10 Overhyped TV Shows You Massively Regret Watching

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hype really can make or break a TV show if there's no interest in something then people simply won't watch it will they conversely if a show has very high expectations and doesn't live up to them then it can be equally as harmful to its reputation these 10 examples all suffered that particular fate as they promis the world and failed to deliver anything close to it leaving many likely wishing they could have all of those precious precious hours back so I am Gareth this is what culture and here R 10 overhyped TV shows you massively regret watching number 10 girl boss launching on Netflix in 2017 girl boss was a sitcom based on the autobiography of Sophia amoruso an American businesswoman credited with popularizing the term it starred Brit Robinson as a fictionalized version of Sophia navigating University life whilst trying to get her first business off the ground Ellie Reid and Johnny Simmons played supporting characters whilst guest stars included breaking bads Dean Norris comedy Legend nor McDonald and drag race impressario rup Paul what's more the show was created by K Canon the Mind behind the Pitch Perfect film series and a writer for the likes of New Girl and 30 Rock and Hollywood icon chalice the Ron served as an executive producer too whatever way you look at it that is one hell of a lineup even with such an impressive team involved though and Netflix putting a lot of time and effort into marketing the show girl boss failed to find an audience it promised to present its main character as a positive female icon a woman making her way in a male dominated world but instead most viewers hated the way Sophia was portrayed claiming she was too self-absorbed to be likable in the end girl boss was not picked up for a second season now I want to know what do you think is the greatest sitcom of the last 10 years it's probably not girl boss but you let me know what is in the comment section down below number nine Hoops Sports comedies can be huge hitters for TV networks or streaming sits but for every Ted lasso there is sadly a Hoops premiering on Netflix in 2020 Hoops followed the fortunes of a high school basketball team and their grouchy coach as he attempted to whip them into shape and take them all the way to the big championship game with Jake Johnson in the main role and back up in the form of Ron funches Cleo King and Natasha legero Hoops looked to have all the ingredients for a slam dunk unfortunately the ball bounced off the rim hit the player in the face and then well exploded simply po the show wasn't really that funny the jokes were childish at best and disgusting at worst lacking any of the tact's presence in other adult comedies the characters were painfully one note and the story didn't really go anywhere either and unsurprisingly it was canned after just 10 episodes hopes for Hoops were initially very high especially when it was revealed that Phil Lord and Christopher Miller were involved as producers but sadly it more closely mirrored Michael Jordan's baseball career instead of his time on the court number eight teranova produced in part by amblin television meaning that it was being overseen by none other than Steven bloody Spielberg teranova was a 2011 Fox Network show about a family from a dystopian future who travel back in time in search of a better life however instead of popping back to Victorian England or Renaissance Italy The Shannons get sent 85 million years into the past fingers crossed the charge the phones before they left eh with a big sci-fi presence and big sci-fi money behind it teranova was almost guaranteed to succeed right it'd even won a most exciting new series gong at the critic's Choice Television Awards sadly though that's where the praise ended once the show got on the air viewers were less than impressed whilst the Cretaceous iret pieces were visually impressive especially by 2011 standards the plot was paper thin and the characters were about as interesting as watching the fossilization process in real time the initial promise completely fell apart about halfway through the show and whilst the finale was pretty exciting it was a day late and a dollar short and teranova ultimately went the way of the dinosaur after just 13 episodes number seven Heroes Reborn before Marvel came along and reinvigorated the genre one of the best pieces of superhero media out there was the show Heroes which ran between 2006 and 2010 this NBC show followed the lives of ordinary people who discovered that they possessed extraordinary powers with a strong focus on character development and the the relationships between the enhanced individuals a popular series Heroes scooped a bunch of awards too which is why people were very excited when they heard it was coming back Heroes Reborn a 2015 miniseries picked up the action in a world where soups were outlawed on pain of death characters old and new took part in the story giving F healthy dose of nostalgia whilst not isolating first time viewers well that was the plan anyway reborn was a shell of its former self in the end way too Reliance on big special effects instead of the well-paced narratives that had served its predecessor so well it didn't feel the same and was dismissed by many as a cheap knockoff of something much much better a very unsuper ending for a once promising idea number six The Crazy Ones David E Kelly is a legend in the world of Television the husband of screen Legend Michelle Fifer Kelly has had a hand in many iconic shows from dogy Hower MD to big little lies and the practice to Ali MCB now and he also wrote the crocodile comedy horror movie Lake Placid so I'll let you make of that what you will in 2013 though Kelly's new show The Crazy Ones began airing on CBS it was about employees at an advertising agency and marked Robin Williams first major TV role since his Moran Mindy days Sarah Michelle Geller was also in the cast as were James wal and Amanda Setter that's a hell of a lineup all the pieces were in place for another Kelly branded success but The Crazy Ones just didn't do it really Williams relied way too heavily on his silly voices and face pulling and the stories failed to pack the punch they needed to keep viewers hooked even Kelly wasn't a fan in the end bluntly stating in an interview that it wasn't very good Gala says she had a fun time though so so that's all right then and you know what I hope you're having a fun time here too and if you are then tap that subscribe button down below for more of this what culture stuff on your screen number five Blockbuster with the rise of streaming services and the internet in recent years video rental chain Blockbuster a staple of many Friday nights for Millions around the world quickly became obsolete so why not keep the name alive with a sitcom set in a fictionalized version of the last remaining store sounds like a great idea to be honest and that great idea ultimately became Blockbuster the TV show a Netflix series that ran for just one season in 2022 also the IR of a blockbuster show airing on Netflix one of the formats that killed it was not lost the like of Randall Park Melissa fero Olga meres and meline Arthur all appeared as employees of the faltering business and hopes were actually high that Nostalgia for the brand would carry the show but this was not to be this supposed comedy was about as funny as opening your rented copy of Spider-Man to see the My Little Pony movie in the case instead and fans hoping for a trip down memory lane were left sorely disappointed there is actually still one Blockbuster store operating in Portland Oregon at time of recording so at least the chain outlasted this Dreadful sitcom that borrowed its name number four Marco Polo 13th to 14th century Venetian explorer Marco Polo is an extremely famous historical figure not least because there's a swimming pool based game named after him his travels through Asia are the stuff of Legend and would make for a great TV show or at least that's what Netflix thought when they aired a drama series in his name in 2014 Italian Star Lorenzo raeli landed the title role whilst Ben Wong who had become globally famous as Wong in the MCU was casters Kublai KH real life historical hero cck big name streamer behind it check a good cast of actors check what could possibly go wrong well you know where this is going without the historical name attached to it Marco Polo would have been just another boring Adventure Show with played out stories cliche characters and zero sense of innovation or excitement the first season plotted along at a criminally dull pace and whilst there were improvements by season 2 it was all a bit too late Marco Polo met its end after 20 episodes one special and a reported loss of $200 million for the big red n they probably should have just stuck to the pill game number three The Defenders to coincide with the rise in popularity of their movies Marvel launched a series of TV shows across Netflix beginning in 2015 then in 2017 they had their own version of The Avengers when all of these Heroes got got together to form one big super team and it was fine it was just fine The Defenders named after the comic book unit of the same name comprised of Hulk and Doctor Strange in the sourc material combined Jessica Jones Daredevil Luke Cage and Iron Fist for eight episodes of battling souri Weaver this was supposed to feel like a huge moment tying together all the different narrative strings from across the series but after a strong start things began to stall he never felt like the stakes were high enough to Warrant four different Heroes teaming up like this The Defenders promised a TV equivalent of one of the biggest movies of all time but all it delivered was a standard series of any one of the four individual shows even with all the potential in the world behind it the Defenders ended its run as the least watched Marvel Netflix series of the bunch that makes absolutely zero sense on paper but them's the facts number two secret Invasion based on the limited series comic book run of 2008 to 2009 Marvel secret Invasion picked up on an idea first explored in Captain Marvel that the Earth was slowly and secretly being taken over by an alien species called the scrolls with Samuel Jackson in the driving seat as Nick Fury Ben Mendelson reprising his role as Taos and Olivia Coleman Amelia Clark Don cheel and more getting in on the fun secret Invasion looks set to become one of Disney Plus's better Marvel based shows but it wasn't everything about this show which was meant to be a big comic book event style showcase felt me the action was underwhelming the story was underwhelming and most of the new characters were you guessed it underwhelming Samuel Jackson put in a good performance at least but what's new there really though definitely not the worst thing in the world secret Invasion had been built up for so long that its mediocrity felt like a real kick in the teeth to Marvel fans it also created a massive continuity headache when it revealed a bunch of characters had been replaced by shape shifters so exactly how long had roie been a scroll does anybody know H just help a guy out number one the idol few TV shows in recent years Rose to a level of infamy as quickly as the idol did brainchild of Music Superstar the weekend the idol was about a singer named Joseline as she followed her dreams and became entangled in a sleazy web of Fame lies and Incredibly dangerous people the weekend was able to use his connections to pull in big names as har nef hker area dine Joy random of Troy savan and more showed up to lender hand sadly none of these Famous folk were able to save the idol from being labeled one of the worst TV shows of all time responses to the show which also starred the weekend as a nightclub owner/ cult leader range from board to appalled to genuinely Disturbed its overreliance on sex and violence turned a lot of people away as it went way over the line in terms of satire and veered dangerously close to snuff film territory a complete misfire on every conceivable level the idol will live long in the memory of anyone who saw it just not for the reasons they would have liked
Channel: WhatCulture
Views: 53,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NXn9sPzD5pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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