Drinker's Chasers - Doctor Who Disaster: Lowest Ratings In 60 Year History

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we can all there's one thing we can all laugh at and that's Doctor Who because oh God no they obviously a few days ago I'm sure we've all heard this they posted their overnight ratings for the most recent episode which was boom boom that was it yeah uh so the third episode of Doctor Who has lost another 400,000 viewers uh it's the worst viewership figures in the show's entire 60-year history uh just over 2 million so it's 2.04 million viewers for their overnight ratings uh oh um wow don't mind me we're having some problems here oh because you mentioned who it does have something to do with dror who times yeah I wonder more times the background is going to change but uh this is high quality content it is superb yeah and this is this is how well organized we are on open bar keep it going Gundam I believe in you see got pressing buttons here oh oh mic's still on I see how it plays out looking good as but shy gwa told us that we should um go and touch grass and not watch the show and so it seems like 400,000 people have answered the call nice place you live in as I like that thank you I just bought it during the show I knew he was living well this is your bathro isn't it that you've been getting done yes yes yes I got a grand piano in there you know you always had the fingers of a a wonderful pianist I could tell I have been commented on my wonderful pianist before yes can we have some moonlights nada maybe later tonight all right it does match my Jinx Monson by the way yeah God that [ __ ] character do you know that's but it feels like I watched that episode even though I didn't like in a bad way it's like go you sort of absorbed the stink of that episode just by talking about it perhaps well see I sorry I was gon to say I got I got like tra by people telling me that boom was great they like that's the they said is way better than all the other episodes i' had seen of the new era well the RTD return you know whatever you want to call that as an era but uh I don't even know [ __ ] as you've seen a selection what what's the best one out of all the ones you which one put music in your soul no exactly that's how I feel too just just no now I have to watch it because everybody seems so adamant against this look how inspiring this is I mean it's it's glorious you know it's stunning and brave but conceivably could they dip below two million for their overnight ratings if we carry on like this yeah very much so very much so kind looks like right well the 2.04 I definitely think that's um a a rating based off the first two back-to-back episodes which were absolutely appalling people some people for some reason think the mafa episode was good whatever uh so next week you might actually see it go up a little bit because of the Moet rating but I can it's there's only eight episodes and and I could see it because we're back to RTD after that I could I could see that just dipping below two million on overnights yeah is it just like a dead franchise now like if people just completely checked out of it yeah it's the same was uh Star Trek Star Trek's dead Doctor Who's absolutely dead whoa whoa whoa whoa they're Rebo Star Trek you bigot it's going to be back and bigger than ever yeah not so much yeah not so much nobody cares nobody cares about it doesn't matter boot it doesn't matter if they put uh it's a new Kirk and Spark and no nobody gives a [ __ ] there's been 58 [ __ ] Kirks now and 68,000 [ __ ] Sparks and they're all [ __ ] [ __ ] it's like the new meanwhile being drink made uh we recently completed our Star Trek OG films Journey which is just like yeah that's where you should spend your time instead yeah like watching that and just feeling like I watched a nice movie there I really enjoyed that that was good I remember when Star Trek was good and it could really move you and address like really interesting ideas in a smart way that was they were done was done beautifully you know he's got to appreciate that that's gonna this really another one coming I thought they were trying to bait out Star Trek 4 oh no it's rebooted now dude it's over [ __ ] sake well what's the nature of this reboot then how's that work I don't know they just like announced it okay is it like a Kathleen Kennedy Star Wars announcement or is it like a legit is it real find it well they've been trying to get a fourth movie going for years and some people have thought it's way further on than is actually the reality because the reality is they kept approaching the actors and the actors kept declining and so one of their Star Trek 4 announcements was we're doing Star Trek 4 approaching the actors again that was actually announcement was they approaching the actors again to see whether or not they're interested in Star Trek for now whole thing again according to the Hollywood Reporter the production company is currently in talks with Simon kinber of X-Men to produce a Star Trek feature film for the big screen according to th the film would be set decades before the 2009 Star Trek movie directed by how is it GNA have kick and spot it's like baby Kirk or something it would just be crawling around on the floor of the Enterprise baby captain's chair yeah I I'd like to point out by the way that uh when we did our little recap of Undiscovered Country one of the ideas was to do like a prequel that was going to be set in Starfleet Academy when Kirks B and Bones all met each other for the first time and Paramount rejected it because it was [ __ ] stupid and no one wanted that uh and that was in 1990 that's a different time yeah that was that was when that's what he has had some respect there were still two genders in 1990 what the new Star Trek project is still set to have Abrams involvement so that's great uh but kimb would be stepping in to produce the new movie trr says that audiences would get the chance to see the world of Star Trek in a time period much closer to our own featuring the development of star Fleet and initial contact with alien life hi that's called Star Trek Enterprise yes yeah well other stuff it was tell you what you watch it now you'd be like holy [ __ ] this is this is actually really good oh yeah yeah Seasons three and four actually they they really did get a lot better don't touch that finale with a BGE though holy yeah I think uh what was his name Rick Burman even came out and apologized for that in the Years following it like just straight up said that was a [ __ ] terrible idea shouldn't have done it really sorry so I mean there is that like you know remember when filmmakers would have a bit of humility and they would acknowledge when they screwed up yeah I don't think Russell T Davis is ever going to say I'm sorry for the 14th doctor it's it was a bad idea I gave you terrible scripts for this it's just not gonna happen no I don't think he cares why would he he do I I tried to like put myself in the mindset of this guy like yeah that's where you made your first mistake well true yeah mind but it's like you you 20 years ago you brought Doctor Who back from the dead you produced some excellent scripts um gave us some great storytelling uh you really made this work then you brought back 20 years later you're older um the shows on the downward spiral into Oblivion already um what do you do do you try and produce really good stuff and recapture the magic of your earlier days or do you just indulge all your whims as a as a person and as a creative and just make it all about you and what matters to you and it seems like we have our answer 100 please do yeah well it seems like we have our answer you know he's uh he's obviously getting to do what he wants to do and tell the stories he wants to tell as your background would attest to this just looks like something that is inspiring there's a little boy right now who's twerking on Tik Tok who saw Doctor Who for the first time and he is going to change the world later when he picks his new gender I think Russell genuinely believes this is groundbreaking TV and I hope it was worth it Russell I really hope it was to stroke your ego and just uh let you indulge your your whims as a creative um so we can add another show to the list of uh stuff that can be conserned to the the ash heap of History so did he get paid for for it oh yeah yeah he wins hell if I got paid to chump out some trash I'd smile all the way to the bank I don't know Gundam would you really want to be connected to this I'm ready to sell out I'm tired of being broke let's go Doctor Who is a gay alien with two vaginas next season 17 penises her mafr let's go that was that a reference to the web show or did you do you do that by accident I just did that by accident they this sketch show they do make fun of like a British documentaries and they're like we are now going to look into the life of the man who lives with 17 pieces I was I was kind of thinking a little bit about Father Ted when dug's describing the Beast of kagy Island where he's like its hands are as big as cups uh and instead of a mouth it's got four r's far remember that sketch probably the 17 penis is one I think it's David Mitchell and he's just like most things are normal gets in the way every once in a while I imagine it would but when you mentioned about Star Trek there I haven't even thought about that franchise apart from like what M and I have done like going back you know 30 40 years to like examine the really old stuff I haven't thought about any anything current that they've been doing for a long time you know because they've got like strange new worlds they've got Discovery they've got what blow decks as well yeah they're going to do last time I heard they were going to do like a section 31 sure yeah apparently that's going ahead but who watches it who even cares about it at this point nobody seems to be talking about Star Trek anymore at least back in the day there there was a bit of anger about things like Discovery like wow this is a bit [ __ ] yeah no one even cares that's that's the problem when when people are angry it's because they're passionate it's because they care it's because they do care you're angry because you've seen something that you've loved being turned into to this and and you want to you're angry because you want to voice your opinion you want to get them to change it to to how it how it was when apathy sets in that's it apathy is the death of you that's the death of your franchise not the not the anger because that shows you still care the the apathy just shows that [ __ ] no one gives a [ __ ] anymore and apathy is reflected in the viewership as you SE with Doctor Who ever ever since they did the Timeless children that's that that was the the nail and the coffin yeah and the refusal to backtrack on the Timeless children once that was done that was literally that was the nail in the coffin for a lot of long time Doctor Who fans and and without Russell T Davis we thought is there a chance the guy who actually did wonderful things for Doctor Who coming back wreck on the Timeless children let's get back to a mad man in a box we don't care that shuy Gat was black and gay is he going to be a doctor that's what that was kind of like the vibe and he came back and was like oh no it's going to be about transgenderism and [ __ ] gay and and all this kind of crap because this is the world I live in and I I believe that my world's correct and and you need to be preached to and it's oh no okay it's dead okay we get it so that's where a lot of people just go done
Channel: Critical Drinker After Hours
Views: 245,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DVsaDtkFzDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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