10 Best Unlockables You CAN'T PAY TO UNLOCK [Part 3]

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games often hide away the best stuff behind some arcane thing that you have to do to unlock it hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks the 10 best unlockables in video games you cannot pay to unlock part 3. starting off at number 10 it's doom eternals the unmaker let's just start off by mentioning one of the best unlockables in a recent game the unmaker actually it's a returning gun from of all things doom 64 and the on maker is just crazy powerful it shares the same weapon slot as the bfg 9000 and uses the same ammo but in most situations the unmaker is just a significantly better weapon especially against some of the toughest enemies in the game like marauders the only way to get this thing is by collecting all six empyrean keys in the game which you get by unlocking and completing a slayer gate in each level these things basically amount to tough combat challenges that are totally optional but you really want to do them because the unmaker weapon is absolutely worth the trouble funny thing is this gun was a secret unlockable in its first appearance in doom 64 as well it could only be found in secret levels and starts off pretty weak actually in order to power up you have to find these secret demon keys but the unmaker and doom eternal it's awesome right from the start at number 9 is norton's arkbow in assassin's creed valhalla here's a cool secret weapon that was only recently discovered it ended up being so hard to find that players found it just by brute forcing the solution and it actually took a while longer before anyone figured out the intended method to get this thing basically it's one of those out of game treasure hunts what made it so difficult for players to decipher was that the clues were written in a made-up language the isu language they were the precursors that built a lot of the mcguffins players are chasing around in the assassin's creed series they hid the clues in the collector's edition which then put together pointed towards a seemingly unbreakable rock pile in the north it can only be broken at a certain time of day with a certain weapon another super secret item called the excalibur greatsword it's a pretty fancy bow for being hidden under a pile of rocks but because it was so inconspicuous it took players months to realize this thing was even in the game at number 8 is fall in super mario world here is an absolute classic video game secret where you can change the season in super mario world for super nintendo it's one of the strangest probably most pointless things ever but actually getting the season to change from standard spring to fall is pretty tough some stages in this game have secret exits that lead to a secret zone called star road you'd think that'd be it but you'll find a secret exit on a stage in star road and it'll take you to a second secret area called special zone this is where some of the trickiest levels in the game are hidden and if you manage to beat all of them then you return to the overworld map and you'll notice the color palette has changed instead of bright greens and spring the world has changed to oranges and browns of autumn some enemies look different as well like the piranha plants that look like jack-o-lanterns and the koopa troopas that look like they're wearing a mario mask why the halloween theme i don't know i have no idea and i don't know that anybody actually does but it is one of the all-time great secrets in gaming and it's pretty weird for an unlockable thing in this game at number 7 tony hawk's pro skater 2 has spider-man in it the tony hawk games are famous for their unlockable characters but one of the all-time greats has to be spider-man and tony hawk's pro skater 2. it might seem like a totally random pairing but it's not actually that unusual if you think about it the developers of the tony hawk series at the time neversoft also worked on the spider-man games for the playstation 1. to actually unlock the web slinger as a playable character you have to get a hundred percent completion in career mode with a created skater or you could use a cheat as well one of the coolest things about spider-man is they actually made some new animations for him so he feels genuinely unique it's really a shame they weren't able to bring him back for the tony hawk pro skater 1 and 2 remake but that game at least has some pretty good unlockables still like officer dick who is literally voiced by jack black at number six is skippy the talking gun in cyberpunk there are a lot of pretty decent secrets in cyberpunk 2077 like let's say the secret batmobile but probably the most interesting hidden thing is this talking gun you can find by randomly exploring down some alley in night city you'll find this dead guy with a gun next to him and if you pick it up it actually starts talking to you the gun gives you the option of selecting its firing mode lethal or non-lethal but with a nasty twist that whatever you choose will be reversed after 50 kills or takedowns permanently locking you into whatever choice you didn't want to make but its usefulness as a gun really isn't what makes this thing interesting it is the dialogue for such an obnoxious looking cartoon image it has actually got a pretty refined robot voice and its little event in questline you unlock by picking it up is one of the more amusing things in the entire game and remember this isn't something you can easily pick up it's not in a noteworthy location or someplace you'd likely come across it is in a random alley on just a random mall area with nothing special nearby at all it is so easy to miss unless you are looking for it and the fact that it is as elaborate as it is is well pretty impressive and number five is need for speed two's tyrannosaurus unlock racing games really don't usually have out there unlocks usually they're pretty standard nothing crazy but need for speed too come on it's neat for speed then it's don't care hey let's throw a t-rex in the game for some reason like once again it's not quite as crazy as it might sound at first the game has a jurassic park esque segment in one of its levels so reusing a dinosaur prop in a different context makes sense but this isn't like spider-man from tony hawk they didn't exactly put a lot of effort into this thing it's just a static model it moves forward it doesn't animate and it's especially ridiculous because of how big it is it dwarfs other racers on the track and it takes up so much vertical space that it's constantly clipping through the scenery but when it comes to ridiculous unlockables the t-rex is definitely one of the most memorable and number four is god of war 2's cod of war it is a goofy costume that you get for beating god of war 2 on any difficulty the god of war series has always been a fairly serious one but they weren't afraid to sneak in some less serious stuff in the original games probably one of the best is kratos in a fish costume they even replaced the blades of chaos with fish hooks and it is so ridiculous looking it actually does benefit you too though which is not something that you would expect but you get double the return on any orbs you collect they actually put this set into god of war from 2018 as a thing you can get a new game plus but it's just repainted armor rather than a whole new costume but still at number three is richter mode in castlevania symphony of the night a classic one right here the ability to play through symphony of the night as richter belmont rather than alucard all you have to do to play as this guy is start a new game and type in richter as your character name but only after you've beaten the game once oh yeah forgot to mention that you have to beat the game first he's got a totally different move set from alucard and it's possible to do most of the moves he can do as a boss character here his uppercut attack for instance is especially helpful it allows you to pretty much get anywhere in the castle right from the start because there's no items to collect or experience to earn richter is a much more straightforward character to play as and he can bomb rush to the castle in just a fraction of the time it would normally take alucard to get through it for most of us in the us it was the first time we ever got a chance to play as richter as it took years from the original release of this game for them to finally bring over rondo of blood to western audiences and yeah we know about dracula x but that game does not count and number two is the penetrator armor set in the demon souls remake one of the coolest looking bosses in the souls series the penetrator just doesn't screw around at all unlike later games in the series demon souls doesn't allow you to unlock boss armor for yourself so in the original version players never got a chance to put on the uncomfortably sexual sounding knight's armor for themselves that is until blue point came along hidden behind a secret door in world 1 3 the armor can finally be worn by players and all it takes is 26 ceramic coins to open well it is a lot harder than that sounds though these ceramic coins are only found in certain conditions and well fractured mode specifically and even then you can't get them all in one playthrough so actually getting the key for this door and unlocking it is a very time consuming and difficult process but if you want the rarest armor in the game that's what you're gonna have to do and finally at number one fred durst in smackdown just bring it this is probably one of the best and worst unlockables all time you remember fred durst from uh lim biscuit like uh rollin rollin rollin limp biscuit if not we don't blame you but at a certain point in time this guy and his band were at the top of the world going big time might have gone to his head just a little though because one of his requests to allow the developers to use his songs in the game was that he wanted to be an unlockable character at least allegedly and that's what brought us this fred durst is a playable character and smackdown just bring it for the ps2 it's not an easy feat to unlock him either you have to win 15 fights in the slobber knocker mode as the undertaker to get him which honestly isn't worth the effort but there you go this one's so goofy and dumb it just comes back around to being great like for being one of the biggest acts of all-time real life vanity in a video game it deserves a mention here that's all for today leave us a comment let us know what you think if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe and don't forget to enable all notifications as always thank you very much for watching this video on falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon hero and we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 540,215
Rating: 4.936409 out of 5
Keywords: best unlockables, hardest unlockables, funny video game unlockables, video game most secret items, unlockable swords, assassin's creed, doom eternal, demon souls, unlockable bosses, satisfying unlockables, best unlockable guns, gameranx, falcon, how to unlock video game secrets, unlockable items
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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