10 Ocean Survival Tools that will KEEP YOU ALIVE!

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what's up guys today we're gonna be testing ten different water survival tools to see how well they will help you survive in the ocean so if you get lost in the ocean don't worry do you have these ten objects you'll be a-ok after we use each one we're gonna be rating them from one to ten on how good we think they are and also because of the lockdown no pools our oceans are open currently so we're gonna use a pool with a pool here you see that no no no no whoa how did I survive dude I was fighting for my life that I'd enjoyed all right let's get danger our first item now we're gonna be testing is the Explorer 200 it's a survival rap and it comes a little ham pumping if you need to quickly get on a boat you can on the packaging it says it's a two-person life raft kind of small legal work so we're gonna see if two people can fit in it too so this is highly recommend you launch into the water this is too small for two people if there's two people in this boat [Applause] [Music] [Music] we did not survive it so I'm gonna have to rate the boat probably a four out of ten because if you're in a storm push in survival situation I would be really scared I would also in the five ten my main concern was your butt cheek on my leg that was uncomfortable that would have made my my survival experience even worse so you would not have survived that did not survive that all right I'll do right um number two I'm 80 we're gonna do an item I'm not gonna survive this video so we have any survival gear first of all look how crappy this mirus patch the lanyard to the mirror then replace it place it around your neck step number two bring the new york toy level look you're sliding hole wait but there's no sign well holding it's a cloudy day oh you put the object inside the the signing hole and then it'll reflect the light straight to it there's no Sun out yeah wait what if there's no Sun we're not gonna be saved I'm gonna go tune on their end of the yard and you shine at me I'll tell you if I see you like okay okay I see the reflection but I don't see any lights because it's not sunny out that's a very bad thing for the survival tool so you need Sun in order for this to work not good effectiveness two out of ten I'm rating in a five because on a sunny day might work for your benefit only there's a whistle on it oh that's all Yandy why isn't it word [Applause] biggie blue so the next item is actually a whistle but it's the world's loudest whistle combined scores the skip to three out of ten for item number three we have a hyper whistle this thing is so intense you have to wear earplugs so I'm gonna give these to the cameraman see it has to hold the camera so safety first right but all of our neighbors are the two mile radius are gonna hear this [Music] again what's that loud it hurt hurt years from way over there but do it again oh that is loud echo all right well I'm gonna go drive two miles away Jeffrey's gonna stay here see if he can hear it o3o hello hey little nut pnub ready for me to test the whistle I'm listening alright testing the whistle did you know are you Seri I'm gonna try to pull a little bit louder I know I think there's just too much noise yeah there's a bunch of cars driving by so that's a problem didn't work underwater didn't work a mile away didn't live up to its name I'm gonna give it a 4 out of 10 for what it a bird ties but it is louder than normal whistles I do think that is true the pores it gets all red because in some specific scenarios that would work well on to our next item the next item is this cool little survival kit that Jeffrey will be testing up in the boat bro I'm getting in here do not push me in again Freddy I love I promise this time yeah I promise the last time but I I actually promised this we embark on our adventure this is a great survival kit for any boat so there should be all sorts of supplies on here first off it looks like we got out is this like a beacon you need batteries yeah I'll go don't give me batteries boss all you see batteries we're gonna move on we have well I think this might be a life-saving device she's got a rope well it's a long rope is there a flotation device in here what the this is the flotation it gives just a rope is that all this is for we just cast it out some grabs that you pull them in that seems pretty useful and it comes with this green capsule well you got a whistle there's a black box here it's a survival knife dude this is a pretty hefty night that's pretty cool this is what you're gonna use to gut your fish the next item here is a professional flashlight for diving hey guys bad news I need you to get more batteries flashlight Hey oh look at this it's on the multi-tool this can also be useful it's like this pliers who's gonna knife on your kit look this is a blanket a distress flag daytime visual distress signal for boats oh cool Leonard you always litter I know so looks like you put this up and it's like any check me out look this big go you're in distress in the first-aid kit a waterproof first aid kit guys we got to catch a fish here and the only thing that looks like a fishes is my boat so the only thing you did was litter in the ocean look at that you littered the ocean it is now full of trash I'm gonna get this came by raining I'm gonna give it a 6 out of 10 Jeff I'm gonna give you a 0 out of 10 for littering what do you have to say for yourself pick survival item hmm so we were supposed to use the life raft that Jeffery just popped for the next item which is a bilge pump and he popped it but thankfully we have a kayak so we're going to use that noise so we have this pump here called gutter boat and allegedly so you go connect this doohickey to listening guess what oh and it's supposed to help you pump water out I'm gonna be simulating a sinking boat by pouring water into Jeffrey's boat while he's in there you ready girls [Music] you're in a hurricane you have the village pond you're probably thinking well it does pump water but not the rate of the tsunami that's a time you leak I think it would work yeah definitely so I'm gonna for that reason I'm gonna give it a six out of ten look at watching now we're gonna test how long it takes for this bilge pump to empty this kayak alright three two one go so that's why I want you to hold it good drown I don't care well he didn't know damaged item number six we have an inflatable PFD also known as personal flotation device not to be concealed CDF which means personal documentation play dice I don't think that's what I mean so yeah that's all Eric you Stern is supposed to instantly inflate this PFD yeah when you pull tightly when you pull this lever this one played it even works underwater which is what we're gonna test out it's amazing that a bunch of areas is compressing this tiny canister Hey no it inflates in five seconds so it's not like super insane that's good so right there is green so that means it's ready armed for you okay so you're gonna go into the water you're gonna pull it and then we're gonna take you float so Jeff I'm gonna be stranded in the water and you're gonna have to eat this across the yard to me then I'm gonna use it okay what about how cold is it mr. Feeny great cuz I'll save you what the heck yeah I'll save you bro well 40 feet yeah that's pretty good did I honestly break out of town attend that things yeah I really use their out of temper and play to get a mature you know I was holding it in I literally didn't do anything Ryan did you get that on camera no are useful mean you how could you I was just holding it if you know how many things you spoiled in this video I inside the thing about Bob I so now you admit it nope well I honestly rate that 10 to 10 cool like you just throw it you pull it and you're getting saved what do you read my eat I hate I hated it i rationed I radiate 40 out of 44 40 feet well let's move on to number seven item number seven we've got this cool snorkel mask of always one in one of these allows you to put a GoPro here so if you don't know if you're gonna make it you can fill the whole thing yeah your whole device okay so we're gonna go in and put on a face that's cool wait come back up you go to the pool [Music] alright Scuba Steve I like tacos I don't know how it's a survival to you but well I just wanted one it works cool I think for the rating I'm gonna give it an 8 out of 10 yeah this is the coolest snorkel mask I've ever had my one complaint is when you go deep it like stirred in your face like this the view of vision that you have with this compared to other ones they're just so amazing so clear so beautiful another very stylish I'm gonna say that I know them and there's that cool mountain on it which is really cool yeah you can put your girl for over a year so I guess I'll agree with you 9 out of 10 for this snorkel survival water cool they call dibs for our next items were actually gonna do 8 and 9 at the same time remember any of these giant most expensive flippers you can buy on Amazon and their webbed gloves they're really weird and I had to get it we're gonna see what's which one's better for swimming and which I can swimming the quickest if you like a give you like good oh yeah oh yeah bigger than you go huge hey someone peed my pants so yeah I didn't do it alright I'll see you in there these are huge dude I feel like these don't really give you much speed these are too big they're like plop Jeff flip and flop they're hard to like and I don't feel like I'm getting any unless you feel like everything slow down do not buy these how much were these things what this is $300 none worth it for deep-sea diving yeah look if you're a deep-sea diver just fill me with these when you bring your hand up like this it creates drag I think it definitely helps more than just having regular hair but it doesn't work that well I'm gonna rate the flippers 3 out of 10 and these I can break them one at a 10 for being $300 they deserve a crappy rating these were pretty cheap makes you look like a frog they're kind of how to play a six out of ten for fun okay for our final item we have this harpoon spear and it launches it out I'm using this elastic thingy majiggy here's the tip of it as you can see it doesn't need to be that sharp it will cause the fish to be injured to the point of no swimming and go ahead and demo it and we're also gonna pretend like how does it fish and we'll see if it couldn't catch my head do you clock it in you gotta pull back and it's loaded she shoot well shoot it this way till Fargo's ready to I'm gonna put this mask on from earlier and we're gonna hunt my hat look at this puppy fish this is my favorite highlighting to put a hole straight through it whoa that's cool now we're gonna shoot this - hi Paul he's gonna shoot the Apple oh shoot I see you just bounced off I guess you must pop the trampoline bro this would totally get a fish dude so now we're gonna shoot it from outside the water if you're like I'm lame trying to shoot a fish we're gonna test it out so let's see that say the fish comes up to the water like this I missed it you ready you just go straight through no I hit it but it went right through there okay we're trying to be careful not to tip my pool so that's why I'm getting so close to it and shooting horizontal but trusting it five minutes late there so we're gonna be late there's a ten out of ten because you wouldn't hundred percent catch a fish with this all you got to do is just put a fishing line on it that way you don't lose your spear I really like this I'm actually gonna keep it and hopefully go fishing with it sometime soon so I might actually get one of those to be honest how much was it it's like 500 bucks to me bucking so we're gonna give our top three favorite water survival items number one obviously this really cool spear god this is awesome and would work super walnuts about all situations number two this really cool snorkel mask it's honestly my favorite snorkel massive every year it would also pair well with the harpoon gun so you can see underwater and then hunt some fish and then number three we've got this self inflating peanut deep or puffed not to be mistaken with a PDF it's super quick plus you can pull it up like this if Jeffrey accidentally use the co2 you can well anyways we hope you guys enjoy this video click right here for another survival tool video click right here for a video that YouTube recommends for you plug in the middle to subscribe and we'll see you don't shoot this survival bag I hate it
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 2,765,155
Rating: 4.8902998 out of 5
Keywords: survival, survive, tools, dangie bros, ocean, ocean survival, survival tools, primitive survival, challenge, pool, underwater, funny
Id: dF4ZCfHFe2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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