Competition BBQ Pork Butt Shoulder Smoked Pulled KCBS Weber Smoker How To Harry Soo Tasty Barbeque

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hmm where did I put it I know it's here somewhere and just polish on my garage and lots of trophies that I've accumulated the past ten years cooking championships all around the country around the world from London to Hawaii Canada and I know it's here somewhere it's a small trophy I made my palette roofies here probably one in excess of 100 plus four spaces in sanshin contest my KCBS IBC aapne BB and so on and there's one trophy here I wanted to show you because it means a lot to me and you know with 30-plus grand championships and 100-plus was places I noticed one trophy I'm looking for right here where the heck did I put it here maybe it's in here somewhere okay I found it so I made all my Pollock trophies in my garage that there's no more room to park my cars this is one I'm really proud of this is a KCBS Team of the Year pork and I aged out about five to six thousand professional teams to third place overall which is not a bad accomplishments because the best pork cooks all come from the Midwest so for a West Coast team to do one pork is quite an accomplishment I wanted to show you this trophy because this episode is dedicated to cooking competition pork so I'm gonna be competing in Texas in a few weeks and I'm a little rusty so I was gonna practice my pork game and gonna cook pork three different ways that have done well for me in contests we have won many first places we're gonna take you along for the ride and show you some more hair is black belt tips and tricks for cooking competition pork because when Harry UPPS this game remember Harry's gonna up your game so come along for the ride [Music] I'm cooking three different styles of competition pork butt that have done well for me in contests and I'm gonna use three different injections on the three butts because I wanted to kind of get a sense of the flavors of some of the injections I have not used before I have not used pork product by it and then try it this is from Sterling ball my good buddy from Big Poppa smokers i buy all these products because it guarantees that I'm impartial because these are not sponsored products so I decided to buy them to maintain the neutrality and the objectivity of my reviews this one from butcher BBQ is actually his pork injection I use his powder many times the first place so I thought I try his new pork injection in a bottle makes it very convenient I don't have to mix it and this one is a sweet brine of mine a good friend of mine mark Lambert he has a World Championship pork team I had did a review of his injection a while ago I'll leave the link in the bottom where you can see my previous review of six different pork injections so for today's tests and my practice run I'm gonna use these three products on three pork butts cooked three different ways and I'll show you how we're gonna trim the pork butt and proceed with the injection process first things first I need a big injection and then trim the butts get them all ready for the smoker we made injections and now we're ready to trim the meats I have six pork butt pack here bone-in because I cook boning for competition I went through a previous video to show you how to select your pork butts at a store but let me just for recap purposes if you can case the too lazy to watch the other video because we can't with you what we need to do so the first thing you want to do is when you buy pork butts you have to find the weight this one is about 19 pounds so that's about right so I won usually the pork bus will be about in a 10 pound range we're looking for basically the money muscle right here this muscle here the muscle is always opposite a scapula bone when you sell a competition pork butts you really want the money muscle to be big and the money muscle is always the scapula bone so here's a left and right scapula so the picnic is attached kind of here and then here's the shoulder and this bone is the one that's sticking out in the back here with you here sticking out in the back here and the money muscle right this is the bone on top of the muscle I took up that's it this is the bone that's a prop so basically the bone is sticking out here the money muscle is on the opposite side which would put it over on this side think so okay so you're looking for a large money muscle I like big pork butts and I cannot lie I tend to buy pork cuts in the 90/10 power range because the pork butts that are big yield big honking money muscles so for competition purposes I will go to squat a few butts to select the perfect one it's more like in this particular one here this is a 19 pound pack here on this one the the money muscle on this side is a lot bigger and better than the money muscle on this side so this is momentous so this one I will cook for my poker buddies this one I will use to win a $10,000 check and same with this one here this one is beautiful okay this gorgeous money muscle here and on this pack this one is too small so unfortunately they often pack the big and the small together so this money muscles not bad but it's a little short this money muscle is a little bit better for important contests what I do is I will buy more than what I need I usually buy you know maybe for six bucks depending on my mood and I try to pick the call my way through the best ones this one here this one is okay but it's kind of small small little but here maybe about seven pounder this is a 10 pound on this side so I would pick this one on this side I would take this one it is a beautiful one and I would pick this one so I'm gonna do all three methods of trim that I like that has won me first place many times I'm gonna show you three different black belt methods of trimming pork butt for competition and will cook the rest for my poker buddies we just do three backyard style and three competition styles and show you all my tricks I'm gonna walk you through three different training methods use for competition they all have pros and cons and I'll show you enough the main methods I used first thing you want to do when you do pork butts is that's a coterie artery right here see here so the cadre are we needs to come off whether you Tim backyard or you trim for competition I'd like to take this piece off here so this is where the heart of the pig is so this artery this comes off so remember it's the scapula bone I showed you earlier this bone here so this is the one sticking up so on top of the bone here this piece here is the cautery re so just remove it because a lot of times these trim before you but when it's not trimmed off ok trim it off yourself alright first thing I'm going to show you is the senate frame to expose this muscle here this is the part I'm gonna get super nerdy on you so if you're not interested in scientific parts of a pork Boston butt or a shoulder here just ignore me and skip forward to the next section the the pork butt is a fantastic eating muscle from the pig and it comes from the shoulder actually and the reason it's called the butt is because of the word Boston but yeah before refrigeration was invented we used to have to smoke or dry or salt our food the same with meats because the refrigerator was invented only about 100 years ago the first refrigerator company was Kelvinator and because we had to solve the pork pieces after we slaughter the pig for food we had to throw it into a storage container the source patina would be basically a wooden casket and that would be called it but that's why he's called Boston but because it was popular in Boston so I'm gonna talk you through the different muscles here so as I mentioned earlier this is very nerdy so just skip through this if you don't want to listen a poor body's great eating because it's got about 12 different muscles even broken into four major muscle groups the one that as a pitmaster I'm always concerned about like I told you the one opposite is bone for tuning shoulder is this muscle here called the money muscle all right money muscle is also called the pectoral or fun night so if you don't impress your friends and uh next barbecue event saying hey Joe hey Mary how is your vectorized for fun dice so he referring to this money muscle here the behind a money muscle are certain muscles called the tubes it's called a long a CMOS dorsi the let's see motor see the splenius and finales kept this and the other good eating muscle is also contained here called the horn I'll show you guys where it is it's the muscle that's embedded in here there's actually two horns and the horns are called the supraspinatus and the scapularis so and the terrorist majors so this muscle is really good eating for some types of contests i turned in this part called the horn depending on my mood a lot of times i just add in the money muscle because i want to play it safe a lot of judges are familiar with a pork pot sometimes when you get too fancy 20 too many pieces they kind of grade you on a lowering scale so let's say some of the parts are us eight but the money muscles are nine they're supposed to average up but you know some judges they average down so devoid death I don't turn it in the main muscles are the serratus here right here on the top part here and then the tricep rocky and the cutaneous facie so Katina faces on one on the other sides makes them some good little shreds on it so they add about the Dozen muscles you don't really need to to remember them all right like to permit regular programming all right however Harry says they're the only muscle that he's concerned about when he cooks contest essentially is the money muscle and sometimes I pull it from the horn to get some of the shreds from the horn and sometimes I pull the tubes depending my mood but we're gonna show you all these little pieces as we go along so just follow me along and I'll show you the three different ways we're gonna trim three three butts that I'm gonna use in a contest we're gonna trim one my traditional way with the money must expose we're gonna do a butterfly in a second one I'm gonna do the hanging Chad version on the third I'll show you what a hanging shared version looks like alright so there you go there you have it so uh you notice that first thing that this piece here doesn't look very good and it's growing over this muscle here so right my knife in like so to kind of sculpt the muscle to expose the money muscle pick the right stuff and I so it looks a little bit more pronounced whip it over to the other side notice how the fat cap is now overlaying the money muscle this is right here I run my knife right down the seam so and then run my knife underneath the seam here to separate the muscle so what I want to try to don't get a long piece of money muscle so I can cut it into sort of a medallion for the box I'll show you guys how the fascia box looks like here and this would be pretty much okay a little bit of fat on this side here trim this off so of course you need a sharp knife to do this you might previous videos you can see you can uh nice I like what kind of sharpening mantis I use alright for the first one so I'm gonna be using this one to pull the money muscle here so de facto rights for fun dice been trimmed up nicely you can see is very pronounced so I'm gonna cook this one to perfection alright so this is the first trim but number one let's now move on to but number two default number two same same thing first card or ivory right here okay this one sticking up so here and we're going to need bone the second one because we're gonna butterfly so we make a cut down here with this bonus so so for a second cut sometimes when I get lazy I just buy it bonus but because for the butterfly part you don't really need the bone because you're gonna butter side the pork butt let the victor are defined by the money muscle sit on the pit so but this one for their mock purposes take one for the team and show you guys how it's done obviously I'm not a butcher so I don't do this every day so you know and it's good taking couple minutes to do this year so while I'm trimming this I should run through you to some other rules here I could get a lot under KCBS rules so KCBS rules have certain requirements that you cook pork it's gonna be a pork but you check you do the pork shoulder give me the whole shoulder you can be a pork picnic which is sort of the bicep of the pig here so you imagine this is the shoulder the biceps the picnic you can also be country style cut but the key is that the KCBS rule says that the pork has to be minimum or four pounds so you cannot you know buy a small small book but I'm not sure even this is pork but that's four pounds the other thing also you need to be aware that's the rule that says that you cannot cut up the money muscle and cook it separately so that's a KCBS rule because the pork has to be cook hole and then appalling mean inspection where you show up contest on a Friday usually sometimes no push on a Sunday but the officials will inspect your meat and make sure that it's not seasoned it's not being rubbed or injected so here's the what he called a muscle here so you can see like this is how it looks I have this cooked so this is raw like so see that right see that hopefully it makes sense out of this thing here and I just trimmed it off like so okay all right so he's got to be minimum four pounds come from a picnic for the shoulder or the whole shoulder including the forearm part of it the bicep of the peak and I can't as before but cannot be separated so you can cook it we show you a technique that I use to kind of like you know what rule so here's the pork but like so many muscles known this side iid bone a proper so you can buy the pro bottom that already broke so she got here so nicely debone pork but right so butterfly style is basically our money to stay in the money muscle so I'm gonna try to separate this thing here like so sit it down flat to me this way so you can see here alright so right isolated here all right that's a lot of waste here but the idea is that you want to have maximum crust and you want to maximum Park and when you have the money muscle facing upwards the advantage of the butterfly style is that the heat is that becoming on the bottom so the top part is protected because you've got two flats here so that's a preferred method of cooking also teams vary between all different techniques this is another technique there's about moist six or seven if in park techniques be showing you three today what time I'll show you some more but this will get you around because this is what I'm gonna do in Texas I'm gonna cook either this way or the other way I make it lazy and just go buy a bunch of boneless pork butts I like do rocks also so to rob is kinda expensive compared to rock he's at least a brand from the Midwest Minnesota I think and they make a very good pork it's almost like the Kobe or pork the other expensive but you know in a contest like in Texas there's gonna be 8200 team so I gotta bring my a-game and you know I try to do well I want reserve champion in the Texas couple years ago so everybody's got my ass painted on their hands like a target so I just wanna you know hopefully finish in the top ten when you're on an airplane you fly somewhere cooking onboard equipment it's kind of a crapshoot because you know a lot of times it's not your own equipment and you know I'm one of those funny people I like my own gear but you know for the sake of travel it's just too far the drive from Los Angeles to Texas that's a good what maybe 2030 hours so I used to drive to do tennis city I will leave my driveway at around 6:00 a.m. on the Wednesday get the Kansas City Thursday night around 10:00 o'clock Good Friday Saturday and then after that drive home on Sunday morning get back to my driveway at around 10:00 p.m. on a Monday night go to what for Tuesday so imagine doing that you know many times a year I uh over the years actually walk what are many assistant cooks so I think 16 men your wife's told them you're not going to hear it anymore you gotta hurry every single weekend and you gotta stay home so now I cook a lot on my 119 so that a lot easier that we have my own boss I'm a 1 dishwasher my own cook I won't drive where you know my my own would he call you no cleaner all right so here's here's kind of how it looks like so these people I like to do I like to treat min so ladies up kind of a butterfly like so so it's kind of you know look this week should dissipate like that and this way all right so that's how it's done that way I can get a nice money muscle I can also get some bark on the back part so I get bark here and mark here so I can get pull some chunks out from all the different muscles including the longest Sigma's the supraspinatus and the serratus burnt Arles right so don't remember don't have to remember all those mumbo jumbo crap okay just remember Harry sit honey muscle you guys got that okay we're gonna trim the top rock but the third part is sort of like the first one except the money muscle is kind of cut away not completely cut away because there would be against the rules but the technique I use is basically so I can get a smoke going all the way around the cage and don't use it very often but I wanted to kind of practice it because I haven't decided what my final recipe and final technique will be so I'm gonna try to do all three that have done well for me in competitions in the past so trim up here separating the I'm trimming away the excess fat here this is my site same on this side here it's a little bit of silver skin here usually you need to run your knife underneath so the rule is basically your butt has to be minimum four pounds you cannot trim off the money muscle ache okay now you can however separate the money muscle after the but it's cool but you cannot do what everybody's wrong so this technique I'm gonna show you will allow us to get a full smoke ring around the money muscle by basically making an incision on this side here so you make a cut here so we can see this here so keep it attached now it's very important that you don't cut all the way okay so once you cut all the way you have to buy a new program because he's against the rules right so like so alright so here's another technique here alright so this way you can see here that I'm going to be able to give a smoke ring all the way to the edge you see that right because I said pretty so now my money muscle is kind of hanging I call it the hanging shared approach but not just my nickname so you can see how much little meeting here day is so the smoking is gonna go all the way around you're gonna get a beautiful medallion and while the judges now even though you while the diligent smoking they're not supposed to judge you on a smoke ring I'm a certified by the good judge so I've been trained in that but as a competitor I know the day I turn in pork pot or brisket or any meat whatsoever without smoked green it's not a be able to take the top honors so there you go this is gonna generate a lot of nasty comments I know from you guys joining community but I'm a competitor so I'm a competitor and a certified judge and I advance judging instructor so I know I'm talking about okay so three different methods this is right here we care what are three methods first one is my conventional trim to isolate the pork butt so that the money muscle is exposed second one is the trim to expose the money muscle see here like this that's lifestyle all right lifestyle expose the money muscle so sitting on top so get good bark underneath the pit here on the other side and then this one is to get the money muscle so that you said kind of separated so that I can get a smoke ring pretty much all the way around so there you have three of Harry's black belt trimming methods to win in a contest so will ready do now the move to the next stage which is to show you guys how to use the injection and how to put injection into the but before we cook it we're gonna begin the injection process by injecting but number one which is the standard configuration with the butcher porn injection and then for the second one which is the butterfly I'm gonna use the Lamar clambers sweet brine of mine and then the third one which is the hanging Chad with the muscle can almost detached when you use the pork prod sterling ball of big papa smokers so the blue Scott's product here pork injection Lambert's product and then sterling balls product here check them all up and apply my rub and that we're just gonna use the stand that step your daddy chimed in shape up of a strong so the first but with the one toothpick here I'm going to inject with the butcher BBQ and this is my standard trim so you push the needle in you checked it pull the needle out move over a little bit inject it fill it up holding you down so maybe about three or four shots on the money muscle here and I also see don't worry about so much about the other sides I do worry about the scapular myself so let me show you guys how we can check the scapula which is the horn right here you have to get your needle underneath the bone here and you inject it so you checked at the money muscle I'll inject the horn and then I'll get somebody into the big muscle here and all in all honesty sometimes in some contests I just focus on the parts I'm gonna turn into the judges so I'm not gonna worry about the whole so just focus on the muscles you're gonna use I usually use the horn I also used sometimes to use the tubes but depending on my mood and how things turn out I can adjust accordingly alright so if you can just make sure that you get every square inch of the product injection into the look into the but here here leeks right there all right one down wait the second one which is a 2 which is spine on mine and this is the brine that's in the powder form that you mix yourself sweet dry no mine from wrong Lambert and this example here is a butterfly so lots of beautiful box underneath here and then a money muscle sitting on top stays protected in there I'm going to do about three or four shots in the money myself alright this is done did you go third one third one I'm doing a cattle prod which is this product here and this my muscle that's almost removed hanging I'm a little piece of flesh which is permissible under the rules you just have to be careful when you cook it not to cause it to fall apart because there will be a violation of rules because the meat has to be attached but this will allow us to get a beautiful smoke going all the way around some people like it some people hate it so you go figure yourself you know everything in barbecue there's a 3-hour argument among judges it's also a 3-hour argument among the judging community as to what judge it just like so same here back here can get into the scapula area here the horn muscle is I'm gonna use that for de yeah we call pork maybe stuff embarked from that area and check on the back right here can you hear there you go oh that we're gonna apply a nice even coating of my slipper daddy a championship all-purpose rub it was good enough for third place overall in pork I want to get it on all sides a bit over quickly get it on this side kind of a fairly medium to stick coat one day here let it down like a second layer exactly to see my mom so you don't want to turn it over too much - or too long because the holes or the injection on this side so it's gonna basically bleed out so it just hurried up this one it's not you'll be really careful because the money muscle is almost severed so we gentle we did here ideally you should have two people but I'm a one-man team so I'll do it myself so that is a few times so if I'm doing it really fast though when you do it at home just a good time you know so let me do it a little faster than you but just be very careful we always see in competition that we not lose is one too many shakes on the rough or one missing shake or up and you lose a $10,000 check Grand Champion so just do it slowly when you're at home and make sure that you get it nice and even throughout the meat down are we shaped or rub a little bit so that you loosen up before your flight then apply it about a foot away so it's nice and even all right actually seasoned all ready to go all right loading the pit now three butts on the top rack of a weber smokey mountain three different styles of competition trim using three different injections by the same slap your daddy championship round I like to cook my pork butts about 250 to 275 so this pit is spot on so weber smokey mountain really is a fire-and-forget smoker cooking our competition but slow and slow and we're gonna tear into spray color all right getting ready to spits the competition that's here water spin about 5 hours past my scratch test good we're gonna go ahead wrap them now and get them to finish cooking and the render to collagen but because the Cross has set now we're gonna proceed to the foil phase and we're gonna foil it with some brown sugar I've got some pork mock from stops you can make your old pork Bob but this is a lot easier just to buy it and then you just have some butter it's just those three items here some stubs with some butter and some brown sugar this one we got to be a little careful because we don't want the money muscle to fall off see almost hanging by the edge here so one bottle is good for about three of X all right nicely packaged and we have three packages to put that in the smoker and cook it until it becomes pro tender internal temperatures probably Oh between 190 to about 205 and three four cuts ready to go it's been about about five and a half hours to get to this stage at about 250 225 degrees perfect the poor parts are done and cut up in the foil to bend it so that there's no residual cooking so I cut the foil kind of like the alien flag so a little flour you want to air the meat so that it doesn't overcook so there's no receipt your cooking and let it cool down before you start slicing and tasting so we'll wait a little bit until it gets down to a comfortable temperature and we'll do a taste test of the three different injections we used to cook my practice run or my three pork butts trim in three different methods okay yeah but have been cooked so I'm gonna go cut into them now I start with the first one here first one is the cost the see the first one is the butcher injection here then cut off the money muscle pretty good nice smoke ring see that first one here this is from the butcher injection my mind but the butterfly one so I've trimmed off the one from the first one just for pot number one which is the butcher rejection because of the second one now from the sweets final mine also very good but to you do for spring nice bark on the bottom and this is the one that's almost severed just piece off here and also beautiful smoke ring so we have three products here and one two and three so this one is the one for the butcher second one is final mine and then the third one is the pork product from big papa this one is done with the smoke ring all around this is the butterfly and this is the standard competition trim so we'll see how they slice all three nice smoke ring the one on the hanging Chad understand the trim same color but the butterfly one this has a gorgeous Park so maybe cooking the butterfly method is the best part all three injections are really good so I think that either of the three would work could be in a contest butcher sweet brine Oh mine's a swine of mine and poke prod so now what a taste test the first one which is the butcher objection very good saltiness about spot-on tastes like pork normal chemical aftertaste very good that is a very good direction I see so many times second one is a sweet bride of mine this one is the butterfly stop the part actually is better between the two you can see here right this bark is a lot darker so this just seems to go better very wise crust also very good has a very natural taste not as salty as the butcher the limpid sweets right right on my ass why not my regular third one is the pork broth so the bar between the three very similar to the butcher park color and then the one for the middle one with the butterfly has much better bar so I guess if you could go butterfly method you're gonna get a nice step back tastier for prop rod up here also very good poor Perfetti cook but there was a flash Rama all three are excellent competition injections the pork has been perfectly cooked so this is like a lucky today okay go back I need a second round so hold on well it's a hard choice for the flavors are separated by by razor thin margins so based on my two bites I think I really liked by very small smidgen the sweet brown of mine which is my Lambert's injection [Music] you know glad to see it is a nine the pop rock and the butcher will be an erotica 8.75 or 8.8 so the margins between the three different injections are very very narrow so my overall conclusion is that all three championship injections so you can't go wrong with either one of them so the poor part is a very good product just as Ted mild and then the butcher is a little stronger and then kind of right in the middle very well-balanced is the mark Lambert street Bridal mine so he's a world pork champion so I can understand why he puts out a good very good product so it was a conclusion the conclusion here is that it's it's really very very close and sweet Bridal mine in today's cook H tau the other two by just a tiny tiny hair smidgen and I can't tell is because he was cooked differently because this was the almost hanging chads style this was the butterfly style and this was the standard scope the money muscle style so you have three really really good products so for my next contest which one will I pick hard to tell based on this test alone trimming it using the butterfly method seems to be preferred because I really like that that way dark crust mark the injection that that seems to work the best tonight or today actually is the sweet brine of mine smoke ring is about the same you can see here they're all very very good smoke ring so very three very good products you still have to cook it perfectly at the end of the day the injection is important but still the pitmasters skill is also very important we went to many careful set today so hopefully you took notes when you are watching the video all the little details of the madness of perfection I hope you found this video useful and the lessons and the knowledge between useful please like subscribe and share my videos plenty more videos coming your and remember when Harry experiments at ups his game is also gonna up your game next video we'll see yeah
Channel: Harry Soo
Views: 235,003
Rating: 4.8851438 out of 5
Keywords: tasty, charcoal, smoke, How-to, smoking, smoked, smoker, harry soo, slap yo daddy,, competition bbq, texas, pork butt, competition butt, pullled pork, competition pork, kcbs, pork, bbq, barbeque, pork shoulder, cooking, food, brisket, big green egg, baby back maniac, t-roy cooks, kamado, seasoning, soo, food porn, championship, pork belly bbq, dinner, malcom reed, howtobbqright, pitmaster, ribs, recipes, recipe, grilling, weber summit, how to bbq, grilled, weber smokey mountain, how to
Id: FlBagb3tKUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 24sec (2244 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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