10 Unusual Houseplants You Won't See On Instagram

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hi everyone my name is nick and today we're going to spotlight 10 unusual house plants that you won't see on instagram but you're going to see them on youtube today so let's just go ahead and get started so this first one we're going to talk about today is this lovely little fella right here so this is a ficus mcellandii alii gold so this is a gold variegated version a much more uncommon version of ficus machelandii olea which is a very standard tree form of ficus that you're going to see in houseplant stores i think it looks kind of like a peach tree if you're familiar with fruiting trees but this is as i said is a much more uncommon version of that plant this is just a gold variegated version this is a plant that i really only see at botanical gardens so i was kind of shocked when i found it at like an off-the-grid farmer's market in around my area but this is just such a little cutie this is a very easy ficus to grow uh if you're familiar with ficus some of them like the fiddly fig can be a little bit more temperamental or the fight is benjamina you can just look at that thing and it drops leaves but the ficus ollie i found to be a much more reliable house plant and i really love this lemon lime color this is something that you don't normally see purposely in house plants i feel like typically when your plants are this color it's because they're sick and they're dying but this is just something or just the way that this plant grows and you can see from this much newer growth right here that when it comes in it's much more neon green and kind of fades back over time to a little bit more of a dulled lemon lime green but i really love this plant you can see that i've been growing it in a window since i've had it and it's been facing the window i literally haven't touched it i've never even pulled out of this window to be honest so i'm really happy that i'm talking about it today because i never really got to enjoy this ficus for the way it is but i think it looks beautiful it's literally like a little tree ficus plants can be a little finicky at first but i find once they acclimate to your home it's pretty much smooth sailing and they're very very resilient reliable house plants that grow to be a very nice size so i think it's very exciting hopefully this one is going to look as beautiful as the trees i see in the botanical gardens but for now i'm just going to enjoy it as this little dainty little plant right here i got mine like i said from a little farmer's market but this is something i think is sold on logee's but like i said i just don't normally see it on social media so i did want to highlight it today because i know ficus are like you know kind of popular not like the hottest plants they're no fallout engine or anything but i still think there are some really interesting ficus out there specifically the ficus maclane diy aliyah gold so let's move on to another type of houseplant today so ooh i absolutely love this one this is a very showy houseplant so this is a primolina sinensis now primolina's the genus primolina is a type of gas near yet if you're familiar so gazingeriads are relatives to african violets or african violets are gazinari as if i'm not mistaken so this is a very very close relative to african violets and they call this an asian violet now these plants do bloom just like african violets do however these plants are much more grown for their foliage as you can see from the stunning silver foliage there are so many different types of primolinas out there a lot of them do have a foliage reminiscent to this type but a couple of the other ones i grow in my home look entirely different than this so there are plenty of ones to look out for it's something you really don't see very often the pattern on the leaves are incredible they're extremely extremely fuzzy if you can see all the cilia coming off of these plants they're very good at catching cat hair and dust so i'm sure you can sure you can see a few stray cat hairs here and there but this is just such an incredible house plant if you aren't well versed with gazineriads or if you kind of don't love african violets i would say try out an asian violet because i wasn't really feeling gaz near yet and i would say that asian violets are the thing uh the plants that are turning me on to gezneri ads if you follow me here on youtube you probably noticed that i'm getting really into collecting gasoneri heads so this is definitely uh the the straw that broke the camel's back if you will that got me into them so i absolutely love the foliage they're very easy to grow the only thing i will say is you do need to be mindful as with a lot of gazing areas not to get cold water on the leaves i do keep mine right near the sink and you can see that there's a couple of like damage marks of brown this is from cold water getting on the leaves and perhaps maybe the sun was shining on the plant because this does sit in direct sunlight and uh perhaps the water on the leaves kind of magnified and caused some damage so there's a couple of ways to damage these leaves but as long as you water them with warm water which is what i do it seems to be not an issue at all so just one thing to bear in mind if you are kind of willy-nilly with your your watering from the top if you water from the bottom it's no big deal at all but i don't really tend to do that in my home it just is a little time consuming for the amount of plants i have but such a gorgeous plant i'm really just starting to go off on a rant as i normally do but i would be remiss if i do not talk about this gorgeous house plant that really seems to get passed over when i would sell this at the plant shop when i worked there people didn't seem to really care about them but i did you know let's move on to this cute little hoya right here so this is a hoya elagiorum this is such a little dainty little hoi i absolutely love the slight venation that leaves get but they're just kind of elongated waxy green leaves a kind of visually undemanding plant that i absolutely love however i feel like this one probably isn't seen on social media that often because it is such a slow grower at least for me it performs very very slowly i did a video like a year or two ago where i got some hoyas from logee's or i repotted them i don't know if i did an unboxing or what i totally forgot it's been a long time out of the four hoyas that i got from lojes this one has done virtually nothing it's put on these two little leaves right here so i guess i have two tendrils going but it's barely anything because you can see they've barely done anything for me the other three hoyas that i got have grown like there and back so that's fantastic but this one's just taking its sweet time which is okay because it's not dying i absolutely love the look of it and i really do have pretty much all of them in very similar settings they're all under a grille except for one of them that's in the south facing window and that one has grown to the moon and back so i really need to start chopping that one up but i just think this one's adorable the flowers are pretty interesting from what i've seen online not in person they're like nice red flowers but um i can dream about a day where i see this thing flower one day i'm sure it's gonna get going for me but this is just a very very slow hoya however i just really really love the foliage a lot of hoyas do look very similar but there's always just little nuances about your hoyas here and there that look rather different and i just really love these elongated uh veiny hoyas so i think it's great very easy plant to grow i just water it when i remember practically like every week or two it's in a little tiny terracotta pot that i just have sitting inside this basket here to kind of you know add a little bit of effect but a nice little tip find a little basket or thrift store you can just put a pot of plant inside it and then use it as a planter but anyways a really cool hoya i absolutely love it like i said i got it from logee's as you can probably pretty clearly see on the tag and i just i really adore it i wish it would start growing better for me because i want to see it flower and do some wonderful things to me i absolutely love the foliage so let's discuss this funky little thing right here so this is a philodendron this is philodendron campos portoanum ask me if i'm pronouncing that right i think i'm close but this is a plant i got from the potted elephant i think earlier this year and it's done quite a bit for me when they gave it to me it was just sorry i'm trying to keep this moss pool from moving around i'm not usually manhandling my plants like this but it just had these three leaves and i decided or i wanted to let it trail but people were commenting on my video like no let it climb so i was like okay i listen to you guys i do listen and it's climbing up it's put off these four leaves they're kind of you know a little funky looking they got kind of like a little bit of um spotting to them i don't know if it's like from me keeping it in your south facing window maybe i should consider pulling it back but i just really love the kind of red rusty color that these leaves get at least the amateur leaves i think it's quite fantastic i know once this plant gets a little bit more mature it gets kind of like a little winged or lobed foliage which i'm looking forward to seeing but for now i'm just enjoying it in its immature form and you see all these little aerial roots right here i'm so tempted to cut this plant and propagate and make a new one or trade it or something sometimes it's just hard to cut your plants when they're doing so well you know and i mean i just want to kind of let it grow off and crazy but sometimes i let my plants grow up the moss pole and they get too high and they fall and they snap and i have to end up propagating anyway so maybe i could just nip that in the bud but it is a really cool plan i really don't have that much to say about it i water it like once a week i keep it near a soft-facing window but as we mentioned maybe that's a little too much light because i am seeing just like some spots on the leaves i don't know if you guys can really see them i think this leaf is probably the one that it's showing the most so i'm not really sure what's going on there if you have any insight do let me know but i think this philadelphia is so interesting it's just one that i don't really see often i saw on the potted elephant and i've heard about it a couple times in the past but i was just like i never see that thing on instagram online or really anything so i went ahead and purchased it and now i'm growing it in my collection so that's the whole story behind that one i guess getting pretty in-depth i guess i don't really have that much to say about that but this is another aroid if you are a fan of aroid so this is a monstera subpanada i believe yes i have to check the tags on a couple of these these names are getting kind of confusing but this is a nice like kind of like palm frondy sort of i was gonna call it phil dandruff monstera so this is one of those aroids that has like those serrated leaves like a raphdophora decarciva or the imidrium zippolani anim which i have behind me up here which you can probably barely see it's got very very similar foliage to that but on instagram all i ever see about is the monster deliciosa and the variegated deliciosa and the adding sonia and the variegated and sonia and perhaps the celta picano if we really want to branch out a little bit but besides those um you know very popular house plants i don't really see much in the monstera world maybe the the peanut butter pinata partita's starting to pop up but i don't know i've been eyeing this up one up for a couple years and my friend actually gifted it to me earlier this year which is very nice of her hasn't really done much for me i think i've had it since around my birthday which is in october so it's been a couple months it's january now and i think it's just put off like two little nodes of nothing as you can see right here and just browned this one little tip right here so that's not you know that amazing but i love the plant no matter what i am growing it near a southern facing window i actually have it sitting directly in front of like further away from the window from the philodendron campus portuganum and um that one's doing much better as we said there might be light damage but this one i'm just hoping gets going this is a plant that you know you don't see these plants very often and a lot of uncommon plants are uncommon for a reason because they're not easy to grow in your home so you really do need to you know provide them with those extra settings that they require so i have this one like a very barking mixture and i have a humidifier that runs right near this plant setup that i have just to make sure that my plants are as happy as can be but sometimes it's just not even enough you know what i mean the home is not a rain forest where these plants grow so sometimes if you can't grow the plant you really just can't kick yourself over it sometimes it's meant to be in a botanical garden and sometimes they cost a thousand dollars for a reason this thing does not cost a thousand dollars by any means but very interesting monstera one that you don't see very often but it is out there it is you know you can purchase it if you wanted to clearly but i just absolutely love uh the leaves i think it's something that is something i'm very fond of you know i love my mid reum if you follow me here so i'd really love to see more monstera subpanada i think it's it's quite fancy that's one i almost purchased from like that ken's philodendron's place a couple years ago but i never end up doing it because i don't know that place i never know if it's like overhyped or not have you ordered from ken's philo dungeons let me know what you think in the comments because maybe i'll go ahead and order in the springtime okay so let's move on oh this is a really interesting one in my opinion i think you guys are thinking gonna think this is pretty boring but this does this look familiar to you guys at all with these leaves and the flowers so this is a euphorbia this is euphorbia gerolia eye so this is what they call the thornless crown of thorns and i i love this thing because i hate thorns i do not like spiky plants i do not like cacti i grow a very limited selection of cacti at home when i worked at the plant store i would always make other people work on the cacti because i didn't want to get anywhere near them oh i'm just so fed up with them so this is my type of euphorbia now before we even say anything i do want to say that this is one plant that i wouldn't recommend growing your home if you have like nippy pets or nippy young children if they do that i don't have kids i don't know if they eat plants but this is a decently poisonous plant there is a sappy kind of latex that would come out of the branch if i broke it off and it's not good to get on your hands it's not going to be on your skin or anything like that so it's very important if you are handling these and you do get the latex on you to wash them off it's similar to like a ficus if you're working with a ficus and you break it and there's that sap on it the vicus sap isn't as poisonous i believe as euphorbias so this is one that i keep dead in the back corner of one of my windows where my cats can absolutely not get to it in a million years is they would have to try very very hard or grow extra pairs of feet to get back there so i don't even worry about that in the slightest but i just want to make that clear because i know that you guys know that i have cats and i don't want you to think that i'm putting my cats at danger or anything and i don't want you guys to put your pets at danger in case you enjoy this houseplant you want to get it yourself anyway i'm talking a lot about that so this is like i said a thornless crown of thorns and i just think it's so interesting if you know crown of thorns you know how once you have them for a long time they grow into these very like enigmatic kind of like clusters of plant it's very much like a cactus without the cactus or i guess with the thorns they're kind of like a cactus but this one even more and just that kind of like crazy clump that they grow in just all over the place it's like a cactus tree but this one's not this one is just like a tree so i really love that and it still has all the joy of the flowers that are very very similar looking to euphorbia miliai which is the crown of thorns but this is just a little bit different a little bit more funky i think it's great during the winter time it seems to lose some of its foliage if you think it's looking rather bald i actually was pulling off like a bunch of brown leaves before filming this because like i said it's in the back corner of a window so i'm barely handling it fortunately because i don't like the idea of getting the sap on me but this is one that i think would be a plant that i keep it in the back corner of the window and in like six years it might be at the top of the window because when i got this last year it was like six inches tall and it's grown all of this probably like a foot and a half in that time so a very very fast growing plant a very inexpensive house plant it's just one that you don't see very often so i really wanted to spotlight it today okay oh i love this one so this is a peperomia moonset is what they call it so this is very similar to me to peperomia in kana if you're familiar with that one of my favorite pepperoni is one of my favorite house pants in general it's one that i absolutely love but this is kind of just like a plain green fuzzy felted version of pepperoni and kana this is not one that i've ever seen on the market this is one that i ordered from a specialty greenhouse but i just absolutely love it i kind of struggled with it at first like i was saying with like the monstera subpanada a lot of these plants that are much more uncommon are uncommon for a reason because they're difficult to grow and they're kind of meant for like a greenhouse setting or a botanical garden setting so this is one that for a decent amount of time i actually grew under a an enclosure actually i don't even think i did that i think i just put a ziploc bag over the top of it and grew it like that for a decent amount of time but eventually i think the plant was comfortable enough to try growing in my home setting and now it seems to be doing okay i think it's stabilized so eventually i'll have to cut it back and hopefully it'll re-grow from here and i can propagate this top and put it down in the soil also side note totally unrelated but do you see all of these little things right here that's peperomia pelucida i believe so that's like a weed peperomia that like people find growing in like their plants all the time i think in florida it's like a very in or like in the greenhouses in florida it's like a plant that really just like travels around to all the different nursery pots and starts growing and my friend gave me a piece of it and i actually killed that piece of it so it should be easier to grow if it's a weed but i mean i have more of them now because uh the plant was flowering constantly through a couple of the seeds in here and a couple of my other plants you might see more later in this video but totally a fun little side note but these are just little pepperonis growing from seed right here that are technically weeds but you know me and my pepperonis i'm gonna let them grow welcome in this pot alongside my pepperoni moonset i think that's so super fun just a really really fuzzy little pepperomia as the pepperoni is the kiss of jess is over watering so this is when i kind of let it dry out completely probably water it like every like seven to ten days keeping in mind it's in this very shallow but glazed ceramic pot this is actually made by octopus ceramics if you're familiar i really like her work but it's just such a cute little pep one that you don't see very often at all and there are a ton of pepperonis as i always mentioned but there are only so many on the market so i really get interested in deviating from some of those pepperonis that you would just see in every plant store you know sometimes if you've been doing it for a couple of years it gets a little bit old but here's another one that's very interesting i would say so this is a peperomia tingo maria so if you watched my plant haul video i was talking about how nervous i was about growing this just because as i've been saying with these uncommon plants sometimes they're difficult for a reason so i have this one growing in a glass enclosure that i think is going to do it its best so like i said how i grew the moon set in an enclosure for some time however that one seems like the moon set looks a lot more like in kana and connor is a great house plant so i think it would perform like in kana once i have it acclimated this is a fuzzy very fuzzy one that's got many attributes to like growing in a terrarium setting so this is one i'm probably going to keep inside that enclosure forever oh and here's a little letter peperomia pelucida looks very leggy and sad but anyway we're not talking about that we're talking about the tingo maria absolutely love the foliage it's very very fuzzy it's a little bit more thin you can see how thin definitely one of the thinnest pepperonis i grow in my home which is why i'm most nervous about growing this plant outside of a terrarium setting but it is very very interesting i think it's going to do very well in the terrarium setting actually side note as well this is a little planter that i made i've talked about this in the last video but this is a a two-piece planter got to work on making the trays the correct size but that's something i think for another day really love this pepperoni super fuzzy super fun with its red color it's one that you don't see very often never have seen it on instagram myself so i had to spotlight it today i think it's so great if there's pepperoni lovers out there i think you're gonna really love the peperomia tingo maria oh my gosh what else do i have to talk about today okay i think i have two more i think i have two more okay so this is a disciplia lanciolata and just like how the peperomia tingo maria is a very thin leaf pepperoni this is a very thin leaf deshitia i don't think i can water this thing enough i think i was talking about this if you watched my dishidia collection video but this thing i water it when i water all of my other the shittiest because practically all of my idiots if you watch that video are mounted on a piece of wood with sphagnum moss as they're growing medium so i pull them off of the wall i throw them in the sink or the bathtub and i just spray them all down with water and let them dry however this one i need to start watering when i water my ferns because these leaves are so thin you can see how they just get so puckered up if i wait too long to water them so just a little something to bear in mind there if you are perhaps looking to grow this plant in your home as i did not imagine this plant being so thirsty in fact i really feel like i need to water it again i feel like i just wore it the other day nevertheless i think this plant is super amazing i think it would look so cute if it was just like growing up just like a piece of bark just like flat like this it's like a little ladder made for bugs or a little frog or something i don't know it's just so cute but it's something very different than most of the chidis that i see this one is like i said much thinner leaves most of the other shittiest like girl my home have much meatier leaves this one's much thinner uh kind of rubs me more of the way of like a serapeggia than indicidia but that's what it is apparently so i just have to talk about it today super super cute absolutely love it roots like crazy if i was going to just take a cutting of this and put it in moss i'm sure it would root up like practically immediately so definitely a really easy plant to propagate so i think i'm going to consider doing that soon i absolutely love the look of it but super cute just requires a lot of water um but yeah it's one that i don't see very often as as well all the plants i'm talking about in this video since that is the topic okay so i have one more to talk about today this is a sansevieria holly eye they call this sometimes i've seen people call this the sansevieria holly guy fat boy i'm not sure how much of a accurate name that is but uh this is still such an interesting plant when i got this sansevieria it was just this one kind of baseball bat kind of thing coming out of the pot and now let's put up this other kind of dorsal fin here i don't really know what's going on but i think it's such a cute little plant unlike the dishidia lancelotta i just shared with you guys this is a much more succulent sensitive area that i don't think i need to water nearly as often i'm probably watering it like every 10 to 12 days and i have it in the south facing window and i'm growing in a very very heavy perlite mixer so i just don't want to make sure that this very succulent plant sits in moisture whatsoever as i i just think it does better that way totally side note this is like one of those white terracotta pots that i've been seeing a lot very often and i just want to show you guys how like weathered let's say they get so i know a lot of people will probably think this is like pretty ugly i just want to keep this in mind because i feel like people will buy those white terracotta pots expecting them to look like white and pristine for a really long time but they are going to get very very weathered i absolutely love the look of this this looks i think a lot better than when i purchased it but uh something i just want to bear in mind there in case anybody is very type a with their pottery but the sans severia holly eye i think it's fantastic this is one i never really see sansa various there's a bunch of different funky kinds out there there are a bunch of funky kinds showing up recently at the local farmer's market that i always talk about they had some really interesting sense of areas on my last visit i was getting quite blown away if i had room for these plants i would put them everywhere but a lot of these stands of areas are just like space suckers like you know what i mean they're very succulent and they just get so big over time as they grow and they really do require a lot of space so i'm not willing to take up all of my space with sans of areas i really do need some some nice foliage in my space as well but i think a really funky sansevieria of course deviates from all those funky foliage plants that i absolutely love in my home but i think that's gonna do it for today's video 10 unusual interesting house plants that you won't see on instagram even though you're kind of seeing them on social media now so i don't know but thank you guys so much for joining me today let me know some plants in the comments that you think are really interesting that you never see on instagram i'm very curious myself you guys know i like the funky and the fresh so thanks for joining me if you don't already follow me on instagram at fully foliage subscribe to my channel and i will see you guys in my next video have a great time
Channel: Nick Pileggi
Views: 58,545
Rating: 4.9596901 out of 5
Keywords: houseplant, plants, instgram, unusual, interesting, rare, monstera, philodendron, hoya, peperomia, primulina, ficus, dischidia, sansevieria, nick pileggi
Id: sBdHJ2H9xK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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