10 Ridiculous SECRET Rooms Found In Recent Video Games

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video games are full of secrets a lot of them with areas you'll never unlock otherwise hi folks its Falcon and today on game ranks 10 secret rooms in recent video games starting off at number 10 Mortal Kombat 11 Shang Tsung's throne room Mortal Kombat 11 continues the recent tradition of Mortal Kombat games containing a crypt an area or just a menu looking at the older games where you can use currency earned in-game to unlock rewards the old ones were pretty straightforward you know with a couple of Easter eggs thrown in but in Mortal Kombat 10 and especially 11 they've made things way more complex with hidden passages secret items keys hidden everywhere definitely the most mysterious was the entrance where if you check the map it sure seemed like there was an area you could explore but it didn't seem to have any way to actually get there well there was a way to get there it's just really really hard a huge massive pain and it honestly doesn't make any sense as you're trying to do it the only way to unlock that last area of the crypt is to stick 10 severed heads on spikes in this area of the crypt doesn't sound too bad but the only way to get a severed head is by performing 50 fatalities on that specific character we'll play in the game and no not fatalities as that character 50 fatalities to that character and that gets you one head and need 10 heads to unlock the door for most players this meant tediously replaying fights over and over to collect heads because seriously who's doing that many fatalities when they play this game so you get your 10 heads on 10 spikes and then you'll unlock Shang Tsung's throne room it basically just gets you some nice character specific chests to open but oh hey more locked doors too so if you want to fully explore the entire game you're gonna need more heads ten more heads unlocks one door and another 10 min lux the final door and as far as secret rooms go this one probably actually gives you some of the best rewards on this list but it is also for sure the most tedious to actually access have a nice day at number nine is Red Dead Redemption two's mutant room even more than in gta5 Red Dead Redemption too was just packed full of interesting secrets like rogue robots vampires and even UFOs but if we're talking secret rooms I have to mention this creepy place west of the Van Horne Trading Post it might not seem like anything special from the outside just too dilapidated house you can't go in but if you find a way to climb up into the awning there's an open window you can get through and inside you will find some pretty freaky experiments and animal corpse hybrids there's creepy taxidermy creatures all over the place along with strange notes and diagrams the centerpiece of the whole area is the manbearpig on the rack like some crazy man was trying to create life or something not that it really matters it's just really creepy location in the game and it's a game it's full of creepy locations and this one takes the cake it's definitely the most secret rumi of the Red Dead Secrets though and definitely the most grotesque and at number 8 blood-borne has an abandoned old workshop that's pretty interesting little boards a game where even the story is basically a secret so of course it's gonna have a few hidden nooks and crannies around its massive world that might offer a hint or two as to what's going on or it might leave you even more confused like this small hidden location in the cathedral ward called the abandoned workshop getting to it can be a little tricky as you're gonna need to make a few awkward Falls and even more awkward jumps but once you know the way it's nothing too difficult to access but this area is very important being that well it looks exactly like a hunter's dream the one safe place you return to you to level up and rest between the wandering nightmarish streets of yharnam it's implied that this is the real location of the hunter's dream or the location of the hunter's dream is based on and you can find clues to German the first hunter and the doll who levels up your character in the dream it's all very bizarre and kind of salacious if you read into it I mean what's this German guy doing dressing up like a full-size doll anyway outside of getting some down clothes and some creepy lore you can also find one third of umbilical cord which you know is required to get the secret ending what you do with it by the way eat it duh just chow down on that black umbilical cord and you'll get the eyes on the inside sounds great right blood-borne is just his famous for its horrifying story as it's intense combat and this really did this area demonstrates that really well at number seven is the doom 2016 reboots birthday party room doom embrace the nature of classic doom which was kind of stupid but it's a stupid we all love and the game was better for it in this secret room follow suit it's dumb it's pointless but he it's funny to find this thing you look for the yellow jump pad in the level Titans realm is a pretty narrow looking hole through the wall that you can actually jump into to find a skeleton with a cake and balloon it's good to know that even if you're a skeleton in hell someone remembered your birthday and it's just a little bonus to this doom point I want to talk about the classic levels that they put in Doom 2016 there's 13 total but you can find them by pulling a secret lever somewhere in a map which will open a door somewhere that leads to a classic doom level the maps and textures are exactly the same but you're running around with modern weapons and enemies it doesn't exactly fit the definition of secret room when there's 13 of them and there's many rooms rather than just one it's still a cool easter egg is it not and number 6 the fallout 76 developer room here's a secret room no one was supposed to see let alone get into the developer room for fallout 76 made specifically for testing and QA purposes this room contains every item in the game that includes weapons recipes armor just a lot of stuff you would need to test the game these kind of developer rooms were also hidden in previous bethesda games like fallout 4 and Skyrim but what makes the follow'd 76 one so interesting is how it breaks the game previous Bethesda RPGs were single-player so really there's not a lot of issue with players warping into the developer room and grabbing some goodies but follow 76 is an online-only multiplayer game with some PvP elements the game is supposed to have some semblance of balance even though that's never really been the case I mean it's also not a good game but the developers want you to be short on resources so the game can continue to be channel and keep everybody who is involved with it on a certain level so the developer room is much more difficult to get access to you can't just put in console commands and warp there still is some players found a way to get in because of course and outside of all the high-powered loot they were able to grab they were able to grab this as well the single human NPC in Fallout seventy-six named Ruby of course NPCs eventually will be added to the game sometime in future but for now this is all we got a guy named Ruby hidden away in the deepest darkest most hidden part of file at 76 as far as secret rooms go one where you'll get banned if you try to get in is pretty damn secret a number five is dying lights world 1-1 here's a bizarre one in dying light there's a little green pipe sticking out of a chimney on the roof of a building in Old Town if you interact with it you'll be sent to eerie creation of world 1-1 from Super Mario Brothers it's got everything blocks pits goombas and even a secret block containing a secret blueprint you finished the section the same way you would do it in Super Mario Brothers just slide down the flagpole and you're done the whole thing is bizarre and hilarious but bonus points for adding a secret that blueprint into your secret moving out at number four is a secret treasure room in hitman 2 a mission deep in the jungles of Colombia of course there's gonna be some kind of secret temple and secret hidden treasure somewhere actually unlocking this room is a somewhat confusing ordeal as you need to get a gold idol from the shop in the village but breaking into the shop mix the idols appears so the only way to get it is to knock out the shopkeeper and use his key to get in once you have it there's still one more step required you have to get a shaman costume which makes sense right so you wear the shaman costume you head into the altar cavern and there's a section of wall that you can put the gold idol and it opens a secret passage at this point you're gonna need to cross an Indiana jones-style trap room like to step on the wrong pressure plate and it's over but if you manage to cross you'll be rewarded with the burial knife which doesn't do anything special but it is a unique knife and if those dart shooters made you a little nervous on the way in don't worry they just shoot confetti on your way out just another day for agent 47 I guess at number 3 just cause fours interior moon here's another game that's just packed with Easter eggs although the secret room probably isn't the most bizarre of them it was one of the last ones people actually found though hidden behind a small discolored patch of rock on the gigantic central mountains you'll find a strange corridor leading to a glass-enclosed science base of some kind this on its own is a little weird but break the glass and you will find the moon and what looks like an infinite star field you can even get on to the moon if you want and find a little solace flag plants down there solace being the country rico is blowing up in the game i don't know why this is here or what it means and yeah even though this is really bizarre this is a game where you can play bennett fadis getting over it and get stuck in a take on me music video so it's just basically crazy all around number two in blood-stained the Castlevania NES throwback obviously this game is based on Castlevania Symphony of the Night and if you played that game you know how secret ridden it is people kind of expected blood stain for that reason to have a lot of pretty wild secrets and secret room is one of the best you break a ceiling in the Hall of termination to find a secret room nothing too surprising in there but if you move left and break another wall you'll find a second secret room with something a little more interesting a bookshelf that will transport you to VA a bit nightmare a short stage based off the original Castlevania with just the serial numbers filed off like oh this definitely isn't Castlevania is it there's unique enemies that will give you special 8-bit moves and even a boss at the end I absolutely love seeing a pet throw backs and modern games and this one is definitely one of the best you'll pay for this transgression death is too kind for you and finally in undertale sans locker room another game absolute act with secrets just wouldn't be right to talk about secret rooms in recent games without bringing up at least one of the undertale secrets my personal favorite one is of course Sands Workshop which you can only get access to by playing through the neutral roll of the game meaning a fresh save where you don't kill any enemies at all I mean you can play a neutral role and kill enemies but you cannot kill enemies to get into this room when you get to where sands confronts you at the end of the game you listen to what he has to say then quit and reload instead of saying the same thing as last time he'll give you a key to his room quit and reload again and you'll find a silver key in his room which unlocks another secret room sans workshop which ends it's a pretty weird backstory about the dude if you thought sans undertale was just a meme well he's not he's also a time traveler maybe I don't know it's it's a super weird thing but it's a pretty funny secret actually that's all for today what are some of your favourite secret rooms in video games leave us a comment let us know if you liked this video please click like and if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so amplitude videos every day of the week and the best way to see them first is of course a subscription that means click Subscribe and don't forget to enable all notifications as always a thank you so much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on Twitter Falcon the hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 2,555,496
Rating: 4.8708878 out of 5
Keywords: secret rooms, hidden rooms video games, bloodborne secret room, doom secret room, just cause 4 secret room, hitman secret room, red dead redemotion 2 secret room, mortal kombat 11 secret room, undertale secret room, dying light secret room, gameranx, falcon
Id: 3CIBBf7705g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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