7 SURPRISES You Got For 100% Completing The Game

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sometimes fully completing a game is the only way to see some of the stuff it's got in it hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks we would like to talk about seven surprises you got for 100 completing games just a quick disclaimer for you this is about the endings of games so there are going to be some spoilers if you hear the name of a game and you're like wow i don't want this game spoiled for me probably not the video to watch however i don't think any of these are particularly new games either so you've been warned starting off at number seven it's batman arkham knight you have to get 100 completion to even see the full ending cutscene so you had to get all of the riddler trophies to unlock the riddler in a giant robot suit as the actual final boss and beating him isn't a hundred percenting the game no it's part of it you have to do it but you also have to do all of the challenges all of the side quests everything to get the actual ending cutscene now what this means is batman activates the nightfall protocol which is basically batman hanging up his saddle to ride no more by blowing up wayne manor seemingly with him inside it and then a scene playing out very reminiscent of you know the origin scene of batman however with a fear toxin fueled hallucination i mean it's a pretty intense ending batman's pretty hard on himself for mission complete i'm gonna go ahead and say at number six is metroid other m there is a surprise returning boss that you unlock when you 100 the game probably the best part of metroid other m is the post game where you just explore the space station collect items there's no real story it's just the better parts of the game not that the story is bad or anything at times it is at times there's some pretty long and frankly embarrassing story scenes that happen a common sos with the urgency of a baby crying the nickname comes from the fact that the purpose of the signal is to draw attention but metroid other m is just a hell of an exploration game just going around rummaging through the scenery fighting enemies yes the fighting in metroid other m is just great i really enjoy the hell out of it truly a very good game but anyway you get all the items you 100 the game and the bonus boss opens up which is really a cool surprise if you're a fan of the metroid series it's fantune from super metroid the boss of the wrecked spaceship it's not only a bit of a nostalgia trip but like it's a really good boss fight that they did a great job moving from 2d to 3d because a lot of the concepts that you know about how to beat the boss in 2d are fully applicable in 3d and as i said a moment ago the fighting in metroid other m is fantastic it's just a really good boss fight and it's worth getting to at number 5 is spyro 3 getting revenge on moneybags so in the spyro games you have to deal with this guy called moneybags he's a big pan in the ass who gates your progress basically by owning bridges and if you pay him he will lower the bridges so you can progress beyond the point that you're at now he's awful like you know every greedy person you've ever hated in your life he functions as an avatar for as soon as you don't have enough and you talk to him because he's awful anyway players began to really hate this guy for some reason again partially because he lowers your gem total but i i actually think it's because he's incredibly smug getting 100 completion actually lets you get a little bit of revenge on him you can actually chase him around and beat him up until every gem he's ever taken from you flies out of him like every spyro game has some kind of completion bonus but this is definitely the most satisfying one because moneybags he's the worst i'm surprised they made him a bear and not like a rat because he might as well be a rat he comes off as a rat i sometimes misremember this character as a rat despite having played the games very recently he's just the worst and he fully deserves that chase sequence let me just say viva la revolucion at number four with super mario sunshine you get to have a very relaxing vacation for 100 completing the game now we didn't necessarily say these were all going to be good it's actually one of the worst rewards you could get for 100 completing a game just a group photo that says have a relaxing vacation like sunshine is one of the hardest mario games to 100 so the fact that you get basically nothing really let's just say nothing the fact that you get nothing for it it just makes it feel like a slap in the face games like mario galaxy 2 which unlocks the grand master galaxy when you get like 100 completion or super mario 3d world which unlocks the world crown or super mario odyssey which unlocks a harder final boss battle they're all like way better rewards than a photograph that says have a relaxing vacation i mean it's just the most passive aggressive possible thing and like you did what it wanted oh good job you did all that work now you can relax like shut up i mean it's not the worst but the fact that it's so hard to get combined with the sort of awkward syntax have a relaxing vacation gives the screen major a winner is you vibes and frankly for the amount of work that you have to get to get there it's almost impressive that they didn't bother coming up with something better like is it really that hard to give us something could you not have taken an extra like day and designed like a room full of something cool or like ported some level from mario 64 or something for us to play around in i don't know anything anything is better than this and number three is donkey kong country tropical freeze world seven and hard mode like this is actually a really good good reward total opposite of the last one if you beat every level collect every kong letter and beat all the insanely hard bonus k levels in every world you unlock the even more insanely hard world seven and if you beat that this is probably the funniest part about it in my opinion you get hard mode yes in hard mode where you only have one heart instead of two you can't use items and there are no checkpoints in the level you have to do all of the hardest crap in the game which is already very hard and your reward is hard mode i i again kind of respect that this is actually a good reward in my opinion because not only do you get extra levels but the reward is a good reason to get better at the game and i understand maybe not everybody looks at it that way some people might think you have to be a bit of a masochist to get this far but here's the thing if you're actually crazy enough to beat world seven you probably like a challenge so hard mode probably not a bad reward actually at number two drakengard the bizarre actual final ending ending e as it is known this is actually the first game directed by yokotaro which is let's put it this way he's a weird dude he's basically famous for being weird and probably got most famous for directing near automata which is very weird especially how it handles the endings like the near games the dragongard game had multiple endings that had specific requirements to unlock and to unlock the fifth and final ending you had to collect all 65 weapons which means you have to do everything in the game along with you know all sorts of secrets arcane very strange very difficult sometimes borderline incomprehensible objectives the final ending itself is truly bizarre in a game all about flying a dragon in a weird medieval fantasy world you go through a portal and end up in modern day tokyo and get killed by a jet yes that's the ending of the game you get killed by a jet in normal everyday life kind of i mean normal people don't typically get killed by jets but plain old modern tokyo thank you for playing and finally at number one in grand theft auto 5 you finally catch bigfoot getting a hundred percent in gta 5 is a huge ordeal you have to complete all the story missions all the leicester assassination missions you have to finish all of franklin's strangers and freaks missions you have to do a ton of hobbies ton of past times it is an inordinate amount of work to 100 grand theft auto5 getting a 100 completion makes ufos appear on top of mount chiliad you get an orange t-shirt that says 100 on it i mean not the best reward i've ever heard of and the final strangers and freaks mission called the last one is unlocked in this mission you hunt a bigfoot who's actually a guy in a costume but there is more also a golden peyote plant appears somewhere that allows players to become a sasquatch and actually fight the beast it's also pretty insane to even get that far in the game if you've done all of that stuff in the game frankly you deserve whatever you're getting it's not normal person realm stuff that's not a judgment it's the truth but what do you think leave us a comment let us know if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now is a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week and the best way to see them first is a courses subscription so click subscribe don't forget to enable all notifications and as always thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon hero and we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,474,915
Rating: 4.9161234 out of 5
Keywords: 100 percent game, hidden content in video games, hardest content to unlock in games, secret content unlock games, batman arkham knight 100 percent game, gta 5 100 percent game, 100 percent game unlocks, gameranx, falcon
Id: q0wmBYwNsHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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