Competition Rib Recipe St. Louis Pork Sparerib How to Barbeque by Harry Soo

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hey folks it's Harry from Zerbinetta barbecue today I'm gonna be showing you guys how to cook competition style ribs it's been a few months since I competed so I'm a little rusty so I'm gonna go to a practice run using some mr. st. Louis ribs here we're gonna show you how we trim them how we season them how we rub them how it cool them in the pit - they're perfect so that we can win the contest I have a contest coming up in a few weeks I need to get in the top form so come along for the ride I'll show you guys all my tips and tricks what I have here San Louis style ribs and these are about four and a half five pounds each I have a separate video to show you how to pick them but basically you want to make sure that the rib has a lot of marbling around this area here so this is a good rib because we've got a lot striations and marbling and if I were to do a contest this is the area I will be trimming the rib bones for the judges first thing you wanna do is in one of open up your rib you take it out so and what I have here is a favorite show you guys five things that you need to do to a Sperry get ready to be used in the contest we usually trim a spare rib into the pasta - in parts so this is a host parry so on a cow this would reside on the left breast it has a sternum here and they ripped they are usually about fourteen of them one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen so this one is 13 so this is a thirteen ball rib so the first thing we want to do is we want to remove the flap here it comes off this is the diaphragm of the hob and on a cow this would be where the fajitas they come from so step one is to remove the flap step two is to locate the longest bone which is ball number four one two three four you put your knife through for number four and then you make a parallel cut along this edge here all the way to the back move this piece here this is called a rib tip and this will allow you to separate the rib into it and Lewis cut like so this piece comes off then you flip it over there's a area here that has a piece of flat here this is called the insertion point to the pectoralis so what I call the false lead so you trim this part off here and I'd like you to try to do is I like to count ten bones one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then under ten or eleven board I will trim it off so that I can get a nice so here you have it I'm having some do a strip and all I need to do now is pull the membrane and this piece of rib is ready for the smoker so here's the st. Louis rib trimmed the top part is called rib tip I have about three bones at the end here I have the flat and I have a false lead so there you have it you have a completely trimmed San Luis rip will show you guys now how to pull the membrane and how to season it and get me ready for the pit you guys had a pull of the membrane now so the rib itself on the inside here has two membranes it's a top in the bottom you want to remove the top one the easiest way to do it is to use a butter knife locate the bone right so and then run your knife in there so kind of like get it between the top membrane here and the trick that you want to use is to use a piece of paper towel because you know how will you hold out your grip so you take a piece of paper towel and pinch it so that you can hold a membrane like so so then you pull it run your finger underneath so using the membrane type holding you hold it right to the other side so and you gently fold it up so this is how you pull the membrane from a st. Louis cut if you boys ask me Harry what about baby backs you compete using next you can compete using baby backs or st. Louis ribs but I find that st. Louis trips seem to do better in competition I have done many informal tests in my class and students typically prefer the San Luis I'm not exactly sure why but I know you can win a World Championship using herbs baby back rib which is the loin back but I prefer to users have Lewis rib when I cook the contest because I think that it retains moisture and it's very meaty and it has done well for me so here's the back part of it I have to the membrane has been removed and here's the front part this rib is ready to go they're gonna apply the wrap now and we use two rubs on my competition ribs I use the all-purpose on the backside and on the meat side I use the chicken rub this is what's good for first-place USA a lot of teams are using this combination to win the rib entry taking walks so you apply the all-purpose rub on the backside like so I'll just do one show it to you you apply until the rub becomes opaque and about maybe six to ten inches away you shake it a rub loosen it apply it shake her up some more loosen it up light get a nice even coat like so once the rub is done he Pat it down and I flip over can you apply the chicken rub on the other side so that you don't contaminate the bottle I just use a paper towel I just put a glove over the rub so at a height of about maybe 10 inches or so you shake it apply the rub get some of the chicken rub on the back on the meat side this combination really works very well for ribs also for chicken so and we're done so you season both sides show new one is an example I usually let this sit for about at least one to two hours before I cook it so that the salt has a chance to penetrate the meat and will cook in the pit for about say two or three hours and Tim get a nice crust and then we'll wrap it in foil and I will show you that process as you get to it I have the rub on the back side I'm applying now the chicken rub on a meat side and I should mention that when you up it's very important to apply nice and even we always say in a contest you have one too many shakes or one missing shake or up that might cost you in Thai contests and put helps a $10,000 check the other thing also mentioned is when you should put a rub here you want to have put the rub on a little higher maybe about eight to ten inches so they shakes more evenly and you also want to shake the bottle when you before you apply so that the product is loose we also want to mention that when you apply a rub you never rub a rub you just apply the rub and then you kind of Pat it down like a baby's bottom because when you wrap a wrap the actually moves a rub around it makes it even an even so for professionals when I cook contest I usually don't move to rub around I just apply the rub and I Pat it down so I never rub a rub even though it's kind of ironic you don't rub the rub you just apply the wrap and then you would let it sit and let it get tacky and you just press it in with a gentle Pat of your fingers then you just Pat rub him nice even coating all the pieces here in a contest I would only use the rib bones here so the rest of the pieces would be safe for people's choice off of my crew for people to eat or contest these are the ones that I will focus on to make sure they cook perfectly so I for slabs here that I'm cooking in a practice session here now I'm gonna Pat it down so gently never you never rubber up you just Pat it down and set it aside to sit for one or two to two hours to let it develop flavors before we cook them this is technique it's called a dry brine some people also like to soak their ribs but I don't I find that the dry brine technique book just as well you just let this sit for a little while and the meat will get all nice and seasoned and ketaki if the meat is dry you can actually add a little bit of mustard to it to do it what we call a smear I'm I didn't smear it because I know my meats gonna be fairly wet tonight so but you could put a mustard mayo or any kind of a un spray some apple juice to get a tacky surface to create a kind of a smear too so that the rub will stick to the minutes so there you have it all done ready to set aside to rest [Music] Kraus is setting nicely we sprayed every 30 minutes or so towards the end you can spray a little bit more often I'm gonna put on a little bit of butter flavored soy bean and people always ask me why do you use this product why don't you just use good quality butter well for combination pitmasters so here's a blackbelt trick here we don't use butter because butter cement will burned also when butter clarifies it kind of breaks down into its component milk solids so this is actually a better product for barbecue and you can foil with butter but I prefer to use parquet to stray and parquet or I can't believe it's not butter to spritz it with a nice color you can use this product I also use parquet so depending on what I can find in Walmart I will use that product because everything that I do is based on the premise that I've got to be able to get off airplane go to Walmart buy some supplies and go to a contest we use some borrowed equipment and try to win a $10,000 check so that's my mo this is the product I use so you can try my way you try your way see which way is better and if your ways better don't don't listen to me and don't follow me okay all I can say is that my way has worn many many first places so I'm showing you what I do but you don't have to follow me if you already do it better than me hey more power to you espresso water here beautiful looking ribs I just want to make sure to cross this all set before I wrap it the way I can get the maximum flavor from the Maillard reaction here it'll be gorgeous alright the ribs have prophetic WestEd and they look absolutely gorgeous a little mahogany color I know that they have crusted because when I touch it and I scratch it gently with my fingernail the rub does not come off so that means that the meat is ready for the next phase the Maillard reaction has formed on the surface of the meat which is the crust and this is generated maximum for your potential that thousands of new flavor compounds now and I'm gonna put my rib on there well here show you guys my foiling technique hear me talk you to determine ingredients here so first things first right so I do have recipes so I've got like about a dozen black bell competition recipes that I do I'm gonna just show you you into kind of one today because I can't do one at a time so in the future videos member should be there are 11 who knows but this is one that seems to work because this is the one mhm you're gonna use in Texas I have a number of products that I used when I do the falling face I have a brown sugar I've honey sloppy daddy sauce cut with some vinegar here in this bottle here so it's like my sauce my cube sauce makes me some vinegar we got some sweetener agave sometimes I use it we have three different spices we use here we use a little bit of my chicken rub to give a pop for flavor during the falling phase I had this thing is not easy to find called Merkin spice is basically from mediterranean somewhere in Africa this rice has a really great flavor I've done really well with it another sleeping grid and I use this harissa harissa is an African seasoning these two spices you can actually replace with cayenne pepper that's fine so don't lose any sleep over it I'll and for liquids I use a little bit of peach mango juice and then a little bit of that butter that I we used earlier so you guys what we do now I use a flour sifter to put the brown sugar on because if you put sugar like this it's kind of uneven but if you take this thing so did you apply that it's very nice and easy so you can could do a very quick covering and very very evenly with this okay and then a little bit of the peach mango just one teaspoon spritz it with some artists I can't believe is nut butter he used fartiest heavy use butter but is fine also no sweat escape disease butter touch of seasoning here of the chicken okay now so the bones here have black like blood on them so you don't want you don't want to turn it you're just show this to the judges so you clean the bones like so so which is just uh you see you can see here we go you can see this here too dark all right so you just remove the blood here on the back of the rib here so you see this this compare to this right so you see that it looks much better blood this is what you do not for your poker buddy so you do this for your judges and put your mother-in-law if I don't know that's always kids right so there you go so you remove the bones here when you see uh pitmasters on TV and you see how when they could meet the the kind of meat retracts on the bone so I'll show you a black dog trick that we do the professionals do anyway so you can try this at home so you notice that there's a bone here so basically there is a meat that a membrane around the bone here like so so if you push it back the bone will give so see that so this will allow you to break the membrane between the bones and then you then when the enemy comes you'll retract beautifully so you see the result later okay let's repeat on the other side okay so for those of you who missed it and the first side here brown sugar nice even coat here nectar now the order by which you put this the product on not too important Gaby it was honey fall about Gaby split up my sauce here make cut with some vinegar it'll be a spray butter and three ropes Daddy chicken rub a bit of the Merkin spice I'm not sure way from but some way around the world I am fearless when it comes to spices I just scoured the world for that basically magic touch excellent I love Teresa you know it's actually good on really pretty much the chicken even tip tip here I use it on my chicken all right and go ahead but hopefully you got a lot of tips from the wrapping process itself I always say we not lose all these little bits of detail that you need to pay attention to so here's the shot of all the products I use don't have to use so many products if you don't want to go such complicated process just go with sugar a sweetener like honey or agave a little bit of liquid you can use the sauce you can use a peach nectar you can use any kind of sauce you can use butter and then just you just put a dry rub in there some some something spicy so if you want just this thing to still to Cayenne distinctly still - just have a the sauce just distill to either a barbecue sauce or maybe some some juice some soy bean oil and then just use the sugar so just three things right the sugar the sweetener and then a little bit of dry product and that's enough so don't don't go all whole hog over this whole time in tennis hair is crazy because I'm a nurse of perfection and I'm a begins 100 team so gotta you know get get it to the max here but you don't need to your cookie nice for home right so those dress all right you checking out rapes now okay with you to figure little hearts we'll let it sit some walk longer one hour later we're checking the ribs or tenderness it's been boiled and talked about oh well maybe an hour and a half and it's beautiful and a couple of ways of checking tenderness you can take a bamboo skewer and then or to play a pokey between the bone and so or you can use the back of a plastic fork which is approximately taste looks like your two tooth so you pretend to see your teeth you poke it between the bone like so this is too hard so not yet ready so the collagen has not rendered the gelatin yet you can also use a thermo pan like so and you can poke it and look at the temperature some people think that it's about 200 degrees so there's now like 190 not quite there yet so we let it run a little while longer and to gets to tenderness perfection it's not that easy to get ribs to be perfectly tender in a competition like I you saw in my chicken video the window of perfection for chicken in the second stage of foiled is about 100 second after the 100 seconds like skin pulls back too far so for ribs actually the window is about 8 to 10 minutes so before that window the rib is not quite tender after that window is too tender because I'm cooking competition ribs today so he has a very distinct specification when you buy into the rib you have to be able to see your teeth marks on the rib and the there should be some liquid on the bone and that it should kind of evaporate within a few seconds so that kind of requirement for competition is not something that you need to worry if your backyard or but if your calm guy or gal this is what we live for while trying to get that rib right into that perfect sweet spot about eight minutes within say a five six-hour cook so these are not quite ready yet I'm gonna put it back and let it rest and get happy some more ribs are done and I can tell by poking it it's nice and tender they poked it between the bones like so nice and tender the duck temperature usually between about say 195 all the way to 208 so but you know using a bamboo skewer it's much easier to check for doneness instead of using a temperature probe like this you can also use the temp probe if you want it also goes all right ready for some slicing and some taste testing here are it's all ready and perfectly tender first thing you want to do as the tip is that you gonna spray a cutting board so that the ribs will not stick the sauce will not come off so and what have you do is what I like to do is the first thing I do is I cut off one piece from each end as a taster right the end pieces are usually a little bit dry but just check it with any nurse here but perfectly tender so notice this piece also very good means a bit of sauce but it's okay third piece here hopefully each other so all I know I'm really happy with a look at a rib and see here it's already Quadra see so this is a competition look like and look at how beautifully it goes away from the bone okay so and I using the trick I showed you earlier while using your fingers to kind of press it down is absolutely gorgeous so here's the rib practice done show you all my comp tricks hope you found this video useful so please like subscribe and share this video and come back to my channel I've got lots and lots of other topics I need kind of pass on my knowledge of a barbecue to you so - I'll do the next video we'll see you next time
Channel: Harry Soo
Views: 271,888
Rating: 4.9302759 out of 5
Keywords: How-to, how to cook, recipes, food, cooking, recipe, meat, smoking, smoked, smoker, tasty, charcoal, smoke, ribs, babyback ribs, baby back ribs, bbq ribs, bbq, barbecue, pork, how to, grilling, barbeque, cook, dinner, how to make, grill, dish, grilled, texas, appetizer, smoked pork, mukbang, kitchen, beef, pitmaster, eater, best, how to grill
Id: JIdEeZ7x094
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2018
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