10 Rare Bosses Locked in HARD Difficulty Modes

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all video games have difficult bosses but some bosses are just way above and beyond what is expected hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 10 boss is locked in ultra difficulty modes starting off at number 10 it's the final fantasy 7 remake pride and joy now this is a final fantasy game so of course there's gonna be some kind of super hard bonus boss it's just a given but what makes this guy unique is you can only face him when playing hard mode and even then only after basically doing everything else in the game hard mode in this game changes a few things enemies are tougher of course but it doesn't let you refill mp adventures anymore worst thing though is that you can't use items like you can't use items at all at this point you're pretty reliant on using ethers to restore your mp but that is totally out of the window so that change alone makes the game a whole lot harder and pride and joy is the ultimate challenge well actually just getting to them might even be harder than the boss himself because before you even get a chance at the robot you have to fight a bunch of summons in four consecutive rounds with the last one making you fight two summons at the same time bahamut by itself is the hardest fight in the entire game so having to deal with a free on top of that is just completely nuts also if you think this thing looks familiar it is because the same robot exists in the original final fantasy vii it's called the proud claude and it's the robot that you fight when you return to midgard near the end of the game even though it's just a prototype this thing is still way tougher than in the original game and is a huge pain to deal with at number 9 bloodborne's watchdog of the old lords now this one is just cruel if you want to do everything in bloodborne you're eventually going to have to play through the defiled chalice dungeons this is a randomly generated dungeon that has one thing about it that makes it incredibly painful to play through uh while you're in it your health is lowered by 50 this is a game where you die after only a few hits anyway so cutting your health bar by that much turns many attacks that used to be damaging but survivable into one-hit kills and it turns the three bosses of this place from things that normally wouldn't give you a lot of trouble to some of the hardest bosses in any souls-like game probably the worst among those however is the watchdog of the old lords a big flaming dog that you have to fight as the boss of the second lair there are two things that make this guy such an ungodly pain at first it's really aggressive so you have to be very careful when you attack and be particularly careful of its area of effect attacks many of which can kill you instantly and are often hard to tell how far away you have to be to avoid damage and on top of that this thing itself just takes a ton of damage especially on new game plus it just becomes this slog of a fight where you have to hit this thing so many times and it will kill you instantly if you screw up even once in a series about hard battles this is just one of the worst because the difficulty modifier of the area you have to fight it in really takes it up a notch to say the very least and number eight is super smash brothers ultimate i'm talking about crazy hand and master hand master hand has been the final boss of smash brothers since its humble beginnings on the nintendo 64. in the sequel crazy hand was introduced a more chaotic and difficult version of master hand which would only appear if you finish classic mode in 5 minutes and 50 seconds in brawl this became a true hard mode boss and you could only face it while playing hard or playing on something higher than hard obviously for smash ultimate the thing kept its hard mode cred as you have to fight it and master hand at the same time if you play through classic mode at 7.0 intensity or higher which is basically the game's equivalent of a heart mode taking on both these things at the same time is just not easy while master hand is predictable crazy hand true to its name it just goes nuts the whole time it's erratic as hell and even if you know what it's going to do trying to deal with the weird timing of its attacks just makes it a total pain to fight fighting games love to put in surprise bosses if you play through arcade mode well enough but smash brothers is one of a few games where the boss actually changes depending on the difficulty you're playing on rather than on your skill level i mean yeah it's just wildly hard too and number seven is star fox 64 and ross's brain depending on the path you take through star fox 64 the end boss will either be a robotic duplicate of the bad guy or the actual final boss see the interesting thing about star fox is it's deliberately structured to kind of give you a different experience each time based on what you do in the game whether you display more skill and collect more things or go through more rings or whatever it's pretty weird either way no matter what path you take the first form of the final boss is this floating monkey head with two hands and it's not really that difficult to take down if you played through the hard route of the game though which involves doing this obscure stuff like flying through all the arches on corneria you get to see the true form of the final boss a giant floating brain it's also pretty creepy for a kids game i can remember playing this i was just becoming a teenager when i played this game and i remember being like really insistent i was gonna get to that final boss the correct way you know like a real gamer and i remember kind of being weirded out by it like the music's actually really good at setting a tone but he's also super tough he teleports around like crazy and just getting a good shot in can be a huge challenge in of itself at number six is terraria uh there are more hard mode bosses than regular ones that's probably the best way to describe what's going on here terraria is unique in that it is a game where you can play completely peacefully just chill out just build your little village or you can go balls to the wall fight all kinds of crazy monsters and get just utterly ridiculous and insane loot it's up to you and that's part of why the game is so popular getting totally crazy is just how the game works when you start in normal mode where the gameplay is more idyllic and enemies are less aggressive you can dig deep into the underworld and take on the wall of flesh and the game transitions into hard mode which creates new much tougher biomes in the world and generally just makes everything a lot more difficult there is a ton of new bosses when the game changes over while there's about seven bosses exclusive in normal mode there's like 10 you can take on in hard mode and while most of these guys need to be summoned so you don't have to worry about him just appearing out of nowhere and annihilating you it's still better to be extra prepared before going into hard mode in this game because they really just throw a lot at you there is no going back also so yeah know that going in at number five is contra three's true final boss so the contra games are kind of nasty regarding difficulty in a lot of them if you play it on easy the game is just going to not let you play the final level at all period no questions asked like you played on easy mode so you don't deserve to see the whole game i guess not necessarily a design philosophy i personally subscribe to but yeah let's say you play on easy and mess up the last level but if you play on normal he missed the final form of the last boss normally you fight this giant alien looking dude named emperor demon gava and then battle it out with his brain which for some reason is called the living brain organism searle you kill it and then you fly away in a helicopter in the standard game that's where things would end but if you're playing on hard things get even crazier the brain transforms into whatever this is now called six men feromatos and attacks you so you had to fight it off while hanging off the helicopter and it is not easy but if you've gotten this far it's also not going to be a lot tougher it's just more like it keeps throwing more and more stuff at you which is tough and number four is the galactic night in kirby's return to dreamland of all the games you would expect to see this kind of thing in kirby is just not one of them famous for their easy going atmosphere and relatively low difficulty kirby games are really just a lot of fun and not particularly stressful a surprising thing you probably don't know however is that they're also filled with tough bonus battles and secret bosses many of which are so much tougher than anything in the regular game like in return to dreamland after you beat the game you unlock extra mode which is a harder version of story mode beat that and you unlock the final challenge which is called the true arena this basically amounts to a boss rush you have to take on 15 powered up bosses in a row including a special bonus boss that only appears in this mode called the galacta knight this is not the only game he's appeared in he also shows up in superstar ultra planet robobot and more but he mainly appears as a bonus boss even though he's a cute little pink guy he does not screw around he comes off like a devil may cry boss in my opinion at least closer to that than something in a kirby game and remember you don't even face them until after you've dealt with 12 other souped-up bosses pretty much every kirby game hides something like this in them and it's never not funny to see these games suddenly get super hardcore for the post camp at number three donkey kong in the wii version of punch out so in punch out on the nintendo wii after you play through the game one time you unlock title defense mode where you'll refight all the previous fighters but this time they're much tougher they've got new punches new tricks and they can even dodge your super punches along with sometimes having a new look basically title defense mode is hard mode if you manage to finish it and defeat the toughest rematch against mr sandman you will get a surprise challenger donkey kong and this monkey puts the previous champion to shame pretty much every single one of his punches is an instant knockdown if you don't dodge him and if you try to punch him while he's taunting which he does by the way all the time he almost always counter attacks he's just really tough all around like the punch-out games are already hard enough but dk puts the rest of the guys in the game to shame and he does it without throwing a single barrel the only thing is we have to test him for extra potassium is that illegal i don't know banana joke ha ha and number two is inner agent 3 in splatoon 2's octo expansion we didn't really expect to put a lot of nintendo games on this list to be completely clear but here we are splatoon 2's octo expansion ends on this really tough fight against the previous protagonist of the game named agent 3. this fight is hard enough on its own but if you manage to do everything else in the game you can fight a hard mode version called inner agent 3. that means you have to collect all 80 mem cakes which is not easy yes the octo expansion can get pretty tough the fight's mostly the same as the original with agent 3 being more aggressive accurate and of course having more health altogether it turns what would otherwise be a pretty tough fight into a near impossible one and that is not all the arena is smaller and there's less surface area for you to ink meaning you're gonna be able to maneuver way less it's not a flashy fight let's just go ahead and say but it is really really hard and finally at number one it is undertale's genocide route sans boss fight so undertale's an rpg where nobody has to die but if you want to make the game really really challenging then something's got to die well actually literally everything the total opposite of the pacifist run where you don't hurt anything you can instead play through the game and kill everything in an area it is possible in this game to fight enough battles in an area that the enemies actually go extinct and there is nothing left if you do that for absolutely every area you're doing the genocide route it's not particularly hard just very very tedious at least for most of the time once you hit some of the bosses it's it's a different chestnut there's actually a lot of other changes that happen if you play this way but toughest to say it's normally a pretty cheery game and it turns into a total bummer the real challenge isn't until the end though where you have to face off against sans in an absolutely insane boss battle where he throws everything at you for his first attack just surviving the first attack itself is very very difficult that's all for now though have you actually beaten any of these boss fights you got any insights feel like you want to share leave us a comment let us know what you think if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now is a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week best way to see them first is a course's subscription so click subscribe don't forget to enable all notifications and as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 370,337
Rating: 4.924582 out of 5
Keywords: hard difficulty modes, hardest difficulty modes, hard difficulty surprises, hardest bosses, ultra hard bosses video games, hard ps4 bosses, hard xbox one bosses, hard nintendo switch bosses, hard pc bosses, tough bosses, gameranx, falcon
Id: N9CbzJxO0Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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