Maze Inside a Rubik's Cube?! | 10 Puzzles That Will Melt Your Mind!

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so i just need to put wood's little clock when he finishes it into this then we've got a regular average sized clock you got a little clock yeah well it still hangs up in your mom's what's up idiots welcome back to dopernote and one thing hasn't changed in dopant 2.0 we got meat and cheese baby for the old tan man flashback to me when i used to eat all those meat and cheese rolls meat sticks lunchables baby woods wasn't there for those days oh that smells rank yeah when you first open those puppies up it's how you know it's good is stank is dank and it's ranked i know what you guys are thinking why is this meat man in my face persuading me about his endeavors well because today he always does these things on the side that concerns me quite frankly why are you going to use my ruler oh god you know how many things use a straight edge okay with you guys using my ruler i'll pill it orange okay hot shot whose ruler is it whose ruler really is it's not a utensil of food it's a utensil of measurements hey leave things everywhere what do you want me to do huh now use it use your nails use your teeth my teeth is that a joke right now no i just got them all worked on this is a classic matt and woods episode beginning rant yeah i'll use my teeth my orange anyways today's episode of dope and up we are looking at puzzles and i'm not just any kind of puzzles we're looking at the whole variety brain teasers illusionary sneakers physical puzzles jigsaw puzzles any type of thing that will melt your mind whoa i just said that out loud and that felt real nice on the lips the thing that inspired this is i happen to find a rubik's per plexus fusion 3x3 challenging muscle made skill it's a rubik's cube with a perplexes inside it's a puzzle with a puzzle on the inside of the puzzle how much you want to bet it's a slight puzzle just get it out of the box the whole the whole gimmick of this is you have to rotate that is juicy let's be honest waist down you a little bit moister than you were before ew because i'm sweating that's what i'm saying this guy's getting weird with it but it makes you sweat a little oh let's carry on this rubik's cube is three by three you spin it to solve it so you have to spin it and the whole point of a perplexes is that little metal ball you try to get to the very end of the puzzle you have to rotate the cube one of the balls of the start the ball's always at the start that's the whole point you got to get to the start all right well hopefully he's not like this when we when we try to solve this bustle well we're not going to get very far he's the only one good at them here i am no i'm not you're the only good puzzle boy here i could just hear you slurping and then smell the meat and cheese is weird let's see what the fans say clever idea designed poorly a lot like matt hey just be happy i'm eating a banana well made so we have two conflicting arguments designed poorly and well made we're gonna be the final deciders of that add to spark it's here rubex fusion oh my gosh there are multiple ways to solve this can we get a close-up zoom in on a hotsy-totsy yeah you can bet your butt cheeks where the frick is the ball bruh so the idea here are these paths are numbered so if i'm going over to let's say one this is number one you can't really see it and this wasn't here like that this blue track coming in this way that you can see the balls on connects to this orange track because that's a two and that's a three so now before i go in there i have to make sure i'm on four oh there we go that's a four so i'm going to go this way that way and now boom oh no what oh it was slightly not aligned i'm trying not to crush this see what i like to do with these just see where you land see how close i get to the end this is pretty cool this is beautiful to look at i don't think this is great for me personally because it'll just amplify anxiety but i think for someone that doesn't have enough in their life this is great yeah this is honestly quite a bit of stress do you want to give it a shot woods i'd love to here do it on do it on camera right there this is a weird angle i feel weak in this chair where are you at number 11. i've been there done that and you're about to make the same mistake i did it fell yeah because the pieces are not like perfectly aligned so you're kinda gonna jump over this part is dope yeah it's a dope would you like another corner guys i'll be in this corner make sure you hit the subscribe button bell icon also we'll see you in the next product here you go matt here's a question orange boy seedless fruit why don't they just stop how do they complaining seedless fruit how do they do that what i just wrecked woodsworld just genetic modification they come out of eggs woods star wars this dude's predictable dude legos are puzzles you can do star wars legos i'm getting puzzles for you to build i hate puzzles i hate building puzzles i love solving about his job you got a great job feels like i'm perpetually wasting my time no did you sit down with a friend you have a great conversation you guys solve a puzzle together you solve a lot of puzzles up here and you solve a puzzle down there what is he doing with that down there what is this he was holding it awfully low [Music] you paused it that vibe was off the charts i want to want to be my girl i want to be my girl i want to be my girl is chess kind of a puzzle no oh i'll look up with a puzzle okay a puzzle is cause someone oh come on reading's a puzzle for tanner i literally instantly went to like the slang terms cause someone to feel confused be i don't want the verb on the noun a game toy or problem designed to test engineer designed to test ingenuity or knowledge so chess oh i guess you're right i'm going to get like a chess thing i can feel an automated chest yeah automated chest that i have to go up against like a robot what would i type for that like chess robot no automatic chess or chess robot what's that round chest three-man chest i mean we got it we got to try you're gonna have to teach me how to play chess it's easy this is way cooler than whatever i was gonna do all right add to cart oh remember when we played chess and i forced you to eat all the pieces lost and you couldn't catch on yeah i do you ate all the pieces it was made of chocolate the chess board was made of chocolate and when you killed a player you had to eat the piece but he didn't realize till the end of the game that i was intentionally losing so that he'd get sick dude i'm getting an upset stomach from that but he couldn't not just lose i was like i gotta win won the game lost the wall okay this looks extremely complicated my head hurts oh you follow the lines for diagonal moves wow that's bizarre like if i'm on this space to do a diagonal move that many spaces i i'm like over there oh i see what you're saying i just want to see someone hit a slide kick right to the judo chop white usually goes first so it would be white you can go two and the very beginning you can after that you can only go one it's what's this turn quiet yes this is so sick actually if i knew how to play i i'd be having a lot of fun with you guys no it's okay it'll start getting more money we look like we're just to get into a huge street brawl the greasers the jocks theater yeah the theater kids that's not too big of a brain you know that they can kill another person's piece by going diagonal oh but i can't diagonal through this green no you can't go backwards that's so crazy i'm gonna learn these one day it's hard to tell what's covering what because it's so like inverted just for the heck of it let's just take both of tanner's horses the nerve on these two this is so intense actually i like this so if i were to go over and hop on this guy that'd be awesome that's what i was hoping he wasn't seeing you could stick him yes nice good pickup but then he could just come over here and slam bam me true but the rooks are the better pieces so what's this kind of doing well honestly like i don't really have why is that surprising to you he's a smart kid because he's mad he has no understanding for the strategy of the game i'm teaching pieces this is the first time i'm playing well three person yeah no like i've only played chess like twice oh then yeah you're doing great too thanks man i got my little stable here then i'm just gonna do this got em and i'll have the most pieces you played it i literally couldn't take any pieces or else i would so so i technically won [Laughter] what we called the win this is tight this is pretty cool this is more fun than actual chess because it's like no one really knows the best thing to do yeah exactly it's really just like kind of levels the playing field yeah totally there's no actual strategy to go with this this is a dope i say definite dope i would play again if you guys want to come over oh let's play it here you go woods make whatever you want brain teasers jesus puzzles what about riddles yeah sure a little bug would be nice what is a riddle kind of guy if we were to pick puzzles in a room matt would be like sudoku i hate sudoku you don't even know me no you'd be a mad lib matt is such a mad lib isn't he woods is for sure a riddle no way dude yeah you totally are a mad lib no i'm a riddle no woods is a riddle woods couldn't write a riddle if he wrote a fiddle okay woods is a mad lib you're a riddle more accurate okay i think that makes sense thank you now my ego is intact oh whoa look at this woods it's like that that instrument that you showed me yeah your hand's hot it's hot get it off my back back is hot on my hand [Music] have you seen that um the instrument on youtube that has like actually has like 700 million views he just cranks this thing and he's timed all the marbles that he has to land on certain beats and instruments and play the piano i'm pretty sure i've seen it it's like daft punk but without the tech now this is four to five hours worth of building i'm not building it so this is why i said to go with brain teaser you don't have to build those pick whatever inspires you 3d jig how about that it's a clock it's just 52 pieces we're looking at the 3d wooden algorithm we're back after is this another woods one how do you already get this one yes it is guys this is a puzzle episode you're all frustrated not all puzzles are jigsaw puzzles i even clarified yeah he made a big stink of us like i'm not building would you i don't care there's so many pieces of woods oh my gosh bro tanner i'm tired of your attitude i'm tired of you buying puzzles that need so many different things supposed to be this giant 3d deer head it's not even worth it oh whoa whoa guys take it easy there huh it's coming together real nice oh we're good would you want me to break off a two for you yeah i'm looking for 35s okay i just say yes to it too i just want to see the deer head that's what i'm building matt's getting close the deer head can be done in nine steps man it's probably like a fun like twitch thing to do you know like live streams building things no no i need what the flip oh now i'm just building your thing that's what i get for trying not to supervise i went from supervisor to assistant in no time look what i built guys it's honestly cool without the clock it's a lot smaller than it looks like in the picture all right woods i'm coming up to needing you here that is honestly really good at building things i made this i'm proud of you i want that to be a meme someone have mad holding it it doesn't mean it's julian smith i made this for you i made this for you i made this for you so i just need to put wood's little clock when he finishes it into this then you've got a regular average sized clock you got a little clock yeah well still hangs up in your mom's hallway [Laughter] my mom got surgery on her hallway what all right guys once i'm tired of you and there's barely any progress you want me to take over woods the winner is matt look at this thing just put the clock in the middle bro yeah just step it in there i did this that was soothing satisfying i'll be honest i could see doing a twitch stream like a three hour twitch stream of just putting something like this together while talking to random strangers on the internet about how insecure you are and how you need to look at instagram comments to crowdsource your self-esteem you know what's your product do you think it's a dope or no i think it's a dope cool it was fun to build i'll be honest logica puzzles by labyrinth the little puzzle box for a little present boy like you i like this that looks like yeah rotato roto brain what woods what say it if you're going to do that she looks like a teacher oh she looks like a teacher is that what it is you instantly just laughed at her what kind of hater are you like instantly knew he had nothing nice to say he was just he must have had a teacher like that that was mean to him or something yeah she maybe got bullied by people that look like that he's like you know what yeah my time to get back on honestly i'm a little bored i already get the puzzle box i don't get things that make me yawn add to cart i'm gonna get the puzzle box couldn't you say both your kids make you yon [Laughter] another puzzle block i think this is yours yeah man i'm riggs i hated that's pretty cool it looks like oh yeah and it comes with something inside too which i like so matt's found two moving pieces so far do you think that i need to get that in a specific spot so i can open it i'd be really impressed maybe you have to follow the maze with the marble oh no oh there you go you're gonna break it this thing's hard i don't know what to tell you can't do it now pop it guys we're missing some of this puzzle let us know i don't know how to do this [Music] i understand that was some thanos moment so basically what was happening was you got to get the ball in the hole and then pushing it while it's in it locks it in so then you open that up and then do that and now it's you can't open it but if you how did i do that there matt got it congrats [Applause] next product logical puzzles are dice secret box wooden brain teaser incredible leonardo da vinci made this apparently let's see some reviews on it really hard puzzle worth the purchase logic is the best and beno makes great puzzles wonderful box to give away money gift cards jewels money jewels the antidote i like it okay i'm gonna get this hey the box isn't the puzzle dude seems much like you get two in one the box is just the box bro you shouldn't be having this trouble there's the puzzle check out this box there's a complicated box but also i'm not great at puzzles so i noticed that this one there you go there you go you got your moves dog do you have to move any of these guys don't put your finger in it like that yeah sometimes it's just supposed to move a little and it lets you move another piece a little that's it you found one piece now move another piece oh oh oh what's that that's dry glue did i print it oh no no [Music] it's not even sticky glue it's dried glue where did that come from turns out you just gotta break it and shake it what broke the freaking glass i thought you were a person that fixes things woods i fixed the fact that we couldn't open this box you were the chosen one you can't fix fax woods you can fix them if they're wrong it wasn't a fact to begin with i would say nope for the fact you broke it by just trying to do a basic opening of it yeah i feel like puzzle boxes need to be resilient enough for people to take wrong moves like there wasn't enough glue on that for sure and the pieces were super polished so it wouldn't have stuck anyways i don't like it that's a nope all right next product what's this it's a candy puzzle oh it's a jigsaw soft just a jigsaw puzzle of candy imagine eating the puzzle after you're done edible puzzle it doesn't taste like the candy at all it's just bread it's just bread this is cardboard this kid's cracking himself up it's literally the dumbest thing i've ever said type in book of riddles oh you are the riddler nah i don't like riddles after all of that no i'm a riddle no woods is a riddle elusive optical oh this big boy found blankets look at this kid he's loving the highlight that's one of those bracelets isn't it 74 bucks for a fake grenade no it's a grenade cover it's a cozy it's a cozy it's a grenade dude imagine having a grenade cover all these puzzle boxes they always say impossible level 10 and you get it open and you press three buttons and it's like you got me no don't show me you idiots ah you're gonna forget by the time we get it yeah you're forgettable i'm too smart custom puzzle oh sick can we take a really wacky picture for this we've already done this with michael i was back with our old friend you can't replace him no matter how hard you try i'm not true it's the haircut you begged me i could do it matt you said i could replace him that you said yeah we didn't put you in this position you jumped in the position man not only can i make a proper two i can replace michael this is just turning into the the show where someone tries to buy a product and the other two people heckle them wait what did you buy you actually liked a real book difficult riddles for smart kids should we put it to the test you can't solve riddles my brain doesn't compute that way i wonder if i've been changed in the night let me think i was the same when i got up this morning ah that's the great puzzle i don't think that wasn't from azel that was a quote well she speaks in riddles this kid actually read an alice from alice in wonderland quote isn't life a riddle card this is the next product what am i it's a book called what am i a box without hinges key or lid i hate riddles yet golden treasure inside is head chest my chest minecraft what was the second and third line actually what was all the lines it's wind chinese takeout wind how's that a box no wood it's on the other side of the page oh my god it's wind it's also not a box it's an egg it's not a box yeah such a dumb riddle i'm angry no legs lay on one leg two legs sat near on three legs four legs got some got some what fish on a little table man at table sitting on a stool the cat has the bones yes that is the answer what the heck is wrong with these people they can't just make crap up i got a riddle for you brown hair white hair doodly do what you gonna do when you see poo eat it i was just about to read that one okay boy one more to use me you dip me some leave me some jig me i work from a bag unless you are fancy use me too much and you might get antsy what am i drugs tombstone bag no drugs are in bags and you get antsy with drugs i just don't get that one because it's wrong it's tombstone it's cause it's wrong it's the wrong one i'm sorry did anybody say tea bag i said drugs i said tea bags you did no you didn't i stay in place guarding a space many people hate me and get right in my face they tend to stay for an hour or two pay me or i'll tell on you what am i oh it's the parking monitor yeah i get a parking meter when you sit down you have me when you stand i'm gone sit again i come right back because i've been there all along depressed i'm sorry i speak no one hit deep it's like butt it's another word for butt no oh lap yeah i've gotten a standing lap that's a horrible guitar everybody depression when you make your own riddles better than theirs next product we're gonna put some wine in here it's a wine what is that dude are we gonna get cranked you guys trying to get a little crank by the time you solve this you're going to need it [Music] i kind of like this because you can put drinks in it try it dude but just put some like uh sparkling cider yeah no like uh some some perrier ah to squirt this one has your name written all over it matt uh no this is supposed to come with wine did you forget to buy the wine no i got it there's champagne bottles in the fridge well i'm about to celebrate oh this is martinelli's guys this is sparkling cider i went to the store me tanner went to the store bought this specifically for the shoot me he just got so upset i didn't just find it in the fridge this is complicated guys this is so complicated oh yeah it says right here component b is that like this and then do this yeah nice i over complicated that and then it says slide and penetrate the d in b it actually says that we're not making that up can we just that's ridiculous pull d out of b i can't pull d out of b it's stuck my d is stuck in b and put d into the hole of b from the right side with the ball f small penetrate g into the hole of d from front to back you don't stick it any deeper in no you stick it deeper in i'm just we forgot to tie it off i hate this you know what's crazy that was so much funnier because i was just gonna come up here and snip the ropes let's take it he was done but yours is way funnier it's like a really nice uh holder yeah want to celebrate no it's too much sugar for me okay what do you want to celebrate i'd rather eat candy oh that's gonna get you sugar high all right that was dumb next product that product one says he has one good product was you have one opportunity to prove yourself you only got one moment to save the world boat in a bottle oh do the lego one oh it actually comes with the stuff for it is that a really really easy one sure hope so yeah are there more of those no there's no more this is the last one all right did that get you for a second i was like what the oh all right so we got our pirate ship these are a lot of instructions just shove it in this is like how you had to make a baby how does this work okay let's get the pieces out i think you have to literally build it inside of that i don't know if that's gonna happen woods you're gonna have to do that on your own fun time it says you build on the outside then you put it in and then the very end you pull a string and it like lifts the mast this is complicated way too complicated for woods this is actually the worst it literally tells you to cut up a toothpick for the mast you can't even send me the right size toothpick i gotta cut a toothpick you know what i say oh are you putting a toothpick up for you if you're looking for the booty pirates at first i thought it said friendship and i was like no sir maybe if woods gets really bored the next week he'll build it photoshop uh yeah photoshop in there and i'm proud of you it's a dope next product what about a puzzle card game that sounds sick button spice no no space butt button spice what are you thinking dude put button spice thanks for the tip perfectly logical challenging fun brain teasers and logic puzzles i love it and for kids i'm also a genius did you know one time i graduated high school so i'm technically better than just once one yeah i actually graduated with two degrees from high school high school got it no that's detention 399 puzzles and trivia challenges specifically designed to keep your brain young let's try it i honestly think if the audience can beat me in one of these brain puzzles for sure they can they take my job okay i mean no oh this is mine all of the items in each list have something let's just read it i don't know why i took it from you all of the items in each list have something in common except for one thing your job is to figure out which item is the odd man out iraq france fiji peru is it iraq because it starts with an i peru starts to pee the others are vacation spots that is so offensive is it people vacation iraq just americans aren't conditioned to believe that you can where are some good spots our old security guard was from iraq and he showed me pictures and it was beautiful dude i was got by the news fox and cnn no favorites france isn't the odd man out all the other countries names have four letters okay whatever welsh rare bit nachos tempura fondue i would say all of them are one word except for welsh rare bit no tempura the rest are cheese the odd mayonnaise tempura all the other dishes are cheese based yeah dude cheese connoisseur to the rescue endings and beginnings a compound word is made up of two smaller words such as stopwatch or panhandle in this game we provide the first half of one compound word in the second half of another can you figure out the one word that completes them both you have gun and cracker fire gun fire firecracker see what i'm saying oh i was gonna put white gun white white cracker no just what they're both related to yeah no just the word white people starts the p snake and then p bowl what word works for both hot snake pit i was close flower and belly pot flower pot pot belly dead blank backer oh line deadline what's what's deadline like you have a deadline what is it oh it's a business what is the deadline by the way this video is going to come out whenever [Laughter] whenever tanner wants to yeah i have a tendency to do that have you guys heard of my steaks if you're not subscribed to high stakes it's the top thing in the description box go check it out probably a second episode by now we have 75 000 subs on high stakes and our singular video that's been up for months has somehow 360 000 views we don't know how so just keep posting no and on a high note no all the answers in this word definition game begin with the letters br the largest country in south america bro brazil brazil a contusion a bruise the person who makes the money to support a family business man [Laughter] system of reading and writing for the blind bro brian use him fragile easily broken in a candy made of caramel breakable no brittle peanut butter i am not and your mother's son bro it ended up being bro all right that was pretty cool that was fun this was fun yeah i'd keep that by the toilet good idea good idea bro all my books there this is a dope wow wow wow wow wow for starters and for finishers wow check out that video right there that's the last time we did a puzzle video that uh was worth you guys watching check out that video right there that's a video that wood said he specifically wants you to do this is a lighter no it doesn't come on we got to re-review that product bro all right let's pull one out what what i don't smoke click on the video where we do that video it's right here how many times i hit woods this episode uh we'll see you next time bye
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 1,327,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dope or nope, dope, matthias, hi5 studios, funny, funny videos, comedy, jokes, amazon, amazon prime, puzzle, puzzles, puzzle box, rubix cube, puzzle ball, brain games, riddles, chess, 3 man chess, 3 person chess, puzzle games, amazon haul, hard riddles, chris ramsay
Id: v6XvL6XzjzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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