10 Movies Which Insult Your Intelligence

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when you're watching a movie the last thing you want is to feel that the people who made it think you're dumb While most films treat their audience with the respect they deserve sometimes a picture will come along that is so unbelievably stupid that it's hard to imagine how anyone thought it was a good idea now this isn't a list about pictures that are bad per se I mean some of these did good reviews and have strong fan bases it's just that there are elements of them that bugged people a little too much basically this is a list about movies where there is a fundamental misunder standing between Creator and consumer that relationship needs to be Rock Solid in order for a piece of fiction to work so when it gets broken bad things start to happen and with that in mind I'm Ellie for what culture and here are 10 movies which insult your intelligence number 10 Madame web it only came out in February 2024 but Madame Webb already has a reputation as being one of the dumbest big name movies of all time starring Dakota Johnson as The titular Cassie web who has the gift of precognition the film hits a group of seemingly normal women against a vicious killer who is out to stop them from becoming superheroes in the future if only she'd used her powers to see how bad this film would turn out to be so much about Madame Webb is a giant mess the three characters Cassi is protecting Julia Ana and mattity are barely individuals amounting more to what a bunch of 50-year-old men think teenagers are asking the audience to care about such husks of people is an insult to begin with but then there's everything else the DI dialogue is so expository that even a seven-year-old would feel patronized by it the heroes are completely inept and realistically should have been killed several times over and the plot is so uninspiring that it can't have taken any longer than 10 minutes to think of it's no wonder that nobody really enjoyed it number nine American sniper war is a complicated Beast however you look at it but one of the most controversial conflicts of recent times was the one that began in 2003 when the United States of America invaded Iraq The Crusade to Al Saddam Hussein quickly became Meed in issues of neoliberalism and white saviorism all of which has made the Iraq War fertile ground for storytellers well unless you Clint Eastwood 11 years after the first US troops arrived in Iraq the Eastwood directed American Sniper was released starring Bradley Cooper as Chris Kyle the most acclaimed Marksman in US history the story followed the titular character through his time spent in the country and the effect that had on his personal life one of the main criticisms directed at the picture was its severe simplification of the war in American Sniper Iraq was a simple case of good versus evil which everybody knew just wasn't true asking viewers to suspend their disbelief over such a complex moral subject was a foolish undertaking that severely impacted many people's experience with this film it came dangerously close to propaganda for some and that simply isn't tolerated anymore number eight Savages set in the Shady world of Mexican drug cartels 2012 Savages is an an action thriller by acclaimed director Oliver Stone Taylor kit and Aaron Taylor Johnson played two smalltime weed farmers who set out to rescue their girlfriend from some kidnappers yep she is their Collective girlfriend hey no judgment here there's plenty of fun to be had here with a strong cast nice cinematography and exciting action sequences but one small detail left first time viewers of savages feeling deceived after a gunfight featuring all three protagonists they all lie mortally wounded on the floor waiting to die together a touching scene that would have been a great ending if it weren't all a dream yes this was all one big fake out and people were not happy it's one thing to play with an audience's expectations but to deliver such a gutwrench and then immediately reveal it was all a lie rubbed a lot of people up the wrong way it felt like a massive copout and completely shattered the trust between filmmaker and fewer Honestly though if the only controversy surrounding an Oliver Stone movie is How It Ends then it's done pretty well now number seven American Hustle 2013's American Hustle directed by allegedly not very nice man David O Russell is famous for receiving 10 nominations at the Oscars and not leaving the ceremony with a single award it was sold as a dramatization of the FBI's Abscam operation in the 1970s which resulted in the downfall of several corrupt politicians not a bad premise for a movie but sadly viewer spent most of the runtime waiting for that historical nugget to actually become relevant most of the picture feels like one big distraction if it's not the flamboyant costumes many of which seem solely designed to show off either Amy Adams or Jennifer Lawrence's cleavage it's the ridiculous accents or the blaring soundtrack or Christian bal's combover to end all covers it almost feels like Russell didn't think his audience would care about the actual facts so tried to Blind them with bright colors instead somehow this play worked and American Hustle was lorded by critics upon its release but with the power of hindsight opinions on it have faltered some have even called it the worst best piture nominee of all time which is really saying something number six knowing famously adored by renowned film critic Roger Ebert and hated by pretty much everyone else 2009's knowing is a sci-fi thriller starring Nicholas Cage as an astrophysicist whose son discovers a strange document at school the paper which contains a series of seemingly random numbers scrolled by a former student 50 years ago is discovered to be able to predict certain track tragedies Cage's character decodes a warning that a mass extinction event is on the way which leads him to try and get his family to safety was there may have been a hint of something in this idea it got way too far-fetched for its own good it was revealed that the numbers were sent by some unidentified alien beings as a way of determining who would be spared from Earth's destruction at the end of the film it is revealed that only children who have heard their Whispers can leave the planet so why bother with the numbers then just stick to the Whispers also the extinction event a massive solar flare is scientifically implausible which completely undermines the film's sense of Jeopardy but at least Roger enjoyed himself number five tenet Christopher Nolan is clearly desperate to direct a James Bond movie need proof 2020 is tenet a Bond movie that replaced 007 with a confusing time manipulation gimmick starring John David Washington as the protagonist yes that's his actual name tenet explores a world in which people and objects can be engineered to travel backwards in time whilst the rest of the world moves forward the reason why this is important um honestly I have no idea stuff goes backwards in time that's it everything else that happens in tenet is completely inconsequential and most of the time extremely confusing take the final battle scene where two groups of soldiers from the same side Converge on a singular Target one from the present and one from the future this probably makes sense on paper but in reality it just looks like they're shooting at themselves if only this was the only part that made no sense to expect audiences to follow along with this nonsense was a huge ask especially as the world was still in the grip of the covid-19 pandemic when this film was released number four Spectre speaking of James Bond fans of History's best dress misogynist were highly hopeful for the franchise's 2015 offering Spectre this was the follow-up to the excellent Skyfall which was also helmed by director Sam Mendes and people couldn't wait to see what he'd do next um the answer not much Spectre is thundering boring a cardinal sin for the patron saint of Cinema spectacle Bon spends a lot of the movie tracking down France Oben Houser later revealed to be his old enemy ER Stavro blofeld and that Quest is sadly not very interesting however when he finally meets his foe things somehow get even worse during a classic villain monologue blofeld reveals that after Bon's parents died when he was young the family he came to live with was his that makes Bond and blofeld adoptive Brothers a Twist nobody saw coming and more importantly nobody wanted there have been plenty of Recons in the bond series but asking longtime fans to accept that these two characters were now related was a step too far blow Feld would appear in the next series installment no time to die but thankfully only to get killed number three double jeopardy 1999's Double Jeopardy opens with Libby Parsons convicted of the murder of her husband Nick turns out that Nick wasn't the doting hubby he appeared to be he was actually under investigation for embezzlement so faked his death and pinned it on his wife so he could Dodge the charges when Libby finds out he's still alive she's understandably quite miffed this sounds like a pretty good setup for a classic Revenge Thriller Libby escapes from jail hunts Nick down and puts him away for good unfortunately that's not exactly how it plays out Libby's main motivation is the advice of a former lawyer he tells her that due to the Double Jeopardy clause in the US Constitution she can't be convicted of the same crime twice so she can murder Nick for real and get away with it this is in no way how Double Jeopardy actually works nobody would ever not convict Libby for actually killing her husband that is blatantly obvious this ex lawyer is either really stupid which would explain why he's in prison or is fullon messing with a vulnerable woman either way this was really stupid number two Prometheus when a group of scientists set out on a journey to discover the origins of mankind they came face to face with a terrifying truth that they're all idiots Prometheus Ridley Scot's 2012 offering and a loose prequel to his Ian universe is set on a mysterious planet landed on by the hapless crew of the film's namesake craft they set out to explore this new location making dozens of basic mistakes in the process shortly after landing on this new world the crew all take their helmets off even though they knew the air was breathable this still made them susceptible to disease sudden changes in environment and well just about everything people wander off for no reason everybody loses track of everybody else and the guy financing the Expedition has no sense of urgency about him even when things start to go wrong basically Prometheus is one gaping logic hole after another and viewers were not having it a pretty film yes a pretty stupid film also yes number one volcano 1997 saw the release of two big volcano themed movies within months of each other Dante's Peak which people liked and volcano which people didn't volcano starts with an earthquake in Los Angeles which forms a giant volcano under the city it's up to some assorted Eggheads to figure out what to do before it's too late the sensible option would probably be to evacuate before molten hot magma kills millions of people but nope the scientists in this film waste a bunch of time poking around in the sewers before coming to that conclusion things get really silly when a plan is deviced to use concrete from destroyed buildings to divert the Lava Flow Away from populated areas if you need someone to explain to you why that's not a feasible long-term solution then you probably need to have a long Li down by its very nature volcano is a stupid overblown disaster movie but it really stretched that genre to its limits this was be movie schlock on a $90 million budget and anyone who watched it almost certainly lost brain cells
Channel: WhatCulture
Views: 37,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gDmEaq-lPZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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