10 In-Game Moments That Looked Like Glitches BUT AREN'T

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games are full of moments that just aren't supposed to be there but sometimes it just looks that way hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 10 moments that looked like glitches but aren't number 10 when scarecrow crashes the game from batman arkham asylum this is an iconic one in batman arkham asylum you have to deal with scarecrow three times each time he hits you with his fear toxin and each time something different happens usually it's what you'd expect like batman sees his dead parents or he thinks commissioner gordon is dead or something along those lines for the last one though it's more like scarecrow hits you the player with his fear gas as the game starts to glitch out before faking a hard reset it goes on just long enough to make you think something's wrong before you get to the actual meat of the sequence where you replay the opening section of the game but batman has been swapped with the joker there's another scene where a quick quicktime event pops up when the joker points a gun at you when he tells you to press the middle button of course that button doesn't actually exist so you can't do anything but anyone who played the game a lot of times probably jumped a little here a lot of games had qtes when arkham asylum came out and missing them usually meant instant death i i know that the joker got me here for at least a second and in hindsight it's obvious that it's not a glitch but still those first few seconds have scared a lot of people into thinking their game was busted and number nine is the psycho mantis fight from metal gear solid mgs just loves to throw these little interface tricks in but they started with the original the 1998 playstation 1 title metal gear solid it makes sense that psychomantis would pull something like this he's the most meta of all the bosses in the game it starts strange right off the bat like mantis makes your controller vibrate and he mentions some of the games you've got in your memory card but it only gets stranger from there the crewless trick is when he makes the screen turn black for a second with a little hideo in place of the word video which would be you know a standard tv thing at the time now if you're playing the game now it's a little bit of trigger that it's not going to fool you or anything but back when this game came out it looked almost identical to what a sony tv would look like when you switch to video mode of course it's obviously just a trick but the way you beat psychomantis is to unplug your controller from controller port 1 and plug it into port 2. so it seems like anything's possible with this guy he's actually one of the most memorable bosses in the entire series so these are actually pretty good fake glitches and number eight is the sanity effects from eternal darkness sanity's requiem it's a horror game and like a lot of horror games these days it has a sanity meter right not abnormal we've seen this a lot usually the sanity meter kind of acts like an alternate health bar and can make your screen shake and get blurry or whatever but the game does a little bit more with it and it better it's got sanity in the name instead of just making things darker or wobbly your sanity goes down strange stuff can happen like making bugs crawl over the screen which are pretty obviously part of the game but other stuff looks like legit glitches even if only for a second stuff like making the screen go black for a second or making the game look like it's reset like they really go nuts in this game there's a ton of fake glitches going on like it'll fake a controller disconnect it'll make all the items in your inventory disappear for a few seconds so i mean the developers had some fun with the player in this game the most evil however of all of them is when you save your game sometimes it'll say are you sure you want to delete all your saved games and no matter what you do it'll act like all your saves just got deleted i mean it is a fake out of course but it will freak you out absolutely and at number seven it's the entire ending from metal gear solid 2 which the moment you step into arsenal gear the end game to metal gear solid 2 stuff just starts to get weird most of it isn't entirely glitchy per se it's just extremely strange so strange that it really does begin to feel like there's something wrong with the game the area names become weird with names like duodenum and the rectum everything looks like you're in a virtual world solid snake just randomly appears and starts making fourth wall breaking references mentioning that his bandana gives him infinite ammo just like the bandana item in the first metal gear solid then you fight robot ninjas lots of them of course if we're talking about arsenal gear we can't not mention colonel campbell's famous i need scissors 61 speech during this whole section colonel campbell who is not actually the real colonel campbell but an ai he becomes like so unhinged and strange he ends up looking more and more blocky and skull skeleton like as things break down the most glitchy thing here is definitely these parts though when it looks like you're getting a game over normally text would say mission failed but instead it says fish and mailed and you're actually still able to play the game in the background and eventually the screen just goes away like a lot of stuff with this ending you're not really gonna be fooled by anything but you are gonna be confused and number six the secret worlds in axiom verge sometimes when exploring the metroid-inspired world of axiom verge you'll run into a weird-looking wall if you break it or sometimes just run through it that can work at times you'll enter a really strange glitchy area called the secret world and if you've ever seen an nes game glitch out these look very familiar it's basically terrain it's all jumbled up there's visual glitches all over and there's crtv effects like these areas hide secret weapons and upgrades and they're randomly generated to really just look like a mess a huge mess even the entrances to them are random so finding these places can be a pain looking at it now they're not really very convincing the crt effect was old even when the game came out but the glitchy visuals are absolutely on point and they do look very similar to the quote-unquote secret world from the original metroid or minus world from super mario it's not going to fool you but it's kind of a cool callback to some glitches that are actual glitches and older games and number five is the sorrow fight for metal gear solid 3. yep mgs is just full of these kinds of moments hideo kojima loves loves messing with the player and the third game might have the most frustrating version of it this part where you fight the sorrow isn't really a fake glitch it might seem like there's something wrong with the game if you killed a lot of people before getting here though how this section works is that any enemy you killed up till this point will appear in the river as a ghost or a zombie or something and i mean literally every single one it can take such a long time if you've killed a lot of people to get to the end of this and if you didn't kill anybody this section is over in seconds now the glitch part comes in here when you reach the end if you touch this corpse you just die instantly nothing in the game tells you what to do but you have to hold down l2 and take a revival pill which will bring snake back to life and end this section if you don't know you can do that which that's probably a thing that most people experience you'll just restart the section and try again attempting to use your codec to call for help is useless everyone just tells snake as if you died and there are no hints it's less of a fake glitch and more of a random thing keeps happening what do i do sort of thing but play through the section enough times without realizing what you're supposed to do and you will start to question if the game is bugged or something and number four is the error report in i wanna be the guy one of the most absolutely brutal games ever and the very definition of platformer hell inspired by the kaizo mario games aka [ __ ] mario this game heavily incorporates the [ __ ] trap where they put in all kinds of obnoxious tricks in the game that lead to an instant death some of the more normal varieties this trap include like invisible blocks that appear in the worst possible places that make you fall to your death or spikes that kill you out of nowhere and instant death applies that instead of falling down fly up to hit you so this fake glitch is totally in line with everything else in this utterly crazy game and it's just one more infuriating trick in a game filled with them it's simple you go into one of the many hellish rooms and suddenly this pops up an error report what makes this different from other games is that this isn't a fake out error report it's like misspelled or anything it's literally just a windows error report on the screen making you think that the game has crashed on top of that i want to be the guy isn't a crash free game it's totally possible you might have seen this pop-up in the game already but this one is fake after a few seconds it falls crushing your little dude and pretty much you know continues the trend of the rest of the game where everything falls on you and crushes you in some way so yeah you can actually move around when you see this error and once you realize it's a fake it's not too difficult to bypass but it's actually a pretty funny trick if you think about it and number three is the not stanley and out of map endings from the stanley parable like the stanley parables all around just made to play with video game tropes so of course game glitches are gonna come into play this game's an actual gameplay not terribly complicated you go through the narrative you get a choice every once in a while depending on the choices you make you get a different ending you know some choices are more hidden than others let's say like with the not stanley ending where you go to a room with a telephone but instead of answering it like the game wants you to you unplug it this leads to an ending where the game becomes increasingly glitchy and crazy it just it keeps getting worse and worse until you entirely separate from stanley floating in the air like you have clipped outside the world another glitch related ending is the out of map ending where if you position a chair just right you can actually get out of bounds of the map this being the game that it is it actually leads to its own unique ending rather than just being a glitch which is pretty weird and number two is reset the computer now from x-men for the sega genesis it's i mean a truly bizarre glitch in the x-men game on the fifth level there's a part where you just get to a dead end game seemingly glitches out while flashing reset the computer at you if you just sit there a counter clock will eventually hit zero and you'll die what you have to do here is pretty crazy but also really evil like you have to reset the console if you reset the game will continue like normal but here's the thing this game didn't have any way to save your progress so hitting reset meant you'd have to replay the game up to this point again if it didn't work and yeah sometimes it didn't work apparently you had to lightly hit the reset button on the sega genesis for this game to continue if you held down the button it would just hard reset like normal and you'd be back to square one which and another thing to keep in mind is this game's 1993 before the internet was a thing that every kid had access to so a lot of people get to the point of this game and never imagine that actually hitting the reset button would be good you'd be like walking around going like is there a computer in this game i'm supposed to restart oh and if you had a sega nomad the portable version of the genesis you're just screwed because it didn't have a reset button and finally at number one it's copy protection glitches these are glitches that were left in any game deliberately by developers as a form of copy protection basically rather than simply lock players out of the game they introduce some glitch that makes them mostly unplayable there's a lot of games that include something like this so we'll run down a couple of notable ones batman arkham asylum has one where if you don't have a legit game batman can't glide like at all the funny thing about this one is that it takes a little while before you get to a point where you actually have to glide to progress through the game so you could play the game for over an hour before realizing you're stuck there's a game called game dev tycoon that's literally about making games so if you download the cracked version of that developers secretly released onto torrent sites instead of things going like normal you'll see pirates in-game just ruining your company's finances operation flashpoint's another interesting one because it was the first game to use the fade system which would slowly make the gameplay worse as you play it another game that used fade was the original mafia and it would make the game slowly run worse the further you got into it which is wild sirius sam 3 would make it so that all these little scorpion enemies would spawn pretty much right when you started the game they're incredibly fast they do tons of damage and are totally invincible so the game was basically impossible some of the most vicious copy protection glitches appeared in earthbound for the super nintendo the game saw multiple layers of copy protection outside of the usual warning screens it would also make a lot more random enemies which would appear like two to three times more than usual and it may be one of the cruelest tricks ever the developers made so the game would freeze right at the final boss and then it would delete all your saves and then reset these are interesting in that they aren't glitches but like intentionally frustrating features to make the game worse for pirates and some developers really went above and beyond to torment any would-be thieves out there that's all for today do you remember any of these leave us a comment let us know what you think if you liked this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week and the best way to see them first is a course a subscription so click subscribe don't forget to click the notification bell and as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter falcon the hero and we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 969,791
Rating: 4.9347601 out of 5
Keywords: video game moments, in game moments, weird in-game moments, confusing in-game moments, iconic in-game moments, video game scenes creepy, video game design, different game design, unique gaming moments, gameranx, falcon, gaming glitches, glitches on purpose, video game glitches, fake glitches in games, fake gaming glitches, in game glitches, glitches in game scenes, cutscene glitches
Id: QaSzZaxZgP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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