10 Movies That Felt Instantly Out Of Date

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movies can get away with being many things but no Studio wants their latest release to be dismissed as dated and old hat from the moment the first trailer drops Hollywood wants to constantly be wowing audiences with the newest heartness because nothing Dan say movies box office like the general population thinking it looks quaint corny and just plain old behind the times but every so often a series of miscalculations can inspired to deliver a film that feels totally out of time like it's somehow traveled through a cinematic Wormhole and wounded up in cinemas years after its intended bow I'm Yan you're watching W culture and here are 10 movies that felt instantly out of date number 10 The Internship remember the internship yeah this glorified featurelength product placement for Google starring Vince vaugh and Owen Wilson as middle-aged salesmen who take inter interships at the tech giant couldn't feel more mid 2000s if it tried except it came out in 2013 a fact the onion made hilarious light of by dubbing it quote the biggest comedy of 2005 oh oh actually that'll sound even better in the old movie trailer voices we used to get the biggest comedy of 2005 indeed given that in 2013 the internet wasn't quite the m mysterious dialup connection Beast middle-aged folk that it was in the early to mid 2000s The Internship felt like a Dusty Relic the moment it was announced between the poor reviews and mediocre box office it's easy to see how this project probably would have done Gang Busters had it released between 2003 and 2006 back when the general population was considerably less Tech literate pre smartphones and all and vaugh and Wilson were at the peaks of their Fame number nine Black Widow ever since Natasha Romanov AKA Black Widow played by Scarlet Johansson was first introduced to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2010's Iron Man 2 fans assumed it was just a mere matter of time before the character got her own spin-off though it was often suggested that Marvel Studios was anxious about greenlighting a female Le superhero film given the prior failures of projects like Catwoman and Electra that was certainly considerable fan interest in seeing black widow get her own born style spy Thriller and it finally happened in 2021 but the big problem Black Widow had died 2 years prior in Avengers endgame and so the film was forced to be a prequel Side Story that took place primarily after Captain America Civil War to be clear Marvel had just released the most climactic superhero film to date followed It Up by going backwards by 2021 a black widow movie felt like a quaint afterthought closing the Cinematic door after the horse had bolted or rather yeated itself off the vormir mountains given that romanov's fate was already known and endgame had quite decisively shut the book on the character a common criticism of Black Widow was that it should have been made about 5 years earlier when Natasha was still you know alive number eight Gemini man for all of its attempts to push film making quote unquote forward by being filmed at 120 frames per second in 3D and GLE Gemini man feels like a sci-fi thriller that tripped and fell straight out of 1997 and that's because in a sense it did the pitch for Gemini man first started doing the rounds in Hollywood in 1997 after which a number of actors flirt with starring in it including Harrison Ford sha connory Nicholas Cage and Clint Eastwood It ultimately didn't start shooting until decades later in 2018 with Lee directing Will Smith in the Dual role of an assassin and his younger clone achieved here with cuttingedge visual effects Tech and yet despite this the chiny Assassin fights himself premise and the particulars of the script would have felt right at home in your typical mid90s Bargain Bin VHS rental this one just happen to have an $138 million budget and no jeanclaude vanam which is a huge huge loss in my opinion as a fitting addendum to the whole matter though Lee recently confirmed that he won't be shooting films in 3D or high frame rate ever again and honestly thank God number seven crash 2004 it's incredibly telling that race relations drama crash had its origins in 1991 when writer and director Paul haggus was the victim of a carjacking by two black men in Los Angeles this prompted haggas to develop his film about racial and social tensions in La as was eventually released in 2005 and controversially went on to win the best picture Oscar pipping easy favorite Brokeback Mountain to the post while crash is often derided today as one of the alltime weakest Best Picture winners even back in 2005 it felt like a simplistic engagement with the subject matter a sort of heavy-handed message movie that regularly won Oscars and sore up the box office throughout the 1980s and '90s in a year where crash was up against not just brokeback but terrific films like capodi good night and good look and Munich its award success felt even more like a puzzling throwback to a bygone eror number six Clerk's 3 Kevin Smith's longer waited clerics three quall didn't merely feel a bit P because it once again saw the filmmaker appearing back over a shoulder to consider his past but also because it featured a jokey subplot centered around nfts yeah I mean I I forgot these things existed again so I'm I'm not happy with being reminded that they were a thing Smith who is enough of a proponent of nfts that he even released a movie killroy was here exclusive exclusively as one has Elias played by Trevor Ferman and his friend blockchain played by Austin zajur trying to sell nft kites throughout cleric 3 now even if the mere mention of non-fungible tokens doesn't make you grown this movie came out in September 2022 at a point where nfts had already peaked in popularity and were dying on the vine by 2023 the majority of them had become totally worthless which I'm sure is still keeping Seth Green up at night seriously anyone if you've seen his Apes let him know because he was super upset about that number five the little things despite starring three Oscar winners in Denzel Washington Jared Leto and Ramy Malik only one of whom actually deserves to have any Oscars the little things came and went in 2021 without much of a peep and it can't solely be blamed on war brother's decision to send it to HBO Max the very same day it hit Cinemas also for clarity's sake I'm talking about denel Washington he deserves all the Oscar in the world but Jared Leto and Ramy Malik no anyway one common sentiment among reviews of the little things is that the crime Thriller felt like a straight face throwback to the 1990s where modest Thrillers about serial killers routinely made bank at the box office off the back of their lead actors think of something like Kiss the Girl s or a long came of spider that kind of thing as such it's a little surprised to learn that writer and director John Lee Hancock penned the first draft of the script way back in 1993 shortly after the SS of the Lamb's astronomical success prompted everyone in Hollywood to get to work on their own copycat projects though Steven Spielberg Clint Eastwood Warren Bey and Dan Devo all considered directing at various points It ultimately fell to Hancock himself to resurrect the project of almost 30 years later and get it made it's certainly not a bad movie All Things Considered it's just one that fails to stand out in an era where commanding audience interest is more challenging than ever before and star power has never meant less to the general movie goer if you saw the little things airing on cable while channel surfing in 1998 though well you probably would have had a great time number four Jason bour the Bourn movies came along and redefin the Spy genre in the early 2000s starting with Doug lyman's the born identity before the series was passed to Paul shaky cam is my true love green grass with the born Supremacy and the born ultimatum soon enough the Matt Damon Lead Series spawned a host of imitators clearly providing the visual and tonal blueprint for Martin Campbell's brilliant James Bond reboot Casino Royale Bourne had concluded pretty definitively in 2007 with ultimatum we watched as Jason uncovered his p and took down treadstone and let this Simer to the sounds of moobi well and truly satisfied with the film as a Trilogy Capper and then there was a spin-off a fairly decent film in and of itself directed by Michael Clayton's Tony Gilroy with attempts at franchising born still felt contrived a feeling that wasn't shaking when it was announced that green grass and Damon would be returning for a follow-up to Ultimate him called Jason Bourne which released in 2016 almost a full decade after the previous film the fourth Mainline born film stood out as dated as soon as it dropped with green grass deploying all the same tools from the preceding efforts but with no thematic or emotional impetus for it to land it felt like an unnecessary addition when it was announced and remain that way when it was released number three morbius oh morbius even accepting that every entry into Sony Spider-Man universe today has given off a pronounced whiff of the early 2000s none of them feel quite as aggressively insted as morbius morbius feels like it comes from a small pocket of time for superhero movies between 2003 and 2005 a daredevil adjacent kind of film where they could still be thoroughly Na and yet still have something of a pop culture imprint and Beyond this its slick vampiric action seemed of a piece with the Underworld franchise which itself launched back in 2003 toss in Tyrese Gibson is a wise cracking comic relief cop and it's easy to look at the film released in 2022 as it was and twice and ask yourself what year is it number two the core without checking just try and guess what year sci-fi disaster film The Core came out in 1995 1996 maybe 1997 nope 2003 with its hilariously Looney premise of a drill team racing to detonate nuclear weapons to restart the rotation of the Earth's core hell yeah this is a film that in its very bones feels like it's rid in the coattails of countless 1990s disaster flicks like Independence Day Armageddon Deep Impact daylight Dante's Peak volcano and so on oh and also let me know which one of those movies is your favorite down the comments below I'm always going to be riding or dying for Independence Day cuz that thing oh that that that is a real movie but back to the core and with the most late '90s SL early 2000s cast imaginable including Aaron egart Hillary Swank Delroy Lindo Stanley Tucci DJ quals Richard Jenkins Bruce Greenwood and Alfred Woodward accompanied by some hilariously wretched CGI even for its release year the core felt like a film Paramount just left in their Studio vaults for a few years by accident and yeah though the disaster genre was still incredibly popular at this point in time the day after tomorrow grossed over $500 million in 2004 just a year later the core was a colossal box office flop its innate datedness seemingly deterring paying movie goers from checking it out and number one bloodshot it feels like Vin Diesel's superhero flick bloodshot came out at least a decade ago when in fact it was released just four years back in 2020 now we can't solely blame this on bloodshot being one of the last major Hollywood movies to release before the time warping pandemic but also because it seems precisely like the sort of high concept nonsense diesel would have starred in from the early 2000s through to the 2010s take Diesel's schlock star vehicles from that era The Chronicles of ridic Babylon ad and more recently the last witch hunter and bloodshot sits very comfortably among them perhaps fitting given that the caruk s material launched all the way back in 1992 except this movie was filmed in 2018 and release of visual effects which looked at least a solid decade behind the times if not even more blood shot feels like it comes from a time when Hollywood was still embarrassed of superhero movies and so in light of the huge artistic strides the genre has made over the last 15 years it's almost hilariously quaint to sit through
Channel: WhatCulture
Views: 76,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1S_mRla0MEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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