No Electircity Needed Heater

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it's a cold evening out here in the 505 so i'm going to show you a little experiment or a trick that i'm i've seen over the channels and um just how to heat your house very inexpensively with no electricity so this method is very inexpensive and um they use this method in the tundra there's not a lot of trees up there so they had to be creative and do this this will probably heat maybe a small room in your house perfect for emergency situations like what happened in dallas so we're going to use these jars you these minced garlic came in them but you can use baby food jars we're going to use these candles for wicks these heating ducts to increase the heat terracotta pots and instead of candle wax this burns a lot more efficient this can will burn for a three pound three pound can 36 days eight hours per day so let's experiment all right the first thing we're gonna do is measure this candle for the jar i'm just going to use this knife and make a score so that's as long as the candle can be and i'm just going to cut it wick it off so once we microwave it we can just stick that in there since i have two jars this one i'm going to leave this the wick i'm just trying to conserve so i'm gonna cut that one there put that one to the side all right then the next thing we're going to do is fill up these jars with some of this vegetable short this jar should probably last probably a week eight hours a day so we're just gonna put this in there and fill up this jar the best we can and then we're gonna put it in the microwave just to melt it probably about 30 seconds in the microwave so let's do that fill up this one too we'll fill up these two jars and then we're going to put them in the microwave for 30 seconds and then i'll bring them back and then we're going to stick them in stick the wick so we filled them up and then after they so i'll be back i'm going to put these in the microwave for 30 seconds okay so that didn't melt it that was 30 seconds so i'm just gonna push this down a little more because it made it a little gave it a little room same way with this one we're just gonna push it down a little bit add some more want this jar to be full and then i'm going to stick it in the microwave for another 30 seconds let's see how that does i want these jars full and then just we'll just put a lid on them when we're not using them so that's kind of nice so let me go put these in the microwave for another 30 seconds be right back okay so it did melt it a little bit in both jars and they're hot so let's take the spoon and make sure that they're okay good enough for me so that's going to take up the whole job so now we're going to stick these candles in here and then i'm going to stick them in the refrigerator you can even stick them in the freezer if you so desire but i'm just gonna stick them in the refrigerator probably for about 20 minutes so i put the wicks in there we'll be right back okay so those these candles it looks like they've hardened i put them in the refrigerator let's see how long they did it in the refrigerator maybe about a half hour maybe so i'm gonna light these get some matches this one might be a little hard to like so we'll start with it just because the wick's not showing it looks like it's gonna light all right so we have them both lit so we're going to light the candles so we lit the candles they've been in the refrigerator for about a half hour i'm going to put these to the side i just want to show you these mats that i bought they're ceramic mats and they're ventilated just as a safety precaution so we have the terra cotta pot i'm going to take this heating bent off notice it has a hole in it i bought these at home depot has a tray and put the candle under there and then i'm going to put this on top and then i'm going to put this so this hopefully the design of this it's the candle is going to keep burning which it is you can okay so i put the candle under here put that on top and then i'm going to take this one on the other side i don't know if you can see that but i'll show it to you and we're going to stick this candle under there and then on the opposite side we have the same thing the ceramic tile grate then we have the saucer and then we have the terra cotta pot and we have the candle inside so we're gonna let these burn and see how hot it'll get in this room let me position these just a little better so hold on so this is how i'm gonna put it and i'm gonna let this burn out it's already starting to get hot up here it's already heating up so we're gonna let this burn and see how hot it'll get i'm gonna actually turn the heat off and see what we get okay guys this is burning really good the candles are on inside it's generating heat where's the little button there it's probably about 35 degrees outside and it's pretty warm in here this is not overly hot the terra cotta pots are warm this is hot but not i mean i'm not going to set my hand on there but it's pretty hot so this is actually working very inexpensive i think i paid cents for three three pounds of this oil and it's gonna burn for days i'm gonna let this burn it's been burning for about an hour so i'm gonna let it burn for about another hour and see what it looks like see you then bye hey guys so this has been burning for about two hours it's really warm in here i have the heat off it's about 35 degrees outside so i think i'm done with this experiment this works yay so i'm gonna take this down and then i'll show you what it looks like inside so just a minute i'm going to take it down okay so this didn't there's no black markings in there like the fire's up that high so this seems like it's pretty safe too it's still burning in here the hot that it's pretty hot it's a good temperature these are aluminum you can um blow the candle out and exchange candles have like a few of these just so you can keep switching them out this is a really cool thing i really like this i mean it's hot it's pretty hot but it's not unbearable it seems like a safe thing so if you like this content like share subscribe if you have any comments that would improve this method leave them down in the bottom see ya
Channel: Nica
Views: 196,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: No electricity heater emergency heating
Id: ImFyqY0uCHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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