🐙 r/EntitledParents ENTITLED FAMILY STORIES EP 17 | r/EntitledParents Top Posts of All Time

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pay there mister read it here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way Karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak twenty ones manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the RER me today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video our slash entitled parents how dare you break your leg at my party our cast we've got entitled mom we've got ex best friend and we've got me background so me and ex friend used to be best friends she had shown some entitlement before but i usually brushed it off as she was just tired or sad or cranky i always made up some excuse I don't know why to be honest anyways because ex friend had her birthday she invited me because I was her best friend now this party was at a roller skating rink and I loved roller skating so of course I said yes that and I still thought she was my best friend at the time on to the story so an ex friend invites me to the party I was really excited I got her a present and everything it was the best problem is when we got there she totally ditched me to hang out with some other girls she invited to her party I thought whatever just means I get to skate more a few hours of skating later the announcer at the roller rink called out that it was time to play some games racing limbo matched the number hokey-pokey etc I decided to do something stupid I had seen other people stop skating by doing this trick where they skidded to a screeching halt all while maintaining their balance I decided to try to do that only problem was I had never done that before I ended up losing my balance and falling backwards while my left leg folded underneath me I will never forget the sickening crack of bones that I heard when I landed at first I was in shock and my brain hadn't registered the pain yet so I was just laying on the ground no one came to help me at first because they probably assumed I had just fallen but within seconds my brain realized that oh pain and I started sobbing I ripped my skates off and curled into a fetal position cradling my leg close to me then someone realized I wasn't okay and rushed over to help me when they realized I couldn't stand they called for a wheelchair it was only then that ex-friend realized that something was happening and that was because no one was looking at her anymore and we're all staring my way with mixed expressions of shocked and empathy when she finally looked my way she seemed shocked at first as well but her face seemed to morph into a glare I can't be sure if it actually did because my eyes were pretty blurry from the tears I'll spare you all the other details but I ended up going to the hospital via ambulance the rest of the story will be told from my mom's perspective as I was riding in an ambulance and was not there to witness this according to my mom after I left ex-friend went straight to her mom and started complaining ex-friend ah I can't believe her Opie totally ruined my birthday party I bet she did that on purpose she's probably not even that hurt why can't just one day be all about me entitled mom I know sweetie I'm sorry I'll take you out to eat later to make up for it go tell your friends that the party is over ex-friend begrudgingly went to go tell them the party was over so that she and her mom could go with my mom to the hospital my mom said that when ex-friend told her friends the party was over it was because Opie purposely hurt herself and that I had wanted all the attention and several other things I don't care to name mom was mad as heck when she overheard eggs friend but she didn't do anything because she had bigger things to deal with like a daughter with broken bones eventually ex friend and entitled mom left with my mom to go see me and according to my mom next friend was glaring out the window the entire time and grumbling under her breath about how I ruined her party and was probably lying about being hurt well guess what I wasn't after I got to the hospital they took x-rays and determined that I had two broken bones I had snapped both my tibia the big bone in your calf that spans to your knee and my growth plate the bone in your ankle that helps you grow in half and there were splinters coming from the bones I had broken my bones so bad that it warranted surgery and that's what I got when I heard about what ex-friend had said I was absolutely heartbroken I don't know why I didn't just drop her right then it would have saved so much heartache next we've got entitled mom attempts to steal / burn my notebook backstory I draw things I see in my nightmares to keep them from becoming reoccurring problems new ones form and replace the ones like get out of my head anyway so why do I try our cast we've got me entitled mom entitled kid nice man and park security let's get to it so one day I was at a park drawing in my notebook when out of the blue came the whale our entitled mom with her entitled kid entitled kid look mommy an artist points at me entitled mom cool wanna ask her to draw you untitled kid entitled kid yeah me oh sorry I don't really draw people I only draw to get nightmares out of my head sorry please no sorry bud I can't draw that well let me see entitled kid then looks at my drawings turns shade of pale and runs screaming to entitled mom mommy her drawings are scary really let me see them me I'd rather not let go of this if you don't mind miss it's just a notebook let me see it snatch is my notebook hey give that back entitled mom also turns a shade of pale these drawings are horrifying takes out a lighter and hold it up to my notebook no give me back my notebook these demonic [ __ ] need to burn I snatch back my notebook No they're mine enter nice man nice man what are you doing to this young lady's notebook ma'am entitled mom no you have it wrong this girl was trying to steal my notebook so I am burning it so she can't she's lying nice man let me see it okay I hand him the notebook No nice man who drew these me I did and I can prove it in any way you asked no I did and I shouldn't need to prove it because she clearly stole the notebook nice man okay he turns to me duplicate the signature at the bottom of the drawings to prove ownership of the notebook me all right I duplicate it perfectly nice man here you go ann's me my notebook entitled mom what what you seriously going to take that as proof any idiot can duplicate a signature nice man turns to entitled mom you refused to prove it and she did it perfectly so like in deduce that it was hers entitled mom fine dip me the notebook try several times and eventually makes a horrible chicken scratch version of my signature there now give me my notebook nice man no your duplicate is hardly anything close to hers so it clearly belongs to her nice try entitled mom then tries to attack nice man but just as she does Park security shows up security whoa whoa whoa calm down ma'am and titled mom no they are trying to steal my notebook security turns to me and nice man is this true me no she tried to steal and burn my notebook nice man I can prove it I had them duplicate this signature under the drawing and she gestures to me did it perfectly and she gestures to entitled mom made one that is barely legible I can show you security let me see have them eat you do it again nice man okay hands me the notebook would you mind doing that again sure I do it perfectly once again nice man now you hands it to entitled mom do it again no I have done it once already security do it ma'am or I will be forced to take you in for attempting to steal and burn personal property and attempted assault fine give me the notebook nice man there you go adds it to entitled mom entitled mom takes it and Sprint's away with her kid Intel security quickly caught her and returned the notebook to me security here you go miss ends me the notebook me thank you mr. security guard you're welcome miss Opie by the way I read your signature that's how I know your name entitled mom struggling to break security's grip let me go now you horrible excuse for a security guard or I'll sue security calls officers to pick up entitled mom nope this is your fault you brought it on yourself by trying to steal miss Opie's notebook and attempting to assault mr. nice man next we've got entitled mom knows better than the dr. caste we've got me we've got entitled stepmom we've got granddad and little sister on to the show I recently had a stomach problem where I couldn't go to the toilet properly I won't go into details and I went to go see a doctor as it had been going on for about two days entitled mom couldn't take me because she had to go shopping and my dad was at his work so granddad had to come and pick me up and take me to the doctors we talked to the doctor bla bla bla and he told me to take something called benefiber which is just wheat I bought some on my way home with granddad when we got back home entitled mom had to do something important so entitled mom told me to go home with granddad entitled mom hadn't specified when to come back or anything so it was a surprise when I got a phone call from her asking where I was and why I wasn't home when I got driven back I took the benefiber with me inside entitled mom what's that me um it's been a fiber what's that it's just wheat to help me digest food properly the questions went on so I'll skip ahead a little bit entitled mom gave me the container I hand it over and she reads the contents my gawd they think this is good for you all it is is weed you should be having this instead it's better and healthier for you the container she hands to me is one of those vegan run companies and it contains stuff that I don't need me I will have the benefit and that's it but that's bad for you and you should trust me sure I'll trust five minutes of internet experience over someone with five years of medical experience yes you should trust me over the doctor I sighed and walked away I thought that was it but no later that day entitled mom tells my dad and little sister that the benefiber is bad for me dad tells her that it's not and walks off to do something for work little sister believes entitled mom and when I next put it over my soup little sister says it's bad for me and I'll keep getting sick I tell her that it's what the doctor gave me but she says entitled mom is always right oh well it's fine now or is it the next morning I wake up and to have breakfast I'm not going to school an entitled mom doesn't have a job so she is at home I make my breakfast and look for the benefiber I can't see it anywhere so I ask entitled mom where it is she keeps looking at her phone and says she doesn't know I feel like something is up so I look in the bin and hey presto it's sitting right there at the top I don't tell entitled mom but I get it out and wash it and then use some entitled mom comes over looks at what I'm doing and has a disgusted look she just stares at me then walks away next we've got entitled parent nearly crashes into us on a busy roundabout blames my grandfather though cast we've got me about ten in this story we've got entitled mom a woman with less car safety know-how than me we've got granddad we've got grandmother and my brother the story so me and my brother went to a theme park with our grandparents we had a great time as I was finally tall enough to go on a ride called the eagle's claw which spins around in a massive circle so we were on our way home after losing all feeling in my legs and we had to go a roundabout which cut off two four roads we had to go around twice because it was that busy on the second time around a small grayish mini pulled up and charged headfirst into this cluster mess of tired people wanting to get home it was about 7:30 because we went out for dinner this woman pulled into the fray about an inch from my Gran's dark blue car so we get to the road we need to go up when suddenly the car in front of us screeched to a stop and this crazy looking woman steps out in bright red heels and walks over towards our car entitled mom what the heck are you doing that was very dangerous you should have waited for me to go forwards grandad it's all grandma grandad dear Opie and his brother are in here grandad breathing slowly it's a bloomin roundabout we wouldn't be able to stop to let you in you flew in front of us you're crazy bent I think he and grand didn't know I knew what they meant entitled mom I don't care you useless overweight piece of crap for description my grandfather is about 5 foot 8 mutton chopped and balding on the top now he may look like a taller Danny DeVito with the mustache and getting a bit of a beer belly in his old age but if given the chance he would probably be ready to chuck this Sigourney Weaver looking jerk in front of an oncoming 16 wheeler the entitled mom starts walking back to her car and as a joke I hope for her sake my granddad floored it and just barely missed her and I swear to whatever god that crazy moving stick with heels and a coat follows her little sevenish kid in the back lifted his middle plum sized finger to flip us off untitled golfer blocks my way to go home while screaming at me to go home this happened a while back when I had foot surgery I live on a golf course and there is a path that golfers used to get to different holes like every golf course part of the path is 20 feet from my house my friend was coming back from the gym which is approximately 500 feet from my house she was coming over for a visit there are two paths and one goes the opposite direction so she chose the wrong one she called me saying she was lost so I decided to come outside to see where she was and meet her halfway on the path to my house since I was on crutches at the time so she finally sees me and comes to me we both made sure we were out of the way of any golf carts that needed to get by demon spawn starts angrily walking up to us and here is how the conversation goes gasps we've got entitled golfer we've got me and we've got my friend entitled golfer what the heck do you think you're doing walking on my golf course I look at her like she must be confused I'm sorry ma'am I'm not sure if you understand that this is the neighborhood Golf Course and I'm allowed to walk here just as much as you are entitled golfer clearly sees that I have a boot and I am on crutches and looks at my friend entitled golfer what were you doing wandering over there being in the way of the other golfers friend I was lost I've never taken this way to her house before and I wasn't in the way the only golfers could easily drive past me they didn't seem to mind that I was there entitled golfer looks at me and says well you two need to go back to where you belong and get off the path because you can't be here on my course I roll my eyes and start hobbling on back to my house which was clearly not the way she wanted me to go hey I told you to get off the dang Golf Course lady my house is literally right there I point to it it was not even 50 feet from where we were standing no you can't go that way you have to walk all the way around the neighborhood that would probably take two hours especially since I'm already in pain and sweating from the heat it was also quite a distance because my neighborhood is big then you just drive home you little jerks it will only take a minute or two I look at her like she's insane um you can clearly see that I can't drive because I just had a foot surgery my friend and my car is in the shop so I don't have it with me I walked here entitled golfer then call your dang parents so me being a smarty pretend to call my dad who is currently on base at Fort Belvoir of course he doesn't answer because you can't have your phone on base I leave a message and say hey dad I know you're currently doing PT with the other soldiers at Fort Belvoir but I need you to come home so you can drive me home from the golf course that's behind our house this lady won't let me walk 50 feet to our front door because I'm not allowed on her way ok see you in about two hours thank you bye-bye I look at entitled golfer and say okay so he'll be here in about two hours you're more than welcome to stay here with us until he comes untitled golfer gives me this angry look I'm just as angry my foot was hurting and I felt like I was about to pass out some of y'all might ask why didn't you just ignore her and keep walking no this jerk parked her golf cart in the way and stood in front of us blocking our way back to my house entitled golfer well I'm not waiting here for two hours that's ridiculous can't you see that her son is sweating from the heat I need to take him home so you understand why I'm trying to go home now I need my medication as well untitled golfer looks at my foot again to see I have a boot and it's bandaged up to an titled golfer I bet you're not even injured you're just probably faking it for attention her kid tried pulling my crutch from me and says mommy I want to play with the metal things why won't she let me me excuse me you don't just get to assume crap about me you don't even know me and get your kid off me before I call the police I started to try and walk around her but it's hard walking in the mud and wet grass on crutches she saw that I nearly fell okay fine go home but I never want to see your face again around here snaps a photo of me if I see you again I'm calling the police me it's okay I never want to see your ugly face again either go ahead call the police I have a right to be here since my family owns this property this point I was in my backyard I look at my friend and say man she is a nightmare and she just laughs to this day I have never seen her by my health again next we've got my feathery bodyguard gets revenge on entitled parent so I have two birds a major Mitchell's cockatoo and a crimson bellied conure as well as two dogs my birds are harnessed trained so I can safely take them outside I normally walk my dogs together and then my birds also separately so normally I do three walks a day weather permitting since it was a nice evening I decided to take my birds both of them out on a walk together as I didn't feel like going on a third walk I normally walk them separately because they get jealous when one gets attention and not the other my cockatoo is very skittish and my conure is extremely chill on walks this particular day my conure was content to make a tent out of my hair once I put his flight suit like a bird onesie and diaper all in one and harness my cockatoo was nervously excited screaming flapping and talking away happy to get outside sitting on my hand looking around at everything due to both of them being very attractive birds I try to walk them when we hardly ever see anyone my cockatoo hates everything and everyone with a passion except me and my mom where I live in summer it gets dark between 7:00 and 8:30 p.m. so it is easy to avoid people if I need especially because I live in a quiet middle-class area with lots of families so if I go at about 7:00 p.m. when most people eat I won't usually see anyone I am known in the area and people usually respect my space when I have the birds however a lot of new properties have come on the market so there are many new people around I was walking back home from my usual birdwalk route and walked down a huge flight of stairs the Sun was directly in my eyes so I couldn't see the people at the bottom my conure was sound asleep in my hair and my cockatoo was looking around contently when I got like 5/6 of the way down I could see the family in the empty cement parking lot we have above the park a man two boys about five and seven ish riding bikes and a woman I was wearing a hoodie with one of those huge oversized hoods so I put my cockatoo on my other shoulder and pulled the hood up we do this tons at home and she likes it I walk slightly angled so my cockatoo doesn't see the bikes kids or the man then I hear the words I always dread kid do mommy look a bird that lady has a bird they couldn't see my conure in my hair kid one pretty pretty birdie I smile and wave but keep walking at the same time at this stage my conure has heard voices and wants eyes on any potential danger so creeps up to under my chin on the collar of my hoodie my conure is very protective of me and attacks anyone that he senses is not good / angry or is just the man he just doesn't like man my cockatoo does similarly but doesn't bite just screams bloody murder and lunges when they get close I hear running footsteps and thinking it is one of the kids walk slightly faster hoping to discourage any interactions with them this is when I hear the him I keep walking then my cockatoo screams and she had tapped to the side of my hoodie my cockatoo was on my cockatoo freaks the heck out flapping to the ground screaming my conure has moved down my arm to my forearm nattering angrily as I pick up my cockatoo and start soothing her I look around and see entitled mom our kids are halfway between us and they're dead Oh promptly thank heck called them back what the heck is wrong with you I hiss not wanting to spook my cockatoo further my kids and I want to pet your birds she says morning at my cockatoo look lady I take it you have never done this before but birds are not dogs they are extremely skittish in particular plus my Birds bite so no I have a kangaroo pouch on my hoodie just for cases where my cockatoo or my conure gets spooked and I slip her in so I grab my conure that had puffed up and is swaying aggressively from side to side looking at entitled mom I put him on my shoulder outside the hoodie so he doesn't bite my ears he does that when he gets mad sometimes even if it's not at me bull crap they are wearing leads they are obviously tame she turns and goes to call out to the kids I assume but I cut her off No these birds are tame but only to me they will attack you leave me alone I go to turn and the lady grabs my arm this is when my conure had had enough he was a small fist sized ball of furry he lunged for her hand and bit down hard entitled mom yelled luckily my conure didn't hold on for long as she had yanked her hand away one of her knuckles bleeding not much but it was bleeding don't touch me or my animals how dare you you are going to hear from the police wait until I talk to your parents I am a 22 year old female and I look about 16 to 17 I hate my babyface listen up your disgusting human disease I am 22 you won't be talking to my parents but my cousin the city I live in city police lieutenant don't touch me or my animals again I stormed off I didn't want to see her expression or listen to any more BS safe to say my Birds and I will just be chilling outside in our backyard for a while this isn't the first time I have encountered ignorant people when it comes to my birds or my dogs but it was the most extreme next we've got entitled mom trying to cut the queue at checkout counter by being abusive and lying person a little background I work and live in Dubai and most of the time I shop from Cara for close to my apartment in here that's the closest thing to Walmart here I've seen care for in France as well since close to ninety percent of the people living here are expats who work and live here evening hours in the supermarkets and malls can get pretty crowded this happened three weeks back so I was getting some groceries on a Sunday evening after work the queue for cashier in the evening was pretty long fun fact Sunday we work here in UAE weekends are Friday and Saturday since I'm living alone and I hardly cook I had around 14 items which was mostly the snacks I indulged my evenings on so I was there getting close to the cashier there was just another guy in front of me with a shopping cart full of stuff and I was on my phone talking to a friend excuse me mister I heard someone talking to me to my left ear I told my friend a hole and turned around there was this entitled mom with a kid now this kid is not an entitled kid by any means she was too young to even say anything I told my friend on the phone that I'll call later since it wasn't anything important me yes ma'am entitled mom you mind if we go before you we are in a hurry and entitled mom looks 40 points at the basket in her kid's hand it's a small basket with some chocolate and a coloring book so I look at the eight or nine people behind me in the line and no one seems to have a problem judging from their face me sure no problem you can go ahead now entitled mom doesn't say thank you which doesn't matter to me anyway she cuts in the line the guy currently at the checkout is swiping his card and cashier is bagging the stuff entitled mom suddenly turns around and waves her hand and starts yelling entitled kid come over here yeah surprised is me everyone in the checkout counter turned around only to see the entitled kid with a trolley full of stuff literally more than 100 different items for sure everyone in my line combined wouldn't have that much stuff to check out me excuse me miss I was under the impression that you had two or three items to check out but this is a bit too much and I can see no one in the line would approve that most of us have been waiting here for over 15 minutes what are you saying I was here before you I was genuinely shocked I was like what no you weren't I was a bit confused like maybe she was there and told me to hold the place or something and I didn't notice because I was on the phone now already a couple of people are having big trolleys on the checkout counter which is pretty narrow it's two lines in the middle and two checkout counters on both sides kind of set up so entitled kid about 14 comes by pushing the cart through the line in a forced manner like literally he was not giving a darn and doing it by force so there is one bald guy he was on his phone all the time I thought he didn't care or he didn't even notice the whole thing but he had just happened to stop the cart by holding it when entitled kid was trying to squeeze it past him ball the guy you're not gonna cut the line not today entitled kid mom this jerk is stopping me now the entitled mom storms past me and goes to the bald guy who the heck do you think you are bald guy look these people are nice might let you get away with your BS but I'm not gonna let it happen and you need to teach your little jerk some manners I was in the queue ahead jerk and don't you dare preach to me on parenting no you weren't ask that guy me no you weren't you happen to trick us into thinking you got two items to cut the queue and you're being a really jerky person about it this time I was sure that she wasn't in the line before me by just looking at her face it was literally the face of someone who thinks themselves as I am so smart the rest of these people are stupid so I can get away with anything entitled mom I was there before you jerk weren't you staring at my bud pretending to be on the phone all the time me now that's it you're not gonna get on this queue or any queue today without waiting your turn jerk I would have stared at a pack of sour candy instead of her bud and I hate those candies I really wish that I could have come up with this line there at the moment so we hold the queue and call the manager to my surprise everyone else was calm and supportive and one guy actually said like maybe it would have been much quicker if we let her first but let's wait and get this crazy woman sorted out after a few minutes a manager shows up manager what's the problem entitled mom I was on the queue first and these two are not letting my kid through pointing at me and the bald guy another guy in the queue BS she was cutting the line saying she had only two items and her kid showed up later with a truckload manager just looks at everyone to see that they not and confirm his words manager then asks the cashier and she confirms the same entitled mom these people are lying manager it's safe to assume that you were cutting the queue then assuming everyone else is lying ma'am so you have to step out of the queue and start in the end of any queue Bs she turns to me you little liar and she tried to grab my phone maybe to break it I don't know I withdraw my phone and hand out of reflex manager that's it you are done in here we don't want you in here anymore apparently they can ban customers inside a store so entitled mom was removed immediately by the security and the manager apologized to everyone for the trouble the whole thing took about 20 minutes of everyone's time and that was Ed and our final story of the day entitled parents country club wannabes a little backstory my family and I are originally from New Jersey my parents retired to Florida I live in Texas for part of the year and in Florida with them the other part of the year the house in Florida is located inside a Golf and Country Club Villa Association there is a Country Club and although living there automatically means you can apply for membership you still have to pay for it to be long the club has two pools two golf courses a bar a restaurant snack bar driving range gym etc so we do use the membership at the club last summer we spent a majority of the days out at the pool the family pool is the larger one Olympic sized with swimming lanes up to ten feet deep and heat it there's another one for adults but it's not as deep and it's not heated we prefer the larger pool because we like the deep end and we like to swim laps the larger one also has a small covered area with two tables we are very fair and like to protect ourselves from the Sun now during the summer it is usually pretty quiet because all of the snowbirds are back in the north they are usually only in residents from the end of October until the beginning of April so we usually enjoyed having the pool to our selves or sharing with a couple of neighbors that we had made friends with but then about midsummer the obnoxious family arrived they were very obviously from Brooklyn I know that accent anywhere it was the entitled grandmother and grandfather they're entitled daughter who appeared to be in her younger 30s and her entitled devil spawn about six to seven I would guess the irony is that his name actually means an angel now these people only had one volume obnoxiously loud they would scream at their kid from across the pool instead of getting up they would just scream his name over and over while he kept misbehaving they would yell at him to get out and he would scream no from the middle of the pool his mother would talk on her cell phone all the time telling everyone just how important she is and of course she would threaten to call the devil spawns father who wasn't with her anymore I think it was self-preservation on his part these people thought the rules did not apply to them they brought their own alcoholic beverages and food with them the kid had large rafts in the water the kid also jumped into the pool right onto people in the pool it urinated into the pool he vomited into the pool they would throw their garbage over the pool fins they would just be generally obnoxious to the point that people just started leaving the area and now that brings us to the last interaction when I finally had enough it was this past March I guess the little devil spawn was on spring break mom and I decided to go to the pool and relax we both had our books and looked forward to getting into the water as soon as we got to our table I realized that the entitled family was at the next table over I told my mom we might not want to stay she asked why and I asked her if she recognized them then the mother screamed at the kid our our caste we've got me they've got my mom we've got Devil's spawn we've got entitled grandmother and titled grandfather entitled mom the snack bar employee the board member and my dad entitled mom spawn get out of the pool spawn no I don't want to spawn now entitle the grandmother spawn this goes on with all three of them yelling at him mom rolled her eyes at me and I knew she remembered them now so entitled mom gets up and decides to lay on a lounge chair on the deck between the pool and the table were entitled grandma and entitled grandpa set so now they are screaming back and forth at each other even louder spawn is splashing some other people we've tried to get into the pool to swim and has decided to try to climb on one of the older gentleman that was in the deep end since it is the only pool that is heated it's the only one that people can really use in March it's still a little cool at night and the water would be chilly little by little between their yelling and spawn being an absolute monster people are getting sick of them and going to sit over at the other pool I was trying to read my book but there yelling was so bad that I couldn't even hear my mom talking to me right next to me I read the same sentence five times and finally gave up at that point I stood up I am leaving out the language they used as every other word me to my mom that's it I have had enough I have read the same sentence five times and still don't know what was said plus he has splashed me in my book several times my mom getting up as well I know what you mean this is ridiculous entitled mom rolls over on our lounge chair and looks at me so you saying you got a problem with my kid me yes but not as much as the problem I have with your general attitude and rudeness all you do is scream at the top of your lungs at him instead of actually disciplining him and you continue to allow him to wreck everyone's nice day at the pool plus you are all so loud that we can't even talk to each other entitled mom how dare you try to tell me how to parent my kid at this point entitled grandma and entitled grandfather started on us entitled grandmother if you have such a problem you should go to the adults-only pool that's what it's there for I'm a board member and we have every right to be here enjoying ourselves in a family pool you should just take your fat butt over there oh this whale has no room to talk her butt actually blocks the Sun entitled grandfather you can just get the heck out of here and mind your own business so now thoroughly ticked off mom and I went to the other pool where we found everyone else they managed to chase off that day close to 20 people she had been telling them all that she was a board member and that she was going to have them kicked out in our haste to leave mom had forgotten her towel on the chair so we had the employee who was working the snack bar go get it for us we told him everything that happened when he went to get it these people had taken it and thrown it over the fence onto the ground we filed a complaint through him they were not signed in on the pool log when you enter the pool area you're supposed to sign in on the log with your last name address and member number they said he had other complaints about them that day but nobody knew their names to report it so when we got home we got a hold of one of the board members he and my dad see each other daily at the gym and their lockers are right next to each other we said that it wasn't right that a board member would be out there breaking the rules but also bullying the other members come to find out these people aren't even members let alone on the board nobody has seen them this summer guess they were told you got to pay that five hundred dollars per month if you want to be part of the club and use the pool good riddens entitled mom thinks because I have a card stuffed with generic non name-brand items I must have money to spare for her yep met another one this happened a few weeks back beginning of the month I had not initially thought to post it but reading another post of a very similar almost identical situation reminded me of it and that it is the perfect fit little context I live on a monthly income so when I do my grocery shopping I sort of bulk shop for the month not easy and not fun not to mention I am making a lower-middle-class income I'm a widowed mother with two sons which makes for an incredibly tight budget I do my primary shopping between two stores that sound similar to Vall Mart and haldi why because they have decent products for very cheap tests as usual we've got me we've got entitled mom aka enormous mooch we've got the toddler and her card no interaction just something entitled mom used as a prop and we've got very nice guy not part of the issue but he witnessed it I am at vol Mart having done my main shopping for the month lots of boxes of pasta great value cans of tomato sauce let's just say for the lack of repeating 90% of what I buy there is a great value brand and other non name affordable brands unless otherwise stated I will get the occasional name brand if on sale I get different frozen vegetables meatballs sausages etc some frozen meals I get root beer ginger ale Sam's Cola again why two litre bottles cost 62 cents and to be honest I like it better than the name brands I often get boxes of teabags to make homemade iced tea again it's cheaper I also buy things with a long shelf life or they can be frozen so they last the month as I am finished I head up and get into line my cart is very full in front of me there is a woman not the typical Karen she looked pretty normal with a toddler in the child seat our card about half full we were about third and fourth in the line she eyed my cart more than once and I won't lie I hired her as a few times more or less noting some of the name brands she had and recalling a time when I actually had been in a financial position to afford such items but also noting how much of a better position I might actually likely be in if I had learned to shop more frugally back before the loss of my husband when the financial situation had been far better in any case I digress shaking myself from my thoughts as we move up the entitled mom ahead of me has her stuff on the belt I placed that barrier stick on it and begin placing my own groceries on it when the cashier informs the woman of the total I am half turn getting things from the cart when I get the dreaded tap on the shoulder almost immediately after her total was announced conversation begins as follows entitled mom excuse me can you spot me a bit to help me with this it came to a lot more than I thought the hubby has not worked as many hours and money has been really tight and we have a child to feed she initially asked very nicely me looking to her cart and back to her I am sorry I am on a very fixed budget I really wish cutoff entitled mom Huff's all pleasantness is gone yes that quick jump on your cart is overflowing surely you can afford to spare a bit if you can buy all that me sighing inwardly and so not wanting to deal with this right now and not wanting to drag this out okay I am gonna stop this right now no I cannot and not that I owe you any explanation she tried to cut me off but I do not stop I live on a monthly income and I'm on a very tight budget I practically count every penny I do not have the luxury of shopping weekly because it is a waste of gas and so I shop for the month she tries to cut me off again entitled mom crumbling but makes one last attempt motioning to her toddler but we have a job I cut her off and I am a widow and have two sons to feed I snapped back effectively and thankfully shutting her up her mouth snapped shut and she turned around I'm not sure if she was mad or mortified but nothing more was said she paid for her groceries and left she had enough to pay the whole time guess she just jumped on the chance to get someone to pay the cashier was just shaking her head as the woman moved away not saying anything one way or the other the man behind me in line was as well while saying wow some people and then very kindly when my total was said asked you got that okay I smiled and said yes thank you nice to know there are still awesome people out there next we've got I don't live here anymore mom I'm not cleaning your house I hope you include this on your YouTube video it's a long one and I'm sorry for that I've had a colorful life when I lived in Louisiana and much of that is because of my entitled mother don't get me wrong she could be a blast and make life fun but lord when she was going through one of her phases watch out she typically did things like getting my brother a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and chocolate ice cream for his birthday the problem my brother detests chocolate she knows this and when we reminded her the response yes but I like chocolate my brother used to sneak the pills mom's dog had given her into her coffee and she'd fall asleep anyway the main story cast we've got me we've got hubby we've got brother and we've got mom my mother was going through menopause and had decided to quit both smoking and red meat at the same time she was a nightmare by the end of the first week we were trying to give her cigarettes stuffed with steak by this time I had moved out gotten engaged and had our son one night she calls and invites us both for dinner I was instantly suspicious my southern family don't like white people because of what they went through as kids and my hubby is wide they don't like him so when she sweetly asked him to come to I smelled a rat but agreed to go the next night we head over to her house hungry and looking forward to Mama's great cooking we never got that far we're in the living room chatting when I asked about dinner mom well I have a confession I didn't ask you to here for dinner hubby why did you ask us over if we're not going to eat well I have inspection on the apartment tomorrow me what's that got to do with us starting to feel cold in my veins now I need you two to get to work me you and hubby can get the front of the house and the kids bedrooms me oh heck this is what you called us here for what's the matter I don't even live here anymore do I ask you to come help me clean my house she got mad at that and started hollering and cussing at us I told my guy to get up because we were leaving we were halfway out when my brother said he had to go to work and asked for a ride we said yes and went to wait in the car bro came out said he had forgotten his tie when the devil got into me I got paper and a pen from the glove compartment told Broza wait then wrote mom take your bills and quit terrifying your family love me I gave bro the note and told him to give it to mom and run like heck he looked at me and I just drained at him then told hubby to start the car he gave me a worried look as he revved the engine not even a minute later brother flying out of the house waving his tie start the Dane car start the dang car mom comes stomping out after him shrieking forget you forget you don't you ever come back don't call me don't write me forget you hubby Gundy and we peeled out of there him chiding me while bro and I laughed like loons fast forward two days I'm playing with my baby when the phone rings me hello mom brightly hi baby girl haven't heard from you in a while and I was just wondering what is up with you me not shocked at all mom you said and I respectfully quote forget you forget you I couldn't even finish she burst out laughing and apologised blamed it on the menopause and said she was now taking her meds regularly I occasionally teased her with it until she passed in no.6 I still miss her entitlement and all next we've got the most horrible entitled dad I've ever encountered this happened this afternoon and I am literally shaking with rage at the thought that anyone would be so horrible to their kids jazzed we've got me we've got entitled dad we've got the security guard we've got fiance and the nice kid I was in Westfield today for those who don't know or aren't from London Westfield there's a massive shopping center located in Stratford London we were sitting in Starbucks drinking a well-earned coffee when a young boy runs in looking really upset I don't notice it at first but my eagle-eyed fiance does fiance do you think that boy looks lost or is it just me yeah that kid looks way too young to be here by himself where are his parents don't know give it five minutes and if no one shows then we can think about what to do next five minutes passed and the poor kid is just sitting in a chair looking miserable and really upset me and fiance get up and walk over to the kid we smile at him and kneel down fiance oh yeah are you here with your mummy or daddy nice kid my mommy told me that I'm not supposed to talk to strange people unless they know the password me your mom sounds like a very smart person who are you allowed to talk to nice kid my mummy said I should only talk to someone I know or if they are wearing a uniform or they know the password me well I don't know the password but I do have a special badge in my pocket and I'm sure your mom won't mind you talking to me I reach into my pocket and take out my warrant card and open it up and show the ID and badge to the kid and I let him hold it up close so he can see my name pitcher and the words police officer in red letters at the top me that's me right there I'd point at my photo I'm a policeman would you be able to have a chat with me for a bit my name is Jack and this is Izzy my fiancee waves fiance are you here with your mummy or daddy nice kid my dad he told me to wait on a bench but that was a while ago I don't know where he is gone me do you know what the time was when your daddy told you to wait uh the big hand was at 6:00 and the small one was on the floor fiance so 4:30 the kid nods I look at my watch and see the time is 1745 an hour and 15 minutes this kid has been sitting on his own I feel an anger burning inside me that someone would leave a kid on his own in a crowded shopping centre for an hour and 15 minutes me how old are you nice kid I'm 9 how old are you fiance we feel old now she laughs me how about I go and find someone who can help us contact your dad why don't you sit here with fiance and I'll go find someone who can help I walk out of Starbucks and find a uniformed security guard standing by the exit I take out my warrant card again and present it to him as I approach hey there mate off-duty police we've got a 9 year old boy in Starbucks who can't locate his dad it's now been nearly 90 minutes and still no sign security guard ok I'll call it in to the security room although we haven't had a missing kid alert and it's been 90 minutes you say yeah it's ridiculous me and security guard walked back towards the Starbucks and we see nice kid and fiance sitting at the table nice kid is tapping numbers into fiancees phone fiance he's trying to remember his dad's mobile number so far no luck suddenly we hear a dialling tone coming from the phone nice kid I remembered it I passed the phone to the security guard security guard what's your dad's name nice kid entitled dad security guard hello mister entitled dad I'm calling from Westfield security your son has been wandering this building for a while now please can you meet us at the security desk by the main entrance we all leave and walk towards the security desk security guard pulls out a chair and the nice kid hops up fiance let him use her phone to play Angry Birds suddenly this very large muscular man comes running up to the security desk shouting the kid's name entitled dad where the heck did you run off to you stupid boy I told you to sit and wait for me security guard are you mister entitled dad yes now can you tell me why my son is sitting here when I left him playing in the Apple store security guard that's at the other end of the building and two floors up where were you none of your business now I'm leaving with my son security guard I need to see some identification it's purely protocol entitled dad grumbles and hands over driver's license see he's my son and I'm his father we're leaving now me not so fast mate I'm a police officer show my ID I was the one who found your son now I'm going to allow you to leave but I'm going to have to make a note of your name and address security guard hands me the guy's license and I take a picture on my phone I then pass it back to untitled dad entitled dad why the heck did you take a picture of that delete it.now me because I will be contacting social services and the police safeguarding team they in turn will want to speak with you and they will also contact the boy's mother you can't just abandon a kid for 90 minutes while you're off doing god knows what both me and security guard have both a duty and an obligation to report this incident to the relevant people it was an honest mistake officer I just lost track of time you don't need to report it do you I may never get to see my son again me and my wife are going through a nasty divorce if the police come knocking it'll just be giving her more ammunition to take my kid away from me me I would love to comment on your crappy style of parenting but I don't want to lose my cool in a public place especially not in front of a kid now both of you leave before I say something I'll regret later on I turned a nice kid who smiles at me hey kid this is for you I pull a business card out of my wallet and pass it to him along with a folded five-pound note that's my work number you can use it in an emergency to reach me you can dial it from any phone and it won't show up on any phone bills also you can buy yourself some sweets or something later on nice kid grinned at me and then said something that honestly made me want to cry nice kid I wish my daddy was like you entitled dad and nice kid left and security guards shook my hand and headed off I wrapped my arm around fiance and headed back for another coffee and our final story of the day my entitled mother wanted me to cancel my picnic because she scheduled something the same day a mr. edit I'm so glad you enjoyed my last entitled parent story I have another one for you today and this time it involves my entitled mother now my mother has always had an entitled side to her especially when it comes to my younger brother and I versus my older brother since younger brother and I are adopted and older brother isn't but that's not important to this particular story but if you want some examples I can give some in the future all right so my family has always been a Christian family I was in church until I was about 13 then I stopped going not for any particular reason I just stopped going I hadn't gone back until a few years ago and even then it wasn't until very recently that I started attending regularly I'm 23 now I should mention that my family and I are at two different churches I go to a smaller one with my best friend and they go to one on the bigger side on basically the other side of town like I said it has been this way for a while now now for the past two years my friend and I have organized a summer picnic at the church for the beginning of June as a way to celebrate the start of summer it's always a lot of fun with games and food and everything in between and the people at church really seemed to enjoy it 20-18 was the first year we had one it was a luau theme and we went all out even going as far to get leis for everyone 20-19 was a carnival theme complete with a bouncy house and circus themed rubber duckies both years I invited my family to join they didn't come either year which honestly doesn't bother me it's the reason why they didn't come the second year that annoys me and the reason why I see my mom as an entitled mother on to our cast pretty short and simple we have me cool panda and my mom entitled mother so it's worth mentioning that my friend and I start planning these picnics basically right after the other one finishes and we set the date for it a good month or two in advance so people have time to get time off if they need to so my mom knew in advance what day and what time our picnic would be she even went as far as to say that they would be there and I kept asking repeatedly because we're always really proud of our work with the picnic and I want my family to see them each time I asked she said they would go then this happened Oh sidenote anytime we have an event at my church I make the poster for the announcement so anything like a party or our picnic i make the flyer and i really enjoy doing it but my mom takes advantage of that and has me make the fliers for her church so one day I get a message from her through Facebook asking me to make a flyer for an event they were having at the church they were having a state trooper come in and go over what to do in case of an emergency which is a concern in today's world but isn't something she had to do I wish I still had the conversation on my phone but unfortunately I don't but it basically went as follows entitled mom Oh P can you make me a sign-up sheet me annoyed but compliant I guess so okay it's for an active emergency seminar okay what day and time June 1st at 3:00 p.m. me June 1st is the day of the picnic I know you said you would go I kept reminding you I know but it's the only day the trooper can come in maybe we can come for little bit mom the picnic starts at 1:00 your thing is at 3:00 and half of the people from your church live like 30 minutes from my church you wouldn't actually be able to come and do anything night challenged the date fine whatever so I made the sign-up sheet and sent it to her I was annoyed but what could I do about it whatever she didn't want to come and didn't have to then this happened and it still makes me disgusted even months later entitled mom are you sure you don't want to come no it's the same day as the picnic maybe your pastor would like to come can you change the date of the picnic so he can come seriously you're kidding right no cancel the picnic so he can come I'm not going to do that the picnic has been scheduled long before your event and you knew that date and the time four months scheduling something on the same date when you already agreed to come is low enough but you actually have the audacity to ask me to cancel my picnic at my church so that my pastor can go to your event at your church and I just thought it would be nice no then I just stopped messaging I stopped talking to her and I haven't forgiven her for this she's always done things like this and this was my breaking point sorry if this was long but I tend to ramble let me control your relationship longtime lurker finally decided to post part 1 of the only story I have that fits here I hope my phone formats right so sorry if that's irritating some background fiancee Ben 21 female and I then 25 male we're just starting to date and she comes from a super strict family I mean borderline cult father is compared to God questioning him is like giving yourself to the devil type deal no cast in trolls you're smart people fiance and I go to classes together for like 4 years both in strong denial of feelings for each other her family moves across the nation u.s. of awesome and I figure we're never gonna see each other again we reconnect over a year later and realize feelings never died she makes the first move and we start dating all grade six months in we plan a trip for me to visit her for two weeks and stay at her place which she is renting from in title parents after plans are said tickets are paid and all is green I get a message entitled dad unsolved I know things work differently in your family but I expect that you will respect our traditions when you're visiting I want you to ask my permission before dating my daughter and I expect that you'll be staying with the rest of us in a house across the city me wanting desperately to be respectful but equal well well we did already make our plans and arrangements there's a place she set up in a separate room from hers I find that unacceptable if you're going to sleep in that house then you'll have to share a room with my son who's 23 me if you don't mind I would really rather talk this out in person when I'm there in a few weeks so that we don't assume any tones no messages back after that but when I got there I did eventually bring it up and the three of us went outside to talk about it all by then fiance had told me about his intentions to take that as my consent to give him control of our relationship including whether or not we dated at all I still wanted to be respectful so I went with what I decided was a good compromise entitled dad okay I'm waiting for you to ask me okay I want you to know I'm not asking your permission out of the same respect you asked of me sir a please understand if I ask for your permission and you refuse I have no intention of breaking up with my fiancee over that so to me it's disrespectful and insulting to ask your permission for something I don't intend on listening to in the first place however because I do respect you I will ask for your blessing and hope that you're okay with us dating no you don't understand I'm not asking for you to break up with her I just want you to submit to me in the decisions you make as a couple and especially while staying in my house I'm sorry sir but that's not happening I don't even submit to my dad I'm not about to start with someone else's and fiancee is renting that house from you with regular agreement on payments fiance we talked about this already we deserve to be the ones making our choices entitled dad completely ignoring fiance you should have asked me before staying in my house with her I'd rather you were sleeping here and visiting her for a couple of hours after work a few times a week I'm not asking you to do anything difficult just defer to me when making choices in your relationship together me I'm sorry I paid out of pocket to be here for her birthday I like you and all and I'm glad to visit with her but I'm here to spend this time with her in the end I'm not giving that kind of control to anyone how would your father feel if he heard you saying things like this he would be happy he raised his children to be strong and think for themselves well I don't think you understand I don't necessarily want your submission I just want fiance to make the choices I tell her to regarding your relationship well that isn't happening either you both talked about it already and she said no and frankly I don't want that either for us to have a healthy relationship she has to act on her choices that would be acting on yours entitled dad turning red I don't think you understand if you deny me this there will be consequences that extend beyond you to me I'm sorry but the answer is no your advice and input is still welcome and we'll consider it when you give it but ultimately all choice in our relationship is ours I'm here to make a healthy relationship with Yonsei not a relationship with you through her I see I want you to think carefully before committing to this fiancee we did separately and together we're a team so we need to act like one we can't be a team if someone else is controlling what we do after that we went inside part two if people ask for it as this has gotten long I'll wrap up part one by telling you that after that talk and my visit was finished he had begun telling her siblings and all of her extended family what a horrible person I was that I'm selfish and possibly abusive to my fiance and that I'm corrupting their little girl and I convinced her into hating them and abandoning them while also cutting her off from most of her contact with any of her siblings every time I meet another family member it's all questions about how I treat her do I believe she should respect her parents etc up until then I had a lot of respect for him and liked him quite a bit and persisted to try to keep that until part two happened much more recently let me control your relationship part to context at this point fiance and I now 22 and 26 and gotten engaged and half everything needed set for the wedding we're saving up for the final payments and after a long talk I managed to convince her to let me try to mend things with her parents it's a wedding who deserves to miss their own Charles wedding right so she agrees to let me message entitled dad and ask his blessing again as a way to test the waters if he refuses she's pretty confident he'll do something to ruin the day and doesn't want him there after that fails astonish Li I'll say it copies our entire conversation and emails it to every family member and her the family all gets this with a message about how horrible I am and how I've guided fiance into hating her parents I'll add that he didn't send them the screenshot of me getting her to say I could stream it if they said they had watch I even cut the screen off so he didn't see the things she said about him next time I might let him see to fiancee entitled dad since the same conversation with the following fiance do you agree with the attitude unhhhh salat has taken towards me very sad after that I've heard from two of her siblings and one of her aunts that I'm treating him very badly and I shouldn't be keeping his daughter from him they also all insist on saying we're living in sin and even her sister who used to be one of my best friends now treats me like an invader they also all treat fiance as a brainwashed know brain that can't think for herself she's been reduced to not being allowed more than letters to her siblings aside from the two of the three that are 18 or older the oldest is many entitled dad and keeps his distant as entitled dad does we decided we want to invite her siblings still and any family members of hers who managed to show even a little support or at least our understanding enough to not immediately assume we are bad people for wanting to control our own lives edit thanks for the silver I'm glad to see people ridiculing him and my fiance is sitting at home reading the comments giggling like a madwoman so extra thanks for that she gets so much flak from her siblings she sometimes starts to think she's the crazy one for not caving to him next we've got entitled Karen flushed my epilepsy meds gets jail time hey mr. reddit my wife just told me she would love to listen to her story with your lovely voice this is the story after three rewritings just for you background in my country we have mandatory military service for both men and women in my wife's case she could have skipped it because of a medical condition she has epilepsy but she chose to serve this story happened during her service our cast we've got the direct commanding officer we've got the idiot serving with my wife McCarron and we've got my wife the story occurs when Opie and Karen served in the same office under deal Karen and Opie also bunked in the same Derrick's relative later with two other women serving under a different division in the beginning there were no problems in the office with Karen until one day Opie forgot to take her evening meds with her to work the cluster mess transpired as follows Opie commander may I leave early I forgot my meds and I need to take them in an hour do you can leave in half an hour context the distance to the female barracks is 20 to 30 minutes away depending on walking pace the do knew that the meds load Opie's motor skills so it took longer for her to get there Opie thank you I'll Karen interrupted hey that's not fair why can she leave early Opie I need my meds Karen you're lying you just want to leave me here with all the work the only work left was cleaning the office no I'm not I have epilepsy I need my meds to prevent seizures no you don't you are just faking to get high high are you out of your mind my meds suppress the brain I don't get high it makes me function a bit slower Tarun being a big dum-dum continued to complain to do that Opie was lazy and was slow on purpose see she's doing it again using the same lame excuse so she can just stay in bed get high and watch movies all day long deal that's enough Karen stop harassing Opie and get back to work before I suspend your weekend leave again Opie leave now and don't forget the meds next time or you will be in trouble context every 21 days you get a weekend at home Karen had been threatened with and received this punishment before for doing and or saying something stupid Opie and Karen both respond yes sir Opie returned to the barracks the following morning Opie arose for the am raising of the flag routine this is mandatory for every soldier to be checked in and represented at 7:00 a.m. while getting ready Opie can't find her meds Opie addressing the three other women in the barracks where are my meds Karen with a wide malicious expression I flushed them down the toilet no you can't get high and have to be normal like all of us Opie with a shocked expression you did what you idiot I need them it takes three days for my meds to arrive at the base clinic I can't go that long without them I'll have a seizure no you won't you're just a junkie they stopped arguing because they need to get outside for the lifting of the flag Opie arrived late at the office DL Opie why are you late Opie I was looking for spare meds because Karen flushed my meds down the toilet do a in panicked Karen get your butt in here right now Karen with a pleased expression what do you want deal still angry and with a commanding expression first of all it is do sir to you second are you out of your mind why in the world would you flush hope ease meds she can't function without them Karen with the most Karen voice yes she can she's just faking it she's a junkie I just helped her to get rid of her addiction Opie with angry tears in her eyes addiction you [ __ ] the pills prevent the seizures Karen condescendingly you will see she is just a junkie Opie with prominent blood vessel pulsing on her forehead and a ghost white complexion I don't feel so good do I need to lay down I feel a seizure coming right now context the preventative measures of the meds wear off quickly when a patient is in distress such as an emotion like anger Karen oh no you don't stand up Karen proceeded to lift Opie off the floor see she is just faking it just look at her at that moment Opie had a grand mal seizure fell to the floor and broke her front teeth do screamed at Karen to get the heck out of the room Karen continued to proclaim that Opie was faking and was all for she'll do called the paramedics they in turn took Opie to the hospital for medical treatment Opie had to stay in the hospital for three days of observation and a further two weeks at home to rest Karen received a court martial and two weeks of military jail time it turned into a three-month sentence as her urine tests showed green and her sample justly deserved next we've got Karen thinks my tattoo is too offensive hey mister read it and the re army dark back again with another entitled parent story this time not for my old job now as I've started college a little bit of background on the tattoo I had gotten it as a way to remember an uncle who was like a dad to me and basically got the Assassin's Creed logo with his name in it as a way of saying he's forever part of my family I'll put a link to the photo of the tattoo at the bottom cast we've got me a chill guy trying to enjoy the sunshine and we've got Karen let's begin it was a roasting hot summer day which is a rare thing where I am from but friend and I were out in our city's park trying to enjoy the sunshine and enjoying a few cold ones that I had brought with me and I had taken off my shirt to get a tan on me it worked somehow and once I got cozy and was about to take a sip of my drink friend and I hear this very loud gasp and immediately both thought oh great here we go Karen loud enough gasp to be heard over the city cover up that tattoo it's very offensive and it shouldn't be seen by anyone me confused on how my tattoo is offensive and shouldn't be seen by anyone how is my tattoo offensive in any way possible and shouldn't be seen by anyone it's part of a group and you are probably trying to get people to join it to be honest I was dumbfounded by this and looked at my friend and she was as confused as I was friend his tattoo is from a game that he enjoys and the symbol itself means family so how could it be related to a group no it's not I know about games and that's not from a game clearly she doesn't know about the Assassin's Creed franchise and shouldn't be shown anywhere me absolutely not dealing with Karen anymore one and its memorial to a family member who means a lot to me too don't ever I mean ever disrespect a tattoo that could mean a lot to someone and finally it's not from a group it's from a gaming franchise but the symbol itself means family or creed Karen visibly shocked that someone stood up to her for once in her life well I me don't say another word and leave after that she went off somewhere else and left me and friend alone after that we got to enjoy the Sun while it was there and even some people walked by inside and actually asked questions on it which was nice and our final story of the day entitled kid decides to scream at teachers over pretty much everything background I have just started my GCSE year at school and I've had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting a boy two years younger than me and he is the most entitled kid I've ever met and I'm the oldest of six I've heard some of the stories for my friends but some I've seen myself firstly a few days ago my friend was in the school's pastoral office and he was having an anxiety attack I don't know the details don't ask and the teachers are trying to calm her down however in comes entitled kid screaming and crying the teachers approached him to ask what's wrong and he sits down to explain dialogue is paraphrased as I wasn't there for this incident now for the cast we've got entitled kid teacher one teacher two friend okay the other kid not directly involved but mentioned entitled kid I'm being bullied sir teacher what lesson have you come here from English with miss teacher what happened entitled kid we were talking about our work on my table and I told the other kid I was a Pokemon master and he said I wasn't he began to scream louder do bear in mind he is at least twelve years old the teachers basically told him they had more important things to deal with and he stormed out crying louder he also had an incident in our inclusion room where you are kept if you are ill during the school day he and another friend were playing a civilized game of uno but the moment entitled kid lost he began to scream I swear I could hear the screaming from two floors above over the noise of my English class the last incident I was there for in our school we have two buildings east and west and thus two libraries in a group of friends always sit around in West library as no one uses it it doesn't have computers so it's no good for homework unless you have a worksheet so there we are sat in the library when one of the special needs teachers comes in at the time we have been doing up the library to be a Doctor Who theme East has a Harry Potter theme there are some more cast members now we've got the librarian we've got me friend to and the special needs teacher teacher do you mind if I tell another boy about your Doctor Who club we are all confused as it's just a Doctor Who theme not a club librarian sure teacher thanks about ten minutes later in comes entitled kid hello is this the Doctor Who club friend - no this is West library but there's some Doctor Who books over there she gestures to the bookshelf of Doctor Who content entitled kid but sir said this was a club me no we've just been decorating and reorganizing of course this sets him off he begins to scream and squeal at me and my friends as well as the teacher all while kicking people's bags and pulling books off of the shelves librarian please leave the other students here are trying to read we weren't but pretended to when teachers stopped by no friend well there's always the naughty corner there's a gap between the bookshelves just big enough for a person to fit into me or the naughty step outside the room there's a set of stairs it begins to wail and scream at specifically me and my at this point about how we were bullying him and how he was a good boy I was losing my rag at this point and my friends know that I don't like shouting or confrontation of any kind friend to don't I stand up I am about twice the height of this kid and he suddenly realizes this me I am sick and tired of your squeaky voice and of you screaming at me and my mates you have been asked to leave and have refused you have thrown books off shelves and potentially damaged the contents of my friends bags you have been the most entitled spoiled little rat I have ever met and you are going to get out before I get the head teacher is cowering in fear and he picks up his stuff and runs away crying he never told the teacher about this but honestly half of them don't take him seriously anyway and my record is good so they won't believe him I did feel like a bully but my friends and the librarian reassured me that they would back me up if anything happened apparently he's trying to move schools but nothing's confirmed actor picks the wrong sound crew to mess with here's another little tale from my days working in the entertainment business very early on in my career I managed to get a gig working as a showman a person hired in just to work on the show on stage electrics and follow spots on a major West End musical even though I was nominally a sound engineer the chance to work on a big show in albeit a different capacity was too good to pass up when you're a youngster in this industry you would be daft to turn down such an opportunity because the experience garnered is invaluable even if it's not directly related to your primary skill set we spin around six weeks working on their production fit-up most of the time I was working on rigging lamps running cables installing additional dimmer racks yada-yada sometimes I got to help out the sound crew rigging their kit and thus got to know them quite well fast-forward through a few months after opening night some of the electrics showman myself included had managed to pick up the occasional extra work assisting the de men crew who were permanently hired to the theater doing lamp rounds this is where you go around the entire theater front and back stage replacing burned-out lamps useful extra money thus I happen to be in the theater well before the half-hour call and was hanging out with the sound crew at the sound desk there were two of them we'll call them Pete and Chris one would run the FOH board for that night show while the other would do other jobs like handing out the radio mics to the cast at the half to collect them at the end and troubleshoot any problems during the show they had also swapped duties every day so we hear the half called and Chris goes off backstage with his box of radio mics to hand them out while I carry on chatting to Pete about ten minutes later we see Chris returning to the FOH desk looking very distressed Pete asked him what on earth was wrong it transpired that the male juvenile lead had bollock doubt Chris for some utterly trivial problem to the point where he had been reduced to tears I should point out that this particular actor was not well liked by the crew because of his arrogant and holier-than-thou attitude this seriously did not sit well with Pete at all by this time the audience was beginning to fill the auditorium and you could hear the ambient chatter level going up Pete then grabbed his headphones and parking one earpiece over his right ear proceeded to punch in the pre fade listen button for that actors channel a grin then crept over his face he then brought the channel live and very slowly raised the channel fader he handed Chris the cans and a huge grin also spread across his face Chris then handed me the cans so I could hear what had amused him so much I listened in to be confronted by the sound of the actor right in the middle of taking a full-throttle dump we are talking grunts and groans and levels of flatulence quite the equal of the trumpets that flattened the walls of Jericho there in mind that this sound is now being leaked out into the auditorium albeit had a level just barely perceptible to the audience I glanced around at the punters and the stalls and saw that quite a few people were looking around quizzical II I had to struggle to rein in my laughter at the delicious payback but as it was getting close to act one beginners I had to go off and take my station so I high-fived my friends and went through the stage past door to the electrics crew room to be confronted by my colleagues falling about in hysterics it was then that I became aware of a peculiarity with the show relay for context the show relay is a microphone front-of-house and a bunch of speakers all over the backstage and dressing room areas that allow cast and crew to listen in to the progress of a show due to a curiosity of its design what was just barely audible out front was now being hugely magnified backstage the entire cast and crew no matter where they were were being subjected to the sounds of our actor dropping the kids off at the pool at practically full volume for the rest of the show the hapless idiot had to contend with the entire cast and crew giggling uncontrollably whenever he went past and all the while remained completely oblivious to the reason why as the one place there were no show relay speakers was in the toilets next we've got I'm not paying a finder's fee for stolen property thief earns himself a felony instead I had just moved to a new city for work and had been working there for about three months so I'm still pretty new to the area my apartment complex I would say is in a nicer part of the city and is pretty well-kept so I didn't really expect anyone to go and tried breaking into cars I was set to travel and had a pretty early Drive so I had packed everything for my week-long trip the night before so that I could get up and just get on the road the next morning I walk out to my car and I see clothes off to the side of my car and thinking it was weird started to look around the car turns out my car had been broken into and was cleaned out out of the trunk could they took my laptop bag which had both my personal computer and a government computer - gym bags one that had my work clothes and the other had my workout clothes and personal hygiene stuff and a backpack that had my Nintendo switch and office supplies in it they also took 50 dollars out of the console where I kept change and random bills for parking this obviously throws a wrench into my work travel so I called my supervisor and explained the situation and come back into work it's my fault I left all that stuff in my car so I had to go to our security / IT office and explain what had happened and see what the next steps were to get a new work computer during this meeting with the physical security manager which was three hours after I found my car broken into I get a call from a local number and turns out that this guy had found my laptops on the side of the road when he was coming home from visiting his mom my bag had a contact me a found phone number conversation goes as follows guy hey man I found your laptops on the side of the road I figured you would want them back they look pretty important government laptops are plastered with stickers with official jargon and returning instructions me for sure I am currently at work now but I can come meet you or whatever works yeah man I'm just coming back from visiting my mom so I'm trying to get home so I can relax cool I can make it work can you text me your address and everything so I can just come to you I'll send it to you here in a second it's also my birthday so if I could get some money for like a finder's fee or whatever I think that would be cool yeah man whatever you need see you in a bit as soon as I get off the phone I called the local police in that area and explained that this guy is trying to extort money from me to get stolen goods back they instruct me to meet them a few blocks away from the residence and they will send a plainclothes cop and officers to act on my behalf so I am not in direct contact with the guy just in case since the situation sounds sketchy I go and meet them where they go to the residence the guy is hesitant seeing the cop cars and takes a few minutes to return the bag with the laptops in it they bring the bag to me to identify the laptops and everything's still there I accept the bag and got my laptops and bag back easy enough on the drive back to work no more than 15 minutes later this guy still had my number and starts going off bad unreadable spelling and all is seething through text messages on how I could get the police involved he was trying to be a good Samaritan and he should have thrown my stuff in the grab egg so I did the normal thing and blocked the number now I'm still missing everything else including the Nintendo switch which was in a case with seven games important I was originally going to take the loss on it and take it as a stupidity tax since it was almost impossible to get back however something didn't sit right with me with this guy and thinking if he did have it he was going to try to sell it and cheap I went on to Facebook marketplace and Craigslist searching for a switch for cheap around the same location as his house bingo the ad read $200 Nintendo switch with seven games and case lightly used no charger or dock must be gone today the location was enabled and was within two miles of his address the phone number was the same and the dock and charger were in my apartment so I had a buddy of mine who lived in the next city over contact him asking if he could hold on to it till tomorrow since he wouldn't be in town until the next day and would pay him three hundred instead the do degrees and also gets him to read off all seven games that were there this was to buy us more time so I can go coordinate with the police the next morning I get everything together to go make a case to police to assist me with this police report the Craigslist ad the serial number from Nintendo the screenshots of the text messages between him and my buddy I make my case and the police agree to do the same thing as the day before and meet me somewhere else to go over what the plan was I meet them and go over his address and what all I had missing these are different officers than the day before and they recognized the address and the home we found out this guy is known for this stuff and is currently on probation so we come up with a plan where my buddy will call us on his work phone so we can hear the conversation and call him on his regular phone to see what's going on the police use a plain car go to this meetup spot and acting like my buddy scooped the guy up and get him to cough up the rest of the stolen goods they were able to recover all my items including all my clothes and bags he ends up going to jail and earns a new felony on his record for receiving stolen property I think I would have lost the rest of it if I didn't do the digging on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist next we've got owner fires me get sweet sweet karma editor's note I did not realize this story would be a long one so this will be part 1 of 2 hey guys first time poster here I'm also on mobile and writing this on the spot so please don't get too violent with me anyways here's the tale of an evil restaurant owner that gets what's been coming to her late last year I started working at a hole-in-the-wall restaurant in the mountains of southern Appalachia finding this job was a blessing as it was a well-paying job due to the location it was in next to a state forest and the clientele that ate there the restaurant was small inviting and surprisingly fairly fancy for the location tables were custom made by the GM's husband landscaping was done by the owners husband and the cooks were some of the best I've ever seen we were situated in between two high-class communities that had residents that were more than generous when I walked in for the interview I was basically hired on the spot due to my background in the service industry and I would be starting the next morning at 7 a.m. everybody there seemed to get along well and welcomed me into their family with warm hearts and open arms now let's get to the cast we've got me we've got FOH manager we've got general manager we've got cool worker one cool worker two and last but not least the owner I shall refer to her as Lucifer a play on her name and the nickname I gave to her a few months passed as we were getting out of our busy season which were the fall and winter months our area takes in a lot of tourists and non locals who visit the mountains on summer break I want to be close with nature since summer came to an end we were about to lose some business so we had to make some cuts to staff thankfully owner wanted to keep me around since me and FOH manager basically carried the weight of that place on our backs but wanted to lay off cool worker - I never really understood why FOH manager and general manager were fearful and reluctant of owners business practices I thought owner was actually a pretty cool lady until the day she gathered us all up for a meeting on the back patio of the restaurant owner sat down and began with a smirk on her face due to the coming months we will be losing business I can only handle a few servers so I will be making cuts me and general manager have decided that cool worker too will be laid off until the warm season starts again surprisingly co-worker 2 was ok with this as she had a side gig working as a therapist all right owner just let me know when you want me to come back I'll be in touch cool worker 2 wasn't the most competent of servers as she was kind of gray and couldn't handle the stress thrown at her sometimes she has a heart of gold and I love her to death but I understood why owner wanted to lay her off so I acted cool about the whole situation even though I was melancholy on the inside about losing a close coworker everything was smooth sailing after that until the holidays came around it was a week before Christmas and business was surprisingly starting to pick up me FOH manager and cool co-worker one found ourselves in the weeds several times and requested that either owner or general manager could come help us out during the peak of the rush FOH manager came to me with tears in her eyes and fully flustered out are you good I asked her know I'm backed up with tables right now trying to handle the front lobby which was packed with a 45-minute waiting time crowd I can't get a hold of general manager an owner doesn't want to help wait what do you mean owner doesn't want to help doesn't she run this place yes but she says that it's not her job to pull us out of the weeds and that we need to fix this situation ourselves or she'll start sending people home what that's insane she actually said that to you yep so we just got to try our best and push hard I looked at FOH manager trying to be as reassuring as possible we got this just think about the end of the day when we're counting all our tips it'll be worth it in the end just hang in there FOH managers smiled at me and we returned to our grind just by chance about an hour after me and FOH managers conversation the internet gave way our POS system toast can only run properly when connected to the internet so we had to announce that until the internet issue is fixed we can only take cash well this really upset half of the customers as they were only pained with their big hefty golden metallic American Express cards FOH manager looked like she was about to lose her mind she paced back and forth in the kitchen trying to reassure herself that everything would be okay cool co-worker one and I walked over to FOH manager to try and calm her down but it was to no avail me being the self pronounced computer expert decided to investigate the internet issue I walked back to the office to find owner messing around with the router well what's going on with the internet we have customers that can only pay with card upfront and your FOH manager is freaking the heck out owner looked at me with an enraged face we won't be having internet for possibly the next couple of hours AT&T says they will send somebody up to fix it but I'm not confident they'll get here soon so what are we going to do about all the people that can't pay with cash some of them are in a rush to get out and don't have time to wait for the internet to come back on I will personally go out there and let them know that they are not allowed to leave until they give a valid form of pay if any of them leave I will be calling the Sheriff's Department to let them know that we have people stealing can't we just get their names and phone numbers or something I can't deal with this raucous crowd your tables aren't turning and you're losing business there's got to be something we can do owner cuts me off know if they ate they are going to pay I will not be losing money off of some faulty Internet and who are you to tell me about my business your server you don't know anything about business go tell them they'll have to stay then now I'm not going to be the one getting my behind chewed out for something that's not even my fault go out there and tell them if they ate they will have to stay it's not my job to go out and deal with the public you're a server for a reason now go out there and do your job I reluctantly walked out to the front and informed FOH manager that owner would not let anybody who has eaten leave without paying chaos ensued for the next three hours as the three of us had to deal with angry customers fast forward two months FOH manager has put her two weeks notice in as soon as she put her noticin owner fired her I don't take notices you're either here or gone for good now get out of my restaurant FOH manager left in a rage filled fit as she cussed out owner and pointed out all the things she's been doing wrong I don't know who you think you're talking to honey I'm the most powerful businesswoman in the country and I can make sure you never get a job again in fact if I hear about or see you working anywhere in this county I will have you fired nobody talks to me like that and gets away with it I questioned the legality of this statement made by owner to cool co-worker one we can take this to the Better Business Bureau but I don't want to risk being blackballed in my home county said cool co-worker one two hours after FOH manager was fired owner came up to me and promoted me to new FOH manager the voice in the back of my head was telling me not to take the promotion but I didn't want to question what owner wanted as I just witnessed what her potential could be on ruining my career the story of my time is manager will be coming soon and it'll be much more juicy than this if you read this Thank You mr. reddit you've carried me through several months of anxiety and given me a glimmer of positivity and happiness through your stories thank you part 2 will be coming soon entitled grandmother threatens to disown me for dyeing my hair hi mr. reddit and the re army I'm new to the channel and don't use Reddit much English is my first language so any errors are fully on me just being not the brightest also I am on mobile sorry this story is about 2 years old at this point but I thought I would share it with you anyway so enough rambling onto the cast we've got me the only grandchild my grandmother has we've got entitled grandmother we've got best friend from the hermit crab story mostly Justin mentioned two years ago me and my BFF were planning on going to Disney World for the first time ever we couldn't have been more excited if we tried this was a big dream come true a couple weeks before we were going to leave we had come up with the idea to dip dye our hair her parents were okay with the idea and my mom even offered to do it for us my parents were alright with it so long as it wasn't the full head and not a crazy color everything was going according to plan I even bought the dyes straight away and let BFFs mom know we couldn't be happier that was until entitled grandmother found out now entitled grandmother is a strictly religious grandmother when she found out that we were planning to dye our hair she freaked out it wasn't like I could hide the fact I was going to get it done she lived with us at that time our conversation left me speechless to the point where I wanted to cry I am a Hufflepuff after all entitled grandmother is it true you're planning on dying your hair me just a dip dyed grandma nothing crazy how dare you dye your beautiful hair you know that's just how God made you you should respect that I do grandma it's a temporary dye it'll come out pretty fast plus it's not the full head mom and dad don't have any issues with it what color are you putting in your hair red I've always wanted red hair but sadly I was born a brunette then there's no need you already have red in your hair my mother has always told me the same thing but to this day I have no idea what they are on about I've never seen any red me trying to appease her even so I would still like to put some in it so I can see it entitled grandmother firmly says no me slightly confused no if you even touch your hair I will disown you entitled grandmother had now crossed her arms and glared at me honestly I was hurt and taken back by what she said how could this be the same loving grandmother I grew up with disowned me I will not let my granddaughter dye her hair and look like the world like I had said before she was very religious and still is you should have been there the time I cut my hair but that is another story for another day grandma it's just a little red dye it's nothing crazy please understand had my grandmother known of the famous REE she probably would have done it so please feel free to insert one she always hated it when she never got her way throw away the hair dye and I will understand I shook my head and walked off practically in tears I call up BFF and tell her what happened she reassured me that in the end I wasn't being nonreligious by dyeing my hair and in the end we both did entitled grandmother was furious and disowned me thank God she got over it sooner or later next we've got my headphones effect the education of Karen's poor baby this is my first post on this subreddit yada yada yada backround all of this happened about a year ago at a cleaning job I had to pay my way through University I was registered with a cleaning agency who would send me to various different places to clean one of which was a very expensive and pretentious private school for kids under 11 seriously this place was like Hogwarts and I went there about once a fortnight also relevant is that I have autism which means I often struggle with loud and high-pitched noises which made working in a school full of screaming kids quite hard I worked out a deal with my boss at the school whereby when the kids were out in the playground being super loud I would clean places that were off-limits to them and wear headphones when they went into lessons and were quiet I would do the public spaces and all this worked out fine anyway on to the story cast we've got me we've got entitled mom and we've got my boss so it's the morning and all the kids are arriving at school loud as heck so I start my day cleaning the teachers break room I'm wearing my headphones I'm jamming out all is well then entitled mom burst through the door clearly having just dropped off her precious angel I take out my headphones to see what she wants entitled mom oh I must have the wrong room I wanted to use the bathroom me no worries the bathroom is next door on the right entitled mom were you wearing headphones uh yeah that is completely unacceptable I pay over 10 grand a year for the staff at my baby's school to be wearing headphones at work me well I want an awful example to be setting to children that you can listen to music in the workplace the teachers take my baby's phone away at the start of the day and you can just wander around with yours me in all fairness ma'am the children aren't allowed in this room and when I'm in spaces where they are allowed I don't have my phone or headphones on me you're being totally unprofessional it's an attitude like that which means that you're cleaner and my child will achieve real success in his life me I'm actually doing this job to pay for my degree if that were true you'd be smart enough to know that you don't talk back to the people that pay your wages your boss will be hearing about this she storms out and about 10 minutes later she comes back with my boss I'm feeling stressed out and on the verge of tears another side effect of my autism is that confrontation / conflict / being yelled edge stresses me out beyond belief I'm seriously relieved to see my boss and I can't wait to see the look on entitled mom's face when my boss tells her that my wearing headphones is okay unfortunately that didn't happen see completely unprofessional boss I'm very sorry mrs. entitled mom this is unacceptable Opie will you please apologize and remove your headphones me but I've been working here for months and I've always worn headphones you told me it was okay it is not okay we cannot accept you working in this school if you do not comply with our codes of conduct but you said honestly mrs. entitled mom I did not and who would not condone such a thing I was about to start crying because I felt so crappy about the whole situation then I thought forget this I hate this job I hate being talked down to by snooty parents teachers and kids alike and my boss lying about me to appease this entitled mom was the final straw well are you going to apologize me no find someone else to deal with your obnoxious staff and entitled brats I laid down all my stuff and walked out and never went back in my boss at the cleaning agency refused to send the school any more cleaners since they had blatantly lied after telling the agency it was fine for autistic staff to wear headphones they also insisted I got paid for a full day's work which the school did it was very satisfying walking out of that job I wouldn't wish working as any kind of manual labor staff in a private school on anyone next we've got my entitled mother-in-law doesn't acknowledge my right to speak then gets mad I don't talk to her dear mister read it I've been listening to your channel for a long time as my many disabilities make it difficult for me to do much more than listen to Reddit stories on YouTube I hope this isn't too long I just want to share my stories about my extremely entitled mother-in-law I posted these as separate stories in our / just know mother-in-law but I hope they fit in with entitled parents I've edited them for you and to streamline the narrative our cast we've got entitled mother-in-law we've got husband we've got caregiver who was caught in the crossfire and we've got me disclaimer English is my first language and I'm on PC but I have muscular dystrophy and I'm losing my vision so my typing and proofreading sucked these days but I try background husband and I have been married for over 21 years I got along great with mother-in-law before we were married because she lived in Alaska I only met her a couple of times in the two years husband and I dated and she was at our January wedding but she was back in the lower 48 for good before the fourth of July and it has been nothing but fireworks since I have FSH muscular dystrophy and was still pretty able-bodied relatively speaking when husband and I got married but 11 years ago I needed to get a tracheotomy and a ventilator dependent my mother-in-law actually spent a lot of time at the hospital until I was stable enough to go home around five or six weeks I think things are kind of fuzzy because I was freaking out that my life was now dependent upon a hole in my throat three feet of plastic tubes and a machine I didn't understand I still suffer the effects of PTSD for five years after mother-in-law was a live-in caregiver which made sense at the time because she was losing her home and knew more about my situation than anyone else though now she's spun into I forced her to live with us I hired other caregivers through the state's home health care Commission but mother-in-law was paid as well as provided with free room and board plus utilities she trained the outside caregivers while husband went back to school part one when and why I stopped talking to my mother-in-law this was when mother-in-law was still a living caregiver so even when she was off the clock she was always here and she loves interrogating the other caregivers about their religion and politics so she can tell them how wrong they are she seems indifferent toward the Great Pumpkin so our cast was assembled in the living room watching the news and Cindy Sheehan was all over the news at the time mother-in-law in her infinite wisdom spoke up and said she was tired of seeing all these people protest when they've never served and have an experience sacrifice and lost I and my infinite stupidity blurted out that Cindy she and son was a soldier and she had lost him in the war she has experienced sacrifice and loss Oh mother-in-law didn't like that not one bit she practically shrieked that she has the right to freedom of speech under this roof and she pointed to husband and shrieked he has the right of freedom of speech under his roof and she pointed to caregiver who was actually on duty who had only been on the job a couple of weeks and would resign by the following week I wonder why and shrieked that she has the right to freedom of speech under this roof I was in a state of shock I wasn't saying mother-in-law didn't have the right to her opinion or freedom of speech but you have to expect other people to express their own dissenting opinion occasionally as is their right oh but mother-in-law was having none of that and of course I noticed she didn't at any time acknowledge my right to express my opinion or freedom of speech that's when I shut down a round mother-in-law if she refused to acknowledge my freedom of speech I wouldn't exercise it and when she moved out I honestly forgot the catalyst I must have accidentally expressed myself without permission it became even easier to not talk to her in fact it's a challenge to muster the strength to say more than two words to her to this day part 2 present-day mother-in-law freaks out because I don't talk to her about my medical information so yes five years after I got the trach things eventually came to a head and she stormed out of the house exclaiming she quit mother-in-law did move out but insisted she didn't quit caregiving because money but we kept pairing her hours back and hiring more outside caregivers until mother-in-law only works weekend graveyard shift however this week my weekday graveyard caregiver had to begin a hiatus for an indeterminate period of time for reasons that are a whole nother ball of anxiety ridden whacks mother-in-law had actually suggested in the past that she take over the week big shift because she needs the money so again it seemed natural to ask her to fill in mother-in-law accepted but on the first night she found out that I had just gotten a smartphone I rarely leave the house so depend on my landline but hate asking caregivers to text husband or others on my behalf when I'm at a doctor's appointment and such she absolutely freaked out she shrieked you don't tell me anything that led to her ranting about how she used to go to all my doctor's appointments and knew every intimate detail of my medical information and all my care routines and the hired caregivers know more than she does these days even though she used to train them yeah because they take me to my doctor's appointments administer my meds at cetera my reasoning is mother-in-law and husband put me in bed and then mother-in-law works while I'm asleep she comes in my room once or twice a night to help turn me and empty the condensation from my breathing tubes so I figured anything else is on a need-to-know basis I have very little privacy or personal space therefore I didn't feel the need to blab every gory detail of my personal info anyway I thought this might be malicious compliance ask and ye shall receive or petty revenge here's a stack of papers choked on it but really I guess I caved to the entitled mother-in-law the next day I spent the afternoon and evening printing out articles from medical websites and compiling lists when mother-in-law came in that night I handed her a list of all my medications four pages a list of all my doctors and there info two pages and a stack of articles about each and every one of my diagnosis I mustered my courage to speak and told her about the status of my new wheelchair still being built and how I may need to see the neurologist again soon and gave her a calendar with the doctor's appointments I have scheduled this month etc I just spilled my guts intending to overwhelm her with information I told her I'd keep her updated on any changes and asked that she let me know if she had any questions that seems to have shut her up for now on that topic anyway for those concerned I handed her the keys to the kingdom and she'll use this information to take over my care management I honestly don't think she looked at any of it she had no questions her behavior didn't change toward me I mean if she truly had read and absorbed the info about the autoimmune disease attacking my eyes google OCP eye disease if you're curious I won't torture you with a tongue twister of a name and the immunosuppressive drugs I take to keep my immune system from killing my eyeballs she wouldn't have come in to work the rest of the week with a respiratory infection let alone borrow my clothes and sleep in my bed on her shift but then she is an entitled mother-in-law to the core entitled mom shoves her kid into my classroom and runs this is my first post on this forum so please be gentle with me not sure if this is entitled parents or choosing beggars for context in my late teens and early 20s I ran a free after-school program for kids out of a community center the program was for kids ages eight to twelve whose parents were currently undergoing a messy divorce we had a sister program next door for parents of the kids it was part class part community group part group counseling where the kids myself and another volunteer discussed handling anger prepared them for joint custody changes and finances what alimony and child support were etc the class was free some of the materials were paid for by the center and the rest I cut myself I liked the class and it gave me a bit of padding on my resume so I didn't mind buying snacks coloring materials and prizes for the kids at the time we were a few weeks into the class and I had eight kids who were attending eight is a great number because do you know how many things come in packs of eight it meant I bought stuff in those eight packs so each kid would have something and I didn't waste money on spares so this afternoon the kids are coming in and this parent I haven't met with an unknown kid comes by and sort of drops the kid off without a word to me or her child it's been a few years but here is the conversation I remember me uh mam mam entitled mam what me hi I don't think we've met your son isn't enrolled in this class currently hey you can't just drop him off with me I was told this class is free it is but it's not a daycare you do have to enroll your kid first in the beginning of the term I can't watch any kid who comes by there are things I need to know like allergies emergency contacts I kind of laugh his name well you can ask me right now I'm sorry but the class is starting right now so I can't but you can enroll him in the next term you can find information on how to do that at insert information entitled mom rolls her eyes I have an appointment can't you just take him for the record the parents were supposed to be enrolled in the class across the hall not just use us for free child care I can't besides I didn't know I'd have another student today so I don't have enough supplies or snacks for him oh he doesn't need any snacks he won't mind ma'am of course he is going to mind all the kids are eating Nutella snack pads and Capri Suns and all the other kids have workbooks and he doesn't it's not fair to him besides it's not really safe for me to watch a kid that I have no information for so you can sign him up for the next term entitled mom gets all huffy fine entitled mom grabs her kid and storms off that was the end of it or so I thought a few minutes later I'm working with the kids and the other volunteer is setting up our next activity the door opens a crack the same kid as before is shoved in and the door slams the other volunteer and I share a what the heck look but I open the door and look out and entitled mom is booking it down the hallway me ma'am and titled mom yelling without turning around I'll be back in a few hours me never mind the class is only an hour long half running after her ma'am if you don't come and collect your son I will call the police about an unaccompanied minor he won't be here when you get back entitled mom stops sighs turns around and pegs me with a glare you are being so unflexible this is terrible customer service me you're not a customer please take your son entitled mom grabs their kids hand and starts storming off while yelling I can't believe you would call the police or the child what kind of a teacher are you I am going to tell you a boss about how horrible you were to me and my son to this day I wonder if she attempted to talk to my boss about my behavior or imagining the look on her face when she found out the boss of the program was me next we've got entitled mother gets angry at me for manhandling her son after he broke my parents fence then refuses to pay because he said sorry so this will be my first boast ever on this sub I think but I have been reading stories on this subreddit for a long time and well I just had my first real encounter with an entitled mother and honestly I'm still part shocked and part laughing about it also of note I am NOT a native English speaker so I had to translate it all act1 a song of fences and footballs so for a bit of backstory my parents sometimes ask me or my siblings to watch the house while they are gone because they do not want to leave the dogs alone for an extended period of time usually my youngest sibling does it because she still lives at home but she had to go to her friend's party slash sleepover as a result my parents asked if I had time and given I did not have to work today and I only have one crappy class that I can skip without any real trouble I obliged my parents live in a large village essentially one that gives you the illusion of rural but in reality it is a five to ten minute drive from several bigger towns in the city one of those villages you want to leave as a 20 year old but you want to return to the moment you have your own kids there is barely any crime everyone knows everyone it is extremely calm etc however it has one issue one of the larger towns close to the village is sort of notorious for scummy people it is one of those towns that constantly manages to mess up its budget and a good third of its population are lazy and so on it's like a giant pimple on an otherwise blemishless area as a result when people from said town managed to get some money they have a tendency to move to the village my parents live in local government makes this nice and difficult for them on the down-low but they can't stop at all and as expected they bring their attitude with them our entitled mother and her devil spawn and this great saga are from said town our caste we've got me The Wizard of Oz we've got entitled kid we've got entitled mother entitled dad and the neighbor so I am sitting in the garden minding my own business scrolling through some news sites messaging some friends enjoying the nice weather which is interrupted by the sound of a football being shot against my parents house in the neighbor's house we have this carport area between the two houses which is roomy and makes sure you don't lose your ball all the time so my parents generally allow kids to use it when they're at work so this continues for a bit and before long the ball shoots right over the fence in the back of our yard which I frankly did not notice as I was on my phone however I am quickly interrupted by the dog growling extremely big mix German and Belgian Shepherd followed by the loud crack of wood and a thump from something large falling down well I see the kid from two houses further falling down and my dog about to charge so I put my phone on the table grabbed the dog by its collar and put it inside in the meantime the kid is already in the yard grabbing his ball and sprinting back to the broken fence the fence is about 1.8 metres tall made of wooden planks hence it's not exactly made to withstand a thirteen-year-old overweight kids climbing on it the kid attempts to climb back over cracking another plank at the bottom in his escape attempt before I walk over and grab him by the back of his shirt collar me and where do you think you're going entitled kid let me go let me go me I don't think so you just broke the fence so you can either calm down and we go to your house to explain what happened or I can call the police at this point the kid starts flailing trying to get himself loose that is until he turns around and looks at me now I am six foot five six foot six in very good physical shape and I have permanent wresting jerkface so he quickly stopped at this point I grabbed the key from my pocket and opened the door to the yard door to walk over to his house with the kids still firmly buy a shirt collar as we reached the door I knock on it and am greeted by the sound of a yelling woman behind the closed door talking about how the kid has a key and now she has to get up etc but eventually the door opened and at this point from the corner of my eye I could already see my neighbors standing behind his livingroom window arms crossed shaking his head me hello miss you entitled mom let go of my boy right now what is wrong with you I let go primarily because I was shocked about her reaction the kid starts sobbing like a five-year-old and runs inside how dare you touch my son well if you would stop yelling and let me explain I am NOT yelling no she was yelling right regardless your son just broke my parents pins trying and that gives you the right to manhandle my son I did not manhandle your son I grabbed the collar of his shirt because he was trying to run away after he broke the fence now you can either calm down and we can come to an agreement how to handle this or I can call the police and have them deal with it at this point she seemed to calm down a bit more especially after I mentioned the word police right so it is probably not that bad she calls over her son apparently having fixed his sadness as he appears again stuffing his face with candy say you're sorry to the neighbor sorry and he bolts off again not even giving me a chance to reply well with that out of the way she attempts to close the door but I quickly shake off my shock and put my foot in the door pushing the door open again and at this point raising my voice substantially excuse me your son broke the fins it's all fine and dandy he gave an apology on your orders but that still leaves the fact they just broke a 200 euro wooden fence that will need to be replaced entitled mom my son said sorry and that is the end of it at this point the neighbor has opened his door leaning against his doorpost to listen in as his eyes are summoning a hurricane by the sheer amount of rolling they are doing just a little note he dislikes them a lot he has had a lot of problems with them ever since they moved in once again our entitled mom attempts to close the door on me but I still have my foot in the doorway so all she is doing is giving my toes at the rashing me look this is the last time I her hulking five foot five muscle mass of a husband appears now visibly upset annoyed every muscle within his noodle arms straining his balding head glistening in the Sun peeking through the door opening the hole slightly obscured by the three strands of hair combed over his head from the side as his enormous shape looks up at his taller wife entitled dad and what is the problem here he is yelling at me and manhandled our son I will get you you jerk the door swings open and as you may imagine I am just shaking on my legs this pure mighty example of masculinity threatening to do me harm gosh I have never been so terrified in my life look dude I didn't do jack crap to your son and the only one who has been yelling this entire time is your wife now your son broke my parents fence so you can either get it repaired or give me the money to buy a new one and pay me for the time it takes to replace it I wouldn't have charged labor costs but given they were being jerks so can i or we can get the police involved you have no proof of what happened so go fix it yourself jerk and if I ever see neighbor I saw everything your son broke the fence and tried to run away also your wife just to sell to the neighbor with the door you can clearly spot a devious smirk on the neighbors face he likely did not see anything but like I said he absolutely hates them and this was him taking revenge I think at the same time I can see entitled mom and entitled dad visibly losing all the bravado they had left me so as I was saying the fence cost 200 euros when my parents purchased it add another 50 for the time it takes me to replace it and we all walk away from this added to that if you threaten me again I will just have to defend myself won't I at this point I was honestly sort of hoping he would lose his cool and attacked me because you have reasonable cause to defend yourself in this case and honestly I don't handle threats very well and I have quite a temperament myself so you may imagine I was seething at this point but of course he backed off they told me he'd give me the money tomorrow I reminded him if I are my parents did not get it before tomorrow evening I would be sure to call the police also I informed them their kid was no longer allowed to play on our property the carport I thanked my neighbor and returned to the yard to scroll on my phone make this post and laugh about this stupid ordeal update since I saw no mention in the rules that updates are not allowed and since a lot of people asked me for one I figured I am good to go and I figured this way of updating would be easier also I just sort of want to use act to a clash of dads and it would be lost in an extremely long post if I add it to my other post also it would sort of look messy you know I may have minor OCD of the obsessive variant when it comes to threads so as I said on my previous post I am NOT a native aim speaker / writer as such excuse any mistakes as I am translating everything that was said the day had passed without any real excitement apart from the Lords of the fortress returning my parents it went from morning to afternoon and soon the daylight was starting to fade it was nearing dinner time so basically I had already informed my parents as to what happened on the phone I chose to explain it again in further detail when they got home I showed them the fence and my dad was unhappy to say the least like I said there is some history there already and these neighbors in question have been nothing but an annoyance to the entire street but it seemed at this time they took it a step too far in my dad's book regardless I explained to him that they agreed to pay up for the fence before the evening so he should expect them to be at the door anytime with a 250 euros agreed upon which was honestly the only thing that stopped him from going over there himself and giving them a piece of his mind lo and behold at the last possible moment when I was ready to call the police dumb and dumber decided to show up so my dad opens the door with me right behind him my dad so finally decided to show up and titled mom yeah we all here to talk about what happened how dare you think your son can talk to us like that I let out a great big sigh my dad know you are here to pay you for the damages to my fence beside that I want absolutely nothing to do with you people it was at this point yet again my knees nearly gave out as her husband appeared from behind her his shape sculpted by the gods enough to intimidate even a Spartan in the days of Leonidas entitled dad and what is that supposed to mean my dad that I want you to pay for the damages your son did to my fence and then I want to go back to not speaking to you again it may sound harsh but like I said not the first rodeo with these people entitled mom now damn you we are here to talk about how rude your son was me was I rude before or after you yelled at me and slammed the door against my foot or perhaps when your husband made his hilarious attempt to threaten me you should have seen the dude's face as he was muttering to come up with some sort of smart comeback it was also at this point that my neighbor walked over to our front lawn peeking over the hedge about 150 centimeters tall surrounding the front lawn my dad look are you going to pay for the damages or are we just going to have to call the police I am in no mood to deal with you people any longer than I am absolutely forced to deal with you entitled mom no first we want your son to apologize for how he behaved me could you please stop yelling we have neighbors you know entitled mom see being rude again entitled dad you better tone down the attitude at this point I am just done with these people I am certainly not going to say sorry for I'm not sure what I was supposed to say sorry for in the first place so I grab my phone and start going through the numbers since the non-emergency police line is somewhere saved when you buy the phone most of the time me right I'm calling the police we'll just have them deal with it my dad good idea now you people get the heck off of my front lawn we'll have the police deal with this entitled mom what no just give him the money entitled dad I could see entitled dads bravado disappear once again it was like he was deflating for the lack of a better word at this point he just walked over to my dad pulled the money from his pocket and handed it to him my dad was that truly so hard my neighbor had the brightest most forget us smile on his face and yells over sure seems like it was some people just don't know how to behave I could see entitled mom keeping herself back from absolutely blowing up her fingertips dug into her hand palm stomping back to her house likely breaking one of those incredibly gross extremely long pink nails hilariously enough her deflated a husband immediately follows her pretty much like an obedient little shadow and that my friends is the end of my story or is it and shoutouts to our Regenerist of the day Liam sold chippy gotcha and Jennifer become tomorrow's Regenerist by leaving as many reasons you can in the comments below and please listen my playlists every night when you go to sleep
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 259,555
Rating: 4.6535048 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: 3A3M6mZX8uY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 32sec (9092 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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