10 Prank Products That'll Fool Your Friends!

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so how does it work so if any of these match that then you get the prize money 12 no way no way that's so many zeroes hello and welcome to the Matthias vlog neuron channel : what challengers welcome to wreck can you stop break that's right guys weirdo / nope this is episode billion of doper nope today we're gonna be looking at ten prank products no way I told what's a prank product Tanner can you settle my friends a prank product is a product that is used to do maniacal dirtiest devious things the hot single your friends yeah maybe even a little bit I'm proud of you for not using the word prank to describe what a prank yeah whatever I could a prank on is what something you used to prank your friends now let's get right into the views I mean news Robin throw this word in opposite one Lana dislodging Center window envelope prank that's right Alana dislodging guys Alana is where the the brown boys come out if you're wondering the who am I thinking of that one streamer illinit ewwww yeah they were my it's pretty much an envelope that says it will dislodge your butt Oh candy honey one broke you panic road a benek you up in you butts Ville New Jersey wow that one got you but will you y'all big mud by now so who would we send for a but dislodging sorry who really has a butt problem who's got who's got a sense a human first love so we don't get sued woods here's a sense of humor no woods we're gonna show you is you're full of crap you're full crap leave it on his desk yeah we're gonna leave it on his desk and then we're gonna film it if you guys want to see what would those responses go over to our Instagram y'all and put it in the video yeah why would you put it in the video do you want to see it stay tuned yo we got some fan mail for you guys this was a like to buy in a previous throw that video right there it's prank ideas fake bird poop for cars special effects young yes pranks for adults oh so nasty it isn't asked me know here's our we're gonna do this one guys yeah powder you mix it with water looks like bird poop on someone's car I don't we're gonna do to that extent to someone's car yeah that's actually disgusting but here's what I think we should do who's missing from this group right here Michael telemon's has got no way he left us I am NOT forgotten and I never will forget Oh bring it in I'm gonna bring it in guess whose car this is whose dirty car this is dirty rotten main person's car this is I don't know if it's mean it's dirty rotten and mean who's mean the car him I think both its Michael's car everybody by default and you know what you guys in the comments you guys have been saying I want Michael back in the videos and we personally we want to emotionally harm Michael yeah that's the goal always the goal I'm gonna put some bird poop right here on Oh put a little bit of water in there dinner no Tanner well you guys are standing up win whose fault is that he told me to do prank yourself well I'm sorry Michael is that enough does that look like two birds just win at it whose car it's already like dried cuz it's so hot outside are you a little bit up here oh my gosh I feel so bad just a little little put little pancakes let's get Michael out yo Michael we went outside to shoot a bit and dude did we go outside and shoot a bit and then we saw a little bit on your car somebody did a little bit too yes somebody something kind of legal remember the conference room were you here the window yeah it's like that yeah on the conference room a while back there was a giant bird turd like it was like a flyby you heard anything let me show you I think they're hanging out there for a little bit yeah stop taste it I dare you I don't know why I touched it why would you touch it I don't know it's like brown what you you study bird turns sigh dude I'm a bird watcher you caught me poop at what a sad you left open oh oh that's real we gonna compare and contrast because there's like brown specks in that and over there I'm gonna give you my card but I want you to get a car wash on me next product guys this product three is a hype sugar we already have a little something for you with the change but this one we want to do gummy foods that taste just as good as the real thing oh wait and we're gonna find the 10 strangest gummy foods that have 10 Wow or so this is candy Chinese takeout food what'd you say that's what I'm saying what if you want to see us do a whole video based on the site know like this video a hundred thousand okay okay [Music] boy make sure you guys comment down below gummy gummy gang come again come again don't do Gucci gang right cry alright guys you want me here Add to Cart do it but I think I got next prop the core button lights through this bridge cool joke true stalking food Wow look at this button classic jokes classic jokes what's this button do guys oh it what you know it's a squirt button so when you press it it squirts at you why would you press it if you know you wouldn't you trick someone else that's what a prank isn't oh that's it that's literally it alright add continues tannins no no Mathias didn't know this was coming we decided that we were gonna prank my thumb before he even saw the product or anything like that and this was a real prank this wasn't like fouseytube show the footage of us literally pranking Matt as you're getting on set but I've tasted it can you actually hit the satellite and turn the lights off [Music] spectacular that has like soap in it no it's just water that's been contaminated by the cheap plastic oh you think we could get someone else this here we can put the set light back up and copy you out to the office and see if they'll fall for it again if you want can both of us in here so file behind me and Matt early quick do you while you turn the light these can you flip those down and to the satellites and they thought she sprayed the table we got something out I was honestly impressed I walked out there with no game plan Thank You Sammy see you J guys do you want to see them just go check out Matthias vlog yeah link in the description that's a dope next product guys we got prank lottery tickets you wanna know why we got prank lottery tickets right here because we're gonna bring let's take it to the lottery place and we say we got a million dollars and they'll go you write and they pay us gambling's bad it's bad that's what we're doing we're punishing people we're taking their money they're getting nothing out of it they're gonna feel bad and that's why strictly that reason you hear me um kids gambling's back let's go ahead and visit sites they don't look like the ones on the not at all a completely different jocelyn scribes are real what is the prank in these like you know you can't scratch oh the gold you scratching you win yeah the goal is you scratching you win well we mostly use the one you already scratch I'm getting itchy you're just making it up let's see if we both get scratched match any of your numbers any of the winning numbers winning numbers are 12 25 and 36 I got 12 I got 12 that's what I imagine people will do do you think anyone would actually get fooled by it maybe probably really Woods was dumb boy we're gonna try and get woods oh look who it is guys I need you in here brother come step behind here so what's doing games you don't want to lose or specifically roulette games you really want to win for us I have to lottery tickets mmm neither mad nor myself gamble so I wanted you I'll do one you do one okay tanner we talked about this you were on a good path I decided that it's impossible whew look down within because you're so much shorter that may scratch a mom come on go one by one I love would do both 12 I'm waiting for this to like explode because you guys have a reputation thanks blood so how does it work so if any of these match that then you get the prize money it's not all three my life doesn't allow these types of things [Applause] it's full of noses to be true she was buying into it not deep enough the practical joke gag gift trick shot bunny set prank kid what these are all just they all just shocked you oh okay I see I see you're gonna try to open the night Sally you're gonna try to turn on the laser put out you're gonna try to unpin to the grenade that's an that's a little too extreme no one uses a grenade on the rack no one's like oh good it would work if you unpinned the grenade and it worked on the handle so if like you throw it to someone then they grab it they crunch it yeah then all thingies thingies Chucky boom assign an assistant wish I had one of those we buy build your own prank kit well looks like we didn't really the build it and get revenge bring the bring the world Franco that would Jake Paul keys trying to do yeah oh so this one has the metal pieces that are not so unobvious Lee plays Legos are super obvious and then oh wait which one was yours I'm guessing you have to hold these Ray just open nice it's a hope in the night open the night what's the matter with you why can't you get it open what do you do because that's a hole decided on that see I didn't catch stupid for breakfast that kind of a dinner this one actually does work how I thought it would though the pin doesn't matter at all okay so you pulled out you throw it at someone you have to press that in and touch the metal on the other side catch this one could work the other two were pretty stupid these never worked so here's a bad thing I do this to my sister repeatedly when I was a kid I did it a little mean a little mean or a lot mean a lot me so my sister really irritated me one day me and my older sister we had what we like to call sibling rivalries right but I think one day I just took it a little too far really so you know those little pens kinda like this one there's some where we like press behind or something no there's one more like push the end and yeah talk to you my daddy's always have one in his pencil topper this have been intense just a bit intent so it wouldn't fool your friends ah fool him my friend [Laughter] squirt water thirty five-millimeter tiny small it's a joke where you want you you ask people to take a picture of you and it shoots them in the eye darn you can set the camera to shoot in any direction oh that's cool pretty dark to have it shoot someone's eye out gonna be honest yeah you'll shoot your eye okay let's just water yeah Wawa so does the ocean just water what still kills plenty of people how's the ocean good people seller assumes all responsibility for this list alright give it to me another seller not buyer your doofus you wanna make Joe add a card Wow you can't make it oh you can't make a show yeah I'm gonna turn there's no water in the movie mode this is the tiniest little camera though that would like never never fool anyone watch you just use your phone doofus I'll just shoots like superfast takes a life I can't get this open dog you need a knife I was born the same boy on a day but not today go around it Oh probably won't seal it anywhere but part of the risk you gotta take I can pour you a drink how are you you have to you have to break the surface tension first or something just pour out no just drink your water and this bit of that in there now because then just pouring it in people's mouths that's my water okay now you can only squirt that at yourself oh it squirted at you well just shot me guys tango Down now you can only screw yourself once this worked literally once today really it didn't work any other time you're joking here open it up again stick it I was gonna do a whole bit with that but it sucks I was gonna go around and ask people to take a tiny little picture today I will not next product next product okay we've been doing these shots for at least three to four times but it's officially time for Miss I don't want to be shouted out just like mr. five wouldn't that join button down below where you can get exclusive live streams you can get exclusive videos a lot of things that we are doing behind the scenes a lot of extra content you can see they're not everything sometimes it's some of those stuff you don't want to say yeah you don't want to see me changing my clothes you don't want to see me going to sleep you don't want to see me i watch that eating a frost yeah you do but you've subscribed your tr4 I'm cheer seven guys if you want to shout go ahead and do that check that out but until the next product an amazing dual scented candle that's literally a literal gag gift oh it stinks they stink yes nope no stinky candle it's probably smells good up until it doesn't worth Ultra breeze a candle with a delightful fruity scent what's the quality imagine a gust of wind walks by and nostrils just as you're about to pick the ripe fruit when suddenly the candle says Orchard breeze but you know better this is the stank prank candle give it to a friend and revel in this time delay practical joke the stench of foul-smelling fart is waiting hidden under a layer of clean article scented wax your victim will bring this modern-day Trojan horse into their home and enjoy your thoughtful gift for about 4 hours hours that is like a long con of pranks yeah all right add the car here we go ah smells beautiful at the top I would smell after the rest of my life here's the thing I'm not gonna burn this candle I don't have time I need a knife no what are you doing Wow this man's a youtuber boom scissors a candle I'm confused with your play here Terry he's literally gonna try and take the center out it's a little bit slightly high see I imagine that burning that's some hot cheeks right there you like Ric Flair wow that's grote I feel better yeah it's my scissors just lick it up yeah yeah this is this is a good print that's a long con of pranks yeah I tell you that if you guys want we can buy another one of these since I destroyed this one and we can light it in the office of your choosing if you vote in the poll buff yeah for four hours yeah we'll light it until it stinks and then I want to see people's reactions you'll see it on our socials if you guys vote the poll which office you want us to do it in next product thanks Brad Cooper like Brooke shot Ken and Josh Suites but pink toy fake dog Buddy Guy sudden drinking gags not suitable for children or 14 years old after shock and so on they made me drop it and it may be broken that's not a feature maybe drop it and it may be broken but it's not maybe they say maybe and it may be a broken not maybe broken maybe doesn't even work for the first half two week way too weak to feel anything quality is good and great concept but the shock is barely fouled it seems just like an open apple this shock is barely fouled this could be good this could be a good way to condition your children of not eating sugar let's see okay so this we're gonna do I'm gonna get another jar all these other links are terrible tasting candy oh fish candy fiery hot candy bar candy sadboys times so we're gonna put all this candy so now we're even mouth cans we're gonna tell people that we made custom candy and they're going to try to open it and get Shotley and for their reward for being a part of our shocking video we're gonna get them one of these bad candies that I also we're gonna put those candies in a separate jar so you're gonna walk the prank and then hopefully they'll eat the candy and get pranked two times in a row no one's gonna want that big boy disgust hey Hannah we got you some candy and a you travel don't you you've been a fan will you traveled somewhere to get the nose ring so it's proof that's far I've ever been to Finland so this is from Finland it's magic candy we're doing a candy I love the red one my favorite this what do you mean why is it than this why are there metal pieces that you have to touch to open this it's secure Finland is you know just get the candy out no you're not gonna get shocked it's K what are you so scared of Bob just finish the job open it alright we feel bad we're giving everyone actual candy I'm shocked it actually worked you don't want candy no it's legit she's upset she's upset well anyways you go see if Catherine we can get her with that one okay get her what are you talking I mean Catherine really likes candy we're giving candy out you want some candy literally you can open it you can do whatever you want I'm just kidding cam can we turn on the lights they make the customer can do custom video which one did you get no that's not a taste one oh it's the red one what is it open your mouth it's just normal candy it's supposed to completely ink the inside of it was the ink the insider yeah it wasn't that bad that was so good so it didn't really work kind of sucked look at this that's full-blown evil we've used this before I think I've seen this hell fire and brimstone itching powder crank and revenge that's horrible dude use something like this Oh dew drops Oh green coves this make me vomit purple rain what I sing purple rain to the tune of chocolate symptoms burning itching stinging sensations for external use only I get my brain to itch how long is it effective for once it is put in place I bought it a long time ago when I still use it sander what are you using the product for don't know buy it never tried it why you answer than you stupid boy I don't know it's for the ha looks like this video a hundred thousand times and Matt will change his bio to not enough niche for the hype yeah guys you guys liked this video 150 K times I will if Matt well I will who you know change the name of the dopant up channel not another I'll change my bio to not enough each for the high for the rest of my life anyone know just until we make another one of these like to buy things hundred fifty K likes it's all it takes guy do it in a week and the cart don't open that dude don't open that in my life let's try no no are you sure so Tanner stop I don't want to edge gotta try no you don't how do I can't even open them good because it's child lock in your child that's true I swear Tanner if you get that on me we're done our friendship is over it what if it's just fiberglass and the reason looks like fiberglass and the reason why it is is that was a dumb play now I got a mini touch it what does mini touch you can't your your as this point of your finger ever itched no you can't that doesn't it itches right now no it doesn't no way have me go back impossible can you just put it on like right here because this etches this is really sensitive skin make that it oh my god how do I do he really did it I think it is honestly Dober know where I'm sitting back here the rest of that I blew it the other way I gotta put this mask on my eyes no that's too intense it's too intense from my pins thank you guys for watching this video if you want to see the last time we did a prank video check out that video right there if you want to see if you to recommend check it right there you probably haven't seen this video or if you did watch it you really really liked it make sure you guys subscribe hit the bell icon hang in there with us let us know what you're thinking and I love you Wow these are usually I've commitment issues but I guess it still is you I'm too early you still miss you
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 2,529,452
Rating: 4.9564919 out of 5
Keywords: dope or nope, dope, matthias, hi5, hi5 studios, top 10, top 5, trending, popular, funny, funny videos, reviews, comedy, jokes, amazon, amazon prime, friends, friendship, unboxing, unbox, rate, rating, pranks, prank, pranks on friends, pranks on boyfriend, pranks on girlfriend, prank calls, prank video, prank on boyfriend, prank on girlfriend, absurd, haul, funny pranks, funny pranks 2020
Id: NS30ggRS8W4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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