10 Gummy Foods You'd Mistake For The Real Thing!

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you open to mine oh I'll give you a chance to hello and welcome I'm Rhett I'm link and welcome to get mythical dot P oh gee now welcome to Dover no I'm advice this is tan man I'm link yeah and no the only reason why we're talking about rhett and Link right now is because we got this video idea from them pretty hilarious stuff where we're gonna be looking at some gummy stuff and some real stuff and we're gonna see who has to eat which one we got all the absurd gummies out there that we could find we're gonna pretty much put them underneath bowls is this video a legit copy or we just find our own gummies I think we just found our own gummies yeah some people copy they do gross stuff we don't do gross stuff here yeah we avoid the girl stuff we do what we like to call strange things the absurd the things that your mama comes crying home about wait what my mama never came crying home she cried and laugh if you guys want to see some really crazy gummy stuff and you want to see as compared to the realest things stay tuned and there's gonna be a lot of mischief Yuri miss Cheever II miss mischievousness it's gonna be weird alright so we're gonna be trying to set each other up to fail to get the worst thing let's get right now first product candy takeout noodles where we taking them out to a date dinner that's offensive to takeout restaurants everyone this is panda a candy feast that resembles Chinese takeout let's see we're just gonna show you the it comes with marshmallow toppings for will look like little dumplings oh that was they look like candy noodles gummy a yeah yucky yeah let's do about 19 things along we are here to taste test candy takeout noodles get to the Eden I want to see you put it in your mouth yeah shout in your mouth pickles Easter kid you're doing it and you're just skipping past why are we here right now Anna yeah what this is our job we got to do this you're taking on job that yeah Matt now it's our turn alright it's making youtube channel called fat 13 like the drive canner don't look tanners first gonna turn around then Pat you know hash it out Pat will give me the bowls and Shannel will come in and set down one here and one here and then I will choose whether switch them or not when Tanner turns around he can choose what he gets what he wants that's correct yes come come come come Chanel what are you thinking that mm bad we just ate lunch too so that's what you're going with I'm going with that all right turn around now you can't look obviously but you can decide do you want to keep the one that you have in front of you or swim thought you cannot touch you'll I know you that's cheating mom you get twenty seconds I know Matt like the back of my hand and the first thing this dude thinks I'm gonna do is switch because he thinks I think he's deceitful so I'm gonna keep my sample why would you be deceitful you know you you think I think you're deceitful you think I think you think I you [Music] all right yeah can't wait to dig in I both y'all have to try it and then you're gonna write a doper note based on it fat actually this is good okay pink boy delicious you could spit it out Matt if you want I think I the jackpot it's noodles I mean what is that from Anna it's from Whole Foods mmm that is a zucchini try noodle standard zucchini growth that's not bad to noodle you know is it actually good it doesn't taste like Chinese food or anything some gummies work right I pay this man money he doesn't ask me if it tastes like Chinese no what are you this one gets the dope actually really good hey you get mine you have me some more yours you might die beats more his this is really good I'm not trying to COFF the rest of the video all right so dope yeah better better yeah all right that looks terrible Candy's video may reveal the same to SEC what do you guys think comment down below you couldn't taste our there but which one looks better so we got raindrop gummy got candy taco with 23 thoughts gummy candies in my taco shell now I'm feeling like I'm rotted well I didn't run Tanner yummy gummy food that looks just like you four ounces of gummy bears and some fruit custom old clothes and more two to spare unique and giftable gift of hands okay kinda looks like a super cute gummy taco maybe with gummies in a cardboard shell oh the shells not eat them all no edible no no it's eatable yo Robert Photoshop something else in this kid's head maybe the ring one that's more perverse oh gosh she looks like she hates being here she's like I'm really excited to have the gummy pickle so dark it's a pickled jalapeno we're gonna get a packet too just in case these are great let's go an Add to Cart and that you got turn around I'm turned around which one you thinking tanner interesting so it looks like we have a surprise taco and then we have this taco can we do this while and turn around put it under this hang in the heaven pic no I like look at the back of Matt's house I do have a good back up ahead I'm at well I choose yeah oh well I just man hung up next next the Pope no way dude this is a Dorito taco actually love these at Tanner heck yeah dude it's a regular taco what did you get so optimistic nothing you're just happy anything before in the past cuz I was angry yeah he's like I learned to deal with my anger told anger management I got a punching bag you actually I punch it often now I'm happy boy hey as long as it's not me alright we both take a bite at the same time take a bite we have to do the same thing otherwise it's not fair it's a little cheap little rubbery just a little cold but still good see this will annoys me about this target this is why it might not be a dope is you have to eat it not like a taco and what taco view has bears in it I'm sorry is this a green bean blame baby's butt legs better like string like peas they don't know what's in a taco do that yeah these are mine now oh the Bears are the meat that's hilarious I mean I know does it taste like it I mean a wild range what's a whole slice of tomato in Otago I don't like tomato so you keep back what even is that that's like a green tomato it's the exact same stamp have you ever seen a green tomato yeah I have I haven't I haven't okay well I'm happy with my choice tbh that's gross not good no I don't have the taco taco oh it's a nope I'm gonna no bond that one it is strange like it's weird to have a gummy taco yeah waiter this is jalapeno it's a subscription box fill double bugs so to know the strangest mystery boxes actually exist that's enough this video already no it's a note well actually try some of these at least someone will if we get a certain metal X will bring pad on it he'll eat a couple of these well haven't tried to Gorp he's the one that bought it he's got it what does it Gorp you don't wanna know or is it like a prog it's like how people say frog and like I don't mention one problem what problem you know you're talking to the dumb ghost again alright hey guys you pretty mature what Pat said but this is a light to buy it's a subscription box and so if you guys hit 110 thousand likes Pat will try know what is now if you had 180 thousand likes I'll try some if you 180 Matt and I will try it a little bit of something new it can be any of these maybe a zebra tarantula maybe a Gorp maybe some mango here's the thing I don't care about entertaining anyone that much legit like you can go read a book for all I care will do I'll put some roasted crickets and chocolate in cricket I'll throw it in chocolate and Matt won't even know so going in sound like button at least one of us will try something on camera and we might try multiples I've tried some before in there disgusting hit those light goals and make sure you guys comment down below or just that or go Gorgo coming down below which of these you want to see out of any of those pictures yeah okay next product a classic gummy side dish call them French gummies we call them freedom gummies or for our friends across the pond you can even call them gummy chips what would you call them if they weren't fried chips what would this have people in like overseas call them chips instead of fries like fish and chips yeah so they just call them chips if they were in Europe how they say gummy chips cuz it's coming from french fry freedom fries no freedom coming fries chips no gummies you see what I'm saying no they replace gummies with fries every single time except this one that's hilarious Matt don't you understand the confusion no you stupid clear that you're confused then Oh freedom features and specs gummies that look great flavor lemon it's lit sneak peek all about what is it a bad now Oh this page is supposedly just supposed to be a sneak peek I already bought it though that's the card dude deja vu I feel like I've done this before looked at the back of the set with the lights off are you trying to cheat sure once you shut your face just like you said hard there to your girlfriend by not marrying her again every video I'm gonna try it's ok one day thank you one day so proposed to me which one do you why what do you want yeah you have to say which one you want would you have real fries or gummy fries I want the gummy ones eyes had regular fries for lunch all right are you gonna keep it or are you gonna switch it what's it gonna be big boy you're really everything it's right here oh these are stale try one do these are soggy no I can't eat that you have to have to really you complained less about really nasty food you just had McDonald's fries slightly old french fries you ever just have good things and then get the bad version of it right after that's why I'm doing right now it's so disgusting these are not good you won't taste taste like lysyl pretty good tastes like Lysol I don't I get the light salt thing though I do get that Matt you get to decide since you guys like lemon pledge decide what Oprah no of course it's no it tastes like lemon pledge to me lemon pledge and that you like that I get the hint I don't want to be eating clean-burning products so I'm gonna say no I like them I'll keep this I keep my thing snow so if he keeps the soggy fried hmm don't make me throw these and I'll make your help your help I'll make your help clean it up go on your needs clean I'm sorry is that white pizza yeah man they got the memo does it look like there is no like middle of the beats of the outside of it guys we got that gummies ah you might have CH that oh my god oh we got the slice yeah we got a slide down I've seen a lot of little baby gonna view them not a slice like another fat thick slice big slice baby some of that white sauce that don't harm Hashanah sauce I don't like white sauce pizza I think that's nasty I [Music] yeah this one looks like Tywin wow that's got me in confession I was an infection I'm not a gully infection yeah shaped like a patient's look that way it's got cherry orange strawberry banana apple and citrus so I think we're to go with the big slice it's a Nene Oh a little pizza pizza here Wow Matt which one do you want it's the pizza good it's from Whole Foods oh wait it's the pizza that like fresh from Whole Foods yeah frozen fresh I like that okay she said I have stuff for pumpkin or cherry pie cherry we don't quite know he doesn't get the traded media bro meaning you just depends how floppies it Oh this is better even though I lost I really want yeah and you just took it out of a coffin it was legit made in this it was made in this like they pour different parts in really no Oh Little Caesars Little Caesars is good guys this pizza sad look at the back of this pizza dipped in her ass for asphalt ok so here's the thing about this slice of pie right here okay whatever the crust is sucks but everything on top is good Christ suck this good crust bad this good so if I could just nibble off the top you who eats a pizza like that that's despicable this was actual tards that's tasty too bad I'd die if I eat it all you know how many calories is the 1200 yeah that whole thing is swollen guy me treats shaped and styled like a breakfast food just why are you just avoiding oh why is that burn the title you read the Amazon title instead of the actual yeah I was avoiding saying donut and now it makes sense why every way they already said it'd be cars what do you want real donor gummy done it I will take the real donut and I believe it is a pink spring Oh fight for the real thing I tell you that much [Music] it's not even in the bowl is it Mathias what turn towards with the tank sprayer do you mean where'd you put the pink sprinkle what is that even named you have it tucked in your shirt in my shower you turn around Mathias what are you doing let me investigate your body I didn't even like look I just know you because that's such a you think you gave it to me thank you it looks so realistic why I wanted a dog so bad [Music] I literally only ate sprinkles all right just scrape this brain oh that's so damn good that's vomit but it's sprinkles it's I'd say it's enough let's bump it but I guess it's a joke it says Obama that's a dope gummy back boom hotdog and cheeseburger made a gummy it stock you burger and up dude I want a hot dog so bad well maybe wait till later in the video chow down either yummy gummy or slider sized what are you saying burger it's rendered with layers of delicious food flavors both the fruity fast-food feast where's my sneak peek I want a pink snake welcome to a very special edition of confection perfection this week my son Theodore and I what are you wearing called VR skittle brain called me or skill boy and wish you understood so weird I'm going mad which one do you want the gummy you don't even know anymore my doll is that you can't get any information out of me a viral I didn't have any information to begin with and you were gonna do anything that you stick in are you switching that's the one I didn't want so how do you have McDonald's this guy's a cranberry in the middle like your everything I'm allergic to cheap food you just had this I can't have meat seafood more than no not with onions that's really sad that is really sad Eileen anyway I don't eat onions Tanner you have to eat how it comes that's part of the whole thing that's not an outcome no do it are you put it on there maybe you'll like it you guys sound hurt I don't like the jail I smell oh my mouth just had to salivate ten times was so dry I can't be good to you've got me oh that looks like oh you gotta yesterday no she got it this morning this is dope actually it's very well I saw Tanner eat tomato and lettuce I'm a giver you know I do what I have to for the people I was never gonna take it off in the purse I couldn't take it off yeah wait so where is this hotdog from your favorite place his favorite place from an arc over several of them I would say it's 7-eleven that's my deal I like the size of that weenie no wonder he eats these nice I don't need cold wieners have to I strictly warned waiter half - how about this tanner the weenie out together and you only take a bite of the weenie no okay you only take a bite of this ya know you have to eat you have a knee you have to eat the weenie you have to this has got to be unhealthy dude this thing is actually different than what it's fresh this is bone dry oh I'm sorry I mean of the day what you think Matt it's not bad I just feel sick I'll say it's dope this guy's literally gonna eat bugs for a video but he complains about a hot dogs it's gonna go home with what I complain about everything I like my bugs bold oh yeah gummies shape morning meal it's gummy breakfast we got wobbling we got that sweet babe you can get breakfast from McDonald's hmm that's what you had didn't you you don't know you'll never find out here we go it's waffle boy egg girl this is the spot what if her name's Peggy Aggie and his name's Kevin I don't get the joke you want to say a few words we lost a good friend I've known him since he was just a mini egg oh heck is tripling down his fame just take it too soon bacon by the brunch crowd he's the same napkin us I'm gonna wipe your face this is clearer than before Corona yeah sprinkler scrubs Oh sprinkle his crumbs oh that's enough for me Bob can't really go into add mystic art and see if this is better than breakfast all right Matt turn around damn which one do you think you want I don't know honestly oh my gosh wait which one do you want to switch or do you want that I don't even know I'm I'm sure well then you probably don't really want that let there going because you're gonna have to eat it so we're trying to you want bacon I want real breakfast what are you gonna switch you're gonna keep it do you think he gave you real brick I want real bacon that a is not cooked do you have one uncooked piece of bacon and one over could be some bacon oh great Oh eat your gummy one I am a little winner there's a palate cleanser no no now you have to eat a dinner that's your punishment for eating real bacon that's your bondsman for getting real bacon this is legit not cook all the way I've never seen an egg like that yeah it's a no it's called Sunnyside no Sunnyside down never seen an egg like my legs good your regular shot how does a bacon taste is it tastes like Becca that would be the one that I wouldn't be shocked oh my gosh she takes the biggest bites Natalie you like cherries but I am happier with mine I just wanted your bacon I don't want anything either the waffle no I don't have to yes you do you didn't he didn't need a bite of his big headaches this morning but okay I can't too many eggs too many omega fatty acids don't make a fatty fatty acid sorry beta but he didn't put more sugar on my sugar I would have tried that too but real nothing beats real bacon and that's hard core back gummy watermelon slice a hefty hunk of watermelon flavored gummy is actually looks like a real water in long slice enjoy the sweet taste of summer with a hefty slice of gummy watermelon this gorgeous gummy has a textured detailed design and a robust watermelon taste that feels like a flavor explosion each slice packs over a pound of delicious gummy impost are you allowed to eat the black seeds I was always told a good you're not allowed to and I don't eat watermelon so I don't know no a tree will grow inside you he black seeds so don't eat the black seed of a watermelon no or you'll get pregnant you'll get pregnant with the watermelon so we got the stage we got the goodie let's go and get this thing bought sixteen hundred and eighty calories twenty ounces that's a four-year a palaver for the seed sour apple flavor for the core I walk us I'm up Mettling me the skin you're gonna try it rind Add to Cart ten which one do you want I want the Gallo and I hate regular water moment you have to eat regular watermelon if you pick it I'll take a sip I'll smash it and drink it uses a lot of water how's it work you don't know me my turn I space down yeah every time so move which one do you thanks Annika they're all gonna smell like watermelon this videos is descendants like so tired [Applause] but I just want to do more because my gosh this is enormous that's fatty I'm gonna try all parts of it okay I'll suck on it wait here baby you hate watermelon you must hate watermelon flavor you don't take a bite I just took a sip you don't take a bite you're gonna be a bite missing when did we decide when I ate a bite of that hamburger rights mom I need a body or hamburger water mom was discussing dudes off looks like a piece of pizza that came from a different like universe what if I like this one more oh my gosh you're gonna hate that oh now to have a what now have a watermelon sandwich which is neither he vomited house too much was overbearing guys if you want I've never eaten this much sugar check out that video right that's the last time we did a gummy video also punch out this video this video you to recommend is just for you make sure you like subscribe to the bell icon check out that membership gang by hit the join button down below and we'll see you next time you bunch of savages I love you all good night [Laughter]
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 2,164,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dope or nope, dope, matthias, hi5, hi5 studios, top 10, top 5, trending, popular, funny, funny videos, reviews, comedy, jokes, amazon, amazon prime, friends, friendship, best friends in the world, unboxing, unbox, rate, rating, gummy vs real, real food vs gummy food, gummy food, food challenge, vat19, taste test, gmm, good mythical morning, rhett and link, gmm taste test
Id: 7YoMYgex2yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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