10 NEW Cave Update Mobs that Should be in Minecraft 1.17

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here are 10 new cave update mobs that should be in minecraft there are some nasty ones in this video some that hang from the ceiling some that actually swim underwater there's even some that have their own homes in the form of microbiomes in the caves and if you're lucky enough you can get some special items along the way there's even a mini boss or two that you'll want to watch out for so let's check these out so located within this special cave are all 10 mobs we're going to be looking at today and we've got a bit of an adventure on our hands so i've got my lantern ready in my offhand slot a nice helmet to keep me safe sword and some raw beef for our first mob we come across cavemen these guys are ancient humanoid creatures that have been hiding in the depths of the darkest caves in minecraft and only recently have they shown their faces these guys will actually barter with you if you trade them raw beef so don't mind if i do oh he's having a little dance parties excited about it if you feed them beef they'll give you numerous different types of supplies flint sometimes they'll give you campfires they can give you things like cobblestone all sorts of various different doodads and you'll also notice that they've carved things into the wall such as cow and and washed now be very careful because these barbarians are capable of attacking you and dealing massive damage with their stone axes and apparently from time to time escaping to the outside oh he's just looking at the sunset adorable ooh some cooked pork chop in exchange for raw beef i'll take it so don't mind if i do i'm going to look at what they got in this chest here as well a whole bunch of i oh easy does it guys come on the cavemen will also attack you if you try and take any of their loot so keep that in mind we've taken out our first mob and let's see what they were hiding flint arrows i'll take that the bow sounds good they even got some cook stick which i'll get my hands on instead and we might grab this cobblestone just in case we need it for later or maybe for our next mob which is actually right over here and it's a bit of a boss mob it's known as the stone talus and this is a hulking giant stone-like golem that you'll happen across from time to time in cave systems now don't get too close because it will actually launch giant hulking boulders at you that will explode on landing and he'll continue to grab even more of the stone from the ground to continue launching at you so it is the ultimate mini boss experience now if you want to kill this thing what you'll need to do is attack the gem right at the top of the stone talus and you'll see in just a second here that we're dealing some serious damage to it up at the boss bar right over there so with any luck we will take this guy out and get some decent goodies for him you'll also notice some rare and special gems that are located in the walls nearby now that is going to be for a different video but as you can see here we've got plenty of ideas as to what sort of mobs we could see happening across new cave updates in the by future so i'm gonna go ahead oh boy yikes i definitely want to get my hands on some food in the system please so that i do not die to this guy nasty the stone talus is about to be neutralized and once this creature is down for the count you'll see a very special animation when he dies indeed just like that blows up oh man into a whole bunch of ores for you to collect as part of your reward for defeating that nasty mini boss don't mind if i do we got 10 emeralds 13 diamonds 21 iron for our trouble oh and as much as it pains me to not collect these oars we need to move on but we need to do so with some serious care because the next set of mobs is just around the corner in fact they're actually hanging from the ceiling right now take a close look these are centipedes oh goodness i didn't know they actually hang from caves like this but they do this is based on the real life centipede and if you get too close they will actually fall from the ground and begin attacking you capable of poisoning you if they manage to get their stingers and their nasty appendages on you but if you happen to kill them you'll get a special item for your trouble so we'll go ahead and pick that up right now so you can take a look at a stinger now you can use this to attack other mobs and poison them as well now we're gonna have to very very carefully navigate through these guys again if you get too close they'll literally fall on top of you and begin to attack which i'm trying to avoid you guys are nasty can we just thank you stay back i don't want to deal with this right now oh gosh oh man oh no oh no bad no no no this is not what i wanted at all okay hold on a second stay away please thank you excellent good i'm about to die this is not what i had in mind please stay back oh my gosh they're so close oops stop it okay handled i gotta eat asap that is about to have a nasty side effect on me now you'll go ahead and want to switch into creative mode for this next part which we're going to do right now in creative mode the centipedes will not in fact fall on you they'll actually just continue hanging out being really scary nasty dirty looking mobs but they actually have a side effect as well if we were to spawn in some bats nearby them and the bats got too close to the centipedes the centipedes will actually attack the nearby bats and the bats will instantly die the moment they get too close to these there's actually predatory behavior that is found in real life centipedes as well so we've got the full-blown experience right here now if we could just go ahead and sneak past the rest of these that would be great please don't attack me oh boy that one's gonna fall i already know it oh man oh man get away get away get away get away okay we made it but we're not out of the cave system yet in fact it goes a lot deeper did he oh my goodness they're all over the place please work with me guys oh you've got so many legs this is how you no i must have been a zombie centipede okay nice and covered but now we make it to the den of giant rats giant rats will spawn in these warm dark caverns darm it's another way of saying it if you look around this is another cave biome type that is fresh to minecraft but this video is all about the mobs this time around we have a little bit more control we got a button that will spawn in the rat in question now this guy is filthy dirty looking the biggest and he will actually run at you and begin attacking right away now be careful when taking out this creature because the moment you deal the final blow on this cave rat it will literally explode all over and poison you with its leftover guts no good in fact you'll get a whole nasty amount of poison if you're anywhere nearby when you inevitably take this guy out so you may want to in fact attack it with a that's a bat get get back get back you don't know me like that yes see if you tag it with range instead you won't deal any of that poison damage over on your body oh hopefully with the rats out of the way we can move to somewhat of a more pleasant mob maybe i mean this cave system is just going and going and going all over some damp caverns don't have rats such as this one right here they have orcs instead oh boy oh guys i don't know about this one at least we got another button to kind of control our fate right now but we're going to spawn in the orc indeed because this is mob number five now this hulking giant slow moving creature is capable of massive damage if it happens to get near you with its giant warhammer i happen to have some armor on so it makes it a little bit easier but if you attack this guy you'll see that it is not that good but what is good is the item that you're gonna get in return the orc warhammer look at this puppy yes hands on deck with the warhammer right here look at this thing the biggest weapon you've ever seen in minecraft and somehow i can manage to hold it with one hand pretty strong yeah i've been working out lately now be very careful with this warhammer because it was not made for human hands and the moment you start trying to attack with it it will cause massive explosive damage which is capable of damaging a lot of mobs nearby but more importantly will in fact deal damage to you as well so use it very very sparingly unless you don't mind killing yourself in the process of battle which we came very close to doing right there in fact i think i'm just gonna go and take him out with that final blow with the bow once again man that thing has been coming in clutch right now but yes seriously the coolest weapon thus far i mean really explosive warhammer slices chops smashes i'm all about it now this massive hammer again is too powerful so use it sparingly anyways i hope you brought your swim trunks and your flippy floppies because this next mob is found only in underwater cave areas so check this out we've got some cod spawn eggs that we're going to use as bait for this next creature known as the olm check out this guy it's somewhat of a gecko or ahalote you know one of these interesting mobs indeed that if you get too close may give you a bite so that's why we're gonna go ahead and feed it some fish instead because the om when nearby cod will actually go for these cod indeed and will damage them quite quickly now the om with any luck will head in this direction so i can get a good shot of it rather than its tail i mean it's got a nice tail i gotta say but that's all i had to say about that come on back home so that we can show off your front side which is just as beautiful in my opinion there we go come on okay he just wants to show off the two maybe we should just kill him instead his punishment if you do manage to kill one of these olms you'll be greeted with a special new item it's known as the chemoreceptor and it's got a special effect when you are under water and when you hold it any other mobs that are also under water will begin glowing so that you can see them when you're nearby from behind blocks from above blocks from all sorts of areas the moment you have this in hand and you're both underwater you can see that they glow then we can even see some other fish over there which is another type of mob we're going to be showing you right now so let's get a closer look at these mobs they're known as rockfish and they are a special new type of underwater fish cave mob that you'll be able to find as well now they're more of a passive creature they won't actually really deal any meaningful damage to you but if you happen to kill some you can actually see that they'll drop a new item oh my goodness and that is a mob that we're going to get to in just a second for now let's focus on these rockfish so that we can get the items that they drop which makes enough sense is known as rock fish now if you're fortunate enough to get your hands on some rock fish and you have to be hungry i recommend you eat on some of them because when you do you'll get resistance 3 and be extremely thick skinned for any other mobs that are nearby including these guys which uh are probably gonna drown pretty soon but you know we can go ahead and make do with them for now they are known as mushroom people and they come equipped with their very own special land so once we take these guys out you'll be able to see those oh did a drown just appear out of nowhere scariest experience i've ever seen let's go ahead and get out of the water so we can show you the mushroom people's domain it's right down here in a new special underground mushroom biome now you'll find mushroom people hanging out all over the mushroom biome and you'll want to i don't know give them a nice little look because they're kind of adorable to be perfectly honest and they're not really capable of dealing a terrible amount of damage to you but whenever you attack them they will grow mushrooms all over the place as you can see here random spores are appearing wherever we strike these fun guys fun guys get it no should i stop okay but anyways once you kill them what you'll be left with is a whole plethora of different types of fungus that you can use for stews suspicious stews or various other things such as warped carrots on sticks or or fungus on sticks same thing well not really now you may have also noticed that these mushroom people from time to time also have a special drop that they will give you as well they're kind of hard to see but if you happen to get your hands on what is known as spores you can use it as a type of bone meal that will actually plant in even more mushrooms so wherever this is placed hey get your hands ready pizza toppings good to go with only two mobs to cover in today's video remaining i have only one question to ask y'all have you subscribed yet so you can see more awesome mobs and other minecraft videos on a regular basis oh you have oh okay thanks i don't know if you heard that but it's like literally lightning and thundering outside if thank goodness we're in a cave otherwise i would be completely soaked now feast your eyes on some special structures over there we'll call them but it's never that simple is it so we're gonna go ahead and get our stinger in hand as we approach these stalagmites because the moment you get too close to these stalagmites you'll notice that they turn into stalagmites which are a new type of silverfish-like creature capable of attacking you when you happen to cross them in cave systems so i'm going to go ahead and poison this thing up yeah you can go ahead and disappear thank you so much now these guys are generally pretty i don't know tame they're not going to deal much damage they do leave you with a single stone block if you happen to get too close to them so it's a nice easy way of getting some building supplies without needing silk touch or a furnace to turn cobblestone into regular stone but again they're kind of hidden obscured easy to miss if you're not paying much attention so why don't we go ahead and take all of them out so we don't have to worry about any of them spooking on us out of nowhere so we can get to our final cave mob they're right over here oh boy and they are ready for action they're vampire bats and they will instantly begin approaching in an attempt to bite you take you out do nasty things unspeakable fangs all over you saddest story now they do have a drop as well we may not have been fortunate enough to get our hands on them and i accidentally just my lantern okay well that's okay because the surface of the cave is right there we've got a couple more bats with any luck we'll get one of these as a drop if not and it appears we didn't get lucky well that's just fine because they're a rare drop but they're known as bat fangs yes you can actually manage to swipe some fangs from vampire bats from time to time and what's more they have a very cool ability if you happen across a nearby mob and your health is slow you can sneak up behind it hoping it doesn't notice you and if you attack it from behind if you look at my health bar down there we managed to extract some of the blood from the cow and use it to heal ourselves fantastic i'm sorry betsy your blood is just way too sweet look guys the reality the situation is we need more cave mobs it just has to happen so you can let us know in the comments below which of these happen to be your favorite because we would love to do even more awesome cave update style videos just like this one and if you want to see 10 other special mobs that may come in a future minecraft 1.17 update which you're seeing on screen right now you can check out the video below or click the i in the corner so you can watch it we'll see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 952,993
Rating: 4.8931141 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, cave, caveman, cavemen, new cave update minecraft, cave mobs minecraft, cave mobs, new cave mobs in minecraft, minecraft cave mobs, new minecraft cave mobs, cave update, minecraft cave update, new mobs, new minecraft mobs, bugs, centipede, minecraft boss, minecraft bosses, cave boss, stone, rats, new caves, minecraft cave mobs mod, minecraft cave house, cave biomes, cave biomes datapack, new mobs in minecraft, new mobs in minecraft 2020, 1.16, 1.17, mountain mobs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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