Houseplant Tour (350+ Plants) | Summer 2019 | Part 1 - Kitchen/Living Room

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hello everyone my name is Nick and welcome if you are new today we're gonna do my summer house plant tour of 2019 where we go around and I show you pretty much all of my houseplants that I have at this point to be honest I've been very excited but also kind of dreading and filming this video because I have a lot of plants and it's going to be quite a big task to show you guys all of them when I've done these house plant tours in the past there were a manageable amount but I feel like I'm officially happy point where I'm I am at an unmanageable amount of houseplants to go around and show you like every single one and tell you the name of all of them I am going to try a my very very best to show you every single one and tell you the names of all of them but yeah let's just get right into it I'm of course going to have to do this in two different parts because there are so many plants but for part one we're going to start off with the kitchen and the living room we're gonna start things off here in the kitchen on the counter where we're just a few feet away from a south-facing window so most of these plants prefer bright light the first one you're probably gonna notice is this monstera deliciosa variegata but this is an undescribed version that has some lime green variation instead of the white or the yellow so it's kind of a bit more rare one and a lot more special to me and then there's a monster atom stony eye right next to it and then a Pylea peperomia DS and a little rhipsalis that I'm propagating a hoya Australis and then an aloe vera there's a little bit of rhipsalis that I'm propagating down here and then a peperomia clew CI folia right here this is a peperomia arrow Baskins that's a pink princess variety but most of its reverted so I've been cutting off the good pieces but you can see one right here that has some of the pink and then kind of hiding behind that is a coffee Arabica or a coffee plant I figured it was pretty appropriate to have a coffee plant in the kitchen if we move on up to the shelves right here I have a trade of scandia Silla Montana so this is the fuzzy wandering jew or fuzzy inch plant and then a peperomia or Egeria or watermelon peperomia then kind of hiding behind it is a philodendron wend mb or i think it's a little fill philodendron and then all the way in the back I haven't orchid a Phalaenopsis orchid this lovely plant that's kind of getting in the way here is a cissus discolor or a rex begonia vine although it's not a begonia then there's a rhipsalis of all dianna hiding up there with it if we're moving into this window where we're going to get totally backlit I have this lovely string of pearls hanging down then a variegated string of Hearts right next to it this is a rickrack cactus or a Salinas Sirius and then a senecio macro glasses variegated this is one of my favorite plants I just love the way that it grows it's all over the place I also have the string of dolphins up here but it's kind of dying back for the summer so I'm gonna have to give it a good cut and then probably around August or September it'll start growing for me I'm gonna step back and give you guys in view of what this window looks like but I do have a few more to share with you guys that one up there is a rhipsalis Pasiphae so it's kind of more like stringing rhipsalis gonna have a few plants up in the top of the window but probably the most notable one would be this ice plant hiding back there that's pretty interesting one and then there's just a few more a dream discus and kalanchoe e hiding back there they're a bit hard to see but hard to get to but they don't need a lot of water so it's pretty easy to kind of just forget about them and let them get kind of fried almost in this window moving down here I have quite a few plants this is my only succulent and cactus window it's kind of all the ones I stuff in there I'm kind of working on getting this router and the speaker out of here so I can totally take over it but I'm gonna need somewhere else to put them so for right now we're just making do with the space we have so this one right here is a peperomia grabby islands it's a like a red peperomia that can really take a lot of light then this is a Hatteras alecour new ADIZ it's kind of getting all over the place I haven't had it that long but it's been really growing quite well since I've gotten it and then this is a less his meum cruciform it's some type of epiphytic cactus it's really lovely had some more red on it when I first got it but you can kind of still see some of those red edges then down here there is a peperomia dollar performance on the right and then on the left is a horny as Sabrina and then this fun little one right here is a clean iya step le I formas or a pickle plant it was recently reclassified from senecio then this pink guy over here is a crypt aunt this pink star and this is a fun little stupa Leah this is apparently a really rare stuff Helio that one of the people who come into my plant shop that I work at gave me as a cutting and it's been doing pretty well I know there's some seedlings and some kalanchoe he's growing in there this Callen Kelly is also over here growing up like mad and all these babies that kind of regret ever getting this plant because all those babies that you see growing on it kind of fall and getting all my other plants and I find them growing and I kind of just like yank him out when I find them once I really like them there but I usually don't that one is called mother of thousands and then the one down here is called mother of Millions also looks very similar but it's a bit thinner they also call it chandelier plant and then there's another type of kalanchoe weak hiding down there in the green one you can see all the babies growing on it so I'm kind of worried about whether or not I'm gonna keep this plant forever and then there is a type of cactus hiding down there I believe it's a type of serious cactus and then my one of my favorite calico is this is a calico we tomentosa or a panda plant it's super fuzzy and I love the color it's grown exponentially since I got it I've really only had it for like a year or two and it's grown quite a bit and in the last plants in this window or these little plants over back here this is a fairy castle cactus and then a whole war Thea down there I think they call this whole war Thea a zebra cactus and before we leave the kitchen I just do have a few more plants over here on the fridge over here I have this rhipsalis pile of carpet just kind of hanging off the side it's been a really easygoing apathetic cactus so far and I have someone Sara deliciosa leaves just kind of hiding back there they're just rooted leaves in water but they're never gonna become a plant they're just leaves and then a little black is easy raven right here and then an egg Leah named a silver Bay right here and there's a few little plants this is a little Sansevieria it's kind of neglected as you can see but I've had it for quite a while and then a little itty-bitty monstera delicioso that's growing in a little four inch pot and then the last plant in the kitchen is this an easy plant up here that I've had for quite some time and it's kind of just reaching all over the place and I really like the way that it's been growing we're back on the side of the kitchen but if we turn around we can enter in the living room area so this is where things get kind of fun we have a lot of plants hiding over here so as you can see that first off is a little staghorn fern up here pretty sure you the water this guy forgive me I will do so after I'm done filming today but there are a lots of tropicals hiding in this window over here so we can work our way from the bottom up if you don't mind so right here is a philodendron Imperial red and inside that pot is just a little sense of area edge aboah that I'm propagating and then hiding down inside here we have a Hoya Poobah calyx as well as some type of epiphyllum right here another type of epiphytic cactus and then this large plant right here is an umbrella tree or a schefflera amate now we're gonna work our way over into the windowsill where things are starting to get quite lush as you can see this is one of my favorite windows in the house so if we start at the bottom this is a rhipsalis Chris Potter I still need to get a planter for him and then directly next to it that little pepperoni or that taco shaped plant is a peperomia axel eros and we're directly next about is another peperomia that one is peperomia quadrangle eros and there's a little Christmas cactus hiding right next to it it's kind of falling apart I think I need to pay a little bit more attention to that one but we'll do that in the future after I'm done filming this video and then I have a spider plant it's kind of blocked by all my other plants but it's been growing like mad I was propagating it back there and one day I went back there and noticed that this is totally an actual sized plant now and it probably should come out of this little cubby but for right now this is where it's living and there's also a mimosa pudica or a sensitive plant right here so this plant is no for the way that it reacts if you touch the leaves so I will demonstrate it for you guys right now so yeah it just kind of folds in it doesn't like being touched so I wouldn't touch it too often apparently it's not very good for the plant but I don't think it's gonna kill it if you touch it every once in a while so I wouldn't stress over that and then inside this pot right here I do have a few little plants growing most of them are pepperoni yes as you can see but this big plant is actually my the Matta filum be Panetta feedom so this is also called I think more commonly a philodendron hope but the the scientific name is the Matta filum be Panetta feedom and then probably catching your eye at this point is this ficus ruby if I kiss elastico ruby or ruby rubber tree so it's been growing really really well for me I got it when it was a baby and then it was basically dead and it really has a nice trunk to it now you can see kind of a route coming out as well but the leaves have been growing them really well and it's been just it's just been an absolute joy to grow I've been really enjoying it and then directly next to that is this peperomia putty Oleta or peperomia tetra gonna is the more accurate name at this point it's got something exciting in it a really really lovely easy peperomia to grow it's like almost feels like cardboard it's just so lovely I really love it I have a few of them around the house so this is the first of a few you're gonna see and then another aloe vera in here and I think you can see there's another little mother of thousands hiding in there so - probably fell in there at some point I probably just knocked a few more babies in the pot there so that's gonna annoy me a few months down the high but for now I just been enjoying this lovely large aloe vera one of my first plants that I ever got really loved that plan and then there is a peperomia cap errata right here I think this is the Burgundy ripple variety or maybe the raspberry ripple I'm not too sure and then another quick campus right here this is the absolute zero variety and then Maya fought SIA japonica I've been getting a lot of questions about how my foxy has been doing and it's been doing really well however I will say that this is probably the most pests like loving plant or them the pests love this plant a lot I found my first mealy bug on this plan and I found some a few thrips here and there which were not really an issue for me this year but I quickly gave this pan a good spray and you might have noticed these little rice hulls so I did release a few of the the green lace wings I did it last year and I did it again this year so hopefully that they the bugs are gone I don't even know if the lace wings are still around because I haven't seen any bugs and I haven't really seen any lace wings so we'll see what happens but then kind of working our way up in the window I have this Dissidia rooster folia right here or million hearts plant and then you might see right here there is a lovely little podunk E or peduncle I called them podunk ease because I think they're cute but that term is peduncle it's the flowers of a Hoya so it's not open yet it's still forming but this is a Hoya Bella right here so we're gonna get kind of blown out by the Sun but can you see this wild and crazy' plant right here is my Hoya Bella and then there's also a peperomia Hope right next to it also being wild and crazy over here there is a philodendron branti annum we've got some really lovely leaves so hopefully I can show you they're very lovely they're very silver they're very Bluegreen they're just a very nice different colored plant when you got a lot of green in your home so I really like that and then this one is hanging off of an orchid my Bertoni orchid that is blooming I actually didn't even know that it was blooming until I was just watering my plants the other day and then I saw a pop of color on the corner of my eye and I didn't even notice it was blooming so I just kind of flipped it around so that the blooms are coming out but then I also noticed that there's another flower spike that actually I guess just bloomed recently because the last time I looked at it it wasn't even bloomed so yay now let's play I has two flower spikes in it so it's a really beautiful plant I wish I could display both of both of those flower spikes small enough but um yeah that one's kind of doomed to be hiding back there but the smell is amazing it smells like a like a jasmine tea it's very lovely but this one's called a bur Tanya and then working our way over on top of the microwave because I keep plants on top of the microwave because when you're running out of space you work with what you got so one of the first plants right here is this Pylea peperomia DS and then I have this little begonia this is a begonia die trick IANA I think it's pronounced it's a really lovely little bit going yet I saw it when I was at Longwood Gardens I just fell in love with it it's very shiny as you can see and it's very little it's just a very interesting cycle I like succulent begonia it's very nice and then my monstera add-ins Tony I told him that I've had for what quite a while had it for at least a year maybe a year and a half at least at this point you can see some of the leaves are kind of yellow I found a few bugs on it a while ago and I sprayed it with a horticultural oil spray and this plant did not like it so I wouldn't really recommend using horticultural oil it kind of happened with this the Matta fill and leaf right here so the plants still healthy it's still alive but the leaves did not seem to like that spray so I typically use the spray called Captain Jack's but we'll talk about that in another video this right here is my opinon pen Adams abou blue sorry about the light this is gonna be difficult to show you guys and get the lighting good but this is a little sebou blue to them that I've been experimenting with and it's at the top of the totem now so teams be happy I'd love to see if this plant gets larger and get splits over time if I'd let it grow up quite a bit so we got a lot of time to put into this so we're it's worth a try and then there's a little bit of sisters from befo Lea back here it looks like I got a few dead leaves so maybe I should be focusing on this plant a little bit more but for now not dead and then a peperomia rana verde over here right here is a peperomia Cardosa tricolor so just your standard variegated hoya and then some sense of areas this is a Sansevieria cylindrical this one is a trifle Sierra moonshine and then this one's also Trek basquiat abut this one's called black coral there's a little hoya corn Oso growing in this macrame hanger it's not the happiest thing but hey it's alive and it's kind of growing some small leaves but probably will experiment with something else here something a little bit lower light needs to be on this wall I've been failing to find something that will grow successfully in that one so I'm surprised this one's even alive we move over to the shelf right here you can see I have eight tillandsia zero grafica in the bottom right on the bottom left I have a Poya by lo bada da seventy it's called and there's a peperomia Kappa rata in this little jar I have another subbu blue pothos and then I have some more Sissis but that ones assist this oak leaves disa source is Rama folio oak leaf variety another rhipsalis pile carpet a samurai dwarf Sansevieria and a little itty bitty ZZ plant up there so this is a very fun little shelf that I have going on above my dining room table which has just one little plant it's just this little peperomia frost but this has been a really easy low-light peperomia and you can see how full and lush it is so it's been growing really well it's been really lovely to grow and then this is one of my lower light corners as you can see so it's kind of a little shelf it's gonna be kind of hard to show you guys everything up close with some good light but if I show you guys down here there is nothing cuz everything's dead down here is a Hoya Poobah calyx this is a cutting I got from the plant swap we just did a my my work urban jungle and then this is a peperomia / STI folia so it's a fun little peperomia I really like the way it looks it's very similar to the peperomia tetra gonna but it's a lot smoother so I really like that that one's in my group partner pot which is sitting on this little chair and then I have a collegial and so folio or calathea Lancet folio just like the rattlesnake plant and a planter that needs a plant here is in the pitman Emporium or a golden pothos and then a very sad unhappy peperomia rosso but it's still alive it's still alive but it's very sad I think there's a pelagonija in here yeah there's a little pelagonija pokhara in here it's any I need to redo this terrarium there's the terrariums on the shelf or in need of a redo and it needs some new air plants because they're all dead however I think dead air plants they look nice so I'm not really willing to throw them out up here there's me and then there's the Santa Maria honey I there's another sense of area honey I and then this is some moss I think it's java moss I can kind of bring it over to the light and show you guys a little bit better so it's pretty interesting it does really well and the light is just a little plant that someone brought into the shop and was like g1 theft and I was like yes I do so I just put it in some water and I have it on the shelf and it just it just kind of lives you changed the water when you remember and then here is a moranto Lucan era Kirchhoff iana or a green prayer plant one of the easier prayer plants in my opinion and then this is a Sarah Peggy uh woody I or a string of hearts it's a really really lovely plant you guys know I love it if you've been around for a while you know I love it it's really long it's really long and there is some trade to Skandia pilita kind of growing next to it kind of willy-nilly all over the place really like that one and there is a few more hiding up here there's another a pepper memoriam that's just a jade pathos and then there's a zz plant behind it and then in the gold ring I have another sebou blue pothos I have quite a few of those all over the place and moving into this window so there is another pep aronia tetra gonna up here so it's that parallel peperomia that I showed you earlier that I said I have a lot of because I really love it there's a peperomia Polly bot RIA or a teardrop peperomia this one likes a lot of light and it gets really big when it gets a lot of light and I kind of have some peperomia Pro strata kind of piggybacking in there I find that this plant is kind of difficult to grow on its own but when I've been throwing it in like a few other pots I noticed that it did a lot better but this is the one that's really flourished for me so I think this is the last one left but it's been doing really really well in here and then there's an epiphyllum who karai or who curry I up there I think it's just some type of like blooming like night a night blooming cactus or something along those lines and then my traders can't be a thief they see a variegata really really beautiful plant kind of getting a little old and leggy but I still love the way it looks and then this is a little kaliesha right here so it's very I think they call it like Bolivian wandering jew I think I'm giving it a little too much light or I'm not watering it enough but it's it's growing it's doing okay moving down to the window I have this ficus elastica burgundy and then my nemesis plant I think I was talking about my Q&A if you watched it about how my sanchez eeeh nobilis which is this plant right here is always will take on me it wilts like every two days and it's in a plant with no drainage hole it just it just always dries up so here it is dried up I I'll include some footage of it when it's not dried up so you guys can see how it looks when it's good but this is how it looks at me every morning when it's upset with me I just I love it but I hate it I'd get rid of it by now if I hated it but it just it annoys the crap out of me then here's a Pylea peperomia DS this is one I've had for quite a while we can see some babies if we go inside there some new babies but there's two main plants and this is the one like this is the first Pylea I got and then a few extensive areas this is a gold flame behind the by the Pylea and then a Sansevieria try Fosse at a ban tell sensation I believe so yeah that's what it's called so it's the white Sansevieria this one is like alien it's so funky I love it so much and then a Sansevieria cylindrical bong calor the starfish Sansevieria and then another Sansevieria honey i down there with the white stripe and then there is a little epithelium or not epiphyllum it's like a Celina serious it's the rickrack cactus I'm pretty sure and then here's a fun little peperomia this is peperomia along gotta it's pretty shiny one as you can see what a very large leaves compared to other pepperoni eyes then I found an abscess orchid a Pylea embolic rata down here and then a peperomia Kubb Ensis so then down here I have another fight cos elastica this one is the robusta variety or it's just the green ones dusty I'm dusting it like everyday I promise you yeah it's still looking for its forever home in my house it's so it's kind of just hiding here for now while I find it a good space and then my original Monster deliciosa still growin and kind of him like abusing this guy it's very wonky it's kind of a lot of its growth that's kind of down here so it's it's it's it's doing fine but I'd give it as much light as I probably would like and then there's also a apophis pearls and Jade right here I think it is there's so many different types of pothos and a bunch of them look like this but I'm pretty sure this is the pearls and Jade variety then there is a little terrarium down here with from my how to how to builder craft a terrarium video so there's an IPA right here there's a pelagonia pokhara right there and then there's an asparagus of fur and a fox tail asparagus fern back there and since I did the video added a little piece of quartz and I think it makes it look so much better but yeah if you want to see how to make a terrarium watch my how to make a terrarium video over here in the center of the room is my needle mahogany so this is a very lovely large indoor plant that just it's it's big it's beautiful I just have to water it like every week which is sometimes an issue for someone like me who's very forgetful but I have enough plants to remind me that maybe the needle mahogany needs a drink so yeah really really lovely plant really lush shiny great for low light spaces so I have it in the middle of the room and it's it's been doing fine so far it hasn't given me any grief and we're gonna work our way around here so I have this pretty milena this is an Asian violet hasn't bloomed for me yet but maybe one day it will but I really love the foliage on this and it's very fuzzy so so I keep it on the coffee table and then over here in this window we have quite a few plants as you can see so starting on the right I have this peperomia tetra gonna this is my largest one and then there's another peperomia down here this is top roaming at versa LTI so it's similar to a watermelon peperomia but I think they just call this one like mini watermelon peperomia but it's not the true one like the one I showed you earlier and then this is a Sansevieria which they call this one maybe it's called like black gold or something it's the one with like the dark black-ish green on the inside and the yellow on the outside a ficus elastica tanuki back here just the plain variegated if I guess elastica and then ficus altissima really great plan I will say it doesn't it's like beautiful yellow variegated color as it did when they like come into the stores or when I see them in other stores but really easy ficus besides that it's been a lot easier than the fiddle and the Audrey which so you can see back here Audrey was like on her last leg Audrey turned yellow and fell apart our Audrey just was about to skip town on me and I was about to skip town Audrey honestly I was gonna do the same thing to her I was ready to throw Audrey in the trash and in fact I bought the coffee plant that I have in the kitchen because I was gonna put it here but when when I picked up Audrey to throw her out in the trash I decided you know what Audrey looks like she has a little bit of life left in her and literally when the next few days Audrey was spitting out these leaves right here so I can't believe it but Audrey is still alive but she's definitely a difficult finicky ficus so I don't really know I'm still learning with her she's in that she's no alte Seema I will say that and there is a little African violet hanging down in here there's there's more plants so there's a there's an aloe vera back there I've got tons of that you've seen enough of that I know there's a pie Leah pepperoni IDs right here and then some type of rhipsalis right here this might be a variant or cultivar of rhipsalis Pasiphae or Vasa Farah but I'm not too sure but it's it's a really fun fuzzy one it looks similar the pile of carpet but it's it's a bit different working our way up the window I have this peperomia Ruby cascade in this funky little thing attached to my window and it's just growing all over the place one of the easiest peperoni as I grow I just have to forget about it and give it enough light I think that's the most important thing and there's a little bit of sista squadron Galeras going and the water right here and then some philodendron my kins some peperomia boy beanie eye so it's a similar to peperomia hope but it's a little bit different peperomia serpent right here this is a chocolate orchid I think it's some kind of oncidium I think I think it's called Cheri baby actually this is pathos this is a pepper and I'm aureum the the Manjula or the man hoola whatever you want to call it and trying to scan Thea luminous treatise can see a Fluminense's of variegata it's just like the pink tricolor trait of scan Thea it's kind of hard to see and then Oh hiding in the window there's a few cool ones so the one back there on the Left that's traded or plectranthus ernst TI so it's like a natural bonsai plant it kind of gets its own little like woody context one is just starting the form of mine there's a kalanchoe e Blas fell Dianna right here and then kind of looking through the ropes there's a peperomia red ecuador them right there is an asparagus retro fractus or an asparagus fern then there is a little bit of peperomia rana Verde that I am propagating from leaf cutting a sense of area fern would and then there is some type of night blooming like Sirius or I forget what the guy told me it was but it's another one those rare plants that one of the guys who comes into my work gave me but it's a pretty interesting plant but it's kind of hiding behind my other one so it's kind of hard to see but I think it's some type of epithelium looks pretty similar to some type of epithelium and then all around my window here I have some skinned APS's pictus growing and here's the culprit of where it is hiding it's just growing right next to the window and then once they get too long I kind of just like break them around and I have fun with it you know right next to that window we have a few pepper Romeo's growing here so this one is peperomia glabella this one's peperomia in Cana this one's pepperoni as stand-ins variegata and then this one is a pepperoni at kappa rata silver ripple so I really love pepper Romeo's and I really love all four of these so I like to have them right here right next to where I can sit on the couch and this big plant behind it is a tetra stigma Voina arianna it is not the easiest plant but it's in the vitc a family which is like the grape family of plants and I love that family so it's worth a try but I got some new growth coming in so I'm feeling really good about it as you can see we'll see what happens then here is an Alocasia amazonica me and elk ages don't really get along but this one was really beautiful when I found it in the store that I work at and I couldn't say no so this is my only Alocasia and then up here I have this Sissis a den of pata I talked about this in my top-five house video this is one of my favorites I just really love the way it grows up and then like all over the place and then the leaves have a very lovely shade of red on the back so really lovely plant I think it needs water I think I need to give it a good drink so a good thing I'm filming this video because I'm noticing a few of my plants could really use a drink and then here is my wall-e grewal I think I could have pinned it up a little bit before I filmed this but I don't mind showing you guys what it looks like raw a lot more growth on the bottom then up top of course this one is receiving more light than the ones up top as you can see clearly these ones have grown a lot so maybe I will do a good old switcheroo since they pop right up the ball but overall pretty happy with this product I've been getting some questions I've been seeing about how my while I grow all is doing and I think I forgot to include it in my last house plant tour so here it is working our way down in necks of a TV I have this terrarium I recently put together where here is a Pylea new malaria polio or creeping Charlie Pylea here's a peperomia metallica and then here is some type of philodendron that has a red on the back so I am a big fan of it and then this is my spat the film sensation one of my larger piece Elyse and you can see there's a lot of light it's getting an extra dosage of light from this lovely sole tech solutions light that I am absolutely in love with and I figured this would be a perfect time to share with you guys that if you want to get one of these lights I actually can get you guys 15% off one of them if you use my code Philly foliage 15 I'll have a link in the description to their website where you can find one of these lights and purchase it it also comes in white if you're interested but yeah really excellent like it's totally turned this dark corner in my home that's pretty far away from that lovely lush window over there into somewhere where I can keep some plants so I also have some more plants so here is a Sansevieria try facio de ville Anicka and then there's also another spathiphyllum or peacefully this one is this about the filament sensation and it's blooming for me so I can't believe it's blooming it's didn't come when it the blooms it decided to bloom ever since I brought it home a few months ago so really really excited I also have this variegated cast iron plant right here aspidistra aletheia variegata I've heard that cast iron plants are really easy but I have not had that kind of luck with them and I also have one last area to show you guys so nor my mess but this is my plant cart so if you've been around awhile this used to be my bar cart but that is no more the booze is not winning the plants are winning so let's just show you guys what I got so this corner right here this is kind of like where I stick a new plant when I get it before I find it a forever home am I in my house so this I just got recently it's a calathea roof of barb oh it's a very fuzzy calathea really easy prayer plant in my experience which is why I brought home another one and there is a little Sansevieria honey I write here and a Dracaena fragrance stump so that's a pretty fun version of a just a new fragrance and then this is a sense of area nación Ayana so it's a whale fin Sansevieria and then this is the Pippin Emporium kind of getting in my way here so we're gonna have to push it aside this is a philodendron I don't know what kind of philodendron this is I thought it was black Cardinal and it probably is but it kind of has like a different look to the leaves so I have no idea what kind of does and then there's a begonia enjoying begonia it's begonia Medora I believe so we're kind of getting blown out by this light here I apologize but this is a tune on the-- Satou sa' back here and then i philodendron arabesque ins red emerald right here this is actually that's kind of funny because this is an ugly aneema red emerald so we got two red emeralds that's that's very interesting I didn't even do that purposely down here this is pepperoni at turbo Ensis so it's kind of similar to a watermelon peperomia but a little bit different as you can see and actually pretty different in many ways and then this is a FOIA Shapiro di and then a peperomia obtrusive folia variegata and this is another very gated plant this is singhania Mota filum Alba variegata so really nice one got some really nice leaf right here and some skinned apses pictus or your silver pathos and sorry about the light this is a bird's nest anthurium or anthurium superb um some new one for me it's kind of taken but this new leaf is growing in really really well and then this is some more sis's rumba folia the oak leaf or I'm sorry the grape leaf version kind of getting in my way here this is the rapid áfourá de course Eva back here and what else do I have Oh some more rapid before us so this is Rafa de Fora Tetris perma so I was kind of growing all over the place this is that's the pot right there and it's kind of just like growing all around like a madwoman so really great plan I know it kind of cost a little bit of money but if you get your hands on it you're not it's going to grow like a weed and then this is a Hoya the one that's getting in our way it's a Hoya a Bovada not sure if it's a if it's a cultivated version of it but I know it's at least in a Bovada and then a monstrous Peru back here they also call it monster a Karsten Yanam and then the theme of this video is pathos getting in my way so this is a more a pepper no Morea more the standard golden pothos it's kind of growing like crazy right here so oh and there's more plants up here I would have totally forgot about these so this is a monster assault picanha and then next try Mandor and Bulbasaur is this sad-looking Dracena marginata i think i just need to pay a little bit more attention to it and I left him on the counter one day and the cat got ahold of it so we weren't really friends that day and then there's a Hoya Poobah calyx right here some more ZZ Raven back there and there is some zzs a micro up there it's one of our last plans oh and then there's a few more oh my gosh I'm missing a few left and right I hope I didn't miss any more so down here this lovely one is a skinned abscess pictus exotica so just the more broadleaf version of the skinned abscess pictus which I shouldn't do guys right here a Sansevieria try Fazio de la Renta I kind of trying to attempt to hide some of our mess back there like our little hand vacuum and such it's not really doing a great job and then last but not least for this video and pretty sure at least is this philodendron burl marks right here a pretty large version of the plant so I've been really loving watching this one grow although it hasn't grown too much I have some high hopes from the little bit of growth that I've been seeing give out to me that it's happy enough because it is right by this lovely south-facing window right here so yeah this that is our house plant or part one we just finished filming part one of my house plant tour and while there were a bunch of cool plants out here in my living room I will say a bunch of my coolest plants are hiding in my bedroom where I keep it humid as hell so if you're interested in cool rare plants I would definitely stick around for part two which will be at you guys in a few days so thank you guys so much for watching part one if you don't already follow me on Instagram at Philly foliage and I will catch you guys in part two have a great day
Channel: Nick Pileggi
Views: 125,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plant tour, houseplant tour, plant, houseplant, nick pileggi, phillyfoliage, philly foliage, tour, apartment tour, plant haul, houseplant haul, 100+ plants, monstera, peperomia, pilea, succulents, cactus, cacti, plants, houseplants, house plant, house plant tour, house plants, snake plant, sansevieria, zz plant, aroid, aroids
Id: eGlpI-7dano
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 22sec (2122 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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