligned change the horse into a mammoth I can do that the end I just want it I want to get to this scene first before I break everything God's waiting for us chase the dragon into a mammoth everybody's gonna be a mammoth cottage oh I miss Meg Lavanya okay I thought people are disbanding Meg's ammonia I will Ulfric Stormcloak y'all window it has been an honor yara lofric my request an anthem we did brazil when anthem requests y'all of one now what is gonna happen [Music] yeah one sec we get this Skyrim request really first let me just alright well let's watch this guy try to escape anyone else feel like running [Music] [Music] I will be a widow [Music] possibly leave the port on the trip Russian anthem earlier okay we will do that before the stream ends [Applause] [Music] okay that worked that did not break the game so next up we're gonna change the dude some here in Helghan call you a hero but a hero doesn't use a power like the voice to murder his king and usurp his throne you started this war once Skyrim into chaos and now the Empire is going to port you down and restore the peace what was that carry on wait wait should we make a moat a mammoth or a Skeever skeevers pretty good I don't mess with the I can't mess with the executioner cuz I know that I'll break it but we'll turn the dragon into a mammoth for sure and we'll sermon with mammoths we'll see what happens as we commend your souls to a serious blessings of the eight Divine's for the love of Talos shut up and let's get up as you wish okay once he hits the chopping block we're gone once his animation is done okay wait Mike sucking the executioner right now who am i selecting [ __ ] I gotta get closer okay yeah okay we got him set race to the mammoth the executioner is mid animation so this something will happen I think so then I just I don't TFT oh I do TFT yeah we're tipsy enough that we're just playing some typical Skyrim and then once the dragon comes we're gonna turn him [Music] died and he missed [Music] but the game is still working no they're all looking at him okay I might have to kill I might have to kill the mammoth manually because the axe missed ya there nobody's like concerned they're just they're just watching all right so let's let's let's do the dirty work of the executioner that's fine sir you do you imperial best okay the [ __ ] trunk okay okay once aldimine appears on the roof we're cooking I think I need to Emmitt to attack first all right wait what am i clicking no no that's not the right thing TFC no I can't I can't I can't move with TSE all I can do wait okay I think I got him all right we got we got our lloween what are we sending him to Mammoth he's dead fall off the tower all right what are odds that he falls off I really don't know cycle scroll the cycle ID but oh I didn't know you could scroll okay but we got him though I feel like he's gonna fall off and die 100 percent chance been falling off he might land he might land beautifully like some sort of mammoth ballerina dancer all right it's time for all doing mammoth eater won't work on him a hundred cent I think it'll work I think it'll work here we go [Music] now what do we do then we can change them into can we change him into anything mm-hmm you missed I don't think I missed scroll oh so I'll just go through all the things and sit there well he's gone our where he is I can't move enable player controls this is the way Skyrim was meant to be played [Music] I can't like I can't do anything wait so you can move I mean I'm waiting back oh there we go good call good call [Music] I can't it literally [Music] I the game might be broken respawn Emily good point if the game is frozen because Alduin isn't working properly then if we just insert a few albums were good [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't see him oh it's moving me okay so it must be one or two I don't see them I'll spawn more I still don't see any all there is [Music] I can't move [Music] Despero [Music] well let's keep going skip 50 [Music] let's get 50 more in here I'm gonna spawn Aldean's until either we see one or we kill that part [Music] we have to defeat that cart there's about a hundred and twenty al doings in Heligan right now [Music] [Music] I think we'd be Oh think we beat the card it's a cart dead I think the carts dead won't spawn 50 more aldo means and find out okay hasn't frozen yet let's get 50 more in here the game is technically moving we're getting about a frame a second well we've done this before but any bets on how many aliens until the game crashes enable sound a little bit yeah that's true let's hear it was here oh we're missing out on its feel like 75% let's go like 50% thank thank you start our debt low Colbert enjoy the Skyrim gameplay start on my body as they say in Skyrim yes still too much let's give it like ten percent sound alright thank you again to flow for the [Music] bits and sub look at the guard on the right who's just like looking up curiously at the youth literal 600 al doings in the sky now let's get the tire up theme going how many we at 102 care fifty more kill all I tried kill all you had a notification for bit buddy Oh like in the thing yeah potentially I don't know if that's it all right kill all here we go maybe this will do something Todd Howard you've done it a game [Music] think we've we've really flex to Skyrim like play-doh today so yourself is aldimine race to the beginning yeah okay will be the last one that's the last one will be we're gonna start the game we're gonna turn ourselves into Al doing and then that's it and I and hopefully this just works yes Doug I don't know how to tell you this Zeus the cat ran away he robbed me and left me he stole $20 and peed on my answering machine help me Doug you got me into this situation please find Zeus for me I am I am responsible for this food thanks for the update I'm gonna look into this [Music] okay and now you player dot set race Alduin race and we turn myself into the final boss and we died which means we actually beat Skyrim the menu all the other times you died it went forward [Music] [Music] let's go first then element okay that's a good call dude at the end it who would have thought that at the end of it all you know the whole Elder Scrolls game all it took to defeat Alduin was this cart I'm gonna turn up the sound in a second okay and then I'm gonna make myself really small yes yeah GG that's Skyrim as your boy Todd intended okay so first time we'll make myself really small set scale so I'll make myself like eight point two point three okay and now I set all doing is my own race what what some I think I'm dying I see blood on the stream think I'll do a mystery run the death by this card I think I probably have to set the skill now that I'm underneath the cart I'll set the scale up to ten awake you were trying to cross the book where am I Skyrim was fine well let's at least make this horse how do we do and the driver after the impaired person to see to envy [Music] this is south scatter this is bad to me like I think I think Halloween is like be spawned I think it doesn't appear until all right horse into a mammoth dude everybody's just disappearing that just ran them off the road [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was too much you try to [ __ ] with general Tullius that's it [Music] to honor the death of Skyrim was a Dutch was Dutch the one that was suggested or requested this anthem no Italy way different glad I checked ok good good thing I checked everybody please remove your hats out of respect as we sing the Italian national anthem same thing to be honest yeah I think there's still a legal dispute we're not sure if they're the same country yet this is four minutes I'm gonna will do will do a minute and a half of a wonderful Italian national anthem [Music] just eat I'm national anthem at alerts vitally vitally the Italia say that's Delta L ma de Skippy Oh Shiki Toma testa my Italians a little bit rusty don't rain Victoria lip orga oh it's like Star Wars Fatali de Italia l'Italia seis tell Modi's PP o JC Tala testa Borga change shaiiaja add aroma IDEO Lecrae oh that sounds extremely American no I I was born in Italy is I'm fluent morte siamo pronti alla morte Italian ciao Oh si si yes [Music] man singing these national anthems really makes you think about how wonderful the world is and if that I'm gonna be wrapping up the stream thanks everybody for the wonderful song I appreciate it that's it for today I'm gonna stream on Tuesday I'm probably gonna do zeldo is my plant and oblique and then get closer to finishing that that giant stream or the giant challenge which we've been doing for like eight days which is a long time for me [Music] what type of pizza you want on Tuesday is that happening on Tuesday [Music] sorry it's still 3.5 fairways maybe the - well it's not it's not really about what type of pizza I want it's more about what type of pizzas twitchchat want to order that is the entire point we need Doug Doug national anthem yeah we really do all right that's gonna be it y'all they'll be funny if Italy copyright strikes the screen no suit at night thank you very much man I appreciate it dude dev load oh thank you very much super generous you guys want to rate somebody you guys raid barn toys the back up that was a pretty cute stream SIA yes the whole country of Italy copy [Music] rape Bethesda is anybody playing Skyrim Irate Italy yeah that's good hold on whoo slash Italy [Music] Italy's offline right now is there anybody who is online who is Italian boy that is a long national anthem and I mean that with full respect Mario Mario's not online okay Todd our tis to our demo [Music] he knows red Bethesda italiano [Music] any other requests Luigi I think we've got all the big Stroud enjo oh wait now we can't see you can't you literally can't rate into any more raid the Dutch yeah let's take a call don't leave a Dutch go [Music] oh yeah [Music] who's gonna be [Music] well it's been a great stream I hope everybody's enjoyed I'll see you all on Tuesday and until next time hello give Luigi my regards [Music] you
Channel: DougDoug Culinary Universe
Views: 59,225
Rating: 4.8744884 out of 5
Id: AhlhvL4f0XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 15sec (13875 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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