Expensive Houseplants That Used To Be Inexpensive

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hi everyone my name's nick and today we're going to discuss house plants that used to be inexpensive that are now expensive so this is the exact opposite of a very recent video i did where i talked about inexpensive houseplants that used to be expensive so hopefully you're still with me here but um unfortunately the market does work in both ways so these are all plants i'm going to talk about today that unfortunately cost a lot of money and i do want to have a little disclaimer i do possess all the plants and i'll be showing you them today but i am not wealthy i have grown pretty much all of these plants for a couple of years now and when i got my hands on them they were not nearly the price that they cost now and i will touch on how much these plans costed when i had first gotten my hands on them so um we will talk about all of this stuff don't you worry but i think it'll be most appropriate to start out with this one right here so this is the pink princess philodendron phil dungeon arubasin's pink princess they call it and this is like one of the hottest house plants out there and this is one when i first started getting into house plants that was very inexpensive i had first purchased my pink princess phil dungeon and i believe i have a youtube video on this but one of my first youtube videos that i ever did but i purchased this plant this is a cutting off of the main plant that i have behind me here which i've been growing for three years at this point and i purchased it for eight dollars online in a four-inch pot and that is not what they cost nowadays when i was working at the house plant store i was selling pink princess philodendrons for 125. mind you i think that was actually below our markup that we had our standard houseplant markup and it was just an astronomical price i couldn't believe that people were coming into the store every weekend lining up to purchase a four inch pot a pink princess filled engine for 125 dollars when just a couple years prior i had just purchased one because i thought it looked cool didn't even know about the plant for eight dollars so something that kind of boggles my mind and some of the other people who are in the buying industry that i talk to are also it's kind of hard for us to wrap our mind around it but it's just such a popular plant and it was so hard to get your hands on for so long and now it's finally being mass-produced so there's other plants like the rafael tetrasperma which you can see part of it behind me i know it's probably not the best part of my plant that's showing right here but plants like this become mass-produced and used to be very expensive but now uh are everywhere and they cost dirt cheap versus plants like this which the people who dictate the market they know that this pink princess phil dungeon is a plant that's been highly sought after for many years it's just like the variegated monstera i'm sure when this thing comes out although this one is not going to be on the list today because i don't think it was ever inexpensive but this is one that once it's mass produced once again i don't really see the price falling at first you know we can't say what's going to happen years down the line but this is one that i first heard probably about a year and a half ago that this was being mass-produced the same way that the raffle before is being produced by a um it's a process called tissue culture so all the pink princesses that are sold on the market now are from tissue culture so it's just like that and it's able to be mass produced but like i was saying the people who dictate the market know that the pink princess is highly sought after so they still charge a lot of money for a wholesale it's not like the raffle dephora which costs basically the same amount that it would cost for our golden pothos it's not like that at all pink princess is still top dollar they are holding on to them they are making them as hard to get as they can to keep this plant trend growing they would i would have a hard time getting like more than five released to me when i was a buyer because they don't want you to have a lot because then it's going too readily available and maybe the price will then start to lower because everybody can get their hands on it so it is a plant that is 100 being mass-produced and if you play your cards right you can get it but it's just still there they're like manipulating the market it seems to make this plant still expensive so this is just a cutting right here it's a very easy plant to grow mind you i've been growing this for three years now and it's grown phenomenally for me for me i've taken multiple cuttings this is one cutting right here that i'm growing that i'm excited to pot up because you can see it's rooted quite nicely in this jar full of lecca or clay pebbles and my plant is already regrowing a nice leaf so it's a very incredible house plant and if you do shell out the money on it nowadays i want you to feel confident that it's going to grow well for you but at the same time maybe you got to think a little harder about are you willing to spend that much money and is it that important that you spend a large amount of money on a plant that is just like once you have it you have it but you could also probably trade for it you know what i mean so just a lot of things to think about i don't love the way the house market is going specifically in this direction i like i liked it when the plants that used to be expensive or now inexpensive but it's kind of a shame when this plant that i purchased a couple years ago for eight measly dollars is now selling for over a hundred dollars for a half of the plant that i purchased but i'm just rambling at this point i have plenty of other plants to talk about in this video but i just think this pink princess philadelphian is like the most relevant one and the one that i think everyone is thinking is when it comes to expensive plants or hot plants everyone thinks about the pink princess philodendron or they think about the variegated monstera so one that i absolutely had to talk about today okay so let's talk about this one as well because i think this kind of fits in because this is a string of hearts right here sarah peggy a woody eye and i believe in the same exact video that i purchased my pink princess philodendron from many years ago not many three years ago which is many years ago for me i think i purchased this as well i think i purchased a string of hearts so i think i got a pink princess and a string of hearts and maybe there was something else i purchased in that video it's not relevant anymore it's been a couple of years but what i'm trying to get across is i also purchased the string of hearts for dirt cheap i think my string of hearts actually costed more than the pink princess i think it was like ten dollars for a hanging basket which nowadays when i would as a buyer at the house paint store they did not cost ten dollars wholesale they costed oh i guess i can talk about this stuff freely now because i don't really work there they costed about 15 wholesale so it was more than i was expecting you know what i mean the prices it was creeping up so like when i first started selling string of hearts at the shop i think i was able to get like little pots and they costed no more than like two dollars for a two inch pot like it was it was cheap but you know plant trends catch on and you know things sell out as people start to catch onto trends and you know the manufacturers realize that their plants might feel worth a little more money than they thought they were so then the prices start to creep up and it's kind of a shame with a plant like this string of hearts that's such a fast grabber and you can just like produce this like a wildfire i would say but the price still once again seems to be creeping up which is just a shame but there's nothing i can do about it as an individual you know what i mean i can just bring light to it here on my channel and use my platform to make sure people are spending their money appropriately because i know we all want these plants like i know we all want these plants but if you're buying a hanging basket of string of hearts for 45 bucks like that's not really like ideal the plant market like i said it moves in both directions so some plants can really just cost way more than they should and i just you know i we should dictate the market you know what i mean how much are we willing to pay for plants are you willing to pay that much because if you're willing to pay that much for it they might start to charge more for it so maybe the pink prince is only going to become more expensive because people are so willing to pay 125 for it at least at the store where i work that's how much i charge for it but some stores might be charging even more for that okay so let's move on to a little bit more generic one let's say so this is a calathea or a prayer plant i'm sorry this is such a rowdy calathea this is just the one i felt was most um appropriate to talk about today so this is just a standard calathea and no this is not going to cost you a hundred dollars like the pink princess cost but i really wanted to talk about this today because it's something i've noticed as somebody who used to work in the industry prices creeping up over time i'm pretty sure when i first started buying house plans for the store that i worked at that calatheas were no more than three dollars like if there was like a rare or hard to find calathea it might be like 350. but nowadays when i stopped buying at the plant store most recently when i was buying calatheas they were selling for our wholesale for like six sometimes even seven dollars depending on the variety that's a big jump compared to less than three dollars just within the last two years it's like plants like golden pothos and and syndaxes are still staying at that base price point because they're still so um standard i guess but for some reason plants like calathea just seem to be creeping up in price so you know i've been going around the local plant stores and stores and seeing them selling the calafias for what used to be like 10 12 now for like upwards of 15 18 even 20 dollars for a four inch pot just because the price is the price is just trickling upwards and i don't know if things trickle upwards but they're moving upwards and it's not great so yeah um if you're wondering why calatheas are a little bit more expensive nowadays that could be why like i said it's not going to be astronomical prices it's just about double than what it used to be which is kind of a shame now can you walk into a plant store and find calathea super cheap absolutely i'm sure that there are plant stores where you can find a calathea for less than uh ten dollars and mind you maybe they're growing it themselves but a lot of small plant stores buy in and when you buy in specifically from whether it's a larger company or a smaller company the prices are going to fluctuate and change so the sort the companies that i purchased from the prices were going up so i wouldn't be surprised if that's happening for other people too and while we're on this topic another type of plant that the the price has really been creeping up just kind of in general is hoyas so once again when i first started buying hoyas uh for the plant store where i worked they were same prices golden pothos like i think they would be like 250 290 maybe three dollars maximum for a wholesale four inch hoya carnosa or pubic helix now can you still get a hoya carnosa and a poopy calyx for less than twenty dollars in a four-inch pot absolutely specifically carnosa i don't think would be higher than 15 at most plant stores but the prices are still creeping up similar to the calatheas i think that they are around like six dollars that many of the people that i was purchasing from mind you i'm sure there's other people who are buying house plants for stores watching this video who are like what like the people who i'm buying from it's not the case but that was the case for me in the area of the united states where i lived so of course this is going to be different if you're watching this in a different country half of this might not even be applicable to applicable to so just something to bear in mind there of course this is very specific perhaps to my area of the country but hoyas across the board they're becoming so popular and specifically if you move beyond that realm of hoya carnosa hoya public healing ratusa macrophyla all the standard hoyas that you can typically find in most house plant stores these days and you move on to say this one right here which is a a hoya cow yeah it's not even the most like wild hoya it's not the most striking it's interesting mind you that's why i ended up purchasing it a while back but it's probably worth so much more money now now i spent i think maybe 40 dollars which still is a lot mind you for this full pot of hoya cow yai now i wouldn't be surprised i haven't been online but from what i've been seeing from all of the other hoyas on the market i wouldn't be surprised if one little cutting of this plant like if i was just to take this little cutting right here root it up and if not me because i wouldn't do that but if somebody was to do it and then sell it online i think this little cutting these days because this is just a hoya that is out there it would cost the same price that i paid for the whole freaking pot so i'd say that this would probably sell for like 40 bucks and then if people are doing you know auctions and stuff as they've been doing on ebay the prices just keep going up and up so hoyas in particular are ones there are so many varieties of hoyas and once like i said once you get beyond once you get beyond that realm of pubic helix carnosa and all the other standard ones the price skyrockets websites where i used to see hoya cuttings sell for like 10 they're now selling for a hundred dollars and i think it's absolutely wild i'm confused what's going on i worked in the industry and i'm like what the hell is going on like i'm i'm so confused but i wanted to point this one out today because i'm lucky that i purchased this hoya as a full pot because nowadays i don't think i would be willing to shell out the amount of money it probably costs for something like this this could be a more common hoya that i'm aware of this is just one i picked off the shelf at random to talk about hoyas today but i do think it's very relevant and if you go on ebay or sites for maybe you've been looking for a couple of years if you've been collecting house pants for a while the prices are all up and they're up a lot specifically for hoyas so it's kind of sad if i didn't start collecting house plants years ago i would not have the collection that i have today that is a fact because i'm like i'm not wealthy like i've just been doing this for a long time and i worked at the plant store so one or two days a week that i'd be working i'd bring home a plant or two and it's just accumulated and i had a discount at the plant store of course and so it's just something i want you guys to bear in mind i know i have a lot of plans but i i do not have a lot of money i just want you guys to know that for a fact um oh but i feel like that comes into play perfect with this one right here so this is a philodendron gloriosum this is a large glorious it's very rowdy because you know it's under my care but this is a rather large gloriosum for what is available these days i mean i'm sure random plant stores have full 10-inch pots and 14-inch pots but this is a plant that i purchased a couple years ago i purchased it as a four-inch pot i think it was 19. maybe 29. if it wasn't 19. it was 29. i think it was like 19 and i paid shipping on it and then it was 29 so it was very cheap it was two plants in the pot they were gorgeous if you go very far back on my instagram i'm sure you can find a photo of it when it was in its young days but it's grown so much i've propagated from it and it's grown into this very full plant and i think that four inch pot of gloriosine that i purchased for that inexpensive price these days i don't think it would be two digits i think it would be at least three digits i feel like you'd be lucky to find a field under gloriosum for less than a hundred dollars these days because it's not one that's mass-produced even like the pink princess it's just not out there i had never gotten filled under gloriosums in stock um at the plant store where i worked because if they were readily or they were never readily available but if they were ever available they would be in like 14-inch pots which is huge and they would be very pricey so that's not something i was ever willing to bring in to the store because i just can't see myself charging that much money for something i'm lucky that i got this plant before the houseplant trend really kicked off because if it wasn't for that i really don't think that i would have this plant so it's gorgeous it's one that i really do wish was more readily available it's very very easy to grow of course you know it's not you know perfect leaves some of mine are get kind of you know folded on the edges because i don't have the right amount of space to be growing this plant but it's so incredible i really wish it was more readily available everybody who likes aroids seems to want to grow phil dungeon gloriosome so yeah it's just kind of a shame that it's another one where the price has really just gone up and up because people know that people want it but it's gorgeous i get it like i totally get it i just i can't condone it you know um okay i have two more no three more we have a lot to talk about today i've been rambling so this is a philodendron brantianum and you're probably already noticing that i've talked about a couple of philodendrons on this list today and aroids or the group that phil dungeons are in have become extremely popular and that has also caused the prices to skyrocket so of course i'm gonna be talking about a lot of these today because there are lots that fall into that category but when something becomes popular of course people are willing to spend more money on it and this is one right here philadelphianum that used to sell for very cheap i was often getting in four inch pots at the plant store and they would cost like i think 350 wholesale that's the same price as apotheos i think maximum in the early days they were like 450 maybe five dollars if it was a really good batch and i don't think i ever really sold a brand tianum for more than 15 at the plant store that is until 2020 happened and suddenly everybody seemed to want fellow dungeon brand tiana and it was a plant that for so long i was selling it for like 12 to 15 and they wouldn't fly like i would have them in store for like a week's time because they just weren't moving until suddenly i don't know what happened i don't know who posted about them and suddenly they're going crazy but um everybody once filled under mantianum and it the price was starting to go up i was not able to sell them for 15 anymore i think it went to like 35 to 40 and i don't know where it's at now because i don't even work at the plant store anymore but it's just one of those plants that really really crept up in pricing and it's still creeping up and i feel like i could just take a cutting of this plant like i could take this cutting right here in fact i broke off a freaking vine when i was pulling it down for this video i could if i wanted to which i don't want to i could sell that vine for probably like 60 bucks which i'm not going to do because that's not my style which you know if it is your style you know power to you but i just you know would rather just give it to somebody for free but yeah this is a really great house plant it just really sucks that it's becoming so expensive this is probably the plant out of all the ones i'm talking about in this video that like the price is like going up scary fast so like if you want to fill dungeon rantienum i probably wouldn't wait much longer because it's probably going to be a long time before the price comes back down of course like we said i don't dictate the market um i wish i wish i wish i could because i would make everything cheaper but um this is not the way it works and this is a very similar one so this is philadelphians mine is extremely ratty i've had this one for oh probably like four years at this point and i've cut it all the way back to the base and re-grown it out so it's gone through a couple cycles of life and you can see just how much character it has it's the nice way of putting it when i purchased this plant it was six bucks i got it for in a four-inch pot it was a nice full pot i had no idea what it was i just thought it looked nice it was like cool with its dark velvety leaves and bought it brought it home had no idea what it was for a couple of months because i really didn't even know much about houseplants back then and yeah the rest is history and um yeah i'm lucky i purchased this paint when it did because you know can you get them for cheap at some places probably if you're lucky because that's what it used to always cost but i wouldn't be surprised if there's plant stores out there and a lot of people online who are selling this plant for much more money because i feel like this is one that people see on instagram and they really like it and they have to have it and then they can't find their local plant store so they go online to purchase it and it just ends up costing a lot more than you would like to pay so just something to bear in mind there it's a plant that will grow of course very fast it's like all these filled engines are very easy to grow fortunately so if you are going to shell out the money on them rest assured you're going to be able to grow the plant but like is it worth it like this like i don't know it's hard for me to fathom you know spending more than 40 bucks on a philadelphians and i spent six it's hard for me to sp fathom spending over a hundred dollars on a pink princess when i spent eight so i like plants i love plants and you know if i like a plant i'll buy it but it's just something that i kind of am like misunderstanding a little bit perhaps and last but not least we're going to talk about this plan right here this is a syngonium this is another aroid but it's not quite a philodendron it's a little different this is a type of arrowhead vine um syngoniums nobody seems to give a rat's ass about they're called uh some people call them the fighters or like i said arrowhead vine and they're in every houseplant store when i was buying a tray of syngoniums at the plant store they would not sell nobody seemed to care about them which is a shame because they're wonderful common house plants but this is the one i feel like out of all the syngoniums that people are like i have to have it so this is the variegated syngoni this is syngonium podophilum elbow variegatum it's absolutely gorgeous and when i got my hands on this plant i think it was 18 bucks so it was not expensive at all for a four inch pot it was a very full four inch pot but my roommate's cat fell in love with this plant very early on and just ruined it down to the nub so i've grown it out to this just measly couple of pieces of plant since then but i'm happy about it it's taken a long time for it to get the way that it is now so i think it was one vine that i've turned into three at this point so i'm feeling good about that so give me some kudos but this i mean i don't think it's like as pricey as the pink princess philodendron for a variegated plant but i don't think that you would spend less than 50 on a plant this size probably just one plant like a cutting of a plant would probably cost like 50 these days and i feel like this is one that will probably be like auctioned on ebay a lot like i don't know you'd be lucky to find this for less than 50 50 bucks i would say which is rude because it's a cinconium like i was saying like nobody seems to want any other syngoniums and suddenly you have a plain green syngonium and you add a splash of white variegation to it and suddenly it's worth like 10 times the price but then again i think that's just how it works with the variegated monster anyway so i think that's a good place to wrap up this video so um there are so many other plants out there specifically aroids that fall into this list of plants that used to be inexpensive but are now expensive it's just how trends work as i've been saying and like the market works in two ways so we're moves in both ways so it's just something that we're going to have to deal with as plant enthusiasts so that's gonna about do it for today's video definitely let me know in the comments which plants you are most appalled about the price right now because there are so many where i just cannot believe it so thank you guys for watching if you don't already follow me on instagram at philly foliage subscribe to my channel and i will see you guys in my next video have a great day
Channel: Nick Pileggi
Views: 109,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: expensive, inexpensive, cheap, affordable, plants, houseplants, used to be, nick pileggi, philodendron, aroid, aroids, hoya, calathea, syngonium
Id: ffKVP7qzCBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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