10 Products That Prove You Have A Problem!

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that's the dumbest thing i've ever seen i really don't like them 10 products that'll wow did i get him oh i'm blind pat why were you wearing this thing what is up you guys welcome to tell products today today we're looking at 10 products that prove you have a problem let me tell you one product you probably have a problem you got a problem yeah that's right you got a problem not me let me tell you a few off the top of the head that we don't have that you might that prove you have a problem one if you have a bts body pillow at home you have a problem two if you have um two if you drink every single meal of the day you get a problem yeah today we're gonna see some weird stuff and matt and i are in a pretty good mood right now the only thing can bring us down is if you guys in the comments down below made fun of us for matt's bald head one more time or if anyone else calls me over the age of 30 i'm gonna scream tanner in case you guys don't know tanner just turned 25. yeah i turned 25 and when i asked everyone how old do i look i didn't see one age that was even near yeah under 30. everyone thought i was 30 and up i saw 29. uh that's a great question how old do you guys think i am guys i know i'm balding down in the comments below which one who's older tanner or i yeah actually let us know who you guys think is older who looks older that's not true you i might be who looks older people know my age i think with a hat on i look younger but if you take my hat off we look about the same you should put that back on everyone wants to be a youtuber until they're bald first product here we got a disposable travel soap bar it's just soap but here's the catch here's the catch 22 what's the catch here's the catch okay no throw it to you did you catch it and i threw it back at you here's the catch i found it the catch is it's a one-time use paper-thin soap bar ew paper one-time use paper-thin is he putting it in his pants oh i was washing something one-time use so yeah we got we got listerine pads but for your hands instead of your tongue tongue tongue yeah the problem with this is if you have like an ocd problem you can't go i'm imagining 30 seconds without rubbing some of that soap on your body which by the way barge soap is the worst so before you all get triggered guess who has ocd you do i do obsessive compulsion disorder compulsive compulsion compulsive you're just very compulsionist i actually have ocd so i'm triggered he has obsessive completion disorder that's actually that's bad got everything done he's like it has to be done right now let's add this to card and see if we can rub our hands together but yeah for those of you that actually want to know a little about a little bit about obsessive-compulsive disorder obsession is in the head compulsive is in the body so you can obsess about things a lot in your head and you obsess so much that it actually turns into compulsions right the film type of like cliche type of compulsion is like flicking light switches on and off and like washing your hair and like that's like oh my gosh people are crazy that's not an ocd person has the compulsions because they believe that it's going to do something there is superstitious compulsions but that's pretty rare there's tons in here there's a lot they're like pads but like for men look at that you're drowning it look it's dissipating i don't think that's how you're supposed to use it i think that's what happened yeah you put it in there and then you wash your hands and that knows so here we go i'm gonna try and do it this works this is really weird that's what i saw oh well that's not something i want on my hand disinfect i think washing your hands is some of the best asmr like in a bowl like listen to this not that it's actually nice that makes me uncomfortable i'd much rather have uh the forest sounds or the beach or i really like the sound of wind rustling through grass do you like the sound of your kids screaming no i just know you hear that but i do know i can tune it out a lot better than my wife can hey guys is marriage just to try not to get divorced austin check out this austin hit us up if you want to do a collab you're pretty funny bunker wall 17-inch touch sensitive pocket yeah that's what i got it's an ipad mount clear shower curtain liner i want this yes that's a hundred percent if you have a problem like you can't that was so tanner goes i want this you're like yep you have a problem sorry austin i didn't mean for you to see me like this you cannot disconnect for a five minute shower you have an addiction to your phone i look at it i'm sorry you do if you hate that if that triggers you think about maybe your relationship with your phone a little closer this one and for sure just three devices in the shower yeah this is for austin yeah austin can you please review this please rate us online yeah shut up oh so it's like a whole shower okay so there's one pocket and so here's the question does it work does it pocket all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to red instinct okay so here's my phone oh there's some notifications there that's from my mom i wish i had a mom anyways all right this kind of works right uh this is a really short shower curtain i like this i'm keeping this now your bath is high oh i don't even have a shower curtain spot in my my room pat do you want this you might when you move though tanner we're trying to get over our problems not go into the i'm trying to embrace more problems actually tanner you have an addiction to your phone watch this i bet tanner can't survive a day without his phone oh guarantee here dude i would love it for the rest i'll hold it for the rest of the day till like 8pm you guys are crazy matt has more of a problem with his phone i do not matt look how many messages i look at in a day i don't i just avoid my phone okay pull up your screen time right now oh more than yours i have a long distance relationship she's here right now well yeah but screen time coming out so you don't need your phone no no screen time counts this week this week it'll tell you your screen okay let me look no it's already gone next product that was dope hey red rebel coming in there to blue rebel red fighter guys before we get to the next product go ahead and check out this thing it's really hard to talk in this yeah was that worth it tanner look here i just want to let you guys know we found this mouth speaking thing you can sing into it and hear your own thoughts so we want to do a whole video i'm sorry what what side do you speak into you speak into the mouth part and that's just the other part goes into your ear yeah so you whisper it to yourself no so you can practice singing without other people hearing you yikes so it lets you do karaoke with yourself we're going to do 10 products to help cure your insecurity do you have a problem with singing and being afraid of what people here well this is the time to fix it we want to do 10 products so if you want to see matt and myself sing into these things and also find nine other products go ahead and like the video down below 130 000 times father and comment down below may the insecurities be with you all right guys on to that next product may the confidence be with you guys are you obsessed with being unhealthy like me yes perfect well i'm also obsessed with in-n-out you are our next product is in-n-out burger drink cup shoes men's size 10 women's size 12 with original box so i'm probably gonna get a bigger size so that my feet hear me out i'm gonna be upset if on the bottom of the shoe it doesn't say john 3 16. it probably will honestly so they were originally sold by in and out and then they sold out like in a couple days and so now people sell on ebay for 100 more than they were this is for people that are just too committed to a brand too committed to something stupid i feel like it's kind of it's kind of a fit you know what i mean like in and out's kind of like that that pattern is kind of actually pretty cool it's a cool pattern yeah um i feel like if you had walmart shoes that would be more of a problem yeah it said like walmart or all over them just like has a walmart logo but this is pretty neat though guys it comes in an in-and-out box but you have a problem because you actually eat there way too frequently i guess the last time i had it was i mean within the last week last night yesterday yesterday and i guess when before that the day before two days one time with pat one time with haley wow yeah you get different things the same thing every time one time i got i got peppers on my burger really good you should try it it makes it spicy i'm the other time it's got normal okay so you did get a little variation did you get a shake um those things made me sleep haley did not me i like drinks it's kind of weird they cut off right here but i kind of get the vibe cut off very well like right here oh yes you were saying um but i see why they did it maybe it adds a little flavor to it in an alburger logo that's sick yeah that's pretty cool i like that no john 316 though not my burgers these might be too small maybe i can wear them i thought i found a size no size 10. i don't know what to say i wanted to wear these you try to do that they don't fit my foot is like popping through are they like really tight really tight i thought i'd put a size 11 in there i don't know i didn't buy them bummer well that sucks wonderful ollie life happens uh so nope because it didn't fit tanner's foot dude that stinks bro you're i don't know if it's your feet again you've been eating too much in a now because your feet stink again my smell might be my shoes it's my shoes wow he just straight up went in there it's terrible i'm not afraid of stinky stuff it's because he lives it so are you afraid of it i don't like it well no one likes it but you just can't feel it i feel like you like it i fear it for sure i love it cove mitt 19. it's a pun on what we're dealing with right now by the way guys numbers have skyrocketed please take things more seriously i told you i should be our pr guy you are great at that killing people they're absolutely amazing yeah take it don't bring up serious right guys wear your masks unless it's unhealthy to wear your mask because sometimes it is honestly here's the thing that no one's saying and then like all the popular youtubers all over the bandwagon being like it's not that hard to wear a mask i'm sorry but if you have to wear a mask for eight hours a day that's actually unhealthy newsflash you can get spores in your lung news flash you can get staff on your face there's ramifications to everything okay you could also just take a break but still if you can wear your mask if you're not in a difficult situation maybe just take a break every 15 minutes and back to your regularly scheduled program and back to your non-rant program and make sure you always use mittens especially with puppy eyes look at these puppy eyes you're not safe anywhere well we're gonna try it out and see if it's lit let's go ahead and add the card we're gonna get a quantity of one because i only have one hand but what if you put it on both sides of your hips oh that's dirt yeah who the heck used this that's a dirty boy the devil not as stiff as i thought it was gonna be and it comes inside free plastic just in case you needed a mask sucks it into his lungs tanner oh stop welcome to the tanner puppet show i can see your entire body that's the slow service you're trying to get into hi little dude hey how's it going mathias hi what's going on in your pocket that's the other part you're good mathias punching puppy new clickbait title that's pretty stupid i could see the value in this but like if you're too afraid of touching a doorknob no this is maybe for the people that like let's say like their job is to like routinely touch places that have like high odds of being infected like a hospital but if you're like going to your mailbox maybe you're a bit paranoid but then it's just going to get on their mitt that they have on their person yeah and then what do you do here's the thing people you can't stop destiny that's the vibrant uh this is a no no just wash your hands no just move on this is what he was talking about when he wrote the book dr seuss okay okay this first off is so insensitive that is insensitive these two are kind of oh not okay for the white cat there's a specific reason why that's not okay chanel made it no i'm actually i'm allergic to that it's not with real cat hair it's fake fur pat wasn't here when chanel made an actual watch out of her real cat's hair you guys just glued hair into a watch don't help pull down no stop you're not going to dude i'm allergic bro hair is flying all over the room really yeah that's why you and i got a disease so what we're going to do with this we're going to give it to katherine and see if she can put it on her cat disgusting and we'll shout out her channel in doing so only if she puts it on her cat perfect so uh it is real fur it is yeah i knew it you sicko i didn't know guys we gotta take a look get the pdf now actually i can see that's going to be the new normal this is the new normal this is for the hyper paranoid ah it smells like kitty this is it's making me uncomfortable should i wear it no no no tanner no help meow meow no you're making dust everywhere i'm making dust yeah let's have what's up catherine to put on her all right and she'll tell us if it's a dope or not yeah catherine's gonna judge it cut the cat right now putting it on her cat also if cat doesn't shout out her channel go check out rose in the description down below that's also where you'll see michael that's where you see michael again do you guys miss michael shut up don't answer that i know you do me too what is what's up guys i'm rose i am from the rose channel that should yeah that's probably pretty obvious i stole michael mantez from you guys don't hate me for that it was his choice matthias patrick tanner they sent me home with this weird thing to try on my cat it's this i think my cat's gonna eat it truthfully are you ready check this out dude look how snazzy that is it's made out of another cat's hair so that's probably pretty weird for you all right i'm gonna let's just oh okay all right let me can i just but if i okay but i'm gonna just oh okay all right we're just gonna try this okay hold on oh you're going up high okay this is impossible that's a no whoever thinks this is a good product might be a psychopath anyways if you want to check out michael and i and all the fun that we have on my channel there's a card somewhere there's probably a link down in the description below i'm weird and i'm awkward sorry about it thanks bye is your problem pooping in this one probably is if you actually just eating so much in and out to where you need that much fun guys if you guys have a a non an opposite diarrhea problem constipation you should try psyllium husk starts with a pee psyllium husk it's all natural and it just lets those poop slide if you have a problem pooping let's get to scooping grab a shovel i'm always here with like try it like helpful stuff and then you just make it less helpful you could use your hand to get it out okay so this is pooping for the champions yeah have you ever told you my fibers before you ever have a fiber sweater i was with my dad when i was going to unlv to college and every morning i'd be like son you need fiber fiber is the most important thing take a fiber one bar and he kept doing it but i wasn't paying attention to like like three hours later and i'm in a class and you're like i have to go and i'm legitimate and i'm in a big auditorium so i'm going to be like i was like trying not to look weird and i'm trying it's like your dad just discovered fiber and it helped him so it was like pushing it on yeah he's gonna help my son i'm like dad i'm pooping just fine but now i have really bad gas in the middle of a class with like 85 people add to cart ew they actually look appetizing actually i said it that looks appetizing to you that looks like sawdust they look like this looks like kibble they look like if they had a little more sugar i eat what taste it what does it taste like it smells like cardboard oh really it's not that bad is it bad you really have to have a problem i put a bunch in my mouth are you literally i put like five in my mouth literally saliva gone is it that bad it just absorbed all the saliva in my mouth hold on i gotta test something it tastes like this it taste how this looks yes here we go [Music] they taste identical throw a handful a handful that's so much i didn't mean to pour that much oh my gosh i don't think i have any spit anymore oh i ate a box just now that's disgusting oh my gosh that's so bad it's so bad why not add sugar or something it's so bad when with lots of water we recommend at least eight glasses of day no just in one bowl are you supposed to eat this with water or milk this food should be eaten with at least a full glass of liquid eating this product without liquid may cause choking do not eat this product if you have difficulty swallowing all right well that's a big note you have to have a problem to buy spend money on that like we did yeah and and just put yourself through that i'm sure people do have a problem that was misery do you have a problem with consumption what is wait what is this it's a flash blast oh i was like what are we saying with this product i didn't see that it was a flash what did you think it was a tampon are you like wrong i'm like that's that's kind of mean i'm like i'm not sure if i wanna no we support tampa definitely but we don't support necessarily putting alcohol in a fake one don't put alcohol on your tampon i don't think we have to tell people that but you'd be surprised uh you can use it cruises hotel pools amusement parks golf wow you tell people to go to amusement parks and drink love it these aren't for concealing internally so people thought you were supposed to like key strip that's what i thought no you're supposed to put them in a pack no you're supposed to just have it in your bag when someone looks through your bag they say oh a tampon you don't need to put it in your body to sneak it in to the wow you don't know me let's take a look if i have a problem add to cart what is this are you allowed to do that though like if you're going to a place i don't think you can legally throw someone else's stuff away you can ask for them to throw it away or yeah they can't come inside yeah but they they can't physically toss it themselves yeah exactly that's either like you throw this away or you or you're not coming in exactly yeah which is yeah law these are huge no one messes with your tampons shoot on the spot oh shot on the spot i'm pretty sure these are these are pretty big pretty big i don't know from experience but i've seen some smaller ones i've seen smaller ones but i don't really have that much experience this is not what one looks like this is huge it's definitely not clear is this big i feel like it's pretty big is seven and a half inches big for a tampon can someone answer that for me going to cut off right after you say big and it's going to be great is this 7.5 inches big here's here's the reason why you'd know right away you fill this up with liquid this is heavy so unless you're putting a used tampon back in your bag it wouldn't be this heavy all right guys i filled my tube up is it heavy well you'd want to put it back in here let me see are you shaking it up because you can hear it it's a little heavy why are you holding like a drumstick he's like a cigar oh wow that came off so easily that would just get loose for sure that you could just easily knock off in your bag i don't even think this is waterproof i literally watched that hey do you get so scared i saw that in slow-mo what'd you think was gonna happen what was you so surprised why i've never seen someone so scared of liquid areas when it's coming out of a tampon it's a little different okay my knobs more like mike schnapps more like ooh i would love some shops i've never had schnapps pretty good peppermint no it's peppermint schnapps yep or schnapps just fiber's kicking in right now oh my gosh you had guys if you want some of mike knop's lovely oh stare at that logo it's vibrating whoa that's cool can you do the thing where you do it okay i'm actually getting hypnotized can you nops right now yo mike knops trippy profile pic guys stare at mike knop's profile pick and let us know what you think that was unsettling that's what it would sound like if you could make a sound if mike knox could speak he would say be a tier three member in which you would get what he said you would get access to upcoming videos we have another new video releasing soon i think this one is tick tock cringe so if you want to see tick tock cringe and our last video we did which is reacting to funny vat 19 stuff go check it out make sure you guys hit that join button and uh on to that next product this problem you have is being a psychopath are you into being super weird do you not like having friends this is for you if you're trying to keep people away and keep the ghosts close come on in this is upsetting these are real teens too it's weird because there's teeth on top and then there's teeth on bottom he almost got me i had to look for acrylic plastic 210 reviews this is what a dentist uses on his hair when he thinks he's funny he's like mid-examination he's like this is disturbing you got a problem being too easily disturbed oh what the flip you've obviously of course you have green hair bro meet this is who's selling me this comb okay hold on i'm sorry is that a mug shot is that a mug shot that guy's eyes are so red he had 760 sales dude stop dude we're gonna get a tag well he sold us this comb and this lady's crazy enough to use it unironically all right well it's uncomfortable let's add to cart don't i don't i'm not interested in touching that looks less real though that's for sure that's uncomfortable looking oh that's what the back of my upside down teeth look like the back of your upside down to the top of your t-shirt that would be the bottom of my upside down too i gotta curl my hair you are a problematic tanner that's just a new word i'm gonna use in the studio now oh i hate my heart no do you love me you thought put in your beard [Music] i now have 48 teeth i don't like that at all what if this was my beard ah i'm dying why did you stay like that i lost half my teeth are you mr basic i missed you how too basic i've kind of gotten used to it i'm gonna be honest so you think it's a dope no i wouldn't say that okay good i say combs are a dope i think matt's gonna fire me i'm thinking i'm thinking about it if you want to do it i'll back you up i'll thank you yeah yeah he picked this product it was way too weird man yeah he's gone nobody picks something that weird unless they're weird that's a nope mcdonald's that's a note for the no person ah next product casino schneider no it's schneider schneider the name schneider i think the concept was like if you're indecisive you're indecisive with your fashion just make a choice and stick with it i think it's just if you're crazy i think it's if you crave attention yeah i just want to stand out who would wear clothes that stand out this is stupid yeah love that shirt by the way lion green is a gun color i don't know if anyone could look hot in this hot yeah could you look i'm not that's really awkward too what are you doing what are you putting the hand on what i was pointing at this no you were not i was honestly not even looking at that image i was looking at this one okay okay don't be a weirdo you're a weirdo don't be a weirdo a little weirdo we bought these for our four hundred dollars we got it for like i think 140 i think i didn't buy them but the original is obviously 462. wow just because they decided to make one leg longer and ugly and the other leg short bro it's fashion don't you understand fashion's stupid sometimes can we agree adapting the car wait guys ksi made these no ksi yeah look you're gonna get punched out the gate ksi likes one really tight and one really loose pants all right i'm gonna put these on okay guys let me know if i can pull these off i'm just how about you say this anytime you're wearing pants just keep them on it's a whip that's a belt that's a jean's belt i want a jeans belt by the way so i'll just use this yeah you can keep that you weirdo either handcuffs or something you look like quill man that's awesome wait this isn't even that different what size pants are i did that wrong guys my butt's too thick oh tanner you look ridiculously stupid all right pat sexy he's pretty dumb this leg's just normal obviously just like [Music] that's the dumbest thing i've ever seen i really don't like them i just really don't like them wow i can't believe even on sale those are 140 i've never paid 140 for jeans yeah sam i don't know if i've ever paid 140 for anything i paid ninety dollars for jeans that's the max right that was a nope really you have to be ignorant to wear those ignorant of what ignorant of common sense and style true you look so dumb you put a target on your head you want people to aim for it hit me here guys thank you for checking out this video guys thank you if you guys are down with the sickness go ahead and hit the join button down below i don't like it on this side make sure you like the tick tock make sure you guys check out that video right there that video which is that video is ten problem ten products that'll oh did i get him oh i'm blind pat why were you wearing this thing i actually got him so yeah check out that video down there and we'll just cut here see you guys i think i'm blind holy
Channel: Dope
Views: 1,582,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dope or nope, dope, matthias, hi5, hi5 studios, top 10, top 5, trending, popular, funny, funny videos, reviews, comedy, jokes, amazon, amazon prime, friends, friendship, best friends in the world, unboxing, unbox, rate, rating, problem, weird, in n out, in n out burger, weird things, things to buy, things to buy on amazon, haul, shopping haul, absurd, solving problems
Id: LmM8vQKQr3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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