9 Tips for Smoking the Perfect Beef Brisket

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I'm unwrapping the brisket to shoot this the slicing video and I just wanted you to see what I'm seeing I have never seen a brisket this juicy I mean juice just laying on the bark this is going to be phenomenal oh my gosh I mean that pretty much says it all right it's Mike from Del Mar my backyard and you're about to watch the nine tips to cook the perfect backyard brisket and it's gonna be awesome we have a fourteen and a half pound brisket five and a half dollars per pound and what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and Shrem it up get a lot of these uh these hard fat layers off I'm not gonna spend a whole lot of time doing this on camera this trimming can be boring as far as a video goes and I've already done a pretty good video on on how to trim a brisket so I'm gonna put that link above but I wanted to show you the meat that we're working with beautiful piece of brisket got it from Hickman's meat market my local meat stop it's prime great it's an amazing piece of brisket that never I've never got a bad piece of meat from there so I'm gonna trim it and and then almost season it so I'll be back to you when we seize it I wanted to see how much we cut off of this brisket started at 14 and a half pounds I'm gonna be honest I thought it would be more than that I'm okay with that first step to the perfect brisket buying prime or better great and really most meats start with buying the right grade right Claudie me brisket is more important than others if you don't want it to dry out on you you know especially if you're dealing with just a flat can you make it happen with choice or select you know your grocery store yes if you're looking for the perfect brisket you gotta have prime or better second step get your fat to a quarter inch in my experience you got to get all of your heart fat off which is uh under here all this was all fat you got to cut that out carve it out get it all out and it came all that that's where your point and your flat connect get it all out okay and like I said I'll check the other video out on on trimming the fat because that will show you how to get that done make sure you have a nice sharp boning knife and for those who who were making fun of my knife collection I did I did upgrade my I did upgrade my miter for my trimming knife for fat so everything went a little quicker to stun cut your sides like a show in the video give any gray meat off step number three you know I'm gonna say keep it simple and that's that's my suggestion to you don't overdo it with seasoning on your brisket you don't have to keep it as simple as I do salt pepper and just a hair of you know something special in fact today I'm gonna use two something specials but just a hair of them but keep it simple let the beef shine through don't will it don't put mustard on it I think it blocks out the smoke ring a little the meat has more than enough moisture just accept whatever rub you're putting on if you just take your time with it had it and it'll suck it right up [Music] don't be scared of the road [Music] my mother's a little more than half pepper to salt and then some stubs barbecue seasoning secret ingredient number two only on the meat side is a little bit of dark brown sugar this meats gonna suck this right up cuz we're gonna let it sit and clear plastic for about 12 hours all right now we're gonna wrap it in plastic we're gonna let it sit 12 hours or more it's time for the next tip to get the perfect brisket homestyle not competition a lot of it kind of is brisket has been wrapped in our plastic wrap for 15 hours we have a reliable cooker you need to have a reliable pit and now that comes with your temperature smoke production it's not reliable you need to be the reliability to of it so tip by preparation guys it's all in preparation got to let this brisket come up to room temperature before throwing it on the cooker depending on the weight of whatever your brisket is if you're cooking just a flat or a point I would always recommend doing the whole Packer is possible you may not need that kind of you know quantity of meat a whole Packer is gonna be the best way to get this thing to render perfectly luckily for me I've got a barbecue for Father's Day tomorrow so whole Packer it is 14 and a half pounds it's going to take 45 minutes to an hour to get this thing up to room temperature check your grain okay grain you can see easily right now mussels see are all running this way it's very important when you go to slice this thing you want to cut across the grain it gets much harder to tell which way the grains running what you want to do is cut a little chunk right here and now what I have is when this thing is done I don't know this is where my slices go right here just like that step number six inject it I'm using 32 ounces of beef broth 3 tablespoons of butter 8 ounces of apple juice and 2 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce into the grain work a little pocket and watch it swell up a little bit be careful about it squirting out inject as your phone pull it out now when you're near the edges you're going to get a lot more than tends to spray out and come out this will pay you big dividends keep this thing real moist [Music] all right guys I'm gonna top him off a little more rub and then I'm gonna put him on I'm cooking on the wreck Tech I'm gonna go at 225 for about ten hours and then I'm gonna race the heat depending on what temperature briskets at so it's gonna be a overnight cook for me but the best web do brisket is low and slow and that's the way I recommend if you have a hit that's capable set it forget it let low and slow on a brisket the first you know half of a cook I want a brisket is is just you just wanna just get that smoke in there penetrate he's not a whole lot to do if you want spritz it you can I'm not going to pay a lot of attention to it this thing with all that injection [Music] eight and a half hours then color tell good to rap okay the iGrill to 171 degrees there's close says 179 but it's definitely time to wrap you up with some butter on fake butter keep it moist oh my gosh smells wonderful spritz it down now we're gonna wrap it put your paper knife in sight put it back on the grill raise it up to 50 14 hours temperature probe is reading 200 this probe and I'm going to do a probe test and that brings me to my next tip tip number eight you take the brisket off according to tenderness not temperature temperature is your guide but tenderness is when you pull it off now when it's wrapped like this you got to be careful what you're looking for is you're going to prove it in several places both in the flat and the point your once you get through the paper then you're basically going to want it to feel hollow inside almost like you know warm room butter I'll show you yeah we're there we're gonna go ahead and pull this brisket off and we're gonna let it rest and that is the last tip guys the last tip tip number nine let it rest for at least an hour just staying wrapped just how you take it off the grill I just took it straight out of the pit we're going on a cookie tray so that any there's gonna be a lot of juice there that is leaking through well we'll sit in the tray and that we're just going to let it sit there for at least an hour you don't want to continue to cook it you don't want to dry it out you want it to start coming down in temperature but you want it to do it slowly you want those meat fibers those tissues those tendons you want them to start pulling down and stop cooking but you want it to do it very slow [Applause] [Music] when your brisket jiggles like that you've got beautiful bark I mean perfect temperature perfect tenderness perfect bark everything about this brisket went perfectly everybody at your gathering of whoever's gonna eat it is going to be Wow if you'll remember this is the little piece that we cut off the end that tells us where to slice oh man you can just tell just by touching it it is just so tender so tender guys so so so so tender I mean that's the very tip of it look at that smoke ring it's just beautiful and just drip drip Oh [Applause] [Music] that amazing Christmas you can start a little bit separation between the plank and the flat you can see how juicy it was so hard to that point three I promise you there is so much to see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can't begin to explain to you how phenomenal that brisket was it was a Father's Day cook and it turned out amazing we had our family and some friends over for Father's Day and that brisket was absolutely I mean it was it was great when you hit it like I hit this one man that's what makes it all worth it guys so follow those nine steps and hopefully yours will turn out as good as this one does I have confidence in you yeah that's what it's all about so get out there get your pits rolling keep the smoke going and I can't wait to see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Delmarva Backyard
Views: 538,491
Rating: 4.5989294 out of 5
Keywords: how to smoke brisket, brisket smoking, pellet grill brisket, brisket, smoking a brisket, smoking brisket, pellet grill, smoked brisket, bbq brisket, how to smoke a brisket, brisket on pellet smoker, beef brisket, pellet smoker, smoked brisket recipe, brisket on the grill, brisket recipe, texas style brisket, rec tec brisket, cooking a brisket, rec tec, beef brisket recipe, how to cook a brisket, brisket on rec tec, pellet smoker brisket, texas brisket
Id: 5SW24JAnGjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2017
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