Sykkuno Plays NEW Among Us MODS w/ friends! (ft. Toast, Myth, Jacksepticeye, Masayoshi & more!)

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they're tasked before the arsonist oh that's okay or vote off the arsonist right right or vote off that's correct okay i think uh okay so i turned off mayor does it look good on the side mayor's off lovers are on sheriff on engineer on time lord on doom doom doom altruist and we have swooper instead of more oh [Music] swooper all right what does he do what does he do [Music] if you're the arsonist you're welcome i'm not going to do any of my tasks what why never do that wait wendy only differences i'm telling you this time what are the chances all right here we go i'm ready to douse them oh my god what are the chances all right here we go guys hello uh myth would you like to be doused all right dal smith he's doused look at him um i'm gonna laugh so hard when we get immediately killed or something all right so what we do now is we just survive until we can douse someone else um oh hey wait did it reset the sabotage too that's crazy um all right let's just pretend we're leaving running around doing tasks you know um nope that's myth leslie is doused that's two people we just need a few more douses how many more eight nine nine more douses and we win so we're probably not going to win right now it seems almost impossible so what we really gotta do is um okay what we really gotta do is just try and survive till later because right now it's gonna be almost impossible to douse everyone before the round is over so we just have to survive for long enough and honestly what if what if oh yeah like i said it's almost impossible too wait okay first they stay no way they stay down as babes babe what never mind wait leslie what what'd you call me what's that who knows baby's babe it's baby's babe yo why'd you call me leslie no i was just repeating you okay and second of all when he was just with me someone had the audacity to snap her neck while she was like two feet from me and cycuno yeah i think she ran to the left didn't she wait wait wait where did you find her i didn't even see a report button under the meeting button oh okay i ran to the right when the lights went off no wonder so this just happened i'm thinking it's saikuna what oh whoa i didn't think that's where that was going yeah i didn't think that's where that was going either because we were standing on vitals together at the same time okay so probably not cicuna but it's still what i'm up to no one else is here leslie are you jesterizing my way to lights wait there's no jester oh now i feel like i just well never mind uh what's where's everyone else well listen if i accuse her of jesterizing when there's no gesture then that just means i think she's being silly so which i thought she was uh but drop [ __ ] there's no way the oil lasts through the round right that would be actually interesting that no one is there oh so many of us are like i feel like you would not clearing myself but you know if um when you do med scan and the person goes back in time it cancels it sorry so funny jody's timeless wizard she's the time wizard [Music] babe is that a lover thing or because i don't know how that works i think edison coded that in as a prince someone voted for leslie my bad leslie did you vote for yourself no no i'm sure you didn't leslie there's no gesture no just dirt there's no way it sticks to the rounds that would be op oh no we're stuck um i'm ready to douse someone i have no idea who what is it does last through the rounds so we should just oh oops i almost heard something i forgot to deafen because i'm not used to deafening um so if it lasts through the rounds then we just spam we just spam it on people wait this is op i feel like this role's a little too broken then because if the game lasts long enough eventually you'll run into everybody and the fact that it lasts through rounds is uh kind of insane so that's a little rough it basically it's just if the game lasts long enough where i can pass everyone then it's pretty much all over i will say there's a high chance of me dying because the way i'm running around means i'm constantly gonna be in uh danger of getting killed somewhere all right people show up to the lights we'll get tons of douses off all right someone fixed it easy douse okay never mind um there's leslie she's seeming not super innocent but not super i don't know i can't tell she's acting strangely but i can't really tell what exactly is happening oh we got to find someone else to death oh how many we got there's only two more people to douse oh he was so cozy well leslie and i think toast are probably clear hmm [Music] from bottom i was in specimen and myth came from the left side of specie i also think toast is clear the only thing i can say is toast and leslie are a jillion percent clear wait how did you know that somebody said for this kill at least this one wait how do you know that sydney i pas so i saw camses on so i wanted to go see who was on cams it was leslie on the way i passed toast they were both top left and then time rewinded and i saw wait you didn't i came for my fuel and toast i was at the camps too which is exactly why i cleared both of them i actually didn't see you at all it's like you know but i saw leslie and toast i saw okay the time rewinded and was next to us yeah that's really weird but you know i mean we're telling the same story so it sounds legit to me yeah because you hear the exact same people i did see spedicy with john on the cameras dicey walks by when john's under the meeting table and then they both vanish jack all that cam's like the whole i'm in the storage not the entire round but for quite a while you know there's a vent and then we kept getting reversed okay [Music] i never vent but did you kill no you know i'm willing to skip i'm willing to skip we are on eight so never been cause we didn't we didn't see him kill right and there are vents around there so you don't really know for sure you guys voted for jack yeah sorry i did i did too well i just know that toast and leslie are a jillion percent clear yeah toast is clear poor jack so he's probably gonna die no point dousing him oh no not again um okay so he's definitely clear we just gotta douse someone else who i believe is right over here there's jody let's chase her to scare her a little bit all right um sydney toast all right let's just leave him guys we're good we're good now that looks super suspicious obviously because um we kind of followed them and then left them so i think they might guess i'm the arsonist but we'll see we only have what two more people to go for so does this reset my dowsing i don't think so right um somebody at cameras so here's what we're gonna oh do there's myth cameras myth was on the cameras come on one more one more douse we win one more dallas and we win oh uh come on where's the last person brooke i'm looking for brooke here brooke oh my god this is it there's no way there's no way unless she's imposter so she might be imposter so we're going to stay back until we're ready to douse then we douse and immediately kill brooke come back brooke [Music] it's actually broken i think i'd rather have jester so i didn't i thought you had to douse them all in the same round it turns out it sticks through the rounds so it's it's literally just a matter of time one time you just have to cross everyone yeah if you cross everyone once the game's over that's crazy i actually think i'd rather have jester but yeah that's a little broken yeah that's crazy because like i feel like it's not even like a role like for fun it's basically just like you give it to someone and then it's just a matter of time till the game's over true i think jester at least like makes it so we can have interactions true true like for me i was just running around dousing people then i click a button and the game's over who was the who are the imposters uh me and sid i don't know but i got them taken out how did i die can we do one of the other controls because the gesture is literally just boring yeah the time board in this map it [ __ ] me over so hard to like kill people yeah okay never mind i like jester way more than arsenal's i mean i think gesture is a fun dynamic though yeah i feel like you run around just standing on vents um well then it makes you look really obvious and everyone does yeah then then it's too obvious you gotta trick people um all right shall we try i i definitely feel like arsonist is just just it's like a just a timer until the game immediately why for some reason i thought everybody would be set on fire and there was some cool animation but really yeah me too me too i was just like oh wait the it's just over um i thought sheriff got me like an end screen wait does uh does executioner work yet because that one i think i like what's that one oh yeah where you try and get someone else voted off reverse it's like reverse gesture so who is a crewmate dies then you become a jester oh always have a win condition oh wait let's just do that then yeah imagine if an imposter kills your target then suddenly you just can't win you become the jester oh wait that sounds great to be honest i like execute adjuster and put on executioner oh let's see okay let's do that yeah that's great okay sure so executioners you try and get someone else voted off so you can suss them and if they are killed by the imposters you become jester that's fine wait okay okay so so it's like that i definitely think it's better than arsonism i feel like um arsonist is cool i think the only problem with it is i don't think it changes the game much it's just basically like a time target until the game's over true jester got it because once that person passes everybody then you just click one button game's over it's like kind of uh you know what i mean it's a very selfish i mean there's nothing wrong with it being a selfish role right because that's what imposter is i just mean it doesn't make anything interesting happening because you just walk by you click a button and then you click set them on fire and it's over so no matter what the kill time is or whatever it's just kind of it just ends the game afterlife and like i'm not doing my tasks so it's really just kind of and also be willing to give you just walk around an imposter that turns invisible which i think is super cool um james and carter no sheriff all right okay no sure no sheriff because you don't want to die toast mostly because i gotta say sheriff feels like it robs someone of something oh like that one time when you and abe were the oh no no no that one was fine but like early on oh like it never feels great when you're an imposter yeah and then yeah yeah yeah okay yeah and people mess up all the time and [ __ ] everything yeah right yeah all right okay so your hair looks like popcorn okay oh i've seen some [ __ ] man you've seen some [ __ ] it looks like a it looks like a shepherd's pie oh god there's too much pressure we can also do this if it has a little it's mashed potatoes and mashed potatoes hello forex mashed potatoes yeah man i want to separate shall we i don't get notifications that's been bugged out shepherds heard sheep hopefully people find their way here somehow or another okay i guess not then can we can we start all right sorry i was checking something around kill me immediately cindy do you hear that all right uh regulator and spiritual thanks for the sub oh no but i hear all right here we go swooper that's me and myth oh this is clean all right so swooper's special ability is you get to turn invisible um all right so here's the first thing you should do instead of testing it out live we should test it out in a different location look at how cool we are let's see how long it lasts it does last a long time a really long time okay that it lasts about 10 seconds that is a really long time okay so swooper there's no sheriff um oh this is clean i can't wait to do something wait what leslie hey what was that sydney okay i think you're sorry died me and myth and leslie are all on top of each other were you about to blame me myth what no i did blame you well how did toast report it no i did kill them didn't toast what did you see yeah what did toast see is what i was getting i said the two closest people were sydney and miss yeah okay so so they're just accusing each other well no i wasn't going to accuse me but then he came you know out the gates so uh yeah well sydney if you weren't going to accuse myth who would you accuse in that situation because i was going to say me and i could it could have been anyone because me and me she wasn't going to accuse anyone because we were the only ones on the body and she don't want to make herself seem guilty no no i don't know what i was going to do i was going to say i literally watched leslie get sliced in half i don't think it was meat or myth like i think it was like a drive-by i didn't even know toast was there it was a drive-by i don't know i have no idea oh it wasn't wendy it wasn't brook okay oh no man it was so bold i thought it was a morphling for a second yeah but that's turned off so it could be the swooping swooper oh the swoopers they can turn invisible right oh that would make a lot of sense if the invisible person kills do they become invisible oh yeah how does that work or do they just stay invisible yeah can they just kill and then they i just said referee wait maybe he wants us to find it out ourselves so what do we think guys if sydney's right right why did he if it's not listen sydney if you're if what you're saying is true sydney isn't it possible myth just thought it was you because you were there i mean i mean it could have been but like i wouldn't go so ham on someone if i didn't actually see it right i saw him you saw it you're a liar look i definitely think it's probably one of them then i have no clue oh man we're bugged again all right guys so we got to find out if the swooper reveals themselves when they kill if they are it'd be really bad though wouldn't it because if the swooper reveals themselves then like that would be pointless then what's the point of the role because then there's not a huge difference i feel like i don't know maybe i'm thinking about the wrong because i was thinking we find three people swooping and kill right but if it reveals you then then what do you what's the point of the role um okay um okay jack myth we gotta find a group of multiple people or just one person myth is hunting down jack sydney jack is there okay all right oh here's what we can do um all right go back in and check we are invisible okay so you can stay invisible it looks like um i didn't do that as cleanly as i wanted i wanted to go invisible and then um what's it called i wanted to go invisible and then kill in there oh no oh god what happened people in specimen i went up top the content as a body right there john was last left with okay i believe sid in the area sydney uh what yeah i saw cycuno last in that area which area oh wait jack who did we leave i was seikuna walked in with me into med bay and then we all went down and i didn't see where he went after that i did my scan and then i ran to the lights i was in med bay towards lights wendy or jack because i saw them walk through that okay i only saw his body when the lights went out so i just saw turquoise i think he left because he didn't want to stack um yeah swooper's vent last one jody where's jody i haven't heard from you i'm in that yeah you haven't seen anything this round i don't even think i saw anybody this round um i ended admin hmm i crossed toast running into the south of the map and then i started heading towards the lights um toast can you confirm okay um you had to pass by him when you were near him jack um i only saw him at the start of the round i didn't see him after that yeah are there two imposters or one yeah did we vote for them because they didn't do anything about me and myth in the beginning okay so i thought about it myth might be executioner oh you think true because he was trying to get her maybe oh do you think he'd be crazy enough to just go for her straight up like i mean yeah i feel like you would maybe i don't know um do we still have anonymous voting on i think so why no i thought you were going for someone it sounded usually well i'm just saying usually when someone asks that usually they're going for someone there i simply am clarifying the rules millie thanks for the sub millie and chai thanks for the 1500 oh this happens after every round thanks for the 1500 bits chira um and mali thanks for the gifts up also guys sorry if i miss subs uh this it happens on occasion um wow that's a lot of people all right um so here's what we do there's definitely a group of people in the lights right now let's just uh walk over here oh wait all right there's gotta be like a bazillion people here and okay do we go crazy or do we play it safe now i forget it let's do it um okay uh she's dead she has no idea and i know where wendy is you do what happened she got swooped what she got why'd you say it like that i couldn't even report it because i was just staring at my screen wondering how she got cut in half when no one was there but okay so when they do kill they don't show up they just stay invisible well that's kind of crazy this is an actual class we have swoop sorry wait so what'd you see then brooke um wendy was doing her tree task and i was i went down and then i walked back up to make sure she was okay and i watched as she got sliced in half but no one was there oh my god that's crazy uh so it's that sounds cool or a myth [Music] [Music] and i don't see why i would kill sid here oh yeah wait oh yeah why would yeah you wouldn't want to kill you could have killed wendy why wouldn't i kill sid well yeah you wouldn't want to kill her because because we have both have yeah yeah but your imposter duo might have done but i'm not imposter and you might have i didn't kill her he actually killed sydney there guys what was joe dietz or you killed her and then came up with this story to try and throw so jody has been like alone randomly for 10 years between sid and myth then it has to be myth right right no no that could be the safe thing to do one reason why i'm saying no about this is because you guys you guys assessed us from the beginning and at this point you guys would have voted me off by now but you said you saw her directly it wouldn't be the safe thing to do it's either jody or oh i i just oh god i didn't know who was voting for who executioner oh jesus all right well um we could have tied it but it sounded like they were all going for myth i didn't know who was voting for who guys i didn't know also i forgot anonymous voting was on so if i had remembered oh i got a definite if i had remembered that anonymous voting was on i would have just voted for jody but i forgot that it was on so i was like if i don't vote for him i look super guilty right so uh it's because usually we don't have anonymous voting on all right well guys let's go in for a swoop here um oh i couldn't hit the lights yeah all right we're supposed to push button here right okay it's good but i think we got it right oh okay hopefully i don't no um okay that was me just throw like there were six people left i literally just threw it out there because we had to vote i mean sitter myths were the only people we had so sorry for me yeah yeah and i just wanted to go by voting for myth you're pretty much 100 sure right right yeah okay so who didn't vote for myth there's only three votes i voted toast because toast voted or was accusing me that's that's true i voted jody so one person didn't wait i guess that would be a myth oh no that would be yeah yeah so then okay okay so me and myth refu me and jody didn't vote the imposter yeah that hmm or actually maybe one of you did vote for the imposter well i um you know he does sort of have a point because jody every time there's been a swooper kill jody is conveniently off on her own and hasn't seen everything if we vote jody if she doesn't and we don't win yeah then we just vote it's like right okay what oh wait wait wait why because why what cleared toast yeah what and what cleared jack they were in darren specie with us at one point and i feel like was there only one dad toast came in from the left and then went up i doubt he just killed and self-reported right we gotta swoop something right [Music] but was there two kills around or was it just one i can't remember this i don't remember either well we are on five so we could vote someone off but you can i'm really crewmate so i mean you can vote me you know what i believe john's gift for jody yeah i believe jody wait wait wait wait what else voted joe jody wait jody i think we confused him a little bit okay oh man this bugs happened every single round this time oh we got a deafen um i'm still not used to deafening i don't think i'll ever be used to it all right there's jack over there all right he's expecting the light sabotage huh um okay so jody didn't vote for me then who did yeah who voted i skipped i voted jody sorry kuno thank you uno why would i vote for toast for no reason i don't know why did you yes i did what so jody you skipped i skipped yeah yep i also skipped and she's willing to do the 50 50. so i just think it's like hudo he's like why'd you vote for toast what are you talking about no it really could be me but i voted to skip look i'll vote to skip now i'm gonna vote to skip too yup okay we'll skip but i'm keeping my eye on you like if it's me i would kill jack next cause he keeps going for me for some reason toast i didn't skip i voted cycuno what guys kill him before him out he said he would kill me oh god skip but i'm not mad i'm a crew mate with a mission get okay um do something make a funny joke or something oh no what if his thing crashed like like what happened to me last time oh wow oh my god you skipped hey who voted for me again i just wanted to i skipped oh thanks yeah thanks for letting me know i just want to know who i have to go for if i die you know that's fine oh not again it's every it's every round this time um how long is this oh it's actually way short wow that's crazy it's only 15 seconds and the kill is 30. so it's gonna be really hard to oh that means huh that makes it a lot tougher then um that makes it a lot tougher because they can almost always button because it's 15 seconds per button and uh all right here we go okay um oh no oh no she's gonna find it oh no all right oh well i did the right reactor and then i always go to check on the left one just to make sure and sure enough there is a body on left reactor toast just came in admin and i just finished my specialty test i actually didn't make it up to reactor man i'm at the storage place inside uh no the door was closed but i just walked past there i didn't see you oh of course you didn't see me the lights were off are they what i don't think so no no sorry did i say lights were off i meant i was invisible no i'm not gesturing i was invisible look guys you caught me three rounds ago just just vote for me i feel guilty okay yep go ahead and vote me off guys i i killed jack it was a i just i had to do it because he knew it was me but you know i feel guilty you guys caught me like three rounds ago just go ahead and lock it in no i'm not a jester guys listen there's like six people waiting for us just go ahead and vote me we can get out of the game there's six people dead waiting to play the next round i just feel terrible terrible guilt for killing jack even though take your time um jody listen just vote for me and the game is over yeah but i came late from species so we had just met up when we were i was there's no way actor i'm not acting i'm telling the truth all right you guys can keep talking or you can vote me so the game ends uh yeah i mean i voted psycho yeah just you just may as well lock it in i mean what else guys there's six people waiting for us oh god you guys actually voted for me oh god i mean you did ask i i'm just oh god all right look they actually caught me like three rounds ago oh i tried myth i tried oh my god wait it wasn't a strat i just told the truth the whole time he swooped he swooped he swooped yeah wait so what happened the first one actually wasn't a swoop myth just killed like yeah no i just killed them but anyway i missed a bunch of gift subs thanks for the 50 gift subs ronin it's a whole bunch of gifts thanks a bunch ronan i really appreciate it for the 50 gift subs that's the most gift cells we've gotten all day i think neither of us unless i missed them which is possible but i hope i didn't that's funny but thanks for the 50 gift subs ronan really appreciate it that's a whole bunch of gifts what did it look like and um torch and canna thanks for the sub awesome all right you just died it was fun yeah i think we were just testing out the swooping thing okay you're invisible some people said like you might go lose your invisibility crazy when you're from my point of view because i'm so i'm watching i wasn't sure what exactly was it just falls over so you know at least we learned the mechanics a little bit because this is our first time playing it fair and sniper thanks for the subs again all right well like i said we practiced it last round so this round we're gonna do better because now we know all the tricks um we know that you can turn invisible and then uh right five seconds left no way all right oh two in a row oh god i didn't mean to kill last night okay jody are clear god i didn't even mean to kill her i just killed someone randomly with this we were at drop ship right and i did my navigation thingy on the left and then the lights started going out so leslie and i are like you know don't worry guys i'll be killing on cooldown and then i lost her for a split second and her dead bodies on the floor fess up which one of you messed up people did it hmm i'm all the way down an admin i hate to do it again guys but i once again am the swooper um and i killed her on accident so let's vote me off and end the game quickly let's just vote him off okay when you didn't see anything no it was too dark all right this is the worst idea i've ever had but if it works can anyone vouch for anyone else or is it just i know the brokenness honestly it was a light skill i have no yeah all right if this works i'd be shocked he's dead oh you're watching what can you vote no i'm gonna laugh if i actually get voted off but look at least the game will end faster for a lesson where did you die it's ups or down um minus one all right minus one rp wait that should clear me jody and myth for the whole game then if she's yeah and uh john yeah okay wait why for the whole game there's only one kill no because well he's dead so [Music] i heard her say that but i didn't i thought she meant like the the person was going for her dead oh god you guys actually killed me why weren't you actually oh god yeah i was telling the truth that's true don't worry leslie i'll catch the killer they already caught the killer because i told the truth the whole time uh oh hey guys um hey leslie leslie i i turned myself in i rested leslie but then i just killed myself and then did it and then you didn't get rest so oh wait a minute is it bugs think what no what happens is that there's like a channel time on the altruist and i think they reported the body like as your time between as she was killing herself [Music] what do you mean there's no gesture i was like well that's awkward guys um what can you do i thought there was a jester let's see oh um little gasps thanks for the 1500 bits all right well what can you do guys um let's see it's not fair for your imposter partner well guys they voted for me what am i supposed to do hey they uh they sussed out my bluff so yeah that's what happened okay okay so oh okay cause i'm a ghost i see you alive oh weird yeah i see myself and you as a ghost all right got it i hope let's see it sucks more fully god i hope she wasn't able to do the things my game just froze for like a solid i'm i'm still stuck on sakura was injected okay so uh so i think what happened here is that because sydney was the altruist she was trying to revive leslie as the body was reported and there's a channel time on the revive all right i'm just gonna time out the people being rude get timed out okay okay so we'll okay since people are frozen and stuff i might come back so just play it out yeah let's just kill the imposter and go to the next game okay well i think i said what the hell oh wait that mean i also saw a myth vent before my game froze it's not me um actually i was going to say yeah okay guys wendy just turned it around on me even though i was hard cleared so i'm voting wendy okay um i'm i think it's joey jodie for killing what how do they know already jody's frozen yeah after killing someone no i'm telling you it's been frozen i don't know and then she turned it around on me when jody wait jody myth and i were clear yeah it sounds like it definitely could possibly be i think it is [Music] body that's you know it's a hundred percent i was wearing my phoenix right outfit and i could say objection right now phoenix outfit i'm telling you wendy we might lose to the exit yep oh [Music] [Music] what oh who's executioner okay it ended somehow or another cleared i could just say okay that's what it looks like i i got a victory here we go [Music] i can't believe that worked sorry wendy wendy we went from lovers to i had to get you going so sad i'm just gonna try and play the game how about the response all right okay okay bye can we try spy out all right spy spy lets you go invisible and then also you can check security cams and like vitals from anywhere i think oh it's really strong though spy is overpowered oh it just seems fun but you know it's fun it's fun though all right so try it i don't know if it worked last game already oh joshua next up joshua maybe we can buff the the the imposter is there somebody buffs them bro good job that was well played thanks it was nice that i got a hard clear first round so i was like yeah all right yeah let me end this game oh man it's the last game already joshua thanks for the sub well guys it might be over um oh all right round two here we go all right i'm mom staring at a black screen oh okay maybe like glitch wait still restart we could try hitting a button guys i am so sorry i did not realize that there were this many bugs okay wait no it's it's not even it's not even that many like actually yeah i was testing it out yesterday it didn't run into there's really this many bugs should we restart yeah oh she oh no no edison it's obviously not that yeah yeah oh are we leaving sorry joey [Music] oh no no they still work on the other maps i just think yeah yeah either way it works okay you guys do what you want um vin thanks for the stuff it was myth by the way he killed me oh yeah the other one was me but jody was my teammate sort of oh i see teammates yeah it would have been exciting oh guys i like the executioner me too actually me too it makes things spicy i like it morgan thanks for the new code i put us in airship awesome okay thank you um there we go canon thanks for the sub camera yes general thank you edison's feeling oh right edison could join i like that the code is hidden when you when you call me i will say this though guys if something weird happens it's better not to spam hearts that way i can uh that way the what's it called that way the people that should get banned get banned because if you spam hearts you actually just make it so nobody can see what they said and then they'll just come back later so i think it actually makes it worse because then they can't get banned because the chat will move too fast okay so i think it's better not to do that because it makes it sort of worse in some ways i'm not that i don't appreciate it i'm politician quack i'm talking all right um okay who is it anyway i don't know how many more we're playing um we'll see not you that's true okay [Music] okay we're waiting for somebody think [Music] um oh cobe thanks for the 25 gift subs code that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch uh kobe really appreciate it um sorry i was in the bathroom oh no probably not no problem thanks a bunch kobe for the 25 gift subs really appreciate it okay we are doing we're adding oh we just went back to airship because some of the mods were like made for your ship so i think that's why we're bugging out so much oh okay okay okay and we have the spine let's go let's go let's go let's go yeah i was fine that time and it didn't work oh really yeah there was no options here we go oh that might happen oh okay we'll see we'll see what happens i'm a crewmate i think this is the first game i'm actually just a regular crewmate this has never happened before it has never happened all right um oh oh i have spy and i have no buttons spy's broken damn it okay okay you're just a regular dude can you do regular crewmate things mitch sure yeah okay that's good that's good wait a minute i'm spy and i have no buttons what huh how can you be spy if i'm spy are there two spies oh no uh oh i saw miss ben i saw my fence oh [Music] you know i'm going to vote for an executioner wait wait wait wait wait wait my buttons don't work so i'm going to be a normal crewmate but she is definitely the idea i believe you i think the only problem is oh no that that means you're 100 cleared right so doesn't that kind of no but that's the way that he said he would like i don't think i i don't think he would unmute mid game to lie about that [Music] so you're you're telling me that myth unmuted mid game to say he's the bug spot that i think that would be a little too and you're you happen to be the spy too it was yeah and you happened to see an event i mean look who's voted and who hasn't i'm not confident i voted first but here's what's happening leslie is the executioner we can vote [Music] the spy is supposed to be like you can see cams from anywhere oh oh my god no i don't know what just happened there uh well i'm a regular crewmate so i got nothing to do so here's what i'm gonna do i really need to go the bathroom i think it's all the coffee i've been drinking so i'm going to afk do i need a deafen i need a deafen um man i'm still not used to that all right um he's the engineer he's the engineer all right i'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick though um he's definitely the engineer there's no way all right be right back oh jesus there's six people left i have to vote and i don't know what happened why can't i hear anyone oh i'm deafened uh oh yeah i forgot i was deafened i'll be honest i'm not used to it okay what did i mean to create another emporium huh what do you do no i was definitely i couldn't hear what's happening well but what were you uh so there was just like two dead bodies underneath you also conveniently on top of a vent and somehow i reported them before you well you see what happened was i was trying to revive them both we got rid of altruists didn't we yeah yeah well you see the other problem was i didn't realize i couldn't revive them um which is why i was standing there in shock because i thought i could but i couldn't so you thought you saw the altruist screen when you got into game and then you spent all of your rounds not realizing that you weren't the altruist um yeah something like that it sounds really weird but yeah look if i was the imposter why would i kill two people on top of event and then stand there because it doesn't make any sense look you guys are tunneling the wrong person i'm a regular crewmate i can't revive this i haven't seen 50 50 50 51 yeah there's only executioner right are you guys crazy i'm a regular crewmate are you guys insane it's gotta be sydney vote for you fools oh god you're fools how could this have happened how could this have happened i'm a regular crewmate uh all right okay that was on me for going to the bathroom did the guy know who was the who was the person who what happened guys afk i went to the bathroom i drank a bunch of coffee the engineer in the vent protecting you and i knew that jack was the event look guys i drank a bunch of coffee so i had to go to the bathroom and then understand i just came back i didn't know what was happening i was trying to protect you i tried to come up with the best story they tried to kill seikuna and brooke but got me in the vent inside oh i thought you killed me right there sydney i was my heart just dropped oh my god in here because like the screen ran past me okay screen popping i don't know what just happened guys but um we'll fix the lights um okay well all right well i didn't fix it so yeah i think sid did because we were at the top uh gotta watch the cli let's climb inside of the platform um you fool's best towards the lights afterwards yeah why there's still two imposters left so as long as you don't shoot me yeah i'm down but that's okay here i think the assuming that sid was an imposter or that killer oh that's true cause it's true it was just like i'm just trying to revive people yeah don't know he's just as hell but it's not me uh all right let's go john and wendy really huh oh not you niam and elijah and joker thanks for this not you on this one mr duckers your partner is dead oh my gosh your duck is so good john oh my god they got john i can't do that we just got him uh goodbye john oh there goes john i don't know what happened guys there were two bodies on me did they know i was afk or uh sin thanks for the sub sin i have no idea what just happened um see response um statements what makes me look innocent uh accusation huh i have no idea oh i have no idea what just happened but sin thanks for the sun all right can you talk now is dead yep i was innocent like i tried to tell you guys um yeah they pulled me out of the vent and killed me as engineer i didn't know you could do that yeah that's crazy oh that's the dangers of venting think yeah all right guys thanks for the games [Music] we got a we got a phil coming guys wait um it's way better this way because i can flip through people's streams and just see what's buggy and stuff actually um who would be your worst nightmare to walk into this lobby right now oh obama it's obama psychology i'm trying to get him to join oh my god i was reverse psychology to try and get him to you are so smart you know that yeah maybe it'll work you think guys it's not gonna work i'm assuming it's ray but i'm not sure what i thought ray was busy today she could show up any time now thank god oh my god she's here she's here that's not obama it's ray bama it's ray obama ray bama wait for it on mutant we'll all call [Applause] [Music] any second it's gonna be crazy nice bow you have that kitty thanks for the stuff kitty thank you thanks sir nice jade thanks for watching unity outland thanks for watching let's do uh custom intros for youtube videos like do you record like a separate little intro i'm so lazy i can't i can't be bothered toast how much you have to pay you to do custom intros from my youtube channel oh uh i'll do it for a hundred bucks really make one for me as well can you make one for me in that case i'll just do like a 30-second intro [Music] [Music] thank you i mean you're welcome yes in general okay okay okay here we go um toast if you make me an intro then i'll put featuring disguised toast in every youtube video oh my god every single day because it technically does uh wait can i can i get some of this too like yep no no wait i don't know okay that upset john oh my gosh okay i know nothing you know the mods yeah you've never played with mods before right no well i mean there's a lot of new mods that i do i've never used i kind of like this one it makes it crazy you never know what's good there's engineer and executioner now we can just wing it it's fine yeah just play the best way to learn is to play okay can i match with you guys like that wow jody nice uh nice scarf jody hey nice scarf oh [Music] we have the advantages [Music] [Music] oh man all right what if we do the same exact thing except this time oh look ray hey ray welcome to your first game hello she's looking at me right guys i know exactly who the imposter is and one of them's rey you can tell because she's thinking really hard about killing me right now oh wait or maybe not oh maybe she got a new role and she's trying to figure out her role i don't know she's not a regular crewmate that's for sure um she's definitely not a regular crewmate based on that i think i think rey would never do such weird motions like that unless she's she's either figuring out her new role or she's an imposter i guess they're after the ducks guys it's one of the ducks betrayed what oh it was a joke because yours was a joke we were joking i want to hear it well i can clear two people for this kill i apologize ray is 10. jillion uh clear just for this kill um it's only because she's wearing a scarf you can't do that no no that's not why we were actually together and then jody is also clear for this kill i think wait why do you know that i'm there i don't see you i can tell i can tell all right jody is a hundred percent clear she's the most trustworthy person in this game i have my drink here i'm drinking you're drinking alcohol i walked up yes i walked up i turned to walk down because i realized i had my tab and i had a task in the shower then i realized there's two people and i didn't report the body and please don't vote me out for it i'm just really wendy was that going to be your sauce oh okay yes probably because the other scarfs are clear scarfs are good people wait sorry where is the body excuse me ducks are good too you don't have to kill them in the streets [Music] and i would ask her who she wants to kill but i think she can decide that was with me at vitals isn't that right ray we're taking down this device wait am i ray am i you are jody alive keep jody alive she's the most right am i right yes i'm protected okay i can't tell if she's actually telling me i'm right or if did she transform no no she didn't is she i don't know she might be just i'm thinking she was either imposter thinking if she should kill me or she has some weird role that she uh was trying to figure out but i'm not really sure it's right up here hmm huh you know what actually i don't think she's the impo i don't know i mean the way she walked there made it look like she didn't um what is this no no she's the engineer she's the engineer right uh uh she's the engineer okay um hmm well i was suspicious of rey but i'm not 100 sure zero zero what are the chances that's a miracle i can't believe it all right over here all right ray um all right toast is going to push the button but it's dead guys i'm so shocked no that's jody's fault all right what what she popped into a vent and like was hiding from us and we were trying to protect her and she wouldn't come out she was the engineer yeah yeah but she you know we were trying to protect her but she was just you she was just innovative well i definitely can clear ray for this because uh guys guys i said oh i said wait i broke mega hard i got rewound on a ladder and i was able to go through the entire map oh do you see anything though happened to me earlier there's a way to fix it by just going on another level it happened to me earlier just wait until this meeting and you'll be back i don't know what jody was thinking i said to protect her she was cleared oh jody me and ray were with her and then how did you guys know she was clear yeah oh uh the way she started titles with me when i did yeah [Music] oh really for me it was just the way she sounded oh wow jody who would kill her you know ray i'll be honest with you i actually thought you were the imposter at the beginning of this game but now that there's guys two kills i guess i was wrong i can't i don't worry jody i'll find that kill do i sound sus psych who knows you well you kind of looked at me weird and like you sounded a little suss but i guess uh and there's been two kills and we were actually together the whole time yeah that's right i don't know they saw jody last night what i feel like you weren't with jody ran away toast me really fast i believe me nothi no one is more beat up about jody's death than me remember when i was running around you in a circle uh-huh that's because i was the time lord and then i did it oh you broke toast there's no jester toast there's no gesture yet right i know there's no gesture then why are you unless he's the executioner and his target died guys i don't know what the rules are but it can't be right i thought it was what no it was three it was three oh listening again glitch for me i said no one was voted out no huh um do i hit a button yeah i'm stuck oh okay oh what's up oh to fix the stuck you uh hit the cog and then open the map and you should be able to just say toast was ejected permanently oh that's actually toast alive oh i'm toasty maybe this is my new wallpaper oh i'm just kidding who's bothered right well um i just button to see what would happen oh he he looks dead he looks alive to me i think i can vote for him but maybe we all uh reset client at one point so i think after this maybe leslie check settings because it happens every time there's a tie yeah there might be like a tiebreaker setting on it but you know what's weird is that for me it doesn't show that yeah i think the weird thing is for some of us he's dead and then some of us he's like not voted off that's so weird yeah so brooklyn said you guys say [Music] that has like the clouds and then it says toast would it was ejected and i'm just stuck here oh no maybe some of the mods are very sketchy well guys we might have to redo it sometime great and uh yaya if i have no clue what's happening they'll be completely honest with you i don't know what i'll take a look at the code myself afterwards it's done you guys are worried i have questions thanks fuzzy phd oh john don't worry no no no continue continue i was already dead oh i'm not dead but i'm hugged and i'm gonna leave but no no no no no no no no no no no no no no maybe maybe after the meeting it'll fix maybe okay okay yeah maybe jack did it for you earlier when that happened to you hmm wait who'd you i've been muted that whole time i'm so sorry no it didn't fix for me yeah okay the game is broken that's okay and i died as to my toast at least didn't crash my whole stream again uh-huh yeah that's that's the good news yeah ray it happened last time remember if i was an imposter when i got voted out remember last time i think we were playing regular airship that time too i don't think it's the mods i think it's just among us sometimes does it yeah yeah i think it's like regular among us no no wait no it counts okay before edison starts toast it's all good [Music] wait that didn't count that didn't count he didn't actually get voted off right wait he didn't actually get voted off right he didn't actually get voted off it was bugged and we voted him off [Music] right but the problem was the game was bugged he wasn't supposed to get voted out it was supposed to be a tie it disappeared right in front of him not trying to discredit the victory but obviously it's because it was bugged out i thought it was a glitch yeah so one of the imposters can completely disappear for 10 seconds the swooper no no that wasn't even my kill i just was trying to walk away from he's just too good i guess you could say that this is going to be my lg by the way oh no all right well i guess if uh edison's gonna have to pop [Music] what so what happened what happened i'm a whale toaster lord broke me that was just a tie breaker situation yeah i think it's just the thai thing pretty much is it is it wait thanks for stopping no because some people saw that he got voted out and some people did it so it wasn't like yeah i think we just play and hope it doesn't you know it seems to work most of the time yeah true okay yeah all right let's just oh wow nice job nice outfit ray um oh my god what ray ray you're up what time lord here we go guys time lord time all right hey jody if you die i will time lord it um where'd she go all right jody i'm gonna hide right on her jody i need your help all right let's communicate because if we tell her um jody jody you gotta understand me jody understand me jody she doesn't understand me she doesn't she doesn't she totally doesn't understand me oh jody jody jody no no jody all right come with me come with me jody come with me this way this way all right all right come down all right she understands she understands she understands jody no no back here jody jesus jesus jody someone could die right now we gotta save we gotta save the save the world jody oh i don't think she knows i'm the time lord um i think the thing was broke it was five zeros but i could put in four and it still said fine okay okay all right jody jody i also say that i'm spy and i don't have any of the vitals in cam options oh maybe we should turn spy off right yeah you're just a regular crewmate you don't get anyway oh wait toast where'd you find the body uh this one was in um the file sorting room the records wait we just saw toast at the bottom by violence i did just see toast by vinyls he vented there because he's the engineer oh [Music] all right jody you understand what i was trying to do there i think okay okay don't say anything else just you you know right yeah perfect are you doing what you did last time yeah no no we're going meet us no yeah kitchen oh i love burgers kitchen burgers and i got a burger test it was just lettuce and onion i got one where they put the onion on top of the bun it was the craziest thing i've ever seen yeah i was on top of the bun oh god oh wait did do we have info it sounds like we all got nothing it's cindy and john we should say okay oh wait wait wait what did you say no i [Music] jody i can i can trust you right jody jody you're going to be at the oh jody you're the only one i can trust jody you're the only one to get dressed all right you know the thing let's do the thing jody the thing meet me there meet me there um kitchen jody she told me to meet her here she's not here she's not here jody um paging jody oh wait he's him he's the sabotager or the engineer jody where did the young jody go i don't know i said young randomly toast okay toast looking very innocent um i mean he said he was uh the venti dude he was the venti dude we're just gonna gamble it gamble it i hope we got it right i don't know that was probably toast again i hope we got it right but we'll find out i don't know where jody went i thought we were gonna meet her there uh jody all right you know what to do oh did i make it in time did i make it who got brought back to life did i save someone it's windy it's windy she killed me inside kudos oh my god i did it i saved brooke [Applause] oh my god me and me and jody never got to do the thing i just predicted it wendy oh my god go ahead where did you go i was at the kitchen only me and toast were there what happened what happened wendy she's the executioner i didn't do anything no no no guys we gotta vote for wendy let me explain why i'll feel really cool if i saved brooke and if we catch wendy for that then then we win right jody you were on vitals right well like i'll feel like i won because i'll be like wow that was cool that would be tragic wait i'm sorry wait jody did you see me down no no no i didn't i only saw vitals after time passed so yeah we wanted to go to the kitchen um brooke was chasing me like a maniac no no guys we can believe her vote for wendy the bug oh no wait what happened wait who got voted out uh so is when you're alive i got a deafen um so is wendy alive or not alive um because if the game breaks every time we have a tie then that would be a minor problem i'd say right um and i think the biggest thing is since it happens on the votes every time it's um what's it called i think it's a problem because if it happens on the votes every time it doesn't matter what role like if it was like the spy is bugged right then we just turn off the spy but it seems like it's just happening on regular voting so i'm not sure how we would fix it oh okay oh rook let's rewind it uh okay someone might have died during the sabotage that's the only thing i'm worried about i don't know if we got it or not but brooke looks extremely innocent um did i save anyone that [ __ ] don't putting that [ __ ] okay what what happened sorry i didn't miss is wendy still i'm confused she should be alive but i think she died i'm dead oh yeah she died well maybe you should be alive because it was a tie maybe well no i'm a ghost so live on my screen me too it's happening again yes it's happening wait if we skip if we got it wrong the imposters will just double kill right we should vote her though instead of skipping it's a hundred percent yeah when i mean i i believe bruce jack why don't we just cut the middle man we'll vote jack now oh wait no i want to hear rey's thinking oh yeah yeah why is it jack first reactor he was faking doing the left side the whole time and so i had to do it and he didn't even go to the right side and then this time reactor he came to the right and then i saw that i was already doing it so i could move it back and then i went to the left and then i got time warped back but then it just glitched me to the last round he faked it he refused to do it and then i had to do it it didn't go off then is that enough to vote someone off of executioner is you try and get someone else voted off it's like reverse jester no rey is just crazy she doesn't know what she's talking about i'm just crazy well i'm willing to believe rey i believe me guys okay also we have to vote someone off here don't we because we're technically on six okay vote right next cause she's she's straight oh my god oh my god i believed her i believed it did she just laugh maniacally she sounded so innocent oh i have to deafen why did she sound so evil leslie what are you doing leslie why is she following me why's she following me oh my god the okay we're okay we're okay thanks to my time reversing ability we can uh run all the way up here oh god all right we should be able to hit the button come on button so uh ray you wanna you wanna explain the maniacal laughter after jack got voted out i caught him red-handed listen i don't think wendy was a killer okay no no no no no no no no i got the killer i got the killer for sure the round one ended wendy out she's going to still be alive evil laughter ray that really i have caffeine i'm sorry that was really suspicious ray i jack was a killer wendy are you alive right now or you're still no wendy's dead i want to say i'm dead oh okay got it before you have to vote she still counts as alive yeah we have to get her out just what about the maniacal laughter and all that guys ray's rooting me out she's look guys she's had caffeine didn't you hear what jack said she's crazy she's true but i literally wendy stabbed me in the back my dead body laid there and then i got revived because cycuno's a genius justice for brook wait brooks being too nice i'm starting to be suspended wait a minute she called me a genius i don't know i literally just brought me back to life i don't know if i'm a genius i'm suss of brooke now well i could have never expected you again wait wait what is happening here everyone just stop what you're doing look i'm suss of ray because of her maniacal laughter i'm innocent and maybe she's like excited i just have having caffeine all right well this one she is wearing the shark costume so i'll have to oh that was a joke that was a joke all right this is so sad this is actually so sad what is i'm surprised they're not killing me i'm the time lord you guys aren't afraid of the time lord kill psycho no next leslie what you're asking for i'm not asking for it i'm just surprised i'm the time lord protect yourself i can protect myself with time baby no you know it would be funny if wendy was a jester oh okay she's not there we go um listen guys i am really suss of rey because of her maniacal laughter that didn't sound like the laughter of an innocent person i'm just saying it really didn't she says it's just the caffeine but i don't know i really don't know something's up with her um leslie get away from that button leslie [Music] she's up to something oh dang it she hit the button i saw her heading for the button and i tried to reverse time [Laughter] he's the engineer he's been venting all game leslie tell us something new calm down you saw him eventually he's the engineer he's the engineer he's been inventing all games we've established so toast has been boldly venting as the imposter but he is he what are you no keep going keep going he's been boldly venting as the imposter but he's actually the imposter wait i'm an engineer but he's actually he's the impossible i think he's the less he's just the engineer yeah earlier i said he was the engineer like ten rounds ago oh i didn't hear and he's been venting in front of everybody before i literally didn't hear that that's okay leslie so toast isn't lying then yeah yeah yeah also i didn't say this but when jody died nobody noticed but i was standing sorry jody oh oh my god i know i was i witnessed her death and it was someone who came along and swooped her ugh listen guys i have a genius strategy um yeah toast is obviously clear or he's been boldly venting brook got revived by me the time lord who's clearly innocent it's either ray or leslie ray's been doing maniacal laughter like a psychopath claiming to be engineered no no listen guys listen i don't want to do this i don't want to do this but i'm actually starting to think it's not rey because listen ray would never maniacally laugh if she's actually the imposter i think it's guys i think it's leslie it's gotta be right then if she just voted for me no no it can't be rey she's maniacally laughing you guys think if rey was actually the imposter she would maniacally laugh she's playing executioner i don't even know what that is swooper that's super what all right listen guys rey's acting really suspicious and she actually got jack killed but i'll say this i don't think she would maniacally laugh if she was the imposter that would just be so strange i feel like come back here um huh what where uh okay um either way i think it's not rape unless she's actually just gone crazy uh maybe she's actually just gone crazy from the impostering uh i don't know what is this comps a ghost will fix it hmm let's see hmm well i'm not really sure where everyone is i can't check vitals either wait do you think someone died i don't know let's just randomly do this we should hit the button um there's a solid chance somebody's died so i'm just gonna zero meetings left huh well that's a minor problem um what do we do guys how do we win this we gotta look for a dead body i just don't know where it is one two three all right hopefully that does it if it doesn't i took my best guess nine nine seven one seven seven five three five zero all right oh oh let's try this three two one that's right ray you're back with me now i think it's cause last time she was on the thing this time we reeled her back in after she landed okay um right we do it do we do it um oh i have no idea what's happening um i'm running for it but i don't know if i'll make it how much time do we have 60 seconds that's pretty long toast fix it brook and leslie are together watch this one two hello again brooke oh what okay um hi toast ray's alive everyone's alive uh nobody's dying i'd okay uh there's literally just nobody dying okay doors closed maybe um i'm thinking the doors closed maybe because they're trying to hide the body toast is back here um i wonder who the last person is i mean my guess is leslie or maybe ray but rey's laughing like a maniac so she's probably innocent okay oh my god wait leslie you're telling me i revived the same person twice and caught both imposters okay well leslie can you explain to me why brooke would claim she got revived and then throw her partner under the bus well we don't know who her partner was it would have been wendy well i'm telling you now i'm the engineer toast is impossible i can't believe i revived the same person twice and saved the game it's a miracle leslie who'd you vote for brooke i revived brooke twice from the grave this is why they call me the time lord vote for leslie guys i want to be i'm voting for brooke thank you what ray's got to be executed no no no it's it's clearly leslie [Music] of the execution don't do it don't do it don't vote no vote for leslie it's clearly leslie there can't be two imposters the game would have been over a real like story bro don't worry leslie i got you let's go i'll back you are you guys insane leslie why aren't you happy about this because you had or just won i just revived brooke twice and then you maniacs killed her again i can't bring her back this time wait what um what on earth is happening um i genuinely have no clue i feel like it should have been obvious there i'm starting to think raise the jester because she's doing some weird stuff um leslie's obviously the imposter and uh brooke huh wow huh what on earth uh well leslie is clearly the impostor here toast oh he vented um i think it's broken i this isn't weird at all i feel like they should know i have an executioner i don't know what's happening here i i don't know why they didn't i thought cyclone and brooke were teaming up oh yes because i revived now i'm so confused it doesn't make any sense well i've seen both of you hop out of vents i mean it makes sense for rey because race really doesn't know who it is i don't know why yeah raise the gesture i figured that much out after the last round um and then leslie was obviously impossible toast is the swooping swooper ray can the super event yes uber can find wait leslie how do you know that so confidently i've played swooper before okay um do you think i have no idea what's happening i'm not completely sure i feel like i should have just voted for leslie um that didn't work no what happened and if that did why didn't you come forward sooner uh sick thanks for that because you're the swooping swooper because i know you care about content i was hoping you'd kill me so i don't know ray was executioner got jack out and then became oh so she should have won already then which one is it oh which one's more important for you well that's weird okay okay let's pass the mic to ray what are you okay i'm going to strive for the content i don't know leslie that even got it voted for myself okay okay okay never mind never mind that is right i am okay no no leslie's definitely the imposter right leslie just skips on the right side okay i think leslie just skips and it's over what does that mean from yourself it's over i can't believe they thought that brooke was the imposter when um [Music] all right i can't believe they voted off brook there i'm not gonna lie i revived her twice so yep uh carlo thanks for the sub right through i think she was the jester she seemed very jesterly um ray jester when now it's over uh leslie's just gonna win i'm pretty sure she just kills anybody in the game's over yeah she's camping there because she knows one kill and it's over all right oh she's trying to chase somebody she's a little slow i don't know if she's gonna catch him oh no way oh uh oh she's gonna vent no sabotage no she doesn't have a button leslie get her get her leslie get her oh it's it's as good as over now leslie [Music] how did you guys not believe brooke you thought did i get rid of it twice you thought brooke randomly got her imposter teammate killed when i'm so confused i was executioner and then i turned into jester what yeah wait was yours um yeah you turn into jester if you're target i killed spiders yeah but the weird thing is i thought you're supposed to win if you get your target voted off i'll be right back did jack did jacket voted out or did you yeah he got voted out and then it yeah i noticed that in the last uh so funny at the end yes i think ray was supposed to win again i still can't believe i revived brooke twice and then she got voted off oh yeah i can't believe it after the revival i was like no i don't know what happened ray was on crazy pills yeah well she was she was the she was a just star yeah [Music] a snitch work in this oh whoa is that a knife in your pocket ray bama yeah this is this is my little my little shank shelby and frost next oh well jack are you sure you wanna [Music] no because jack is in this game we're just gonna play with nine yeah just play it out with nine people all right leave it out play it out oh but i i'm literally i don't even have the game at all i got one of my favorite rules so i really wanna leave leave it you're good to go leave wait [Music] you guys did it [Music] okay oh base trade thanks for the five gifts i was based traded one of the craziest place i've ever seen that was pretty nuts which one i can't believe you rezzed me twice and then we still lost so that was because i can't believe it uh yeah all right achilles thanks for the sub okay ray just joined i don't know if it's over over um i think edison's gonna feel right what's the shifter i don't know guys we're just gonna play toast you got this one [Laughter] maddie thanks for the stuff maddie gonna play gta we'll see i don't know wait i don't know it depends on how tired i oh here we go [Music] oh it's me and john i hope jon is the imposter all right here we go come on john be the imposter if j okay so the way this role works is we can win together but if we're both crewmates it's not so good um it's kind of weak honestly if we're both crewmates all right um okay so he's the engineer clearly right i mean he's just the engineer also you know edison made this because he coded it where only i see his name as that he he coded it so that i see his name as that i'm pretty sure oh look a little thingy goodbye edison goodbye but then i'll go back then he's gonna vent again but here's the thing oh oh oh oh john john he left me well oh he's coming back he's coming back for me good old john no he left again well i'm just gonna take it jody you got some explaining to do jody explaining john you you saw what i saw right me and john were playing around on little the poopy thing that makes that noise the little platform with the helipad yeah and then jody runs to the right side and there goes edison he just pops and sydney was not on the body sydney was waiting her turn yep wait jody what do you have to say joey i just went down to do the switch and then they came back uh-huh uh-huh that's what you want us to think jody we're about to vote for you you got to defend yourself it's not me um i went down i couldn't see anything and then i came back with my ladder and then i recorded the body all right guys that was that was uh that was what you called bluff jody's clearly the jester trying to get voted off and it was a swooper that came in i'm telling you it's a swooper jody's 10 jillion percent clear of the thing i'm listening to jody everyone listen to jade went down the ladder i turned on the switch and then it came back up and there was a body and i hit report yes jody i i i believe you i was trying to see if you were jester and you're either jester or a crewmate so you're completely clear it was a swooper but you me john and sydney are all clear then right yeah i don't get it leslie just killed him toast wendy okay i was with you guys we all were there and there's a lot of people edison was venting like a crazy man i thought it was him but he's clearly the engineer like a crazy man what you didn't report the body are you crazy i did my genius plan to clear you look the point is it's toast wendy or brooke i'm fairly certain it's toast wendy or brooke i'm doing myself i can guarantee you with 87 certainty it is toast wendy or brooke i didn't i didn't really see it i was doing like a dude perfect video with the towels oh oh okay i see yeah okay look look guys i wanted to see jody's reaction i don't know if she's jester for sure but she really sounds innocent based on her reaction so my thoughts oh i have to deafen all right my thoughts here are that's one of the three uh would be my guess at least for one of the killers obviously i'm not going to suss john because it's john john says he saw sydney on the other side and uh leslie also was here because she saw edison venting like a madman which i kind of laughed at um so they must have been on this side which means it must be a swooper for sure and it's one of those three i think would be my guess anyway oh sydney who was it that i thought was guilty i forgot um leslie ran to the left oh it's leslie i knew it i was like she ran to the left she must be swooping huh oh man oh this is your fault i knew it when she ran to the left i was like this looks like a stupid platform and saikudo died for no reason i called dibs oh man okay what happened well guys what do we do now there's like five of [Music] i tried to bait her out with the reaction um and based on her reaction i thought she was a gesture it was brooke jody and sydney why isn't john dead it's not like that oh why did you guys gamers that's i'm getting on the platform right now i think so i feel like you have to be oh that's false i was gonna take it again i saw brook character model move it could have been because she was getting on the platform or she's john is killed but i'm actually not sure see i thought from my point of view that i was eating on the platform wait and from my point of view i could have also killed him everybody has strong all kind of different well so everyone's getting on the platform but john's the only one actually there's only one person on the platform only one kicks length might be lying i have no idea i think leslie really got away with that i feel my platform so that makes me feel better okay well i mean i was trending because i have to finish you big brains unfortunately i died so well you know i haven't done a single task like who knows never wrong he said bro that doesn't help defend myself never mind oh you guys can't be seriously voting that's not just for psychology i did technically say brooke [Music] you're gonna lose okay i have no clue what's happening [Music] oh no wait did it go in wait did she die wait brooke are you alive it's over i did oh man every time there's a tie it's open okay someone's getting marked as tiebreaker for some reason i don't know why oh i could have saved myself oh no there goes that this is so upsetting oh man um it's wendy and leslie is it i'm not really sure uh guys i have absolutely no clue um well other than leslie obviously leslie's one um but other than that i'm not too sure oops all right wendy and leslie oh okay must be a modbug yeah it sounds like it i mean it's not necessarily terrible i think the only real problem is um what's it called instead of just killing them it does some weird oh the swooper oh it's leslie right oh it's wendy and leslie yep um sydney what on earth sydney okay what is going on wait shouldn't the game be over hello what is happening hello shouldn't the game be over if um broke a live ring [Music] bug is happening i voted brook i'm so confused so do we just vote broke out and then the game just and then then oh yeah this is not as exciting um can john win no he can't he's because i'm dead unfortunately no this week i think what's happening is one of the roles for some reason is being assigned tie breaker well it's kind of bugging it out all right yeah that was the three daddy um i don't think the tie breakers wait toast aren't you dead what oh yeah oh no i mean you can still keep me oh i think the real probably figured it out yeah i don't think tiebreaker's too bad it's just that they don't actually die it's a problem right yeah because i like having tiebreaker that's not like super bad sure it's just uh it's just the bugsen is not actually dead yet yeah well i did vote brooke mitchy dangerous i don't think it was her now tiebreaker's bugged yeah but we can't turn it off as the problems yeah um yep we did we did we did hmm sounds like it's bugged guys it's a little bit bugged down all right ducks any last words wait wait what what do you mean ducks that's me it says words what do you mean any last words for us how about you guys with the robot ears are those robot ears thank you brooke is it right i thought snitch was already off toad thanks for the sub toad farewell it's over guys it's over whoa oh it was great for you guys in big groups thanks for the subs it wasn't brooke apparently it wasn't brook i mean i did only narrow it down like four probably and i actually rolled leslie out because she saw the people on the side no it sounds like everything was fine the first like 10 games we played so it has to be a role that we added recently and that's why i do think it might be snitch snitch was turned off yeah until this one true yeah that's true okay turn off the snitch oh no i'm how come every time i come back i'm a different color i think it's it just happens there'll be a mystery we never saw swoop or dude let's maybe turn off super what the okay so miner uh so you get to place and mine your own vents they add around the map and so they only connect to the other events that you have put down it's like rek'sai [Music] except all of them connect tunnels wait all of them i think the ones you make the ones you make the ones you make your uh alpha don't connect to the normal vents well let's give it a go so um it's an among us bug not a mod i think the engineer can still take the miners some people are saying it's like an among us bug like it just happens sometimes in a month wait really okay that would make me feel a lot better what's the lover's last round um me and john hmm and john who did you vote for did you vote broke what did you watch right um i voted uh i think i voted someone random okay well i think it did skip i did skip does this look you think it's not oh i don't i don't know some people said that i have no clue all right either way hopefully it works like that you were talking about the setting as i was talking about you yeah nope jumbo and leslie thanks for the song oh your outfit okay oh not again me and jody all right um here we go one sec all right ready to go well let's just walk around see what happens um i hope jody's an impostor because if she's not this is gonna be real awkward no hey wendy all right instead of doing our tasks let's just go find jody and kind of walk around um you know what's crazy guys the chances of getting lover is the same as getting impostor because it's 2 out of 10 right so why do i get this so often but not the uh the role i like which is imposter leslie [Music] she's dead i can clear four people she was taking it she was taking a shower or fixing the thing and someone killed him i ended up camped i also mom cams i just i see jodie and i like her mask yeah i think john's clear for this where did you come from wait that just leaves sydney toast wait how do you clear me away i spawned wait where's the body cargo and then showers oh [ __ ] all the towels and socks and stuff and i was just about to put them away did you see anyone with you sydney no you're the only person i saw because i was picking up the towels too and then there's that one towel you know next to the shower heads that's where i found those okay oh yeah no i didn't see anyone else john you're not gonna vouch for me oh uh i saw ray at comms [Music] the what somebody's saucy wait why did you break it yeah for what um okay here we go all right let's grab this stuff um do we really want to do our tasks probably not right she teleported um there's jo oh jody she's here all right let's just follow jody around all right what's she doing i don't know i'm not an imposter i really hope um oh god jody she's gonna find the body all right any last words psycho i just passed you what what what the body right behind you who what what was it toast it was toast you think i would kill toast and walk by like that well i mean i'm pretty fast i don't think you expected me to like you know you no you think i would kill toast this early maybe on accident yeah what so i killed him on accident walked by and then right i didn't kill toast i don't know what to tell you i don't know where the i i just passed you though um all right guys got any information oh the body is in the middle-ish i the only info i have is i just passed her so the kill must have just happened wait oh i think either she self-reported it or someone else popped out um armory together or like i'm doing the ak yeah i'd literally just passed through there i there was no dead body i saw jody in the armory already and then ray passed it has to be saikudo ray i didn't kill toast i wouldn't kill toast like this early you know that you know for sure right you can tell i'm not lying right you can tell i can't tell i can't [Music] is open right now so i don't really see everything yeah i saw jody in the armory i passed through nobody was dead and then ray goes out there's a body so i don't know what else could have must have been some kind of drive-by or something i don't know listen to me right you know i didn't kill toast right oh that's true what is executioner one again wait ray you should know me you should know that i'm telling the truth for one thing and for another thing you should know that i wouldn't kill turks [Music] you know i wouldn't kill toast and you can tell i'm telling the truth she can tell i think i think the only reason she's so confused is because um it really seems like it was me what she doesn't know is that jody's my partner she killed toast and i have to let it slide um but i am telling the truth and i think that's why she's confused because she definitely can tell that like i should have either known who it was or i should have been the one doing the kill but i think she's confused because like i really sound like i'm telling the truth because i am telling the truth um so she's she can't really tell because she's like it really seems like it has to be him but for some reason it's not him and that's because she doesn't know that i'm teamed up with jody right now so um [Music] all right all right running this way to fix the lights um the only problem is if we win with jody we have to get the other imposter off is the problem so it's sort of we're really trusting jody here because if jody doesn't kill off her partner then we just lose so this is a big risk here but it's more fun than winning with crewmates that's for sure uh all right oh i'm coming she waited for me do it um all right here's the thing we gotta vote off jody's partner now or the game's gonna be over so i don't know what's happening i don't know how jody's gonna play it but it's all up to her we're just we just gotta trust her to do this um okay we gotta hit the button so we're gonna leave jody for a second we gotta hit a button clear jody vote off her partner and then we win together i think okay i think we're on six right are we we should be please someone can fix it fast lights has like 10 places you can fix it at no jesus i saved the game ever oh my god what's happening all right i don't know what happened but i think i saved the game um i so there's only one person i trust here and it's jody i just saw ray i just saw ray too i know it sounds like kuno it's john or city i don't know about yeah i don't know about jon or sydney sydney on a rock paper scissors wait jody you're sure you don't know jody i think it's i'm more inclined to think it's sydney oh okay because she was weird it's all on jody because jody's on both teams here jody's on both teams oh yeah um i'm gonna be me i'm gonna reveal my role also do you guys hear the helicopter it's really obnoxious no what oh okay um i'm an engineer and i've literally just been doing my tasks kind of you know kicking around doing my stuff i have not killed anybody i just saw ray on my way to fix a late engineer claim i see that's true it's a late well i'm just i'm just telling you that i do have a role but it's not imposter you know i think i know who the imposter has been it's either john or i think it's john it's john wait how do you think it's true how many imposters are left two all right one if we we didn't wait we didn't vote anybody yeah i don't think we voted anyone off sydney you're the uh sydney are you really the engineer i'm really the engineer yeah jody you know what we got to do right now jody tell me who it is vote for john it's john sydney vote for john was it really jon jody who did you choose jody did you jody did you did you betray me i can't believe it oh my god oh jesus jesus oh jesus i can't believe she betrayed john i mean thanks jody we did it we did it also ray ray real love for faith ray i was telling the truth i didn't kill toast but the reason it looked like me was because jody killed toast and we both walked past it no i i knew it wasn't you i was just jester so i was hoping that oh okay i was like yeah i was very surprised because i was like i feel like you should know i would have picked toes and no jody how dare you we did it jody we totally did unbelievable i always choose all right we did it guys we did it i can't believe she chose us we won miner oh okay back to back teammates all right back to back team mates guys i can't believe it well what do you what do you think hopefully we win this one all right so the miner can just place vents that is insane um okay let's go down here oh this ain't too good sorry that was honestly an axe what what i guess it was a little too late to the north of weapons in the hallway it was a little too late maybe well guys who's the time lord not me thanks for saving me because it's rey what wait there are two that's right ray he's executioner there is no executioner ray well then you're the jester thank you now you're the imposter all of them i'm the execution jester posture i can't tell him he's like oh [ __ ] i got caught no i no i mean okay honestly i was just meaning to take it around yeah and uh i wouldn't report a body during a crisis if i was imposter that's true i i'm sorry i was just messing with people anyway uh yeah i don't know why i said that me neither uh keep going ray okay listen we look so innocent like who knows the sus one here for whatever reason that's true i'm very sus i don't know why i said all that stuff are you reporting sorry you know what right i reported i actually don't remember what popped up i actually didn't see the body because it was dark but hmm well it definitely wasn't probably it wasn't like tripped over something and just collapsed she's playing oregon trail she died four times in one game oh man that's like me when i get to the first river i always lose yeah once you get to that river you know everyone gets sick it's i do love oregon right she got the flu i never played before i've never played either they made me play in like third grade and none of us knew what we were doing yep i don't know why they made us do that in school yeah yeah same same oregon wait you guys didn't vote for me after all that am i sassy all right we look so innocent now we look so innocent guys i've never looked this innocent in my life all right here we go um okay so raise a little suss of me this is true so here's the thing all of our vents are connected right so we have one up there um let's place them in random spots oh hey jody we're gonna put another vent down over here uh uh okay come on john come on in what john ah poop he didn't come well i thought we could uh you know get him with the old trickeroo oh there's wendy okay uh huh what's the time lord doing hmm okay um so why did i do that because i knew the time lord couldn't reverse time [Music] oh god oh ray you're finding a lot of bodies yeah that's super innocent of me because it is you did report on six wendy died outside the showers or not the showers the bathroom i was just there with john wait john's dead oh i'm there's no universe where i don't vote cicuno here really why um you're so slow and you put your you're next to wendy angel wouldn't he just be jester yeah i thought there was a is there just there is no gesture you're right no there's no gesture right here well you caught me is there an adjuster no no there's a jester oh there it is come on come on target good oh wait can we take out yeah i also was near wendy actually and john did we put jester back in there wasn't edison i don't know either i guess we'll have to vote me and find out also edison's definitely an impossible what what why because no what about me he did something really sus at cameras no yeah what did i do wait what did he do the sus thing what what such things you were pretending to be on camera no no i was on the i was on the console okay look guys i i can't deal with the guilt of ray not being right so i'm going to vote myself here um because rey is so right and i just i just believe in rey uh all right let's vote really good at this what he said she's meaning she knows it's me she knows it's me come on ray just vote for me you're you got it i believe in you right yeah where is sydney um yes sydney where are you sydney's clear i i think it's me sydney you're muted oh my god sorry hello hi um i walked past host works there's no way this bluff left and now i'm walking towards the gem tap that sounds really believable sydney you're innocent and you should vote for me all right let's kill it okay uh i think i don't know what to vote i don't know i think i'm not jester are you crazy oh my god why did you guys vote guys there's still a chance someone hit the button and vote for me there's still a chance guys there's a chance hit the button and vote for me somebody hit the button and vote for me there's still a chance no way that worked um okay uh all right there's no way that worked there's just no way all right second someone comes up here we hit the emergency slow down slow him down hi ray oh can you see this oh guys i told you ray was right i told you she was telling the truth the whole time for so long i believed in you ray i i believed in you right i believe well what's wrong right what happened i trusted you i ray uh i can't handle you anymore no no i i told you you were right the whole time all i did was back you up like a good friend right i didn't even think i was really accusing you was i well no you kind of were and i supported you yeah oh yeah you said there's no world where you don't vote cicuna and i was like you're right everyone vote for me and then she voted me the cassettes all i did was tell you the truth six minute differential i can't believe that worked i'm actually shocked that that worked anyone's still going um i don't have to leave i feel like i'm dying [Music] thanks for playing with us wendy yeah [Music] treat yourself wendy or else all right but edison this is really great yeah this is fun yeah don't even worry about the bugs i'm so sorry about the bugs it really wasn't even that bad like legit it wasn't that bad except for the one that crashed my computer that one was like a little better of course all right bye guys see you guys later thanks for playing everyone see you guys later [Applause] [Music] honestly i was going to see how many we had left to try and yeah there's four of us saying all right let's lastly let's go four men among us you know let's do it one let's do one game let's do it let's do it speed run speed run wait i have more special roles than uh let's just let's just leave our mics on leave our mics on the whole that's right why not game is gonna break no it's not this is gonna work let's do full mike's four man among us right what happened what did you see wait wait no no ray i have a secret move you ready you can't kill me do not kill it i can't kill you ray we'll all but i could do something even stronger oh wait no everyone knows it's me um if someone dies tell me oh wait don't kill right now it's on cooldown it's not me it's leslie no no it's oh my god don't don't kill him right now and my cooldowns my cooldown wait right don't hit the button don't hit the button don't hit the button i'm gonna hit the button don't do it don't do it don't do i want a time lord to save toast i'm gonna hit the button toast let me know let me know he's probably dead reverse reverse toast are you live toast mr toast he's dead i didn't i didn't revive him wait i'm too small to go down the stairs what do you mean you're too small to go down the street it's too high hit the button i'll fix the lights it actually okay you can fix lights in three locations leslie doesn't know where i am hit the button hit the button wait oh this is awkward oh wait wait wait a minute wait wait it's not leslie it's what a twin what a twist what a twist uh okay okay uh i really couldn't go down the stairs as a child see um all right you know i was jester and i was looking maybe the the baby one hasn't been updated for the this airship yet oh god how did this happen wait so you could go up the stairs but not down the stairs yeah i couldn't go down it's not it's bad you know what we should have we should just have like jester time lord i have no idea um i have lovers jester uh some kind of impulse this is the most executioner oh executioner jester executioner jester time lord and like i don't know more fling more fling more fling more just to make it as confusing as possible more fling and then we'll do we'll do okay okay okay that way like there's a jester executioner time lord and so it's the most confusing it gets oh my gosh and lovers to make it more confusing okay i can feel it it's not possible it's not possible we have so many oh wait this was turned on wait what what is it what are you he's bluffing i'm not telling you i'm not done ray just come with me in this dark secluded corner really quick over here you can trust me where are you right right come over ray over here over here a liar now great you can trust me right now hey oh my god they're not going to vote for me there listen guys you know it's not me i i think we vote for psychonauts are you crazy i got no info all right so we vote for seikuna uh i think it's leslie [Music] all right all right toast i'm thinking we both are raised everyone vote for someone we gotta vote protecting role that you don't want to kill trust there are no protecting roles turning i have the power of the computer cycuno with the computer what does that mean wouldn't you all like to know yeah we're literally about to vote for you leslie we're about to win no like i'm the one who controls the game settings oh oh oh that's what i'm not saying um added a special role oh [Music] who voted for me who voted for me i'm taking him out wait ray come with me come with me ray i have to oh oh no the bug is still here oh no so who got voted out both of you i don't know i oh just great this is just great so who got voted out ray ray are you a ghost come to the middle race come to the middle i want you to know something like the main engine room okay okay engine do you see what is that your cool trick your imposter i wanted you to see something ray i just wanted you to see you're alive oh is that wait that's me wait what the heck i thought you were dead she is dead i am dead it's leslie that's leslie i was the engineer trying to make you think you were right that i was the imposter because i was trolling you it's leslie stop ending no you have to vote for me or else the game's not gonna vote for leslie and then we can vote for leslie it's leslie jillian i'm supposed to be dead no we don't have to because leslie is clearly the imposter right stop it leslie toast literally just push the button it's got to be leslie and rey is dead i can't vote this glitch is never ending yeah this glitch is uh it's tough it's tough but it's not as bad as the one that crashes my whole game and stream so i'll take it over that one that's actually so bad yeah it's really weird but it actually remember when we were playing regular airship i don't think it's a mod thing i think it's an among us thing because it did the same thing when we did uh you sure it's not an internet regular i don't think it's an internet thing um because i was still in the discord call the whole time you should get your computer fixed perhaps you need a new pc oh yeah i sure could use a name are you guys over valerant i kind of emotionally-ish need a little break but i mean like i'll play on it i'm not like i'm a little even with the euro buffs i haven't even played i wait we play i heard viper's wait what the hell is wrong with you guys we're talking about ray out oh my god we voted for leslie oh no we we couldn't have been more wrong communication i think it's the voting bug it's gotta be the voting bug yeah yeah is there a way to fix i'm sure it'll be fixed eventually but you know it was still really fun i think i can't wait to play with all the mods in there okay when they're fixed okay i fixed it now yeah now there should be no voting bug how do you know oh because i have done my coding magic okay um do i get five gift subs if it happens again no poop nuggets well all right oh my god oh my god oh my god i know who it is oh jesus i already know who it is too oh god how do you do this isn't that right leslie well listen the only way leslie would like is if she was the imposter all right vote him out vote leslie you have to kill me it's the only way please call them meeting someone i'm calling the meeting all right oh my god oh my god leslie where's the meeting oh i'm calling it compelling vote him out all right goodbye leslie goodbye goodbye leslie we want an easy dub here wait a minute sakura's executioner wait what execution i'm not target leslie it's clearly moving on goodbye leslie ray toast what do you guys have to add to this i can add that i'm crew no goodbye i am if your crew vote for leslie crew votes for lesbians there's no crew mate what why my crew everyone has a special role wait a minute what if it's rey ray oh my god it's too late i locked it and tied the vote tie the vote tie the vote someone tied the vote and then we can't wait to vote for ray toast i'm crew actually toast you gotta vote for ray toast do you vote for ray toast toast what are you doing toast toast toast what are you doing oh he locked in who did he vote for i don't know ray you have to vote [Music] wait leslie did you even vote for yourself yes i did oh i voted for you too oh no wonder who knows oh wait that was crew make me not crew wait you were actually crew that was actually crew how did that happen i don't know this is cuffed this is so scary um one oh lovers is on huh okay okay let's see oh wait but it'll never give us lovers because the game will immediately end right because there's two losses oh maybe that's glitching it okay so right now there's there's time lord more fling executioner jester was anyone time lord i'm a giraffe i was the time lord i think oh okay all right let's do one more one wait but no one wants executioner right no maybe execution or gesture can't be together right does that make sense possibly yeah maybe okay wait so we're gonna have one like regular crewmate no no no no no let's put in um wait wait wait we have a jester we have a time lord we have a more fling and then we'll have thrown a sheriff thrown a sheriff to really spice it up okay because then if they're wrong it just ends the game okay this is it all right this is it this is this is it last one lg lg lg this is lg actual lg okay where did you guys spawn i'm in the middle i'm going all right if you die yell something out i won't tell you why i'm asking you to do that um stay away it's right it's ray she's trying to kill me oh my god you knew it was right too i don't get it you were trying to kill me after i revealed that was the time lord oh my god you did it you did it let's go sheriff okay wait sheriff's do bro oh man no it's not broken he just guessed right because after i revealed all his time lord rey was suspiciously moving at me i didn't even know you were tired lord after i said if you die let me know and then yeah i didn't didn't put two and two together i'm a cargo bay cargo bay i'm at cargo bay too no you're not here she's lying oh my god goodness she's just like you lie she must be jesterizing yet she did this last time when she said no i know she's the jester because i'm the imposter get him what do you mean sheriff get him yeah oh wait oh my gosh it's time lord i think it's just time for you to toast the time lord oh my god rey's gonna know ray's gonna know it's me behind you well well well i killed ray i killed ray but here's the problem leslie's the jester toast is the time lord and i'm the imposter you know how this goes right toast you know what this means right we vote side kudo what no we don't vote what toast you know what this means toast you can either vote leslie because she obviously voted herself you can vote me and then it ties and then i kill leslie um i'll let you live um or you can vote any other thing and nothing else what leslie is the jester no i'm not i'm something special but no the gesture what is it yeah what are you i can't say it just know that you have to vote listen you can either vote leslie and she wins or vote to skip or vote for me and i promise you i'll kill leslie instead of you all right leslie you want me to vote here yeah you know what do it vote for me too who you think is suspicious all right leslie i'll trust you on this one okay yeah yeah let's trust leslie on this one really trust me yeah leslie seems really trustworthy oh wait oh well how did that happen well i voted for toast and toast voted for the imposter leslie all right don't worry i'll kill the imposter i'll kill the imposter this round i'm actually the sheriff uh yeah so just let me kill this you're the sheriff are you the chair leslie you're the imposter aren't you ray was the no rey must have been rey must have been the gesture you're you're the imposter right leslie you want us to vote i am the imposter but instead of voting for you i'll just kill you because i'm the sheriff right kill talks kill those no no you're the imposter meet me at the meeting room leslie the meeting room is in records room what toast is here down the stairs oh hey leslie i see you down there wait what's going on i'm glitching i'm glitching come on up the stairs leslie just come up the stairs you can take the ladder anywhere i want okay well luckily i'm also glitching wait wait wait glitch what's happening what's happening what's going on what's going on i'm stuck what oh man that was the most psychotic laugh i've ever but that was the strangest final okay one last one actual last one okay sorry about the crazy sound laugh i've never mattered once i realized i was glitched and i could just walk around sorry for the crazy sounding laugh though i've never laughed like that i promise you oh i forgot to change my color uh poop nuggets now i'm a red shark instead of my favorite color shark so oh leslie leslie can you do me a favor i already know you're the imposter can you not kill me i'm not thanks leslie i didn't i was the jester trying to make you think it was me i'm the jester come on give me yesterday we'll play until the next jester win how about that because we could find six more people you know we don't there's no way we find six more people honestly i've been laughing i don't think so ray do you know how hard it is to find six people is it hard look i'll be honest i just want to change my color so i'm just gonna kill the next person i see toast why are you running are you the imposter that's toast it's toast next person who comes up this ladder oh my god wait what oh you sheriffed him he was actually running i knew it good game all right was that it that was it that one didn't account okay this is the actual last one actual last one okay actually all right this time i'm not gonna troll i'm gonna use my full brain full brain oh no if anyone comes near me you're gonna get sliced he's actually impossible i think he's serious he's serious okay don't even come near your thumbs i'm like a dragon protecting his gems stay back stay back gems uh my gems the precious the precious oh my god i'm sorry i'm fine i'm sorry oh god i could hear it too i could feel it because it was me oh god i'm sorry it's funny that was funny don't come near me don't come near me where are you i'm at the red the red room red rum red red lightsaber wait leslie you're not the imposter oh my god we're voting someone off here you know the rules we can't skip okay all right it's not me it's not it's i had a feeling it was right i think no no no no it's not it's right wait how what was the feeling you know when you walk by someone and you have this feeling they're gonna slice you in got half same exact tingly feeling when i walked by you oh yeah i'm so sorry oh you're right i trust i trust leslie okay leslie the fact that he's like backing you up wait you're right that's suspicious that's suspicious yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah because i trust you listen stop agreeing why does he trust i'm so sorry yeah yeah i trust you like ray i i'm changing sides i think it's leslie i think it's leslie too okay realistically i think it's toast but i like leslie's reaction so i'm voting for leslie leslie what are you doing leslie what are you doing come on uh just be honest no leslie suggested leslie's adjusting no leslie's jester leslie you're a gesture aren't you see here's the thing i voted for myself so she voted for herself she's the jester i knew she was the jester you did it what oh she was oh i thought i knew oh i knew it i'm too good at chester just too good she is she is black chill on twitch and geraldine thanks for the subs okay i mean if you guys say this is more troll than i thought but it's kind of funny wait no she was a jester last time she did that ray's just raised just dude she's jester she's jester she's jester i keep definitely at the beginning oh cause i'm so used to it leslie is it anything important leslie kill ray she's the jester look i won't report you leslie kill ray she's the gesture it's the only way the imposter loses right do it do it leslie wait put what team am i on oh my god she's trying to stack him that's what i thought leslie you know what to do right leslie do it leslie do it what leslie the button who's not fixing the lights oh no i was trying to go down the stairs [Music] and i wanted leslie to die again and then i'd revive her again and then let her die again and then revive her again that's why i didn't fix the lights was pretty good that was pretty good all right i wanted leslie to die so i could keep reviving nah that did not feel like you weren't found okay yeah we probably would have a full lobby by now you know yeah that's not a good point um well we could just invite people from the chat if we oh hell yeah let's go no no that was just leaked the code oh wait we can't it's modded right yeah it's modded and all that let's go all right lick the code right who's the time lord oh my god what what happened what happened i'm big uh what oh what's that why is he big toast what's the big thing um i'm big i'm huge i wanna see where are you where are you where are you yeah we're coming to see oh god leslie don't come near uh don't come near i'll shred you no it's not me if you're the imposter you can just vent i'm in the middle area oh time lord okay that was totally totally totally toast that was definitely toast well toast is the time lord no no no it could have been me leslie's imposter leslie i want to see the thing i could know where are you we're gonna find i'm at the button oh hey it's toast oh you're at the button uh you're gonna die you're gonna die any moment there's zero chance of dying no there's a high high if you're imposter you better come kill me because i'm about to hit the button and report you all right yup it's the device for you all right thanks i'm literally gonna push the button you better uh you know i'll push it oh wait how did you push it i didn't even see you i oh who killed leslie okay i'm time lord said who yeah goodbye ray goodbye goodbye wait a second wait a minute it's okay with it isn't there supposed to be a jester oh wait no leslie was the jester right wait a second wait a minute jester no way wait a second wait i thought you were the time lord no way no no it was toast to jester hey wait what [Music] that didn't count listen this is what we need to do guys this is what we need to do who's the timeline i'm the time lord you're lying who's the imposter kill leslie and i'll keep reviving her wait a minute i'm gonna be i'm the crew i'm a crewmate it's perfect let's kill leslie and i'll keep reviving her no no kill leslie and i'll keep her behind oh my god wait that's too early i can't revive her yet yeah then why didn't you revive her yeah it has a cool down it doesn't cool down it has a cool down all right we're voting cyclone because he failed his job no no we gotta vote i know the one way to stop this i'm voting myself no wait really yeah well sort of sort of is just arising oh no wait no one voted for his psycho no no one voted for me wait who'd you vote for a secure [Music] oh no wait a minute um what's happening what's happening wait who vote did toast vote for himself someone voted for themselves let's get a task win i'll be honest i thought ray would jester and then i voted for rey thinking she was jesterizing i am not the jester yeah she really isn't so toast must be the jester so raise the imposter oh no oh my god get me out of here go push the button go push the button i am i am i'm almost at the ladder i'm almost at the ladder actually don't push the button uh what is oh did my time lord save anyone i don't think so wouldn't the game just be over if oh wait who it's ray it's right it's gotta be right it's gotta be right i'm the sheriff it's right you're not the sheriff you're not the sheriff if you're the sheriff you should kill toast wait wait what cycle why were there two of you one of them big at the bottom just sitting there more more fully wait right you tried to kill saikudo i was upset oh wait wait so ray you killed me but it was toast i wanted to prove i was sheriff you did bike i killed toast on accident no you got it you got it though look guys can we just get one round where i get time lord and we keep killing and reviving someone it's just the cooldown's so long yeah that's true that's true that was a joke too that would be messed up that would mess up i i don't know how i got kuma miyang told me [Music] it's a special thing leslie don't come near me nobody come near me he's good why he's gonna blow look i'm like a blender right now i'm literally a blender right now i'm literally a blender leslie why are you running why are you running oh no it wasn't leslie why'd you run away from me if you weren't there you mean you said to that did you stay away yeah but i thought you were like i said to stay away i thought what if okay okay all right maybe no sheriff no sheriff maybe two and oh a mayor a mayor okay wait what is it how about the swapper wait no no no no no no medic medic unkillable what is all truest they died i sacrificed yourself to revive somebody or see her okay sierra neville can be can reveal a rule yeah seer could be useful okay okay okay seer sees the role all right here we go no no this is the last game this is leslie where are you where are you going are you playing gta no no gta tonight are you guys playing gta oh is it moving i might consider i'm like you only played among us for a couple hours you guys i started my stream for this and everyone left oh no it's okay and play gta after this oh yeah you can i'm in the mood for valor or among us today i'm sure you can put together another lobby exhausted it's so tiring yeah i just i need a little break yeah yeah i usually try and take occasional breaks toast oh time lord okay who died who died whatever you do do not kill who died wait don't tell toast why um i have a reason to know that he is not the imposter oh my gosh it's like what it's right it's wrong it's literally right it's literally right she just killed right in front of me she just killed right in front of me she killed leslie it's my kudo it's it's rey it's rey it's like do you think i would kill leslie if i wasn't the time lord absolutely first time is ray absolutely absolutely listen there's nothing on this planet that could tell me there's nothing on this list are you telling me that you didn't see rey killing i saw cycuno as ray killing you saw ray killing that's all you can you can leave off the first part she saw rape killing it's confirmed it's rey that wasn't lying wait why are you laughing [Music] she yeah that this this is but like you know it sounds really nice see you guys final final last game yup final final last game all right morphling again all right here we go where'd you guys go cargo engine brake kitchen why are you looking huh where'd you guys go kitchen guess wrong i said kitchen i'm coming for you leslie [Music] oh god i'm stuck on comms i don't want to do this [ __ ] resources i'm that's forcing me to do the tasks oh my god it's leslie yeah i can't get upset i can't get up the ladder all the time lord okay wait who's the time lord we're all stuck here leslie okay there we go all right back oh come in oh all right oh okay okay okay uh oh oh leslie wait it actually was leslie jesus but it actually was leslie it was actually leslie what do you mean it's toast i was i saw i just saw toast enter the right kill and self-report yes do i ever self-report leslie who'd you just vote for the imposter leslie's a jester leslie the jester i'm the imposter the only way leslie could have voted that quickly is she's the jester voting for herself which means i'm the imposter toast is in a terrible terrible situation here terrible wow wait wait leslie leslie you actually thought it was toast i transformed into him right in front of you wait you did i thought you still have okay wait why are you laughing like that you're supposed to be the good guy you're supposed to be the good guy why don't you just call the button okay he's an engine he's an engine killer okay how do you know you can't run oh god leslie wait we could talk about this listen we can talk about this you're the sheriff right but leslie would you kill yourself but you would kill yourself okay the answer was yes she would kill herself she wouldn't kill herself she had him pinned in the corner she ran away okay well i asked her if she would kill herself and the answer was yes she would kill you i can't kill you i'll have a button wait you were the jester yes i was a jester but i accidentally voted for toast oh my god what i don't know i don't know i'm my own confusion i voted for toaster in real life okay um i thought she was the sheriff see you guys later see you guys later i guess yeah i guess we just don't have enough uh next time and i'm sure the bugs will be fixed too oh no okay i missed clicked by accident all right fine actually if leslie can stick fine i'll finally find him fine okay serious all right serious winner gets 100 subs okay what from who from leslie leslie i love these offerings okay so here's the thing guys we can't let leslie win because she's gonna gift it to herself we gotta get wait wait a minute you guys don't even stream on twitch i'm the only one who can get this prize oh my god 100 gifted subs okay okay okay let's get real night raven thanks for the 100 gifted subs jesus thanks a lot tonight raven that is way too generous thanks a bunch night raven really appreciate you do not want to vote me because i have valuable information what do you have leslie that i am on the crewmate side she's underneath voter off i'm not what did you say remember yesterday okay on drugs toast who's it who is it it's build the beans it must be ray if it's not yours i'm the time yeah it must be rey oh ray your number one hat and the little shirt look guys i'm gonna vote for the imposter let's just uh let's get this out or two every time says that he votes for himself oh kinda true now that you mentioned it but i this time i actually voted for the imposter like no memes no no guys [Applause] [Music] wait a minute because oh it's impossible to win wait a minute your screen says defeat toast yeah mine says defeat oh well mine says victory so the winners get some gifts i guess leslie has to gift herself 100 so the losers gift the winners that's kind of how that no no well you can't say that leslie you're just basically asking for free stuff like you yeah you're the one who put the bounty up so you have to pay it for free um yeah you posted the bounty like but i just said hundred subs it didn't say from who i'm here for my subs you can't yeah he's here for herself you can't just collect but buzz thanks for the five gift subs thanks again for the hundred gifted subs that's a whole bunch of subs thanks a bunch tonight reading for the hundred subs it's more than we've gotten on stream i think i am leaving i am oh and zombies thanks for the 10 gift subs also kubi that's a whole bunch of gift songs thanks a bunch thanks for the four gift subs also it's a whole bunch of gifts thanks a bunch besides our screens and play games on a table instead all right but the screens are on a tape that's kind of true that's it guys that's you know it was fun look next time gta's like probably yeah i don't know what else to do i'll probably just play for a little bit all right ranch squad mounted back bye everyone toast we're playing valor um you got 100 gifted subs i did he got 100 wesley is someone in this chat game thanks night raven let's go night raven that's technically from me because if i didn't say that then he wouldn't probably maybe he would have i don't know if the timing was just okay so he's trying to take this guy more subs than i usually get in a weekend another 50 jesus oh my god night raven thanks for another 50 gift subs jesus night raven that's a lot of gifts thanks a bunch night raven out of so many gift subs really appreciate it thanks a bunch night raven is thinking his subs right now well what do you think i was going to do what did you think 150 150 gifted subs oh my god another freeze what another 100 gifted thanks for another 100 gifted subs freeze thanks jesus 10 000 thanks for another you got a ten thousand dollar donation oh my god thanks for another 100 gifted subs freeze and night raven for being super generous that is so many subs thanks a bunch tonight [Music] three minutes ago so take that out thanks for having me but thanks for all the subs guys really appreciate it there's so many gift subs we have that's more than we've got we usually get in a week his monthly pay thanks for the five gifts oh my god ten thousand for the 10 000 bits night raven that's a whole bunch of bits jesus you're way too generous tonight raven thank you very much for all the subs and all the bits it's a whole bunch of subs and bits thanks a bunch night raven really appreciate it from whom thanks for the five gifts subs rora it's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch thanks jeff you guys all right uh well that was a good outcome yeah i guess i'll see you guys around uh well see you guys around you guys like you guys can find a nice value lobby or whatever you guys will play i'm sure it'll be very fun have fun get your other friends later goodbye see you guys later um thanks for the 10 gift subs kooby it's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch coobie okay well see i've noticed you haven't left yet oh oh i thought that was the last game everyone was leaving night goodbye goodbye i'll see you guys next time hopefully the mods are all working smoothly shout out to edison let's go edison he's not here he's not here yeah i'm sure he's listening see you guys later all right
Channel: Sykkuno Archive
Views: 384,735
Rating: 4.8741426 out of 5
Id: rOkla9pitcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 10sec (10270 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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