10 Flop TV Shows That Made ONE Huge Mistake

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producing a successful TV show is incredibly difficult the Smash Hits are few and far between because there are so many potential factors that can hurt to shows wider appeal and yet sometimes it's blindingly obvious why a series ended up being depressingly shortlived so with that in mind I'm Ellie for wat culture and here are 10 flop TV shows that made one huge mistake number 10 picking the worst character for a spin-off Joey truly a show that most people thought was too too big to fail How could a friend spin-off starring one of its most beloved characters possibly Hemorrhage most of its viewership by the start of its second season the problem Joey picked the worst character possible now just to be clear Joey trani is a great character in France but literally the worst choice of all six main characters to lead their own show Joey is by far the least able to thrive on his own given both his status as the show's Bonafide joke character and how many of his finest moments in friends were defined by his back and forth with Chandler every other friend's lead would have had an easier time fronting their own series and while Joey wasn't at all helped by its mediocre writing Mr triani simply wasn't built to exist in his own ecosystem away from his Pals with its ratings firmly in the toilet by the end of season 2 NBC cancelled Joey and the world largely forgot that it ever even happened number nine no Nicholas Cage National Treasure edge of History a TV sequel to The much loved Nicholas Cage starring National Treasure movies could have been an easy hit for Disney if it simply gave fans the one thing they needed for the show to succeed Nick freaking cage but Disney instead forged ahead with a soft reboot set within the same universe focusing on a primarily new class of characters save for the brief appearances from Justin Bara and Harvey kitel from the movies between Naf reviews and an almost non-existent amount of social media mediate interest in the series it surprised nobody when Disney canel it after a single season the reason for National Treasures televisual failure say it loudly and say it proudly no cage no sale given that cage has been having quite the career Renaissance in recent years it's utterly baffling that the mouse house didn't throw a fat payday his way for this even if he only appeared in a supporting capacity for a few episodes but let's be honest the real thing every National Treasure fan wants isn't a series it's a new movie starring cage make it happen already number eight airing episodes out of sequence Firefly in the case of Jos weeden's depressingly shortlived sci-fi western series Firefly it wasn't the fault of Weeden or anyone else directly involved with the show's creation but the pesky stuffed shirts at Fox rather than give the show a fair fight right out of the gate Fox ill advisedly aired three episodes out of order ensuring that the intended pilot episode Serenity ultimately hit screens more than three months after the show's wonky launch as a result it's a little surprised that Firefly felt disjointed and uneven to audiences causing ratings to quickly tumble prompting Fox to swiftly cancel the series and not even air the three remaining episodes in the US the network couldn't have made it much clearer that they had little interest in nurturing Firefly success and so the fact that it still got a movie sequel powered by nothing but fan enthusiasm is nothing short of a miracle number seven trying to be the next loss Flash Forward in the wake of JJ Abrams series Lost becoming a veritable pop culture phenomenon there was a clear Push by networks to Hype up every tangentially themed sci-fi mystery series as the next lost and there was arguably no greater casualty of this than flashforward also produced by ABC flashforward began airing shortly before lost final season commenced and despite being based on a novel which predates loss by 5 years the network did everything they could to push it as a spiritual successor to Lost hell it even had lost Alum Dominic Monahan in it now to be clear this is less the fault of the show's creatives than ABC for aggressively marketing Flash Forward this way as putting it on a pedestal did it zero favors at all was Flash Forward an entertaining show Absolutely was it a lost caliber mystery well no not at all and when viewed on its own terms it didn't need to be it also didn't help the series declining ratings that ABC put it on a 3mon Hiatus midseason which stalled its storytelling momentum and basically encouraged audiences to drop off but the overall consensus being it's pretty good but it's not lost was something ABC set the show up for themselves by selling it as the next big thing rather than just letting it be its own Beast number six ditching The Source material Resident Evil in an era where Hollywood is finally taking video games seriously with quality recent TV shows based on the Last of Us and Fallout it's sheer refusal to deliver a source faithful take on Resident Evil remains one of life's great Mysteries after Paul WS Anderson's not remotely reverent movie series concluded and 20121 somewhat more faithful mish mash of the first two games failed to make a dent there was hope that the IP might be better served by a TV series but Netflix's Resident Evil instead saw showrunner Andrew dab take the series name branding and use it to deliver his own distinct sci-fi horror show Beyond borrowing some names characters and a few scattered ideas the Resident Evil series was a nearly unrecognizable adaptation perhaps were it any good it wouldn't have mattered so much but sa for a compelling performance from the late Lance Ric as Albert Wesker this was a hot mess amid poor ratings Netflix canceled it just 6 weeks after its Premiere the golden rule of adaptations respect the source material even if you make changes number five having a massive budget vinyl a key component of any successful show is managing the scope and budget that is ensuring the cost makes sense relative to the show's prospective audience and HBO well and truly whiff that with their 2016 period drama series vinyl centered around the music scene in 1970s New York period fair is inherently expensive and series co-creator Martin scorsi doesn't come cheap either but even so the eye-wateringly Colossal $100 million budget of vinyl single season placed its cost on par with the most expensive seasons of Game of Thrones obviously the potential audience for fantasy TV show adapted from beloved Source material is far larger than that of a record industry drama and even thrones's first season viewing Figures were regularly quadruple those of vinyls though HBO initially gave it an early second season renewal they ultimately changed their mind once the season finished airing and given the enormous resources poured into such Mega returns it's easy to appreciate why with a more budget conscious approach though the quality show could have made it to at least a second season number four re-shooting most of it the idol when HBO's drama series the idol was cancelled there was a chorus of oh no anyway Sam levenson's provocative series about a pop star and her complicated relationship with a cult leader was largely panned for its writing and performances it was little surprise though to anyone who'd been observing the show's rickety production history given that the original director left the project after 80% of the show had been filmed reports indicated that this this was due to concerns that her approach was too focused with the female perspective at which point levenson rewrote the series and reshot it from scratch According to some who worked on the idol levenson sought to focus more on the degrading love story and include more nudity and sex in the show than the original version did while there's no guarantee that the original take on the material would have been Leaps and Bounds better given that the film making chops of that director and evident desire to explore the story from a more feminist sking perspective it likely would have been Superior to levenson's ultimately learing ponderous version number three rushing through the books Shadow and Bone adapting any series of books into an ongoing TV show is incredibly challenging for many reasons not least that there's no guarantee audiences will enjoy the show long enough to stick around for the Long Haul Netflix's Shadow and Bone took a rather unique approach to try and ensure all the written material was adapted by opting to basically speedrun the material as fast as possible the first season covered the original novel trilogy's first book while season 2 slammed into overdrive and adapted the second and third books Siege and storm and ruin and Rising while also pulling in elements from the spin-off novel crooked Kingdom season 2 ended up receiving a considerably more polarized response from fans of the books who felt that the showrunners tried to cram far too much into it resulting in a rushed mess which did little Justice to the much-loved source amid middling viewing figures Netflix consequently decided to cancel Shadow and Bone after two seasons an outcome which most have blamed on how frantically the creators attempted to Sprint through the novels number two Anthony Mackey's miscasting altered carbon when it launched in 2018 Sci-Fi series altered carbon was Netflix's most expensive production to date and despite the show's flaws it was at least clear where all that money went and while many fans complained that season 2 noticeably scaled back back the budget resulting in its World feeling smaller and looking less dazzling that isn't really the reason why it was cancelled shortly after its second season was released the show's nature whereby the protagonist can be played by numerous different actors inhabiting various sleeves AKA host bodies means that original lead Joel kinman was replaced at the start of season 2 with Anthony Mackey Mackey is a plenty likable actor but the big problem is that he never once felt like he was playing the same character as kinman kinman nailed the hard booil Detective vibe in season 1 but Mackey's interpretation is so different that he basically feels like an entirely new person and so the audience lost their connection to the protagonist and general interest in the series dive bombed resulting in Netflix deciding it wasn't worth producing a third season number one having a polarizing first episode three body problem while it might be a tad premature to deem it completely doneand dusted the future of Netflix's new Sci-Fi series 3 body problem isn't looking great despite scoring positive reviews from critics it netted a mediocre 11 million views in its first 4 days placing it well below the recent avatar the Last air bender and just a fraction above the canceled likes of 1899 and Resident Evil furthermore it failed to hit the number one spot in its first week instead sitting behind the gentleman which launched a whole two weeks prior though three body problem is at least still ranking in Netflix's top 10 shows for now its viewership has almost certainly been impacted by an incredible polarizing first episode which with its vague introduction to the world of the acclaimed novel surely caused many to bounce off almost immediately it's little surprised that most Mega budget TV series play things relatively safe right out of the gate and only dare to challenge the audience once they've already got their hooks in them admittedly this is a tough strategy to pull off with Source material as heav and dense as this but given that the show didn't click for many until the second or third episode it definitely would have made sense to make the onboarding opener a little less alien alen ating if three body problem is sadly cancelled after a single season which at the time of press is looking highly probable it will certainly be clear why
Channel: WhatCulture
Views: 24,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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