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come on sing it to the top of your lungs i seen the evidence [Music] yeah [Music] i dare you to put one thing on your mind when you sing it this time come on put one thing on your mind instead [Music] watch it watch it [Music] senior evidence scott [Music] now when you think go ahead and thank him if you have something to thank him for come on if you're happy if you're really thankful for the evidence come on for the evidence of god on your life in your life functioning blessing you keeping you healing you somebody release the sound of thanksgiving come on let your sound reflect how good he's been to you let your sound reflect how good he's been to you his mercy his grace his failure [Applause] it's all over my life [Music] it's on me it's on me it's on me look at somebody around you tell him it's on me it's on me it's on me his evidence is on me his favor is on me his blessings is on me his hand is on me his protection is on me almost lost my mind could've shoulda woulda put god come on take a private moment and release a public praise [Music] i said come on gratitude gratitude come on thanksgiving gratitude [Music] yeshua thank you thank you thank you thank you for your goodness your evidence somebody tell them something's following you something's following you tell them what it is goodness and mercy oh y'all i got some bible readers in here look at somebody tell them it's something following you it's behind you it's all around you what is it goodness and mercy is following you all the days of your life [Music] evidence [Music] i seen it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody and tell him he's been good to me come on he's been good to me he's been good to me he's been good to you he's been good to us he's been good good father we love you we bless you we thank you for your evidence of your goodness that's on our lives had it not been for you we don't want to know where we would be we magnify and glorify you as we prepare to hear your word think your word speak your word let my mind speak as your very thoughts and my mouth as your oracles speak to the lives of the hearts of your people give us definitive direction and clarity in this season in jesus name we pray amen can you clap your hands and bless him hallelujah what a song we're in our temple series this month in our temple series as we are celebrating the faithfulness and the goodness of god in our lives how many of you know what happens in god's house is gonna happen in your house anybody learn that last year whatever happening in god's house is gonna happen in in in your house we're making this move from the temple from the tabernacle to the temple last week we showed you temp the tabernacle the temporary place that moses set up for the presence of god to be encountered and experienced and for for years and years they had to set it up tear it down set it up tear it down it was a temporary place and as david took on the reigns he moved from it just being a temporary place to a permanent place that he said it's needed that god has a established house i shouldn't live in a palace and god's house be torn down so he decided that god's house needed to be established and he moved the tabernacle from temporary to permanent how many of you believe god is moving you from some temporary things to some permanent stuff how many of your time have been tired of being moved around and flopped around is some it's some permanent stuff some establishment that's happening in your life from temporary friendships to permanent ones from temporary relationships to permanent ones from temporary job placement to permanent one from apartment to housing somebody ought to take and declare i'm moving from temporary to permanent it moves you from temporary to permanent so david has the desire to build god a house god wants he wants to build god a house and establish the work of god but god says to him he will not be able to build it but his son his seed solomon will build the house of god how many of you know that god has given you a vision that outlives your life huh he's giving you a vision some of the things that god has shown you you will accomplish and some of it your seed will accomplish you have to understand that you have a capacity to dream of something that lives beyond you i want god to do it through me in me and in my lifetime but i also want to leave something for my children's children's children and so god says to david you will not build it but you can have the blueprint for it you will not build or establish my house but you will have the blueprint for it and i'll raise up your son solomon and so in efforts to just have the blueprint and to not build it i'm still going to give you resources to be able to lay something down so david uh told solomon the vision and the plan handed him the blueprint but also gave him a offering along with it i'm gonna establish for you not just the blueprint of what i want you to do but i'm gonna release funds for you to get to do it somebody ought to grab that right now and say god is funding your vision right now come on somebody ought to declare right now god is funding your vision do you hear me david left so much money for solomon that before he even put one brick in place it was already paid in for i dare you to tap into it right there and clap your hands and declare there is provision for my vision paid in full paid in full paid in four he takes him to the process where he says i'm going to leave you an offer and i'm going to leave you an offering and then raising this offering is where we'll find our text today raising this offering is where he begin in david's final act as king his final act is king he wants to lift up the lord and not only does he ask people to do it he also does it himself and set by an example first chronicles 29 1-7 says now david asks the question who is willing to consecrate themselves for the lord today who is willing to participate in establishing something for god that will outlive because everyone wants to be a part of the benefit but not everyone wants to help build and so god says i'm looking for some builders that i can bless i'm looking for some people that i can bless and trust you to help me to establish to build and so david asks the provocative question he says for the work for the gold work and the civil working for all the work to be done now who is willing to consecrate themselves for the lord today so when god is now establishing the work and building and laying out a plan and a blueprint he funds with provision for vision he adds provision for vision as he's moving them from temporary to permanent and it's not just moving moving physically but moving in your mind how many of you know that when god moves you you have to change your thinking because if not you'll find yourself in a new season behaving the old way and god has to work on your mind when you are a renter and now you your owner how many of you got know you had to let go of renters mentality and come into an ownership mentality because it does not take the same mentality to own something as it does to rent something while you're renting something god is trusting you to be a steward over somebody else's stuff and when you handle that stuff right he moves you into your own stuff and teaches you the lessons in your written season about how to own in your own in season lift your mind up and declare god change my mind change my thinking to help me to have a owner's mentality mentality so what god is now shifting shifting and changing and moving and changing and expanding not just the body but the mind and not just moving from temporary to permanent there are some things that have to be dealt with before you go to the next level how many of you know there's some things that god takes you through before he trusts you in the next place that he has for you i got some people in here that seen a glimpse of your promised land but if you can be honest you can say i ain't ready yet good god almighty now that take a mature person to say hey i see some stuff that i want and i desire but before i get there i got to deal with me because if i don't get me together i'm going to mess up i got some grown folk up in here i mess up where god is taking me and so because god is meticulous in his process he takes you through process he takes you through process as he's moving you to permanent and he gets rid of some temporary things and establishes some things and rips apart some things so that you can be able to manage to the next level what he does in this process as david is moving from temporary to permanent david has this responsibility this blueprint to build got a house but he does not let go of the thing that god wants the most in the building and that's an altar can i tell you that no matter where you are you have to find yourself with a built-in altar have i got anybody that got a built-in altar i mean in your cubicle why you in work you got a built-in altar have i got somebody that got a built-in altar in the shower a built-in altar in your car a built-in altar that you can bless him at all times anytime all the time [Music] because you're not really ever building a building or a business or a thing you're always building an altar a place for god to dwell a place for him to be always establishing an altar and so david said though i will build god a house i will not get rid of the altar i will not get rid of the altar and so 30 000 people david begins to assemble and they begin to assemble for 30 000 people to work on the establishment of this blueprint because you can't just do it by yourself if it's a god idea or a god vision god will always cause there to be people that are drawn to what you're doing because it has to be bigger than you and god will send help to help you to establish what he's doing and so david has 30 000 plus people and they're working and they're building and they're working and they're building and in the working and the building he's holding on to what god what matters the most while he's getting ready to build something for god that had not been seen yet and so now david is working for seven years in establishing and building the altar seven years he's working and he's establishing to build this temple for god and now the gate that was temporary is no longer needed but yet now in the replacement of a gate he now places an altar he places an altar at the outset and says the first thing we will establish before we go in is we will establish a place of exchange and a place of reverence and a place of honor between god and so if you look at the if you look at the video uh here david now has a plan to build this temple but outside the temple he establishes a alter of sacrifice he he first builds before you get to the thing that you're going to he establishes that the first thing you have to encounter is an alter experience how many of you know you don't want the elevation or the promotion without your relationship with god being intact god says the first thing i want you to put in front of whatever you build is a place for you and i to meet so that i know that you always put me first in everything so david establishes the altar on the outside and he establishes this altar on the outside saying that before you get in i'm going to make sure that you understand that there are some things that that we're going to have to do to take to to take place in order for us to move from our temporary to our permanent there's some things that have to be settled before you go to the next level and the first thing that he reminds us and that i want to remind you of is the first thing that has to be dealt with before you move to the next place is your sin how many of you know that sin separates you from god and the worst thing you can do is end up in your place of promise and have not dealt with some stuff that can mess up what god wants to establish and do in your life i do not want to go to a place that my gift can take me but yet my sin can destroy me so god says because i'm so invested in who you are the first thing i'm going to deal with before i move you from temporary to permanent is i'm going to deal with the sin in your life got some people that love the relationship you built with god not out of a religious place but you recognize that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god have i got some saved people that ain't too stuck up to remember the fact that god saved you sanctified you and dealt with your sin don't you dare look at somebody that haven't got the revelation yet and act like you ain't never had no stuff i need somebody that recognizes god has already handled my sin [Applause] well the first thing he deals with is he deals with the sin issue so the bible says the bible says that in the establishment of the tabernacle and the altar in the old testament every time they came they had to present for themselves and their family a sin offering they had rams they had doves they had a sheep they had animals goats that they had to cut and offer on the altar to be a offering for their sin so every time they came to the temple or the tabernacle the priest had to offer before god a sacrifice could you imagine every time you got ready to come to church that you had to bring with you an animal and before you could come in you had to kill that animal lay that animal on the altar let blood be slaying everywhere it would just be a bloody mess but god said you can't come before me without making sure that the blood gets before you and so what he did what they had to do physically was in a temporary space they had to deal with the animals and deal with the sin and once the sin was handled it was covering for their family and for their entire bloodline and god said in the establishment of what i'm building because i still want to handle the sin issue but i'm sick and tired of y'all bringing up all these animals in the house of god i'll tell you what i'll do i'll send my son jesus who will come into the place of an animal he will give his life freely he will shed the blood once and for all and after he finished giving his life as a sacrifice you ain't got to deal with your sin no more look at somebody and say jesus already handled that jesus jesus took care of that jesus take care of that no more guilt no more condemnation yes i get convicted but every time i get convicted of my sin i point to jesus and i thank god that he no longer sees my sin but i'm hidden behind the blood so look at somebody you tell them the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood so god says before you go to your next level i need to deal with your sin before you go to the next level i need to deal with your sin but i'm not going to deal with it in a temporary space i'm going to deal with it in a permanent place so you can shout you can dance you can worship and when you sin not if you sin but when you sin you can say lord have mercy on me the blood the blood the blood and the blood covers you so the enemy can never try to tell you or remind you of your history because every time he reminds you of your past you can remind him of your future somebody on a shout and give god a praise for the blood [Applause] he says uh before i take you to the next level before we build this tabernacle this temple before we go from temporary to permanent jesus says let me come in hebrews let me come in hebrews 5 and 7 and deal with your sin on the altar of sacrifice let me deal with it he says therefore hebrews hebrews 10 and 5 says therefore when christ came into the world he said sacrifice an offering you did not desire but a body you prepared for me right and then he says with burnt offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased then i said here am i it is written about me in the scroll that i have come to do your will my god somebody right there that recognized that jesus took care of all of your sins i mean all of them the one from last year the one from 10 years ago the one from this morning the one from last night i need you if you're thankful that you didn't have to come in here with an animal because jesus already handled it i get you to release a praise that sounds like a thanksgiving [Applause] he says he says as i take you from permanent from temporary to permanent i don't have time for you to keep struggling back and forth with the sin god has handled the sin issue god's dealt with the sin issue sin separates you from dominion sin separates you from god sin separates you from god and god says because i don't desire to be separated i'll fill in the gap between us i'm filling the gap between us so you can move forward with clarity and no condemnation somebody ought to lift your hands right there and begin to worship god for no condemnation come on you begin to worship god for no condemnation he already dealt with it i rebuked the enemy that keeps trying to push you back and get you caught up in what was release your sins unto god because he's handled it once and for all what the blood he says we're bringing them animals quit bringing them animals i got you i got you david said we gon we're gonna build something from temporary to permanent but we're gonna put in front and offering an altar so that sin can be handled he says once you have your sin issue handled you walk now with a new confidence with a new authority the enemy cannot now threaten you if you will with your past or your history or your mistakes or your failures because god was aware of it and he knows it and he took care of it he said so now that that jesus exchanged uh his life for your life his life for the animals and and the altar is that place of exchange says now that jesus has given you himself for you now you have to move to the next place uh in the exchange and the altar so that there can be a giving and a receiving in the exchange he says now that i've handled your sin stuff the next place i have to handle is yourself i got some honest people that can lift their hand and say lord help me handle me [Applause] jesus said i got this one i took care of this one for you and now now i need you to take care of you for you i'ma say it again this is not the altar that god makes you get on this is the altar that you put yourself on i got some mature people that say hey i put myself on the altar i put myself on the altar cause if i don't it's gonna be a mess [Applause] he says well i'm promoting you and moving you from temporary to permanent there's some things that has to be dealt with in the altars of your life and one of the altars after you put sin behind you and there's no condemnation he says the next one i i deal with you as i deal with you in the self the place of self because the place of self where you die many many many deaths the place itself is where you can you can't lie to you the place of self is where where everybody may think something great about you but you know you i got some people up in here the place the place of self is the place where you look yourself in the mirror and you say i know you think that i'm all great but if truth be told i got some stuff that i got to deal with it's not about the sin because the sin has been handled but the consequences of my sin is in myself and my self-behavior will mess up my future i got to i got to deal with myself i got to deal with myself god said you not i'm not going to deal with you i'ma let you deal with you because nobody can deal with you like you can nobody can deal with you and how many of you know nobody can check you like you have i got some people that ever talked yourself in the mirror and looked at yourself and said self get yourself together self you acting up now self you went too far south have i got some honest people in here that have ever had to talk to yourself i dare you to shout self [Applause] takes a mature takes a mature person to deal with yourself i don't i don't want to be punished by people i want to deal with myself i want to know what's in my flesh so that i know what i need to stay away from and just because i'm looking at you get away with something don't necessarily mean i can get away with what you can get away with cause my vices ain't your vices and you might slip out and i might slip and never get out i need to know me you got to know me self i know this one here i know this i know this flesh i i didn't lived in it for a while i know i know what it like i know what it like i know it's appetite i know i know what it's attracted to y'all ain't helping me up in here i know i know what it like to i know what i know i know i know i know everything everything everything don't get at me you know but i know what gets at me and because i know me i have to watch me because temptation is not around you it's inside of you [Applause] that's why you can't be managing somebody else's stuff don't be around that no you don't be around that cause it might not mess with me but if it mess with you you gotta know you because just because it got you don't mean it to get me for the church police [Applause] for the church belief you go to a bar and drink i mean you go to a bar and eat i can't be around the bar that's because you used to be an alcoholic i didn't used to be an alcoholic i didn't go there for none but the wings mind your business and stay on my plate [Applause] don't worry about where you saw me worry about where you saw you and ask yourself the question if you saw me there what was you doing there i went for the wings know the bird got the best wings y'all know it's true that's why don't tell on yourself don't tell on you [Applause] so god says i want you to put yourself put yourself on the self-offer altar i want you to put you on the self-alter because you know what can mess you up later you got to deal with yourself when nobody know you so when i promote you and everybody can see you you don't make a mess because you didn't deal with yourself i gotta learn how to quit crying for god to expose me in my silence seasons and recognize my silence seasons is my self-evaluation season [Applause] hurry up god he said um i can't hurry up for you because you're gonna mess you up and i'll forgive you but people won't [Applause] how many of you know god will forgive you and church people and still be bringing up your stuff gotta be like what are you talking about i don't even see it i don't remember it and people will still be talking about where you was and who you was with mind your business and deal with your [Applause] if i really look at it i ain't got time to be looking at nobody else cause i'm a handful all by myself if i really deal with who i am i ain't got time to be dealing with what you doing and not doing because i need to pay attention to my [Applause] and the moment you thought you handled something how many of you know that's the moment that you find out that it still trips you up and you say god i thought i dealt with that and god said nope you didn't deal with it long enough why don't you get yourself and sit yourself on the altar until you handle your [Applause] and never never get too cocky never get too cocky never think that just because it happened a long time ago that it can't happen again because how many of you know it don't take nothing but a flashback to have a relapse i got some people 20 20 taught you that you thought you was over some stuff that god reminded you you still need to put yourself on the altar every single day [Applause] so he says so he says so here's what i want you to do so here's what i want you to do romans 12 and 1 in the message bible god helping you take your every day look at somebody say air day not just sunday i need to deal with me every day have i got some honest believers that say every day and when i leave church i gotta deal with me i gotta deal with me in the parking lot i gotta deal with me on the way to church i gotta deal with me every take yo take your everyday ordinary life yo sleeping so you make sure you don't go to bed with nobody you're supposed to be sleeping with self eating so you make sure that you put that plate down when you know that you should you're going to work so you make sure you go on time and don't cuss nobody out while you're there you're walking around life your everyday ordinary sleeping eating going to work walking around life look at somebody tell them that's your whole life take your whole life put it on the altar get comfortable get comfortable how many of you know you gotta learn how to tell you know [Applause] somebody shout now [Applause] you got to learn how to lock yourself in the house when you know you want to go i'm not going i want to go but i'm not going i got to get off instagram because they look like they having a good time and i'm not going i know if i'm go i'm going to act up if i go it's going to be evidence they're going to take videos and pictures and videos and pictures and videos and pictures and videos i am not going i can't go cause i wanna go i can't go cause i love to go i can't go cause i like to go i can't go cause i feel like i need to go so instead of going i'm going to shut the door and tell myself [Applause] i used to i made up this chain a while ago that says learn to say no when you could say yes sir when you have to say no you can [Applause] yup if i see you posted you better have my name behind it learn to say no when i could say yes so when i have to say no i can't say it again learn to say no when i could say yes so when i have to say no i can i gotta build in nose so when i have to pull on a no i gotta know on the inside of me not for something i don't want cause it's easy to say no for what you don't want but it's hard to say no for what you do want and you gotta build the muscle of denying yourself so that when you need to deny yourself the most you know how to learn to say no you could say yes you can i'm gonna practice self-denial i'm a practice self-denial practicing self-denial is essential if i'm ever gonna have wealth i'm going to have to practice delayed gratification come on tell yourself i've got to practice delay gratification come on if it costs over a certain amount i got to sleep on it i'm not going to impulse buy if it costs over 500 i gotta sleep on it i'll call you in the morning if it costs over a thousand i gotta sleep on it because i don't wanna impulse buy cause i'll start buying stuff i don't need just to impress people that i don't like and i'll start hanging with people that can afford it and trying to act like i can afford it just because they can but i'm gonna have to learn how to celebrate them shopping while i tell myself now [Applause] if i'm gonna lose weight i gotta learn to say no i gotta learn to say no if i'm gonna lose weight i'm gonna learn to say no if i'm gonna graduate i gotta learn to say no if i'm gonna start the business i'm gonna learn to say no self denial is a part of my promotion nobody can tell me no i gotta tell myself no because selflessness and sacrifice keeps me from being self-absorbed selflessness and sacrifice keeps me from being self-absorbed so it's in my little desks of dying to myself then i learned that it's not about me so so because god is about to trust me with something great he got to make sure that i don't think that i'm more important than him and so he will make me practice putting myself last to make sure that he can trust me to be first how many of you know that he flipped leadership and the leader is not the one that's on top the leader is the one that serves everybody so before i make you ruler over many i gotta make sure that you managed a little [Applause] so he says on your way from your temporary to your permanent i'm gonna make you practice selflessness put yourself on the altar of selflessness because when you learn to become comfortable in selflessness then titles don't matter positions don't matter people can't people can't dangle carrots in front of you to try to get you to do something that you not because you know who you are you know what you can do you know what you can't do you know you and god says now that you know who you are and you're not self-absorbed and you learn to live on the altar of selflessness and sacrifice then every morning you go back to it every night you go back to it in the middle of the day you go back to it when you feel your flesh rising and it's not always about fussing or cussing sometimes it's just about being more than you need to be in a moment and god says let me release and promote you but i need to know i can trust you with what i'm about to give you look at your neighbor and say can god trust you with what he's about to give you can he trust you with your prayer can he trust you with your bread dude can he trust you with your promotion if your answer is yes can you lift your hands and worship for five seconds and declare yes lord yes yes yes yes yes god yes yes yes yes i'll live here i'll live here i'll live here i live here i live here and i'll never forget that i'm here i live here then i'll never forget that i'm here and god say great now that you learn how to live on the altar of selflessness now you learn how to seek ye first the kingdom of god in his righteousness then i can add stuff to you now i can trust you now i can trust you yeah yeah yeah when you start letting go of stuff now i can put stuff on your life when you start releasing anger and resentment now i can trust you with power because if you're a bitter person and you come into power you just going to abuse everybody that you un that's all that you over so when i can trust you with forgiveness now i can add to you power and blessing god say now now now now now that i can trust you now that you on the altar of being on your self-alter now i can put some stuff for you because if you seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness all these things shall be added to you you won't have to look for it it will come looking for you how many of you know that god's about to add some stuff to you because of what you gave away [Applause] you didn't hear what you didn't hear what i said have i got some people that ever sacrificed you ever gave it away you ever gave it away look at somebody and say god's going to increase you for everything that you gave away you cannot look at it like a loss you have to look at it like a seed i said you cannot look at it like a lost you got to look at it like a seed and how many of you know that if it's a seed it's about to grow good measure press down shake it again [Applause] you say now that i can trust you i can add to you now now that i can trust you in that room i can put you in the room i can trust you with the house i can i can put you in the house cause you you ain't gonna make the house more than me now now that i can trust you with money now i can give you money cause if i gave you money before you got rid of self you'd have spent all the money on you now that i know that you know the money ain't about you but it's about what i want to do through you now i can make you have increase and you'll never run out i got some people that learned that lesson and god elevated you quickly i got some people that god said listen when you seek me first you become a magnet for manifestation you become attractive for your assignment everything that's assigned to you is looking for you i need you to tell five people is looking for you is looking for you right now because of your season of loss and your season of shedding god's about to add to you for everything you had to go through publicly god's about to bless you publicly for every lie they told on you and you didn't fight back god's about to be your redeemer i need somebody to receive it to open up your mouth and release yourself he was getting ready to cuss him out you you had the words all lined up your good cuss words you was like oh i'm about to get you and god say yep [Applause] and because you didn't cuss them out god said i'm going to let them not count you out because you didn't cut them out i'ma make your enemies your footstool and the very people that talked about you gonna have to turn around and bless you somebody ought to shout if you believe [Applause] see people think that increase happens people think that increase happens people think that increase happens differently increase happens in selflessness i must decrease so that he can see the world say if you want to increase increase god said you want to increase decrease and the more you decrease is the more you when people see your increased season yeah but they don't see your decreased season oh they see your muscles and your new body that you didn't buy but they didn't see you going to the gym at five o'clock in the morning while you was hungry and [Applause] sleepy see your highlights but they don't see your behind the scenes real god says it's on the altar of self-denial that i add to you because now i know i can trust you i can trust you with the next seat because you learn how to manage yourself when you learn how to manage yourself and he adds stuff to you now you're like what i'm gonna do with all this stuff what i'm gonna do with all this stuff i don't need nothing i have no luck i have abundance and no luck all my debt is paid all my knees are met my body is good my mind is good my relationships is good my friendship is good what am i do with all this that god added to me see when you when you die in yourself you start looking for ways not to get a blessing but to be a blessing look at somebody and tell them i'm not trying to get a blessing i am the blessing you better look at somebody up and down and tell them i am the blessing you just got blessed cause i'm touched you you just got blessed because i'm sitting on your road you just got blessed cause i rode in your car you got blessed you got blessed cause i showed up i am not looking for a blessing i am [Applause] i'll be i don't got to be cocky or arrogant you mistake it for arrogance because it's confidence who he think he is i am who god says i am and i hope you find out who you are cause the same king that's my king is the same king that's your king and just because you don't know you don't mean i'm not gonna know me get over it [Applause] i'm not gonna keep i'm not gonna keep down playing myself to make you comfortable i didn't put this stuff on me god put it on me and if you really knew me you'll know that all i'm trying to do is look for somebody else that i can bless her i need somebody that's contagiously blessed to fist bump five people and tell them what's on me is on you i'm looking for somebody to get debt free i'm looking for somebody for god to deliver i'm looking for somebody for god to save i'm looking the same god that helped me graduate is about to help you graduate the same god that opened up doors for me is about to open up doors for you i'm not trying to be arrogant i'm trying to help you to walk in your god-given authority god has a seat for you he's about to move you from temporary to permanent from temporary to permanent find you a new neighbor and rub up against them and tell them i'm contagiously i'm contagiously blessed the favor of god is on my life and i will not apologize for it because i paid the price to be where he put me and i didn't put it on myself he put it on me and the same god that put it on me will put it on you you'll be a fool to be this close to what god is doing and not snatching for yourself i need somebody to lift up your hands and release a shout out and declare there is no goodness of my owner but everything that i have is because of the grace of god that's all [Applause] [Music] i can't hear you [Music] put your flesh down and tell god he get the glory put your flesh down and tell god it's because of you the bigger you make god the bigger you'll get the glory out of your life release your sound and think about his goodness [Music] in my center so my mama hey hey don't apologize for your decree because they didn't go to school give god praise because he helped your mind [Music] we start adding stuff to you he started adding stuff to you [Music] and when he adds up to you you start looking for somebody and something to do with what he put on you tell somebody i'm looking for somebody i'm looking for somebody to mentor i'm looking for somebody to coach i'm i'm looking for somebody to disciple i'm looking for somebody to help see though see the myth is you try to wait till you get where you're going to help somebody the truth is if you help somebody where you at it'll help you get where you're going faster when you give away everything you know god said now you just made room for more i'm trying to teach you that your success is locked up in your sacrifice i say now that we got that clear i'm not just gonna give you the bag the body i mean i'm not just gonna give you the bag i'm like i want your body before i give you the bag i want your body before i give you the bag because if i get your body before i give you the bag then i can trust you with the bag i can't trust you with the bag until i can trust you that everything you have belongs to me and when i know that you live on that altar of selflessness then i can trust that everything i put in your possession you're looking for a way for me to multiply it and use it and so god said now that you live there now i can trust you with seed come on look at somebody and say he's giving you some seed he's giving you some seed he's giving you seed he's giving you seed he's giving you seed he's giving you seed that you don't see come on tell your praise partner telling you tell them he's giving you seed that you don't see there is something in your house in your possession in your pocket in your mind in your heart you sitting on a million dollar idea there is something in your skill set that god has given you in seed form and until you see it in seed form you won't know what to do with it lift your hands and say god show me show me show me my seed show me my seed show me my seed i don't want to just keep begging for more and i haven't done nothing with what you gave me show me show me show me show me what i already have show me show me show me show me show me my seed show me my seed show me my seed because my seed is the way for me to have multiplication and increase and god says everybody has something i have not given anyone nothing everybody has something but if you think that everything i put in your hand is for you you'll never look for what you're supposed to do without what i've given you but when you become a conduit and say god flow through me god bless you me god use me god help me to be a blessing to somebody you start looking around and say who can i bless who can i bless who can i bless who can i bless who can i bless her who can i bless who can i bless who can i bless who can i bless who can i bless and i got some people around here that's looking for somebody to help looking for somebody to bless that you say god whatever you put in my hands i will multiply it i will multiply it whatever you put on my life i will multiply it so now i can trust you with your next seat i know that it's not about you that you'll bring your body on your back now i can trust you with seed now he who supplies seed to the sower how do you get seed how do you get seed you got to decide that you're a sower before you get seed because god don't want your seed to be trapped up in yourself he said now he who supply seed to the sower and bread for the food will also increase your store of seed and will enlarge your harvest of righteousness now that i've processed you through self now i can trust you with seed on the seed altar and now you don't wear this like it's yours you start looking for people to put it on who want this no matter how much you give it away it's something about a seed i keep trying to release it but it keep coming i ain't got no seed sowers up in here i keep trying to show it but no matter how much i sow it it keeps coming back because the power of a seed is that if you release it it'll come back to you good measure press down shake it together and write it over i need somebody that got some running over blessings to lift your eyes and give god stand on your feet the rest of you when you on that altar of self pastor will and god add to you you god you try to look for ways to be a blessing pastor hannah and then being that blessing and just keep coming back and now you lived your life releasing and receiving releasing and receiving releasing and receiving releasing and receiving releasing and receiving [Music] [Music] time i send it out i'm releasing i'm releasing [Music] you want to declare for the rest of this year i'm about to enter into a perpetual harvest where i'm releasing and receiving and every time i turn around it's coming back how's it coming back good measure press down shake it together running over find you seven people in the building and tell them i'm releasing and receiving i'm releasing and receiving i'm releasing and receiving i'm releasing online and receiving tag somebody tell them i'm releasing and receiving i'm releasing favor and receiving i'm releasing healing and receiving i'm releasing blessings and receiving i'm releasing and receiving i'm releasing and receiving i'm releasing and receiving i'm releasing and receiving releasing receiving i'm releasing see i'm releasing let me hear you saying judge what i'm releasing and receiving [Music] receive put your hands up like this so there's nothing in your hand clothes hands can't receive and clothes hands can't release i'm going to enter into a season that up i see of releasing and receiving i'm going to enter into a season of perpetual harvest and i will not run out i will not be self-absorbed everything god puts in my hand is for me to multiply and the only way i multiply is by releasing it i will get over greed it's selfishness you can't take advantage of me if i give it away you can't take what i give see some of you worried about giving it because you don't want to be taken advantage of but you cannot take away from me what i give you jesus said no man can take my life because i lay it down you can't take my kindness if i give you kindness you can't take my love if i give you love you can't take my favor if i give you favor you can't take my money if i give it to you and if i give it to you it's a seed if i give it to you it's a seed if i give it to you it's a seed if i give it to you it's a seed and if i sow it to you it's coming back and if i sow it to you it's coming back hey if i sow it to you it's coming back watch if i sow it to you it's coming back hey if i show it to you it's coming back if i sow it to you it's coming back if i sow it to you it's coming back it's coming back it's coming back good measure press down shake it again good measure press down shake it again good measure press down shake it again good mansion press down shake it again hey good mess press down shake it again good match press down shaking again goodness press down shaking again good mess press down shake it together and running over and running over and running over and over and over it's running over it's running over it's running over and over and over it's running over it's running over it's running over and over and over it's running over it's running over it's running over look at somebody tell them it's running over it's running over it's running over and over and over it's running over it's running over it's running over and over and over it's running over it's running over it's running over and over [Applause] [Music] come on release our praise come on release what season you in releasing and receiving come on release of praise [Applause] [Music] people ask me people say how did you give up your church how did you how did you give up your church it wasn't it wasn't broke down it wasn't shabby it was it was it was a thriving thing ministry how did you give it up i said god told me first of all that is his not my i was wrestling with this and i was praying about this and i was struggling god showed me how isaac when god asked abraham to give up isaac isaac wasn't frail broken unable to fend for himself not strong or weak he was a full-grown strong boy that when he laid down he said to his father he said where would i get this sacrifice he said god gonna provide but it's gonna be you isaac was big enough to get off of the altar but he willfully laid it down and god gave me the analogy of isaac he said listen i don't ask for something that ain't working i don't ask for something that's broke i don't ask for something that's about to fail i want something that you want i want something that you love i want something that you can feel i want something that's gonna hurt i want you to recognize that it is mine and if i said i want it it's a seed treat it like a seed i said treat it like a seed he said treat it like a seed put it on the altar and give it to me like a seed because if you feel like you lost it you lost it if you feel like you gave it out of obedience to me then you got a harvest coming he said what if i told you that the assignment of that has been fulfilled and now i want to take that use it as a seed in the earth and make it more than what it is and if you keep it all it'll be is what it is but if you release it it can become something more [Music] see people give up stuff that they don't want easy but it's hard to give up something you love something you want [Music] it's hard it's hard and everybody else see it on the outside they're like oh my god look [Music] but they didn't see you they didn't see you they didn't see you they didn't see you on the altar crying begging asking god is it another way asking god can you please figure out another way figure out another way they didn't see you they didn't see you they didn't see you when nobody else saw you they just saw you they just saw you they just saw you when other people see you they didn't see you they didn't see you they didn't see you when nobody else saw you they just see you they just see you when other people see you but it's not when people see you this when god saw you and nobody else saw you that's when he can see you and they see you when everybody see you but they don't see you and nobody saw you and they want to talk about you now cause they see you but they wasn't there when nobody saw you they don't see you they don't see you they don't see you when nobody else see you they don't see you they don't see you they don't see you when nobody else sees you they only see you they only see you they only see you when everybody see you then they see you and they say you just want to be seen i say treat it like a seed so it can become more interesting never shared this before close here 2014 i came to new life at the farm on a sunday in my sabbatical and i just followed pastor hannah around all day all four yikes from the morning all the way to the last one and i watched them get up and preach awful preach our phone reach out fo reach out fo preach y'all folks read y'all i was like this man a machine people got saved man out go again turn it down bring it up send them out go again go down check it out go again i was tired just watching it was in 2014 seven years ago somebody said seven years ago in that service while i was on my sabbatical sitting on the front row watching him do his thing he he raised the first it was that season when he was raising receiving the temple offering and he put the vision up he's like we would temper off in the gold envelope see i remember them and i was sitting in that surface when the gold envelope was dropping he was like yo we receiving the offering you want a thousand dollars put a break and fall of them found that he's like we're going to get a building because this is crazy sending out bring them in put them outside them and i'm saying i'm bringing them in we got time for this seven years ago i was in that service god challenged me in between after i sat there and watched to give the biggest offering i had ever given at that time with the exception of a seed that i planted to start our church my wife and i are a church whole thing he said to give a ten thousand dollar seed sending that offer that's why i said you wonder what it took me all photo to do it he told me at 7 30 9 30 i said five two god two come on god two eleven thirty i said all right all right five five five time i got to 1 30 he said i said 10 and i ain't gonna say it no more i called my wife i was like hey god says he said with the man of god if god said do it he said that's easy for you to say you at home i gotta write this check i told pastor i said pastor hannah god told me to sow a seed he said all right call in the people calling he called in darnell called him in the back room i said how do i give let's see now told me how to give he told me how to give so to see for the ten thousand dollars into the temple project [Music] you don't know where i'm going with this y'all ain't got that much discernment and y'all can't see what i see in the back room i didn't give it in a line it was no large audience it was in the back room a quiet shaking my hand knees trembling obedience see put it in the ground released it seven years later seven years later seven years later seven years later look at somebody tell them shattered seven years later seven years who would have thought that a seed that i was sowing into the future i'll be standing in the building on the sea that i saw y'all i better i didn't sow the seed so i could stand on the stage i sowed the seed because god had something in mind that i didn't know but my thin giving made room for my future receiving i need somebody to know that your scene's about to go in your future and open up a door release of praise and give god [Music] somebody give god a shout like you got some seed in the ground somebody give god shout like you put something down that don't nobody know about it's coming up it's coming up it's coming up it's coming up it's coming up it's coming up it's coming up [Music] somebody clap your hands and say it's coming up come on i don't even know how it's coming up but it's coming up you couldn't have told me that that seed was gonna turn into this moment but you're now giving makes the way of your future receiving somebody under the sound of my voice needs to give your life because giving your life today is going to save your life in two weeks giving your life today is going to save your family next month giving your life today is going to save your family in seven years it's not just about your money bring your body and your bag there's somebody under the sound of my voice that needs to give your life to jesus today where you at lift your hand let your hand then come i see you come come i see you i see you come come new life stay standing so they don't have to step on your toes while they walking out the aisle come come on seven of y'all seven of y'all come come come come i see you coming thank you new life for clapping here's somebody coming pastor hannah's on the altar want to greet you come on man of god your children need this online come on come on woman of god your family need this in the back in the balcony come on this side come whosoever will let him come come come now come now your life your life will never be the same i see you coming i see you coming one is coming come on come come on that's right bro come on sis come now come on come on keep praying with me new life sin has been handled selflessness has been handled your life becomes the seed online text the word new life to 91694 in the building somebody else is coming come on don't be ashamed don't be abandoned don't worry about your sin has been handled come on man of god come on woman of god new life can't you press and pray with me come on come on if you're here there's another button there's another brother here there's a man here come on man of god your children your generation your breakthrough your blessing your favor is coming on this moment come on it's on this moment come on woman of god come on is on this moment it's on this moment it's on this moment father i pray everyone under the sound of my voice i pray god for you to bring salvation in the moment bring healing bring restoration break the bonds of fear and let them be set free come on you're here i want to take a moment for you you're here come on don't make us beg he already prayed the price and did it all for your sacrifice and for your life i can't see you i want you to come now if you're here one has come there's another there's five online come on there's another person [Music] there's another person coming come on i want you to come i can't see you but i know you here i can't see you when i know you're here i want you to give your life to jesus now don't be ashamed i know you're here i break fear tears in your eyes tears in your eyes come on man of god come on tears in your eyes sin has been already handled come on man of god your family is there there he is come on man of god with the boys i can feel you in the room your boys was at stake come on i could feel come on the father's coming with the sons come on give god praise [Music] come on tears in the ass [Music] your sin has been erased father we thank you for salvation come on i can feel it how many of you remembered when you could feel god pulling you but you were afraid to come come on don't be afraid your family's at stake your future is that state father we trust you we thank you for salvation here and online for taking care of our sins for dealing with ourself and for giving us an increase of seed and we will see the harvest in the lives of your people and we give you thanks and praise and glory and honor in jesus name amen new life can you join the angels men and women of god this man down the center is going to take you to the room to pray with you those of you that are online that prayed that prayer text the prayer 91694 come on give your life to christ somebody's gonna call you and reach out new life clap your hands and give god a praise tell your neighbor i'm moving from temporary to permanent [Music] your your now giving is making way for your future receiving what you do now is going into the future and creating a portal for you as we prepare our offering our time how many tithers are here i'm gonna tie the tai biz what is a tie tie this 10 off of your every resource that god puts in your hand you give it to him off the top the 10 sanctifies covers bless the 90 protects the 90 90 10 off the top and then your offering is over and above your tithe over and above your time you say god here's what i give as an offering i give and it shall be given to me good measure press down shaking together running over seven ways it comes back to you [Music] shall men give to you somebody declares somebody is looking to be a blessing somebody is looking to be a blessing for me to me [Music] [Music] you can give text to give you can give by melanin if you're here in the building there's a mailboxes giving boxes in the wall on both sides that you can sow into how many of you gave to the temple dedication already i gave to that i did too i'm still giving to it your seed will move from now into your future one side has all the names in it of the people that gave to get us here the other side is going to be all the names of people that help us pay it off how many of you declare we're going to be debt-free come on and what's on god's house is on my house how many of you tapped into a debt-free house i'm tapped into a death there's offering envelopes out there gold envelopes you can give in the app there says temple you can give there sow your seed as god bless you it's a thousand dollar seat or more under the wall under the flow season you never imagine where your seed is going into the future give your tithe and your offering do your very best in your offering giving 150 25 as you see everybody's standing on your feet we're about to make our our declaration did you learn something today i love y'all i'm i'm i'm so honored to serve with you and to be in this season and deceit i could have never imagined i could have never imagined but god does exceedingly and abundantly above all you can ask or think how many of you believe you'll now see this going into your future why you lift your hand up because you believe that and lift your offering up and declare with us i am a tither and a giver [Music] i am blessed beyond pleasure i have i'm living i'm living in ephesians how long you doing you believe that how long are you living there your season of releasing and receiving all right may the lord bless you keep your prayers tuesday bible study thursday afterglow is coming back this tuesday night online y'all [Applause] go get your children god bless you all visitors pastor and i will meet you in the hallway be safe live your life you're moving from permanent to from temporary to permanent we'll see you at 12 30. some of you at home watching you need to get to the building come on get up get dressed and come on to the building come to the house of god he's shifting you i love you i'm praying for you god bless you stay traumas go get your children go get your children god bless you see you [Music] yes later you
Channel: Jermone Glenn
Views: 2,538
Rating: 4.964602 out of 5
Id: nww7tlc2ZM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 55sec (6175 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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