Answering your Etsy SEO and Questions - The Friday Bean Coffee Meet

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oh hello am i yeah oh hello we are in an epic battle with our streaming software mark is over there um oh it's his computer this time fighting with him so he's going to be trying to fix it wow we're live enjoy enjoy enjoy all the craziness that might be taking place in the background oh it we don't have a banner or nothing do we that's okay we don't need it whatever no it's fine i'll get it on there whatever the bare minimum minimum minimum to make it work the alphas well oh is it here is it just going to appear it's going to fade in oh it's going to fade in i'm ready for it all right guys happy friday if for any reason we start lagging we start disconnecting um if we completely freeze if we completely freeze because that's what i just fixed we'll figure it out we will figure it out but it has been a crazy crazy night for mark and i um you want to just give them just a highlight just just a little snippet my sister had a baby where in her bathroom in her bathroom so um that was last night we had to stay up a little late by the phone make sure that nothing that we weren't needed and we're gonna go take her some pants today she's not in her bathroom anymore she is in a hospital now so um that's how our night went how did your guys's night went went go did you bake cookies or do normal things or did you your sisters too have bathroom babies let us know i can't see the chat okay teresa congrats no we're auntie and unkey again [Music] [Laughter] lagging yeah youtube's telling us my bit rate is zero so oh don't know what's up with that and she knows she was pregnant yeah she knew she was pregnant she knew it's like watching top tana man i'm out of sync with this there's nothing i can do about that guys i don't know what's going on my computer is being a piece of crap today ah that sucks maybe it'll catch back up with itself if not we'll just be like a dubbed anime which you know that's what we prefer anyway with our with our anime we're not we're not it's all about the dub we're not really big on sub titles i like to appreciate the art and i'm a slow reader so happy friday everybody we're sorry about the lag we're sorry about any technical difficulties that are to come yeah i'm like five seconds behind that's fine um we are going to be hanging out with you for the next hour-ish and answering your questions assuming that everything goes well today we're covering etsy seo which is your very favorite topic uh for those who are new who are just joining us who are joining us for the very first time i'm starla hello um i have been running my etsy shop for nine i always say like nine ish she doesn't she don't even know it's not it's like i started in 2012 which will be nine ish nine-ish nine-ish years um i have been running the alphas now for we're going on three years i believe three years or going on four years something like that i'm awful with time and i have been working for e-rank which is our favorite etsy seo tool for uh a year now february it'll be a year and then mark just recently was hired by e-rank as well so we i would say have had a lot of experience with etsy and etsy seo and we're here to answer your questions so if you don't mind us being out of sync and our lips not matching our mouths or our words then feel free to get in some awesome etsy seo questions and if this live stream ends up being a complete fail we will do another etsy seo one next week so i left my mouse over there i was just going to switch it over to the webcam audio so i don't think let's keep talking woman keep talking talking there you are now yeah what are you guys here we are now yeah here we are did it work i haven't done it yet i'm just gonna do it over there what happened what are what kind of coffee are we drinking today stuck town stump stuck st stop stompton stompton um yeah it's pretty good we got it at whole foods so but it's the friday bean of course we're drinking coffee i'm drinking out of my beautiful historic clifton mill mug they are one of our local they're like five minutes away but they have the craziest christmas light display ever and um they won the great christmas light fight on i don't care is it on tlc one of those channels if you look up historic clifton mill you'll see the craziest google images of the most amazing christmas display that i go to every year since i was a child except for this year because of kovitz so all right i'm just gonna leave it alone because my software completely froze i can't even do anything in it anymore so if the stream breaks i can't even fix it no more oh well oh well oh well if for some reason our stream dies like hecka early we will create a new stream on youtube and start over yeah so you won't be able to access it from the email link that i sent you about you'll have to go to the actual youtube channel which you can literally just click my name her name and it'll take you to the channel so if this video dies super mega early do that look out for it yeah i did a full restart on my system and everything and it's just wanting to be a crap shoot today if it dies before 12 30 yeah if it dies after 12 30 we will probably just call it yeah okay so if it's before 12 30 or whatever time it is where you are after 30. all right give me some questions my darling there is i see one where jimmy jimmy jimmy jim seo plus ads question are you better off selecting specific listings to have ads or just letting etsy pick listings from your shop that match the search okay so for ads what you're going to want to do is the alpha's like favorite starla quote is that you want to select your winning racehorses don't just let etsy pick random ones pick the best sellers pick the things that you know are gonna perform well if you're betting on resources you're not gonna just take a guess you're not you're not just going to pick you're not going to pick the slowest horse certainly you're going to pick the horses that are already known to win because if they're already doing well on their own then when you add that ad revenue in there you know that there are no issues with the listing the listing itself and the product is not an obstacle that's going to keep people from clicking on it and buying it um and i know a lot of people's mindset is well it's already doing well i'm not going to promote one that's not doing well i'll promote the one that isn't doing well you're not you need to be promoting the thing that you know is going to bring in more money because if it's already bringing in money and then you add some ad revenue on to it it's going to hopefully bring in even more than that it's going to hopefully you know double that traffic to it so bet on the things that you already know are working all right i'm not going to be ranked but feel discouraged on uh on ever ranking tags actually describing my product are not showing any searches and i can't seem to find any general search terms for less than 50 000 competition competition isn't necessarily a bad thing um i know that when you're starting out yeah competition is is really tough but it's only going to get worse competition will never go down it's only going to grow so what i will say is that i rank for a lot of keywords for shops that have you know more sales than me and a lot of times i will list something new and be able to rank higher than some of these shops and the reason for that is i have dominated my keywords i have chosen a keyword that i want to be known for and when i started using that keyword several years ago yeah i was not ranking on page one but i was persistent with it and i stacked it with achievable keywords keywords that i knew that i could rank for that didn't have high competition they might not have had the best searches um but they did have some monthly searches and i would pair those together and in time through sales through good reviews and through growth of both my listing quality scores and my customer and marketplace experience score i was able to build authority over that keyword to the point where etsy can look at me as a seller and say wow this person has a really great track record every time someone buys something from this person they enjoy what they what they buy and they leave a good review so that must mean that we should show this person's listings to more shoppers therefore i'm able to rank higher so it's all about sticking it out for the long run um i would pick one keyword that is what your product is all about and don't worry about the competition make sure it's a long tail keyword make sure that um if possible for example if you're trying to rank for gemstone bracelet make sure that you add a couple other terms on there like silver and blue gemstone bracelet because etsy is still going to read gemstone bracelet but they're also going to read it as a long tail keyword as well and you'll get an exact match for both for both gemstone bracelet and whatever i just said blue and silver gemstone bracelet so that would be your first step uh second step is to don't just try to think of a million ways to describe what your product is if you've run out of ideas switch to gift terms what type of person is buying it what type of aesthetic are they trying to achieve uh who are they buying it for a lot of the times these are the good filler keywords that you can use when you're out of keyword ideas because let's face it coming up with enough keywords to fill your tags and titles can be a pain in the butt but oh yeah if you start thinking like a shopper and thinking about well they might not know what they want but they know that they're looking for something for their mom and my product would be great for mother's day might be worth sprinkling some of those in and then just test and experiment use e-rank's change tracker tool on those listings that you've made changes to and really look at the way that those changes affected your views favorites and sales that way if they didn't help you you'll be able to see exactly where those changes were made so you can revert them back to whatever they were before or if they made positive and a positive impact on that listing you can take those changes and apply them to another listing just make sure to not edit your best sellers don't ever touch anything that's already selling because like i always say it's like having four legs of a table if you pull one of those legs out the entire table could collapse so don't touch listings that are already performing well yes all right i know we have lots of questions now so yes angela we have a bestseller in our shop can we or should we use the seo tags in the best seller in all other listings um only if those other listings aren't doing well uh you could experiment with it but keep in mind it's not just the words that you're using that are ranking you it is the listing quality score so for your best seller you have really dominated whatever keywords it is that you're ranking for and etsy has decided that you are the best of those keywords and that is what your rank is it is the amount of engagement it is people leaving good reviews it is people buying that listing people actively looking at that listing those are the things that are going to contribute to that particular listing being shown in search and being a bestseller so if you were to put all of the same keywords and basically copy that listing identically it doesn't mean that the copy of that listing would rank even though it looks exactly the same it doesn't have the same history it doesn't have the positive listing quality score so you could try feel free to do that i wouldn't use all of the same keywords try to get a little bit of variety in there that way you're casting a lot of different fishing lines into the water every keyword is a new opportunity a new fishing line into the water and with your tags should still kind of other than like your main line tags like your shop name tags and like brand tags and things like that they should still somewhat represent what the product is if if you're talking about like a mug that sells well you don't want to put that on all the same tags as you would put on a mug on a basket you know so they need to they still need to be representative of what the product is that way when people are searching if they're not getting a basket when they wanted a mug exactly um what happened to alphas after dark and you have the past live stream available for replay alphas after dark we'll be doing another episode soon we're still not sure when and the last live stream is available if you have the original email with a link still in it otherwise it is not available unless you're in handmade alpha academy yeah that's in the resources guide um we just got to find a a good way to do this because for those who aren't aware alpha's after dark is where we help sellers in the 18 plus category and uh we can't we can't just have those publicly available so um feel free to email me starla at handmadealpha if you want the old link um we might do those on a different platform moving forward just because they're kind of risky for youtube yeah we don't want to get our channel shut down while we're legitimately trying to help people so uh hooked stitch by stitch what about if it's not doing anything your listings are a zero would it still be the same since you're betting on a listing that has something to show does that make sense in relation to what what i'm assuming ads pushing ads if you're if your list if all of your listings are at zero and you're trying to bet on a listing i would be focusing my energy into something else other than ads i wouldn't be ads aren't going to save a bad listing it's likely that there's something else going on there whether that be your photos whether that be your pricing whether that be your seo regardless you're not going to boost that listing into suddenly selling if it's not making any progress at all i would first ensure that you've done everything that there is to be done before you start pushing money into it money money isn't the magic solution to succeed on etsy and i can confirm that because i don't advertise on etsy um nope we sure don't not i we used to we used to but i i had to turn it off after they messed up their ads platform yeah i mean unless you're selling something that's cur currently in like a viral market ads aren't going to be your number one anyway they might eventually become something that leads a lot of traffic to your shop but i mean either way focusing on off-site advertising i think in my opinion is the way to go even if ads work for you i still think if if ads are working for you then offsite advertising is an untouched market they can bring more traffic if you have the ability to support more traffic we have a lot of alphas that don't yeah um i'm having an issue with a seller who's livid over shipping but refuses to check her local usps and is being nasty etsy says i need to keep reminding her about shipping but she doesn't care a seller owner or a customer i'm assuming that you mean a customer unless you have another seller that you bought from we actually have a q a that we did about this about slow shipping i would watch that because there's some good resources there and there is a missing mail link in the description to that it was right before the holidays um that's where i would look but since this is kind of a seo q a we probably won't get too far into shipping yeah somebody had mentioned discord for the office after dark because they recently added a video feature for discord maybe i'll tell you i'll take a look into it i she doesn't use discord but i i do i use discord for a couple of the games that i play so we have to get accustomed to it first i sell pricey blankets which can be gifted for christmas birthdays etc competitive keywords should i use those in my titles and tags because it's very general terms that people might not click on mine i exactly they're very general terms people might not click on them and um they're very they're like movers and shakers that's what we used to call them at urank i think he changed the name of it um but movers and shakers they're they're things that are constantly gonna move and it would really suck if you establish keyword dominance for a christmas term and you were doing really well and then you had to remove that term from your listings i'm not big on putting a lot of weight onto holiday keywords and i'm not big on constantly changing your keywords because every single time you make those keyword changes it takes etsy time to re-evaluate you for those keyword changes it takes them a little bit of time they say 60 to 90 days it could be anywhere in between that that's why right before black friday me and anthony and pam duffy were constantly releasing disclaimers that said hey day before black friday don't go in and change all your keywords that is a bad time to decide to make keyword changes because it's going to take time to be recataloged in search to be found for those keywords so um it's kind of a risky game i'm not super big on throwing in holiday keywords just because if people are are searching for something they're not gonna it's more likely that they're gonna search more who it's for which is never gonna change as opposed to search the holiday unless the product is holiday themed if i'm looking for if i'm selling a watch i know that i could probably get just as many hits around christmas for saying you know thoughtful christmas or thoughtful gifts for dad and just not use the word christmas in there just had the idea or maybe create duplicates for blankets and just use gift keywords all over it i mean feel free to test it so for me if you're if you're really set on wanting to use those holiday and gift keywords i would put them in the latter three-fourths of the text and what i mean by that is where most people when they're scrolling to scrolling through a listing they're going to look at the beginning text but if something is at the end of the text they're also going to catch on to that so if you think that the gif terminology is going to turn people away from it put it somewhere in the text where it's they're probably not going to get to it like if you're using multiple terms like uh indian blanket this that and the other a birthday blanket and then a another tag that way it's not the first thing that their eyes are latching on to if you're dead set on using it i'm in the same boat as her i'm not a big fan of using them christmas i think is the only exception for me i think using christmas is a good idea because you can start in september right especially if it is something that's good for christmas some things aren't good for christmas presents but if it is something that's good for a christmas present it reminds people that hey this might be a good christmas present but when they need to buy one amber had a question how long should i leave the three-star review i got accidentally sending the wrong card i messaged the buyer offered to send the correct one but no reply i don't want to leave it unacknowledged how long has it been uh if you're wanting to do it you're wanting to respond to it like publicly go ahead and do it three three star is not that bad i wouldn't worry about a three star review that's like in the neutral category um two and one are what you want to worry about uh and can you even leave a response on a review for three stars i wasn't sure if you could i thought it would be stars was considered neutral i thought yeah i didn't think maybe i'd see did four stars for neutral i didn't think that you could leave um did you just maybe send them the card that they had actually ordered you said you sent them the wrong one did you just did you by chance send them a new one um for the thing that they did order i even if they didn't acknowledge it i would just send them another one and even if they never changed the review or contact me again at least i know that i did my part and then i would leave that if you can respond to that review i'd put that in the response be like oh you know i'm so sorry we were really busy yada yada i feel terrible i did send the buyer a replacement card she didn't get back to me but i hope that she loved it so oh and jessica did say she meant customer oh okay with the review margaret said someone listed will be describing just blanket features and duplicate just search or just general terms yeah we got you you could try it yeah feel free to shut it i mean it won't hurt just don't delete the original listing darlene said does that include the main photo do you mean changing your listings uh no so the things that etsy is going to factor in when it comes to changing your listing things that could influence uh the time that it takes you to reappear in search be re-evaluated in search be ranked for the new keywords that you've added into your listing that 60 to 90 day window that is your tags and titles and attributes uh your descriptions and your photo and your pricing those things don't have any weight whatsoever now they can have for example your thumbnail could if for example uh the the shoppers really like the new thumbnail photo and it looks better than everything else on a search page that could cause them to start clicking on it that had nothing to do with the algorithm though and vice versa if it's a really terrible photo and you took out a great photo and put a terrible photo in and shoppers didn't like that photo and they suddenly stopped clicking on that listing because they really didn't like the new photo that you added then that could influence because you're you know not having as much traffic coming in and that could influence your listing quality score in a negative way and that might drop your your views and favorites and sales but that has nothing to do with the algorithm that's just buyer perception and hopefully your photos always get better and never get worse uh what about products that fit several good keywords do you pick one or use them all like body butter body cream lotion use them all yeah use them all but don't don't duplicate and i know that's difficult to to process but things like body butter body cream try not to use body twice it's one of those tricks that she kind of had to help me learn figure out other ways that you could say something like you have body butter and then body cream you could do body butter and then moisturizing skin cream and then i don't know moisturizing cream lotion play a word game sit and if you can get anything you can call it a cream motion that's weird but if you could get an exact match which is where the keyword is intact exactly um that's great exact matches keep terms that you really want to be found for as an exact match as in don't mix them up don't don't mix and match the words but if you have to do a broad match which is where those words are a little bit mixed up maybe uh e-rank tells you that uh that moisturizing lotion has a lot of searches and you do moisturizing body cream lotion where you've got moisturizing and lotion in there but there's a few words in between you can still rank for moisturizing lotion even though you've used moisturizing body cream lotion you're just matching for a broad match and it's not going to be as strong as someone who is searching an exact match for body lotion does that does that make sense um don't you'll still rank for those terms and it's better than not using them what i would say is uh focus on getting an exact match for like the your we call it the superstar keyword the one that you really want to rank for the one that you feel that you can get the most traction for the other ones you can have a little bit of flexibility just don't feel the need to repeat keywords because you don't need to do that especially in your tags uh do you recommend filling your title bar with keywords or go with short and concise title that etsy had recommended last year so um etsy still recommends it i disagree with it i disagree with it for a couple reasons and i know why etsy recommends it etsy recommends that we use short titles short descriptive titles because they're more user friendly they're friendly to the shoppers they look nicer to the shoppers but there isn't as many keyword opportunities there because we're using less keywords um i've tested both the long keyword strings are still what have brought in the most traffic for me and tons of alphas who have tested it say the same thing feel free to post your own experiences down below um i think that the important thing here is to make sure that your title looks nice and not like one big run long run-on sentence the way that you separate separate out your keyword phrases doesn't matter that much because etsy's going to mix and match the terms anyway but separate them out in a way that looks aesthetically pleasing so that it doesn't just look like one big long jumble of words um like i said i can understand why etsy recommended it this way in terms of the effectiveness i don't i don't have uh much to say about i would need to see proof that that does good for the seo it might do good for it's one of those things where etsy is balancing customer relation and shop effectiveness because it won't kill your seo to have a short descriptive title if you do it right but they're trying to make it look more appealing to customers and make it look a little bit less like how ebay used to look where they would just cram everywhere they're like amazon yeah and i hate that i genuinely hate that i don't i don't like the way that doing seo for titles looks i wish you could just put the product name in there but that's not how the internet works yet so i if you want to succeed as a shop you don't necessarily have to do that if you do enough off-site advertising then it really doesn't matter but it's all just depends on where your crowd comes from where your sales come from if all of your sales come from off-site and your seo doesn't really matter anyway but if the majority of your sales come from ads and from etsy organic traffic then seo is the only way you make money so hit or miss let's see uh when listing new items should we add a keyword like christmas uh that way the christmas shoppers come at the end of this year that way the listing is already established for that keyword i mean you can but that's assuming that's assuming that for one someone doesn't click on your listing and be like oh she still has christmas keywords in here this is outdated she's not an active seller um or it would also depend on whether or not you're going to be able to maintain a listing quality score through a season when people aren't searching for christmas gifts uh if nobody is searching for christmas gifts and you're really relying on the christmas keyword in your listing then you're probably not going to be able to maintain a good listing quality score anyway if you're going to keep a christmas keyword in your listing i would make sure that it is not the primary keyword that you're trying to rank for i would put much more weight into a different keyword and then use your whatever christmas gift term as almost like is like a last resort keyword because you want people to be engaging with that listing all the time and they're likely not searching christmas so with the gift and we've had a couple of questions on the the gift tags when it comes to those other than something like birthday anniversary it's more with christmas and any any other like holiday gift tags or gift tags keywords um it's more of a notification to the person that it's an idea to buy their product buy your product for that particular gift reason you aren't going to rank for christmas everyone uses it you're not going to rank for valentine's day everyone uses it but it does put you at the front of the line in front of people who aren't doing that around that holiday i don't really think it's a good idea to just have like a whole list of products that you that are the same that you've labeled for whatever holiday so they can build seo because in reality it's not really going to boost you nobody's going to buy those throughout the year and the listing quality score isn't going to look very good because you're going to have something sitting in your shop all year that doesn't sell and then at christmas time it rolls around and you're expecting it then that's just not what it's going to do if you're going to put the christmas tags in there do it around christmas do it like the month before when you set up your listings for christmas and then remove it september not not a month before christmas like a month before that's right sorry yeah um but yeah don't don't don't think too hard on the on the gift terms other than like birthdays and holidays they're not holidays birthdays anniversaries uh mother's day things like that other things you're not really gonna rank for anyway uh how can nope is a listing quality score a real thing or an idea is it something we can check a physical number on it is a real thing that you cannot check a physical number on that's confusing isn't it yes etsy doesn't tell us what our listing quality score is kind of like where your tax money goes to nobody really knows but you know it's used for something there's two there's two scores that our shops are rated on our listing quality scores which are unique per each listing uh we know of seven factors but there are more there are more than seven but there are seven factors that etsy tells us about that we can use to influence our listing quality score uh relevancy which is how relevant our keywords are uh good reviews uh sales of that listing um translation so how well our listing was translated in the event that someone was searching in a different language that doesn't apply for most of us oh shoot i can't remember the rest of them but you oh uh time i think is one of them like how long the listing has been around you can find all of those seven factors both in etsy's uh seller handbook their ultimate guide to search but i also have a video that covers all seven of them there's a long friday bean episode that covers them but there's also a short video on my channel that covers all seven the other thing that the other score is your customer and market experience score so that is going to be your shop as a whole that means all of your listing quality scores together and your reputation in etsy's marketplace so whether or not you've had cases against you uh your overall average positive reviews for your shop and things like that so um [Music] i would watch the seven factors that i think it's called what effects rank on etsy um i made it last year but go watch that video and that should help how can we find the keyword that you're ranking for like within a specific listing the keyword that that listing is ranking for so i it's kind of hard to pick out the exact rank checker tool you can use uh e-rank.coms rank checker tool couple disclaimers as we get into this because most people use the rank checker tool incorrectly yes they do the your rank of a listing first of all is where your listing falls on a search page so when it is unaffected by local search ipsearch search terms in your local area and all of those other things it's before any other data is input into the search i just wanted to make that clear well um yeah we're going to um so ranking is the page and position so i could say that you know my listing for this mug is ranking on page one position seven of the search term color changing heat mug i don't know um that would be my rank you can check the rank of your listings to see where the ranking by using rank checker tool now with the rank checker tool is not going to tell you is where that listing would fall in a search page if you were to personally go to etsy and type those keywords into etsy that is not what the tool is for because every single shopper every single user everyone on etsy has what is called personalization it is your search history your ip address your localization all of the things that is going to help etsy to recommend products that you're most likely to buy you cannot strip that away not by using a incognito window because localization is still there not by using an api because that's just putting you somewhere else in the world that's you're still going to get personalization for wherever else in the world that apa or uh vpn has placed you not to mention you can't use a vpn on etsy they will boot you off the platform yeah so don't use a vpn anyway but there's no way to strip personalization what e-rank receives direct from etsy's api their public api who's the role the raw data they're receiving your rank where you would be placed in search if personalization was not a factor they cannot give us the personalization factors that goes on the side of creepy sketchy a little bit too invasive for users but they can give us exactly where we would fall before they apply that machine learning so in the rank checker if you see that your listing is landing anywhere on page one or even page two what the rank checker is telling you is that you most likely don't need to work on the seo for that listing you can probably leave that listing alone it's already ranking well you're not going to be able to go to etsy and type in those keywords and magically find your listing you might but it's going to be influenced by your search i like to think of it kind of like the stairwell in harry potter like the raw etsy data is like the stairwell with the stairs just perfectly around the edges none of them have moved you can get to every single room but the second that you personally walk in there the stairs start to move and the way that you get to that the listing is still in the same place it's just how you get to it is different that's that's kind of how that works i hope that that's a little bit of an easier way to understand that yeah so use the rank checker to see where it would fall organically and if you see that a listing is on page one two or even three maybe don't touch that listing that one's probably doing okay maybe you should work on the keywords for a listing that is showing you know ranking on page 10. maybe that's the listing that you should spend a little bit more time on nicholas asks what are gift tags birthday mother's day father's day christmas valentine's day yeah anytime you could give a gift yeah a tag like a like one of your etsy tags putting something like great gifts for dad cool gifts for mom will a price increase on specific items in my shop affect my seo for those items no no price has not unless you skyrocket the price and it goes from selling a lot to not selling at all right if the price was so scary that people stopped clicking on it the listing quality score might suffer a little bit from lack of engagement but the seo is not the listing quality score so uh i sell 3d printed uh tabletop miniatures accessories and terrain for tags should i use mini miniature miniatures or would just miniature work you gotta check e-rank yeah so here and here's the thing and this is a big tip so for those of you who don't know i am the data analyst for e-rank that means that i can see how people are using the tools i can't see like specifics about you or anything like that but i can see how people are using the tools and one of the big issues is with plurals and things so if you have something that you're not getting results for taking away the s that you're putting on the end of it like if you're searching mugs or adding it on if you're not getting results if it's just mug and you're not getting result try plural and just try it every which way that you would think and see which one would work best for you we have a lot of people that cancel thinking that there's no data when in reality they just searched for something that had duplicates instead of just a singular so yeah try them all and see which works best yeah so miniature and miniatures the thing about etsy itself is that etsy groups plurals they know that miniature and miniatures are the same thing many many is going to be different mini is almost its own little word but um for e-rank unfortunately we are not able to group plurals so regardless of if you notice that miniature is not doing well not getting a lot of searches but miniatures is on e-rank it doesn't really matter if you put miniature or miniatures in your listing because you will know but if none of those are getting results because one of those will have results if none of them are getting results that's when you need to start looking at something else exactly but you should be fine with any of those i would probably go with miniature and if you because many and miniature are different but many interim miniatures would be registered as as the same thing i would i personally i would put miniature in there and then if you could put many in there as well that would probably be good don't quote me on that checky rank first but check but checky rank because a lot of people are going to say minifigures or mini figurines but the majority of people that are playing things like d and d are going to put miniature yeah or miniatures um most likely miniatures because not a lot unless you're selling like singular characters from specific stories or something like that um most people are not going to be searching for a single miniature of something unless there's it's something super specific that you sell yeah they're gonna want like a pack of miniatures right uh yes my question was about the ads that was a long time ago you know these are popular that's fine yeah i know it's all good i'm just making sure that it was a question that we answered i don't even see the question previously okay i'm pretty sure we did discord that was the discord comment okay uh i'm selling off the last of my stock and closing i'm a newbie shop though and wondering we're good to research keywords without using e-rank we ranks what we recommend he ranks free why not use ebay yeah he rings free um you could do we get quite a lot out of your rank with just a free account i fully recommend and i know i work for them but i do fully recommend the pro account if you're going to be spending a lot of time on there but it's not necessary but if you're closing your shop down are you getting off etsy altogether then just use the e-rank free account the only other options that you're going to have are going to cost more e-rank's the only one that's free if you want to try to use google adwords you can but you're looking at keywords for google not etsy e-rank is doing actual etsy searches even with an e-rank pro account it's it only costs about what like a nice big latte from starting yeah that's the standard standard cup of coffee at starbucks so you can cancel immediately yeah you can cancel immediately and if you sign up for a month and cancel immediately you still get to finish out the month so right i think so yeah i mean you won't get that 5.99 back but you still get to finish out the month i think so yeah uh my etsy store is so slow but the same listings had sold out on other platforms wondering why angela with the level of success oh michelle oh michelle sorry i was reading my oc shop is so slow but the listings had sold out on other platforms wondering why there's not really any way we can tell could be your photos could be your descriptions could be your prices compared to other listings on etsy could not be using good seo didn't research keywords enough there's a million factors it's like walking into a doctor's office and saying doc my stomach hurts what's wrong with me but don't touch me you know doctor has to do a little bit of examination to be able to tell you what's wrong with you what the level of success in your shop sterla how did you get to opt out of etsy ads i'm talking about promoted listings when i'm not talking about etsy's offsite ads i'm talking about promoted lists actual the ones that you specifically choose to pay for yeah when when we're talking about like promoting listings and pushing ad revenue into specific listings for promoted listings yeah no you don't get to hop out of that's the ads if you make over 10 000 yeah uh well changing your shop name hurt your shop that's fairly new less than six months i don't have an email list set up yet waiting to take aha in june i really want to change my shop do it do it do it earlier the better yeah that way nobody takes your name before you have like an actual established audience yeah absolutely does seo come into play in a slogan banner or logo no but uh so banner no absolutely not uh logo no absolutely not um slogan you know that little tagline that we get like right under our shop name there's that little line that we can put in um that can be keyword optimized that's not for technically it's for a slogan i wouldn't write a slogan to be keyword optimized because that's not the purpose of a slogan a slogan is meant to stick out in the mind and create a brand impression and it's very hard to do that while also keyword optimizing it i would put exactly what it is that you specialize so for me i think i put like best-selling skeleton key necklaces on etsy or skeleton key necklaces and key to my heart necklaces um try to keyword optimize that little spot but in terms of your slogan and things no mcdonald's slogan is i'm loving it yeah i mean this the slogan banners logos that's all just things that your customers are going to come to recognize about you and for your depression yeah brand impression banner not so much because you're probably going to change that every once in a while uh logo yeah i think that's important has nothing to do with seo but the logo like the mcdonald's m yeah you can't go anywhere in the world other than some indigenous places and find somebody that doesn't know what that m is um slogan it depends on how much that slogan means to your brand like if you sell a lifestyle thing uh slogan is really important but it still doesn't really affect your seo in like your description and things like that no not it brandon that branding is very important in fact most of handmade alpha academy talks about the psychology of branding um but it doesn't seo is like its own seo is the math branding is the art it's like you've got math class and you've got art class and sometimes they kind of bump into each other but more often than not depending on the type of art style they're usually going to be relatively in their own world it's the same as like having somebody who is very artistic minded versus somebody who's very uh mathematically minded that's why mark and i are so good together he's the math whiz and yeah i'm artsy i think for slogans especially for you guys that are lifestyle brands your yoga brands or health brands or skin care or whatever i think those are important especially because they're hashtaggable anything that you can make a slogan that's like four or less words that you can throw into a hashtag just make sure nobody else is using it because obviously healthcare is kind of a huge industry it has been for like the last 10 years now so make sure you're not stealing anybody else's slogans just go and type in the hashtag and see if there's any posts for it yet but i think that slogans are incredibly important especially the closer to healthcare you get clothing you can get away with it too um how long does it take for your tags to kick in and get shown on etsy i forgot 60 to 90 days 60 to 90 days they don't they don't give us an exact number they just say 16 times and it could be shorter it's it's probably algorithmic there's some sort of math equation and it goes back to that listing quality score it's not individual factors that make a listing successful it's like this factor plus this factor divided by this factor minus this factor and not only that it's not that your tags and it's not that your listing isn't getting shown it's that you haven't been ranked yet so basically when you list something new on etsy you don't have a listing quality score so etsy puts you right in the middle they give you a little boost they don't want to put you with all the bad listings that have bad seo because then no one will ever find you but they can't put you right up on page one with all the best sellers right so they put you right in the middle and then they gauge how people interact with your listing and if they notice that you know maybe you're back on page two or three or wherever um if they notice that people are clicking and engaging with your listing and you get a buy and you know somebody leaves a good review over the span of 60 to 90 days they're able to collect enough data to decide whether or not your listing should either you know stay with all the good listings and have a good listing quality score or nobody clicked on it nobody liked it nobody was interested in it so they say okay it can go back here with the negative listing quality scores the 60 to 90 day window is just the test period for them to see how long until they put you in a permanent position so what about changing attributes especially holidays uh would we should be modifying those regarding the changing holidays no don't use holiday tags or holiday attributes for things that are not holiday themed if you make a necklace that's dirty anyway right if you make a necklace and it's just a blue gemstone necklace don't put a christmas attribute etsy even specifically tells us not to do that um that's not what attributes are for a christmas attribute should be only used for a product that has a santa claus on it or something attributes do affect your your seo they count kind of the same as tags do that's why if you have something listed in your attributes for example you have topaz in your attributes you don't need to put topaz down in your tags you don't need to repeat it there so no you should not be constantly changing those attributes your attribute should describe precisely what your product is don't change it for the holidays use only the attributes that directly apply to your product because etsy doesn't want to see products miscategorized and if that product is not specifically a holiday themed then you're miscategorizing it uh etsy just emailed me to say update your keywords before mother's day add phrases targeted at gift givers like personalized gift how bad is that well um you know mother's day that's actually a pretty good spring at a time i think yeah mother's day is mother and they're not telling you to put mother's day and their personalized gift is actually one of the most searched things on etsy um if you go into e-ranks trend buzz in the reports tab you'll see that personalized gift is like it is up there um i would say that especially for your product samantha personalized gift might actually be a really good keyword to to use because it's so trendy right now um [Music] our coffee our french press makes exactly three cups of coffee and every day we fight over who gets the third cup of coffee all right fine so um yeah i would say that it not not such a terrible thing because we've still got a couple months i would be really concerned if they told you like right before mother's day and also keep in mind that mother's day uh in the uk is separate from mother's day in the u.s mother's day in the u.s is like a month after mother's day in the uk and etsy likes to forget that sometimes i've been using valentine's in my latest listings after valentine's day is over and i want to replace it with something more meaningful will it only take 60 to 90 days for it will take 60 to 90 days it could take for 60 to 90 days to be re-ranked for the new keywords that you're trying to optimize for um it's always going to take a little bit of time so yeah just experiment with it i wouldn't change all your listings at once i would do them slowly one at a time um and not you know right after valentine's day do just a big shop clean out where you go and change all of your listings seo should be done very carefully very precisely do you guys remember the six steps of the scientific method when you were a kid learning that like middle school at the seo should be treated the exact same way you need to decide for yourself what it is that you want to change about your listing do a little bit of research make that one little change observe how the change affected your listing you can do that with the change tracker tool in e-rank decide you know if if the result was good is it a good result is it a bad result am i happy with with my results and if not you need to [Music] change and kind of start over and test something new but the last thing that you want to do is not know and change all of your listings all at once and then tank all of those listings because you made changes to all of them and then it take a bunch of time for you to be re-ranked for new keywords i do things slowly do things carefully do things one listing at a time let's see um katie i'm very careful with trademark terms but i recently got a notice for a term description that is ridiculously basic i didn't bother arguing just removing and uh or just removed listing will it affect my ranking i don't believe so i think if you actually get like um if you actually get like a claim against your shop that it is because etsy does say claims against you but a copyright notice especially for like those ridiculous terms apparently like smiley face is smiley the word smiley getting to a point with speech where everything is illegal to say it's ridiculous yeah um i don't think so it might be a question for etsy but i believe that it's only if a case was opened like against or a copyright like actual claim was made i highlighted this whole thing i already did that but you didn't get this part did you well i mean i kind of summed it up in my answer all right because she said you missed the second part of my question which was the actual query okay uh that specific tag to be reassessed by etsy or will it affect the whole listing it's the whole listing it's you etsy isn't rating you per keyword it's your it's collectively all right did you already get amber's thing it's not a question it was related to the thing it's fine we got lots of questions lots of questions yeah we're trying to blast through because we can't go super far over today i know how to answer a question no she doesn't i know how did you already do this one yes okay john i missed it we sell shirts uh so we shouldn't use the term shirt or shirts more than once in our tag title no not unless you're wanting to try to get a bunch of exact matches but you're still going to get broad matches what i would you don't need to reuse keywords as he says you do not need to reuse keywords especially not in your tags because your tags can absolutely be mixed and matched i wouldn't use one word tags but i would try to only use the word shirt once and to be perfectly honest because you make a shirt technically you don't need to have it um if it's already in your attributes etsy says that the keywords that are in your attributes don't need to be repeated in your tags but because it is what your product is physically a shirt um i i personally would still add it just that one term in my tag tags um but yeah you don't need to just say you know red shirt blue shirt cool shirt dad shirt white shirt i i you don't have to say shark shirt shirt over and over again uh i've been taking shorter words that have high search and combining them together is that what i'm supposed to be doing like taking industrial decor and office decor but doing industrial office decor yeah sure that works if that works for you yeah i mean we can't say like that we can't say yeah that's great that's gonna work um we can't tell you because we have no idea but that's what i do you just have to experiment and occasionally you'll find one of those really great golden phrases that you've just kind of made up that works if you notice that industrial decor and whatever the other one were was it's an office decor if you know that both of those are doing well on their own combining them you're not going to get an exact match for those terms but you might hit a really cool broad match market seo is kind of a science you have to experiment do things figure it out yeah it's absolutely what is what in the world is happening here i don't know are we only allowed to stream for an hour and 30 minutes i think so i don't know we've streamed for two hours before uh excuse me in the tag section no the skipped one i have a first photo that shows a color i don't have anymore and i say that in the first part of the description i'm loathing to change the photo as it's the one i get repeat customers the photo doesn't affect the listing quality at all yeah unless they're clicking and i would be really upset if i saw a color that i wanted in the thumbnail and then i clicked it and i didn't they didn't have it um and most people don't read descriptions so no they don't i would take it out of your thumbnail i i would be really upset if i clicked on something looking for a particular color and then you didn't have it angela in the tag section of the listings etsy allows only 20 characters uh what if the keyword we want to be known for is longer than twice break it up as he's gonna mix it and match it my keyword skeleton key necklace is too long uh so i break it up i don't use one word tags either so i might do skeleton key and then dragon necklace or silver necklace um we're talking about a word that's more than 20 characters and in that case nobody's going to be searching that word anyway yeah break it up etsy is going to mix and match those tags together so you can jumble them if you need to uh do you think it's bad to leave a link to your second shop in the announcement that's what etsy made it optional as people might click there out of curiosity but it can show etsy that they left your shop too fast no i don't see anything i that that sounds like a very a a thing that would happen so infrequently that it would have no effect whatsoever i wouldn't worry about that voice and mouth are not in sync we know it hasn't been yep my uh computer decided it wanted to take a crap on me today so we're sorry we'll maybe we'll do another seo q let us know in the in the comments if you want us to do another seo q a next week i can never get the do not repeat words and tags thing if exact matches are stronger than broad ones and i'm selling a bracelet then surely it's better to try for as many exact matches as possible test it test test it do it it works for some and it doesn't work for others and we know that that's confusing we know that saying that is confusing but we can't help i can tell that you're a mathematical thinker you think your your brain thinks in a way where things are in square boxes and and they need to be this way therefore they cannot be this way but that's not how it works it's it's more of they are we do it this way but occasionally it'll work this way but it could also work this way and in this rare scenario it'll work this way unfortunately that's how seo works that's why even people like anthony wolf who runs the most successful etsy seo company out there a lot of the times he says yeah i don't know because he's not going to speculate we don't know etsy's algorithm no one does um so all we can say is you have to test it you you have to test things and we can take what etsy tells us and what we personally observe etsy tells us that we don't need to repeat words as he tells us that it's better to get more keyword opportunities we also know that exact matches tend to perform better i would rather use a one really great exact match and then try to get some broad matches in there for uh long tail phrases that less people are shopping for that's just me though you've got to develop your own keyword strategy and test things and give those things time that's that's the biggest is not getting you know impatient with the results and really spending that time to watch because i've been doing this for nine years now and it takes a long time i've learned more about etsy seo in the last two years than i did the my entire time selling on etsy so and she also said i i'm sure you said last week that changing a tag only resets the listing for that specific tag i double checked with you and you confirmed this do you remember now i don't think so if so we may have it's a misunderstood what you were asking but that no that's not how that works no it doesn't tags tags aren't it's not like etsy is a like looking at every tag and each little tag has its own little score that's not how it works and if and if you can find that and i misspoke i'm sorry but i don't i don't think i said that uh erank tells me that my title is long and appears to be written by a machine or truncated even on my top so don't don't listen we know that all i work for e-rank and all of my listings look like that and i'm pretty sure that anthony wolff's own wife i think her titles are the same way don't worry about that what you're seeing is in the grades you're seeing recommendations from etsy's best practices and that's all the grades are there's not a person personally grading your listing we can only filter by etsy's best practices don't touch listings that are selling well even if the grade is terrible on that listing don't touch listings that are selling well in fact we recently enhanced the grades to give you a good grade on your listing if that listing is selling well because so many people would take listings that had bad grades and they would go change the the keywords for them just to try to get that a and then suddenly that listing would fall off a search pages here's a fun fact all of my listings have bad grades all of them every single one of them so don't worry they're all based the grades are based on etsy's best practices and i've talked to anthony about just completely getting rid of the grades we've done it before you guys and everybody everybody yourself who degrade your goal the grades i don't like i don't particularly care for that i think that if we were going to put grades it should literally be called etsy quality score grade because it's based off of how or not that's equality score that's the um best practices score yeah because it's literally just based off of the best practices it has no inclination or or relevancy to how the listing is going to perform we all at e-rank we all hate grades we've tried to get rid of grades and you guys get real upset every time we do so if if we could get rid of grades and nobody would complain we'd be so happy you just have to and i i believe i wrote the disclaimer on the grades page yeah i'm sure you did look for the disclaimer it specifically says that they just follow etsy's best practice yeah we don't like them but we end up losing a bunch of customers when we get rid of them as a matter of fact again looking through the reasons why people quit there were a couple people that quit because we changed how the system worked recently and they were so they said that was the worst mistake eranks ever made and it's like this is still there we just changed it anyway same thing with links to your other items in your product description as it might distract customers from buying and show etsy that a customer click away and maybe it was not something he was looking for no i i think you think so it's it's that's different from like your own website than it is from are you are you mean like you want people to click around your shop that encourage them to do more clicking in your shop that's great that's not the same as bounce rate they're not they're not clicking a bounce is a leave if they're going from one part of your shop to another part of your shop they didn't bounce right they just moved and it's once again this is this is assuming that they're reading your description and looking in there anyway this is going to be such a rare scenario that i don't think that it's going to collectively make any influence on your shop whatsoever uh if you've renewed a listing several times having tried to improve it each time and you just can't build a listing quality score for it as best just to cut your losses and stop renewing it um i would try a new listing there i would try rather than renewing that same listing i would try to re-list it and it have you ever considered it's not your seo maybe it's your thumbnail maybe it's your pricing maybe it's something else i would try just relisting it and completely treat it like a brand new listing like you shoot all new photos and you just start over look at your competition find find somebody in your exact industry that sells things that are nearly identical to you that has decent sales not just anybody but somebody that has like a few thousand sales has good five-star reviews and all that kind of stuff and like compa don't copy what they're doing but compare compare what they're doing see what they're doing that you're not doing are the quality of their photos better are the quality of the products in the photos better like it's one of those things that like there's always something that can be improved even if you are making a crap ton of sales that we can't really tell you exactly tk up there you missed did i yeah i'm sorry i'm terrible at seo how not to repeat hair and scrunchies would something like this work oversized velvet scrunchie and emerald green giant xl hair bubbles jumbo scrunchies for thick hair yeah absolutely that's it sounds that's exactly how i do it gotta experiment yo but try it out test it amy amy are you serious about the vpn maybe that's why nothing is happening during christmas wow i was hip-hopping between two homes so i was using a vpn the whole time i think it just violates their terms of use i don't think it would be uh something that would keep you from getting sales i think it wouldn't keep you from getting sales it's it's if you did something while using a vpn with the shop and they thought that you were being sketchy then they would shut you down yeah i think that they'll just shut your shop down um so i would be really careful i check into their policies about that because um i i don't want to like misquote here but yeah see if i would google etsy not allowed vpn and see what etsy has to say about it unless unless it has changed but i'm like 99. i think it's to help keep companies off of etsy and keep it as singular sellers because if you really think about it if a company was trying to run an etsy shop they wouldn't be able to just always have somebody at the office in the company building running an etsy shop they would need somebody doing it at home and they would be using a vpn so that they couldn't tell what location that they were being at or if they were saying that they worked from a residential address but it was a business address and they were using a vpn to cover it it's a it's a safety thing on their end because they want to keep etsy as etsy and not as amazon uh i checked rank checker and i have a listing at three but i also have one with the exact same tags and info and it's 49. listing quality score listing quality score one one has a history how long was the one on page three is it is it older uh does it have more sales does it have more people checking it out does it have more reviews on it now isn't it a stinky situation and the one on 49 sells more than the one on three because if so i would like to know yeah i'm assuming that the listing quality score the other one just is higher maybe it's because it's been around longer do you have a video on how to use the e-rank rank checker tool correctly rank checker tool you just put the keywords that you want to be known for into the rank checker you put the keyword that you want to rank for and you see what pages some of your listings are landing on that's it if it says page one then that's doing good page two still doing good page three not too bad page four could be better page five and then after that those listings probably could use a little seo refresh if they're not selling i see him bubbas is up above our heads i'm gonna have to get him here in a sec i can i can make a video on it but that's really all you do this is too long go ahead i'm gonna get him before he presses my power button big baby he's a big baby if you didn't know no you stay right there okay about reviews my customers are satisfied they send me messages as soon as they receive their order and pictures but for some reason they have a hard time leaving a review my young brides do well with reviews but most of my customers are mother of the bride grandma the bride some hardly know how to check out and most of them asked me to call them all right so boy no i know the feel there down below make sure that you have my swipe file series um because that is how you can request a review by letting them know how to do so my swipe files series you know what i'm not even gonna i'm not even gonna go over it because i it's all on the page down there look for the five-star customer service uh strategy link in the description and get those they're free thousands of alphas use them we've thousands of alphas have left amazing feedback for them they work and they don't it's not a way to like message someone and say hey can you review this it i know how s schemey that sounds and nobody wants to do that what it does is it lets your customer know how to do it oh if you would like to leave a review you can do this and it will explain it to them and also remind them that hey maybe they should leave a review if they were happy with their purchase so if you have questions about the swipe files if they're ethical if they're allowed the answer to that is yes but all of that information is on the page so you can personally read over that uh if you get favorites on a regular basis but no sales can we assume that the seo is not what we need to focus on since people are finding the listing and favoriting it i wouldn't use that as a factor um yeah you might have got shared somewhere yeah somebody might have shared it on their facebook and all their friends came over and liked it i mean there's really no way to tell so i wouldn't i wouldn't think too hard about it yeah favorites are one of those favorites are not a metric that i pay a lot of attention to if i had one listing that suddenly got like 100 favorites i would want to know who the heck shared me yeah um but favorites are not a a measurable metric of success um i would not use them to gauge the listings that i should focus on uh i am ranking on page one for long tail keyword but not making sales for that item should i remove it or leave it as uh it may be leading to other items in my shop that are selling is that long tail keyword a keyword that is searched i can i use this example in yesterday's e-rank live stream but if i put the word floopty doop de-da in my tags and titles and then i checked in the rank checker the rate checker would probably tell me that i'm on page one for the search floofty doop dee-dee-dah but nobody on etsy is searching floop de doop dee dee dah therefore my rank doesn't matter yes is the is the long tail keyword that you're using something that people are actually searching that's what i would want to know e-rank is free i didn't realize there was a free version yes there is a free version you're just limited to how many searches you have for day per day but for the majority of people other than the other tools there are other tools that you get with e-rank pro that i have my personal and basic that i personally think are worth it absolutely um it just depends on how much honestly for most people i'd say start with the free account get used to the tools that you have and then upgrade to pro because it's a lot of we have a lot of people that cancel because they're so overwhelmed with the amount of information and they say that i'm working on that guys yeah and they say that they're not that a-rank doesn't have what they want and in most cases what i see from people is that they are using the tools in ways that they're not that aren't beneficial to them if you didn't know keyword tool and keyword explorer are different things most people use one or the other and i forget which one the keyword tool most people use the keyword tool the keyword tool shows you keywords that are common amongst other etsy sellers and keyword explorer if in even talking with anthony keyword explorer is going to be more beneficial to you than the keyword tool yeah because keyword explorer is showing you etsy searches by shoppers keyword explorer is showing you the or the keyword tool is showing you the frequency of use in other apps keyword tool is used a magnitude of four times more than the keyword explorer so that tells me that people don't understand the tools yeah we're working on that i'm currently in the process of editing a video that she's kind of just explaining what stuff is and we will be working on more material to show you exactly how the tools work it takes time yeah just editing a video takes her an hour two hours three hours if you consider planning up to four hours to record a video and for editing it takes anywhere between three and eight hours to edit a video so it takes time we're working on some dashboard enhancements basically when you log into e-rank um there are going to be things that are going to to help you along the way so if you log in and your dashboard looks weird within the next few weeks that would be our team working very very hard to make sure that e-rank is actually teaching you how to use the tools rather than making you feel like you're just kind of stranded in the water do you think the main photo thumbnails on etsy work better with text of the product or is it just the product i prefer the first photo to not have any text on it unless you have like options like what you do with yours yeah but mine doesn't have text but i don't uh excuse me i don't like text visual content is processed 60 60 faster 60 60 something i keep wanting to say 67. amber marie i know you're in the chat google google for me how uh fast visual content is processed versus written content and audible content i believe that it's 60 something percent faster um images are everything the brain can process an image almost immediately uh it takes us a little bit of time to read and the reason for that is when we are born we can immediately process visual content but reading takes us time and understanding language takes us time but we are born with the natural ability to understand or learn quickly from our surroundings uh therefore we understand that type of content more quickly than written words so anytime that you have an opportunity to use visual content that's what you should be doing you should always be processing or using visual content sorry you distracted me it's my fault i clicked and freaking lost where i was i need to like power power around through this that's alright ten more minutes we'll do ten more oh crap i didn't even realize we were over already yeah we'll do ten minutes more you rank pro stellar have you had any experience with linking etsy shops to a facebook page is it the same as the commerce settings on facebook found it in the settings on etsy no uh linking your facebook page to wait what linking your facebook page to or linking your etsy shop to a facebook page she said it's in the commerce settings on facebook found it in the settings on etsy i i don't know if i did if i've done that we can't comment on it we don't know yeah i i if it's what i think it is no i i that it won't make a lot of i'm not sure because because i i've my my etsy shop is like linked to my facebook but i don't know if they're connected via because you know facebook made a lot of changes recently so i don't know um i'll look into it and just a quick disclaimer guys i've had a couple people um ask me when i'm planning on opening my etsy shop back off because or back up because i've been on vacation mode i'm just waiting for the mail to catch up we just had an alpha who had posted that a package that she shipped out in november she arrived yeah i arrived yesterday it was it was the 20th yeah so yeah um i'm just waiting because i don't we already don't have the time for the etsy shop we only keep it open that way we're valid for you guys honestly we don't want to be those coaches that don't practice what we preach and that's literally the only reason why that shop still exists yeah and i do not do not have time to deal with a bunch of missing packages so i'm just gonna wait a few weeks until usps catches up this is a busy time of year for us we have we're still planning out our whole year we have to do taxes which when we run our etsy shop we work for e-rank we run the alphas and especially with the alpha stuff because it's our big money maker for us like taxes takes a lot out of me so dealing with customer relations for an etsy shop with a bunch of pissed-off people wanting to know where their keys are is not a priority for me uh where do we find attributes my products are not specific color or occasion themed okay don't then don't use it attributes are right under when you fill out your etsy title when you're editing a listing so what is it when was it made who made it what is it what category does it fall into uh if if a color is an option fill it out if not don't fill out color how big is it uh what occasion is it for who's it for things like that those are your attributes um and if the attributes don't apply just skip the ones that don't don't apply to you that that's perfectly fine uh an amber said sixty thousand times faster than text sixty thousand i said sixty you said sixty percent or sixty percent okay so 60 000 times faster visual content is processed 60 000 times faster than text when you deactivate a listing and reactivated is the quality score hurt depending on how long it was deactive deactivated for or will it start back uh right where it started or right where it left off does that make sense it it is the exact same as going on vacation mode if no one is engaging with that listing it is going to drop its listing quality score over time uh etsy relies on feedback through users who are constantly clicking and exploring those listings so if it's been deactivated or if you put your shop on vacation mode where all of your listings are basically deactivated no one is able to engage with them and since no one's able to engage with them you're going to when you reactivate it you're probably going to notice a little stall um but that's okay because the actual listing quality score from any reviews that you've had any sales of that listing you still get to keep all of that it just takes a little bit of time to really kick start it and let etsy know like hey i'm back it's here the listing it exists um what i like to do is post it on social media if i'm on vacation mode posting a sale just driving traffic into your shop getting people to click around encouraging people to to check things out and possibly buy you can do that by offering a coupon code and that will spark a little bit of activity and etsy will recognize that you're back um and with a new listing i would just post about it on social media and drive people back to it let's see know that you still exist all right we got like four minutes left let's power around if an item is heart shaped should we use valentine's day attribute it's not specifically that valentine's day but it's a heart so i've been wondering that's totally up to you we answered a similar question to that yeah that's earlier so it's up to you it doesn't really matter um i believe that in shapes heart-shaped might even be an option for some products i'm going on vacation i would like to keep my shop opened with just a couple of products i have a bestseller right now how should i go about this i'll be gone for four days extend out your processing time that's the best thing to do extend out your processing time um four days isn't that long uh whatever your current processing time is just add yourself a couple extra days in there should be fine though all right this one i think is i don't know if it's spam or what i ordered these shoes off at scene i'm supposed to arrive today but it never came we're not at sea support so i don't have to tell you you got to get with the seller they sent the same message twice okay i think they're just a spammer well not only yeah it's shipping is slow right now uh jonathan so upcoming google seo changes any thoughts they won't affect etsy yeah nancy doesn't use google's seo algorithm they have their own and google changes theirs every few years just to keep people on their toes that way nobody gets close to figuring out the google algorithm i don't know anything about google's algorithm they change it frequently so that way people can't figure it out anytime people figure it out they change it immediately something about a panda and a penguin and something i don't know super advanced boolean don't ask me about google seo i have no idea it works just about the same way do they mix and match tags in the tag section or only in the item title both that's it's called broad matching they're broad matching for terms you're not getting an exact match yes very helpful would love another seo q a okay yeah i told them to type in the chat if they wanted another oh that was a hecking long time ago so many folks teach that you should take your title copy and paste it into your description and then turn it into five sentences using those title words does the description count for seo rank no no that used to be like the common thing i taught that too yeah and we taught it too and it may have worked at one point in another you gotta remember that just like google we just talked about etsy's gonna change their seo algorithm not frequently but frequently enough that people can't figure it out to the team yeah but whoever told you that is living in the stone ages because that was like five years ago that was like when we first started teaching people how to do stuff so they're a little behind on that here's the thing google reads your descriptions etsy doesn't it's gonna be impossible to rank on google not is it possible yeah but it's you and your product if you're selling this mug it is you on etsy up against every single mug on google that's going to be hard to do don't make your listing look goofy with all these keywords in your description by trying to rank on google when it's like winning the lottery it's probably not going to happen put you know focus on etsy okay unless you do your own website where are attributes i can't find them i'm so new to etsy i kind of just answered that they're right under your title when you're filling out those little drop down menus those are your attributes uh i do give my seo time the listing drops to nine percent visibility in the meantime and i get very few views it's been going at this since april 2019 and i still struggle maybe it's my mathematical brain just don't think too hard about it and it takes time for your listings to settle in does that seem mix and match the tags in the tag section only or only in the item title or both anyone can answer that's been struggling yes it's it's it's broad matching broad matching will any any keyword that you use in your tags can combine with another keyword used in your tags no matter how far apart they are etsy can get you a broad match for that so if you know and i've told people this in the past if you know anything about boolean logic how boolean works is it's if you looks at a sentence it's going to pull out every single individual word and then find every combination of that word in the search but with the seo algorithm it's doing that but it's also doing if you know boolean if you put quotations around something it's looking for exactly that item so it's looking for all the individual items separately but then it's also looking for each individual one with quotations around it and then that's how it's prioritizing i know that doesn't make a lot of sense but if you look up boolean that's kind of similar to how that works it's looking at all of them individually and it's looking at all of them side by side singular objects hi just wondering when you sell holiday specific fabrics or patterns is it appropriate to use specific holidays yes yes yes especially and leave them up all year yeah because people for fabrics people are buying those to make crafts so who knows when they're gonna need to start making their especially if maybe they sell things too they might need that christmas fabric especially early they might buy it in the spring so that they can make their products through the summer get their shop ready through the fall and list them in time for christmas so yeah i i would say that in your case you're just fine leave them up all year yes yes i have observed that a listing that is copied performed much worse than the original is this a thing yes if you copy a listing none of the history of that listing goes over with it no listing quality scores carried over yes it'll take time to build up a listing quality score for that listing it's not just keywords that that contribute there are a lot of factors we only know seven of them that's the only tells us seven i sell gift boxes and gift sets for all occasions how do i get around not using the word gift boxes why can't you use the word is that is that one of those terms that etsy gets mad at you for using as long as you know what's in them that you're allowed to do you can't do math oh yeah you can't do mystery boxes because that's gambling but i sell gift boxes and gift sets you just mean not repeating the word gift boxes just i'm not quite sure what you're asking use the word gift box you can use the word gift box as long as it's not just a rando box full of stuff and you're not telling them what they're getting yeah you gotta tell them what's in it but i'm assuming she sells just gift boxes i don't like you're selling four people to use as gift like uh no she means like she sells all occasions gift box like a box full that's what happens when you don't read the full sentence good job oh that's we're we're an hour and a half in my brain's deep fried by now yeah i'm just i want to answer your question i'm just not quite sure exactly what it is so feel free to add to it if you need to and uh amber's little question or a little comment there like a big transformer tag that's where i'm stopping so any questions after that i won't answer uh is rank checker and seen on etsy the same thing spotted on etsy is going to give you listings that you were spotted for what is it the first 100 searches or the first two pages spotted on etsy is basically going to tell you if you are at the very very top of the terms that you're monitoring through the monitor tool so it's going to show you basically a rank rank listings that are ranking that we have seen at the top of search pages um but you have to enter the terms that you want to be monitored for in the monitor tool so it's not the same as the rank checker but essentially it's doing the same thing it is showing you rank but uh within the monitor tool you just want to enter what search terms you want to be known for the ones that you're trying to rank for um if you are on a free account you can only monitor one term so i would recommend monitoring like your big enchilada keyword the number one thing that you want to be known for i make skeleton key necklaces so i would monitor the term skeleton key necklace and i would you know check spotted on etsy to see if i'm being shown in search pages for that term can you tell more about etsy bounce rate badge versus click-through rate good as i clearly got confused in those bounce rate is as a specified amount of time if somebody pulls open a listing or your shop or something like that and then clicks off of it to something away they close the tab or they click to somebody else's listing or something that doesn't have to do with you and then i'll let you do click through rates so i'm not just talking click-through rate is the rate of people who um if they typed in a search on etsy it is the rate of people who found what they were looking for so if i was looking at the click-through rate for skeleton key necklaces and i noticed that there was a high click-through rate it meant that people were finding what they were looking for they're they were putting in that query and then they were clicking something on yours clicking yours well i think click through rate for a search term itself is going to be whether or not they found what they were looking for through that query so for example gift terms usually don't have a high click-through rate because the products that they get are going to be so random that's why gift terms are a little bit harder to find success with unless they're very niche for example just gifts for mom because they don't point to a specific type of product you might notice things like lower click-through rates because they're not super precise that that's all a click-through rate is uh i would recommend going to e-rank's channel because pam duffy just posted a video on our e-rank channel about click-through rate and it is under a minute long it's like 50 something seconds long um but she explains click-through rate way better than i just did and balance rate i don't know what the exact time is for that it depends on the website they probably set their own yeah i don't know if uh a big i don't really know about bounce rate on etsy because i don't think that they say i don't know if it necessarily matters like i use bounce rate for for e-rank just to see how many people are but bots kind of contribute to that so i kind of doubt that they they hold bounce right against you um do you have a method for keeping track of seo changes reviewing those changes understanding what happened with those changes etc with 100 listings it's hard to keep track of keeping track while i wouldn't change 100 listings at a time um change tracker tool and keep an eye on them and check them uh that's that's what i would do change tracker tool it's doing all the hard work for you i would keep track of them in the change tracker tool make a change monitor how those changes affected my views favorites and sale establish if it was a positive change uh if it was a positive change then i know that i made the right choices and maybe i could use some of those keywords in a different listing that i decide to edit and then i will track that listing for a little while um make my changes and then establish if those changes contributed to my views favorite in sales in a positive way it that's essentially what the change tracker tool does uh shirley said anthony used to give tutorials at the thursday lives which was really helpful the websites changed a lot and he's so busy well it also displays specific shop information when you log into it it's and showing somebody else's shop on a youtube channel it kind of or on facebook it kind of it kind of works as a little bit of a promotion you got to consider erank is becoming a rather it's not a large company but it's becoming a large uh statement on the internet and it's not a best practice to to show off specific shops because it kind of looks like promotion so that's why we record videos and we edit them and i can remove things that that aren't too tasteful for a big company not that e-rank is a big company but they are pretty big a high-performing company and we don't want to look like we're making somebody look good because it's just it people get mad people get mad about the dumbest crap okay give me this one because this one's important it's okay it'll be okay i thought it was important to repeat the best keywords and titles and tags is this still best practice yes when i say don't repeat keywords in your tags and titles i don't mean not to put the keywords from your title into your tags yes still do that all the keywords that are in your title should be in your tags that is what you should do what you should not do is say in your title making your title knitted scarf scarf for grandma warm scarf cozy scarf yarn scarf you don't need to repeat scarf scarf over and over again in your title you don't need to do that but all the terms that are up in your title you should absolutely put down in your tags as well so hopefully that kills any confusion there i've had several times if e-rank could walk through the whole process with us from start to finish how to apply each tools as you plan list manage review that's a lot of work we everybody has an individual strategy yeah and it's different depending on what kind of stuff that you do if you're if you're relying on the off-site ads if you're relying on your own industry if you're writing like there's so many different ways to use the tools and there's so many different ways to apply it like that's it's like we don't have the ability to just create a bible for like how to use e-rank depending on what your shop is that would be an astronomical amount of work we are please be patient with us we are working on a lot of amazing updates right now literally right now there are huge updates coming uh to your dashboard we are working on it we're doing everything that we can because we know that it's hard but um every single update takes time we have an entire development team that you guys will never see we have over 20 employees um and it everything has to go through multiple layers so an idea that i have can take you know months to actually make it to you guys uh but we're doing everything that we can and i think that when it comes to these particular changes we're moving at an astronomical pace yeah it takes a quite a lot of work and a lot of people and a lot of man hours to make things happen especially when it comes to like we can say that we want something done with the website but then there's a whole team of programmers who have to figure out how to make that work and not break the website in the process and we do and sometimes it does break the site fortunately we have the ability to have a separate build of the website on a completely different system so you don't see that but when it does break and the tool is how we want it to be we have to figure out why we have to figure out why it's breaking and then they have to figure out how to fix it and make it not break without having to change the tool and make it something else web development when you're not just using a plug-in based thing is hard and it takes time uh you can click on a listing on facebook and it'll take you to the listing in etsy i've watched a couple videos on it and we'll be doing that shortly okay so when you open b the facebook shop option yeah i haven't done that yet so um i can't give a lot of feedback on it but i don't see why not if i i would do it if i were you it's why not have that opportunity there do you have any etsy tips for businesses that are just starting out tons they're on my phones quick tips be consistent do your research don't make drastic changes to your shop all at once once you have your shop set up don't change all of your listings at once make sure your photos are good use as many photo spaces as you can fill out every section in your shop every section if you can and use a picture of yourself don't don't use some goofy cartoon picture unless you're like on witness protection or have a creepy stalker x or something use a real picture of you uh spend time on your banner and monitor your competition look at what your competition is doing but i have tons and tons of videos on my channel yep look through the channel we have tons of crap that was just a little quick quick bits uh i use power thesaurus a lot for finding words super help for when your brain is just putting that's about where i'm at right now uh can you tell me how to get rid of printful mailing choices i believe i've clicked the correct choices and subscriptions but it's still there we don't use printful so we can't weigh in amy i would post in the handmade alpha facebook community and ask someone who uses printful because we can only help with things that we have experience with do you have to file taxes for each of your shops separately we can't comment on that but no no no tax advice and then jasmine asks could you guys talk about how to file taxes for your etsy shop the only thing that i can say is that you should go to either like a legit tax person get yourself an actual accountant we use block advisors because if they goof up and file the taxes incorrectly we pay the insurance on it and they'll be responsible for the goof up not us as long as we were honest and i recommend the same to you it's expensive but having that extra layer of protection ensuring that if something happens with the taxes and you get audited that it doesn't ruin your life because you never you never know what's going to happen you might end up having like a six-figure year and then file your taxes wrong and then not find out a way later that you still owe like ten thousand dollars and then you get struck with a bunch of fees hire a professional um if you're a small shop and you made like a grand or two you might be safe filing taxes on your own but i personally unless you know what you're doing i don't recommend it i know turbo tax and all that stuff is super beneficial but there are so many other minor things that you might miss writing off if you made thirty to sixty thousand dollars your tax person might save you a couple grand in in tax fees like when in the state of ohio first 350 000 that we make we didn't have to pay state taxes on we would have never known that so get yourself an accountant that's local to your area not regular h r block they do an okay job but block advisors is specifically for business they are accountants and you can have them as a personal accountant so our woman is rad she's had like she is safe 30 years experience yeah she's saved us like tens of thousands of dollars on our tax returns so that's all i can say i can't give you specific advice but i will say find a professional um this has been informative yup yup and then there was one thing pudding is just custard that's so weird no pudding and custard are different things uh custard is egg-based there was one that was related to something don't copy a listing and change it for a variation of for example a candle if you're making variations of the same candle it's okay to copy just with the understanding that none of the data behind it is going to carry over so it's like creating and listing when i make a new listing if i'm listing a skeleton key and i know that a lot of the details are going to be the same as a listing that i already have in my shop i'll copy that listing so i don't have to retype everything out like if i know it's going to be the same size and the description is going to be somewhat the same i'll copy it to use it as like a template and then i'll change the keywords and add in new photos and i'll do that but that's just me being lazy and not wanting to start over with a listing um but i know that the listing quality score isn't going to carry over it won't have an advantage it just saves me a little bit of time and then london said what does ctr stand for click through rate and that's what we talked about a few minutes ago click through rate go to e-rank's channel there's a great video there from pam duffy did oh yeah g morgan that's a good question did everybody here hit that like button hit the like button there's 160 of you and there's 60 likes so there's 100 likes missing there absolutely everybody give give lots of love we are here um after a crazy night for those who joined us late mark's little sister had her baby yesterday in her bathroom on the floor so we're gonna go take her some pants because she's in the hospital right now with no pants in fact she's waiting for us to finish this live stream so we can take her some pants she's okay she's fine amber said what is pudding we don't have pudding it's it's kind of like custard custard is obviously it's made with an egg base pudding is made with a gelatin base yeah it's it's um milk and gelatin and you guys chocolate vanilla yeah i'm real real pudding isn't i mean real pudding i guess technically would be custard because pudding is like a quick but pudding is uh gross i don't really like pudding i like custard uh like a moose no moose is a is a whipped moose is airy yeah it's whipped it's just whipped sugar and milk but it's always brown no pudding is chocolate pudding is always brown but there's vanilla there's pistachio there's i mean any flavor you can you can lemon pudding lemon pudding's okay i still custard is still better than pudding let's send her some jello pudding mix can we send that across the border uh it's i don't know it's a product made out of bones what's the worst thing that could happen they just seize it right when we go to jail for shipping amber jello pudding i'm not sure there's nothing in here she said you reckon it's like angel delight i have no idea fancy pudding means a 20-minute conversation in our house on what type like cake scone mousse ice cream flan tart cheesecake it's all different stuff i'm gonna pull the custard now yeah i know a bowl of custard with some strawberries all right tags on the sting i thought they should be different we kind of already answered that earlier all right i think that is going fg please do not take legal advice from anyone on youtube that's way too risky thank you yeah and if you do take legal advice from someone on youtube just remember you can sue them which is why we don't which is why we don't give you legal advice because somebody can misconstrue what we say and then sue us and um don't sue us please don't sue us if you have a problem message me directly or fight me irl bro you can either message him send him an email or you guys can bare knuckle box in the front show up and we can throw hands that's fine too i'll fight like a man this is why we are not the world's best coaches show up with a couple of sabers we'll fence let's do it like like like a couple of flint locks we'll do it we'll do an old-fashioned 10-pace oh god i don't know if that's going to get us in trouble or not but it's whatever do a water balloon fight in the front yard yeah but for real like don't sue people unless they like hurt you or something might be irl all right guys thank you so much for hanging out we gotta go take a little sister some pants um if you enjoyed this video be sure to give it a thumbs up subscribe to my channel if you're new here hopefully this isn't your first live stream because this has been a crazy one we will we don't do a lot with the questions anymore and we're trying to move the questions back in we will um we will be back this upcoming friday we also have some really fun uh video ideas planned we've just had a lot of live things to figure out but a little hint for our new video series i'm going to be telling you business stories not like like historical business stories and things that you can learn from them so those are going to be fun they're going to be like little narrative stories like story time um but yeah we hope that you guys have an amazing and safe weekend watch out for lots of bernie sanders memes uh we've already seen several etsy sellers who made like 99 sales yesterday because they immediately jumped on the bernie sanders meme trend and sold stickers of him and they're like freaking out it's just a little bit of a little bit of insight for next time a viral meme pops up because you only have like a day or two to actually make that happen don't try to do something viral a week after it's happened because it's it's already a dead meme yeah so next time we see a big crazy meme like this if you're able to design a product quick and sell it digitally or do a sticker or something but be careful because a lot of times memes are based on copyrighted con meme lords usually don't get in trouble because every meme lord makes copyright content you're not a meme lord you're an etsy seller you will get in trouble for copyright content so just word of word of caution there yeah but if you haven't liked the video please do we have 132 likes there's still eight more of you that could like and i'm sure there's probably like 85 likes oh 85 likes cowards make sure you subscribe if you haven't already click the little bell icon if you want to get notified every time we go live or upload a video youtube most of the time is pretty good about notifying there's freebies down below there are freebies down below check the the little if you're on your phone you have to extend it it's a tiny little thing yeah uh get the 2021 marketing calendars have been fixed hopefully hopefully for those who are having issues with them they're fixed and the typo is fixed so you guys can get the new copy down below you can also get my five-star customer service strategy which will help your search ranking because they'll help your listing quality score by getting more good reviews so you can grab both of those freebies down below be sure to call your mom check on your sister make sure she didn't have a baby on the floor and we will see you next friday bye
Channel: Starla Moore
Views: 2,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: handmade alphas, handmade alpha academy, etsy tools, etsy seller tips, top etsy tools, grow your etsy shop, grow your etsy business, etsy marketing 2021, grow on etsy in 2021, selling on etsy in 2021, starla moore, etsy hacks, etsy seo 2021, etsy seo hacks, etsy seo for newbies, etsy seo for beginners, etsy seo erank, erank for etsy
Id: 3NoIvTcwusA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 20sec (6500 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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