Unbelievable New Claim From Frank Dux - You Have To See This!

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in the dojo of disbelief one name reign supreme Frank Dukes is he a martial arts Maverick or a master myth maker Frank dukes's life is a script straight out of Hollywood some people view Dukes as the Rodney Dangerfield of martial arts I don't got no respect from anyone and on the other side well you have those people who believe everything that he says is true from being air to a centuries old Legacy of ninjas to his victories at the Kum but regardless of what side of the aisle you stand on regarding Frank Dukes you have to agree that his latest Outlanders claim is probably the most insane thing that Frank Dukes has ever said that will make you Frank Ducks no no no it's Dukes what's up y'all my name is Prince and this is Golden Bell training where we dive deep into the tals that Martial Arts Cinema and real life Legends Spin and we separate the facts from the fiction today we're venturing into the Enigma that is Frank Dukes a name that stirs up as much controversy as it does intrigue Frank Dukes catapulted into the martial arts pop culture immortality Through Blood Sport a high- kicking film that claimed to portray his own life story it depicted his victory in the Kum an alleged secret and deadly fighting tournament that captured the imaginations of martial arts enthusiasts worldwide but as the credits rolled and dukes's tale ventured beyond the big screen a cloud of skepticism began to form the fabric of dukes's narrative is a patchwork of claimed military Valor covert operations Behind Enemy Lines and unparalleled martial arts achievements however a closer look into his military records reveals no Tales of combat or clandestine missions just the story of a reservist with no overseas service the threads continued to unravel with with inconsistency surrounding his Kum trophy the existence of his mentor tiger Tanaka and the questionable documentation that he's used as proof of his extraordinary claims in the arena of public opinion Frank dukes' supporters stand firm crediting him with inspiring a generation of martial artists and defending his honor as vehemently as duk's claims to a fought in the Kum yet an equally vocal contingent of critics in including season martial artists and investigative journalists challenges every word pointing out the implausibility and lack of verifiable evidence backing his claims now the heart of the issue lies in the inability to verify any of Frank dukes's extraordinary tales in a world where proof is King dukes's stories reside in the realm of hearsay supported by elusive documentation and the testimonials of a tight circle of Believers now as we peel back the layers of the Frank Duke's Enigma were left to ponder where does the truth end and the legend begin in the Kaleidoscope of martial arts Legends few figures are as colorful or as contested as Frank Dukes from the hallways of ulises S Grant High School in the San Fernando Valley where he was once considered a joke to the mystical Realms of ninja training in Japan under the guidance of The elusive senzo tiger Tanaka duk's Journey reads like a martial arts teetering on the edge of myth and reality Frank dukes's origin story in martial arts is as varied as it is dubious he spins Tales of being a mere Observer watching martial arts classes from the fringes through windows or from dark alleys yet according to Dukes this unconventional method of learning caught the eye of instructors leading to private lessons that were meant to Shield the paying students from jealousy over Frank dukes's rapidly acquired Advanced skills this narrative raises eyebrows not only for its improbability but for painting Dukes as a martial arts Prodigy discern solely from a distance you were and I quote Victor here faster than all of us back then including Bruce Lee I told everyone this was the upand comeer to watch correct The Saga takes a turn towards the incredulous when Dukes recounts fighting Victor Moore to a draw at the tender age of 13 Frank duk happened to be one of those uh young guys that I took a liking to uh after getting him a little spanking there shortly after Vic Moore allegedly handed Mike Stone his first ever defeat at a karate tournament the supposed feat according the Dukes earned him a T-shirt and a membership into the black dragons fighting Society marking his formal initiation into the martial arts world I think Frank Duke said you and him actually sparred back in the day when he was like 14 is that true true this is this is the man who made me this is the man who made me he gave me a shot when I was like 13 years old and then again at 17 no no no that's that's an exaggeration it was within this newfound Brotherhood that Frank Dukes claims to have met sinzo tiger Tanaka setting the stage for his ninja training ninja ninja ninja Ninja Master sinzo Tanaka as described by Dukes is a character shrouded in mystery and skepticism historical records fail to substantiate Tanaka's existence casting a long Shadow over duk's claims of being under his tutelage The Narrative complexity deepens as Dukes asserts that at the age of 16 he was brought to Japan by Tanaka to the legendary ninja land of massuda where his exceptional ability supposedly astounded at the ninja Community this story echoing the plot lines of Martial Arts Cinema lacks verifiable evidence in his further Complicated by the Striking similarity between Tanaka's name and a fictional character from a James Bond novel in movie permit me to introduce myself my name is Tanaka please call me tiger duk's defense is that Ian Fleming's character was based on his real life bentor and it does little to assuage doubts instead it adds layers of skepticism to an already questionable tale NAD dukes's most Sensational claim has to be his victory in the Kum dukes's recounting of the Kum first unveiled in a Black Belt Magazine interview painted the picture of a martial arts Odyssey unlike any other at the age of 19 competing in the heavyweight division Dukes entered what he described as the martial arts Olympics this event supposedly overseen by the international fighting Arts Association was a bare knuckle no holds bar tournament that Drew competitors from across the globe according to Dukes the kuma was a test of ultimate endurance and skill demanding participants fight in 60 matches over three grueling days Dukes attributed his success in the Kum to cross training in various martial arts disciplines and the supposed Edge that military experience provided however this claim contrast sharply with his own timeline at the onset of the Kum Dukes had only begun his stint with the Marine Corps Reserves and had no combat experience to speak of particularly as the Vietnam conflict had concluded by the time of his enlistment the Kum with its Tales of unparallel Triumph in the Spectre of secrecy remains a focal point of debate dukes's story about competing in the Kum is Rich with claims of his martial arts prowess and expertise but he gives so much detail to the point that he gives too much detail it's the reason why this story challenges our willingness to believe him and it tickles our desire for tangible proof I mean Frank Duke said that around 16 cameras were deployed to capture the fights from every angle for research purposes and you mean to tell me that the ifaa made this extensive effort to record everything and not a single frame of these epic battles of surface I mean even film from an NBA practice managed to leak where we saw Draymond Green clock Jordan pool and to further add to unverified proof how about we talk about Frank duk's military records Frank duk's military records often sued as a backdrop for his covert operations and valorous deeds including harrowing Tales from Vietnam stly contrast the official narrative detailed in his military records these documents reveal that Frank Dukes never left the US during his tenure in the service and they directly contradict his claims of overseas missions in combat the discrepancy between dukes's riveting stories of bravery and the reality of his service record is glaring casting a Shadow of Doubt over his entire military service and perhaps the most telling aspect of dukes's military narrative is a psychological evaluation describing him as having flighty and disconnected ideas this evaluation provides a rare glimpse into the psyche behind the Persona suggesting a penchant for weaving tals that straddle the line between reality and fantasy this insight into dukes's character challenges the validity of his military and covert operation claims painting a picture of a man whose stories of Valor and Intrigue are perhaps more a product of imagination than reality but hey I'm going to turn things over to you guys for a moment what are your thoughts on this Enigma that is known as Frank Dukes do you see him as a martial arts prodigy or a fabricator of stories or maybe a combination of the two hey post your thoughts in the comment section below and hang on because we're about to dive into the most insane thing that I've ever seen Frank duk's claim well studying a martial art can be complex but running a martial arts business can be even more complex especially when a Grandmaster who has a lot of students under him decides to step down and then appoint someone else to lead the school and possibly take over the entire business and this was a situation that was unfolding folding online and it spilled into a war of words that resulted in a challenge to settle the dispute with a good oldfashioned kung fu fight this is the situation that Dukes decided to step into and make himself the center of attention now the real dispute was between Dr sing one of his senior Kung Fu students and shin Don now Dr Singh a respected Master retired and at some point one of his students we'll call him Kung Fu Tom Kung F Tom was promoted to ninth level black Sash and things became unclear when a guy known as Avery who ran another school called the Golden Monkey kung fu school that teaches juk Lum Southern praying Manis is taught by Jackman Louie joined a joined his school with Kung Fu Tom who was teaching sing family Kung Fu and the sing family Kung Fu system includes six harmonies Shi twin linear bwa and Drunken Monkey kung fu which also includes the Shin five animal system now like I was saying at some point after the two schools merged Avery student known as Shin Don was promoted to a fifth level black Sash and sing family Kung Fu that was a move that sparked some controversy Dr Singh signed off on the promotion when he adopted shaon Don and his Kung Fu family and some of Dr Singh's senior students questioned sh and Don's Mastery of the full sing family Kung Fu curriculum but the promotion was on the basis of shon Don's time spent under Avery and his years of previous martial arts training now the truth is that some of the members of the sing family Kung Fu they don't like sha and Don and they had a problem with his school he only taught a portion of sing family Kung Fu in his children's classes his school offered other styles primarily jukam Southern praying manness as well as Ed Parker Kimo now in addition to that his school's also an Affiliated George dillman's Kyoshi system and sha and Don is also considered one of Frank dukes's black dragons well the situation intensified because well when Kung Fu Tom retired he completely merged his school with Avery's Golden Monkey kung fu school that was teaching Southern pray and Manis and just last week Avery now at the intersection of these two lineages announced his retirement and declared sha and Don as his successor now this decision was met with some backlash from some senior students within the Singh family Kung Fu system now Dr Singh stepped into the debate and he highlighted a crucial misunderstanding of Chinese martial arts Traditions regarding succession versus leadership and he was arguing that a title doesn't automatically bestow the Manel of lineage successor well in the middle of this heated debate Frank Dukes chimed in adding his perspective to the fry with his characteristic flare for controversy and now when I tell y'all things got crazy when Dukes decided to step in and make himself the center of attention I mean baby it got crazy and you're not going to believe what Duke said because he really managed to put his entire ass in his mouth well as this Facebook Kung Fu drama continued to unfold Frank Dukes jumped into the fry so let's dissect Frank dukes's statement Dukes immediately came to sha and Don's defense championing him as the rightful success Esser to the Golden Monkey kung fu lineage according to Dukes sh and Don's eclectic teaching far from disqualifying him enriches the lineage Dukes goes as far as outlining the lineage of Golden Monkey kung fu positioning sh and Don within his legacy despite the Brew of styles that shaon Don incorporates in his teachings well after that Dukes then critiques Dr Singh with a blend of martial arts lore and personal Insight he challenges Dr sing stand on traditional lineage armed with historical anecdotes and a deep dive into martial arts Customs but in a bold move Frank Dukes claimed to be Sher Chong Chi a high-ranking practitioner from The Shaolin Temple Kung Fu lineage disputing Dr sings understanding of belt and Don levels in both Shaolin Kung Fu and Manis Styles Frank dukes's argument stretches into the origins belt system suggesting a deeper knowledge and Authority in the matter and in true Frank Duke's fashion the defense turns into a platform for self-aggrandisement he claims the title of the highest ranking non-chinese Kung Fu practitioner outside of China a lofty position that He suggests places him High Above The Fray and everyone involved in this argument Dukes also credits himself with inventing the term shidoshi in the 1970s a claim that he uses to promotee his system Dukes Ru is the only legitimate School of ninjutsu and furthermore Dukes doesn't stop there he declares himself the head of family of the fighting Society of black dragons a lineage that he claims spans over a millennium so just when this whole exchange online couldn't get any Messier Here Comes Frank Dukes insisting that he's received the ultimate nod of approval from the shaon temple itself with his name and those of his students supposedly etched in stone at the mecca of kung fu well allow me to retort now first of all let's address the geographical hiccup Frank Duke said his name and his students names are etched in stone at the shaon temple in Honan Province but anyone with a basic map or functional GPS can tell you that the shaon temple calls Hanan Province home h n an and then there's the James cobr angle Dukes ties the Hollywood icon to his Shin Saga but if you dive deep into coban's biography you won't find any traces of shin Kung Fu it's as if Coburn's real connection to martial arts his friendship with Bruce Lee got Lost in Translation ending up in dukes's narrative by sheer Whimsy and about that sh in name Shir changqi or as it translates the best I can find man looking for the market it's less a title befitting a Kung Fu Master and more suited to a guy who has more talk Fu than Gung fu yeah I'm talking about your ass Frank this curious choice of names just proves what I felt about Frank Dukes all along his stories are like the Jedi mind trick they only work on the simple-minded but Dukes didn't just stop with his madeup shallon name that's engraved at the non-existent Shon temple in Honan Province Dukes gave himself the status of the highest ranking non-chinese Kung Fu practitioner outside of China but here's the kicker there's not a shred of evidence to back this up the martial arts Community both within and outside of China operates with a level of transparency and documentation that dukes's narrative seems to sidestep entirely his self- style Dukes Ru School most likely lacks the official recognition or registration with any Chinese martial arts organizations that you'd expect for such a grandiose claim and it's akin to declaring yourself a night without ever having set foot in a castle or meeting any royalty I mean Frank duk's proof is basically trust me bro so now that we've got that Shing nonsense out of the way hey let's talk about the shade that Dukes threw with Steven Hayes Dukes claims that he invented the term shidoshi to honor you shidoshi Amato Yoshi was there shidi teacher of the warrior ways of Enlightenment and he translates it as fourway of the corpse by amalgamating words from he says three different languages now this title according to Dukes was utilized by his alleged teacher senzo tiger Tanaka a character whose existence Teeters on the brink of fiction now I mean I just think it's funny that Dukes is claiming he made up a word to go along with his madeup teacher and his madeup ninja style but I mean it's whatever let's talk about some real ninja stuff for a bit so this guy Stephen K Hayes he's a martial artist whose training under the bjin Khan founder Sook hatsumi brought the term shidoshi into the American martial arts vernacular Hayes through his teaching and writings popularized shidoshi as a title for instructors within the Bing Khan system and he inadvertedly submitted its association with genuine Ninjutsu instruction the contrary to dukes's dramatic interpretation shidoshi within the bjen Khan context signifies more than just an instructor it denotes a guide or a mentor with an emphasis on the reciprocal nature of learning this Nuance understanding of shidoshi aligns with traditional Japanese martial arts principles that focus on the symbiotic relationship between teacher and student now while Hay's application of shidoshi reflects his Bonafide binhan training and philosophy dukus claims about the term and by extension his martial arts pedigree are met with a healthy dose of skepticism the discrepancies in Du stories coupled with his pinion for embellishment make his assertion of inventing the term shidoshi a difficult pill to swallow so it was while putting his nose into other people's business that Frank Duke said probably the most insane thing I've ever seen him say this intervention was totally in character for Dukes where he made the audacious claim of holding a high ranking status within the Shaolin Temple while also showing that he doesn't actually know where the shin Temple is even located dumb ass ass additionally his assertion of inventing the term shidoshi despite its established usage within the bjen Khan community and by recognized practitioners like stepen Hayes serves to highlight the often Fantastical elements woven in his personal Legend these discrepancies not only cast doubt on his claims but also underscore the challenge of separating fact from fiction within the Marshall 's Community Frank dukes's history of questionable claims from military exploits to starkly contrast his service record to Tales of covert CIA operations and undefeated streaks in the kumate it underscores a cautionary tale within the martial arts World his story is emblematic of the broader struggle to verify martial arts lineage and achievements a struggle that sits at the tense intersection of tradition and Innovation dukes's Saga peppered with grandio claims and a notable lack of evidence serves as a reminder of the ease with which fiction narratives can blur the lines martial arts authenticity compelling the community To Tread carefully in distinguishing between the honored masters of old and the myth makers of today but hey if it's okay with y'all look I want to share a story that I heard from a guy I know named Mike Mike shared something with me about the time that he met Frank dukes and I think it'll put a nice frame on the stuff that I've shared here today well meeting Frank Mike found himself ens snared by the man's magnetic personality a testament to dukes's ability to Captivate those around him despite this Allure Mike couldn't shake off the nagging doubts that dukes's tales as enthralling as they were just might not be true and this push and pull between being drawn to dukes's charm and questioning the veracity of his claims it sums up the Dilemma faced by many who cross paths with dukes dukes's Charisma isn't just a personal trait it's a tool one that he welds with Precision to convince others of his sometimes outlandish claims and Mike points out how this charm offensive his Garner Dukes a cohort of Believers and individuals who stand by dukes's side despite the growing pile of evidence that causes narratives into question here the concept of a sunk cause fallacy comes into play with Believers finding themselves too invested in dukes's stories to back down even when doubts begin to Cloud their judgment it's a powerful dynamic one that underscores the complexity of separating the man from the mids and it draw a parallel from my own observations I think Dukes is just like that guy I served with when I was in the Navy do you know about that guy everybody knows about that guy that guy was all district in high school football but no one saved the newspapers that guy has the hottest girlfriend back home that you've ever seen but she didn't have my space that guy has the fastest car the biggest truck but for some reason he can't bring it on base and from what I can tell the only skill that that guy has is being a master of yoga because his only real skill is sucking is and telling everybody how good it tastes and on that note if you want to hear more about guys who can't get enough of themselves you should check out this video on Steven Sagal versus Frank Dukes when bullido Masters Collide and believe it or not hey these two guys actually had a real Feud back in the 80s I talk about it in the in the video so you can check it out but if you want something a little bit different hey check out this other video about the lies Joe Rogan keeps telling about Steven Sagal and Bruce Lee and um speaking of Bruce Lee that's my guy y'all stay tuned for my next video that I'll dig into the time Bruce Lee was challenged by Hong Kong's top Kung Fu stuntman I promise you won't want to miss this story so while you wait on that video I hope you guys keep training remember to breathe and come back and holler at me on the next video
Channel: Goldenbell Training
Views: 221,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goldenbell Training, frank dux, Bloodsport movie, Martial Arts myths, Kumite tournament, martial arts controversy, Shaolin Disciple claim, Frank Dux military records, Shidoshi term, martial arts debunked, Frank Dux claims, martial arts legends, covert operation myths, Stolen Valor, Steven Seagal vs Frank Dux, Joe Rogan martial arts, frank dux fake, frank dux documentary
Id: O1O2oFMhumc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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