Kids Being DUMB Dumbs 👶

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all right lauren would you say you were a pretty smart child uh yeah pretty smart did pretty good really because i wasn't oh no no i don't know what was wrong with me but i was really stupid like one time in an airport in korea i climbed up the opposite side of the elevator and i didn't know how to get down and all i remember like from my little bits and fragments of memory is like the guy who like pushes the little luggage carriers he was just running as fast as he could and then i let go before he got there and hit the floor with my butt and they were like are you okay and i was like yeah i'm actually fine oh my gosh wow you were not smart no i was dumb and today we're gonna look at some dumb kids doing dumb stuff because sometimes curiosity gets the best here all right oh no you know this has happened to me i've gotten stuck in the toilet before but in my defense the seat was left up i've done that as well especially at night but i'm very confused why this kid is in the toilet but then also grabbing soap he's trying to stay clean you know what i mean it's like we're going in the store but we got to bring the hand sanitizer he also is like giving the worst stink eye she's like yeah no big deal this is what i do wait how is his foot bent upwards this kid is stuck lauren he is stuck i just realized that oh don't worry little timmy you'll be in me and lauren's prayers are these all photos of you i looked a little bit more asian but yeah this is my past this little guy told his dad that he wanted to learn how to train his dog and the dad said there were lots of dog training videos on youtube so here he is showing them to the dog the dog is paying such close attention that is the most amazing picture i've the dog is legit looking at it too the dog is literally like oh okay this kid is not gonna teach me i'm gonna have to teach myself my sister just had a baby she brought her home today and my other niece was so mad she packed up all of her stuff and tried to leave she doesn't want a little sister so she's like you know what i'm hitting the road i'm out i would love though to just be like okay bye and see what she does like follow her obviously that's let my kid run away like follow them and see what they do i feel like she's bluffing because i used to like kind of bluff that kind of stuff too i used to be like mom dad i need dunkaroos i need them to live and my parents would be like no cassie like you've already had dunkaroos today and i'd be like oh and i'd like pretend to faint and they'd be like well cassie's pretending to faint again and they would just like ignore me until i got bored like she's fine don't worry about her yeah she's just pretending that she passed out from lack of dunkaroos from no dunkaroo poisoning so this mixer is plugged in lauren oh no i was looking at this photo and at first i was like genius this kid is a genius and then you just pointed that i was like this kid is stupid never mind you're supposed to take the little things off the mixer and then like this gives me anxiety now that i know it's plugged in it gives me anxiety but otherwise i'd be like she didn't know how to take them off and you know she just went for it she was just doing her best this could be like a motivational poster the thing that worries me is like the parent was just taking the picture like help her please i mean where's the button all the way up top i think she'll be okay she's fine she's got a good grasp i mean this could be moment like photos taken moments before disaster that's exactly what this is though oh oh this kid goes in for the wow oh that's gotta be burning hot poor granny maybe the kid's like listen i want to go drink that faster drink it quicker you'll enjoy it faster yeah this is the definition of a helping hand this is a lot of people getting stuck in things yeah why would you put your head in yeah i was like wait maybe because she wanted to wear it but that's a weird way to check if you can fit a candle in there like well i got those new head size candles we gotta make sure okay the candle is this big wait a minute oh so many sitcom episodes of people doing this that you should know by now that this is not gonna work out well for you don't put your head in a pumpkin cause you're gonna become the pumpkin man and these kids are gonna be running away screaming in a matter of minutes nobody really seems to be concerned also wait i just realized something else the guy that's trying to help her's head is like this oh wait that's a face what the heck yeah but the position of the body is kind of freaking me out a little bit this is the creepiest halloween i've ever seen oh i know moments before disaster lauren yep watch out it's coming i think they just oh oh they like it and he's like no no no you again you again do it again go again go again all right come on get him good get him good oh these guys this is a game these guys like it oh little boys yeah you know how it goes oh no oh no oh no no no no oh he's stuck oh my goodness and it looks like he was crying like he's stuck lauren i know and instead of helping they're like picture yeah ooh photo opportunity lauren you can't tell me you've never gotten stuck i feel like i definitely have been stuck in railings before but like looking at this photo i don't know how how do you how do you get in but not back out i don't understand the like logistics of it you really force it in and your hair like kind of helps you but then it's your jaw trying to get up and your jaw's a lot more like sticky so like you just can't get out of there how are they gonna get him out oh he's done he's done this is his life he like went to class with a fence on his head yeah it kind of looks like the fence isn't connected to anything like they just this is just him they like cut the fence off on both sides and he just walks around with it now wait what is this uh wait oh write the words in alphabetical order take act value use royal alluri i gotta say this kid's problem-solving skills instead of spelling take he's like okay well this has to be alphabetical order so i'm just gonna rearrange tape okay so this just made me feel really stupid it took me all the way until just then to realize what was happening no you know what my thought process was it was he's doing it right why are we making it oh my goodness some people just think differently like one time i had to take home this like big fraction problem and it was the easiest problem ever but in my mind it was really really complicated so i like had like protractors and like rulers and i like measured the whole thing and i like went beyond the page i like made extra squares like it was a mess so you read that and you were automatically like okay we have to put these three words in alphabetical order yeah i don't know why i don't know why i don't know why could have been formatted better i literally read it saw it and was like no that is in alphabetical order like it's a e like if i was a teacher i'd give an f and if lauren was a teacher she'd be like a plus good problem solving right i mean like i can't tell if they're stupid or actually a genius could be both could be both this kid's got like a dog level of smarts he's trying to catch the water i bet he'd chase lasers too jesus saved saul from his sins and chose him to spread the gospel wait what i don't get it oh my goodness basketball there's a war going on there's a man on a horse this other guy he's worried and this guy is shooting hoops shooting hoops lauren while kneeling he slid in there and shot the greatest basket of all time stupid or imaginative like this guy noticed this hand position he's like hey that kind of looks like a like a you know little dunk dear soldier my name is donovan i want to give you a happy valentine's card because you'll probably never get to see your family again so i want to let you know that i ca okay kid oh my god that went from being so cute to really dark oh my goodness the poor soldier's like thanks kid you tried your best oh geez also who was underlining this were they like pointing wait oh the soldier saw it underlined it and said thanks yeah thanks kid you know what you're not the brightest bulb in the drawer but i certainly know the situation maybe even better than i do yeah be like donovan what do you know what are they even telling you they haven't been telling us anything oh my oh no he looks comfortable yeah he's gonna say he doesn't look like he's in distress i would leave him i beg you know what have a good saturday you did this to yourself you'll you'll get out someday when this kid heard other kids at the playground say wanna hang out this is what he thought that meant yeah he's just trying to be cool yeah hanging outside how did he do that though did he use his ladder to climb up there and then yes okay he climbed the ladder jumped on this thing reached around got on this part and then jumped down and this twig this has happened to me before but i never got stuck the branch all was broke but this is a sturdy branch the poor thing he'll be in our prayers as well oh god what is that terry is this a toilet seat yeah that's a toilet seat he's just sucking on it sometimes if you leave your child alone for too long they become a fossil he's working on it oh oh okay you taste the seat you become a fossil oh that's so gross so gross oh no one time when i was little i had barbies and i wanted them to have cute little bangs so i took my scissors and i cut the bangs and they looked like this and there was nothing i could do to reverse it and i was devastated actually i think i've cut my barbie's hair too and did the same thing it's devastating as little kids you're like it'll grow back just like every other hair nope yeah and you're like bad at visualizing so you're like yeah the bangs will come down like no they stand straight up oh yeah that's the other thing you would cut it and then you'd be like okay just like or wet and cut it and then dry it and then just be like done like this girl arctic animal who am i shark polar bear arctic hair arctic fox war war what is that wood bank word bank word bank this guy thought word bank was one of the words oh my g i just realized what happened this guy looks like a word bank he really does i bet he was wondering why seal wasn't up there and why word bank wait was this a trick there's one word that wasn't used yeah this guy probably thought he gained the system he's like yeah i realized that there was one word that wasn't involved and it wasn't word bank like you guys are all chumps the only one that's gonna do good my two older children were trying to lay out all of their pokemon cards but the youngest kept intervening so they duct taped him to a chair look at this kid wow look at that display lauren you'd be the proud mom you'd be like good job kids you solved the problem you laid out those cards i'd be like this is legit problem solving they had a problem they solved it and then they continued on with their work and a great work they did bravo we really appreciate that dear dad my room might smell like poop in the morning i know that because i have diarrhea don't worry i have a towel just in case if you don't understand what diarrhea is it's soft poop i love that they tried to define diarrhea yeah diarrhea definition on on the side on the ledge there a little check mark happy face and potentially a centipede yeah what is that poop oh my goodness oh my god i i don't even know what i would do if i got this i'd be like not the towels no i love how she says my room might smell like poop in the morning it might not which is in case one time when i was in the fifth grade i woke up and somebody had diarrhea in my drawer ew me and my siblings none of us ever admitted to it and we think that one of us sleepwalked and did it but none of us want to take the blame because that's really embarrassing so there's the mystery of who crapped in cassie's drawer oh my god unsolved to this day so it could have been you it could have been honestly this is the first time i'm publicly admitting that but it could have been proud of you the first step is admitting it stop it it's a maybe it's not a for sure i ate an entire lipstick and cut my own fringe when my mom was on the phone to my auntie oh my god honestly though the lipstick not cute but the fringe pretty good yeah she did a pretty good job one piece that's kind of sticking out but like it's fixable these are fixable i knew girls in elementary school who would eat um like lip gloss and lipsticks they thought it tasted good i've never understood like wanting to do this but some people like they smell that mac cupcake lipstick and it smells delish it's so ugh like getting just looking thinking about or going to the bathroom later it's just gonna be a nightmare situation oh my goodness it's that girl from the last one probably same energy oh no lauren i did this the other day no i did this exact thing the other day in my kitchen went on my discord and was like i've made a terrible mistake it landed face side down so there's nothing i could do to salvage it did you look like this kid well not quite as dramatic i ate terry's pizza instead but this is how i felt inside this is terry after you ate his pizza because of your mistake yeah this is 20 20 in a picture oh my god yeah it's the epitome i don't know what happened to this kid but he is so unhappy well first of all is that here real because if so wow well done what a head i'm so confused why he's crying terry is there a backstory behind this kid because this is so real uh so the kid was told that once the wig's on it doesn't come off oh that's amazing oh my god i feel like it's a good look for him should be so sad i love the parent that's like hey by the way this is permanent anyways let's take a family photo yeah anyway let's take a picture of the new you he looks sorry he's like i love traumatizing my children i'm proud today were you ever told as a kid if you stayed in the bathtub for too long that you would turn into a prune yes okay i took that literally and i thought if i stayed in the bathtub for too long i would turn into an actual prune my grandma showed me what they looked like and i was like oh my god why are not more people concerned about this so i would literally speed bath like i would like go in try to watch and then get out as soon as possible and i don't know if i'm the only kid that's ever done that i feel so alone i think so i think you're the only one lauren oh no i hate to break it to you but you're like yeah if i stay in the tub too long i'm gonna become the thing that old ladies eat to cure constipation that's gonna be me see that's why i relate to this kid so much somebody tells you something i'm like yes this is true i'm gonna be i'm gonna become a dried fruit i mean hey that is creative because i didn't know what a prune was back when i was told that i asked because it scared me and my grandma showed me and then it scared me even more oh that's a nasty grams but that's like something like an adult saying something oh you turned into a proven like kidding and a child being like oh my god why am i taking a bath what are you doing oh you poor poor thing kid logic hi hello i understand your child has accidentally placed an order and you wish to cancel the order with refund i'll help you great thank you just to confirm are you referring to the extreme farts extension pack yeah yeah that's the one that's it so you're an angry mom who saw an extreme farts extension pack that your kid ordered and you're like okay where is customer service what is the extreme farts extension pack what does it do i don't know but i think we should both order one and find out terry what's an extreme farts extension pack can you like figure out real quick because me and lauren need to know is it a tube you put in your butt or does it just make your farts longer last longer stink worse oh if the word extreme is in there though so that's kind of scary it is the ultimate fart machine for alexa so you say alexa play big fight no no it's an extension for alexa that's amazing how immature i wish you guys had an alexa right now when he said alexa play that it just did hey siri can you fart i'm software that's made up of lines of code so that's not really part of my deal don't act like you're better than me siri my sister took her kids nintendo switch away at night so the kids made a fake switch and tried to swipe the real one and put the fake one in its place look at it's paper oh my god wow problem solving i feel like if this happened with my kids i would be kind of impressed i would be too i'd be like you know what you deserve this hey you worked for this i can't judge the hustle that would be great though if you like depending how old your kids were if you just came out and you were just like really convinced that this was a switch you were just like oh time to take the switch and they took it they'd be like my mom's such an idiot got him she's so dumb although that would be like teaching your kids to trick people yeah that's fair no life lessons there lauren this kid is playing hide-and-seek oh no yeah honestly i just let him stay there i'd be like oh i can't find him and make him spend the whole afternoon in there yeah probably same that's a good plan we'll never hide there again or he'll always hide there and then you'll always just know where he is yeah you'll always know be like go hide and then he just goes into a see-through container that's amazing i wouldn't let her drink the chemicals under the sink oh man parents ruin everything don't they this kid is devastated absolutely devastated i have heard one of my friends that has a kid around that age just told me that they got out of the phase where they try to kill themselves with everything it was like what and he was like no no it's a real thing like you'll put them in a room and they will go to the one thing that is not good for them it's like they're just drawn to it yeah they'll go to the electric socket and yeah i feel like maybe it's like a human i don't know evolution thing where you have to like test out what's actually gonna harm you so that you don't do it later yeah it's definitely like a curiosity thing is the the dangerous things are often the most like what is that what's that doing there because the kid's not gonna go into a room and just be attracted to the wall they're gonna be like what's the weird holes in the wall what is that why is that chemical green that looks good oh lime delicious oh oh no i just realized what happened this is how you play games with a little child who is so little that you can't carry her so you just unplug her little controller you play yourself and she thinks she's playing i definitely do this like with my nephews i'm like yeah because they'll like they'll sit there and they won't know how to move the character do anything or progress and then they get bored so i'm like yeah yeah give them a controller take the other one just secretly play behind them evil i let her pick out whatever she wanted do you see what she got oh no some sardines what's wrong with her i wonder what she thinks is in there probably like little blue fish candies because that's really beautiful packaging but like that's just oh she's gonna she's in for a surprise i don't even like sardines i hate them i can't stand them happiness is a choice first place crying third place yeah i couldn't even get to get through the reading of that photo is so good happiness why is he sad i don't know i feel like this is a metaphor for youtube though sometimes it's like no matter how much you grow you're always like you want anymore but this person's doing better than me i still need more i told my niece to eat half of my grapes oh my god again just kids thinking differently she understands fractions i feel like you can't even be mad at this because it's not technically wrong i'd be mad because she got her gross little teeth in her spit all of my grapes it's so gross i hate it it looks disgusting attempting to cool down hot chips he's putting the chips in a fan problem solving again genius hey the fan might blow off some of the hot seasoning could work a little bit wait what what what is he he's trying to like it's like aerosol spray and fire he's trying to create like a flamethrower but also take a picture of it at the same time this is a disaster waiting to happen this is like tick-tock before tick-tock he's ahead of his time he is ahead of his time you could even say a pioneer yeah a trailblazer she came to ask what daddy was doing she ruined the concrete oh my god look at her feet and she's still in it yeah that washes off right obviously it has to did she just become concrete woman yeah she's she's still there to this day she got frozen in her own way oh no oh no i did this once i got markers and i drew all over the wall i feel like every kid's done that but this is a whole new level i won't let her wear dirty underwear as a hat she's devastated devastated just let her do what she wants yeah just let her live her life can't hurt that bad can it would you let your kid wear dirty underwear as a hat i mean if they really want if it was gonna help them express themselves sure if they had a good enough reason sure that's true they'd have to debate the merits of you know doing such a thing oh no oh no no oh jeez oh god oh oh man i have no words lauren i have no words i mean it's a bidet i'm guessing that's built into the toilet so i'm is it fresh water that comes out of those it is but oh you you don't want to try oh she got owned she is stuck stuck lauren oh my god she looks kind of like the guy from like king of the hill just like puts it on and goes well propane propane i love my propane the kids blamed the footprints on the dog first of all cutest dog ever so adorable it's like them all i love kids that think they got away with something when they clearly did it the dog has big feet but not that big nice try children oh uh this used to be my favorite thing to do when my mom went to the grocery store to like lay on the bottom here really yeah i used to do it every time i was never allowed to do that really i would hang on like the front of it oh yeah that was a good one too i feel like this kid's a bit old to be doing it though yeah just a touch he didn't want to eat dinner so i put these pjs on him while he was asleep and he woke up and i told him he starved to death and now he's sad oh my god he wakes up and you're like yeah you're a skeleton now boy it's what you get for missing dinner that's all it takes just one missed meal you're done this is a really good way to just like trauma like for no good reason well lauren that was a fun time watching kids ruin their own childhoods but i want my childhood to be ruined you know what i mean i can help you with that thank you let's go to your channel and let's figure that out thank you so much for being on my channel lauren you're welcome thank you i hope that you guys enjoyed this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you hit push notifications and i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 5,497,519
Rating: 4.9287839 out of 5
Keywords: gloom, dumb kids, stupid kids, gloomgames, kassie, lauren, laurenzside, collab, silly kids, dumb, kids, stupid, kids being dumb, kids being stupid, kids fails, funny kids, funny videos, when kids do dumb things, reaction, best of reddit, back to school
Id: pEp5U9HmI7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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