10 Video Game Objectives That GET ON OUR NERVES

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obviously video games are filled with missions that you have to get done but some of them you just like come on hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks the 10 worst video game objectives which annoy us quick disclaimer we don't think all of these types of objectives are necessarily bad like there can be good examples of these things but for the most part they annoy us and we're also not specifically criticizing the whole game starting off at number 10 timed objectives you know what i'm talking about when you're on a timer and you go too slow and it's game over like there's a ton of variety in these kinds of objectives sometimes they're short only a few minutes sometimes they're basically the entire game with dead rising in its 72 hour time limit actually dead rising is a perfect example because basically every mission is a timed mission you've only got so much time you have to complete every single objective before the timer runs out and you instantly fail if you don't if it's a main quest you're gonna have to restart the game over and over and over thanks to that time then there's also legend of zelda majora's mask which it's literally a three day timer and you gotta keep resetting that timer otherwise a big angry rock comes and hits the town grand theft auto games love these kind of objectives as well some of the absolute worst missions in these games involve timed objectives like supply lines from san andreas where you pilot that little drone you have to destroy trucks around city with a very limited amount of fuel yeah or espresso to go from grand theft auto 3 where you have to find and destroy nine espresso stands dotted around the city in less than eight minutes yeah the grand theft auto 3 map isn't huge but for that mission it's a big map one of the worst feelings ever is when you fail after just being seconds away from completing the mission definitely happens with all these missions at some point and then you're left with the feeling of going oh i'm gonna have to do this again aren't i at number nine it's escort missions like here's another of the most obvious ones i think sometimes they can be fun sometimes it can be interesting but it's sometimes it's not all the time or most the time or hardly any of the time honestly they're just really frustrating most the time to be completely clear there's a few things that make for a really bad escort mission by the way like how much health the guy that you're escorting has and how good their ai is which is usually in a lot of games not super great i don't know why they make these people the dumbest people in the game but yeah and when you're stuck with a dummy that constantly walks into your bullets like when you have to escort the president in perfect dark it just sucks like same when you're escorting somebody with very little health like the little sisters at the end of bioshock they only take a few hits from the swarms of splicers that attack you and then they just die you have to get a new one to start over it sucks probably the worst ones though that i can remember is in metal gear solid 2 when you have to escort emma emerick through a section of the game it's not just an escort mission it's partially an underwater one and of course there is resident evil 4 a big part of the game is just escorting ashley which some pretty frustrating parts in that but at least you're able to order her to stay behind for a while probably the worst escort mission ever is one of the worst games ever though the adventures of superman has an escort mission in it on nintendo 64 where you escort lois lane in this one level and she is so slow like if you look away from her for a second the game will spawn enemies to attack her too and when you get to the boss just randomly like runs directly at him because she's dumb thanks for that lois at number eight it's fetch quests play any rpg and you will see these these are objectives where somebody wants something so you go out collect the thing and come back sounds like not a big deal but once you do like more than one of them you start to realize how lazy they are for mission design and wow do we see it in every single game it seems like even good games where there's lots of very good missions recently with xenoblade chronicles the remaster of that pretty much every side mission is some kind of fetch quest another huge offender for these kinds of quests is skyrim which by the way again tons of amazing missions in it still feels like half the quests you get are to collect something and take it back to the quest giver now a lot of the time like i said they aren't really that bad especially when the game gives you a marker on the map and tells you exactly where to get something it's brainless but it's least not like the most frustrating thing in the world the worst is when they try to use these things to block your progress like oh i don't know why you're playing sonic 2006 but if you want to play like a somewhat decent part of the game like the sonic stages you're gonna have to deal with a bunch of boring tasks when the npc's dotted around the hub area and when i say boring i mean the worst most the time these quests just make everyone around you seem lazy like really lazy and i'm not talking about the developers i'm talking about the people occupying this world like you can't walk to the other side of this frigging town and buy a honeycomb yourself or whatever are you in that good of a financial position where things that would take you ten minutes are too much for you to do come on man number seven the do something boring objective like the types of objectives with the game forces you to do something boring self-explanatory right like we're talking about games we have to pretend to be a janitor for a little while during a heist or the infamous box stacking sequence from the original mafia and some people love it but you know the forklift parts in the shenmue games yeah those also there's no more heroes which is normally a hack and slash game but between all the assassin fighting you gotta earn money by doing some amazingly tedious side jobs like mowing lawns or and this sounds cool much cooler than it actually is in fact picking up scorpions these things are not fun despite how cool scorpions can be and you have to do them multiple times if you want to make enough money to qualify for the actual missions in the game like i want to play the game guys are are you really going to just artificially like expand the length of the game this way why why are you doing that and and yeah i get it like sometimes it's a realism thing sometimes doing menial stuff in a game makes sense from a realism perspective but stop going so overboard these things are sometimes really tedious at number six protection missions basically escort missions where the person you're escorting doesn't move so it's worse but usually with these you end up having to protect multiple things at the same time too it's not necessarily a person you just have to run around some area swatting down enemies as they approach whatever like it's basically become its own genre tower defense games which are by the way much better than protection missions that get integrated into other games because there are a lot more possibilities like gears of war has a mode built around it but like a recent game with protection missions that i'm talking about as bad is marvel's avengers where sometimes you have to defend like three dudes in an area that are getting swarmed by enemies we're usually pretty far apart from one another often on different levels and enemies can literally just teleport in so it's hard to tell what direction they're coming from plus these dudes are super weak another kind of recent example was shadow of war's shadow wars thing basically not only are you stuck doing these things but you're stuck grinding up till the point that you do them otherwise everybody's gonna get steamrolled it's gonna happen basically the end game of shadow of war actually it's one big protection mission and it feels never-ending because it's super long and it's super frustrating and number five is scavenger hunt and hide and seek missions which are like fetch quests but worse it's usually a list of items and they're usually hidden like there's a majora's mask part where you have to find five of these kids they're like hiding all around clock town being the worst children of all time and it's time consuming and it's tedious and it's also in the final fantasy vii remake why do people do this hey remember the knuckles missions from the sonic adventure games where you have to fly around and look for gems and areas that are way too big and sparse and empty because it's an earlier 3d game you remember sonic adventure 2 where you had to find him in order yeah whenever you do these kinds of objectives it always seems to take twice as long to find the last thing because you end up looking around for the same place repeatedly and they're never much fun but they still pop up everywhere there was a recent game we played called phanutopia awakening and it had one of these missions in it like why can't you guys stop putting them in games developers is there a mandate at number four is crafting objectives and for this one we are talking about games that have crafting systems obviously but are not necessarily all about crafting talking like fallout 4 or witcher 3 where they have the extensive systems but you can basically ignore them and a lot of people do and then the game asks you to craft something now most people are not obsessive hoarders and do not get every single possible item in the game so it usually means consulting a guide of some kind also fallout 4 has like one of the worst crafting objectives where you have to build a teleporter there's a secret location in the institute that you need to do that to get to and if you've never messed with the crafting system let alone the settlement system which adds more complication on top of that you're gonna be pretty lost especially when it comes to hooking up the power cables because you can know how that stuff works i know how that stuff works and i certainly i i have trouble with that element of it still like these missions don't pop up too much but they are really frustrating and number three is the master something you'll only do a single time in the game objective which i don't know that we really need to explain why they're so frustrating you do a thing once in the game and you have to master it and that's the mission like the most obvious example i can think of is that damn race in mafia and its remake we've talked about on the channel before it's like one of the most frustrating possible things a mafia is not a racing game it is the only race in the entire thing but for some reason the developers decided to make it play like a full-blown racing simulator with really aggressive drivers very technical control and damage modeling that basically means if you crash once you'll never recover another really bad one can be found in donkey kong 64 where you have to beat the original donkey kong and get a high score to be able to fight the last boss yeah you gotta do really well in an old arcade game which by the way old arcade games are hard to finish this cartoon platformer for kids and number two is forced stealth sections we're particularly talking about the ones where stealth isn't like a main thing in the game or even the thing or a thing at all they're always a drag because any game that is not a stealth game forcing you into stealth section is usually not good at the stealth section like even in games that are very very good like legend of zelda wind waker the forsaken fortress uh-uh don't like do not like or like the parts where you play as mary jane or miles morales from spider-man on ps4 yeah what makes them so annoying is that it's basically trial and error they're not stealth games so you don't have a lot of options for how to sneak basically the game just expects you to do it a certain way because yeah that's what you have to do they're not like stealth mechanics it's just a section where they're like what if we made it so they had to sneak and then they have a very specific idea as to what sneak means like the thing that probably bugs me the most about some of these sequences is that they don't make any sense like if you've ever played jedi knight 2 jedi outcast oldie but a goody real classic of a game uh still has one of these sections in it you have to sneak through an enemy base like there is nothing different about the game except for you can't just slaughter all the enemies with your lightsaber it's just arbitrarily that you cannot get caught and of course you get spotted at the end of the section anyway for story reasons so the whole thing was completely pointless like it's just not fun and neither are most of these sections and finally at number one i'm gonna say there's a distinct possibility someone may disagree with this one but forced grinding objectives yes i understand quite a few people out there like games for grinding however these types of objectives just lazy they just stop again dead in its tracks and tell you to get more stuff like you see this a ton of the time in like mmos and games as a service type games because it's easy you slap a little progress bar in your hood put some collectibles or resources right beside it and that's it probably the most recent version of this mission and like it's a game that's universally pretty much hated all around so i don't think you're gonna disagree it's anthem uh if you remember the challenges of the legionnaires quest the game just stops you in the middle of story and says hey find four tombs doesn't sound so hard does it yeah gives you excuse to see the world a little bit you know absorb the sights a bit integrate yourself into the universe of the game yeah but when you find a tomb the door's locked door's locked only way to open it yet do a bunch of other objectives like perform 50 melee kills or use your ultimate ability 20 times just time wasting crap maybe the worst one was the revive objective where you had to revive your teammates so many times because it's completely dependent on your team doing poorly which is dumb like people would start teams just so people could get killed to get past this stupid objective that's how bad this is and it's better now but it's also still anthem so whatever i guess these kinds of objectives are basically in like multiplayer games of every kind there's nowhere you can get a respite from them they just exist and when you're doing them in the background when you're actually doing the fun part of the game that's pretty harmless but when you're forced to do them they just really suck what are some of the worst video game objectives you can remember did we name them here or are you thinking of some other ones we're interested in what you have to say leave us a comment let us know if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week the best way to see them first is a courses subscription and as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 586,107
Rating: 4.9155149 out of 5
Keywords: video game objectives, gamer problems, video game problems, single player game problems, video game concepts, filler game missions, video game missions, gamer culture, game design, gameranx, falcon
Id: OptXow3l-Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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