Surviving OVERNIGHT in Hidden Apocalypse Survival Bunker! *ALIENS VS BUNKER*

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tonight we are going to be spending the night in our hidden haystack apocalypse bunker unfortunately we have no supplies so we're going to do some supply runs if we're going to survive the night and if at any point in the video you are eliminated and abducted by aliens you out because you're dead there's literally aliens outside there's colorado we're in toad red guys what is code red meat again code red means it means we're in danger it's happening i'm in danger in order to survive the night we have to go back outside to retrieve the food water and sleeping supplies another thing to know if you get shot by the aliens two times you're dead chris you want to go in the supply run first honestly i'm feeling a little blue about going outside wait chris can you turn the it back on red because my nose is about to bleed can you turn to green because i'm gonna fart you turn it to yellow because i'm gonna vomit okay so there's water food and sleeping utility so you gotta make sure you get at least one what's the most important i think uh probably probably water water i'm really thirsty right now yeah dude you just have honestly i'm a little bit hungry i think i'm going to go for the food okay good luck all right you're going to need it robert sign our kids i'm so scared okay hold down the fort for me i will this is my hero i'm just so inspired by his heroism hey i changed my mind i don't want to go first do you see anything no i'm just kind of scouting right now this is so scary dude okay so there's a barn right here we're gonna go check the barn first whoa do you hear that oh no oh dude dude get out of here i gotta find supply and then i gotta get back to the bunker the bunker is the only safe zone i found a backpack what's the food okay i got the food look out below dude it is so scary out there what happened i barely got the food i needed it all the way up the haystack so just if i died you guys would be able to get it but man i got hit once you know what you just did for yourself if we're talking minecraft rules if you eat something it'll heal you up so you know what chris take a princess my pringles are all crumbled at least you get a snack oh mine sounds crumbled just because you chucked it down the pipe if the aliens were chasing you you would do the same thing you know i like them crumbled jeff yeah we have water and sleeping supplies left to get this is my turn are you up to the plate are you the batter gonna hit the how many grand slam where there i counted two two but there could be more i mean i saw lots of shout outs guys i mean we're literally in the apocalypse right now there could be ufos flying over right now just dropping alien troops so i will go jeffrey good luck good luck guys good luck it was great knowing yeah boss go kick some alien booty you got it i'll take all them booties pull their butts fly out of this galaxy forever okay guys there's definitely a lot of extraterrestrial activity going on out here so we gotta be careful let's go this is creepy hello hello beep beep bop boop i'm trying to speak the language now okay i'm gonna go this way dude i know they're lurking out here i think i lost him dude okay so when i was over there guys by the barn i think i saw something so i'm gonna go grab it oh he's right here look at this backpack dude this one's heavy i think there's water in it because i got the water so i gotta i just gotta make it back to camp dude i'm terrified i'll be sneaky i'm gonna take a shortcut through the stadium [Music] they're watching me i can feel it i don't want to get pro i'm just going to make a run for it okay go with that go go go bro i was one inch to getting probed that's real close bro it was too close oh [Music] you have to ration it like this very very delicately watch the tv as i was saying ration it very [Music] delicately without water we would not have survived this is the elixir of endurance what are we gonna do we have to pee or poop down here we have to go outside yeah yikes so it looks like the last thing that we need to survive in here is sleeping materials we don't get those it's gonna be it's not gonna be that comfy in here so robert are you up for the task to get the cashing z slash counting sheep materials i will not let you guys down you got this robert robert listen there's two aliens out there maybe three when an alien gets close to you say bizarre twunk and they'll run away promise bizarre twunk all right get out of here get out of here bro do things heavy i'm not ready for this guys all right game plan i don't know what the game plan is i'm just gonna go wandering [Music] it's so much creepier visible because of their white space suit that light is so bright guys we got the sleeping supplies now to make it back we're going to cut to the barn why are you eating your chips nervously got a really long time it is true guys i think we've been waiting here for at least an hour robert has not returned it literally took chris and i had probably 10 minutes max to get the supplies but robert's has been gone do we need to accept the faith that he might just be gone i think so robert scott why are you crying is that pringles robert gone wait so that means that we don't have sleeping supplies for overnight you're so selfish it means he's dead you ding dong if he doesn't show up then we have all we have are these big joes and water bottles that you sprayed me with so i'm still wet and pringles i think we need to set up for the night bro should we yeah i think it is time to accept his fate oh no there's another stink bug dude are you freaking kidding me dude jeff coming in clutch bro this is what a real man looks like chris maybe the the aliens put the stink bug in here to stink us out oh that's smart i just eliminated it though what should we sign for ben let's set up for bed i'm going to take this side of the fort so you take the ladder side oh so that i get killed by the aliens if they come in here you're gonna get abducted up the tube this is kind of a tiny space for two tall dudes i'm not looking forward to this night of sleep i'm 6'4 jeff's five eight chris please stop can he's not breaking the weapons chris the floor is all wet from when you sprayed me with a bottle of water you already called dibs on that spot i think you should be held accountable no i'm gonna summon the aliens to abduct you go for it we're dude this is going to be the most difficult overnight video ever yeah i don't think we've ever not won sleeping supplies i think we're going to hit the hey guys hopefully we're going to hit the hay guys dude watch me hit the cake [Music] anyways guys i think we're gonna call tonight and hopefully we'll see you in the morning good night good night i have to pee guys i really don't want to go be by myself it is going to be so freaky out there this is really scary but i can't hold any longer so i have to i just have to go down the haystack hello hello okay there's a bush over here dude why do i need a bush let's go right here what was that that's it i'm out of here i'm out of here i heard it oh shoot dude so loud i have no idea what i just been through okay i successfully might be out in the darkness all right good night jeffrey wake up wake up it's the morning i think we can go off code red what do you know well honestly i didn't sleep bad these big joes are pretty comfy how'd you sleep what's up good should we emerge from the bunker yeah let's emerge from the bunker dude ready yep see if there's any aliens outside little sunlight i really hope there's no aliens yeah i don't see any aliens is that raw dude it's rob you good bro rob we thought you died dude where where were you huh you went on a supply run last night and you never showed back up you okay bro i think so what happened to you last night were you abducted it's all blur i don't well anyways we hope you enjoyed this video check out the video where we built this apocalypse bunker and then we also did a needle in the haystack challenge click that as well don't forget scribble we'll see you next time
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 3,065,713
Rating: 4.9030275 out of 5
Keywords: aliens vs hidden haystack bunker, overnight challenge, alien, alien sightings, ufo, ufo sighting, extraterrestrial, dangie bros, hidden haystack bunker, abduction, hidden secret, haystack, halloween
Id: PKlhyjAz1dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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