Internal Arguments: It’s Worth The Fight! - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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i hardly ever give a title and a subtitle but i'm going to give you both of them my title is going to be internal arguments internal arguments and i can tell by your response you already understand what it's like to have an internal argument yeah and my sub topic is going to be it's worth to fight it's worth the fight yeah hashtag it's worth the fight send it out there it's whatever you're going through right now you're watching me online whatever you're dealing with right now whatever threats and dangers and tempestuous adversities that you're having to work in the midst of to accomplish what you're doing don't lose sight of the fact that it's worth the fight and god wants you to receive this word in your spirit to strengthen you for the weak so that you will not faint in the day of your adversity that you will hold on to hope and believe in god again number 13 23-33 when you have it say amen and they came unto the brook of esscall and cut down from dense a branch with one cluster of grapes and they buried between two upon a staff and they brought of the pomegranates and of the figs the place was called called the brook s call because of the cluster of grapes which the children of israel cut down from vince and they returned from searching of the land after 40 days and they went and came to moses and to aaron and to all the congregation of the children of israel unto the wilderness of paran to kadesh and brought back word unto them and unto all the congregation and showed them the fruit of the land and they told him and said we came unto the land whether thou sent us and surely surely truly it floweth with milk and honey and this is the fruit of it nevertheless watch out now nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land and the cities are old and very great and moreover we saw the children of anac there the malachites dwell in the land of the south and the hittites and the jebusites and the amorites dwell in the mountains and the canaanites dwell by the sea and by the coast of jordan and caleb steal the people before moses i said let us go up at once and possess it for we are well able to overcome it but the man that but the men that went up with him said we'd be not able to go up against the people for they are stronger than we and they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of israel saying the land through which we have gone to search it is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof and all the people that we saw in it are men of great stature and there we saw the giants the sons of anac which come of the giants and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers and so we were in their sights can you say man spirit of the living god fall fresh on us now as we embark upon the mission of your word speak to us in such a profound and yet simplistic way that the word is not entertaining but applicable cut it to the continuity of what we're going through right now feed the flock of god of which you made me overseer and to all of those around the world who are logged into this broadcast let the anointing touch them in a supernatural way irrespective of the language or the color of their skin or their nationality or what time zone they're in speak great god that you are i thank you for being god there's never been a god before you there'll never be a god after you you alone are god and we honor you as god rule in this place in the name of jesus we pray someone shout amen you may be seated in the presence of god i love positive people i really do i love positive upbeat people uh but i also like practical people who kind of give you a panoramic view of life rather than a pollyanna report of of life you know it's like couples who who act like they they just like each other all the time you know i just can't get enough of boo boo i mean that's nice that's wonderful that's good but every now and then adjust my expectations that love does not negate conflict that raising children no matter how much you love them sometimes just every night then not too often but every now and then you just want to sh just just a real good shape to the jaw start quivering sometimes pastor tell me that you got discouraged every now and then i need you to tell me that you didn't just fall asleep praising god every night speaking in tongues and glorifying god and all the angels were flapping their wings above your bed and everything was going wonderful and it was just great and you were up in the third heaven and you and paul were having a cup of tea and a few crumpets and then peter came over and brought a hot dog and you sat down and you ate french fries together with him and had a big old whopper with matthew and uh no no no no no tell me sometimes that the road gets rough that the going gets tough that the heels are hard to climb so that when it gets rough for me i will not feel forsaken because when you make it sound too simplistic it makes me think that if it gets rough then god is not with me when the truth of the matter is that god can be very much with you and it can still be very rough the presence of adversity does not mean the absence of god i'm going to say that again the presence of adversity does not mean the absence of god some people think that oh if god wanted me to have it he would just clear the way he would just make the pathway straight he would just give me the resources he would just open up the door he would just make the way that's not how this works these people have been through can i be honest they've been to hell they've had god with them and they've still gone through hell it has been a perilous journey to get to where the children of israel have now come it has been and a tempestuous journey it has been riddled with battles and snake bites and hunger and death they've had decades of oppression and disparities they struggled to understand their new identity who are we now we have been slaves for 400 years and though freedom is what we cried for and freedom is what we pray for and freedom is what we ask for when we got it what we do have you ever prayed for something and then when you got it you didn't know exactly what to do with it how how do i manage this liberty that i've come into now and i don't know how to be a nation i know how to be a servant i know how to make bricks i know how to build pyramids i know how to serve the pharaoh i know how to do everything else i don't know how to be free you'd be surprised of the people in this room that just don't know how to be free they know how to work but they don't know how to be happy my wife put this sign in my room that's one of the things that she put in my little area so i could always see it and it says don't be so busy making a living that you forget to have a life that's that's how she tell me off she she didn't tell me she just left a sign back here so every time i'm shaving i look up i almost nicked myself seeing it and i mean making a living and having a life making a living and having a life making a living and having a life becomes a challenge sometimes because sometimes it feels like if i have a life i do it at the expense of not making a living and if i'm making a living sometimes i have to sacrifice to the point that i don't get to enjoy the fruit of my labor and i don't know how to balance that out and not feel irresponsible i'm the only guy in here that feels that way there are no women that feel that way are there any people in here that feel that way is there somebody alive that it becomes difficult to figure out how do you balance the bills coming and your need to chill and you're trying to chill but you're thinking about the bills and the bills and the chills get together and they give you goosebumps struggling to understand their identity and their liberty has brought them into a freedom for which it has it will take them 40 years to figure out how to be a nation they didn't come into egypt as a nation they came into egypt as a family and they came into egypt through joseph and joseph is dead and he's been dead a long time and for 10 generations they have grown as a family until the family is so huge that they are uh could be a nation but they don't know how to be a nation because by then they have gone through several pharaohs and they have become slaves and in the process of going through time they have lost a lot of their culture the way they cook the way they the way they eat the way they dance that's culture the way they sing that's culture the way they the way they laugh that's culture that gave them distinction because slaves were not allowed to have culture you don't get to be a slave and exhibit your culture you must be robotical and obedient and submissive and subservient and after you have oppressed a person so long even when you set them free there are some tests done where they will open up the cage and the bird won't come out because once i have come to live in a cage so long freedom is frightening god of mercy think with me this morning freedom is a frightening thing if god came down and said do whatever you want to do go wherever you want to go and be whatever you want to be if you are smart that would be scary if you're a foolish you would give him a quick carnal answer based on something that you're not sure is as good as you thought it would be if you got it freedom is a scary thing and they're dealing with it they've struggled to understand their new identity even though god was with them it has been an exhausting journey god can be with you and you can still be tired i want to talk to you i want you to be real this morning because sometimes we feel like sarah we got a cover for god so when people come around they say how you doing oh i'm blessed to the lord thank god in you i'm doing fine in jesus who i feel the glory of the lord of prince's name hallelujah and you can't and sometimes you really do feel that way but there are other times that you feel like lord have mercy i can't hardly make it i'm down to my last grunt if another thing happens today i don't want nobody to text me please don't call me don't blow a whistle don't blow a trumpet i don't don't nobody bring me no bad news i said no bad you know you you start working around singing like you're in the wizard of oz because you have had so much to come against you that that you are depleted and it does not mean that god is not with you and it does not mean that god is not going to give it to you and it does not mean that you're not where god wants you to be because there are problems there because there's going to be problems everywhere and if you start running now you're gonna run all your life you're gonna run all your all your life you're gonna run run run run run because there will be no utopias of tranquility and ease and enlightenment where the fragrance of roses and the moisture do falls gently upon our skins without any worry or reservation god means for it to be tough sometimes he trains us in obstacles and oppositions he shapes us through the hands and the opinions of our enemies who dig into areas that are sensitive and get on our nerves and yet god allows it to happen because he's shaping us and he's training us and he's disciplining us you can't make a vessel made of clay and not put it in the fire you can't make a clay vessel and put it in the refrigerator you have to put it up under some heat you have to put some pressure upon it you have to have some opposition up under you have to have some pain up under it they are walking with god but it's been tough they've been bitten by snakes walking with god they had faced bitter waters walking with god they had to fight off enemies walking with god yet god was with them in the fight is there anybody in this room that life has been tough for you and you've had some hills to climb and some rivers to forward and you've had to go upstream sometime and sometimes you had to go without everything you wanted didn't have the house you want the husband you want the dog you want the wife you want the kids you want nothing that you wanted but you still went anyway and god has been with you if there's 10 people like that in this room give god a praise and it seems like to me it seems like to me that the closer i get to the promise of god the harder the fight you would think that when you got close it would get easier but the closer i get to the promise the more difficult the opposition becomes i guess it's like a woman having a baby she knows the baby's about to come because of the intensity of the pain when the labor pains are greatest she is told to push and sometimes when all hell is breaking loose in your life you have to push they are in close proximity i came to tell somebody you're close y'all don't hear what i'm saying to you you're close i know you just got laid off but that's why i'm telling you you're close i know your husband just left you but that doesn't mean anything you're close i know your kids are in trouble right now but that's only because you're close you're close to it you're close to it you're on the verge of it something is about to happen you're close to it you're close you're closed you're close the devil wouldn't be fighting you if you weren't close to it he wouldn't be trying to discourage you if you were not close to it somebody said i'm close i'm closer now than i've ever been in my life i'm closer now than i ever imagined that i would be in my life i never expected to make it as far as i made it this little bit i got right now it's just a goodness of god this mind bothered me if you saw where i came from the lord have mercy i can shout about stuff that don't make sense to you glory to god i passed a air conditioner in a window and got happy because i thought about how many days i had lived in a haunted house with no air in it at all i can shout about things that don't make sense i can shout about getting my nails done i can shout about getting my hair done i can shout about i can still smell bergamot grease and hot combs in my house where mama cut did her own hair the best she could and look at us we are so blessed we're so blessed we're so blessed we're so blessed talking about how hard it is i didn't know nothing but hot we went outside to play because you weren't gonna stay inside and cook it was either stay inside and cook or go outside and play you can't get your kids out your house now they don't want to go outside god has been good to us and every now and then when you're close god lets you sample better to incentivize you to go the last mile of the way so it is in our text today moses has sent 12 spies one representing each one of the 12 tribes of israel each one of them as an ambassador of their tribe to go over and sample the promised land there are spies sent over to get a taste of tomorrow has god ever let you get a taste i feel like preaching this y'all in trouble today has god ever let you get a taste of tomorrow to incentivize you to encourage you to hang on in there to let you know it's worth the fight he lets him go visit where they're going to be somebody i don't know who i'm talking to but god let you visit where you're going to be yeah yeah yeah just recently god let you visit where you're going to be god let you visit it god let you be you didn't get to stay but you got to visit it he he let you get a taste of it he let you get a sample he let you get a cluster of grapes in your hand to let you know that where you are is not where you're going to stay that god has something else for you i don't know who i'm talking to oh but you got a furlough you gotta pass you gotta visit you gotta touch they got to taste the fruit of the land it wasn't theirs yet they hadn't possessed it yet but they got to sample it with that sample comes not only the taste of the fruit and the land that flows with milk and honey but they got to see houses now a house don't mean anything to you till you've been living in a tent and when you've been living in tents and tabernacles for a long time the idea of finally being able to unpack is amazing i want to talk to some folks who just moved and you still got some stuff in boxes you know unpacking is a big deal and moving is a big moving is a big deal you didn't even know how much stuff you had till you get ready to move you find stuff in corners and crevices these people have been living in boxes the whole trip and they have to see houses with yards and places for kids to play and water the splashing and places to go fish and swim they saw the land that flows with milk and honey in fact the first one take me back to that first verse that first verse when they come in and they experience it the bible says they came unto the book of eston and cut down from this a branch with one cluster of grapes one cluster of grapes but watch this and they buried between two it took two people to carry one cluster of grapes what now listen i've grown grapes i've eaten grapes i know grapes that you can get a cluster of grapes in your hand the grapes were so big they had to put it on a staff and it took two people to carry the grapes back god said it's bigger than you think it is it's bigger than you think it is it's bigger than you think it is it's bigger than you think it is it's bigger than your point of reference it's bigger than what you had in your past what's in front of you is bigger than what is behind you that's why the enemy that wants you to get there it's bigger than you think it is and number two you're gonna need some help to carry this so come out of your shyness and come out of your introversion and come out of your quietness and open up your mouth because what god is going to give you is so heavy you're going to have to come in the partnership to move it from here to there from this to that from where to what god is getting ready to do something with you that you can't drag it by yourself you're gonna mess it up by yourself you're gonna have to get in the partnership to make it all the way give me that scripture again they they they they they took it on the staff and they also brought the pomegranates and figs grapes pomegranates and figs grapes pomegranates and figs grapes pomegranates and figs this is the fruit of the land god said there is fruit you've had frustration but you're gonna have fruits he said it's gonna be fruit of all types it's gonna be grapes and pomegranates y'all don't hear what i'm talking about it's gonna be more than figs it's gonna be more than you imagine it's gonna be mind-boggling and the land flows with milk and with honey and it's hard to imagine that it's hard to imagine that maybe maybe it is a colloquialism but maybe it is literal the land flows with milk and honey because the bible talks about there was a time that that that one of god's servants dipped his stick into honey and the honey was just dripping down off the tree saying coming to a place that flows with milk and honey jonathan did with his armor bear and he had honey and he tasted and his eyes were enlightened this land flows with now when you have been in a desert and they start talking about pomegranates big enough and grapes are big enough in feast big enough that it takes two men to pull it out can i go back to that point for just one minute partnerships you gotta have it if you are going to birth what god is getting ready to do next in your life you're going to have to form partnerships you cannot carry this by yourself i know you don't trust anybody i know you're afraid of people but the lord said you're gonna have to trust him not them you're gonna have to trust him to carry the load because what god has for you is going to require the development oh i can't stay there i'm not even supposed to be on it that long but god said you're gonna need your partner to carry the thing out you saw it but you can't pull it by yourself you need a partner glory to god if any two of you agree as touching anything on earth it shall be done unto you somebody holler help normally when people say help they're in trouble say help normally when people say help they're in distress say hell this help is not a cry for help because you're in trouble this help is a crime for help because you're so blessed that you're gonna need help to handle the blessing that's coming in your life i don't know who i'm talking to but god said holy hell he's gonna give it press down shaking together and running over he's gonna overflow in such a way that you're going to need help to handle the blessing and people who will not let you help them lose the blessing people who will not let you help them lose the blessing because they can only get what they can handle and the greater blessing that god wanted to give them he couldn't give them because they can't say help they have come into a land that flows with milk and honey finally a place to lay their hands where they can build houses and not pitch tents where they can relax where they can enjoy they have come from stewardship to ownership good god of mercy everything they had in egypt was none of it was theirs they took care of it but they didn't own it but now they're coming to a place of ownership i don't know who i'm talking to but god said he's going to bring you into ownership you're going to own you've been stewardship you've been renting you've been leasing you've been in stewardship god is going to bring you into ownership i don't know who that's for but you need to catch it right now because ownership is coming to you own it own it own it own it own it own it owner ownership ownership is like a promised land to people who were once property imagine that that they get to own land and they used to be property y'all didn't hear that y'all didn't hear that y'all didn't hear that the people who had been bought and sold like luggage are now about to own their own land don't you tell me god won't turn things around he'll turn things completely around in your life and blow your mind and nobody would believe that you came from where you came from or you did what you did there's some people in here right now you did some stuff that if you told people they would never believe that you ever sunk that law but god brought you out and that's why you got to praise it that's why you got to praise him that's why you got to give him the glory that's why you got to lift him up that's why you got to think cause you know who you really are and you know where you really came from and you know what you really did to god be the glory somebody take about 30 seconds of praising but that's not really what i got up to say what i got up to say was this you don't come into this kind of blessing without conflict without controversy with our conflicting reports we are living in the era of conflicting reports conflict my friends is stressful conflict is stressful even when it's quiet it's stressful have you ever been in a house and y'all was mad and you wasn't saying nothing but it's stressful cause you know things are not right now if if quiet conflict is stressful can you imagine what verbal verbose outspoken up in your face conflict is like do you know what that does to your blood pressure do you know what that does to your body do you know what that does to your peace to be in the house with somebody who won't shut up do not don't don't don't lie because they might see you don't know don't lie just look straight ahead just look sir we are in the midst of conflict right now we fight about everything there is to fight about we fight about masks i mean fist fight on airplanes about a mask i'd rather be thrown off the flight miss a flight not get to go where i'm trying to go get arrested didn't put on a mask for a few minutes because we got conflict and reports and no matter which side of the argument you're on it's stressful you walk in places you got a mask on and everybody don't they look at you like you're stupid come on talk to me people talk to me people it doesn't matter which side of it you're on conflict no matter which side you're on it's stressful the conflict about the virus we don't know when it's going to be over we don't know when it's going in just what we thought it was safe to come out in the water here comes this other variant and give me that music they franklin and the sharks are coming here comes these other variants coming up yeah that's what i'm talking about yeah just when you thought it was safe to come here comes another variant and there's one coming out of south africa and now there's one coming out and now when somebody sneezes you look i was like wait wait wait the blood of jesus the blood of jesus to back up back up i was on a zoom and they sneezed i put on the mask i said wait a minute the devil is alive no no no it's conflict they're going crazy yeah they're going crazy they're going crazy at the border the conflict at the border the images are overwhelming at the border i know we got to have order we got to have structure we got to have discipline but god of mercy we ain't got to have crazy the booster shot do i boost do our god most how do i boost do i need a boost will the boost be too much somebody got the boost got better somebody got the boost down or boost and conflict conflicting reports are frightening global warming it's raining where it never rained before it's flooding in places it's not supposed to flood earthquakes just for a little volcano going up and all kinds of stuff going on in odd places somebody in this room has been having trouble in odd places see it would have been okay if they just talked about the grapes of the pomegranates and the figs and the land that flows with milk and honey but then the other guys start talking about the giants and the jebusites and the hittites and the canaanites and it's hard to enjoy the grapes because they talk about the canaanites and down in the south and the jebusites are also in the land and the amalekites we saw them in the mountaintops and blessings are always encased in trouble they didn't hear me blessings are always encased in trouble and moses said how can 12 people go to the same place to see the same city and come out with two completely different reports if it's the same city and it's the same people seeing the same place and they have two different reports it means that some of them have different kinds of eyes if beauty is in the eye of the beholder then burdens are too which kind of eye do you have do you have an eye for the figs of pomegranates do you have an eye for the milk and the honey or do you have an eye for the amalekites or hittites the jebusites said the garischites because whatever kind of eye you have determines how you perceive the situation oh y'all don't hear what i'm saying even in a getting away from the world away from the scriptures for a minute away from the world away from what's going on in the news and bring it home to what's going on in between these two years we live with conflicting reports you get ready to do something some say you too oh you should have done that earlier it's too late for that you can't do that now tell you too old somebody down the hall is saying i'm too young i'm too young i'm not ready for that kind of responsibility i'm to you you're always to something you're not qualified or you're overqualified and every time you get ready to go through something you have to have these conflicting reports going off in your head all of us live with two voices faith and fear the presence of faith is not the absence of fear in fact faith flourishes in the face of fear faith stands up on the foundation of fear the fact that i have faith doesn't mean i didn't have to fight off fear my faith wrestled around all night with that fear and finally got a chokehold on it and rose undaunted but don't you think for one minute that i got automatic faith then i got that 7 up kind of faint that just bubbles up all the time all you gotta do is pop pop fish here it comes no no no i had to fight my way to faith i had to cry my way to faith i had to struggle to get to faith because why if you got faith talking in this ear you got fear talking in this here you got trust talking in this ear you got doubt talking in this here you got wrist talking in this ear you got reward talking in this here you're torn you're torn you're torn between what you want to do and what you got to do you're torn between having a life and making a living you're torn between marriage and ministry you're torn you want to be used but you don't want to be seen and with all of these voices talking to you it becomes difficult to determine truth which is how it all started in the first place in the garden when the enemy came he came against truth oh god said the day you eat of that tree you should surely die or you won't die the real thing is you will know even as he knows questioning god's integrity he now sounds makes god sound like he's intimidated and is denying you from being more like him so she thinks if i eat of the tree i'll be more like him because she has false truth false truth will get you killed false truth will get you driven out of the garden false truth will destroy your peace your mind and your marriage false truth will make you lose your job false truth will make you lose your mind false truth false narratives here they are and moses is hearing both things but here's what's funny about this particular story and i'm almost where i want to be neither group was lying the hittites were there the jebusites were there the garroshites were there the canaanites were there the grapes were there too and the pomegranates and the figs what do you do when two opposing ideas are equally true that's what drove me to the text today because i could not find a liar i could not find a liar i wanted to tell you that they were lying about the jebusites of the garrosh sheikhs and the ammonites and the canaanites and the amalekites i wanted to tell you that they are a big lie that the devil is alive but they were there in the south and down by the jordan they were waiting and in the mountains they were hidden it was true it was gonna be a fight and the grapes were so big that it took two men to carry them that was true too and figs and pomegranates and the lamb that flows with milk and honey what do you do when both voices are telling the truth they're not gonna hire you you're dyslexic they're not gonna hire you your gpa is not high enough they're not gonna marry you you're not cute they're not gonna do this what do you do when satan turns truth on you and brings an evil report but it's not alive is he evil but it happened oh you're gonna sit there looking because you church people because you act like you ain't never done nothing evil yeah yeah yeah some of the things people say about you and you trying to rebuke it and call it a lie let's be real for a minute it was true it did happen i did do it i was here it was an evil report but it was true you're going in to get the job and the one voice is saying this is the moment you've been waiting on and other moments to embrace yourself you know they're not going to hire you you you you got to go in with both of them talking to you at the same time you go in the hospital to get ready to put you up under anesthesia and one voice says look at him good this is the last time you're gonna see him and the other voice says you'll be fine you're gonna wake up and you're coming out of this all of us come on people come on people come on people get with me come on people get with me come on people come on people come on come on come on people come on people come on people come on neither report was false it was true yet there was a possibility of reclaiming father abraham's land few things are as painful as losing your father's legacy the stakes were high to not go was to give up on abraham's promise and they thought to themselves this land belonged to our great great great great great great grandfather we're not stealing it we're reclaiming what was stolen from us the blessings we are getting right now we're not stealing we're reclaiming what was you already ready the blessings the blessings you're getting right now you're reclaiming what was stolen i'm walking in my grandmama's blessing i'm walking in my great-grandfather's blessing i'm walking in my great-great-grandfather's blessing and every time i start feeling bad about it and start feeling embarrassed i think about no no no no no no no my ancestors went through enough hell and got no pain that i got the right to walk in the blessings of abraham i am a child of the king i am a seed of abraham the blessings of god belong to me you need to walk in that thing somebody just walk a minute just walk you need to walk in that thing you need to walk in it you need to walk it and you need to own it you need to own it stop apologizing for what is your inheritance stop apologizing you are an heir of salvation you are purchased by god stop apologizing stop feeling bad about it somebody giving 30 seconds of praise i feel a praise break coming i feel a praise break coming i feel a praise i feel the praise i feel a praise i just loose somebody on the street somebody just got loose somebody just got loose stop feeling bad about it you can't help because you're smart you can't help because you're intelligent you can't help because you're cute you inherited that walk in your blessing walk whatever god gave you a walk in it just hold that thing walk around with your head up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna show you this quick i'm gonna show you how to deal with these voices jesus teaches us in the garden how to overcome internal arguments he prays till he silences the voices of doubt he goes in the garden and he prays to have singleness of heart to shut down the negative voice even if it's true father if it be thou will pass i spit a cup for me not my will but that'll be done he had to pray three times but prayer broke the yoke god said he's gonna break some yolks in here this morning where you've been going back and forth and halt between two opinions god is gonna break some yolks and bring you into alignment bring you into agreement you got a blessing but you don't feel like you deserve it and you don't feel worthy of it and some of you think there's a curse on your life but i break every curse i break every bondage i break every mindset i break it now in the name of jesus you're gonna walk in the blessing that god promised you i know there's a voice that told you it's too late i know there's a voice that told you you'll never get it but i come to tell you that god is going to give you singleness of heart singleness of mind singleness of vision who am i preaching to this morning jesus prayed until he came to singleness until he had shut out the voices that said there's another way jesus prayed until it was no longer watch this until it was no longer important who let him down jesus prayed until he was not upset at his disciples the first time he said you mean you cannot watch with me for one hour what's wrong with you but when he got through praying he told him sleep on there's some people that let you down you need to say sleep on you you need to realize it was never about them anyway you need to know that god don't need them to bless you you need oh who am i talking to you need to know that god don't have to have them to bless you and if they go to bed let them go to bed get you some rest baby it's going to be all right i'm still gonna get mine i'm coming into mine i'm coming into my if i have to crawl i'm coming into it if i have to cry i'm coming into it if i have to pray all night i'm coming into it glory to god elbow three people tell them it's worth to fight it's worth the fight it's worth to fight it's worth the fight till doubt disappears it's worth the fight till fear disappears it's worth the fight till you forgive your friends and let go of your enemies it's worth the fight it's worth the fight i feel a praise about to take over this room i feel like another thing about to take over this room i feel a victory coming in this road somebody's about to possess the land open your mouth and give god some glory and to pray these are the things that keep us up at night but we're gonna get some good rest tonight because we're gonna have singleness of heart these are the things that keep us up at night these are the birthing place of procrastination some of you rather than to face the amalekites you've stayed in the desert it's not that you're lazy it's not that you're slow for you just didn't want to have to fight this kind of fight but roll up your sleeves the holy ghost said it's worth the fight slap somebody and say it's worth the fight it's worth the fight to get my stuff back it's worth the fight to find out who i am it's worth the fight to find out what's possible it's worth the fight to get better it's worth the fight to stand up on my own it's worth a devil if you want to fight baby you got a fight coming somebody give him a praise right now in the middle of the amalekites while the jebusites are looking give god a praise in the middle of the hittites give god the praise in the middle of the doubters give god the praise in the middle of the storm give god the praise don't sit there looking defeated open up your mouth and give god the praise people who settle in the desert are saying to themselves i would rather have the devil i know than the devil i don't and you talk yourself out of the fight look at somebody say it's worth the fight your marriage is worth the fight your children are worth the fight your career is worth the fight your ministry is worth the fight your anointing is worth the fight your gift is worth the fight your creativity is worth the fight your vision is worth the fight what god put in your spirit is worth the fight it's not gonna be easy it's gonna be some jebusites it's gonna be some hittites it's gonna be some amalekites but they're gonna have to get ready to die because here i come here i come i'm coming i'm coming i know it's a fight but i'm coming i'm fighting in the name of the lord i'm fighting with god on my side i'm fighting with god in the fight with me and do i have some help in here i wish i had a thousand fighters i got some church folk but i need some fighters i need some radical people that are going to take back what the enemy stole hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i release the spirit of fear the spirit of failure take your hands off of god's people you will not paralyze me another day shake yourself loose your paralysis is leaving you're coming into your blessing you're coming into your blessing you're coming into your blessing you're coming into success hallelujah you've been safe too long now it's time to be successful i need 30 seconds of a successful praise i'm coming into it i'm coming into it i'm coming into it i'm coming into it i'm coming into it i'm coming into it i'm coming into it i'm coming into it stand to your feet i'm gonna close with this you know what the enemy was the malachites were not a problem the canaanites were not the problem hidden tanks were not the problem the jebusites really were not the problem the last verse reveals the problem it was how they saw themselves they were they were not no lakes had been passed no bruises had occurred nobody had been stabbed or shot or wounded or anything what was beating them up was how they saw themselves in their own mind they said we were in our own site as grasshoppers you know what grasshoppers don't stay nowhere grasshoppers are unstable grasshoppers are forever transient i see myself as being unreliable maybe somebody called me unreliable but the reason i'm not possessing is because i see myself as a grasshopper i eat a little here i go here eat a little bit there i go over here and i eat a little bit there i have never stuck to anything in my life i see myself as a grasshopper a vermin a rodent it's not the amalekites that's defeating me it's not the hittites or the jebusites that's what's defeating me i don't stick to nothing i don't settle anywhere deep down inside i've been a grasshopper all my life i've had from relationship to relationship from bed to bed from person to person from job to job from church to church from city to city from place to place i have never stuck to anything and thought it out because it's easier to jump than fight so every time something gets hard i jump every time you insult me i jump every time you hurt my feelings i jump because that's what grasshoppers do they jump they don't fight grasshoppers don't fight grasshoppers do not fight they jump so i'm asking you today how long are you going to jump the holy spirit said it is worth the fight not the job the young people ask me now now i'm a senior statesman i don't know when i became one but i'm one now i'm gonna say you say i'm a spiritual father and stuff i used to be the youth speaker but i'm the spiritual father and they asked me how did y'all stay married 40 years it was worth the fight i ain't jumping nowhere i ain't jumping nowhere you jumping then we ain't gonna jump if you're leaving me we leaving together where are we going nobody said it was easy it's worth the fight your enemy is not the hittites the amalekites and the jebusites you can handle them the thing that's defeating you is how you see yourself we were in our own sight as grasshoppers and so were we in their sight we were living to quit waiting on the next job every time something gets hard i jump every time my feelings get hurt i jump you don't appreciate me i jump and after a while you lose respect for yourself because when you look back over your life and you see how many jumps you made you start to think well i'm a grasshopper and guess what whatever you think about you you teach me to think that too so however i'm feeling about you is generally a reflection of how you're feeling about you i close i only want to pray for people who have a promise and a hard place i want to pray for people who have a promise and a hard place and the jebusites and the garishites and the ammonites and the canaanites and their malachites are all over the place and you thought that was the problem but if you were listening at me you just discovered it's not the enemies around you it's the enemy within you i'm gonna go a little bit deeper the reason you hop so easily is that you've been around people who hop and you've never seen anybody stay and you don't know how to stay and the lord told me to tell you it's worth the fight i don't know what your it is but god said it's worth the fight and you're getting ready to hop you're getting ready to hop you've been thinking about it you've been talking about it you've been getting ready to hop but god said it's worth the fight it's worth the fight you're watching on the internet there's no accident that you're watching right now you've hopped from thing the thing the thing the thing the place to place to place to place you've talked yourself out of the promised land and decided to stay in the desert in a tent you're not receiving your inheritance this is your morning to confront yourself confront yourself it's worth the fight you've been running all your life some of us it's a generational curse we had mamas who didn't stay daddy's who business today friends who didn't stay we had people who stayed in the building but didn't really stay engaged in our lives they taught us how to disconnect and we're good at it we're good at being there but not being there and then somebody comes along and brings a message like this and it gets all up in your grill it gets right up in your face god said it's worth the fight your self-esteem is that safe what you think about you is at stake you stopped believing in yourself you stopped believing in you because it got hard it's the only thing wrong that's the only thing wrong it's not your friends who betrayed you it's not the ones who fell asleep it's not the threats it's not the problem you stop believing in you we were in our own sight as grasshoppers and i'm just tired of hopping i'm tired of hopping around i'm tired of making excuses for instability i'm tired of it i don't even believe my own life tired of it i wanna i wanna i don't wanna die a grasshopper there's a breaking coming around this altar right now as the holy spirit begins to break down walls and barriers this is why i love what i do i love what i do because if i do it right it creates an awakening and your eyes pop open and you can see it and that gives me joy oh it gives me joy it gives me so so much unspeakable joy for you to see it there's nothing wrong with you you give up too soon and god wants you to stand after you've done all you can do to stand god wants you to stand because this right here is worth the fight i'm getting ready to pray if there's anybody else that needs to be in this prayer don't you dare let your pride hold you in your seat and stop you from getting to a land that flows with milk and honey because you're worried about what people think or you've never been to our church before if the holy spirit is ringing your bell you better answer this call right now i don't care what you got on i don't care what you look like i don't care where you where you came from i care about how you see yourself i care about how you hop i care about how you jump i care about what god wants to give you god wants to give you something i know it's a long walk down but i'll wait on you because it's worth the fight you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 51,171
Rating: 4.9234142 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinctbishops, village, Sunday service, Internal Arguments, It’s Worth The Fight, Numbers 13:23-33 (KJV), Fight for a peaceful Spirit, you are worth fighting for, internalarguments, itsworththefight
Id: EKMmHfJ9By8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 2sec (4142 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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