BRAISED BRISKET RECIPE | Oven Texas Style Brisket Recipe | Slow Cooked Brisket Recipe

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[Music] to get started I'm going to create a rub now most of you that are familiar with texas-style brisket when you smoke it you could virtually use salt pepper and garlic powder and have a great texas-style brisket heck you could just use salt and pepper and have a great texas-style brisket but today I'm going to create a rub and hopefully get that smoky flavor in the oven I'll be using two and a half tablespoons of salt one and a half tablespoons of ground pepper 2 tablespoons of garlic powder two tablespoons of onion powder I'm also going to use 2 tablespoons of lemon pepper and to get my smoky flavor I am going to be using 4 tablespoons of smoked paprika now smoked paprika is not the only way to impart smoky flavor when doing brisket in the oven you could also use something like bacon or marinated and liquid smoke but today I opted for smoked paprika I'm also going to be using one and a half teaspoons of ground cumin and three packed tablespoons of brown sugar now I'm just going to combine all of the spices in a bowl and mix well I'd also like to mention that if you check the description below this video you will find all of the ingredients and measurements that I used in this recipe this week I will be releasing four videos and they basically will be recipes for my Christmas dinner after November I'm pretty much turkey doubt so when December hits I always try to come up with a beef recipe for Christmas dinners and this year I am going to be serving a Texas style inspired oven brisket and when I mean Texas inspired or Texas style I mean basically the flavor not necessarily the texture because low and slow on a smoker is the way to go ok so here is the smoked paprika that I'm using for those of you that like to see the brands of things that I'm using so now I'm just going to continue adding the ingredients and give it a good mix okay so this ratio of spices gives you around a cup of rub and I'm not going to use the full cup on this brisket now if you do decide to use all of it just know that it has two and a half tablespoons of salt so if you want to use all of it scale back on the salt part might be too salty but here's the bowl I'm going to use for the brisket and I've reserved some because I'm not going to use all of it and I actually love to use brisket rub in other recipes which I'll show you later here I will be using a seven and a half pound whole brisket and what I mean is that this is the flat and the point the flat is the leaner part of the brisket it's the leaner muscle and the point is where the fat cap sits on top of it which makes that the more juicier moist and fattier part of the brisket which is my favorite so you can trim all the fat off this brisket if you want but I will say this the best method to cook brisket is low and slow whether it's in the oven or on a barbecue pit and you don't want to get rid of all of the fat so I'm leaving whatever's on the brisket I'm gonna leave that there I'm not taking it off and this was market trimmed meaning they already trimmed it and you know had it ready for me so if you can find a butcher or a market that sells it this way good and if you can't good luck trimming it I wish I could tell you how to do that I'm I'll leave some brisket links in the description below to help you out okay so I'm going to continue seasoning and adding rub to this brisket I'm adding rub and patting it on every square inch of this brisket by the way I'm using one clean hand to sprinkle the rub and the other one to pat it on there and this will just help me reserve whatever's left over so I don't have to toss it out once I'm done seasoning the brisket I am going to place it into a large ziplock bag this is a two and a half gallon ziplock bag you can actually put this in a large pan and cover it in foil here is my leftover rub I will be reserving that with in the container I had earlier so what I'm going to do is place my brisket in the refrigerator and allow it to marinate overnight you want to give this time this is a lengthy process if you don't have time to make this brisket it's probably not going to come out good so I'm going to do this overnight and let it marinate that's my suggestion okay so it has been overnight here is my reserved rub I will be using this in a minute here I'm also going to be using two pounds of onion this was basically somewhere between six to eight small to medium onions that I finly sliced and I'm also going to be using two cups of beef broth now the method that I'm using to start cooking this brisket I got from Andrew Zimmern's beef brisket recipe and I will put the link to his video below basically I'm going to be using the roasting pan I put it on the stovetop and I'm I want to show you I'm using a low setting because things will burn if the the roasting pan gets too hot and you want to make sure you're using a roasting pan that can go on the top burners not all roasting pans can go on the top this is stainless steel so I've added around a quarter cup of oil and now I'm just going to sear the brisket for around five minutes on each side and this will get things started for a good braise okay so once I'm done searing both sides of the brisket I'm going to set it to the side and just let it hang out and now I'm going to saute these onions and as you can see there was some charring in the pan there and that's because there is sugar in the rub so of course some things are gonna get burned but that's why you want to work with the low heat so I'm going to season these onions with a teaspoon of that reserved brisket rub and here it is I'm just going to add a heaping teaspoon to these onions and continue sauteing until they are translucent my onions are where I want them so now I'm going to add the 2 cups of beef broth give everything a mix and sort of deglaze the pan a little bit okay so my onions are done now I'm going to place the brisket on top of the onions with the fat cap side up as you can see I did get some good color on the fat cap from pan searing and that's basically where the deeper color will come from so at this point you want to cover tightly with foil I'm going to use like three sheets of foil you really want to trap in the moisture and I'm going to cook this in a preheated oven at 250 degrees Fahrenheit for one hour per pound so basically I'm going somewhere between seven to seven and a half hours of cook time you also want to make sure the internal temperature reaches 175 degrees Fahrenheit at least okay so my brisket has been cooking for seven hours and it is done and here it is it is absolutely beautiful it rendered a lot of fat there is some obviously juices in there but there is a lot of fat but I am not complaining because that is flavor so I am going to place my brisket on a cutting board and I'm going to tightly wrap aluminum foil over it just to let it rest you want to let your brisket rest at least one hour I'm actually going to let it sit here for around an hour and a half to two hours you want to make sure it retains as much moisture as possible again I stress to you if you do not have time to cook a brisket and you are in a hurry this might not be the recipe for you because it does take a lot of time but I tell you what the payoff is big when you allow your meat to rest well so having said that I am going to make a barbecue sauce here I fished out the onions from my roasting pan and place them into a sauce pot I even kind of chopped them up and broke them apart they are so soft and and juicy and tender and I can't wait to eat them here I'm adding 1 tablespoon of brisket rub seasoning I actually added a tablespoon and a half basically I will put the correct ingredients and measurements because I sort of played around with this barbecue sauce to get the flavor that I wanted okay so I'm just going to continue combining that and letting the seasonings warm through I'm not working with the high heat by the way now I'm going to add 8 ounces of tomato puree and you can definitely use ketchup but I will be using brown sugar to sweeten this so if you use ketchup you might not want to use tons of brown sugar because then it'll be overly sweet so into my pot 8 ounces of tomato puree and again I just want to mention again I know I sound repetitive or like a broken record in the video I added ingredients but off-camera I sort of adjusted it so be sure to check the description below to get exactly what I used ok next I'm going to add one and a half tablespoon of apple cider vinegar now I'm going to add one tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce I'm also going to add a packed quarter cup of brown sugar and if you find this too much or just not enough again adjust to your taste now I just want to add a little side note I typically do not like to use barbecue sauce with my brisket I'm more of a just texas-style brisket it's seasoned well and that's it but I do like to make a sauce for those who like to keep things saucy so now I'm going to add a tablespoon of spicy brown mustard I will mix that in and allow the sauce to simmer for around five to 10 minutes and it's done ok my brisket has rested for two hours and as you can see it is not cold they're still steam coming off of this it retained the heat well but hopefully it retained the moisture even better so I just want to show you this basically the point and flat will basically want to separate from itself because the fat has rendered everything's loosey-goosey in there which is fantastic so now I'm just going to cut the meat against the grain and if you don't cut against the meat brain you'll basically end up with a string but here's a close-up look at my sliced brisket and I got to tell you it's tender and it's moist and I also want to show you the other things that I will be serving this with I'm also going to be putting out a green bean recipe a homemade ranch style beans recipe and here's the barbecue sauce this is what it looks like finished I also made a sweet cornbread and I will be putting out a green chili mac and cheese recipe this basically is going to be my holiday meal this year and we are excited to dive in I hope you give this recipe a try I hope you like it and thanks for watching you
Channel: Simply Mamá Cooks
Views: 902,286
Rating: 4.8820038 out of 5
Keywords: Easy recipes, how to, Gochujang Mama, Homecooked, Christmas, Family meals, texas style brisket, brisket recipe, texas brisket, beef brisket, barbecue, The Best Texas Style Oven Brisket recipe, oven brisket, Christmas Brisket, braised brisket, braised beef recipe, how to braise beef, how to braise a brisket, braised roast recipe, Holiday Dinner recipes, Dinner idea, Beef recipe, Oven Baked Brisket, BBQ Brisket Recipe, barbecue brisket, Moist Brisket, BBQ, super bowl recipes
Id: vwGGctKEtGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2018
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