BEST Duct Tape Survival Weapon WINS!

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what are you doing what are you doing what is it guys say we're gonna be building apocalypse weapons using only rainbow duct tape and we're also gonna be destroying stuff with them so there are three different tests durability coolness and also damage ooh so gonna be rolling a dice to see how many items we get to include in our build if you roll the highest number you get two items you roll the second dice you get one and if you roll the lowest you don't get anything you just have to use RAM with duct tape for your weapon so I'm gonna roll first Oh No pretty low rod so that's gonna be the lost 1/3 watch me get a 1 what it's gonna be one I guarantee it literally was gonna be a 1 and thank goodness it keval rolling him and I got a 6 that means I get to that would've been plenty so we're gonna head to the garage if we get to pick any random item besides any previously built apocalypse weapon in their garage field stuff I'm gonna pick my two items we're gonna interview this mess of a garage and it finds all my garage a mess clean it up bro it's kind of messy corners I'm sort of flail Jeff you always make a flail Jeff go beyond your horizons so go beyond the norm that you always do make something unique and different from your normal weapon well there's a bowling ball here and then we use enough duct tape we could make it flail with it but being the sane actually you should do that so I want to use that a 20-pound kettle would that would be easier for it to hold on to this is 20-pound weight do some exercises with it squeeze the glue at the top squeeze the glutes at the top I'm also fond contemplating contemplating using that big roll of barbed wire make a duct tape barbed wire flail I can make the handle out of just pure duct tape don't dream is strong if you use a couple layers it's strong we know that from our duct-tape trampoline our duct-tape waterslide like you put a couple layers and you can hold body okay so I think I'm gonna choose little ball hey Bob whoa I almost died so you're like Marmite a Lebel those are my two items I think all right Chris with your one item go find your item bro got this states in there dude smells like gardening no that's fine feels like curious right good yeah well I'm gonna use a sledgehammer and wrap this thing completely in rainbow duct tape and make the giant epic rainbow hammer so I have my item and Bob gets nothing for Rob absolutely nothing you gotta build a weapon completely out of duct tape right so I'm going first musing only duct tape but that doesn't mean we can't use the rolls itself the dark color that's a guide you rob this trouble we're gonna shape out how I want the design real quick it's worth a little sweetie thank you oh that's actually kind of fire here like this this is fantastic I really like the vision of this this might be stronger if you put it in a gap like that I agree like that handle here dude this is awesome this is a really cool you're getting yourself a duct-tape sword we're getting some progress done I can't wait to see the final product of this school I'm just gonna reinforce top layer so I can flip it over and it's gonna be strong Chris what do you thing about this you know I'm thinking this could work this could really work I mean I don't know how much damage it's gonna do we'll see you know we're just reinforcing the walls here so when I flip it over it doesn't flop okay hold it flop but that's okay once you get to sail it's still stuck together good rule of thumb is black tape the better impeccable in this destructible mind-boggling fantastic cool sharp heavy and destruction ability and coolness ability oh well Roberts first role is empty here up let me already go oh it's feeling pretty solid guys the handles a little bit wonky but you know it adds some dimension to it the beginning stages of my sword so far it's like I'll feel you feel it okay actually feels a little flimsy on the top it feels more balanced than I thought it would but more taped will help out Christy my whole neutral I will hold it research let's test it out oh yeah that's feel nice and sturdy it kind of reminds me of a Minecraft sword it does act a little bit I have all these roles so why not let them go to waste I was gonna try to let them get away why let them why let them go to waste Chris had a good idea of just putting this like that to make this handle just super-strong reinforcing it so then you just wrap it with duct tape did it go the base is done I tried adding a little point so it doesn't look like such like a Minecraft sword I hold it yeah dude that's heavy it's like made of steel anyways we're gonna start rim it up maybe we have lime green pink yellow orange purple red and blue are you like a red for killing people right or Angelica birth like a red orange yellow green blue and purple Wow okay okay something like that solid okay roll it so let's get taping now we gotta we're about the ins and the outs boom alright now we're gonna use yellow right here is the cross-section the crowds going wild I left the first so impatient here they gave me a first energy that I need wow it's almost complete look at it alright so right now you got to make this sword rainbow and delicious and with that my rainbow duct-tape sword is complete that looks legit dude see I love how you have the sharp point on the end yeah I was looking a little nubby before there wise so this is the side I'm gonna be hitting with so I got tape the red for damage yes for blood of your enemies you know I don't really know what to name this thing because it's a sort we're gonna name it world we're gonna name it uh going into the dungeon and slaying some noobs or Nub's nob Slayer you want to be all heavy tall you need to slow he used 32 rolls eyes alive alright Chris time for you to make your weapon for my weapon my plane is keep the handle just about that with because it's like perfect gripping sighs and I'm gonna put all of my roll of duct tapes on the end here and maybe make this hammer like that big lots of duct tape of epic proportions alright Jeff may you hold this sir yeah sure great work just like that hold it right there hello with two hands please they call this the lasso swoop that's nice Jeff all right hold it with your hands please hey stop stop stop oh dude I just wanted to prank you that's all for all the times you prank me did you guys enjoy that and want to see me pranking Jeffery more let me know down in the comments okay so we just got that I wonder same gonna be huge this is getting big look how huge this is getting 30 so huge I only use two [Music] hello guys I'm finished with building the hammer of this weapon it's nice and huge it's way bigger than it was before is like 20 times the size I was going so fast that I actually cut my hand now we're just gonna put on the decorative layer of duct tape and just make this thing nice and colorful head it down just like that now we gotta add some orange to it okay so just a thin layer decorative tape on the handle next up we got yellow who knew that you can make so many different things out of duct tape this is just insane [ __ ] you guys are still enjoying it Christa looks like one of those carnival game hammers blue is also with my favorite colors so I need some extra blue [Music] there we go no way this is really cool dude thank you thanks Rico like it putting on the finishing touches and there you have it this is cool I'm actually looks really cool but some reason the dart tape gives it the illusion of feeling lighter than it actually is okay yeah it's still pretty heavy I'm gonna call this weapon the rainbow buffer it's every surd hi Jackie building okay so we got my kettlebell or cow boner wave you want to call it the first thing I need to figure out it's my handle so I have an idea here I'm gonna take some rolls Tara like a robber date except I would do a little differently create a handle up that's all and then you guys will see how we roll duct tape roll man so first I want to just tape all these rolls together and unlike Chris and Rob I want to make mine without any wrinkles this is gonna take forever yeah you know I take pride in my work bro I wanna take pride of my work to you and look how it turned out awesome through the small process here the small process that that's gonna take a moment so this is gonna be our handle here we're gonna hold like this and then we're attaching a file to it somehow when we're done it's got to be able to really withstand lots of force and then I'm gonna color it cover with rainbow duct tape and then I might cover it with barbed wire it's gonna be so I got this duct tape rope attached to this dumb wealthy and then it's also attached to this I'm gonna try one test to see if this will stay on oh oh it stays okay so I think it's on pretty good and now I just need to tape the heck out of it make it look nice and cute and then our deadly barbed wire [Music] guys I'm making my rope thingy colorful today that's looking cool mean the only thing is this is kind of a you trip to hold on to it looks like a buoy okay so I think I'm done taping this is pretty cool on this heavy so now I have one more thing I'll lift the barbed wire barbed wire is dangerous so I must use protection so I don't stab it stab myself itself I'm gonna stand back and we're gonna take a couple strands here maybe about yay big we're just gonna try this out here this makes me uncomfortable okay so we're going to bend this this is probably the most difficult part of all this is getting this tightly wound and it's no easy to handle Mike but if we can do this this weapon gon be danger and no one will mess with Jeff a fight anymore no one will call him names and lure him into a dark alley and beat him up anymore this is so springload imagine I like oh this and it SWAT me in the eyeball Jeffrey I take back everything that I said about barbed wire this is looking cool Jeff you always make the most dangerous weapon that's why my name is Jeff AFAA for Jeff a furious guys check it out my weapons can play we have this handle here we have our rope with barbed wire going all the way down to our smashy handle and it's rainbow colored bra I'm gonna stand really far away from you whenever you see nothing this is danger dude what are you gonna call it we're gonna base this weapons named off of Barbara we're gonna call it barb to rough my weapon did this thing's gonna be 9g in the pole let us know which one you like the best the nub Slayer rainbow Bopper or barb bruh so now let's get into the destruction so we actually duct tape the items that we're gonna be destroying so we got this ball we actually only made two of them because Rob's probably not gonna destroy what no what no we're gonna we're gonna put it to this you know I'm actually not sure if any of our weapons are gonna destroy the ball because just gonna bounce off of it but we'll see all right Robert all right nubs lair make me proud it didn't break I got nothing protection what it will not break any of these items I think that my weapon has the best chance of destroying the ball because it's heavy so I'm gonna just try to hit with as much impact as possible oh my God why are mine here we go so much guys I think if I'm gonna pop this thing I need to let barbed wire make contact already it's scary it's scary come on Jeffery you lost Atlanta radio I have an idea oh thank you this so not leave enough this is nothing Jenna sloughing does not work either well hold on let me try one we're sleep if I had this right I might be able to pop it here let's just keep swinging at it and see you will switch off and see if we can destroy it okay oh I popped it which means I get a point we have one more ball nice hat thanks to you I made it myself come on baby oh my god well I'm the only one that got a point that round I can't pop it dude all right on to this 100 layer duct-tape wall guys black duct tape tons of it we're gonna see if we can do some famous to it stylish with your hat and your weapon we each have three sections so I'm hitting this first section eyes mine it's a good idea it's my sword another way Oh wine cheer when we're here oh it ripped it that's it that's how you get three zero one more fine we'll give Rob one extra sweet okay clever eyes the most damage gets three points second most damage gets two worst damage gets one nicely five swings two more Rob props stab it done at this point all right everyone back if I've technique gonna be really dainty first three brutal thing this thing is toasted whoo how do we do points now Chris you just need to take a swing at it all right I'll take a swing gotta get a little swing action ready aim Oh who did the most damage Jeff did the most damage I broke if Jeff I can break the wood I would have break-in the wood to the duct tape that's the amount of Jam damage Jeff did with the duct tape and nasty minor damage that Chris did with the duct tape I feel like I get the point here Jeff did break the structure but the structure was not included in the system prize the point you get three points I like it - Wow two points Wow oh you at some point we're moving on to some cinder blocks now look we made some very very beautiful beautiful baby beautiful block how many cinder blocks should we make - why did we make - not three because you thought that I want to break the center ball oh I'm sure of it so I'll go ahead take a stab at this sooner box with your nub Slayer whole line sounds like a ball - what the heck three four oh it broke you don't get a durability point all right spinning technique because it's too hard to see the other way so you guys better watch out Branagh I'll help you secure this fortress behind you guys okay thank you a couple pieces number two don't hit us watch where you're throwing it Oh see look that definitely broke it yeah Jeff gets another point my weapon is not broken it either and there's nothing else to smash therefore I get durability point - I bet you I'm gonna break this in one swing I bet you you're going to as well in fact you that you're going to a third time tsuya way yeah it's so exactly I'm sorry I broke it it's broken you only got the bloom it's broken here's thing against it yeah hit it one more time alright alright Chris wins I think it's broken yeah the Chris has the most points ending with six I have four that has negative one Robert's weapon is the loser and Chris is the winner and I'm the second dinner and you guys can still vote in the poll for which one is your favorite well we hope you guys enjoyed our nubby video click here for the previous video click here for the video YouTube recommends to click no subscribe and we'll see you play [Music]
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 2,248,810
Rating: 4.9144378 out of 5
Keywords: building, built, dangerous survival weapons, using, only, rainbow duct tape, apocalypse survival weapons, dangie bros, tools, survival tools, test, testing, strong, diy, do it yourself
Id: o84NGjguXRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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