10 Times A Game TRICKED You Into Thinking It ENDED

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the fake-out ending in a lot of games you can see it coming and a lot you can't hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks ten times we thought the game was over but it wasn't starting off at number ten way back in the day super Nintendos donkey kong country now the way this game seemingly ends is you get to the final boss you bop him a few times and that's it he's done he's defeated the screen goes dark and the credits start playing but I mean it doesn't take very long to figure out there's something a little bit wrong with the credits it's I mean fairly obvious they're fake but take your mind back to 1994 if you were into video games at that point you were probably a kid and that was probably mind-bending to you it was to me anyway like the credits just show enemy names instead of any actual programmers which is obviously a huge tip-off but if you remember NES game credits like Castlevania they all used fake names at the time partially to avoid programmers get it poached by their companies so even though the practice was long over by the time decays he came out if you're a Nintendo kid at the time it could in theory fool you that and a lot of the time were just used to credits being the end of something least back then obviously there's always a scene after the credits now thanks marble so of course the credits get to a the end question mark and K rool comes back to life around 2 and he puts up way more of a fight this time it's kind of the classic basic fake-out ending and it really only adds a couple of minutes but still I had no idea when it happened and number nine is Shenmue - this is a weird one like Shenmue games are known for their unusual pacing and the ending section of Shenmue 2 really is kind of the prime example the real shining beacon of the unusual pacing in this game it's kind of crazy when you think about it which basically sums up the entire series so in Shenmue 2 you're trying to find this dude named you wan to zu for the entire game that's just what you do in Shenmue games you wander around and ask people about sailors or one - zu that's just what happens I'm sorry I'm busy right now near the end of the game you find is being held by the yellow head gang at their headquarters basically the bad guys you've been dealing with the entire game so you attack their base which is a huge abandoned skyscraper which feels like the epic conclusion to the game's story only you beat the yellow head leader Don Moy you rescue beyond the zoo and you see laundy the man who killed your father which seems like a setup for the next game the Sun sets the music swells game over right nope now the game goes on for another three hours where you wander around the woods on a trail to bailu village which is where Shenmue 3 takes place and I just want to emphasize that nothing happens at all in this section of the game you talk to people and you walk forward on the trail that is it when you finally get to Bilu villages a short scene just before the game finally and abruptly ends no final battle no other surprises just nothing it's actually one of the strangest ending sequences in gaming history and given it wasn't resolved for like many years all we really had to concentrate on was this strangeness I asked you something I don't know I I understand and at number 8 Metal Gear Solid 5 end of part 1 so year 30 hours into the game you find Metal Gear you kill skull face the end credits roll and then end of part 1 end of part 1 so you killed the bad guy recovered his fancy Metal Gear but the game just keeps going as you see mother base become increase and Lee paranoid after the end of part 1 part 1 this section of the game climaxes in this bizarre sequence where snake is forced to gun down his own men who are apparently zombies now they're infected with something the Metal Gear you got it's stolen and then everything basically goes to hell then the game ends or rather stops I don't know if it's actually the end of the game there was a planned act 3 that would have connected all the random story bits together but it was cut after it was pretty obvious that Konami was getting out of the game's business and just wanted to ship the game and be done with it the fact that the game went on past the traditional ending point was mind-blowing but also incredibly baffling at number 7 is okami clover games now known as platinum games of course have never really been afraid of doing weird stuff right like that's the understatement of the year I don't have to explain to you that platinum games is constantly letting their freak flag fly also Okami is unusual in more ways than one of course the game keeps going well beyond where you think it'll end not once but twice first when you defeat Orochi the dragon that the entire story of the game seems to be building up as the final boss and then again when you go to Oni Island to defeat nine tails it's not until you beat up Yami literally the devil in Japanese mythology before the game actually ends the game never even implies that there will be more after defeating Orochi so the fact that it just kept going on after that part is surprising enough but then it does the same thing twice and it really throws you it's like oh there's still more game what are you talking about I mean I obviously don't mind it's an amazing game but it really throws you for a loop at number 6 is Perfect Dark Perfect Dark was already a pretty strange game compared to Goldeneye 64 yes they share a lot of gameplay mechanics because they are more or less I durations of the same mechanics but Perfect Dark focuses on conspiracies and alien plots and just one that seems like the game is about to end things get really out of control mission 6 seems like the end of the game when you sneak on to a sunken alien ship and disable its super weapon which saves the world obviously super weapons usually not good for the world but afterwards a cutscene plays it seems to wrap up everything that said it's a fake-out the Institute is under attack by these bug aliens and you end up getting captured by them then you break out of alien Jail take over the ship and then fly to the homeworld and kill the alien leader like it's really an escalation from the start of mission one where you infiltrate an office building [Music] at number five is Dragon's Dogma and your main goal in Dragon's Dogma is to kill the dragon obviously there's going to be a large focus on dragons in any game that has dragon in the title you see the dragon kills the guy you play as in the prologue and has been a constant looming threat throughout the entire game so obviously the game ends when you kill the dragon right nope in a completely on four shot Oh twist there is a ton of game left after there is no dragon left the Duke who had previously been your ally attacks you in a huge section of the main city of the game collapses into a bottomless pit you end up falling into the pit of course which sends you to somewhere where you have to find these definitely not Dungeons & Dragons be holders before facing this guy the seneschal who is basically the god of this world we what a ride like the most bizarre thing is if you beat him you replace him as god of that world and if you lose you get turned into a dragon suffice to say this game goes actually bonkers after you beat the dragon and it's more than a little surprising at number four Dark Souls 2 and from software games especially the ones leading up to Dark Souls 2 the identity of the last boss was usually a king the Falls came from Demon Souls and Lord Gwyn from Dark Souls generally you're fighting the king of whatever land you're in for each game Dark Souls 2 obviously doesn't do that it's different the entire game is spent trying to access the dran gellick castle and all you ever hear about is it's king vendrick who apparently attempted to master the mysteries of the soul yeah you know all the soul talk you hear about Dark Souls games let's talk about souls baby I mean that sure sounds like the last bus to me but when you get to the throne room of the dran jelly castle it's empty exploring further brings you to the undead crypt which could possibly be the final area considering how much these games talk about the undead but when you find vendrick's tube that's when the surprise happens vendrick isn't the last boss he's just a mindless zombie who wanders around the room muttering to himself he doesn't even attack you you can just walk away if you want there's actually a lot more game after that and a lot more weird stuff for you to deal with if you want to fight the real final boss but finding vendrick is probably one of the most interesting non climaxes in the entire Dark Souls series at number three is near automata the original mirror was famously a game with a lot of endings and Nier automata it takes the crazy ending stuff introduced in that game to a whole new place how it works is that you play through the game once normally and that gets you the first ending this unlocks new game+ which in most games lets you start with everything you got in the previous run-through but doesn't actually affect the ending here however it completely changes your perspective on the story where you see things as 9s instead of to be it's interesting because the events of the story actually play out a little bit differently but after getting ending B that's when stuff really starts to get crazy the second half of the game is after this you've beaten the game twice and you have played half of the game the fact that they hid such a large section of the game behind having to play through what you thought was the entire game twice is nuts it's totally shocking when you realize that oh the game isn't done all this crazy stuff is going down now and hey there's another playable character I mean this is a game where you thought it was over twice and I mean you thought it was over twice you literally think that it is over third time through when everything changes and you beat it again it feels like it cannot possibly go on anymore and yet it's not done at number two is Final Fantasy games let's just say Final Fantasy games love the fake-out ending in Final Fantasy 1 you defeat Garland and save the princess but whoops the game isn't over and I have to fight the elementals in Final Fantasy 2 you defeat the evil emperor but whoa no the dark knight Leon has taken over and now the emperor comes back as the demon Emperor and yeah that games nuts in Final Fantasy five you beat exdeath but uh uh he was disguised as a thorn and then he destroys a huge chunk of the world and you have to follow him to the third and final world map Final Fantasy 6 probably being the most famous example of this with the floating continent really looking like the final dungeon before kefka does his thing and destroys the world leading into the second part of the game the world of ruin honestly that whole section of the game is like morale killing too because you literally have to round everybody up again oh hey remember when we tried to stop everything from happening but it did anyway let's go try to stop it again and finally at number one Castlevania Symphony of the Night this is probably the most famous possibly the best secret to uncover that unlocks essentially another half of game normally you reach the castle and fight the boss of the game Richter Belmont obviously something is up however because it's a Castlevania game you got to fight Dracula so if you explore and uncover the deepest parts of the castle you'll find Richter actually being controlled by shaft who wants to resurrect Dracula you break the illusion and free Richter to find out there is an entire second castle the inverted Castle upside down but filled with entirely new enemies and bosses if you want to fight Dracula and get the true ending of this game you have to fully explore this castle as well it is just a completely shocking twist and one that a lot of people miss because if you remember when this game came out everybody had dial-up internet access was not as easy as it is today and I've got one bonus for you too the ending of control we've mentioned it in other videos but it deserves a mention here you get what looks like the end a bizarre cutscene plays and then you get the credits is a weird enough game that it's actually believable the game would end here but after a while all the credits start to distort and you get dropped into a dream sequence where you're an office assistant the game continues from there but it's a really weird freak out what are some fake out endings you remember are these any of your most fond leave us a comment let us know what you think if you like this video please click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week the best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe and don't forget to enable all notifications as always who thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon the hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 1,176,487
Rating: 4.8998652 out of 5
Keywords: video game endings, video game tricks, game playing tricks, game tricked you, video game culture, gamers tricked, single player games, single player game stories, gameranx, falcon, weird gaming moments, rpg endings
Id: jGajkZDjZ-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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