10 Strange Candies That Actually Taste Good!

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Oh gravy candy baby I actually hate gravy to begin with that's absolutely disgusting in which we great products dope or no boy we eat candy cuz I'm feeling stomach is cured guys stomach is cured what you ate for lunch rice dough we're about to make your stomach bad again because all we're doing is eating weird and wonky camp candies cameras I was looking at the camera I don't know you guys there's no cameras it's just a window and all my soul this video is straight up just like you guys found the weirdest candies you can find right there just like weird things you just wouldn't expect to be a candy someone took it that far and made it a candy you're trying to curl your mustache right now I'll try and succeed alright so who wants to go first he gets a stomach cured gonna be the first one to get an upset stomach alright this one two three four you ready we all get one no we all will I won't look at it oh no I think I got the good one get yours no I want that one wait this might mess up my stomach guys check it out we got some cotton candy Wow yours looks good turns up I got cotton candy mine is atomic fire cotton candy mine is oh I got pickle I should be coming good Oh barbecue Michael I'll trade you you'll even like fireball I'll trade you you don't even like fireball no yeah this is mine now I'm like eat all of it you think it's actually pickle it smells like it just smells like pickle perfume uh-huh it's actually barbecued okay here we go it's off-putting but weird I actually hate that what is it like tastes like burnt rubber have a bite yeah no I have a gag reflex try this I told you is bad taste like charcoal and then you start starts dissolving and it tastes just like barbecue so Matthew you have to now you really have I love mine yeah yours just tastes like just like cinnamon gum mine you were going to throw out just to let you know this respect you know how he's wearing a baseball jersey you're asking him to play basketball wrong sport definitely strange who would like who like I know who thought of those flavors you know there are some weird people out there you know there's weird people out there that like gay that they play everything yeah I got a hankerin I'm mr. PewDiePie bunch of me right now Robert your tongue is discolored that's the news what I don't know what I would say to p5 months I say hey like he's a person just a normal dude yeah I'm gonna say that's a hardcore no York oh you see a candy Michael mind you throw your saliva it's on the wall now did you throw it throw everything in the mouth part of it ring loaded that is absolutely disgusting your turn big boy oh my gosh I don't like it I don't like what's in here you know what's on the back your head uh the rest of my head okay I want to get one that's really good that's not three of everything so we don't know for sure oh yeah Wow what's that oh that's there's like this man's injury in video this is a box of cereal hold on let's look at the nutritional facts one serving size 100 grams I'm servings per container approximately two so each serving has 82 grams to grams of protein come on healthy Oh where's the protein coming from the spoon looking metal no I think literally gelatin oh there's a jello Tim I feel like I'm just massaging I like mazes someone give me up someone give this man a sharpie start here you know when you were a kid at the back of a cereal box it was amazing probably kids I didn't grow up with cell phone like I didn't grow up in the cell phone cuz they didn't exist yet and we would always just look at the back of the cereal block and you got to go up there was like comics there was funny games you could play I can collect that I'm pretty sure no no why would you collect it what are you gonna collect it for brother well I think I eat it you ate a different cereal yeah that's what they want you to do it's greater breakdown oh my gosh this is literally just just the good stuff of like cereal I can't believe it's real okay everyone put your hands out everyone else II need a fistful to put your hands out welcome to me milk some milk to be honest I need some regular cereal with it let's make a portion still off let's make them like what's that um Valentine cookies this man is just spitting across the room you're greening those it's a note for me I would never use like cereal it is cereal kind of sucks in general but the fact that like you took all the cereal out of it sucks even more now yeah proportion still bad I'm gonna literally go home and put some Cheerios in it oh yeah next product hey you hit me I will sue you for assault here we go baby gummi breakfast mixed with artificial flavored gourmet bacon flavored popping candy this one I'm excited about bacon which is like rubber why is everything tastes like rubber today my looks Liam is tasting rubber have you guys ever seen spongebob this looks like man rat if he was white no taste this it tastes like rubber huh yeah it does mine's the best flavored that's all Terry I'm gonna take the bite of the Yoko put the whole thing you're gonna grab a little well that's good good dug out some candy left to open wow there's so much in here there's ice all much in here you're at pop rocks yeah the worst candy ever yeah mom know you think the pop rocks are the worst for this reason in this reason only there's no one going on they're literally just like you eat them look because your mouth just starts vibrating and then you're done does the earthquakes over and you're like I don't want to do that again no they're pretty good I attended every bite Congrats you just earned it if that's big and flavored you can count me strawberry oh oh and yeah strawberry I don't believe it so how much of you eat a big mouthful I want you to taste the first so you see how silly that you're asking me know just see you see I'm silly as mature I already gagged twice I'm trying to keep that gag amount low I'm gonna do it for 100k Lex 100k like for every like you give on this video much has to give me a penny yeah you know we're not how much a 1/10 of a penny I can give it a hundred thousand likes equals one hundred dollars so if you guys get to like 200,000 likes then I owe him two hundred dollars run the camera but yeah watch watch they get like a hundred they get like a million like yeah all right yeah a million I'll do it in the next video I will literally give him the amount of money that you guys have done likes it's divided by ten and then I will full-on try and fit as much of this I can in my mouth without dying all right guys this next product is a like to buy and it is a so gross it's a unicorn that poops and or slash pees on you out of its rainbow tail take a look right there it's looking at somebody's throwing it back it's Lily looking back at it like hey kids watch me as I pee on you I'm boom I just dude censor that Roberts blankets out of all of the video you gotta watch the video hey making that sound yeah my name is little unicorn gonna go ahead and square it at my unicorn okay fun time in the summer with new friends now I got a bunch of rubber bands ball feed you know comment if I got flow down below I'm here while you're just running around it yeah yeah yeah we live in Texas all right guys this thing only has three customer reviews so you know it's got to be pretty clean G to be honest if you guys want to see us buy this and find other cringe-worthy summer products that will make you wish summer was over give this video more likes honestly we already did some more likes so just combine them make a big number if the big numbers big enough we'll do it so comment down below No comment down below marshmallows sad comment down below know you Wow let's see what you got there big man here's what I got and I hate it that is what a urine sample looks like I'm gonna be honest with you Bob that might taste like corn or lemon my name is not Bob let's talk about Bob on the back oh no you can write names on these so okay now do it on yours Michael who's your nutrition no I'm giving this to Michael Michael okay here you go Michael alright read it Mike Mike room 101 time no read the Spanish version number day yes me Alito how about these yawn we're all settled on how it up okay that's a that's never it never Luca Menka Oh your mom collected your Europe we're gonna find out on this episode bam number I should do the norman named tanner room homeroom time 1 a.m. date 99 and the doctor looks alright you got a drink listen I'm not doing this without you let me do yours um one second please okay mine says name Matt room none at a room at around I just peed outside time stone date I wish daddy daddy this pee wow it smells like it's so science mama to drink sighs it smells like Gatorade it does smell em own game called game arrayed gamers hours yo hey comment down below if I need investors out there want to invest in gamer aid gamer gave it away don't take my idea wait yo this might be some of the best can't Eve has so far today hahaha so where did so much it's so much spicy spicy you mean sour sour juice white people's guys dip something in it now just drink out the bottle bro yeah it's so good it takes late taste like Gatorade like this is like high concentrate Gator it's spicy Garrett I just lick the side of a year and bottle oh yeah Miley Cyrus weird rare they never roll around in grass and it like cuts you up Luna Luna did that and then we put lotion on her and she was like dude this is good that's good like before you go into a shoe just a little swig of that dude that stuff would knock me out that's so potent when your team needs a pick-me-up so you know it would be really good is if you were to like dip like murder candies in it you know I'm saying yeah let's keep it on the table yeah yeah I'm just gonna keep mine right here and we're gonna dip everything we eat today in urine yeah we're gonna test it once for normal than second for urine dip test yeah you're in dip-tet urine dipstick what's up gamers I could oh you almost smashed it in the goop Bingle Darius single day dingleberry is there chocolate flavored gummi bears chocolate flavored or chocolate-covered flavored that's some cheeks I don't like either but we're gonna try it look at those things look at that little like turd burglar right there trying to get out that's a dingleberry that's a turd burglar you guys know what a dingleberry is yeah yeah isn't that the same thing as a turd burglar probably but really it's a turd trying to get out no no no stuck in jail are you thinking like a prairie dog telic you telling what a dingleberry is when the the the fecal matter and parties it kind of sticks to the hair that's around the dog's tush and it hangs oh these look good do I like to think did dingleberries because it's chocolate bears gummy bears Dingle berries look like poo all right so we're gonna try a couple normal and then we're gonna try them with the urine this is good that's not bad great usually don't like gummy bears it's not bad but it's not great I would eat all these this would not go well on a dip no we're gonna try it dip dip dip test potential attention show the full depth you need to dip half the Baron half I'm gonna dip it until it doesn't dip no moans wow it's so scary Wow I like that how's the spiciness of this urine it has a nice like Africa and as the sweet you earn the sweetness sourness like hits you and then you're like I'll say there's a dope I usually don't like it and those are pretty good yeah you guys go I think that's all the presents to eat with me what happened to my chin Oh gravy candy baby he broke mine dad dad he broke mine I miss your dad did you buy it like this yeah that's how we came in the packaging all right so they're hard candies as you can see here oh thank goodness actually I don't know if it was liquidy did you met hard candies you gotta rip it open and I believe it's just yeah just straight gravy all right guys so our plan is we're gonna take these little candies around the office let's try are we gonna try it yeah but until then we gotta try ours Oh No all right I actually hate gravy to begin with i doused my Thanksgiving plate straight what is gravy the organs that you don't yeah it's like the inside of a turkey or you made that kind of putting your mouth mmm oh well the whole thing no you actually guys are the longer you leave it the longer you that's kind of good I committed this tastes like KFC k-food chicken in gravy like I've already committed to my woman I don't need to commit to this we got it you're married yeah no we didn't usually you said that think if I go and dip it in it oh do I would I'm not gonna lie to the viewers as much as I can Oh No once again better with that stuff oh my god you cracked out it's just like grainy dust all around so good though yeah gravy does the last thing I want to hear so I'm gonna go and take that out gravy does gravy does it too close to granny dust all right well let's go take it around hey what's up her there's some nerds in here who play video games yeah but do you have candy this good don't read the label and it close your eyes close your eyes both you please don't look at him like that all right here we go surprise candy now you guys gonna guess what flavor it is yes no you have to put in your mouth put it around a little yeah so surround for gamers have good tongue so that way the flavor can come through you literally eat this you eat this all the time you eat this at least five times a year Connor I never made of this this is literally your bloodstream really like switch on your tongue so you're a pal you can get Connor you eat this regularly probably at least twice a month especially in the later years of the year later months of the I'm sorry I'm tired a lot of candy so let's take our future close very close close think the liquid meet nice job gravy now spit it on Tanner's hand no all right what do you guys think doctor try to bite it dope or no Connor no no this cane is tearing us all apart but it seems to be apparent that this is a No all right boys check this out chocolate chip cookie dough ready to go you might this is just cookie dough that you can eat there's probably like no egg oh no egg free recipe no bake needed you can literally just eat this I just want like it with the egg in it well yeah but that's not healthy if I take from that what about this you think this is healthy well it's not gonna kill you immediately I mean I'll kill you slowly wait where'd you guys get spoons no don't tell nobody telling kids a rookie okay this looks like a dog just laid a deuce looks like Dookie I'm gonna package it like yogurt though little I don't like how weirdly soft that is I just mostly like you're cute oh wow does it taste like actually this one yeah but it's just saying the moisture and the coolness it's usually cold yeah I think it's the egg that does that for me it's not bad I don't like it I really eat the gravy what I'm gonna invert spoon you one no I was gonna inverse spoon it okay now with the urine yeah I need some milk yeah no could be good with this yeah you know crushed up or you and that okay I'm dipping and dipped it you see that I also mini dipped it oh that's really gross I hate it I don't know brother it's gotta be better oh okay mustard it's like radiant chocolate not good not good not good that you're by itself yeah better by itself I do like this I'm gonna just punches you in the tongue yeah like it's just like hey I do that like ah I think there's a dump but it's a pretty good done yeah I definitely just got to eat it like in moderation oh I'll say it's dope next product maybe the dirty frame like you're talking to me hey tanner I just wanted to tell you that I don't want to start a podcast with you 21st century breakup no yeah oh yeah that one what's that what's that what's that what's that what's that what's that what's that with that with that for you party animals who just gotta eat while you're partying we got ourselves no I can't do that come on I put some soda in it I'll take a shot of Saudi alright edible gummy shot glasses poured artificially flavored apple strawberry pineapple and blueberry dibs on dropping digital pineapple I again Apple strawberry pineapple blueberry blueberry the same mom my mom are zero so I've tried edible cups before not this that looks like canned what kind of cups edible sports ones on the mathias channel right yeah they like the harder ones they're like harder like licorice yeah right like a shark tank yes it's not that this is like gummy this is jell-o these are gummy it was Oh what the heck that is the most satisfying thing many dropping this couple nights this is unbreakable this is not jealous guys just let you know that's 40 grams of sugar I'm not even old I don't want to so you're planning on eating it all right no just take a soda bite alright brothers let's go ahead and put our drinks anyway what do you guys want some dough my all the way up don't be a wimp about it watch this you ready for this ready put the whole thing in your mouth the whole ballgame are you ready for this I can't do it yeah the whole thing tastes like perfume is that just me everybody else it tastes like you I sucked my now Michael you yeah can I start good this is nasty this is describing me why do you eat the whole thing Michael yeah anything I'll buy it no I just said put the whole thing in your mouth we both took it out afterwards alright now we got to try a little bit about oh yeah you're right this will actually be good dip dip dip right that's that that's the money right there yeah I'm gonna get like I'm gonna let you crash after this hopefully absolute fiend that's a no person this is Mel this is blue that's an Opie makhno person I got another stereo box that isn't cereal those are snakes those are my favorite I got it it's cereal that is not the same box oh it's like all individuals Oh wrong lever nope I mean these are bow yeah these are really bad yeah that's good I'm just kidding Michael these are really good that's Japanese candies those are so good my favorite kind of candy things like this dude these are so good these are great it's a great runner I'm sourness all of your face I'm gonna die I'm crying so am I look at what I have to look like look at I'll see dope those are good that physically pained me yeah those were good I'm hoping that Michael where you got they seemed to be like dried out little ice cream yeah look at this it's a weird little thing it's like ice cream for people who aren't like willing to eat ice cream for some reason that's Harwell so this is just off the bone what is this yeah it's like it's like hard boy phone oh not good oh good it's like a like a wafer oh man this hurts no I don't like that not this which is my body from this episode just so much pain from the Spearin taking a toll on me I'm gonna dip the bus you know module stir what is what is in there it'll look like food matter yeah absolutely that's what happens when you have a bad year in tennis I read that a note these are dope Megiddo trying to double dip it again they're really good I didn't I need I need to pick up they're really really good the soapy bunch of silly Billy's guess what we got for you right there it's another case top in my water it's another video and it's 10 candies that look like the real thing so go and check that out also right here sorry that's my demons trying to exorcise themselves that is a video that you to recommend specifically for you make sure with that subscribe button that Bell icon hit it and kiss your mother cuz your lover see you later don't burn Ellie's
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 2,890,037
Rating: 4.9634533 out of 5
Keywords: dope or nope, matthias, hi5 studios, reacting to, top 10, candy, candies, strange candies, family friendly, dope or nope matthias, haul, fun, funny, funny videos, funny reviews, comedy, friendship, friends, absurd, amazon, sugar, new, cereal, products, jokes, random, testing, toys, best friend, fun video, snacks, funny candy, prime, shopping haul
Id: bNisFXh7h9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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