Sharon Eiland - Holiness or Hell!

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by your head and put you on the altar and hands you standing there calling the name of jesus jesus jesus oh jesus jesus see the jesus you'll be standing up there with an attitude said i wish you just leave me alone but han is something about calling on the name of jesus you've got up there with an attitude but by the time you kept calling on jesus something began to move on the inside [Applause] stand up there trying to be cute i guess i do because they can't but honey when the lord begin to touch you that torah takes with an attitude become tears of submission [Applause] see something about the holy ghost here put you under arrest you had no plan to go to the altar in fact you told yourself i ain't going to off i'm going to stay in the back of the church cause i want them call me out girl i know what i did but it's something about the holy ghost it'll come find you where you are and drag you to osha by holster to the altar you'll find yourself crying jesus jesus to the kingdom of jesus jesus anybody bit on the altar crying jesus jesus oh jesus one thing i didn't understand back then mother one mother be on the other side she'll say hold on somebody on this side said let go hold on let go and you still stand up to jesus jesus jesus hold on let go when i begin to grow in the things of god trying to understand why they would say hold on and let go what they was trying to say hold on to god let go that sin hold on to god let go fornication hold on to god let go of [Applause] they wanted you to hold on to hope jesus is the hope of glory hold on to jesus he'll deliver and set you free but you gotta let go everything that's not like the lord you gotta let go everything that will keep you from going to the next place hold on let go until god brings change in your life god needs somebody that is sold out what do you mean i told the devil many years ago going through things in my life i finally made a sound decision after being in church all of my life i just turned 37 on last monday and i told god one day god i'm gonna just give my life completely see something about us church babies we think we know the way and the way we do know huh we act like we got the monopoly on the church but if you're not careful your church babies are gonna go straight to hell from church it's oh god god i can't afford to be like everybody else see we feel like if the crowd is going you are okay but the devil is alive i'm not going to go with the crowd and the crowd is going to have i choose don't care if your pastor's going i'm not going i don't care if the mothers are going i'm not going cause my mama my dad and my sisters and my brother i don't care who's going to hell i choose i choose to live for god not just on sunday we have sunday religion there's some of the most religious talks whatever your sabbath is i heard the holy ghost whatever your sabbath heal don't be holy on your savage only but god needs somebody that will be holy 365 days of the year 24 hours a day we wonder why god is not moving to the magnitude that we are anticipating there are too many leaks [Applause] to the devil too many people are attached in with the devil but yet they're in the church [Applause] i understand computers can be linked just like we were linked in on satellites there's a link there's a connection that gives you access to what's going on around you what is happening in the church the devil has too many ancestors to what god is trying to do some of you are linked to the wrong source you're getting the wrong input and because you're getting the wrong input you're putting out the wrong output reason why you don't be faithful you're not linked into the true source reason you're not committed the reason you're not totally giving up to god because you have become comfortable we have too many comfortable saints you have become comfortable in your mess you have become comfortable in your sin because if you can find one link that is doing the same thing you're doing it then you feel like you're okay but the devil is a liar god said be hard what do you mean by be holy it means to be sanctified to be cleansed and set apart for the master's use god needs somebody that would just be holy that would be separated that will live for god every day if i heard the bible say in first peter 1 verse 13 through verse 16 he said wherefore gird up the loins of your mind be sober and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of jesus christ as obedient children not fashioning yourselves according to the form of lust in your ignorance but it says but as he which had called you he is holy so be holy in all manner of conversation because it is written be ye holy for i am holy have messed this thing up about holiness we think holiness is the five baptized church [Applause] we think holiness is the church of god in christ [Applause] we think holiness is these are the denominations that are doing the things and speaking in tongues and rolling we call those the holiness church but holiness is not a denomination holiness is not an organization holiness is not a pad or a fashion no earrings no makeup no jewelry and long dresses down to your ankle that's what we call holiness holiness is a lifestyle holy this is a way of living what are you trying to say you can be baptized you can be church of god and be holiness whatever denomination you're in oh god said wherever you are planted be hard live this thing every day [Applause] the reason some of our churches are in trouble where you go to church is because folks see your lifestyle and you always want to invite somebody to your church [Applause] come to my church we gotta go on on over there come on come on they look at you on your job they look at your attitude your neighbors can't stand you and you always want to tell them come to my church the devil is a life the reason why the name of the church is messed up because you are in the church what am i trying to say those of us that proclaim to be safe those of us that proclaim to be christian everybody call themself a christian these days but those of us that are confession that we are christians people are looking at your example and the reason they don't want to go to church with you because you cost as much as they cost they don't want to go to church with you when you popping within them on saturday night at the club then you're in the choir stand on sunday morning sing an amazing grace that's what's wrong with the world that's why we have a problem in feeling our churches [Applause] because we don't have folk that are really living what they say they are [Applause] hate to bring it up again but those that flew the planes they believed in what they believed in and they were what they say they were they believed that if they gave their life but for their cause they will be saved hearing us here it is we the church people the saints of god have the true and living god jesus is the answer and we say that he lives in us but the world don't believe me because of where you were and what you're doing and god says i need to bring a change in the heart of my people the harvest is right the people are ready to come the prostitute is just walking around the corner paying back and forth wanting to come but where can god send them when you won't turn them away the drugging is tied the dragon is ready to give up aware can it go where can they come the church has to get itself right [Applause] that's why god is going to clean the house from the cross stand [Applause] in me if i have to be the example let it started me had no way to go us people are not living it god said the harvest is ready that's why i'm sending the word to clean house stop sitting up in here with your self-righteous self stop sitting up in here judging me you need to judge your own mess you need to go to your own closet it's not what's in my closet open your closet and look at it do some cleaning i need you to come to my house and clean up when i look in your house is messed up stuff everywhere things all out of place clean up your house get your house in oil cause god is coming back soon soon soon so don't you feeling comments i feel it coming he's coming but the question is are you ready are you ready oh my god are you ready [Applause] constantly calling and saying jesus is coming but you really can't believe that there's no way you can really believe his coming with the mess you in can't you see the signs of the time it's almost been a year since september 11 and people have become comfortable again church folks got comfortable again [Applause] god is on his way back that's why he keep ringing messages of being holy that's why he's taking us back to the old landmark holy days of hell you cannot straddle today you say tomorrow i don't know today you say huh we're talking god knows my heart he knows the way i take the devil is a liar he know your heart he said only the pure in heart shall see the lord that's why you made it get all that deceit get on that envy get all that jealousy get all that strength out of your heart if you want to see god has set us up in this hour i know i've been set up for what god is doing in this hour we have become comfortable we're sitting in our homes watching tbn watching all of the christian stations and living nothing we have become comfortable right where we are and god has said i've got to get my people i've got to pull the remnant in i've got to pull the chosen one in i'm about to break the sky i'm about to send my son if i don't get them in order my people are going to be lost if i don't get them in order the people won't be ready but i hear god say can i find just one that is righteous can i find one that is just living can i find one that would say yes to his will can i find one that will say i'm sorry [Applause] just one just one just one why would god say being sold out to holiness destiny can't stop here let me bring you into understanding because i gotta get out of here you must understand that destiny is your ultimate outcome one thing about the devil he may not know all but he knows enough to try to stop you he knows enough to try to keep you from living holy you wonder why every time you go to the altar you're praying over the same stuff you bring god deliver me over the same stuff you said lord i need you to deliver me you come to the altar and say god help me but the next hour the next day you're back into the same thing but what i hear god say there is an anointing in this hour that will bring change in the hearts of the people if your mind is really made up god said you don't have to wait till next week we don't have to wait till next year but right [Applause] i here lord i need you to deliver me i can't do it on my own but i need the holy ghost i need the holy ghost the devil wants to stop you from getting to your destiny he using your struggles trying to stop you he'll use your family to try to stop you he'll use the checks folk to try to stop you but you gotta tell the devil no no you can't stop me no because i i gotta do what the love said clap your hands and giving praise hallelujah hallelujah god's purpose must be fulfilled the bible said in psalms 37 and 25 the steps of a good man i ordered by the lord the steps that i'm taking i don't understand but they're all [Applause] [Music] make me feel like throwing in the towel my steps that i'm taking caused people to misunderstand the steps that i'm taking cause people to criticize but i hear glasses well yes i do in romans 8 and 28 and we know that all [Applause] work together for good [Music] i have purpose in this earth i have purpose destiny can't stop here greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world i can make it with god on my [Applause] yes i can clamp those hands and bless [Applause] him i gotta make it one thing about the devil all he wanted to do is to throw in the towel the devil knows if you come to your senses you tell the devil get thee behind me the devil don't want you to make up your mind to live holy but you gonna stand in the face of the devil and say no oh no i gotta do like the word say in john chapter nine and verse 4 i must work the works of him that sent me while it is day when night comes no man no man no man can work in this text you had a boy a man that was blind at birth the religious folks asked jesus listen jesus who sinned did he sin or did his parents sin but the words say jesus response for us neither had the parents nor this man sinned but that the works of god should be made manifest in him what he's saying whatever you go through is for god to be manifest in you it's not about what it is he wants the glory in your life he wants to learn through tell somebody through he wants to go it through and he wants it in what you're going through but one thing about it when i got pregnant in the church as a single woman evangelist the devil came to church to trip me up but the devil thought he had the best of me i sat down but when i got up after having my son this is my son he's 10 years old but when i got up my pastor at that time was derrick hutchins and derek hutchins said he said i don't care what y'all church folks say i'm gonna steal you because god has need and may be broken tell somebody that you made me broken but god still has need of you he has need grab my arm say get up get up get up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] get up [Applause] [Applause] no harm we're seeing her hit oh lord get me out to you hola get me out today i'm sure she made good money but god said what you in i'm not ready to get you out because while you're in it my glory shouted right there right there in my tears right there in my pain right there in my brokenness right there his glory shall be made manifest the devil thought he would stop me on may 4th 2002 my mother and i was like this i traveled with her everywhere she was a jurisdiction supervisor of the church of god in christ what do you mean the devil thought i got a now but this is her heart i have a now may 4th exactly three months ago i understand why god gave me this word because he knew that this will be the word that will minister to my spirit what am i trying to tell you no matter what the devil sets you up for you got to look the devil in there and said destiny can't stop here in other words where i am i gotta keep doing it at philippians chapter four it says chapter three as i pressed toward the mark of the prize of the high court i got a price i gotta push through my pain i got a plus [Music] [Applause] well done what are you trying to say that being sold out to holiness you gotta tell whatever you're going through i can't stop he may try to hold will pull it with you and say i gotta keep going through i gotta keep going through come here i gotta do this example right here in the spirit come in sis stand right here elbow come here l-c john stand right here thank you stand right here come here husband come here baby stand right here on the seat oh my gosh come here darius come here pastor hold up [Music] this is your path to go through my destiny is to get over to the organ these people represents my situation [Applause] they represent my circumstances they represent my affairs they come in all different sizes and all different shapes the thing about me on my way through can look at what i have to go through it's called the [Music] [Applause] the process the steps taken to get to a goal we're all in the process the steps taken to see our father the steps we have to go through to get to where god is these are our circumstances and our situations turn and face me i am now faced with my situation [Applause] and right where i stand i can't even see my destiny but i know on the inside of me i got to get there [Applause] god showed me my destiny whether it was by dream whether it's by prophetic word most of us have already seen where god is trying to take you seen a little bit then he brings you back to reality say now live it [Applause] see the problem with us as a people we're looking for a prophetic word but after you get through shouting speaking in tongues and falling out over the prophetic word you got to get up and live it [Applause] if you want to rejoice so i gotta go i gotta profit it work sis pinch yourself brother pinch yourself you gotta live it to get there these are the things through the things i have to go through to get to destiny my ultimate outcome sometimes taking the steps i get to a thing and get blocked i'm trying to get around it seems like everywhere i turn this with me the more i pray the lord the more it's still sticking with me [Music] ocean you get to a place where some of you get to the place but you just want to say i give up i can't take no more some of you right there i cannot take anymore but down on the inside purpose keep bubbling [Applause] still feel that call and pulling you feel you still feel that anointing turning a little shut turning in you you muster up enough strength to get past it [Applause] when you turn around [Applause] [Music] we want to rest after a victory and the devil is still trying to stop you here i am faced with another thing another circumstance trying to get to my destiny oh my god is bigger than i am stronger than i am wider than i am but i hear the scriptures say i can do all things [Applause] through christ which strengthens me [Applause] we want to feel like oh that's it [Applause] [Music] church filled the anointing of god speaking in tongues shouting and rejoicing around the corner another thing there's not one thing there's not two it's ten more [Music] this is my brother so sometimes things seem like they overtake you weigh you down [Music] strength is about gone don't even feel like praying become weary what do you mean by weary to be worn out in strength to be worn out in energy to be worn out in freshness to be completely exhausted the enemy wants to wear you out i heard the scripture says and be not weary in well doing oh in due season shall we if you faint not you can't faint what do you mean by faint means to lose consciousness or awareness to what's going on around you god said in luke 18 and one men ought to always to pray and not faith you cannot lose consciousness to the snares and the traps of the enemy that's why you must pray are you with paint [Applause] [Music] things things everywhere i go things circumstances situations are wearing me like my clothes this is my fine husband that wear me like my clothes things thought i had gotten through this but it looks like the same thing again [Music] god i can make it things i gotta get to my destiny i feel like throwing in a towel every time i try to explain to people they just don't understand they just knew what i was feeling if they just knew what i was going through if i just could put it in words have you felt like i just couldn't put it in words if i tell them they look at me crazy they think i'm losing my mind the problem is i hear destiny calling me i hear destiny calling my name and i can't allow these things to cause me to throw in the towel but i heard the scriptures say that i am more than [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've overcome some things that seem like i was able to wasn't too much able to handle now i come to a thing that look like i can handle this thing [Music] but this thing got me that i can't move forward see i thought i could handle this one it's got you wrapped up and tied up all i'm doing is standing still now i can't even move oh lord you're gonna have to get me out of this how did i get in here all i was doing was being a friend how did i get it wrapped up [Applause] all i was doing was being a listening ear how did i get tired and tangled up all i was doing was just being there but this thing got to understand help me but this thing right here is the thing you gotta pray for this thing right here is the thing you're gonna be on your knees with this thing right here it's not to come through prayer and fasting this thing right here is going to take a sacrifice this thing right here is going to cause you to give up this whole world this thing right here is what's gonna shift him to the next anointing this thing right here is the thing that suits you to your [Applause] dementia [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and whatever it takes i gotta get there i gotta get there i got a little more shelter i gotta get my destiny can't stop here but i gotta be holy be holy be holy be holy anointing kind of glory dump in this place it's yours it's yours it's yours get it today get it right now i'm determined i'm determined fall on your face tell god i made my mind up i'm sold out i'm gonna sell out i'm gonna sell out i'm [Music] [Applause] of him i want all of him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] am i accessible no longer am i available no longer can you use me no longer no longer no longer me forgive me all my sins forgive me forgive me and deliver me set me free in my mind [Applause] [Music] [Music] me come on come on come on come on forget about who's sitting next to you you need this deliverance so you can go home and make somebody else just send out to god [Applause] until jesus comes is [Music] set you free set you free he sets you free [Music] [Applause] i can't go home the same way i need this anointing i need this breakthrough i need this delivery [Applause] right now right now destroy the oaks right now destroy the oaks right now in the name of jesus set the people free set up freedom set them free clean their hearts clean their hearts right now bring my heart everything that's not like it take it out take it out take it out unforgiveness take it out unforgiveness take it out take it out take it out take it out take it out take it out right now right now come on and press in come on and press in come on god's not finished yet he's not finished yet come on let yes [Music] cry out to god cry out to god cry out to god cry unto [Music] um [Applause] the spirit of the living god arrest you now you feel like you're too far away to feel the presence of god but i send the holy ghost in the name of jesus to drop on you now i need me outside the power of god [Music] [Applause] today live today arise arise and be alive in jesus name i'm also told hopelessness i come against now spirits of depression get out of here in the name of jesus demons of cancer get out of here in the name of jesus [Music] christ and greatly to me [Music] foreign oh [Applause] open up your mouth and give him the truth of your nature it belongs to god you'll belong to god you're no longer available for the enemy ah jesus time i surrender all to surrender all to him i surrender god another yes another yes another yes he's not finished with you yet he's not done with you yet another yes tell me [Applause] [Applause] i thank you [Music] oh you
Channel: Carey Goin
Views: 1,041,126
Rating: 4.7557254 out of 5
Keywords: Sharon Eiland, Holiness, Church of God in Christ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 52sec (3232 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2017
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