10 Background Actors In Star Wars Who Got Themselves Noticed

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generally speaking the job of a movie extra or rather background artist is to add believable Ambiance to a scene while not drawing attention to themselves but sometimes a distinctive looking or ambitious extra might end up pulling the audience's attention away from what the director wants them to focus on and in the Star Wars franchise that certainly happened quite a bit I'm you and you're watching what culture Star Wars and here are 10 background actors in Star Wars who got themselves noticed number 10 will Rood Star Wars extras don't get much more iconic than the legend that is Will Row Hood HUD was a cloud city resident who appeared on screen for a mere second in The Empire Strikes Back running past the screen holding a mysterious white device during Darth Vader's assault on the low kale because the item H is holding seems to be an ice cream maker he has largely gone by the nickname ice cream maker guy for the last four decades despite receiving an official name in 1997 Star Wars customizable card game fans found the character's urgency to evacuate himself with his precious dessert making machine so amusing that H has become a most unexpectedly popular cosplay character the annual Star Wars celebration Fan event even organizes a running of the hoods whereby fans dress up as the character and run around the convention center with their ice cream makers in tow the mythology went even deeper more recently though when the Mandalorian revealed that is Recon the device to be safe known as a cameno sadly though despite some spirited attempts to identify the uncredited actor who played Hood he's never been located or come forward please come out of the Shadow sir your loyal Legion of Will Rose awaits number nine Lieutenant leira as proof that even the most seemingly insignificant character has a name in the Star Wars Universe the fresh-faced Young pilot stood in front of Luke Skywalker during a new Hope's Death Star briefing is known as Lieutenant leira better yet despite there being virtually no information published about the character in any expanded universe law he even has his own damn action figure The Character received renew detention last year after a redditor noted how much the actor looked like he could be The Offspring of Anakin and Padme far more so than Luke himself does sadly the actor was uncredited for the role and remains currently unidentified but his resemblance to both Hayden Christensen and especially Natalie Portman is pretty uncanny number eight Quinn Lan Vos quinnland Vos made his first appearance in The Phantom Menace as a then unnamed resident of moss esper the character was noted for the yellow streak of pain wining across his face and because he managed to Stand Out by being sat closer to the camera he soon amassed a surprising cult following among fans as a result he was given the name Quin Lan Vos and received a thorough fleshing out and expand Universe media such as in the comic series Star Wars republic George Lucas originally planned to include the character in Revenge the Sith but the scene was Never filmed he did appear however in the Clone Wars animated series and was a central character in the 2015 novel dark disciple which remains my favorite Star Wars book and is a must read for fans of the Clone Wars in what's sadly common among many of star wars' greatest extras the actor who played Quin Lan Vos in The Phantom Menace remains unidentified to this very day number seven Aura Singh Michonne borer much like Quin Lanos Ora Singh is a character who originally made an anonymous one-off appearance in The Phantom Menace showing up for literally around 2 seconds during the movie's pod racing sequence but due to passionate fans begging to know more about the unique looking Bounty Hunter she was given a name and developed into a flesh character in her own right as it turns out she was initially created after George Lucas insisted that there' be more distinct characters featured in the pod racing sequence with model Michonne borer ultimately being hired to play the part Aura sing reappeared in the Clone Wars animated series this time voiced by Jamie King as well as numerous Star Wars comics before it was revealed in Solo a Star Wars story that she had been killed by Tobias Becket that's quite the impressive amount of mileage for a character who appeared in a Star Wars movie for a mere blink of an eye number six B Shack Francis Alfred basil Tomlin bosek is a Smuggler and pilot for H who appeared for mere seconds in a new hopes iconic Moss eely Cantina scene Obi-Wan Kenobi is seen attempting to hire boek for transport to the alderon system only for him to reject the job for reasons unknown and instead recommend chewbaca he's an extremely important character in the grand scheme of things putting Obi-Wan and Luke in touch with Chewy and Han Solo and so playing a small but significant part in shaping the future of the Galaxy again he appears on screen for mere second but his pivotal role in the series earned him both an action figure and the respect of fans worldwide enough that they yearned to identify the uncredited actor who played him and almost 40 years after the film was released the mystery was finally solved thanks to the dogged efforts of investigative journalist Billy Jensen who you may also recognize for his criminal investigative work particularly in The Saga of the Golden State killer which well it's definitely a transition that's for sure Jensen was eventually contacted by the family of the actor in question Francis Alfred basil Tomlin who were able to formally confirm his place in Star Wars history sadly Tomlin passed away in 2004 at the age of 66 number five the Crimson Corsair Cavin Cornwall if you can cast your mind back to 2015 in the hype that was in furling as we got closer and closer to the force awakens you may remember some parts of the Star Wars fan them losing their minds over one character in particular the Crimson corset who was quickly talented as being the next Boba Fett given how their striking red design had distinguished him from the rest of the crowd the Corsair real name sedon aano was first spoted in an article for Vanity Fair that released 7 months prior to the film he can be spotted in episode 7 at Mass's castle and not wanting to let the design go to waste lucasfilm made sure he showed up both before and after the film's release he actually made his Cannon debut in the Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku and also featured in the Lego Force awakens Time game plus several Comics that have featured since as for the character himself ethano is essentially a space pirate he wears the armor of the kalish the species General Grievous belonged to before he open cyborg himself and leads his own crew of marauders in a quest toine riches the a for mentioned Dooku story also sees him rescue a cryog gentically frozen CL clone kicks who goes on to join ao's crew and gets some badass repainted clone armor yeah we definitely need to see more these guys going forward number four Constable zuvio going on pure cinematic appearances alone Constable zuvio really shouldn't be noticeable at all but the kuu law man who appears in the force awakens for literal fractions of a second was originally supposed to have a more significant role zuvio became a bit of a fan favorite character long before episode 7 was even released due to action figures and behind the scenes set photos showing off the character's unique design as well as his appearance in the short story high noon on jaku many were disappointed then when zuo's larger role during The nemia Outpost Chase on jaku was left on The Cutting Room floor originally intended to help Ry and Finn escape from unar plut his role was cleaved down to just seven frames visible in the Final Cut But ultimately this only caused the fandom to grow more fond of zuvio who has enjoyed quite the fan art and cosplay following ever since number three Baron papanoida George Lucas though George Lucas has generally kept himself firmly behind the camera in the Star Wars franchise he finally relented and gave himself a cameo in Revenge of the Sith at the start of the Opera sequence where Palpatine tells Anakin about the tragedy of Darth plagas the wise two distinctive bluefaced aliens can be seen talking outside the entrance to the building the male one is indeed Lucas himself though Lucas played the part uncredited his character's name was later confirmed to be Baron not lski papanoida and he eventually appeared in the Clone Wars episode sphere of influence the woman standing next to the baron meanwhile was his daughter Senator Chi e papanoida aptly played by Lucas's own daughter Katie number two KO Matel perhaps the most fascinatingly mysterious Star Wars extra of all time time appears in the very same scene as Lucas mere seconds before the director can be seen a beautiful female Twilight can be seen walking the steps of the Opera House wearing a lowcut dress which immediately brought her to the attention of many fans a reference book released in 2005 referred to her as K Matel and she has since been a popular cosplay character due to her Unique Look despite no further information ever being released about who she is in spite of all the online curiosity about the actress who played koi she played the part uncredited and even with reference books providing a clearer glimpse of the actress she remains unidentified to this very day as perhaps makes her only more alluring to fans and number one the rebel officer wearing platform shoes ah the glory of watching The Star Wars movies in 4k it lets us soak in every last sliver of visual detail and also notice when an extra is randomly wearing platform shoes for some reason or another that's right during a new hopes climactic Rebel celebration keep an eye out for the rebel officer on the right hand side of the screen when L KH and chewy climb the steps the rebels turn in formation and for a second you can see that one of the officers is wearing platform shoes the peculiarity was first noticed by redditor many years ago and gets brought up again every so often as fans speculate on exactly why this extra who was by no means a short man ended up wearing platform form shoes to boost his height did the costume team just run out of regular shoes or something it's so incredibly strange and of course the man in question is neither credited nor has he ever stepped forward to explain the situation of shoe gate and those were 10 background actors in Star Wars who got themselves noticed know of any other famous extras who went down in Star Wars Legends post your favorites down in the comments below Dr the video a like if you enjoyed it and be sure to subscribe to what culture star warss so you don't miss another upload going forward I've been you you can catch me hyping Up Kicks in the Crimson Corsair over on Twitter @ you brunes things and I'll hopefully see you next time May the force be with you
Channel: WhatCulture Star Wars
Views: 115,759
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Id: Ye5UED1LlcI
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Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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