Zombie Bunker Apocalypse Vehicle OVERNIGHT SURVIVAL!

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yes perfect what is up guys today we are in the middle of the desert with our apocalypse camper shell thingy and we're gonna be surviving overnight so hopefully we don't die so first we're gonna go off-roading in this thing the top might fly off while we're inside of it which will be really dangerous so I think I'd be testing our building skills we've got this super cool course behind us that we're gonna drive up and then we have some challenges loser you're gonna have to hike really far away and can't by themselves while we're chilling this thing alright that for them let's get into the off-roading let's do it let's try not to die Kris and I are up first another thingamajigger the fun part is they gonna be in the back while we're off-roading is that fun oh it's fun laid it in close the hatch alrighty well here we go again struggling so far we haven't gotten anywhere oh I really hope the truck doesn't tip over dude good work dad yeah if it sits over wait wait wait this is not a smart idea I don't want to do it what do you think truck whoops this thing is gonna crush us and we're gonna die video is not worth my life well I guess it's just me back here don't whine Kris you're not dying on my watch I feel much safer now alright thanks if we start to roll just grab my hand okay well hold you oh boy mamacita Oh am I good your uh much flap is on the rock this is like going up a rollercoaster got matching mountain line a lot washers cuz I'm not staff David where's the great Ben let's see if crawl control can get me out of this mess what oh yeah we're like on that well at least I'm see let's come on us out of here I really got a trust art build in this challenge yeah bro heck yeah bro Ricky crawl control is getting my truck out of this dude that bill look back on shoot a Chinook look back and so Steve take your broom dude Jeff my life is we made it pick me up at the top that was sketchy does legit so sketchy let's fight we made it up that the taco and our fort made it like really good yeah I'm not worried about this week why not should we do some high-speed off-roading let's do it let's do why all right with you it's Rob films okay - okay all right we're gonna get out of this rack of a place I'm in danger I have to pee and this is really shaking my Oh no stopping no cops no stopping you can afford every day [Music] I could call Jeff to stop but GGG predicate is this truck is no perfect time perfect time because the tops are here oh no it's such perfect time because that was literally the park rangers if they saw us in there we would have gotten a ticket June so it's good thing we got out now we have our paintball challenge where we're gonna be in the back one person's gonna be sniping out the window as we're driving by to shoot these five balloon every balloon you hit you get a point however as most points wins the first place winner gets first choice of what meal they're gonna eat second place gets second choice over their can eat third place gets last choice and the loser also has to sleep fifty feet away in a lonely tent you want to be very accurate let's do it all right guys am i right the competition I'm ready weakly go key not detected my chunk is so smart they know you're not gonna start your car oh I miss everything why all right Rob have fun that with two balloons is very difficult I've missed every shot yeah I saw front row view guys I feel like a Army sniper zombies sniper and this thing you ready bro yeah I forgot to play enjoy dude that sucks [ __ ] you better Mason I don't want to sleep alone I'm gonna get all five Jeff we know the way we can cut that go for like I did ready cut it all right I'm up guys and Robin Jeff they didn't do that well this is actually probably harder than it looks whoa I miss guys this means I'm in first place so Chris and Jennifer get into another round to see who who's second place alright boys round 2 click it like if you think I'm gonna win so if I get a balloon this time Geoffrey loses hey Jeff you close the back like I'm five dollars right now alright let's get into position ready reloading reloading cuz we sir alright this time I'm just gonna focus on shooting one balloon instead of blowing about you know come out of that I'm ready yeah I got one yeah all right so Chris gets one rip oh no I don't need five targets only need four okay it's on you but this doesn't care that there's only four targets that's not cheap if you lose okay I don't want to send this stupid loser camp well it looks like I lose so that means I get banished into the loser tent uh-huh you also get third choice of dinner yeah you get second choice right at first so we're gonna quickly transition to nighttime so we'll see you then see ya in a couple hours yeah five or so hours I'll know where are we gonna do out here we're gonna click see us rock did another watch first I'll hit the pole right over it I've hit the pole first is this stupid show huh okay let's go run to the day over there okay I'm gonna well it is nighttime and it is really cold out your phrasing Robert unfortunately swiftly left the scene so it's not just me and Chris back to the old good old days just you and me bub yeah but oh and right sorry right anyways we're gonna be setting up camp I get to sleep in the apocalypse thing and Chris has to go sleep it'll only tent it was sleeping a tent by myself zombie this is like a queen-size bed almost we're gonna leave the tug it open cuz you're a tall dude no I'm gonna try to be diagonal because you know what the zombies I don't want actually closing out dude I'm also equipped with a 10 degree sleeping bag and I've his extra blanket I stole from Chris wait what oh that's my blanket you know oh can I can I take Roberts place cuz this is gonna be a late night of sleep and I'm not gonna get attacked by zombies coming there too because when you're loading ten well guys this is where I head out for myself okay bye I hope you enjoy it in there in the safety I will good luck against the zombies good no a lot farther right here no no don't know do this is scary keep going well looks like this is my home I'll just set up the tent here oh I don't know if I'm gonna find this thing dude you'll be asleep out here by myself well when I was in here first my first hurdy it sound like it was coming from behind Ryan's truck yeah and then we were over there and it sound like it's coming from right here we just heard over there again yeah boy wait so first we heard it over there then we heard it over there I feel like something's like circling us well the video must go on Oh continue say I'm camping nutcake no dude cuz i've camp dude you just hear creepy noises and you're gonna make me go I'll be watching you I'll stand by with an axe and I'll come over to rescue if I see anything bad coolest toy I'm the fool fool me twice you're enough it's okay no one's out here trying to kill us hopefully have fine guys one pretty cool thing is our cameraman Ryan needs a place to stay and Ryan by his Chuck with it oh you're here yes Ryan brothers chuck with this camper check this out you've got like a fridge a bed a TV you can play video games while we're sleeping I might do that because I feel like you've probably feel really safe in here huh yeah and I got my handy dandy pocket knife will you protect me at night probably not oh I'm too scared so we're gonna check out my crisps see how he's doing cuz I'm all set up over here yeah dude he's like a solid 50 people he's all lonely over here hopefully it'll hold up I'm sure he will hey Christopher so what have we learned guys the zombie bunker is very effective at stopping zombies I feel like here's your campsite okay you guys wanna check it out Chris where were you by the way the whole time I was being a size down - where'd you go oh I was sleeping in the tent Oh what is that red ball - told you that's nice how they get there I don't know are you serious dude weird stuff is happening around dude this place is freakiest place it's called Gorman more like horror this is my crib that's a nice little tang guys check it out waving everybody loves himself but now it is time to eat food so I get my first choice of the meal you get second choice in two hours out here we made the fire haha that feels nice [ __ ] men really call you wilderness surviving overnight like a bunch of chumps anyways we're gonna eat I'm gonna eat this check it out chicken and dumpling that's my first choice of food I love dumplings I chose fettuccine alfredo with chickens boil up some water do it right over here look at that smoke blowing bro yeah we have played we have blamed cavemen half-plane first we boil water then we cook our meal like the cavemen used to do we have technology yes I'm gonna say - fire that looks warm that's a good year Pete oh oh dude that feels good oh you're gonna get your blankie afire all dude this is great I'm just like absorbing all the heat into my blankie I love fire why is what makes my blood flow through my veins my heart has nothing to do with it it's just fine my foods done chip in there's not even dumplings in this it's just goopy chicken with veggies and so what I put water in it started pouring arrow hmm well this isn't horrible that's what it looks like I mean when you're hungry you don't really care so we're in the wilderness this is all I got can you turn the light off daytime nighttime daytime night anyway sorry guys we have finished our meals and I'm hitting the sack it's about midnight I have to go to my dark abyss of a tent way down yonder all the way look at me looks like a little caterpillar good night serum whirring nice go out into the deep dark abyss get as far away from that nub seriously dudes by losing I actually won so I grabbed an extra sleeping bag since Rob's not here and I'm going to use it as cushion oh I forgot a pillow this is gonna be so warm I think whew some pipe through this I've been cold for the past two hours oh yeah there's the hoodie I'm too tall for it no thanks Utah bend your knees this is uncomfortable goodnight oh wait : Oh that'll help thanks ray are you tucking me in yeah gonna make sure my danger brow is comfy okay bye all right what am I supposed to do sit outside okay all right take this machete and stand guard thanks Ryan [Music] good morning guys I did not sleep well who literally felt like I was a awake the entire night so let's go check how Jeffery slept look at that 13 hey Jack [Music] Jeffery how'd you sleep what did I suck terrible it's a beautiful night no problem and you didn't get attacked by zombies I was really warm too but I think it was because I wasn't comfortable or I was afraid that I was like really far off from everyone and of course Ryan got to sleep in the camper so you probably slept pretty well alright Jeff well you want to do that oh yeah do it well we hope you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like and a comment and then click on the left side on screen for the prey right there this game for the video YouTube I convinced you to subscribe see ya
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 2,483,397
Rating: 4.9010863 out of 5
Keywords: zombie bunker apocalypse survival vehicle, overnight challenge, overnight survival, 24 hour challenge, 24 hours, fort, overnight fort, apocalypse vehicle, apocalypse weapons, funny, trap
Id: FktoeSJgG2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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