10 SCARY Levels in NON-HORROR Video Games

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a lot of the time in games that aren't exclusively supposed to be scary we get something random that just gives us the heebie-jeebies hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 10 terrifying levels in non-horror games number 10 is demon souls tower of latria this is just a truly creepy and foreboding location yep demon souls isn't exactly a sunny and cheerful game normally but most of the areas are pretty well lit and it's really not a horror game even if it has some pretty creepy locations out of all of the places you go in this game the tower of latria is probably the creepiest you start out in this miserable prison area that's almost pitch black it's patrolled by some weird octopus-headed monsters that can kill you in one hit once you get out of there it only gets worse as you're taken to upper latria which is by the way just a bizarre collection of broken down towers and narrow walkways it's dark as hell there's this weird beating heart in the central tower and there's these freaky human face bugs all over the place making weird moaning sounds this looks more like a silent hill other world than an actual palace and the first time you get here it's pretty overwhelming but on the other hand it is really a unique location in the game that stands out even in the forerunner of the soulsborne series i remember it to this day and loved seeing it in the remake at number 9 is the tomb raider reboots geothermal caverns the reason tomb raider reboot games have all had their moments being a little spooky but no other area in the series is as aggressively unpleasant as this one this is the place you end up escaping from the crazy cultists you're forced to jump into a pit of blood and core to do that and it doesn't get much better seriously this place starts with you swimming through a pool of blood with body parts floating in it it's the most disgusting area in the game and it is by a long shot after getting out of there you enter the pit which is where the cult keeps its prisoners for a while you're stalked by these shambling creeps before getting into an all-out shootout and what's one of the tensest battles of the game this is another area that feels like it came out of a silent hill game or something like outlast it's really over the top nasty with the amount of bodies blood and severed limbs you experience like the game had a few creepy moments before this but this is just on another level and number eight is we don't go to ravenholm from half-life 2. this is an absolutely iconic scary level most of the half-life 2 was basically a running battle up to this point you'd be fully equipped with an arsenal of guns and could easily deal with any of the combine soldiers the headcrab zombies that were in your path but here at least at the start all you have is the newly acquired gravity gun and a city filled with the dead this is ravenholm it is an empty city that's been destroyed by the combine filled with headcrabs and you've got to get through it there's two main factors when it comes to why this place is unique the way the game de-powers you before it sends you there and of course the sound design at this point you had only been using the gravity gun to solve simple puzzles using this thing as an offensive weapon by pulling saws and objects off the ground is at first pretty awkward and then it forces you to look away from your enemies to find stuff to shoot at them adding tension to the encounters the freakish whales and pleading of the people transformed by the head crabs is unnerving they're not just reanimated corpses these things talk and basically beg you to kill them this is the area that introduces the running headcrab zombies as well who can chase you down in seconds rather than just slowly shamble at you the play starts off slow before slowly building and building until you're fighting off waves of zombies who attack you from multiple angles it is an intense level but at least you've got father grigory watching your back i mean he only appears in this level but he is one of the most memorable characters in the half-life series really this is one of the most memorable levels truly unnerving and different and number seven is 343 guilty spark from halo combat evolved now this is the introduction of the flood yes these are old hat by now but back when this game was first released the fact that this sci-fi military shooter suddenly became a horror game halfway through was mind-blowing it was literally halfway through it was level 6 out of 10 and it happens after one of the biggest action stages of the game the assault on the control room the level is tense from the start there are signs of fighting but nothing is alive there are broken doors and a creepy atmosphere around the whole thing and it doesn't sound like much while i'm describing it here but there's a definite shift in tone right when you get into this level eventually there's a video log out of aliens where some marines exploring this place are overwhelmed by something it is not long before you find out what it is the flood of course the all-consuming race of weird mold bug creatures that want to consume every living thing in the universe these things obviously fight completely different from the covenant instead of military tactics these things just swarm you with numbers and in this level at least you're just gonna have to make a run for it i cannot overstate how unexpected this whole thing was yeah in retrospect it wasn't that scary but that's only because these things have kind of become a staple of the halo series and the flood aren't really that scary anymore but this was their first appearance and this level did an amazing job building these things up as a threat at number 6 is fallout 3's dunwich building bethesda really got us with this one at the bottom left-most corner of the capital wasteland the building can just be found sitting there looking totally normal just another abandoned building out of hundreds you've seen and explored in the game right well not really the place is already pretty creepy it's a pitch black office building interior with feral ghouls i don't know really what it is but there's something about some of the inside areas about fallout 3 that just put me on edge maybe it's the ambient noises or the sticky green light of the pip boy but this game can be pretty creepy even when they're not trying to be thing is this place is definitely trying there are spooky logs all over the place detailing how this place descended into madness along with a ghostly flashback showing people from the building before the bombs fell the ghostly figure appears normal but when the hallucination ends instead of looking at a guy in a suite you're facing down a glowing one one of the most dangerous ghouls in the game the deepest part of the area is known as the viral and underchamber is and contains a strange obelisk that irradiates you if you get too close to it getting close to it triggers a nearly inaudible voice clip that sounds like a voice i guess basically the whole place is spooky as hell and there's no way around that at number five is the nightmares from max payne the original max payne is i mean it's cool as hell it's got bullet time it's got the comic book aesthetic it's got a story about revenge and taking happiness from someone and leaving them with nothing but it's also got some pretty weird stuff in it for being a john woo inspired shooter like yeah there's over-the-top violence in action but there's also goofy tv shows to watching weird little scenes and secrets everywhere but specific to this video going along with this madness there's a wild dream sequence at the end of chapter 2 where max gets shot up with an experimental drug and has a seriously bad trip after reliving the moment his family is killed you have to navigate this for lack of a better term blood maze which is a pitch black abyss with only these tiny blood trails to walk on the only thing you hear is a crying baby and it's i mean to say the very least it's very unpleasant and very frustrating this isn't the only time you have to navigate one of these things either like this is the second blood maze and it's worse than the first one the dream sequences in max payne are just there's something else some argue that the ones in the second game are freakier but i think the ones in max payne one just i mean it's slight but they beat him out and number four is queen vanessa's manner from a hat in time here is one that really got me by surprise a hat in time is an indie throwback to nintendo 64 style platformers and it's i mean i it's about as kid friendly as you can get like it's a game about a kid who flies a hat shaped spaceship and it has a bedroom made of pillows i it's seriously the last game that you'd expect something scary to have in it but the third level the subcon forest which is one of the spooky theme levels and you know platform games they exist it's something along the lines of big boos haunt or med monster mansion from banjo-kazooie like a kind of halloween themed level more than anything actually scary that is until you get to act 4 queen vanessa's manor normally this game is mario 64 but this level on the other hand is amnesia in it you have to dodge this towering ghost that will when it catches you kill you instantly so the only way to get around this place is by sneaking and if you want to leave then there's no going back you're trapped in this place until you get through it seriously this place is just a straight up horror game this thing stalks you relentlessly and you are powerless to fight it the only way through is by carefully sneaking i mean they even throw in a couple of jump scares that take control of your character away from you for a while just to make things extra unnerving a hat in time is about as non-horror as a game can get but for whatever reason they inserted a horror game into just one level it's definitely surprising if nothing else and number three is the blood kelp caves and subnautica now subnautica is kind of a creepy game anyways especially for people afraid of deep water or wide open spaces but it's not a horror game the horror kind of comes natural with the setting i guess but it's more of a survival and exploration game but combine exploring the unknown with darkness creepy sea creatures and that constantly ticking clock that is limited oxygen and you've got a game that is pretty tense there are quite a few biomes that could qualify for this list here but probably the most straight up scary is the blood kelp caves it even has a creepy name this place found deep underwater is filled with these creepy blood roots that have packets of blood oil growing on them it's kind of one of the most alien and unnatural zones you encounter in this game and if it's one of the first deep sea areas you encounter it's going to give you some pretty serious anxiety just being in the game who knows what kind of creatures are looking around right well there are these deep sea blood crawlers and some pretty aggressive fish but the real danger this place is getting lost the way plants grow down here it is super easy to get mixed up or turn around just not know where you're going and there are not a lot of landmarks to help you better orient yourself there's something about drowning in video games that almost makes it worse than being attacked by a sea monster as well it's just freaky but this game really sort of masters that for whatever reason there are deeper parts of the world in subnautica to discover but this place remains the creepiest and number two is the cult mission in swat 4. now swat 4 is a game where you command a four person swat team going through various missions in a procedural style there's no twist or even an overarching story of any kind just a series of missions it can be really really tense but there's nothing generally scary about it mission number nine the children of tyrone tenement is different however in it you're tasked with bringing in a cult leader named andrew tyrone who has taken over this abandoned tenement building and turned it into a cult compound the mission briefing specifically mentions that you have to watch out for any children in the area so you're probably going into this thing expecting to see a lot of civilians now there are a lot of cultists around this dumped some are armed some are unarmed but there aren't a lot of children you might think this is just a gameplay contrivance because they don't want you shooting kids by mistake but when you get into the dugout basement of this place you learn the truth there is a line of very small graves down there it's sickening and something that's never directly commented on in the game it's just a really unpleasant background detail honestly the place is unusually creepy just in general being a dark and congested building with windows all boarded up and passages cut through the walls the graves you find just add to the whole thing it's kind of a surprising layer of darkness for what is a pretty normally dry police game and that's why this level is really stuck with people for a long time and finally at number one is the shale bridge cradle from the three deadly shadows the thief series always has its spooky parts but nothing compares to this place at all even kind of just the description is creepy it is a former insane asylum and orphanage garrett the main character says it best if there is a way to cram more misery into one building's history i can't think of it after entering you're trapped by the spirit of the building and are forced to deal with these grotesque monsters called puppets who by the way to make matters even worse are just almost completely unkillable knock one out it'll just get back up again later remember it's a stealth game where you play as a thief up until this point all you've really had to deal with are a few guards and there is just nothing like this before this level it doesn't help that this play is really dark and maze-like and only way to escape is to assist a ghost which forces you to explore the place fully like the whole thing is just incredibly tense i know we're kind of spoiling it here but the first time playing this game and getting to this place is a total shock to the system you used to be powerful in the shadows but now you're totally outmatched and it's easily one of the scariest sections of all time let alone just in this series but what do you think leave us a comment about the scariest place you can think of in a game if it's on this list or not and if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week the best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe don't forget to click the notification bell and as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 1,021,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary levels, terrifying levels, non-horror scary games, scary levels in single player games, scary games, tomb raider, demon souls, ps4 scary levels, xbox one scary levels, pc scary levels, gameranx, falcon, horror levels, horror gaming, worst levels in games
Id: gtK4-w_N-Bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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