🔥 Pastor John Hannah - Follow The OIL (Powerful Message) - COGIC Revival

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i want you to get your bibles i want you to go to first time you're the 16th chapter and if you don't mind i'm going to be reading out of the niv first sammy of the 16th chapter and i'm going to be reading out of the niv we're going to go to the 16th chapter then we're going to rush over to the 22nd chapter and we're going to begin if you would at the 12th verse it says so he sent for him and had him brought in he was glowing with health and had a fine appearance and handsome features then the lord said arise and anoint him this is the one so samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers and from that day on the spirit of the lord came powerfully upon david now slide over if you will to the 22nd chapter and we're going to start at the first verse just two verses david left gath and escaped to the cave of a doula when his brothers and his father's household heard about it they went down to meet him there all those who were number one distressed or in debt or discontented gathered around him and he became their commander about 400 men were with him just touch your neighbor say follow the oil so what am i doing here what am i doing here let me explain something to you all i've been waiting on you i met you over 20 plus years ago i came to your church with elder campbell i was his armament i was raised in the church of god in christ and i have been traveling around with him but i'll never forget coming to your church um allow me to be very open honest and transparent in churches we play swap a ramble with members members leave one church going to another church but we never go outside the church to go after the loss the religious community is a gated community if you don't look like us sound like us talk like us we have a tendency of shutting you out but when i came to your church i saw outreach and for the first time for the first time i saw this church go catch fish that the average church couldn't handle and i saw the fire on people that this was new to you didn't have to beg them to pray you didn't have to beg them to lift their hands you didn't have to beg them to open their mouth why because when they thought about where god had brought them come on here they didn't need a band they didn't a praise thing all they had was a memory and when i walked in i was like this is new what is this the choir was in the back before it even came out worshiping and praising god because most choirs wait till the lights come on walk in everybody was like praise the lord loving on each other i was like what is this so then when the lord told me leave your father's house and go to a country that like abraham leave your father's house and your kindred and go to a land that i will show you i had to leave and ended up at a puerto ricans church a guy by the name of alfredo de jesus the only thing i know in spanish is common us conversation over and this puerto rican looked at me and said i see what's on you i see what's in you i'm not going to be intimidated by it i'm not jealous of it i just want to plant it and watch it grow you have to find people that won't be intimidated with your destiny come over here come over here come over here so i went to him i had church down pat but i didn't have the heart of christ i didn't want to feed the hungry i just thought preaching was about grabbing a microphone and then he said listen john you got church you don't have a pastor's heart you can preach you can arrest an audience but you don't have a shepherd's heart so what he did he told me he said what i'm gonna do with you i want you to go to this shelter and you're gonna feed hungry men every thursday night you're not gonna preach you're only gonna give them a seven minute devotion you're gonna preach to them teach them for seven minutes then you're gonna go in the kitchen you're gonna put an apron on and you're gonna feed the hungry i need you to i need you to know what it is to smell like sheep some of y'all smell like the sinks when the last time you've been around some sheep [Applause] for a year i served i served i served and he looked at me and said now you're ready he said i'll go get the loss so 13 years ago because i came in your church and i followed your oil i knew that when the church opened that i couldn't go after church people because when people come from other churches they bring the spirit of the last church that they came from but if you get the loss they wide open and you can teach them so i'll i follow your oil i followed your oil i only met you one time but i got your oil i followed your oil so to me this is a reunion of the oil i came to tell you only eternity would tell who you've been a blessing to your anointing goes far beyond the church of god in christ your oil goes far beyond open come on axe lift your hands in this building open your mouth and worship how can you meet one person one time and then get the oil because to be anointed means to be brushed up against some of y'all trying to get their name you need their oil some of y'all trying to get their favor you need their oil i need you to make sure you next to somebody that got some oil on them i need you to touch your name and say i don't want fame i don't want fortune i don't want to be a part of a popularity group i need the oil of god come on here god came to release oil in the building tonight come on y'all reach around and test three [Laughter] i came to encourage you man of god your labor is not in vain and there's a second wind coming on your life [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oil in this building that's gonna release fresh oil in this building lift your hands for 10 seconds won't you open your mouth in worship [Applause] i've been looking for you i've been looking for you bishop i've been waiting on you to call me i've been waiting 20 years to get to you i came to get the next level of oil i came to get the oil of endurance i came to get the oil of longevity lift your hands a few more minutes and open your mouth [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] with me for the rest of my life i want the anointing to make sure that i never backslide i want the anointing to make sure that i always walk in my purpose and in my destiny anybody in the building want the oil i need you to find another oil carrier i need you to touch them and say have a seat have a seat have a seat [Applause] [Music] okay okay let's get it together okay come on [Applause] let's go let's go um okay wait we got to get it together come down come down jump come down come down come down john come down come down come down so tonight i'm here because some of you all you don't even understand that what is being produced in your life is oil when you look at people like bishop and you see him you think it came easy there's a price that goes with getting oil i wish it could be just so easy as just praying about it there's a lifestyle that go with getting oil and if we look at david david was the second king over israel we first introduced to him in the 16th chapter we understand that the first king who name was saul he had disappointed god and the bible says that god had rejected him he told the priest at that time samuel i need you to go i'm ready to anoint the next king over israel please hear me you can have the position but you need the oil you can be gifted but you need the oil to go with the gift the bible says that when he got to jesse's house they brought in all seven of his brothers and he almost even tricked it almost even tricked samuel when the first three walked in he saw the first one he was swole there are a lot of people that have swole but they're not chosen come on let's talk for a minute the bible says that the lord said no neither one of these he said is there another he said their remain is yet the youngest would it want the youngest because if you're the youngest you're the least of them and some of you all they've been playing you like a cheeseburger but i came to let you know you a big mac in the spirit you two are beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun you should go ahead and tell your neighbor don't play me don't play me the bible says he's just sent for him we won't sit down until he come the bible says that he walked in alone let's just say that alone and some of you all are struggling by being by yourself i got to bring you in by yourself because i don't want none of your brothers trying to hide you so there's a blessing and walking by yourself when he walked in by himself the lord said that's the one that's him right there for everybody in the building that's feeling rejected or isolated i came to tell you you it you are the one that the lord is looking for the bible says that when he anointed him listen carefully he anointed him in the midst of his brothers which means that your oil cannot be hidden some of y'all you need to understand why you got haters because you oily you greasy oh y'all ain't saying that to me you got oil on your life and the bible says that when he when he anointed him in the midst of his brothers you got to give this in that same chapter now his name is brought up not a facebook page not an instagram page not a snapchat not a radio station neither a tv station his name is just mentioned in the palace while he's in the field on the count of three i just want you to say your name one two three john hannah what am i doing i'm releasing your name in the spirit realm and i decree and declare this year your name gonna fall in the right spirit and at the right time your name is gonna be mentioned i'm gonna give you one more time to holler your name one two three john [Applause] so the bible says that while he's at home somebody brings his name up why because an evil spirit has come upon saul and he says i need somebody to get this thing up off of me he said well jesse got a boy by the name of david and he's skilled and i want you to be here with my he said sin for him bring him in and let him play for me i need everybody that's gifted to hear me your gift is about to make room for you you don't have to kiss nobody behind you don't have to run up behind anybody all you got to do is write them the right time all you got to do is keep preparing for your opportunity cause preparation plus opportunity equals success did you just miss what i just said some of y'all you're preparing for your success all you need is your opportunity on the count of three again say your name one two three john hannah said the bible says that he sins for him and when he sins for him he sits down and he plays his instrument and when he plays the evil spirit is lifted and so now he gets a position for some of you all it's gonna be just like that your life gonna change just like that immediately i hear the word suddenly i wish you could just speak that over your neighbor i need you to release that word over your neighbor suddenly suddenly you're gonna go from poverty to the middle class suddenly your zip code will change some of y'all didn't believe me but i'm gonna give you a chance to say your name one more time one two three john hannah okay now let's go let's go let's go so then when he finally gets this position let's go to the 17th chapter when he gets to the 17th chapter he is sent on an errand for everybody that is serving in ministry it is imperative that you be obedient during this season it is imperative that you be where you're supposed to be and that you do exactly what you're told to do if you do that then it's gonna be your next setup you gotta hear me it's gonna be your next setup it's imperative that you be where you're supposed to be and it's apparent it's evident that you have to be obedient so the bible says that his father sends him to go drop some food off when he sends him to go drop some food off he hears his next opportunity there is a giant a champion by the name of goliath he is extremely big that everybody is scared of i don't know what has happened to the church that everybody's become punks everybody's scared nobody's willing to step to the plate oh y'all ain't gonna say that to me now and the bible says that this giant goliath will step down in the valley and challenge the children of israel for 40 days twice a day but wouldn't nobody step to it is there anybody in the building that's not scared of the devil i wish the devil would try i need you to make sure you ain't sitting next to no punk i need you to make sure you sit next to a warrior that if a witch got the audacity to sit in your section i wish a witch would okay let me calm down let's go let's go have a seat said the bible says that when he hear this when he hears this he said he said this bishop he said this this is those of us that got oil that's how we talk he said who is this uncircumcised philistine that the fighteth the army of the living god who is this devil they think he just gonna walk up in our house and take our kids who is this punk that think he gonna run through your finances who is this devil they think he gonna destroy your marriage in your house who is this devil they think he gonna run you up out of here ah look at here look at here look at here i need you to make sure you sit next to a pit bull don't sit next to no poodle you don't need no poodle sitting next to you you need somebody to be like i'ma give you a chance to make sure you got a a warrior next to you on the count of three i want you to release a praise in this building if they send it to my hallelujah you can't sit next to me i need somebody that's ready to bust a camp in the enemy i need somebody that's ready to rip the devil up out of here one two three go go go go hey on your way till you see your neighbor we gonna get the oil tonight we gonna get the oil don't have a seat we gonna get the oil at night we gonna get the oil tonight we don't get the oil tonight we gonna get the oil tonight we gonna get the oil tonight we gonna get the oil right now we gonna get the oil tonight we gonna get mother [Applause] watch watch the attributes of a warrior the bible says number one he took him to saul and what saw did saul took his armor off him and tried to put it on david let this be revelation to those of you all that are unique the bible says when he put his armor on him it was too heavy and what i've seen in church is people want to make you like them and when you try to walk like them talk like them act like them you can't move the way that god you got your own swagger y'all i need you to touch your neighbor say keep your swagger keep your swagger keep your sweater keep your sweater you say ah take this off me take this off me take this off me take this off me he said take this off me take this off me he said but you're only a kid he said hold on i got some testimonies he said i got some private victories that never went public i've been through some things that don't nobody even know about like one time i was in the field and a lion and a bear came out and when it reached for me i snatched it is there anybody in the building there's some things that don't nobody even know about but when it reached for you you snatched it you broke the back of depression you broke the back of loneliness and isolation you broke the i need you to make sure you got somebody next to you that got a testimony i need you to make sure you got somebody that didn't nobody do it but god if you know that what you got it was only god that did it for you i need you to find somebody else i need you to get in a grill and say did nobody do this but god now put a praise on that puddle put a praise on that [Applause] porn don't have a seat don't have a seat don't have a seat ready watch this so we go out on the battlefield and then goliath look at him and cuss them out and i want you to watch i want you to watch warriors warriors are very careful with what come out of their mouths warriors don't talk negative because we understand that their powers in your words whatever you speak it take legs and walk it out that's why we always guard who even talk to us because we can't be around crazy or negative people y'all ain't gonna say that to me and the bible said when he looked at date when he looked at goliath he said today the lord's gonna give you into my hands and today i'm gonna cut your head off and today the caucasus are gonna eat your body up ah look at him commentaries say he defeated david with his words because he scared them because how can somebody so small talk to me like that that's why we try to get some of y'all don't be whispering in church we you listen to me it was a thug in the street i need you to keep your thug and bring it in jesus you come on here don't don't sit up here and look cute in that girl you were food in the street you kept gasoline in your purse in a rubber band to pull your hair back don't come up and hit nine be cute i need you to be a warrior in the building [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm a warrior what are you doing i'm trying to make sure you got another warrior next to you because if we go up in the spirit i'm gonna need somebody that's gonna cover your front and your back i'm gonna need somebody to get you right in your left i'm gonna make sure you got somebody that know how to bind every demon in hell and i decree and declare by the time you get home you're gonna see a difference even in your own house uh oh oh okay i'm sorry let's go watch this let's just let's just let's just when she's ready so the bible says the bible says the bible says that he backed up he did not wait on goliath to come to him but the bible said he ran towards goliath and some of you all i need you to get in the running position you've been sitting long enough your next opportunity is not going to come to you you're going to run come on man i need you to get in your running position don't get scared and go straight forward and the bible said when he knocked him out this is good to me bob said when he knocked him out he then got on top of him took his sword and cut his head off and held it up and the bible said if they sent questions the bible said that the saul sent for david and when he sent for him he was still holding his head in his hand watch me this is good to me this is so good to me you got to watch this and dave and sarah had the audacity to act now who are you watch me i'm the same one that was playing for you they got them demons out for you i'm the same one that's been your armor bear can i tell you something there are people that are in your presence but they really don't see you they only gonna see you when you slay your goliath that's i'm trying to get some of y'all you can't let depression and poverty and rejection kill you you got to kill it come on here just hold your hand up like you got something in your hand and say look devil i win look devil i will let's go let's go look devil i win look devil i win look devil i broke every generational curse and every bloodline curse look devil i'm not gonna be an addict like my daddy was an addict look devil i broke poverty in the jaw ain't nobody saying that to me [Applause] so then after he slays goliath he gets another promotion he gets another promotion and when he gets his promotion then he gets this elevation that he's put over an army when he goes out the lord is with him and the bible said when the lord was with him he won everything and then the bible said when he was coming into the city after winning a battle the bible said that the women started singing saul is slain this thousand and david is ten thousand see some of y'all listen to me you love applause you love recognition can i say something the more attention that comes towards you the more demons route up against you oh do you understand me so when you get an applause expect your warfare i need some of y'all because you've been trying to figure out what's going on with you you got too many people talking about your progress you got too many people talking about you not who you used to be you got too many people talking about the hand of god is on your life you got too many people talking about how you not who you used to be can i tell you something the devil hear your applause and he's out to shut you down but i need the winners in the building those of us said no he didn't bring me this father let me down if he was gonna let the devil kill me he would have let the lion in the bed take me out of here but since i made it past the lion and the bear my future gonna be better than my past i just need at least 50 of you all to open your mouth and declare that my future is better than my past said my future is going to be better than my say it again my future gonna be better say it again say it again now if you believe that put a praise on it ready let's go let's go watch this let's make the oil let's make the oil let's make the oil let's make the oil let's make the oil so you thought the oil was in just slaying goliath you thought the oil was in your promotion you thought the oil was when you got elevated you thought the oil was when they were singing for you now watch it in the very next chapter in the 18th chapter he now experienced haters all is produced when you confront your hater you ready but who is his hater you got to get this see some of y'all you think it's going what's going to surprise you is who your enemy is you actually watch me the bible says that saul the one he played for the one he served now rises up against him and he begins to look at this little boy and begin to hate on him you got to hear me have you ever experienced people that got more than you i mean you are up here i'm down here how you going to hate on me down here when you got all of that up there can i tell you something because they could look at you and tell you ain't gonna be down there alone and some of y'all i need you to get used to having haters you gotta give you come on get watch me watch me some of y'all are willing are willing to give up your oil to just satisfy them they've been doing a lot to try to shut you down have you noticed they've been saying stuff acting crazy doing things trying to get you out of character there's a piece of you that wanna cuss them out y'all ain't gonna say to me there's a piece of you that want to put them pawns on them ain't nobody saying looking to me but you just keep sitting still ain't saying that not a plan you thinking you weak oh my god but have you noticed something everything they did didn't work in other words the bible says that saul began to throw daggers at him but he forgot david got the oil on them so every time he threw something he just slid to the what am i trying to say some of y'all you so greasy you so crazy every time the devil threw a negative report you'd be like who you talking to every time something crazy happened you'd be like whoa i want you to make sure you got another greasy person next to you if you greasy when i high-five you we should hear a splash in the spirit hold my shot i need you to find somebody and say you all in tonight everybody that's glad that whatever your hater tried didn't work everybody that's glad that it didn't pin you down didn't knock you down everything you've been through you keep it moving and come on high five somebody and tell them you got the oil tonight so every time you every time you experience a hater it's producing oil go ahead have a seat have a seat obviously every time you experience a hater it's producing oil every time you experience a hater it's producing oil every time you look at somebody who lying on you it's only increasing your oil every time you look at somebody you ever walk in their room and they'd be talking but then when you walk in everybody get quiet you should've said oh i just came to get a fill up that's all i just came to get more oil once i get my oil imma come off the road i just can't some of y'all you sickness and somebody that don't like you tonight oh you should just lean in a little bit closer and tell them i came to get an oil deposit tonight ready let's go further let's go further in the next chapter watch how oil is produced all is produced when you deal with family members that are not there the way that they're supposed to be there the bible says watch me that his his wife which is saul's daughter tells him listen my father trying to kill you so what she did is she gets a rope and she lets him down through a window you my wife girl you supposed to roll with with the dog give us what i'm saying you ain't gonna roll with me no i'm gonna let you down through this window cause i'm not willing to go through with you and some of y'all got family members that have let you down they have not been there the way that you've been there for them isn't it amazing that when they needed money you took money to them but then when you need a blessing ain't nobody there for you ain't nobody gonna say to me come on you don't sit up in here like you in the house with the brady bunch no over here like you learn the house with the cosmic you know your family crazy your mama crazy your daddy crazy your sister's crazy only reason you ain't crazy because god got favor on your life if it went for favor you'll be just as crazy as they are everybody know you got some crazy family members touching them say i got the oil i got the oil i got the oil some of y'all dealing with crazy family members right now i need you to look at someone say i got some oil i got some oil i want you to listen listen to me listen listen to me many of us came under dysfunction of families like my father was a drug addict and a gang banger it was my father that handed me my first joint it was my father that told me son i'm gonna teach you how to smoke when he came out of prison it was him that actually handed me my first joint it was him that said i want you to open your mouth i'm gonna give you what they call a shotgun he said when i blow it in your mouth i need you to inhale i was a kid you mean i was a kid and he was trying to pass on generational curses but what he didn't know was i had a grandmother that would cover me in my sleep and say i bind every spirit of addiction and every generation of curse and every bloodline curse so while he was while he was blowing in the holy ghost was blocking it and some of y'all in the building you weren't supposed to be here but god you were supposed to be like your crazy family that's why your praise should be off the chain why because you're supposed to be on crack too you're supposed to be dead you're supposed to be at those of you that know your family is crazy and had it not been for the mercy and the grace of god you will be in the same situation as they are i i just want to hear you give god the most radical praise that it passed you don't play with me go i need you to turn and tell somebody it didn't work [Applause] those of us that know some things were tried to happen but god stopped it just take like 10 seconds lift your hands open your mouth and begin to worship god it has increased your oil it has increased some of y'all are going through with your family right now i need you not to cry about it i need you to accept that god is up to something in your life lift your hands open your mouth in worship [Applause] let's go for it let's go further let's go further you've dealt with haters you've dealt with family members then sometimes you just want to run to somebody who you think is spiritual and you just want to sit at their feet and you want you want them to help you pray through this thing but can i tell you something when you're oily god will only let them carry you so far which means that i can only carry you so far so next time you call me i don't feel for you the way i used to feel what does god do god's teaching you now to be independent which means that everybody ain't gonna be able to give you a word you're gonna have to learn to give yourself a word oh y'all ain't sent it to me now watch me you can't get in everybody prayer like i'm gonna teach you how to lay hands on your own head y'all ain't feeling unto me and find every demon you're trying to get prayer warriors to come over your house they won't even come why because you're gonna have to walk through your own house and you have to believe god for everything everything that you say that's gonna do that thing for you listen wesley watch me independence independence touching them say i'm i'm becoming independent watch me independence is this i used to have to have the praise team of the choir to make me lift my hands but then i messed around i had a personal relationship have you ever just been at the house by yourself thought about how good god is next thing you know you're like oh shut up you ever been in your car by yourself thought about how good god is sit down and start driving with your own leg waving your hand where my independent worshipers at those of you that don't need a band of praise she acquire why because when i think of the goodness of jesus lift your hands [Applause] let's go further let's go further let's go further let's go further you got haters you made it you got family members you made it you felt like you were out here by yourself you made it and then he had a friend named jonathan have you realized that your friends are not there like they're supposed to be have you realized that they're supposed to be your bff they didn't forget the other f ain't nobody saying that to me why because have you ever noticed that they're not calling you back have you noticed that you inbox them you can see they got your message but they not responded to you like they used to and then you will run into somebody is something wrong did i do something not anything wrong everything good everything good but you can feel the distance and that's that's oil being produced that's oil being produced that's oil being produced that's oil being produced that's oil being produced you're being crushed you've been squeezed it's only an olive it doesn't become an oil until we begin to smash it and some of y'all you're being smashed you're being squeezed and the devil wants you to think you're gonna lose your mind you ain't going crazy your oil is being increased ah anybody feel a squeezing in the spirit come on here it's in your house it's on your job it's in your church it's in every area of your life i need you to open your beginning to thank god for the squeezing sunday and easy just make sure you under pressure can you do me a favor can you just lean on your neighbor just squeeze him a little bit come on tell him i'm pushing the oil up out of you and pushing the prayer light up out of you i'm pushing the anointing up out of you i'm squeezing you in every area of your life i'm pushing a praise up out of you i gotta take you through this to get you to the position that i want you to be in i'm trying to make you out of a leader i'm trying to break you away from your family i can't do it in the sheep that you're in i gotta squeeze you everybody get on your feet everybody get on your feet i'm being squeezed i'm being squeezed i'm being squeezed i'm being squeezed i'm being squeezed i'm being squeezed i'm being squeezed i got haters from being squeezed i got family members i'm being squeezed i can't find nobody to pray with me like i need to pray i'm being squeezed my best friend ain't there i'm being squeezed come on just tell the lord thank you thank you come on tell them thank you thank you watch me watch me watch me watch me watch me watch me then the bible said he goes to death pressure would drive you into some places that you shouldn't be in what is god death is the hometown of goliath how you gonna run to the devil's camp cause pressure come on y'all don't look deep now have you ever ran to depression you know you don't belong now you ever ran into a corner trying to isolate yourself the bible says in order to get out he literally had to act a fool and for some of y'all acting a fool is every time you come in here your praise got to be on 10. why because every time you shout the bible said he put david out and for some of y'all god said i'm ready to make the devil put you out but it ain't gonna happen until your praise go to the next level hallelujah lift your hands and say hallelujah come on those of you that are being squeezed say i'm being squeezed when he gets put out and he gets put out he ends up can i get that water he ends up in a cave called the doolan allow me just to make a small mess he's in a cave by himself he's in a cave by himself but there's a trail to the cave the question is who follows the trail not perfect people the bible says those that were distressed what is that those that were at a breaking point you see anybody in the building i ain't gonna lie i was at a breaking point if you know that the devil was trying to make you snap crackle and pop i want you to lift your hands and say i was at a breaking point but i'm following the oil watch me those that were in debt you see anybody in the building you're tired and you're a giver but your money ain't acting right you got deals coming from everywhere nobody even knows how financially you struggling come on come on don't fake now don't fake now come on y'all come on don't fake now don't fake man don't don't act like you got i know you look good but come on admit it i got i'm following the oil lift your hands i'm following oil i'm following the oil he said and then those that were discontented those that have been done wrong hold the music for me one minute have you ever looked at how some people are treating you and ask yourself what did i do to you what did i do to you then you hear what they say am i a bad it's like you start questioning yourself am i am i am i lord is there something wrong with me then you look at people that you've been nothing but good too and you know you didn't do anything and that thing began to interrupt your sleep it began to affect your worship it began to affect your prayer because you begin to second guess yourself all of that happened to get you in this cave [Applause] you weren't supposed to make it you were supposed to be on medication by now you were supposed to be in a mental institution by now but some of y'all you were supposed to stroke out a long time ago you were supposed to have an aneurysm you were supposed to lose your mind by god it had to happen in order to get you in this building why because i'm ready to give you your next level of oil [Applause] have an honest moment with somebody tell them i'm being squeezed i came to you bishop i'm only 13 years old in ministry i came back in your cave because i'm having teenage issues i'm just 13. people are going crazy but you made it to 33 so you know what a squeeze feel like some of y'all need to get around somebody that know what a squeeze feel like i need you to grab your neighbor by the hand grab your [Applause] [Music] um come on come on hold that hand come on hold it here come on come on in this cave come on get the strips you need come on get the oil you need come on get the deposits you need you can't lose your mind you can't break you can't go crazy you have to complete your assignment come on here hold that hand hold that hand come on i feel silent death in the building i feel like the enemy had a plan to stress somebody out in here but god sent you in this building if you know that i am talking to you let that hand go and meet me on the altar come on come on something got a break something gotta break come on just stand here just stand here just stand here just stand here come on something gonna break something gonna break something gonna break you got family issues you got friend issues you got spiritual issues you got discomfort issues you're in a strange place how you end up in a cave where there's no air there's no mattress how you get here how you get here god got you god got you god got you so i'm here for two reasons i came to make sure you get your oil and then when i'm done bishop gonna lay his hands on me and he's gonna give me my next deposit of oil but i'm gonna make sure you get yours before i get mine i came to get you tonight i came to get you tonight i came to get you tonight i came to get you tonight i came to get you tonight and the bible says and they gathered around david and he became their commander which means whatever you tell us to do we gonna do because we believe that god got something better for us i want you to listen to me i want you to see me and the bible says and these 400 men became david's mighty men of valor you came in in debt you came in discontented you came in in stress but you're not leaving the way you came in you're going to leave out of here as a mighty man of allah change everybody open up say change come on say change you about to get your next level of oil you about to get the oil to deal with whatever you deliver you're not gonna break you're not gonna snap you're not gonna lose your mind you about to get an increase the devil should have killed you when he had a chance now that you've made it into the cave you about to get your next level of oil you in the right place at the right time [Applause] [Laughter] come on here do me a favor reach over grab a neighbor by the hand glory glory god i've obeyed your word and i've come in here and i've spoken the word that you've given me and you know the people that are in this room that are at a breaking point you know those that are in the building that are dealing with pressure in their family you know those are dealing with pressure on their job you know those that are dealing with pressure in their finances you know the area of pressure that's being applied in their life and tonight god the same way you did it for david you're about to do something great for us you're about to give us the strength we need you but to meet us right where we are when we leave here we're not going home the way we came we're not going home the way we came we're not going home the way we came we're not going home the way we came change the glory of god the glory of god the glory of god the glory of god the glory of god is about to fill this room the glory of god is about to fill this room the glory of god is about to fill this room the glory of god a fresh anointing a fresh outpouring is about to come upon us right now on the count of three i want you to hold that hand and you're gonna shout glory as loud as you can don't you let me go until we feel the glory of god one two three glory [Applause] glory [Applause] [Laughter] come on don't you let me go glory [Applause] come on you almost sat chloe [Applause] do me a favor throw your arms around somebody hug him and just say glory [Applause] be [Applause] come on y'all don't play with them don't play with them play your arms around them hold them and say glory come on y'all don't play with him don't play with him play your arms around somebody and say glory [Applause] [Music] come on i need y'all to be anointed we're going to leave here you may be holding somebody that was at a breaking point hold them again and say glory i give you glory i give you glory i give you glory i give you glory i give you glory i give you glory lord of music i promise you i'll let you go back to your seat after this you cannot leave here the way you came i need the oil to be produced in your life your last time hug somebody hold them and just say glory glory [Applause] glory glory glory glory the strength of god the strength of god the strength of god the strength of god the strength of god the strength of god the strength of god the strength of god the strength of god the strength of god the strength of god the strength of god i need the oil i need the oil come on y'all i need the oil the strength of god the strength of god the strength of god [Applause] come on let's get ready to go on your way back to your seat just tell somebody and say glory come on let's go [Applause] [Music] the strength of god the strength of god the strength of god the strength of god the strength of god the glory of god the succulent glory the sacrament glory the glory of god the glory of god the glory be upon you the oil of god the succulent glory of god the supremacy of god the second glory of god the secretary of god [Music] come on yo don't nobody walk out of the building we bout to leave it
Channel: The BlackChurch Vault
Views: 16,125
Rating: 4.8528428 out of 5
Keywords: pastor John Hannah, John hannah, kim burrell, kim burrell singing, bishop j drew sheard, Dorinda clark cole, twinkie clark, Twinkie clark organ, the clark sisters, mattie moss clark, Kierra sheard, praise break, pentecostal shout, apostolic shout, cogic shout, holy convocation cogic, bishop noel jones, serita jakes, td jakes, maranda curtis, tasha cobbs, jamal bryant, donnie mcclurkin, prophet todd hall, cogic, crazy shout, cogic praise break, cogic bump
Id: Dvx_Tmv2kAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 37sec (3577 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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