Testing 5 DIY Apocalypse Survival Weapons! *TERRIBLE TO AMAZING*

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well what though kool-aid man it boss then what does he say oh yeah what's up guys say we're building five versions of Apocalypse weapons from new to pro so the first one is gonna be super nubby we're probably not gonna be able to survive with it then they're gonna get progressively better until the final one which is going to be super epic for each weapon we have three tests to see which one is the best the weapon can smash through all of them can be crowned the victor we're also gonna have a pull you looking for right there click that and vote for which one you think is the coolest it's not there yet but it'll be there when it needs to be for our first weapon we need to find a little stick Go Go Fish that's it go ahead run you're good dog yeah I'm gonna shake I don't feel good so I'm just gonna chill and they do all the work store doing the wild in there zombies you need a stick I need to climb up high that way I can find a good one Chris you're Tarzan why are you climbing like that I don't know break1 ha Eugene Oh break a stick off yeah this is quite a good this is the new version so you know I have to be a newb to get the new so no take over this check it out this is our first epochal slap in the kind of suck and just do some cool ninja moves with this one other 10 survivability am i right with this boy checking your hair because my hair is all static you because your hair is fine so we're gonna call this like a stick it's a stick it's a stick it's a stick it's a stick alright ladies and gentlemen or testing this thing let's see see if the smashing water known of breaking a door for your weapon to be cheery thong wait I don't like scratch the surface it's just it hears again hit again alle hurts my hand dab it so it's a climactic timid break let me hit the door let me hit the door the love it's breaking it's a sticky zero out of ten points you know my points you will not survive zombies will eat you you know that song I will survive you won't with that Bing next weapon bill this one number two on the amazing scale more like the nub scales a sharpened stick a sharp it's but a walking state because that's gonna be more sturdy than a stupid little stick from a tree I'm just gonna sharpen it I'm just making the necessary preparations Oh check it out he's just gonna sharpen it might want to stand back so this weapon is relatively simple to find the materials for you can find a walking stick out like Walmart or something all right on this one it's relatively simple to build but I don't like it also light agile very mobile lots of good things for this weapon can you hurry this up Rob you know I'm trying this weapon this is something you build when you're in the apocalypse in the absolute free time well there's a plane hey save us Beauty apocalypse there's zombies everywhere down here fires on bees over there they're green heads and they have a white bodies that's sticking to the ground and that's top yeah it's like that lollipop commercial how many licks does it take to get the center of a Tootsie Pop the world may never know well it's we're getting there very nice it's almost like a pencil apparently this takes two people to make well my left arm was getting tired from holding it Rob if your left arm gets tired in Apocalypse you're pretty much through man hey Jeff simulate a zombie [Music] oh you saved me Rob I miss applying zombie whoa whoa it is complete look at that let me let me poke it he'll so this one's called a slightly better stick we don't do like a little ninja - Oh ah did you break it no it's fine did you poke a hole in the trampoline [Music] that's cool slightly better stick let's see if it does a slightly better job ooh slightly like that more entertaining all right so you know kind of stabbed it got it have it all right well you may you may see there's definitely did the job see if you brake the brake brake the brake what if I go that's tell yourself it's not gonna happen it's like it happen it isn't that here we go brick time do well you can make two sharp besides of that hey you're right Jeff you're ruining the purpose of this tent yeah well that's the damage the center lock broke it the watermelon that's history and then that's the door filled with rage just kidding come on man I'm just playing around okay moving on to the next one it's right in the middle this is medium alright so our next one is made out of pipes what the items for this that are a little harder to find you have to go to a hardware store and be an epic master builder so we have these black steel pipes I like your Canada cold basically we're gonna make this say wait wait wait wait does that mean you're infected did you get bit click camera camera tighten the these things yeah the first we'll build it and then we'll tighten it all make sense of tiny as you go along it'll make sense for you to keep your mouth shut so as you can see we got this handle here it's pretty pretty cool you put these things here called nipples just not bluffing you immature little 10 year olds but that's what they're called okay I nipples Chris Harris nipples just stop touching the nipples nipples alright no need to fear nipple man is he wrong way this will fit right here this is one of the main smashy eight spots right here okay and then on this side we attach this do you her get a party does the one who took three years to sharpen a piece of wood this is what it looks like well I want to tighten these before we continue because we don't want them flying up that would be bad and the weapon would be less good well great grammar hey so if I'm doing this right separate you it needs to be a little bit tighter sign it before you put it on the pipe and then you get the right sides and then you go oh we're going the wrong way there's no but the wrench is the wrong way you dingus there we go probably any change like you dingus so we just tighten this it'll be so strong they're not even sore get on do it okay it's kind of yeah it's kind of difficult that's on good enough in my eyes you stop that you guys are doing a great job it's working it's working it's really hard hey this is nice and fun to watch when you're watching a struggle rock tight meaning the nipples tightening the nipples nice and tight some tight nips alright so now it's all tightened on the Hammers pretty much complete but I want to add a cool handle to it to make it extra you know grippy you don't want to find out and then you lose your weapon in the apocalypse plus we're becoming professionals into professionals care about design as well yes we begin to wrap this piece of twine around this handle that's gonna be really cool look at this master craftsmanship at least not it up so you know what it's got a couple loose edges with the handle but we're not you know professional craftsmen you but I did it's pretty stinkin give me give me weight had some good weight to it does it feel balanced does it feel feels a top-heavy little top-heavy that's okay I'm gonna call this one I know I know the name for this is slug nut always safe their names just saw epic but it just adds a big does I got like I name we got a hammer we're not Turkey er no no no no that's worse than my hammer turkey hammer Turkey I like slug now better all right if we're going over same slug net this weapon you know it's pretty pretty small pretty agile very compact very compact very strong so we're gonna read this three out of five on the epic zombie apocalypse scale let's go smash I have a lot of confidence that this is just gonna smash through everything ladies gentlemen and zombies here we go batter up oh dude that did some major we go Risto bullets I look at that nice to see water bunkers nobody watching this figure straight in half okay straight in half dude you hit that in the strong part - all right here we go in order for this to be good breaking through a door you gotta be able to go through it oh yeah I was the kool-aid man but I guess not look it's still it's still intact so the weapon did a ton of damage we're not gonna give him the point for going through the door because the whole thing fell down anybody's moving on to the next weapon number four or five we got this bat here I paint into a nice black finish we are going to be inserting this machete into the end of the bat and it's gonna be really hard because Jeffrey did gets the right side even though I don't know to get the right side so I'll just have to use this one and it'll be difficult but you know in the apocalypse you have limited materials to make your weapon so first I'm gonna start by spray-painting the machete a nice bold finish so we're gonna be taping this edge here and you probably need a buddy protecting you from zombies while you're doing this because as you can see I am really focused look at Jeff just taking a relaxing alright let's spray paint this sucker well I'll give that another coat in a little bit we can start working on the rest of the weapon no it doesn't look at that another difficult part I gotta cut a divot into this out here with this saw so wish me luck hey Rob would you mind holding the bat as you can see this is very very dangerous start out nice and slow make a little groove for it alright and we're off off to the races did you cut yourself um can someone get me a band-aid asking for a band-aid in a zombie apocalypse you're attracting the zombies oh shoot well guys that other saw is not working this is our only hope this could swing the bat yes so thing is bro be careful if you're holding on too tight it'll pull your hand in so saw this is heckard angie slow really slow [Applause] okay I need to go slower let's see if this is good so now we have to drill into the machete and if this doesn't work we'll have to find other ways to attach this sucker oh shoot I forgot about the first group in this I think it's working working alright well I could not drill through this machete for some reason it is super strong that means that the weapon is super strong true we're going to be using our weapon that we previously built because it's a good hammer firmly grasp it wow wow that works really well now we're gonna use this towel on the end of the blade so that way we don't chip it wow that's cool that's pretty cool I think it's in there pretty solid I don't think we really need to do anything it's complete dude well hello look how sick that it that looks dangerous my favorite weapon out today so far you know two pieces of machete and that but you do need a saw to be able to you know saw a little divot in there dang dude where we calling this one guys number four out of five it has to be a good name this time that's Shetty I like it the bad Shetty no no home run three slice out of the park home slice that's so dumb why do you hold it I don't know I get it Shetty you can't have a sweet weapon and name it something dumb move boots should be over the pork room floors you rock around this iron pockets do that's a sick now what you name it over the park home boys be the laughingstock of that pocalypse well did you leave a cool name I'm a bacon you're blocking my concentration zone 5 Nathan we're calling it the best Shetty let's see a bad Shetty can cut this water Mele by something because we didn't secure the way we wanted to yeah I don't think it's transferred to the bag that Shetty fell apart but it did break through they the hammer did better than bad Shetty broke the break and the door well actually they both got two points cuz oh that's right it didn't remember those two weapons are tight actually so if this last weapon can break through all of them we will know that it's the ultimate most amazing weapon but this one is nice and light and it also cut through the watermelon foam art well that's because he was swinging like a lunatic you hit the brick once true okay well we're not trying to kill bricks in the apocalypse it sliced through the watermelon which means it could slice through zombie heads I'm very we're good to go I'm very confident / level we'll build a break through everything though let's go build it the final weapon the most professional weapon this is already kind of like the base we gotta tighten it and we're gonna be putting saw blades bones op legs we gotta throw the interest to be exact it blades out though and we're also gonna make sure to decorate it make it look nice and cool that would be nice too stylish in the apocalypse so we got a silver we got gold and we got cinnamon those would be a rust color no I got the cool blades out your cat clumsy a little flimsy I'm a little worried about that let's see what just look like it's pretty neat gold we're just gonna put a little bit of gold on it that's a nice detail there here's what this looks like very bright very rusty pillows on the real quick [Music] that's actually really cool restavek all right you know what scrap that we're just in the whole things over all right silver weapon with like rusty saw-blade that looks really sick all right I'll let that dry so we got a Joel hole here and here and they will attach these with little bolts those are so rusty bro watch out don't cut yourself out all right let's hope this stupid bid works if we finally drilled through here so now we can add the saw blade that rusty saw-blade is a nice touch nice cool so we got double saw blade action here second saw blade on it on the bottom I'm not reaching it to force it with by rotating this this way perfect it's complete actually no thoughts on you now we're gonna be using this robot putting a handle on very good okay this is certainly the coolest weapon we've ever built this is legit look at that it's got like the nice rust finish on the blade silver and then black hammer so what should we name it guys so we're gonna call it sawzall even your face I saw us all so it's gonna see how just structurally this song what the heck does that mean also oh that's awesome you never heard of a sawzall it's an actual tool let's see how it does all our saws all it sawzall but you say saw saw saw saw its jaws all so it's all you can see sometimes you can talk you can saw wail you can saw dude miss ah ah I saw did all right here we go get smashy bro yeah well do you see how flimsy this is when it's watermelon oh wow that worry whoa nice slice of a pineapple you're gonna want to use the piping I really did it bro all right it bent it here no no no much any should I like this weapon so much dude you it worked good don't worry hey it's professional and amazing all right here we go it's Holly fire don't break it all in love with too much with your weapon it's hard to use it they all use it no that looks like this one got three points because it's the only weapon yeah you kind of got a little bit flimsy look look it's like a DNA strand even cooler if we tighten it better it would have been hey okay let's go and take a look look at all this damage weapon number one it's a stick just scratched the watermelon didn't even touch the brick they even scratch the door the slightly sharpened stick it may have gone the watermelon broke on the brick and didn't anything to the door so it's good for stabbing though a hammer absolutely demolished yeah it destroyed the watermelon the boys the door a little slow at the door only got two points the fourth one this guy it actually broke can we hit the brick and then the door as you can see it did some damage history and our final weapon and broke the watermelon the brick door and it didn't break it kind of bent up a little bit but it's still the old super weapon let us know which weapon is your favorite in the poll click here for the previous video click here for the view to recommend ccleaner not to subscribe thank you for watching bye
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 3,706,664
Rating: 4.8651562 out of 5
Keywords: we built, 5 versions of apocalypse survival weapons, terrible to amazing, DIY weapons, DIY apocalypse weapons, dangie bros, do it yourself, diy, challenge, funny, how to, survive, survival, best survival, primitive tools, primitive weapons, primitive survival
Id: jXVzTqv9Yhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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