Dr. Frank E. Ray - Genesis 1:26 (Powerful Message)

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genesis chapter 1 and verse 26 those of you that's viewing us across the land thank you so much for tuning us in tonight pray with us and pray for us genesis 1 26 when you find it same man and god said let us make man that's enough thank you so much a senior sage sister was in her kitchen preparing a delicious delightful delectable meal for dinner she had a young grandson in the room that she was trying to watch protect take care of the little boy kept getting in her way irritating the daylights out of her while she was preparing the meal she would give him a job to do he would do it because he was so in love with his grandmother he would rush back to her side she said to him maybe take the garbage out he rushed kanto garbage out came right back she said go ahead and make up your bed he went in and made his bed up five minutes he was right back on the grandmother she tried to figure out what she could do to keep him busy she saw a puzzle of a picture of a globe of the world she scrambled the puzzle up and gave to him and said son go in the other room put this puzzle of the world together while mama cook he went in in five minutes he walked back in with the puzzle complete grandma's sitting looked after baby how in the world could you put together a picture of the world in five minutes he said remember what i did i turned the picture over on the back side and on the back side of the picture was a picture of a man he said all i did was put him in place and the world fell in place if you ever get man in place the world will automatically fall in place there's a hebrew word mentioned in genesis chapter one three times genesis 1 and 1 genesis 1 21 and genesis 1 27 it is the hebrew word it is the english word create in genesis 1 1 he created the firmament genesis 1 21 he created the bodies of water in genesis 1 27 he created man after he finished creating what he was going to create he turned around and started making stuff out of what he created and when he got ready to make what he was making he did not speak to what he was making but spoke to what he was making it from for instance when he got here to bring forth grass he spoke to the ground earth bring forth seed yielding after its kind when he got ready to bring forth fish he spoke to the water bring forth the abundance of fish when he got ready to make man he spoke to himself let us make man in our image after a likeness now whatever he brought it from it had to stay connected with to keep living for grass to continue to live grass had to stay connected to the ground for fish to continue to live fish had to stay connected with water and for man to keep living man must stay connected with god now if you want to kill either of just pull them up from their environment all right if you want to kill grass pull it up from the ground if you want to kill fish take them out of the water if you want to kill man just separate him from god god is so unique till he lays the foundation at the beginning of the creation how things must be all right he knew that in the 21st century that we would have a problem with faith and science so he writes the formula of science in genesis 1 verse 1. all right five steps to the formula of science time force motion space matter all right in the beginning that's time god that's for us created that's motion space that's heaven earth that's matter he sets it in place throughout creation god also said things and designed that however he wanted to be throughout eternity the first time he brings it up is the way he wanted to be because even in genesis he set the tone for marriage and genesis 2 24 for this cause [Music] shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave the word cleave is when you get the word see men when you get the word glue yeah what you mean once you're married you're stuck he sets the headship in order throughout marriage genesis 3 16 unto the woman our greatly multiplied our sorrow and conception in psalms shall i bring forth you and thou desire the hebrew word for desires tishikar cover it right comes from the idea of a tarpon it really means that throughout creation it is a woman's desire to take over it's bill teller but god said i did not set the marriage that way that there must be a head and a heart man plays the role of the head the woman play the role of the heart if you have two heads it's a deformed body [Applause] there must be a head that must be hard he set the foundation for marriage but he also set the foundation for murder in genesis chapter 4 when cain got upset with god he invited his brother abel to the field and the bible said he rose up and slew abel his brother the word slew means slaughter it mean he took his knife and gutted his brother cut him up in the little pieces and laid him on the altar and god came and said the king came where's abel your brother cain got arrogant with god said am i my brother's keeper he said well the reason i came i heard his blood crying from the ground the hebrew word for blood is the word dumb but also in the plural form which means he was saying i didn't just hear abel's blood i heard abel's descendants blood you see whenever you kill a person you don't just kill that person you kill all of the descendants that's coming from that person my father fathered 18 children and if somebody had a kill dead and the 18 have produced through generations three four generations over 500 of us if someone had killed my daddy when he was 18 years of age they wouldn't have just killed him all right they would have killed the whole 500. yeah yeah yo looking at me straight god sets the tone for murder he also sets the tone for money in genesis chapter 14 the bible said verse 20 21 and 22 that abraham paid tithes to melchizedek out of an act of gratitude that's the first time tithing was mentioned right and it came because abraham was grateful if that is the case that's why i should pay my tithes not because the church needed not because the pastor requested but i should do it because of being grateful do you have any children in the house that's ungrateful i don't have to ask you what you do and how you start cutting the money pouch off but if you got one that's grateful if you don't have the money you'll hawk the house to get enough to take care of them because they learn how to be grateful i don't have to remind you if 665 000 people died in the last 18 months and you still here somebody ought to have enough sense to be grateful i wish i had two witnesses in this house he sets the tone for marriage he sets the tone for murder he sets the tone for money but it also sets the tone and foundation for man god himself took his time each day he did something special first day he created light second day firmament then he created dry land and sea yeah then the fish and fowl world and that sixth day morning he created the animal kingdom and late that sixth day evening he created man seven is perfection man was made on day six which means he's short of perfection [Applause] i don't care how holy you look you're still a six [Applause] that's why you shouldn't rush to condemn people too fast when they mess up remember that they are sick [Applause] talk to me somebody he's a six not a seven now i know that there are people that try to say that we are animals and humans and animals that foolishness just get too many of science and biologists there are some similarities between humans and animals sometimes we get slice of fox when they're coming getting into stuff ego's a beaver to tell somebody else's business y'all don't hear me now both came from the earth man and animal all right both are sustained by the earth that's where we get our food both have the same means a reproduction right we produce after our kind but different between animals and man is that man has a spirit the animal ain't got it genesis 2 74 man from the dust of the ground breathe into his nostril the breath ruff ruach stand for wind breath and spirit and man became a living soul not like animal man is a trichotomy he is three in one his body his soul his spirit body deal with world consciousness the soul deal with self-consciousness the spirit deal with god consciousness the body looks out the soul looks in the spirit looks up now i know we put a lot of emphasis on the body so does the scripture romans 2 and 1 i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your body a living sacrifice holy acceptable god which is your reasonable service first corinthians 16 9 6 9 69 it said listen your body is the temple of the holy ghost am i putting you all to sleep in this house matter of fact you get a little closer in that he tell you what to do with every member of your body all right but psalms 121 verse 1 lift up mine eyes unto the heels from which cometh my head my help comes from the lord with my ears i take matthew 11 and 15 he that have ears to him let him here with my mind i take philippians 2 and 5 let this mind be in you which is also in christ jesus with my heart and mouth i take romans 10 and 10 for with the heart man believe it on the righteousness with the mouth confessions made on to salvation will my hannah take it please that's it nine and ten whatsoever thy hand fine to do do it without might for there's no work no device no wisdom no knowledge in the grave where thou go away when my knees will take philippians 2 and 10 at the name of jesus every knee should die with my feet that take hebrew 12 in one land aside heavy weight and sin which does so easily beside us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us he tell you what to do with your body and god made the body he gave the body 263 bones 600 muscles 970 miles of blood vessels 32 feet of intestines 32 teeth in its mouth eyes like canvas every time they flash take a picture send it to the brain to be developed a heart that beat from six to eight times a minute on an average of 72 times per minute a tongue with 400 cups that can pick up the sweets and the sours 20 000 tiny hairs in his ears that can pick up the highs and the lows a foot with 26 bones a hand with 27 bones that represent the 27 books of the new testament and then they turn around and give us white sales and red cells red cells are larger number but smaller in size white cells are large in size and smaller in number here's how they work i'm out in the backyard working on the project got a hammer and a nail i miss the nail and hit my finger instantly a swell with a curl the swell is the white sales they've just been emailed frank had an accident he hit his finger white cells leave the camp they come to the emergency to die for the recovery of my finger once the white cells die then they email the red says red says come clean up the mess that the white cells made few days a scam appear preach remember a couple days later i'm healed because it is he that have made us not we our selves the party is important but it has temporarily stamped on it that's another part of me called the soul the soul deal with the intellect it deals with the emotion it deals with the will of man but then there's the spirit the god part y'all hear me don't you watch what the text says from genesis chapter 1 to 25 he said and god said let that be let there be let there be he spoke and it happened but when he got to verse 26 that's a switch in the text he said let us everything else he he he speak it but when he got to man he said let us make man he called the triune god together he said well nobody there but father let's see genesis 1 1 in the beginning of god he reword for god as elohim elohim is a plural noun not like the english language english language singular mean war plural mean two or more but in the hebrew language singing to mean one dual meaning two plural meaning three or more so when you say individual god the text was saying in the beginning three or more talk to me somebody you said well i didn't see it well let's just say that in the beginning uh god created heaven let's just say that's the father all right john wanted one so in the beginning what's the word and john 1 14 saying the word was made flesh we know that's the song yeah genesis 1 verse 2 says and the spirit moves preacher i'm ready y'all know who he is that's the holy ghost they were all there in christian let us make man he said in our own image which mean man should be an extension of the presence of god you know how sometimes you're in the house or you decide you're going to do your own painting and you're too short to reach the ceiling with your brush so you put an extension on your brush to reach some stuff you couldn't reach without the extension yeah you see man is god's extension ephesians 2 and 10 say we're his workmanship greek word for workmanship is poem when you get the word polyneice when you get the english word poem a poem is a work of art whenever you have your best work a lot you don't hide it under the bed you don't put it in the closet you put it on display so everybody can see it yeah god says man it's his billboard and that was god want to show you off he want to show you off make it look like you're somebody yeah see sometimes you live so low is because you don't know who you are when people think that islam on earth they try to live like the slumber but when you know you're the son or daughter of the king i wish you had some help in here you start living a different lifestyle man there's an extension of the presence of god and after his liking he's an expression of the person of god yeah little does god want us to look like him paul said in philippians 1 21 for me to live is christ not like it but christ i got so much jesus in me till when you see him you see me and when god spots something in us that's not like his son he performs surgery that's why some people are going through stuff god ain't mad at you he's in love with you but he spotted something in here that don't favor his son in malice strife hateful talk to him he start performing surgery on you and while he's working on you he cover you up so i can't see him work on you because when he gets through with you you're gonna come out like a finished brother [Applause] when god gets through working on us we'll all be standing together and jesus will be standing in the midst of us and angels will be out there looking at us and the angels will start hunching each other saying which one is jesus because the bible says when he shall appear we shall be like him [Applause] i guess i'm in here by myself we look like him man should be an extension [Music] of the present and expression of the person and let him have dominion he should be an exhibit of the power of god in other words god don't want you to be powerless matthew 28 18 jesus came spoke said all power the greek word is x or c acts 1 and 8 shall he shall receive the greek word is dunamis but yet the word dynamite ephesians 6 and 10 the final brother be strong in the lord and the power the greek word is kratos that's demonstrated power matthew 16 upon this rock i'll build my church the greek word is ekklesia that means they call out one he gathers which is his authority places his dunamis inside his ecclesia his church and then he tell us deceased opportunities which are before the church that means the church can do at least two things you can direct but you can destroy yeah yeah you can direct divine authority but you can destroy demonic authority so you're not powerless you got power the lord said listen i know it may be difficult for you to be an extension expression on exhibit and you ain't got it down yet he said i'm gonna send somebody to show you how it's done so he said it's on jesus to be an extension of the presence of god john 14 18 14 9 jesus said when you see me you see my father he said if you want to write my father a letter sent it to my address because we live together forget it he's an extension but he's an expression of the person of god because john 10 and 30. he said [Applause] of the power of god jesus said i got all power in my head if jesus got all power that means the devil is powerless i guess i'm trying to tell you that god has a plan for your life everything about your life was planned by god it was no accident it was god's plan he planned the dawn of your life that means i know you thought your mom and she said to you i wasn't aiming to have you how you wasn't supposed to be here calling you but not according to god all right he plans the dawn of your life all right jeremiah 105 said before you was formed in your mother's belly he said i knew you he's not sanctified you i ordained you you said well that's old testament where ephesians one and four said caught in whom he has chosen were chosen as in the arab 10th admit god acted long without a supreme court without a board of director all right but it's not only an arab tent that's in milford which means he acted by himself but for himself it means he was chosen by god but chosen for god he said when did this election happen the same verse said it was before the foundation of the world you see the problem with us is because we're human beings we have to cut time in the segments yesterday today tomorrow was his and shelby but yesterday is in the tomb tomorrow is in the womb yesterday's a council check tomorrow's a promise every note yesterday's history tomorrow is mystery yesterday is a recollection of my recollection but with god everything is an eternal now with god yesterday is now with god today is now with god tomorrow is now see god never have to leave anywhere to get anywhere he's already where he's going and still where he was he can tiptoe and stand flat at the same time he can take a crooked stick and hit a straight leg [Music] i'ma let y'all go in a moment [Music] he plans the dawn of your life but he also planned design of your life there was god decide if you're going to be a man or woman god we should have some help in this house [Applause] it wasn't mama it wasn't daddy god decided if you're gonna be a man a woman i just like to recommend whatever his plan was for your life stick with the plan [Applause] god made your man be a man can't make you a woman be a woman according to legend lady went to the lord the lord grant me long life the lord said it is done she was so excited laura's gonna let her live a long time she went out and had a face lift all right she bleached the skin shorten her ears straightened her mouth sewed on some new hair she got a breast reduction a tummy tuck she moved some stuff from the front [Applause] to the back [Music] walked out in front of car car ran over and killed her she got to heaven rushed up the lord said i thought you thomas told him i was going to live a long time you let me get right over my car cause i didn't recognize [Applause] [Applause] am i putting you all to sleep in this house help me say stick with them playing god he planned the dawn of your life he planned the design of your life but they also plant the ditches in your life i know it don't like it but it's the ditches that make you you [Applause] it's not your friends that make you successful it's your enemies [Applause] psalms 110 said sit here while i make your enemy your footstool i couldn't understand that when i first read it sounds stupid to me until one day i was in the house changing the light bulb because i was too short to reach it i had to get a stool and while on the stool the holy spirit said that's what god is trying to tell you in that verse your enemies will help you reach some stuff you couldn't reach without your enemies because here's what your enemy is going to do number one they're going to send you to the scripture secondly they're going to send you to your prayer closet third they're going to send you the church and when you get bible reading and praying and church going together you're going to excel beyond the whole lot of places you are now it ain't because you're friends it's because your enemies and every once while you ought to sit in the house and thank you send your enemies a thank you letter so honey i just want to tell you thank you [Applause] do i have a witness he planned lord the ditches not only do we plant your niches he designed your ditches he don't put everybody in the same ditch because some folk can't stand what you can say talk to me somebody some folk go through what you're going through they'll take a gun and blow their brains out but you can go through it and say no you sleep me yet when i trust in you on all the days of my appointed time i wait [Applause] until my change comes [Music] do i have a witness see god can't trust everybody with trouble [Applause] that's why he don't even send trouble your way he can't trust you with it but when you see he can trust you with it he know he's gonna make a better saint out of you do i am a witness [Applause] he planned the dog he planned the design he planned the ditches but they also plan your destiny i know we said they're always in my way but can nobody stand in your way but you [Applause] lord because god plus any number is a majority [Applause] paul said in philippians 4 13 i can lord do all things through christ which strengthened me [Applause] paul also said in romans 8 37 we're more than conquerors lord the word conquerous is hooping the kyo who would mean the conqueror the coyote yeah me more it comes from the idea of mountain climbers in olympic they would go out and climb mountains some would get almost to the top and collapse some would get almost there and throw in the towel but if you made it to the top of the mountain lord they would raise your hand and say you are a conqueror but then you had to go back down for round two and round two you had to put a load on your back and climb that mountain with a load many could climb it without a load but they were not successful climbing the mountain with a load on their back but if you were able to climb the mountain with a load on your back they'd raise your hand and give you a crown and they would say you're more than a copper am i talking to anybody here tonight you clamming a mountain but you got a load on it lord if it ain't one thing lord it's something else but can i tell ya because of who it is you're dependent on you more than a conqueror i'm here y'all long enough tonight that thank you for letting me stand by yeah some years ago me and 11 other pastors went to london england with their own a preaching expedition oh lord and while there we decided to to london yeah we went by charles hadn't spiritual church that great notorious preacher then we decided to go by the queen's palace yeah to see where the queen was hanging out and on our way back uh we saw a huge clock that's called a big bend yeah big ben has a lot of history it is said that big ben is the time clock that london moved by they set the watches they set their alarm clock by the toe in the a big bend and one day being stopped running oh lord the sinner offer foreign to get people uh yeah technicians to come in and repair big ben but everyone left with the head down saying that we cannot repair the clock you might as well put out the pastor so they build a fence around big ben the shuttle security watch to keep anybody from climbing the fence uh just to preserve that old historical clock but one morning an old man came back lord been on for many years he happened to look up and saw ben wasn't running he went to security guard said will you let me go in and take a look at big me and the man said sir can't you read the sign said oh man so all i want to do there is just look at big ben that happened the man said ain't working it ain't gonna work no more have i got a witness saying the whole man said well if i can't do it any good i can't do it no harm he kept teasing the security guard yeah security guards all right old man come on in look at me in there and then going about your business that old man walked in there i got him a ladder and climbed up in the back of the clock he touched a couple of screws and big being started running have i got to witness him security guy was so excited he called in the news media he called in the editor of the newspaper they interviewed the old man that they said [Applause] you know we've had people from across the land trying to put being back together again the nectation in five minutes to start being the running the whole man said well the reason i was able to fix big being there is because i'm the one that made big ben and since i made him oh i know how to put him back together again i'm out of here tonight if there's somebody your rifle is in the chamber there you go the psychiatrist from the psychologist go to your doctor go to your attorney go to your psychic and they couldn't do you no good i got one recommendation to you anybody you know oh i can't do it do it [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The BlackChurch Vault
Views: 32,444
Rating: 4.8341627 out of 5
Keywords: frank e ray, tellis chapman, new salem frank ray, jasper williams, national baptist convention, leroy elliot, frank ray jr, brian carn, ge patterson, baptist whoopers, jasper williams jr, donald parson, ralph d west, tolan morgan, f bernard mitchell, black baptist church, paul morton, jasper williams hoopology, dewey smith, bishop jo patterson, bishop ge patterson, td jakes, serita jakes, the blood of jesus, what can wash away my sins, old school preaching, the blood
Id: 75fhTUveAtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 18sec (2778 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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