10 Naughty GTA Easter Eggs We CAN'T UNSEE

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well we're getting a little edgy here today as you know we're one of the channels that will never stop bringing up grand theft auto and today we're acknowledging ten of the game's racier Easter eggs you know the naughty ones if you will we don't want to get them monetized here so we're gonna navigate this the best we can but be warned this might get a little goofy and raunchy let's get started off and jump in with number ten let's start off with the Opposition Memorial in grand theft auto san andreas this one is more naughty in like like an absolute burial like wrecking your opponent type of way but knowing what we know now this easter egg really is just savage and straight-up rude there's a memorial graveyard in san fierro near the hippy shopper that looks like some kind of war memorial graveyard but if you take a closer look you can find this plaque that says and I quote r.i.p opposition 1997 to 2004 with a rockstar games logo right on it the implication here is is really clear the original grand theft auto came out in 1997 and san andreas came out in 2004 they're basically implying that all the grand theft auto copycats that appeared after 1997 have been killed by the release of san andreas maybe you know you might think this is kind of like a playful joke but remember that probably the biggest rival for grand theft auto at the time was the driver series and that released the infamously bad driver 3 in 2004 the same year as san andreas just comparing the two games isn't even fair I'm a driver series apologists personally but driver 3 is clearly definitely the worst one in the franchise and then on the flipside a lot of people think that San Andreas was the best grand theft auto game in the series and in a lot of ways the opposition memorial isn't just a little joke 2004 is basically the year the driver franchise started to kind of fall there it still limped along with driver parallel lines and stuff like that and then eventually there was that really good driver San Francisco but it's just never been in the same league as grand theft auto games and oh yeah maybe you can retract our games totally Chungking on them now next over at number 9 let's talk about grand theft auto 4 one of the weirder grand theft auto games that has a special place in my heart and it has a of interesting and weird signage and just general locations that will break down real quick the first is the monument in Middle Park which just basically straight up resembles male genitalia it's labeled Leno beliefs and yeah that's enough said there can we even show that then there's that building called the clock tower and broker it has the in-game time on it you know of course but at certain times if you're on the Algonquian bridge at night sometimes the digital like sign the L doesn't light up so it's clock tower without the L in the word and yeah there you go and then of course there's that sign by memory lanes the bowling alley which has the bowling balls and the pin again male genitalia there's definitely a theme here isn't there Grand Theft Auto 4 is truly something special but since we are on the topic we wanted to reserve a whole point for a special moment in it at number 8 and that is of course Grand Theft Auto for acknowledging the whole hot coffee debacle where would Grand Theft Auto is a series B honestly where would the video game industry be without the hot coffee mod controversy and all the things that ensued with it hoo boy we've talked about it and detailed the history of it in many videos previously but essentially people accessed files for like a cut mini game in San Andreas that was supposed to simulate you having sex it didn't make it in the final game but people were still able to bring it out and because it caught the public attention it kind of blew up like wildfire for people who wanted to enact stricter laws and essentially some censorship around video games and one of the big politicians that was the most vocal about the hot coffee thing at the time during san andreas release was of course the then Senator Hillary Clinton so in Grand Theft Auto 4 of course we have Liberty City which very closely resembles New York City which has the Statue of Liberty so of course Grand Theft Auto 4 is Liberty City is going to have this the Statue of happiness now who is on the face of that Lady Liberty it is of course a likeness or a somewhat representation of Hillary Clinton that's all haha yeah well and good but if you look at what she's holding it's not a torch for freedom or whatever I it's actually a cup of coffee directly acknowledging the hot coffee mod well this even happened today could just even happen in video games today I have no idea but it's totally crazy and it's them poking fun they're having fun here Liberty City and Grand Theft Auto 4 at the time was completely acknowledging this whole thing there were some coffee shops that had signs that said hot coffee shops so yeah there you go Rockstar was never really one to shy away from their controversies were they now next at number six here's a bizarre Easter Egg that's maybe the only time Rockstar has used pictures of real people in one of their weird jokes and yes the Hillary Clinton thing we talked about was kind of a representation this is straight-up a photograph this is from grand theft auto vice city of to see this thing it's actually a little complicated and over-the-top but you have to go to ammunation in downtown vice city equip an RPG stand on the helmets on the counter then aim at the street do all that and finally turn while aiming to face the wall and then you'll see this an image it's a photoshopped picture of Ronald Reagan shooting Mikhail Gorbachev there was of course some pretty serious Cold War tensions in the 80s and Vice City is set in the 80s and very much reflects that but this is just an odd reference to it you why it's here and why it's so secret of course only Rockstar can say my best guess is that it's something they forgot to completely remove from the game as the actual file image in the game folder is called roni test implying that the word test is like it's just a placeholder image or something still it's Rockstar they're gonna be mysterious they're gonna be weird they're gonna do things that we just don't understand and this is a really good example of that now of course in number 5 let's talk about the goatse reference in Grand Theft Auto 5 certain taxi cabs around the world have this license plate that says eight zero a a t5 33 which of course is a reference to the nasty gross internet meme called goat seed CX and we know we cannot show it it was originally an Internet shock site and the image associated with it hello jpg is really the thing that most people think of when they hear the goat see meme if you're wondering why random taxis have this on their license plate then I mean yeah we don't really have an answer for you but it's probably like one of the grossest references in the entire series even if it doesn't actually show anything you know it's like a bait-and-switch meme it's like one night you used to trick people and it's just very naughty on the one hand but also very trolli so of course Rockstar would probably be into that and honestly the license plate and the way it's spelled is more of us a more tasteful way of acknowledging goofy things like this and we appreciate it now at number four we have the atrium from grand theft auto san andreas here's a pretty nasty one you may not have noticed during a mission for Big Smoke called just business you get into a shootout with the Russian mafia in this big large atrium area in a building in downtown Los Santos you'll probably notice the statues of course around but you might not realize what one of them is doing yes masturbation joke haha this is what it that's what it really looks like at least the other four statues in the room are covering their eyes so even though half the central statue seems to be missing what is left what is shown there is scandalous and naughty it's a good example of like the different levels of trolling and stupid things that Rockstar Games will do where some of them are just like outright poop jokes some of them are political jokes like hot coffee and then some of them are just like you know just penis jokes so the variety they have in terms of how edgy they go is always impressive now at number three this one isn't like outright disgusting or anything but it is still really funny and a little scandalous and that is the girlfriend Kiki in Grand Theft Auto 4 of course as you know you can go on dates as Nikko with various women some for the story some just completely optional and Kiki is one where things can get really interesting now there's a little bit of a way to do it I don't have time to explain it all but essentially you can go on a date with Kiki then eventually dump her via your in-game telephone and in certain instances she essentially can stalk you and give you and the girls that you go out and see problems sometimes she will call you or text you and harass you about it in certain instances you can actually appear during a date you think your voice over of her harassing someone also at some points if you go on a date with a girl and maybe you go into their apartment you can come out and find your car vandalized and the amount of little details that they included here is really clever also apparently you can just find her out and about in the environment implying that she really is stalking you she really is the bitter paranoid crazy ex-girlfriend that she is portrayed to be and it's just really clever the way this is implemented not gonna lie now down to number two of course grand theft auto 5 and Life invader which essentially was like a big old joke on Silicon Valley and in particular Facebook you know Grand Theft Auto 5 took a lot of time to really poke fun at California Tech culture and the social media companies that come up and the work culture that surrounds them and essentially even like what social media and phone addiction is doing to people and life and Vader is the main company and they're launching a phone device this is also poking fun of Facebook who did at some point try to come out with an actual Facebook phone and it failed spectacularly GTA 5 has this whole big advertisement for something called the life invader dock and it is essentially one big phallic of docking big penis joke kind of like poking fun at like your ego and social media and and just like there's penetration jokes with the device and you really have to see it for yourself obviously I can't break it all down and show it all here but it's it's pretty funny if a little on the nose it's still good now down to number one let's acknowledge something really stupid that's in a lot of the games starting with Vice City that is rusty Browns ring donuts yes we're gonna end this on like a poop butt hole joke in Vice City it started out as just a reference on the radio then in San Andreas it was acknowledged by some random NPCs on the street that just said that they eat them it also appears in a diner in Liberty City Stories there's billboards for it in chinatown Wars and then in Grand Theft Auto 5 there's a rusty Browns outlet on Vespucci Boulevard and one of the things I thought that was really funny about rusty Browns that don't a place in this one is that they have a red ring of death doughnut this is thanks to bleeder and lots of ads and stuff around the city for this place honestly like the other main institutions like cluck and bail and stuff like that I really really hope that rusty Brown's ring Donuts continues in the series because honestly it's like the nastiest most disgusting preference but hey it's Grand Theft Auto would you expect anything more of course these are some examples we have but there are so many other raunchy racy nasty naughty references out there we'd love to hear yours down in the comments some funny references that maybe you appreciate anything at all let us know if you had fun with this video like we did clicking the like buttons the best way you can help us out and if you're new consider subscribing because we put out videos every sin all day but as always thanks for watching we'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: gameranx
Views: 1,186,646
Rating: 4.9098082 out of 5
Keywords: gta easter eggs, gta 3 easter eggs, gta vice city easter eggs, gta san andreas easter eggs, gta 4 easter eggs, gta 5 easter eggs, naughty gta easter eggs, grand theft auto easter eggs, funny gta easter eggs
Id: ZQLcbI34pUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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