we Combined all the minecraft Mobs into One

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we combined all minecraft mobs into one known as adamaika this creature has some strangely unique powers many of which stem from the very mobs it's absorbed into itself the steps needed to summon in this all-powerful mob are numerous in nature and requires some serious effort and not only that but we'll need to take on the mob once it's been created and we'll need to locate a special weapon to do it but in doing so we'll be left with a powerful item that's sure to bring us great fortune and ability so what's it do well in today's video we will be looking to obtain that item so we can find out and so we can use it for ourselves beware those is those who seek a tama ika legend has it atomica comes to world in search of ultimate power they say if you place a dragon egg on the pedestal in the atomic temple he will come to this world seeking power luckily we have that ender dragon egg right here in this chest seriously what are the odds of that be careful he may fight you oh well what are the odds of this it's almost like this was planned or something nah anyways if i were to guess this is the pedestal for which we need to place the dragon egg on so uh yeah should probably do that i oh gosh bad news okay well it consumed the dragon egg but where's this creature maybe oh gosh what in the world is that thing whoa he's coming for me big enormous oh gosh stay away not good not good wow okay we need to please oh i have children no just kidding anyways uh tommy ike gains power through the consumption of different mobs i've gone stop stop stop bad okay i need to um okay i think i lost him i think he's on the other side of the tower all right we got to figure out what we are doing with this strange creature atomic gains power through the consumption of different mobs each unique type of mob he eats allows him to gain that mob's power there are multiple stages first feed adama a creeper then a villager then a panda then a guardian then a llama that's quite an interesting uh of course meal there right so in here we've got the spawn eggs of every single mob a lot to choose from look at this we got boom boom boom okay so let's find the creeper spawn egg first okay we're gonna feed this guy first and foremost in creative mode and then we can deal with him afterwards so if we leave him to his own devices maybe he'll oh man he's like contemplating how about we put it i mean you got you got you got big old eyes is this maybe enough for you there we go much better and oh look he absorbed part of the mob the mob head is literally just hanging out right there and so if i'm not mistaken that means he's got one of the yeah he's doing explosions so in theory he can oh gosh yeah he can cause explosions if we're too close to him man he's going nuts too this guy is fast stop trying to eat me not what i had in mind oh now right now he is not invincible we can take him out with enough swords stop it stop it bad brad is he invisible it's not looking good for me have a heart oh oh he got me with his magic magic explosion i gotta get my stuff as soon as possible grab grab grab crap grab me come on bro get him we gotta get him just die die oh okay so i get the picture he has powers depending on what he eats right how about we try some more of these mobs i'm to feed most of them to them in creative mode okay buddy you go and eat up yummy how about a villager for your trouble huh dude villager very oh gosh he's got the villager head on him now too look at this mess that is like hideous actually okay okay and so now he's got various different powers what does the villager power do how about the panda hungry oh oh ich gross he's got a bad head just popping out like that no way how about this eat the guardian i miss the guardian and then last is a llama let me see spawn in the llama there we go oh wow oh he's got the llama head coming off the side and we just got hit with weakness mining fatigue and slowness dude and he's got powers out the wazoo he's spawning in things that he ate wow this is very creepy i'm not sure which eyes to look into to be honest with you hey man it's okay we'll get you the rest fed in no time guys this feels like super wrong to be honest i'm just feeding all sorts of animals to these poor little oh gosh here how about the axolotl oh look he's not doing anything the accident okay it died it looks like after a certain point it doesn't take on the head of the creatures anymore my gosh yo going nuts on the magma cubes piece by piece mushroom for your trouble sir hungry what the heck is that thing it got corrupted by the akiba it's the big boy hungry and he keeps spawning in guardians worst power ever okay guys fast forward defeating this guy all the mobs and this is what he looks like dear like oh my gosh look at this holy wow oh wow and not only that but he's now invincible in its final form adam aika has 11 different attacks some of which can be seen right here by pressing these buttons so one example is oh i don't know the idea that it can summon in slimes at a moment's notice or it can cause whoa what was that hello did it oh okay it causes fireballs to shoot from the sky great how about this one arrows is that okay bouncing on wow a new hat check it okay what's this attack do summons in a hole ghast a whole gast okay how about this one this one causes me to levitate from the shulker i'm levitating right now saddest story how about this one this one does what did he summon in a oh he's summoned in a nasty looking pillager of some sort or i mean what even are you you look corrupted bro i don't worry about that one how about this what does this one do that summoned in a green charged creeper how about this this one gives me weakness okay we got one that gives me slowness we've got one that wha what what happened oh the mushroom's back okay and then this one gives me poison all sorts of different powers i don't like this guy one bit by the way so let's try and actually fight him huh hey silly silly guy yo yeah legit every single time by the way that we try and attack adam ika it will give off another one of its powers and has a chance as do it oh another one of its creatures he's so strong and i'm slow no this is not good please he's chasing me down i am so hungry right now eat the food eat the food okay sword strike legit every single time every time he takes damage he summons in another one of his what even just killed me oh this would have been useful to know in its final form adamaica is invincible its only weakness is the golden trident which is found in the far reaches of the world well how are we supposed to get to the far reaches of oh tp to the far reaches of oh okay we'll be right back adamica let's see where are we apparently this is the far reaches of the world and we found a nice structure and i'm on lava well thank goodness for creative mode right okay we'll go to survival for this okay okay okay and check this puppy out the golden trident nice it's pretty blingy all right so now i guess we can go back to our main area okay where is he oh there he is what's good honey yo i hear you don't like this golden trident yo literally running knows i have it easy does it dude he ain't even attacking me anymore not too bright ein okay well where's the water so he's invincible unless i use this trident huh well okay that was anticlimactic oh what's this this is the alpha tentacle interesting okay so we get the alpha tentacle once we take out a tommy eco with the golden trident and when holding it not only do all mobs remain passive but we can right click it to use one of adama's attacks so okay check this out all these guys they ain't got no business they ain't even bothering attack me now let me right click yo nice wow okay okay i can make one of them levitate i'm just gonna keep on right clicking hold on a second i'm just gonna hold on this right click magic magic magic check it out okay oh my gosh oh my gosh this is a little bit dangerous if you ask me holy moly and i'm not taking any damage either this is the best day [Laughter] bro okay well now i'm taking a little bit of damage oh gosh somebody help me i'm on fire not good not good in fact very bad okay well that's the last time i can buy it
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,036,933
Rating: 4.903913 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, all mobs into one, all mobs, cthulhu, cthulhu in minecraft, mobs, new mobs in minecraft, the kraken, kraken, combined mobs, mob combinations, new mobs, mob, minecraft mobs, Atama Ika, all minecraft mobs, strange mobs, creeper, fox, panda, llama, villager, cow, dog, wolf, husk, blaze, vex, guardian, pillager, pig, sheep, minecraft animals, minecraft boss, the wither, ender dragon, boss battle, wither skeleton, new mob, we combined, we made
Id: JHm7Qv7AvOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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