10 Confusing Movie Questions We Still Don't Understand

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there are plenty of films that are designed not just to entertain but to provide a thought-provoking experience sometimes this leads to onscreen ambiguity but not all movie enigmas are so deliberate sometimes a film leaves a few questions un answered purly because of bad riding or a pesky old plot hole other times movie go has become fixated on a minor issue that was never meant to be important either way let's get into a few of these thought-provoking instances shall we I'm youan this is what culture and here are 10 confusing movie questions we still don't understand number 10 what happened to tit eternals the 26th entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Khloe Z's the eternals focused on a group of Immortals task with safeguarding Humanity for Millennia from Alien predators called deviants I've included that synopsis in there because judging from the box office and reviews none of you went to see it and well if you did I'm sorry for reminding you anyway the titular Heroes of the film are unaware their creators the celestials want Humanity's population to thrive so that their Collective energy can awaken a Celestial called tiamut from the Earth's core when the eternals learn that tiamat's birth will result in Mankind's destruction they do everything they can to prevent it which is really nice at them luckily the Eternal stopped t emergence just as his body breaks through the planet's crust but since there is a space god sticking out the Indian Ocean it should have some major impact on the world right and yet T has never been referenced again even though there have been seven MCU films since and a whole bunch of shows no one particularly cares about nobody has mentioned the 300M tall robot poking out of the sea despite the fact it's probably visible from 20 countries considering this Cosmic being has been hibernating inside the core for who knows how long Society should probably be freaking out but nah which only makes the whole well I guess that happened feeling of the eternals even more pronounced now to be generous with so many projects going on at once the Marvel franchise can't be expected to tie up every loose end having said that though it would be refreshing if something was mentioned about timeit given just how freaking big they are number nine how did the chicken get there The Hangover in Todd Phillips The Hangover Stu Ed Helms Phil Bradley Cooper and Allan played by Zach galanakis have a bachelor's party in Las Vegas for their friend Doug played by Justin Baur of National Treasure Fame waking up with no memory of the night before the friends try to find D who's gone missing while retracing their steps the wolf pack learn they stole Mike Tyson's pet tiger partied with carrot up befriended a gangster and attended Ed's wedding with a stripper in the closing moments of the 2009 comedy though Allan discovers Stew's camera which contains photos of their escapades from the previous night as they look upon the debauchery they took part in they finally gain insight into what happened during the night in question however there's one as ECT that's left out when the three friends wake up that morning one of the first things they see is a chicken inexplicably hanging around their room this leaves two questions how did it get there and why now considering the guys got involved in the mob and stole from a heavyweight boxer bringing a hen into a hotel is pretty tame by comparison nevertheless it's never explained how the farm animal got into the hotel room or why she was brought there in the first place truly an unsolved mystery of Unsolved Mysteries number eight who shots at Lucas the hunt Thomas vinberg the hunt revolves around a kindergarten teacher called Lucas played by mads mikkelson whose life crumbles when his student claraa falsely accuses him of sexual abuse despite being found innocent in court locals throw stones at lucas' house attack him at the grossest and even kill his do dog over time claraa admits to her father that she made everything up letting Lucas off the hook the final scene cuts to a year later with Lucas meeting with his friends for a hunting trip with the community embracing Lucas once more it seems like everything's coming up mad's house as he tracks through the forest though someone ends up shooting at him narrowly missing his head although Lucas sees the shooter he's unable to make out his face the mysterious figure flee before the screen then cuts to Black based on this Bleak ending it's suggested that Lucas will never be rid of the paranoia manifested around him despite proving his innocence from every conceivable angle in the year before although this scene is meant to highlight that lucas' struggles won't ever really be over it's hard not to fixate on his attacker identity is one of the teachers out to get him is one of lucas' friends that butcher he headbutted at the grocery store there's no definitive answer but that ambiguity is the point it could be anyone and that means Lucas will never be free or have his old life back even so trying to figure out who the as salent was remains captivating in itself number seven is the accused really innocent 12 Angry Men Sydney lumet's classic directorial debut 12 Angry Men has remained an iconic courtroom drama for decades but it spends almost no time in the courtroom itself instead the the story focuses on how the jurors deliberate over the case and ultimately decide whether the defendant is guilty or innocent of murder 12 Angry Men masterfully shows how one person can decide the life of another For Better or For Worse even though the jurors were ready to send the young lad the electric chair a sliver of Doubt from one of them causes everybody to question themselves the film also highlights how life-changing decisions should be decided by evidence and logic rather than through n and impatience or whatever's just convenient but the riting story never answers the biggest question of all did the accused actually do it the final verdict States the accused is Innocent but the audience is never shown whether this is the quote unquote correct verdict as it pertains to the case itself yes the details surrounding the murder are meticulously explored but the events themselves are never definitively shown again it's not really important in the grand scheme things one of those where the more you think about it the more it does raise a few eyebrows number six what's inside the FedEx box Cast Away Robert Z's Castaway follows Tom Hanks as Chuck Nolan a FedEx analist who finds himself trapped on a remote island after his plane crashes when shook begins to lose hope he opens the FedEx packages that washed upon on Shore finding items to help him survive however he decides to leave an angel winged power marel unopened promising to ship it to himself when he makes his way home after cherk is rescued 4 years later he stays true to his word dropping the Box off at its destination of course the contents of the package aren't as important as what it symbolizes since it encouraged Chuck to carry on even when the odds were fully stacked against him as such nobody should really care what lies within unless of course it was something that would have been handy on a deserted island like a satellite phone or something thing but since human beings are all curious creatures it's next to impossible not to wonder what the package actually contained was it Lego a cool poster maybe some Criterion Blu-rays we need to know now zus could have put an end to this confounding question by clarifying the matter himself instead the Back to the Future director has remained Hush Hush causing the mystery behind the FED Xbox to linger ever since number five what's with all the spiders enemy arap phobes you have been warned Skip Along to the next entry if you aren't a fan of eight-legged freaks because things are about to get both creepy and crawly Loosely based on Jose saram mago's the double denal noes enemy follows a man called Adam Bell played by Jak julen Hall whose life Turns Upside down after discovering he has a doppelganger called Anthony CLA also played by julen Hall although there's no obvious explanation why an and Anthony are identical that's not the film's biggest mystery when the credits roll the major question on everyone's mind I imagine is what the hell is going on with all those spiders the eight-legged Critters appear throughout the film often in a surreal and kaleidoscopic manner in the opening Adam watches a naked Entertainer crush a tarantula during an erotic show when Adam and Anthony sleep they dream of spiderhead women and skyscraper sized AR nids then there's the ending while Adam passes himself off as his physical twin he tells Anthony's wife he's going out as she walks into the bedroom when she doesn't answer Adam heads into the room himself only to find a colossal tarantula cowering in Tarot although viewers can draw their own conclusion and theories it's difficult to be certain about anything in particular since spiders symbolize many things including fear danger deceit and even disgust if you're that way inclined though vnu has confirmed the spiders symbolized semity in his film it's ultimately up to the viewers to put their own pieces together was the final scene a dream moreover why is the spider cowering in fear also how come Adam isn't bothered there is a 10-ft wide monster in the bedroom because I know if I saw a critter that big in there and I actually quite like spiders All Things Considered I'd be running out kicking and screaming either way due to this recurring Motif it's fitting how enemy has created a literal web of confusion that's left many scratching their heads since its release number four what happened to sha Minority Report in this Philip K dick in this Philip K dick adaptation from Steven Spielberg a cop called John anderton played by Tom Cruz uses precon technology to catch criminals before they have a chance to commit murders when the precogs predict that John will murder a man called Leo Crow he assumes that he's being framed when our protagonist confronts his supposed victim Crow claims to be the person who kidnapped John's son sha who disappeared years ago when Jon refuses to kill him though Crow confesses he was paid by an unknown benefactor to pretend that he kidnapped Shawn after Jon proves he was set up he's exonerated of all his crimes despite the happy ending though Jon never reunites with sha nor does he learn what happened to him in fact it's it's unknown whether he's still alive when one of the precogs talks about sha living as an adult it sounds like Jon's son is still out there somewhere but after the precord contradicts her own statement she demonstrates how inconsistent her premonitions actually are dashing Jon's hopes once again even though it's reassuring to see Jon move on it's a Pity that he and by extension ourselves never learned what really became of sha number three who took Hannah's sheet music Whiplash Damen chazelle's Whiplash centers around a drum Enthusiast called Andrew nyman played by Miles Teller he will do anything to make it to the top even if it means putting up with the verbal and psychological abuse of his tyrannical conductor Terrence Fletcher played by a never better JK Simmons in Fletcher's band Andrew starts as a reserve for the core drummer KL Tanner when Tanner loses the music sheet during a jazz competition it allows Andrew to replace him since he can't perform without visual cues this momentary setback triggers a series of events that allows Andrew to earn his official place in the band until he's eventually kicked out himself however it's never revealed what really happened to Tanner sheet music did a rival band member take it was Andrew correct in thinking a janitor maybe misplaced it the most common theory is that Fletcher stole the sheet to teach the boys a lesson the idea is plausible given that Fletcher was complaining in the prior scene that the band keeps leaving their music folders lying around carelessly the fact Fletcher behaves calmly by his standards when he learns Andrew lost the folder gives this Theory some weight however there is no irrefutable evidence that Fletcher is in fact the culprit since The Disappearance of the sheet music played a major factor in Andrew's rise and fall it's surprising nobody gets to the bottom of this mystery in the movie itself number two was is it all a dream so it's all recall Paul hovind's Total Recall is probably the director's second or third greatest work a masterful Sci-Fi Action satire that lays be the drudgery of our economic shackles and the futility of Escape in that system that does of course depend on how you read the film which sees Arnold swartzenegger Doug quaade seemingly discover he's a secret agent and then goes on to partake in the liberation of Mars from a sinister coroporation everything he gets up to as Quaid after taking part in recall the process that implants fake memories in someone so that they can experience fantasy as reality is exactly what he wanted from that transaction everything Quaid gets up to on his Espionage Adventure is laid out in that first meeting at recall right on down to the romance he has of Rachel tooten Molina Boven cleverly leaves the door open to both a possibility that Quaid is out of fantasy or that he's broken free of the system and is leading a triumphant Rebellion to the point where the movie's villains use the former as a means of convincing him to give up his scheme both interpretations are ultimately valid and there's no definitive evidence pointing to either as being the correct one which makes the question of is this the real Quade one destined to live long across many many future rewatches of the hovind's immortal classic and number one how do the three seashells work Demolition Man Demolition Man received mixed reviews back in the day but a since developed a cult following due to its binding social commentary and well let's be honest it's cool because Wesley Snipes basically plays the action movie Joker this guy is magnetic in this film but another reason why certain movie goers still reflect on this Sci-Fi Action comedy is because of one specific joke the story follows a tough as Nails cop called John Spartan played by Sylvester Stallone who wakes up in a drastically different future while using the bathroom he's baffled to learn that toilet paper has been replaced in this goody two shoes Utopia with three seashells obviously this throwaway gag wasn't meant to be given much thought and yet there are some who just can't let it go since the shells are never explained viewers are encouraged to use their imaginations to comprehend how this Society disposes of their business there are plenty of theories online but there's no concrete explanation of course the reason why there's no concrete explanation it's because there was never meant to be so the three sea shells will continue to haunt us until the end of time stranger still Spartan indicates he still doesn't understand how the sea shells work after seeing them again later in the movie poor guy destined to live out his remaining days in bathroom related discomfort you hate to see it
Channel: WhatCulture
Views: 59,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O_c0wgzrlOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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