10 GIANT Foods You Can Actually Eat!

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Cheers as good as I remember it's in my shoe here's Michael I'm a sucker what's going on guys welcome to dope or nope the channel in which we rate products either dope or nope or we call our grandmother and tell her how we failed as people can do that for me but you guys can do today we're looking at 10 giant food products that is right ten of the most giant food products possibly ever made nah maybe not I've seen some giant pizzas and if you're into cannibalism Shaquille O'Neal might be the biggest food product the doper nope team really killed it with this one so I need you guys to like stay to the end to see all the crazy giant foods that they custom-made for this video because I can guarantee they're insane I was taking a look and I was like oh my god oh my goodness oh my that looks delish let us begin with the first product giant donut cake pan set big delicious cakes that look like gigantic Donuts interesting what aren't you Donuts just cake you're like bride this is a massive favorite type of donut it is called pink spring in case anybody is wondering that's a white spring that's pink you that's white for sure here is for sure pink Yeah right oh my god it's pink wait and then this pull above is this pink or white that is white now that is pink that's pink you're looking at the different no bro okay can we just stop for a second just not for a second to listen to me okay no the white icing over the yellow is creating a warmer tone and that's what you're getting confused about this is the same thing as their blue dress everyone doesn't understand cars I'm not losing we got giant sanjana boxes it's like my birthday we don't celebrate that so I really want you guys to enjoy these cakes these Donuts all right because the struggle to make these things was outrageous exploded all over my oven it started like burning the ovaries like batter smoke out my house dad woke up mom was like I'm not doing it she left me all alone he's like mommy please I'm here right now mom do all that she walks away are you at least gonna wash my underwear Wow wait we have to we have to turn this or turns out this is just white that's just a flashy tone no that's nice yeah I'm glad you recognized that why it's nothing I'm inside you're happy what are you doing that's mine he's trying to trigger me mom okay my gosh it is giant can you guys just send me a picture of this on my Twitter just send that to me any time I do something that maybe like I need to relax because I could just remind myself of the happiest time in my life chocolate chocolate cake is the best cake here's the beauty of this though maybe be like would you today I only had one doughnut Wow I'm sick that's like eating the equivalent of one doughnut already and I had like three bites the biggest doughnut I've ever seen in my life actually I think it might be because if you go to Universal Studios they sell Donuts this exact size except they're not good dope yeah I'll say Joe absolutely though yeah world's biggest giant ice cream sandy DIY yummy summer life haggis is done by Karina Garcia she's got 8.2 million subscribers she's clearly better than us even though you guys don't think so right right right that's right let's go ahead and see how she did it looks like we're not gonna find out but that is enormous Karina killing it with this it's got three flavours chocolate it's got vanilla and it's got peach I think it's just vanilla no it's peanut butter it's Tyler even Ella yeah french vanilla first one always looks like cheese I cannot wait to try this Thank You curry enough for giving us the opportunity to take your content and make it our own if you guys want to make one at home all you need is eight packets of fudge cake mix and use the vanilla ice cream you get pans you legit okay meal all you need is 30 pounds of ice cream like it's a lot if you do make it let us know in the comments down below how yours came out bring it to me Wow oh I don't know if this is the right utensil hopefully like I think yeah he's got a knife oh okay hold on I'm gonna try and get a little bit what is this bunch Bennie's oh it's brownie yeah hmm really difficulty I mean jealous wait guys I want to show some other people this wow it's good brownie what's so crazy is like what we're eating is only the top layer there's still a whole other brownie I'm on this oh my god I can't someone left God before it melts I'm gonna get the camera go go go good I hate Johnny Mike first taste test Mike take a bite yeah improv it allowed to use your metal like your wrapper go right dope take a bite imagine that open up to the Casa take a bite think I might see you later good bye take a big pie right now Patrick just gotta commit alright good think about the sound effect that came out of that are you okay though it's actually a good brownie send it he'll order to do it maybe I said it everybody weirdo porno we have a bunch of ice cream now come come now I'll dip it over here look at the kids look at the kids oh wow building and they will come everybody high five studios absolutely beautiful enjoy guys we gotta go back and shoot more ice cream is great before we get to that next delicious product make sure you click Subscribe in that notification icon because guess what I'm gonna give a shout-out to the first person that we found here in that notification squad because they commented within the first 30 minutes pick no Punk heck no I'm a punk you have to make an aluminum foil hat work you need to ground it no but technically speaking if you put it on your head and you're scanning on the ground you've grounded it yeah I think we were wearing rubber soles no it's still grounded it'll slow go I don't believe you learn electricity I am electric my personality is electric world's largest slushy maker 44 gallons yo what the heck what is that a hamster cage basically what we've got here is a giant slushy and they're making it and it's edible as you can see it is edible before we wheel in this giant slushie that's 44 gallons tell me a little bit about the process it was crazy to buy a lid it is wild those things are literally 250 plus dollars what is it just like what you say it is giant it's just like it's like like yeah like plastic dome and $200 because for some reason no one makes them in no way so you have to get him shipped to you so we ordered one suppose we're in two days I like I need to express I got it it didn't come so then I call them I don't see you like the charge in my bank account oh that's our bad we didn't approve your order so we'll send you it for free so a few hundred fifty six hundred sixty bucks well I'm down bort nice let me do it here we go guys this is it we did it it's got a bit of a leak it's leaking guys hard cords bleed mouths mad eggs it's just the kool-aid man bumps in all right quick I review it good okay Michael you don't take off the top of a Slurpee app before you've eaten it oh man you don't taste like Hawaiian hunch pretty weak God gave me two spoons little hands if it's poured flavor just leaked out to the side nice absolutely no flavor that's just snow yeah it's a shame all the juice leaked out you know when you drink a Slurpee and then it starts melting all the good stuffs at the bottom and then by the time you're done it's just ice in the cup that's what just happened tell you what this is so I mean all I would say is this is probably even more accurate than ever should we go see what other people think yeah Katherine Rose hey we need you to look at something you like cool things we need your taste buds this is super intense let's go on out there right come on guys doing dang that damn it take a sock she physically can't get up that out then just take a little bit off the top so dope or nope yeah yo alright there we go we got a dope everyone we got a alright guys we're back with healthy junk food and this time we're making a DIY bento box what is that for those guys who don't know what a bento boxes they are traditional Japanese dishes it's pretty much a square and inside the square there's a bunch of little quadrants and you can place different things from sushi fried rice salads temper of chicken there's all kinds of different ways you can make it so pretty much what healthy junk food did was they recreated they 3d printed the emoji bento box my goodness yeah that I didn't took like over like to which something you actually check out this video it's pretty interesting how they collabs with this guy to make the box they made everything giant so they did sushi I did not do sushi because these two guys don't like sushi but you do but I can't eat all that by myself you shouldn't somebody's enough yeah you're not dedicated all right this is what their end result look like so we have something similar let's bring it out and let's taste this baby it's the peanut sauce we move this pile of death in front of me Wow look at this box though this box is exquisite alright so you got a spinach side with cucumber avocado you have veggie tempura you have teriyaki chicken and then you have rice all right so try it I find and drum the sound of you trying to steam rice I love it how aesthetic this looks though this looks like you're at a sushi put oh my goodness it's so steamy it's stuck together it's sticky rice oh these are large cut cucumbers all those pickles those are unfermented pickles whoa how's the teriyaki chicken that's good that tastes like it's been sitting out I literally worked with two giant no pun intended kids so he's a wife michael up like the student making meal yeah wipe him up it's one eight hundred call me baby Mike's engines bento-box everything's pretty good I love the box in the presentation Oh protect oh I think the box in itself amazing giant takeout box that girl take you out on a date come on that mini fortune cookies it actually comes empty oh how sad is that they build it up so high pile oh he missed that text of that and then I ordered I think I was here a bunch of fortune cookies nothing well fortune cookies are always wrong so this makes one giant takeout dinner this big plastic Chinese takeout container measures nearly 10 inches per side do you know of anyone that could eat that much no way this has me for like a party bride oh but you know someone well then Brian could absolutely cry destroy them all except one time Joey didn't realize it Brian had fasted for like 24 hours and then he like went with him on the first meal and Joey was like I was like planning to talk to him after the meal about like that glut needs a sin oh wow there's something in this one it's full and we got giant chopsticks no I will say I am the best and most proficient with chopsticks in this room as I have proven you don't even sushi to use those you're we're doing let's eat I'm waiting for you to unbox it man yeah dog videos to watch oh my gosh gold I'm now chain oh my god what's a lot that is the most chow mein I've ever seen in my life oh I'm allergic to peanuts more for us dinner I'm allergic a nose which is interesting very dry noodle peanuts not a tree not only about peanuts bush nut the ground it's actually a lagoon what's the lagoon legue lagoon it's a river or lake I'm gonna be on boy ocean so peanuts are not no with me I don't want to listen to my facts peanuts or not Nets they're bushes here why don't you just shut up okay huh just shut up and eat take a bite I said I'm allergic no you're not oh boy pretty good I'm not a fan of chow mein you know it's just really not my thing I'm gonna have to say no it's not giant noodles you're right I expect a giant noodle hearty foul my expectations were to go inside of this I get so much over on pop sugar foods page they got 1.1 million subscribers mentioning their subscriber counts we need people to know they're legitimate okay we don't want to go your head there's only ten counted 10 subscriber who cares if it's awesome true they're being innovate if it's awesome they probably anyway they taught us how to make a giant hamburger and let me tell you boy my god look good wait she is a beautiful girl is dude she's married calm down she's married okay hey well she's beautiful in the fact I think you see her eat the burger beautiful American cheese and she's gone yeah American cheese what he's doing so pretty much she took your average hamburger cheeseburger and legit just pumped up all of the ingredients all the condiments everything we already made it it's in there it's in the kitchen let's bring it out look at this Wow let's just talk about we got two kinds about your classic American cheeseburger both cheese nope both hamburgers look some smells hot I'm the classic con guy I'll be honest I'm not super excited about eating these so I would like to you two to eat them why you don't like hamburgers no I like plain hamburgers these are playing in beers no you don't like tomato I don't like tomatoes like I will eat it if it's on it like if I order a burger and it's on it I'll be like I won't eat tomatoes cuz that's just a way it's not like lettuce and onions wanna yeah I don't mind it but I preferred a specific level I'm that crazy I gone out to eat with him and Hall and they eat meat and buns and ketchup all right should we cheers and test them out yeah that's just a lot other than eat how you doing man that's like a full tomato in there okay can I take a look at that might kill me is this what you make a bread bowl out of oh my god tomatoes one giant bro my two that was basic I literally thought it was auditorium thing I little worry describe what was like taking a pic and putting in Isis yeah like that that's the sound they started like quick static this is the least exciting experience oh look at what just slid out as too much it's a dope though I don't think so did you taste the Patti yeah it's alright good no it's dry it looks dope to me I'm saying though I did not eat it yeah you can't say dope epi beat it buddy let's go vote your vote doesn't count that's a dope all right so today we're checking out healthy junk food or a YouTube channel where they make a bunch of it's not even healthy to be honest no you got confused look it says he'll be following this account for like six months never fertilize the one it's not actually healthy they know it in this video they're recreating in Giants McDonald's hash brown actually looked good looks like Humpty Dumpty this guy loves hashbrowns look brush out yeah oh man what I'm excited this one was a bit did you mess up this is this this is what you got burned off yeah I try to drop it careful into the oil in it so now we're really gonna have to eat it oh yeah because in bio buddy how do we know that some of your skin isn't in it like didn't fall off into this he's gotta trust me you know okay alright let's bring it out all right these are actual McDonald's ingredients oh I want you guys to take a look at the grease that is through this like look at my hands how shiny they are I feel that's what we eat every time and you boys are like little Mickey D boys for life I feel like wait what do you mean this is actual McDonald's ingredient this is how they make their hash browns okay but they make it like can we just say they make it a little better than what I'm saying all the ingredients in this like this grease are what we eat and we don't even realize are you kind of made a poo stain you're like yeah they make this and you know they definitely make it look better it makes me what I need you buy like 30 of them and then just recompress them cuz then they would just fall apart no what do you mean boy well it's good to be honest I'm only gonna eat this one it looks really sad if Michael's not eating his own cooking like I'm not going near it I'm eating it wait liz is gonna try it like for liz mate maybe it's to go with ketchup those are the headache though it's so funny Luna calls ketchup cabbage how about cats this stuff is like more cabbage that's not even good to be honest it smells burnt it's Bart I am pretty good I'm gonna say it though I expected so much more 65 times larger than a normal sucker giant Chupa Chups lollipop did I do this one with you before yes yeah we've done this so we've done this together I don't want to spoil anything for the people that haven't seen that video but it was good it's yeah yeah you weren't there but it was one of like the best lollipops I've ever had I did the other Chupa Chups yes the small ones yeah this'll this is actually accurate usually when you get big products like this like we're experiencing they don't hold up you know sometimes you can't miniaturize things sometimes you can't maximize things right but if I recall correctly it was quite delicious it's a very delicious now how do they test it's exactly 65 times more massive what's that they test it yeah just wait Oh Lou's got us each one look at these giant sucker babies these aren't jokes oh wait that's a different flavor is this a different flavor no this is a charm so that's the Chupa Chups that's a born pop has gum in it oh it's just the regular lollipops ah no no blow pop these are much better this one is absolutely destroyed nice pretty intact look look I can take mine off yours looks like it's been liquid bunch of times that's never real it definitely has get on it through some sad times watch this I want to see this reaction whoa that's like real that is like actual strawberry yeah it does wow he really wants to get in but he can't you know do that some of the flavors here this hey you're still trying to get it over to try and I succeeded Oh hisses looks the best Wow yeah it's cuz I did lick it Michael lick it quick oh there's a heroin Cheers was this good as I remembered it's in my shoe here's Michael I'm a sucker oh wow I Wow I didn't need that much sugar anyways I feel like I can't remember cuz I just closed my eyes and blacked out I didn't even see it oh this is dope giant grand Ferrari Roche er chocolate and hazelnut 8.5 ounces February 28th 2018 seems to be when that chocolate was faced did you buy to the Fuhrer thing listen wait what did you just call this dying grandpa Farah literature it's a Ferrari richer I'm from America roll pad sister 235 United States de Lars divorce Dolores I own name I love your head nice lady no 35 United States Dollars unless you over prove it 35 United States dollars worth is how much other okay pretty much it's one of those giant chocolates not come with the hazelnut caramel kind of thing on the inside I'm excited to see exactly how big it is because it says giant but I mean like I think I'm pretty giant but I'm only like six to you know so this one says actually that it's the shell of it is giant and then within the shell there's a bunch of tiny ones so we got another one that said it's supposed to be a solid one so we have to but one's a little bit smaller one little bit bigger almost see it is actually solid meter now so what is further sorry this is legit representation media yeah little bow should be switched though because you're blonde and I have some like red in my beard a little round wait before we get into or share like unboxing that like can we tell people that have never heard of what this is before there's the the moose kind of texture inside yeah it's a moose II hazelnutty chocolatey caramel texture inside but on the inside it's also crunchy wow that one oh that's not even a chocolate shell it's just like a fake shell kind of obsessed but mine's solid so they both come in fake shells normally they don't come in shovel enos they come in perfectly edible shells I believe once he unpackaging the ones inside Oh what yeah it comes like brittle oh so your cell just cracked oh yeah - crack so this is supposed to be surrounding the circumference of this entire thing it's good you want I thought no no I'm actually allergic to him that Trina come on this from a tree Wow Wow yours a sad-looking yours got melted big-time mines presentable I think he's going with a battery Wow look at the gold in the middle we're rich people Oh sounds good pretty good this is super super let down not at all what I wanted it's not really anything giant this is chocolate surrounding a ball not to know that's a no for sure coffee creamer oh my gosh it's giant wait that's like Connor that's just a normal use of Connors creamer right literally he'll pour all the creamer into his cup and he'll be like coffee coffee is just an excuse for him to drink creamer this isn't one of those tiny little creamers we've taken one of those tiny little containers you get at your local diner supersize it to three point two five inches doesn't seem that big though but comparatively speaking when they're this big that's pretty big here we go we've got it and it's kind of giant it's pretty small yeah and I think they're certainly speaking I feel like these can be utilized for like pranks but no one's ever done it and now we have some coffee as you can see the coffee is smaller than the creamer so if I lift this and peel it off are you watching are you just really gonna Oh spilling all over the place Matthias look how satisfying that is though is it not no it's cool attention to me and this is what I do to lash out this is just like a little dish though right it's cute see it's funny but I feel like this top here since it's not like really a pilaf people are gonna get confused and they're gonna bake this is cute and then portal over there laughs yeah I'll just link no I say no I say if you're one of them little hipsters that like aesthetic things in your fridge maybe see a video over there that is the last giant product video we had some giant products some of them were food like this and this video over here is a video that YouTube thinks you specifically will enjoy now I suggest that you click one of those videos to prolong your enjoyments and your stay here on doper know thank you very much for joining us subscribe if you haven't and also maybe check out our Instagram hi-5 doper note and we will see you next time you
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 8,557,669
Rating: 4.8979421 out of 5
Keywords: funny, kids, comedy, fun, challenge, 2018, diy, how to, best, food, do it yourself, top, food hacks, life hacks, hacks, giant, in the world, giant candy, eat, in real life, how to make, tasty, mukbang, trending, dope or nope, matthias dope or nope, hi5 studios, taste test, best food, top 10, mini cooking, tiny, pranks, funny pranks, joke
Id: C2XJ_Re7tsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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